Do sorcerers exist in the modern world? Do magic and witchcraft exist, the basics of magic for beginners. Witches in different countries

Questions that have long been of concern to everyone: does magic exist? What is this, magic or a trick? What types of magic are there? Everyone believes in what is convenient for them. Some vehemently prove that it exists and is capable of influencing people’s destinies. Others resist and do not believe in its existence. For several centuries, humanity has been trying to understand this matter in order to finally find the right answer to all these questions.

Does magic really exist or is it a figment of the imagination of certain people? And is there really a science of magic? Even if we assume that this is all fiction and an accident.

But, do not forget that a large number of accidents develop into a pattern. It would be clearer to everyone if there was one defining name, but until today no one can say with confidence whether it is talent, magic, miracle or science.

Everyone who believes in witchcraft has decided for themselves that it is a combination of certain actions aimed at changing reality and the world around them.

The history of magical influences

It is impossible to establish the exact date of occurrence of this phenomenon. The history of magic goes back far into the past; it developed in parallel with the development of humanity.

Ancient people believed in the afterlife and rebirth of the soul. The history of magic shows that in ancient times in Rus' there were people, witches, healers who performed magical rituals. They helped get rid of serious illnesses, called on good luck, and created amulets for those who came to them for help.

With certain magical rituals, they could control weather conditions.

Many argue that the main types of magic are black and white. Initially, it is worth noting that real magic has no color. It all depends on the sorcerer who uses it and the goals set for him.

The history of magic allows us to conclude that it really exists, is passed on from generation to generation and is continuously developing.

Science or art?

The science of magic reveals the incredible ability of a person to influence the course of events, feelings and destinies of people. Also, the science of magic makes it possible to learn how to influence a person’s biofield. And the stronger your energy, and the sooner you will be able to unravel the magic. To become a magician, it is not enough to read one article or perform several rituals. The science of magic requires a responsible approach. As in other sciences, there are laws and fundamentals of magic that a novice magician should know.

To learn how to control magical powers, you need to know its basic laws:

  1. Law of knowledge. Knowledge is a unique weapon; the more you know about a certain object, the easier the way to control it.
  2. Self-knowledge. A sorcerer who has no knowledge of himself cannot have knowledge of what he does. Before you can establish control over someone, you need to know yourself.
  3. Action and result. When performing a magical effect, every magician must clearly understand what he is doing and understand what result he expects.
  4. The power of a word. Each word has great power; it helps to change both internal and external reality.

Types of magical effects

There are different types of magic. It combines many completely unrelated subspecies. Each of them has its own ritual rules and consequences.

Among the large number of classifications, the main ones can be identified:

  • White - implies communication with good spirits. Helps cope with various diseases and get rid of damage.
  • Black. It is the complete opposite of white. Magicians resort to the help of evil spirits. All rituals have a destructive effect and bring trouble and grief.
  • Green. It is carried out with the help of a variety of magical or healing infusions and brews. The preparation is based on special herbs.
  • Mental. This is accomplished only through the ability to concentrate. No additional attributes are used.
  • Christian, consists of a number of church rituals that help overcome difficulties.

Is it possible to learn witchcraft?

Would you like to be trained in magic, but you recently let magic into your life and don’t know how to handle it? If you want to practice white magic, you should follow some guidelines that white magic for beginners requires.

It is impossible to learn magic in one day. Learning magic requires responsibility and judgment. Practicing magic requires attentiveness and concentration.

Real magic is based on 4 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. To learn how to control the energy of these elements, you will need faith in yourself, willpower and imagination. Therefore, first, take lessons that will help you strengthen these three aspects, and only then you can start learning magic.

  • try to learn to control your own feelings and emotions;
  • before each ritual, it is necessary to take a course of meditation in order to concentrate your energy in the right direction;
  • carefully study all existing methods of witchcraft, the procedure and possible consequences;
  • To become a real sorcerer, you need to regularly perform rituals.

Bottom line

Some sorcerers and magicians practice private lessons. You can contact them for help and get detailed information. But before you connect your life with this mysterious and almost inexplicable phenomenon, you need to understand whether you need it. After all, the opinion that all magical actions leave an imprint on the fate of the magician himself is valid. In fact, witchcraft often has a destructive effect. Therefore, you need to be completely confident in the correct choice.

The attitude towards magic is something like the attitude towards religion. Even the most inveterate atheists no, no, and even think that not everything is so simple and clear in our world. You can talk for a long time about whether magic really exists or is it just part of human self-hypnosis, a kind of illusion that allows you to pass off what you want as reality. I will not argue with you on this matter; I will simply present you with the facts and tell you what this force is and whether it is worth believing in it.

Magic is a kind of religion

History of Magic

Magic as a science, and this is precisely science, has existed since the time when Homo sapiens realized his place in this world and began his path to the top. It was not for nothing that I mentioned at the beginning that magic is a type of religion. Just think, even the Christian religion is a kind of magic. People go to the Temple, light a candle to their Saint and say the words of prayer, that’s the ritual. But we must admit that every prayer is a request, a request to the Holy Spirit. If you throw away everything that you filled your heads with regarding the fact that magic is rituals and evil, and religion is the worship of the Lord and means good, you will understand that these two directions are based on the same source. And this is not blasphemy, this is a really sober look at things.

