Online reading of the book, a collection of poems, the bird cherry tree sprinkles snow. Online reading of the book a collection of poems the bird cherry is pouring snow Sergei Yesenin the bird cherry is pouring snow read

Philological analysis of Sergei Yesenin’s poem “The bird cherry is pouring snow...”

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.
In the field, leaning towards escape,
Rooks walk in the strip.

Silk herbs will disappear,
It smells like resinous pine.
Oh, meadows and oak groves, -
I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news
Shine into my soul.
I'm thinking about the bride
I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
Unsteady run across the field
I will spread the color with foam.

This poem is a text, as it has the following signs of textuality:

  1. informative, because contains new information - a special vision of the lyrical herothe moment of the revival of nature, its flourishing. The reader understands that the author associates the image of spring with the image of the bride;
  2. integrity, because the text has a plan.
  1. The lyrical hero's admiration for the arrival of spring.
  2. Thoughts about the bride.
  3. Appeal to nature.

All stanzas are closely connected with each other; it is impossible to “pluck out” one of them, since the meaning of emotional experiences is understandable only in context. At the psychological level, the reader perceives the text as a whole;

  1. connectivity, because sentences are related to each other. For example, sentences 3 and 4 – meadow grasses, their intoxicating smell; Sentences 5 and 6 – trembling from thoughts about the bride.
  2. cohesion (intratextual connection): personal pronouns (I am the lyrical hero, she is the bride, you are the birds);
  3. completeness. The text is “materially” independent (its understanding is possible outside of Yesenin’s cycle of poems “Bachelorette Party”). It has contextual and semantic completeness (admiring the spring, blooming bird cherry trees - thoughts about the bride - addressing the bird cherry tree);
  4. sociological, because connected with its era, the poem is symbolic, spring as a bride appears before us in the poem. The text itself performs a sociological function: it defines a person capable of experiencing love and tenderness for nature;
  5. dialogical, because connected with other prose, poetic and scientific texts, which touches on the eternal problem of the relationship between man and nature. Hence the “dialogue” with other writers.
  6. Unity of external and internal form:

The external form is a lyric poem, the composition is simple, the arrangement of lines and stanzas is sequential;a set of linguistic means is observed:the assonance of the sound [ye] gives solemnity; the poem is full of color (“Green in bloom”, “I’ll spread the color with foam”), bright epithets (“Silk herbs”); personifications (“Bird cherry is pouring out”, “Grass is falling”) contribute to life and action; inversions (“Silk grass is drooping”, “Bird cherry is pouring snow”); rhetorical appeals (“Oh, you meadows and oak groves,” “Sing, you birds,” “You rash, bird cherry”) give the poem imagery; anaphora emphasizes the main idea of ​​the text (“The bird cherry is pouring snow” and “You, bird cherry is pouring snow”); the poem is melodious in rhyme; the presence of separate members that require special intonation, with pauses, makes speech smooth and slow; the poem is melodious in rhyme; written in trimeter dactyl, cross rhyme, which adds melody to the poem - this is a set of linguistic means, included in the content side, realizing the author’s intention - to present a picture of spring;

  1. absolute anthropocentricity, because the text was created by man (S. Yesenin) and for man;
  2. deployment, because at the content level of speech, this text is expressed in three direct relationships of the main subject with other subjects, arranged into subtopics (see paragraph No. 2);
  3. consistency that is at the surface level. Words and sentences are built sequentially, so it is clear what is being said;

12,13) ​​static and dynamic. The static nature of the text is manifested in the fact that it is already the result of speech science activity. This is S. Yesenin’s poem “The bird cherry tree is pouring snow...”. The dynamism of the text lies in the fact that the process of its rebirth invariably takes place during reading: perception and understanding;

14) aesthetics, because evokes a feeling of aesthetic satisfaction, because the text of the artistic style sets itself such a task; shows the beauty of nature in spring, the special state of the hero;

15) imagery, because evokes in the reader a system of ideas:

a) bird cherry, snow, dew, field, rooks;

b) silk grasses, resinous pine, meadows, oak forests;

c) rainbow, secret news, soul, bride, I sing;

d) birds, forest, undulating run, I’ll spread the color.