I want to say the same thing about the division of magic into two different directions, that is, about what exists: White Magic and Black Magic. There is no White, Black, Gray or Violet Magic, it is one, it is one power, one skill and one knowledge, which makes it possible to work with human energy and with the energies of the world. Does Black Magic Really Exist? Is there White Magic? Yes there is, yes there is magic in the real world. But she is not Black, and not Lilac, she is just magic, without colors or shades.

How the canons of Magic were formed

By studying the historical facts that relate to magic and how this teaching developed on earth, we can clearly see that the path largely followed the path of religion.

First fact: Path

Primitive times: magic is on par with the first religion. It is with the help of rituals that most issues are resolved. The magicians of those times were not condemned or persecuted; on the contrary, they were honored. The ancient servants of the Divine Pantheon are magicians and sorcerers. That is, religion and magic in those days were one and the same and earned the same worship and reverence.

All ancient magics were able to visit the astral world, and this too was magic, ancient and powerful.

The Middle Ages brought its own adjustments. With the advent of Christianity, the view of magic changed dramatically. Just think how perversely the Inquisition used religion for its own purposes. For a long time, historians have been shouting that all the actions of the Inquisition, the Witch Hunt, and the Burning at the stake are nothing more than magic, and very unkind. In those days, the strictest laws of God were violated: do not kill and love your neighbor as yourself. If you throw off the shackles of imposed opinions and compare the ritual of Burning a Witch at the stake and the ritual of the Black Sacrifice, you will see that the procedure is identical, and it is really a human sacrifice. And therefore, no matter what they say, even during the Inquisition, religion and magic were one, but the attitude towards this power was perverted.

Burning a witch at the stake is nothing more than magic, and a very unkind one at that.

Fact two: Efficiency

One can argue for a long time about whether magical rituals are effective, or whether this is self-hypnosis, but the fact remains that if there were no effects, this teaching would not have made its way from the Beginning of Time to the Times of the Great Computerization. I will not assure you that anyone can become a magician, but still, we all have the beginnings of the Force from birth. It’s just that someone doesn’t want to believe it, someone is afraid of what they feel and tries to hide from it, and someone opens their mind and takes the first step, choosing the path of magic. Think about it: a person moves an object with his gaze, with the power of thought. We all know that this is not magic, but telekinesis, one of the many forces hidden in our subconscious. It’s just that some people can do it, and some can’t. Also with the ability to work with energy, some can do it, but others cannot. But during the Inquisition, this was already a clear application for magic.

My first magical experiments were not at all connected with magic as such. When I was 10–11 years old, magic for me was somewhere on the level of a fairy tale about an evil witch. But the fact remains that I used force on myself and began self-medicating. I had a toothache, severely, I couldn’t sleep, and then I began to concentrate on this pain, imagining it as a black and red ball, studded with needles and glass shards. This ball hurt me, and I began to mentally imagine it in detail, just visualize it, and then I simply “took it out.” The experiment was a success, the pain went away, and here comes the magic. Magic exists, and magic is the ability to manipulate energy, using it for one's own purposes.

Fact Three: Punishment

Oh, yes, what can we talk about, what can we talk about and listen to for hours about the terrible punishment that awaits those who practice magic. Ask ordinary people why you can’t practice magic, and you will hear that it is against God’s laws, that it is a sin, and so on. I noticed a strange thing: for those who are up to their necks in sin, magic is a terrible sin. In our knowledge of the world and its modern canons, we can treat with irony a girl who has retained her virginity until the age of 25, but she adheres to God’s law about the purity of her body. But we don’t see anything wrong with having an affair on the side, we don’t deny ourselves the pleasure of eating something delicious or drinking wine with friends, and, needless to say, abortion is a legalized surgical operation in our country. And adultery, sexual relations before marriage and murder, and abortion is murder, and even collective, and plus it is also the murder of an innocent soul according to God’s laws, sinless, these are much worse sins than practicing magic. Therefore, we conclude that the punishment for witchcraft will not be worse than the punishment for abortion or than the punishment for relationships before marriage. And if so, then why do we accept these sins as something ordinary, and do not tremble before God’s punishment, but the punishment for magic plunges us into horror and fear of retribution? This is just hypocrisy.

Fact Four: Suggestion

Suggestion is a terrible weapon. And don't argue with me. This very suggestion is revealed especially clearly in those areas that relate specifically to witchcraft. I know a girl practitioner who did not resort to rituals as such at all in order to punish her offender or, on the contrary, to give a person strength and self-confidence. Her work was sometimes based simply on instilling certain thoughts in people. Let me give you an example: a work colleague was plotting against her. But she did not waste her strength on this person, despite the fact that she had the skills. She took the most meek path: she downloaded a photo of her offender from the Internet, simply pierced her eyes in the image, mind you, without any rituals, she just poked her like that, and burned the photo along the outline. Then she threw this disfigured drawing to the offender. When the photo was discovered, the offender’s brain launched the self-hypnosis program “I’m damaged!” And despite the fact that she was a convinced atheist, the subconscious began its work and all life’s failures and problems, which before that she perceived precisely as life’s ordinary troubles, suddenly found a basis: “Magic, Black Magic, Damage.” What horror, however! To be honest, watching her thrash about was quite funny, and for everything she did, there was no desire to reassure her or regret it. But the fact remains that this person’s arrogance sharply diminished, she did not know who had done this against her, and came to the decision to leave her colleagues alone. Well, yes, later she found some charlatan magician who confirmed her damage and brought him money for removing this most terrible damage. But that's a completely different story. The fact remains that the power was not spent specifically magical, but there was an effect. And why? Because subconsciously we all believe in the existence of magic and are afraid that magicians will begin to act against us with the desire to cause harm.

Suggestion is a terrible weapon

Let's sum it up

Now that we have already figured out what magic and witchcraft are, it’s time to take stock. Why you shouldn't be afraid of it:

  • the ability to practice magic does not mean that you have contacted the devil, it is only a fact that you have not lost the skills given to you by nature at birth to work with the energy of the world, but managed to strengthen and develop them;
  • magic and religion have the same roots at their core By lighting a candle in front of the image and saying a prayer, you are conducting the most ordinary ritual of appealing to a higher power and backing it up with a conspiracy (prayer);
  • The punishment for magic or witchcraft is no worse than the punishment that awaits you for adultery, sex before marriage, abortion, or simply for the desire to dance and drink alcohol.

Magic exists, but these powers did not come to you from the Devil or God, magic is one, it is the ability to work with energy. But whether you use your skills to punish or to help people is your personal business. I do not divide Magic into colors, just as I do not condemn if a practitioner works with rituals designed to bewitch someone, plague someone or send damage to a victim. As they say, everyone receives according to their deeds. I recognize the fact that one person can drive another person so crazy that revenge on him can result in a ritual for the death of an enemy or damage to health. And I also recognize the fact that a love spell, even if it is classified as an aggressive type of magic, is sometimes the only opportunity to achieve such desired happiness.

The question of the existence of witches has been on people's minds for a long time. However, despite the controversy and doubts about this, upon hearing the word “witch,” the image of an old woman with shaggy hair and a hooked nose or a young woman with bright black or red hair and green eyes immediately appears before your eyes. The image of a witch is familiar to everyone from early childhood, where children became familiar with it while listening to fairy tales. In them, a witch flew on a broom, prepared miraculous decoctions for some kind of love spells, witchcraft, fortune telling or for treatment. All sorts of potions and decoctions were constantly being prepared in her house. From this it followed that a witch is a woman who has magical powers and witchcraft skills. Such persons are feared and respected at the same time, because they believe that they are associated with dark forces. You can find the answer to the question by looking carefully at the people around you.

Here are a few signs that can help you identify the presence of signs of a witch.

Firstly, pay attention to how they dress. In the attire, the witch demonstrates her individuality: their clothes are always bright colors - red or black, there may be some kind of talisman, rings with skulls There may be huge custom earrings and fancy beads;

- secondly, this is her original appearance: very bright hair, black or fiery colors. The look is usually mocking, arrogant, the presence of an arrogant smile and very bright makeup;

- thirdly, this is the fact that the witch does not like communication, leads a secluded lifestyle and prefers loneliness. If such a woman lives in an apartment building, then the neighbors treat her with caution;

- fourthly, witches are energy vampires. Almost every person can confirm this fact. Probably, any person has witnessed such a situation or taken part in it: when a witch appears in society, she immediately provokes nervousness, conflicts and scandals. As a result of such communication, people feel emptiness, headache, and nervousness, but the person who has caused so much trouble to the people around him remains in a wonderful and cheerful mood. Having received energy from other people, they calm down and leave. Such people are called “energy vampires” and almost everyone has probably encountered them;

- fifthly - sexual attractiveness. It has been noticed that even though they have an ordinary unsightly appearance, witches attract men to themselves like a magnet. This is explained by the fact that they have an innate sexual magnetism that conquers and charms members of the opposite sex. Age restrictions are not important for them, since witches believe that age is not a hindrance, but gained and important experience in love. However, there is also a negative fact here. Sexual attraction is inherent in them from birth and it often happens that they become victims of sexual maniacs in childhood;

- sixthly - witches love animals very much, be it a cat, a dog, a frog or even a snake. After all, if you remember any movie about witches, there is always a black cat sitting on your lap. Animals, knowing the complex and difficult character of their mistress, are often afraid of them, listen to them and help in every possible way;

— seventhly — this is the attitude towards religion. It is believed that if a witch enters a church, she will writhe in pain or will not be able to cross the threshold at all. In fact, they will behave like ordinary parishioners, maybe stand for the service and light a candle. The answer to the question can be found by taking a closer look at the alleged witch. Everyone knows the saying “God marks the rogue.” This saying is directly related to witches, because over time, they develop birthmarks, large warts, or have a crazy and creepy look. These marks do not appear by chance; it is directly related to the lifestyle of these people. When performing some kind of ritual, witches let the whole situation pass through them and often get sick from it later. That's why they have these distinctive signs.