These ideas form into images, which form into images that can paint a visual picture;

16) intentionality, because every writer and poet sets himself the goal of “reaching out” to the reader. Yesenin evokes in the reader a storm of feelings and emotions with the images that he creates and uses in his poem;

17) situationality, because the situation in which speech is carried out is taken into account. This text can be heard in a literature lesson or read in private, but it is clearly not suitable for voicing at mass political rallies;

18) acceptability, because the audience or reader views the sentences and their sequence as text;

19) interpretability, on the one hand, the author S. Yesenin, talking about the arrival of spring, interprets it with the power of his talent in the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero, on the other hand, any reader strives to comprehend the intent of the poem, actively cognizes it, thus interpreting it.

Basic text units

Complex syntactic whole. Sergei Yesenin’s poem can be divided into three SSCs:

1st part – 1, 2 stanzas;

Part 2 – stanza 3;

Part 3 – stanza 4

The connection between sentences within each SSC is parallel.

Beginning - The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.

Middle part - I think about the bride,
I only sing about her.

Ending - Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
In the first STS, the story of the arrival of spring begins and its signs are given.

The second STS is built on a description of the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero.

In the third STS, the lyrical hero asks spring to linger in order to keep the image of his beloved in his thoughts longer.

Thus, based on the characteristics listed above, Sergei Yesenin’s poem can be called a text, because it retains all the signs of textuality.

It's already evening. Dew Where the cabbage beds Winter sings and echoes Under the wreath of forest daisies The night is dark, I can’t sleep Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful woman in the village, Behind the mountains, behind the yellow valleys Again spread out in a pattern Play, play, little Talyanochka, crimson furs. IMITATION OF A SONG The scarlet light of dawn was woven on the lake. Mother walked through the forest in Bathing Suit, The reeds rustled over the backwater. Trinity morning, the morning canon, A cloud has tied the lace in the grove, The smoke of the flood is pouring snow over the bird cherry trees, Bagels are hanging on the fences, KALIKS The evening is smoking, the cat is dozing on the beam, Beloved land! The heart dreams I will go to Skufia as a humble monk The Lord came to torture people in love, AUTUMN It is not the winds that shower the forests, IN THE HUT Through the village along a crooked path Goy, Rus', my dear, I am a shepherd, my chambers - Is it my side, side, The melted clay is drying, I smell God's rainbow - praying mantises are walking along the road, You are my abandoned land, The drought has drowned out the seeding, A black, then smelly howl! Swamps and swamps, Behind the dark strand of copses, In the land where the yellow nettles I am here again, in my dear family, Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes The road thought about the red evening, Night and field, and the crowing of roosters... Oh the land rains and bad weather, DOVE Silver-ringed bell, The hewn horns began to sing, The winds did not blow in vain, COW Under the red elm, the porch and yard, THE LOST MONTH HERDS About merry comrades, Spring is not like joy, Scarlet darkness in the heavenly mob Farewell, native forest, Rowan has turned red , Your voice is invisible, like smoke in a hut. Stealthily in the lunar lace Where the secret always slumbers, Clouds from the foal FOX O Rus', flap your wings, I will look into the field, I will look into the sky - It’s not the clouds wandering behind the barn Wake me up early tomorrow, Where are you, where are you, father’s house, O Mother of God, O arable fields, arable fields, arable fields, The fields are compressed, the groves are bare, I am walking through the first snow with a green hair, Silvery road, Open to me, guardian above the clouds, Oh, I believe, I believe, there is happiness! Songs, songs, what are you shouting about? Here it is, stupid happiness The spring rain danced, cried, O muse, my flexible friend, I am the last poet of the village My soul is sad about heaven, I am tired of living in my native land Oh God, God, this depth - I left my dear home, It’s good in the autumn freshness SONG ABOUT THE DOG Golden foliage began to spin Now my love is not the same The owl hoots in autumn SONG ABOUT BREAD HULLIGAN All living things have a special purpose The world is mysterious, my ancient world, Are you my side, side! Don't swear. Such a thing! I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry, I won’t deceive myself, Yes! Now it's decided. No return They drink here again, fight and cry Rash, harmonica. Boredom... Boredom... Sing, sing. On a damned guitar This street is familiar to me, Young years with forgotten glory, LETTER TO MOTHER I have never been so tired. This sadness can’t be scattered now. I have only one fun left: A blue fire has been rushing around, You are as simple as everyone else, Let others drink you, Darling, let’s sit next to you, It makes me sad to look at you, Don’t torment me with the coolness The evening has raised black eyebrows. We are now leaving little by little PUSHKIN Low house with blue shutters, SON OF A BITCH The golden grove dissuaded Blue May. Glowing warmth. TO KACHALOV'S DOG Unspeakable, blue, tender... SONG Dawn calls out to another, Well, kiss me, kiss me, Goodbye, Baku! I won't see you. I see a dream. The road is black. The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain, I will not return to my father’s house, There is a month above the window. There is wind under the window. Bless every work, good luck! Apparently, it’s been this way forever - Leaves are falling, leaves are falling. Shine, my star, don't fall. Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy, Rash, talyanka, ringing, rash, talyanka, boldly I have never seen such beautiful ones Oh, how many cats there are in the world You sing me that song that before In this world I am only a passer-by PERSIAN MOTIVES Oh you, sleigh ! And the horses, the horses! The snow crush is crushed and pricked, You hear - the sleigh is rushing, you hear - the sleigh is rushing. Blue jacket. Blue eyes. The snowy mush spins briskly, In the blue evening, in the moonlit evening, Don’t twist your smile, fiddling with your hands, Poor writer, is that you Blue fog. Snow expanse, The wind whistles, the silver wind, Small forests. The steppe and the distance. Flowers say goodbye to me, Addition 1