In the Middle Ages, people identified witches, sometimes innocent ones, and tried to quickly deal with them. They were burned at the stake and thrown into the abyss. If a woman who was considered a witch suddenly died, then to prevent her from leaving the grave, she was buried face down or an aspen stake was driven into her chest. Suffice it to recall the film “Viy”, when the owner’s daughter died and during the funeral ceremony, she turned into an old and creepy witch.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that witches are not always some kind of “fiend of hell” and servants Baphomet, who destroy everything in their path, destroy innocent people and bring damage to everyone. It is enough to remember such a woman as a healer, who can also be classified as a witch. Healers usually live in villages and, without any medical education, successfully cure people. Moreover, they are treated without the use of tablets and injections. They treat infants for fright, hernia and more. And adults go to a healer with a request to cure them of some disease, because traditional medicine is not able to cure it.

They come and, oddly enough, receive help from sometimes illiterate women. An interesting fact is that sometimes treating doctors, admitting their incompetence, advise the patient to “go to grandma.” The question of doubting the existence of witches is shattered into pieces by psychics who appeared not so long ago. These people really work miracles: they put hopeless patients back on their feet, use photographs to find missing people, and can conduct conversations with the souls of deceased people. The whole country is watching their actions with bated breath. After all, how can an ordinary person, entering, for example, an apartment for the first time, determine with all accuracy the events that took place in it, perhaps many years ago? Without a doubt, ordinary people cannot achieve such success. This requires a special gift, abilities that need to be constantly developed.

So the question actually has a clear answer - “Yes!”

Russians spend 30 billion dollars annually on sorcerers and psychics; 2/3 of women in our country have turned to fortune tellers. Is there really a magical effect, or are these the tricks of charlatans and why is turning to magic harmful, should we be afraid of the evil eye or damage, answers the resident of the Sretensky Monastery, Candidate of Philosophy, Candidate of Theology, Hieromonk JOB (Gumerov).

Data on the astronomical amount of spending by Russians on the services of magicians and sorcerers was recently presented by the chief cardiologist of Moscow, Yuri Buziashvili. This is confirmed by the Levada Center sociological survey. Its results indicate that since 2000, the share of Russians who at least once turned to the services of fortune tellers, sorceresses, magicians and traditional healers to remove the evil eye, damage and other purposes, remains unchanged - 20%. Of these, the share of those who believe that at least sometimes such specialists really helped them solve problems increased from 41 to 47%. About 2/3 of Russian women turned to fortune tellers and sorcerers. Among men, the share is an order of magnitude smaller.

- Father Job, do the so-called sorcerers and magicians have supernatural powers or are they just fooling gullible people?

E. Delacroix "Faust"

“At all times there have been people who performed supernatural acts not according to God’s will, but with the help of spirits of evil. Remember the Scripture: “When you enter the land that the Lord your God is giving you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these nations have done: you shall not have anyone who brings his son or his daughter through fire, a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a sorcerer, a sorcerer, charmer, conjurer of spirits, magician and interrogator of the dead; For everyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you.” Deut.18:9-12). Today they call themselves differently - psychics, healers, magicians, clairvoyants, even scientific terminology has appeared: the Bronnikov method, the Norbekov method, energy enema (and I once came across such an expression!). But the essence has not changed - this is communication with dark forces, with the help of which they do rationally inexplicable things, which surprise and attract many people who are in spiritual blindness. The Acts of the Holy Apostles tells about Simon, who “sorcered and astonished the people of Samaria, pretending to be someone great” ( Acts 8:9). All this has been known for a long time. In the words of Ecclesiastes: “Something happens about which they say: “Look, this is new”; but this was already in the centuries that were before us" ( Eccl.1:10). Decades will pass. Today's magicians and sorcerers will pass away, others will come. And so it will be until the end of history, when in the last great battle of good and evil all those who have done dark and evil will be defeated and imprisoned in the abyss.

Of course, there are simply swindlers who sensed the massive demand for such “services” and decided to capitalize on human gullibility using primitive tricks and manipulations. Also, of course, a sin, but if all sorcerers and magicians were simply swindlers, the Church would not equate this sin with murder. People engaged in occult practice turn to dark forces for help, and this inevitably leads to severe illnesses of the soul - first of all, the healers themselves, but also those who turn to them. Many people become mentally ill after such “help”. Any priest knows about the consequences of turning to sorcerers, psychics, healers - people who have previously turned to sorcerers often come to confession.

- And what should you do if, out of stupidity or ignorance, you once turned to a “healer” or sorcerer? Or if the person himself practiced occult activities: spiritualism, reiki, feng shui?

— Fallen man is reborn in the sacraments of baptism and repentance. In baptism, the soul is cleansed from all sins and sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit in order to fully participate in the prayer life of the Church. He receives everything he needs to eventually bear spiritual fruit and be saved.

Various conspiracies, spells and other magical formulas, as well as certain objects and actions, are just call signs for communicating with demons. I know cases when people used them just for “entertainment”, and soon spirits appeared. They were invisible, but their presence was undeniable: cabinet doors opened on their own, chairs fell, rhythmic sounds were heard.

For a Christian believer, the demonic source of those phenomena that Uri Geller and others like him demonstrate to people is absolutely clear. Father Seraphim (Rose) in the book “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future” cites the story of Archimandrite Nikolai (Drobyazgin), who in Ceylon attended a session of a sorcerer-fakir. “Stunned, we could not take our eyes off this amazing picture.” Further, Father Nikolai said: “I completely forgot that I am a priest and a monk, that it hardly befits me to take part in such spectacles. The obsession was so irresistible that the heart and mind were silent. But my heart was anxious and beating painfully. My entire being was filled with fear. My lips moved of their own accord and began to utter the words: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” I felt immediate relief. It seemed that some invisible chains with which I was entangled were beginning to fall off me. Prayer became more focused, and with it my peace of mind returned. I continued to look at the tree, when suddenly, as if caught by the wind, the picture clouded and dissipated... But something seemed to begin to happen to the fakir himself. He fell to the side. The alarmed young man ran up to him. The session was unexpectedly interrupted... As I was leaving, I involuntarily turned around for the last time to capture the entire scene in my memory, and suddenly - I shuddered from an unpleasant sensation. My gaze met the fakir's gaze, full of hatred. This happened in the shortest possible moment, and he again assumed his previous pose, but this look opened my eyes once and for all to whose power actually produced this “miracle.”

Such an incident happened to my close relative Vyacheslav Veselov. He was sitting in front of the TV turned on when the show with Chumak’s participation began. Vyacheslav took a vessel with holy water and drew a cross in the air in front of the screen. The image immediately disappeared. The TV did not work until the end of the session, and then turned on by itself.

— Most people go to psychics and healers to improve their health or to recover from a serious illness. Does anyone succeed in this?

- Our life, health, longevity - everything is in God’s hands. Diseases are sent to some for sins, and to people who are attentive to their inner world - for spiritual perfection. In any case, we must turn only to God. It is impossible to treat the body without healing the soul. The cause of the disease remains.

As a rule, people do not receive any healing from psychics, but experience the influence of harmful forces. Mental disorder begins. Sometimes this does not appear immediately. And even if sometimes the syndrome goes away and local improvement is observed, then at what cost? The soul is captured. We must remember that the spirits of evil do not give anything for nothing. Their goal is one - to destroy a person, to lead him to hell. Despite a certain variety of cases of turning to sorcerers, everything fits into the classic formula of the relationship between Faust and Mephistopheles. I don’t mean Goethe’s poem, but the real, historically existing Faust. The magician and sorcerer Johannes Faust (c.1480 - c.1540) entered into a 24-year pact with the devil, who provided him with all the “goods” of the world. Faust agreed to give his soul for this. When the agreement expired, the devil took this soul to hell exactly on the specified night. Contemporary testimonies about him have reached us. Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560), theologian and ideologist of the German Reformation, wrote that he knew him personally: “I knew a man named Faust, from Kundling, a small town next door to the place of my birth... He traveled a lot around the world and ranted everywhere about secret sciences. Arriving in Venice and wanting to amaze people with an unprecedented spectacle, he announced that he would fly into the sky. Through the efforts of the devil, he rose into the air, but fell to the ground so quickly that he almost gave up the ghost, but remained alive. This Johannes Faust spent the last day of his life, and it was several years ago, in one village of the Principality of Württemberg, immersed in sad thoughts. The owner asked about the reason for such sadness, so contrary to his morals and habits... In response, he said: “Don’t be scared tonight.” At exactly midnight the house began to rock. Noticing the next morning that Faust did not leave the room allotted to him, and after waiting until noon, the owner gathered people and ventured to enter the guest. He found him lying face down on the floor near the bed; That’s how the devil killed him” (The Legend of Doctor Faustus. M., Nauka publishing house, 1978).

People who go to sorcerers for healing pledge their souls. She becomes a prisoner. Someone hopes to cure radiculitis, a girl wants to attract the attention of a young man, another goes for the sake of exoticism and vain curiosity - all of them, like Faust, enter into an agreement. They don’t sign anything, they don’t even know what’s happening, but the agreement comes into force. The price of this agreement is the salvation of the soul. Unless, of course, in time, while they are still alive, they do not understand and repent.

“But this is only convincing for believers.”

- You are right, this all sounds convincing only to churchgoers. We live in a post-atheistic society. Atheism has been actively propagated for 75 years. But the human soul is cramped within the framework of only the material world, and after the fall of communism, many people had a desire to go beyond this framework. And centuries-old values ​​have been lost, spiritual traditions have been interrupted, roots have been cut. If we apply the parable of the sower to our time ( Matthew 13:3-23), then we must admit that most people today, alas, have thorns and stones in their souls. The entire way of modern life drowns out spiritual needs. Souls become empty and coarse. Therefore, many do not know and do not want to know the laws of spiritual life; they find themselves outside the 2000-year-old church tradition, in which the experience of people who lived righteously and piously was crystallized; they prefer false spirituality, pseudo-religiosity, and exoticism. All this does not require any moral work, does not imply the eradication of vices and passions, but gives the illusion of a full life. People think that this makes their life more interesting and fills them with meaning. We should not rebuke and despise them, but with sincere love we should do everything in our power to help them come to true spirituality, outside of which there is no saving truth. The Lord will ask us not only how we went to church and deviated from the ways of the wicked, but also whether we helped the lost, whether we showed them the way to the light. I am sure that each of us did not do everything possible to help them.