“The bird cherry tree is pouring snow...” Sergei Yesenin

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.
In the field, leaning towards escape,
Rooks walk in the strip.

Silk herbs will disappear,
It smells like resinous pine.
Oh, meadows and oak groves, -
I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news
Shine into my soul.
I'm thinking about the bride
I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
Unsteady run across the field
I will spread the color with foam.

Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “The bird cherry is pouring snow...”

“The bird cherry tree is pouring snow...” is a poem dated 1910 and belonging to Yesenin’s early landscape lyrics. It reflected the young poet’s fresh look at the beauty of nature. The work is imbued with the joy caused by the coming spring - sometimes renewal, rebirth, love. The lyrical hero is besotted by her. The young man’s thoughts are occupied only with the bride, and it is about her that he is ready to sing endlessly. The white color of the bird cherry, which the poet compares to snow, emphasizes the “greenery in bloom and dew”, contrasting with it. Yesenin manages to fill the landscape with smells (resinous pine) and sounds (birds singing), which allows readers to imagine in every detail the picture presented by Sergei Alexandrovich.

Glorifying the Motherland was Yesenin’s main creative task. In the poem “The bird cherry tree is pouring snow...” we are not talking about some abstract nature, but about the nature of central Russia, which the poet knew and loved very well. He was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, surrounded by endless fields and beautiful forests. Having left home, Yesenin always missed his native place very much, so he often visited there. Folk features are often found in Sergei Alexandrovich's lyrics - his grandmother instilled in him a love of folklore. This can be seen in the work “The bird cherry is pouring snow...”. It reflects the syncretic unity of nature and man, characteristic of folk art. The lyrical hero refers to birds, bird cherry trees, meadows and oak groves. With them he shares his thoughts and joys.

In Yesenin's poems, nature is shown in eternal movement, change and development. Like a person, she experiences happiness and sadness, is born and dies. Therefore, in the works of Sergei Alexandrovich, personifications are often found: “the bird cherry is falling,” “the grass is going to die.” Figures of speech are used not for the sake of a catchphrase, but for the sake of a fuller and deeper expression of oneself. This is where the desire for the unity of everything that exists on earth is born. In Yesenin’s creative world, people, plants, animals, objects and elements are the children of Mother Nature.