—Have you ever had to confess to former psychics or magicians? Is it true that they cannot become members of the Church until they lose their faculties?

— Twice I had to confess to people who actively practiced the occult. In the first case it was a man, and in the second it was a woman. Cancer brought both of them to confession. The man was still quite strong in appearance. After confession, he lived for about two years, but never came to church life. I came home to a woman. She could no longer walk. I confessed, gave unction and received communion. She accepted all three sacraments consciously. After some time, the last days of her life began. The friend who encouraged her to invite the priest for the first time suggested calling him again, but the dying woman refused. Apparently, the fallen spirits with whom she had such a close connection retained power over her and took advantage of the fact that her mental and spiritual strength was running out.

As for the “abilities” of occultists, this word cannot be taken literally. There are mathematical, musical and other abilities. They are given to man by the Creator from birth. Sorcerers do not have their own abilities. What they use belongs to demons. They just know how to use it for their own purposes. What hinders full-fledged churching is not their imaginary abilities, but the disastrous state of the soul, which is exhausted and traumatized. But hope is always alive. The Lord said: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible ( Matthew 19:26). Christianity is a religion of resurrection. The resurrection of our bodies will be at the end of time, but souls that are spiritually dead can be resurrected now. By the grace of God! But for the dark past to truly become the past, a feat is required. There is no need to simplistically think that it is enough to just start going to church regularly. Even in less dire cases, negative spiritual skills are tenacious. One person admitted to me that he could not bring himself to fast and go to all-night vigil. Several years before this, he spent some time in the Renovationist community, which practiced a deliberate deviation from the Orthodox tradition, in particular, an unjustified disregard for rituals. He understands that he is wrong, but he cannot get rid of the acquired bad habit. And this is much more harmless than occult practice!

You probably know that the Church today is more often guided by the principles of oikonomia. Rules about penance were formulated in the 4th-6th centuries. Nobody canceled them. But life has changed. According to the rule of St. Basil the Great, for fornication one is excommunicated from communion for seven years. If today a young man from a non-church family who has had extramarital affairs is prohibited from receiving communion for seven years, we will only intimidate him. He will not remain in the Church. The task of the shepherd is to lovingly explain to him why this is fornication, how any mortal sin destroys the integrity of a person, what is the depth and meaning of the commandments. So we dare to replace seven years with a few weeks. We are responsible for every person who comes to us. In modern absolutely secularized life (our civilization can be called post-Christian), it does not seem possible to me that many years of excommunication from communion for anyone: a fornicator, a murderer, an occultist.

— If non-church people consider demons to be medieval inventions, then some Orthodox Christians, on the contrary, tend to see the machinations of dark forces in everything. The fight against demons sometimes becomes more important for them than faith in Christ. Is it good to think a lot about demons? Should we be afraid of meeting a sorcerer, the evil eye, or damage?

- You have to be afraid of your own sins! And fearlessness is often characteristic of people who have suffered from magicians and psychics. But it is obvious from the Gospel that demons cannot harm even pigs without the will of God. Remember, when the Lord arrived in the country of the Gadarenes, the legion of demons who were possessed asked Him for permission to enter the pigs? Moreover, demons cannot harm a person who lives in the Church, participates in Her grace-filled sacraments, tries not only to observe rituals, but to acquire a peaceful spirit and fulfill the commandments. One day, Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets, in a conversation with people who were apparently susceptible to fear, said: “Well, what are you afraid of, will a loving father allow punks to beat his son? Of course not". And the Lord God is our Heavenly Parent. “Our Father,” we turn to Him in prayer. Of course, He will not allow His property to be beaten, He will not allow violence against it. Evil was not created by God, it was born when His creatures abused the freedom given to them and voluntarily abandoned good. Therefore, according to the teachings of the Church, there are no material carriers of evil, no anti-grace. This is not transmitted through objects. Everything depends only on the free will of each person. If he feels dependent on dark forces, the reasons must be sought in himself, in his pride, arrogance, insufficient humility and trust in God. This is what brought him out from under the protective right hand of God. And if someone experiences the influence of evil spirits, then it is not the grandmother who is to blame, but the person himself, living in sins. To be honest, I don’t like the concepts of “evil eye” and “damage”, because they are abused by people with little church, who reduce everything to the evil intent and machinations of others, but do not pay attention to themselves.

An Orthodox person should not be afraid of sorcerers, demons, the evil eye, or damage. We are spiritually weak, infirm, therefore there are temptations and obsessions. Some are looking for some special methods of protection. There is a so-called prayer of detention. People ask me if I should read it. I do not recommend. Our life with God, fulfilling the commandments, participating in the sacraments is the most powerful “detention.” And if, by God’s permission, demonic insurance happened, then we must turn to the centuries-old experience of fighting obsessions: read the 90th Psalm or pray to the Cross. And if you simply read “Our Father” or “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice…” with trust in God and a humble heart, the obsession will pass, the demons will disappear.

The world lies in evil, and in our time the world is especially distorted and poisoned by the poison of sin. Of course, in a city of 12 million people there are psychics and sorcerers, many, unknowingly, cross paths with them in transport and shops. But if they could, against our will, cause damage or the evil eye, there would probably be no healthy people left in Moscow. The Holy Fathers teach us to be spiritually alert. I will end the conversation with the words of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov): “Let us pray to God that He grant us purity and humility, the fruit of which is spiritual reasoning, faithfully distinguishing good from evil! Spiritual reasoning unmasks the action of our passions, which often appears to the inexperienced and passionate as an action of the highest good and even an action of Divine grace; spiritual reasoning tears off the mask from fallen spirits, with which they try to cover themselves and their machinations. Let us ask God to grant us a spiritual vision of spirits, through which we could see them in the thoughts and dreams they bring, break communication with them in our spirit, throw off their yoke, get rid of captivity! In communication with fallen spirits and in enslavement to them lies our destruction... With humility and reverence let us follow the teaching of the Holy Fathers, the tradition of the Orthodox Church!

Hieromonk JOB (Gumerov)


Hieromonk JOB (Gumerov) was born in 1942. In 1966 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, then graduate school. Defended his PhD thesis at the Institute of Philosophy on the topic “System analysis of the mechanism of change in social organization”; then for 15 years he worked as a senior researcher at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary and then the Theological Academy. He defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of theology. He taught basic theology at the Moscow Theological Seminary and the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament at the Theological Academy. Presenter of the “Questions to the Priest” column on the website “”.

In 1990 he was ordained a deacon, and the same year a priest. Served in the Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir in Starye Sadekh, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Khamovniki, Ivanovo Monastery. Since 2003 he has been a resident of the Sretensky Monastery. In April 2005, he was tonsured a monk with the name Job.

Interviewed by Leonid Vinogradov

Brownie Krymova Marina will help you

Are there Sorcerers in the world?

Black magicians are all around. Moreover, these can be completely peaceful people at first glance. But they exude secret anger and envy. Thus, they bring black and gloomy forces to successful people.

Sorcerers close the flow of life in a circle. The ring is spinning, but sharp stakes of hatred, aggressiveness, and negative emotions are inserted into life, sending curses in all directions to people you know and don’t know. You meet such people on the street, most likely they live somewhere near you every day. Communicating with them is dangerous for the life, well-being, health, and future fate of your children. According to experts, curses expressed in words in a certain way cause an effect similar to that caused by radioactive radiation with a power of 30,000 roentgens! These experiments were carried out on plant DNA preparations. Almost all of them died. The survivors became genetic monsters, unable to program the development of healthy organisms. What struck scientists most was that the effect did not depend on the strength of the sound. They spoke words in a loud voice, sometimes in a quiet voice, and sometimes whispered barely audibly in different languages. But the results were the same. Even if the curses were not spoken out loud, but only sent mentally, the power was not in the volume, but in the radiation. Scientists have come to the conclusion that human words and mental messages have not only an energetic but also an informational effect on DNA. The strength of the impact depends on the essence of what was said or the mental energy sent. They also conducted the opposite experiment. Through their apparatus, scientists blessed wheat seeds killed by radioactive radiation with a power of 10,000 roentgens. The result exceeded our wildest expectations. Confused genes, broken chromosomes, DNA strands fell into place and grew together. And the seeds came to life and sprouted. Not all, but most!

What thoughts are most often born in your head, what thoughts most often come out of your mouth. Have you ever shouted or whispered in your hearts: “Damn you!” “So be it for you!” But this is a curse. And it is more effective the more emotionally charged you say it. Your heart is that amplifying apparatus, an analogue of which scientists have created. The same ones that destroyed and healed with mental messages from wheat DNA. So how does this human apparatus work? What thoughts and words does it increase the power of? Aren’t you used to communicating with your family members in this way? What if you carry in your heart black hatred for your own life because it failed for you? And thereby cause irreparable harm to your loved ones and ruin them ahead of time. And, ultimately, yourself too.

Magic should be remembered more often. It is about the magic of words and thoughts. There is such a magical term - decree. The Bible says: “You command and it will happen to you.” Every moment, every person creates his own future. Life, which is God's gift, constantly acts to fulfill the expressed or unexpressed desires of man. Human thoughts and feelings themselves are commands and create with certainty and justice their own kind, be it joy or sorrow. Sometimes they say: “Well, I shared my troubles, and it seems to have become easier. It’s good that it felt better; it’s bad that it was said out loud.

What do many people still “share”? What do they tell their girlfriends, friends, and acquaintances about with selfless rapture? About the horrors of family life. And these “impressions,” like black seeds of trouble, sprout in other family lives.