Sergei Alexandrovich's poems became the basis for a huge number of songs, and not only in Russian. Set to music and the work “The bird cherry is pouring snow...”. The composition entitled “Bird cherry” was included in the album “You are my fallen maple” by Russian singer Alexander Podbolotov.

We offer you beautiful spring poems by Sergei Yesenin. Each of us knows well from childhood poems by Sergei Yesenin about spring, and someone reads them to their children and grandchildren. These poems are included in the school curriculum for different classes.

Short poems about spring by Yesenin help not only to develop speech and memory, but also to get acquainted with the beautiful season of spring.

Poems by Sergei Yesenin about spring

Poem by Chara S. Yesenin

In the flowers of love, spring is a princess

She unraveled her braids through the grove,

And with a chorus of bird prayers

The bells sing a hymn to her.

Drunk under the spell of fun,

She glides through the forests like smoke,

And a gold necklace

Shines in shaggy hair.

And after her a drunken mermaid

Dew splashes on the moon.

And I, like a passionate violet,

I want to love, love spring.

Verse Spring evening by Sergei Yesenin

The silver river flows quietly

In the kingdom of evening green spring.

The sun sets behind the forested mountains.

A golden horn emerges from the moon.

The West is covered with a pink ribbon,

The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,

And beyond the road in the birch thicket

The nightingale sang a song of love.

Listens affectionately to deep songs

From the west the dawn is like a pink ribbon.

Looks tenderly at the distant stars

And the earth smiles at the sky.

Poems The Coming of Spring by Yesenin

The snow is melting quickly,

Poems by Cheremukha S. Yesenin

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls, curled.

Honey dew all around

Slides along the bark

Spicy greens underneath

Shines in silver.

And nearby, by the thawed patch,

In the grass, between the roots,

The little one runs and flows

And the greenery is golden

It's burning in the sun.

The stream is like a thunderous wave

All branches are doused

And insinuatingly under the steep

Sings her songs.

Poems by Vesna Yesenin

I accept life like my first dream.

Yesterday I read in Capital,

Even if the devil howls,

Knock on a naked drowned man, -

I'm sober-headed

Comrade is cheerful and cheerful.

We have nothing to feel sorry for the rotten ones,

Yes, and you don’t need to feel sorry for me,

Kohl could die obediently

I'm in this blizzard.

I won't touch you.

Sit according to bird law.

There is a law of rotation in the world,

If you are with people of the same tabernacle, -

My poor maple!

I'm sorry that I offended you.

Your clothes are torn

Without a warrant for you April

He will let go of the green cap,

Into a tender armful

The ruler will hug you.

And the girl will come out to you,

Water will pour from the well,

So that in harsh October

You could fight snowstorms.

The dogs didn't eat it up:

She was just invisible

But the fight was over.

She with her lemon light

Trees dressed in greenery,

So drink, my breast,

Today, as I'm going to bed,

Doesn't let out a bud.

Greenery in bloom and dew.

In the field, leaning towards escape,

Rooks walk in the strip.

Silk herbs will disappear,

It smells like resinous pine.

Oh, meadows and oak groves, -

I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news

Shine into my soul.

I'm thinking about the bride

I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,

Sing, you birds, in the forest.

Unsteady run across the field

I will spread the color with foam.

Well, how can I not love you?

How can I not love you, flowers?

I would drink with you on a first name basis.

Shumi, leftover and mignonette.

Trouble befell my soul.

Trouble befell my soul.

Shumi, leftover and mignonette.

Yellow face from the blazing sun.

High above the meadows

There is a glow in the east.

The dawn is misty with foam,

Like the depth of the bride's eyes.

Spring has arrived like a wanderer,

With a staff in birch bark bast shoes.

On the birch trees in the shady grove

Hung up ringing earrings

And with dawn into the lilac garden

Yesenin's poems: about love, about life, biography, lyrics

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Poems by Sergei Yesenin about spring - Seasons

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