Or they talk about how bad your offspring grew up. By cursing the difficult female lot, you destroy the karma of your children. From today, close this topic from prying ears. And not only for strangers, but even for loved ones. Try not to say or think like that. Do not strengthen the life-destroying programs of both yours and those close to you with your “magical witchcraft” actions. To protect yourself from the negative influences of others, bless your children, husband, parents, friends more often. Believe that there is tremendous transformative power hidden in your wishes. And it will be done to you according to your faith. Bless life, bless those who curse you. Wish them happiness, love and joy. This is your salvation. And the most effective protection from the destructive influences of our magical world, in which troubles and whisperers wander around, waiting only for an indicating energy arrow in someone’s address, so that, following its trail, they can be sucked in, wedged into a person’s energy. And destroy the light of the divine soul contained in every heart. When a person’s soul is oppressed, he does not see goodness, he does not see happiness. He only sends black magical power around himself, destroying everything around him.

Curses are the most terrible witchcraft spells cast by a black spirit, a black heart, addressed to someone. There are so-called generational curses.

These are black shots of someone's anger fired at your family, at your family, at your family happiness. It often happens that when people curse their loved ones, they themselves do not know what they are doing. The horror of the evil committed lies in the fact that this information and this energy can be transmitted through the ether to any member of your family. Not even at all to the one to whom it was sent. To the weak link, to one of the relatives who was weakened, unwell, or, simply, asleep. Perhaps it will be a small child who does not yet have energy immunity and protection. There are such concepts as maternal curses, when mothers are too exalted and excessively scold their children in their hearts, frightening them with a bad future. The generational curse lasts a very long time. The Vedas say that not even one person, but seven or eight generations. This is a generic fate into which many, many people are drawn. They are, as it were, tied in a circle, and they are all on the same wave of damned vibration. Sometimes entire nations during war curse other nations and, according to the information waves flowing in space, they develop a “suppressed” fate until seven or eight generations have changed. And their energy will not be completely renewed.

You constantly see advertisements in newspapers that a certain magician, sorcerer, sorcerer will lift a family curse in one session. As a practicing energy therapist with long-term experience, I very much doubt this. It is quite difficult to influence such global burnt spots in ancestral energies, and in one session it is simply impossible. In this case, the magician either exposes his own family to retribution, and this is a stupid and black approach, or he simply deceives for the sake of profit.

The ancient Slavs had rituals to remove family curses that appeared after some military events, especially feuds between princes, because almost all of them were related. And so that the descendants of relatives would not suffer, there were rituals in which people were completely cleansed of trouble. These rituals have survived to this day. Rituals of the goyim-relatives of the Gods. Many people have already experienced this regenerative quality for themselves.

In this book I will present a ritual called “birth vigil”. This is the divine assistance of several family members in one event. That is, the whole family, choosing a convenient day, performs the ritual. There are two variants of the ritual, when seven people gather who do not have to come to one place. All you have to do is call and determine the exact time for the general action. This is three hours after sunset. It is necessary for everyone at the same time, taking the lamp and looking at it, to beg from the Higher Powers for protection and liberation from the ancestral curse. The prayer action lasts three hours, that is, the sound vibration of the prayer does not stop. Even if your throat is dry and you are very tired, you need to pray out loud, even in a whisper.

Another option for a birth vigil.

Three people, it’s good if from each generation, gather in a specific room and, replacing each other at the lamp, continue to pray for the space without interruption throughout the whole night, from sunset to dawn. The young start first. After working a third of the night, the middle ones take over their post, joining them in the sound wave of prayer so that it is not interrupted. Having worked the second third of the night in this way and sent the young ones to sleep, they wake up the older one, who works the last third before dawn.

It is believed that after such rituals, if, of course, this clan is not under the punishment of the Lord, but is simply cursed by a human being and someone’s malice, it is freed from the curse.

Another energetic problem that occurs very often is the crown of celibacy. By calling such a phenomenon this way, we thereby assume that a person who has such damage cannot get married. In fact, this is not always true, because this damage is correctly called the “crown of loneliness,” and with such a crown a person can get married, get married, even more than once, but there will be no happiness in these families and oh how difficult it is to get along. The crown of loneliness happens to both men and women. It can be earned by someone devouring their partner's soul with creepy, ugly behavior. Or someone’s bride or groom was taken away from under the aisle, thereby inflicting the curse of the offended party on themselves. The crown of loneliness can arise in everyone's life only because a person has experienced a strong release of negative energy towards his partner. If someone chased away and pushed out a loved one during a quarrel, and even swore something significant, for example, that he would never live with him again. As a result, a crown of oath is formed that will not allow the opposite half to come close to you. People with the crown of loneliness do not seem to see the opposite sex, since it casts an “obscurity” over the person. And the person does not see the couple, as if he were living in the desert. Thoughts go in circles, thereby cutting off a person from the oncoming energy of searching for partner love relationships. To take off such a “frog skin” from yourself, you need to try very hard and endure suffering.

As you know, the skin of the toad-Navya burned in the fire and immediately the heroine of the fairy tale had two suitors - Ivan Tsarevich and Koschey the Immortal. As soon as you take off the toad skin of the crown of loneliness, applicants immediately begin to fight for your hand and heart. The trouble is that once you remove the skin, you can then reanimate it again and pull it on yourself with your own indecent actions in relation to your other halves. Therefore, the process of removing the crown of loneliness is a long lesson. But there are also specific techniques that I will talk about in future books.

And you should know one more type of disturbing damage in order to be aware of my next books. This damage is called a leaky pocket. It appears when people seem to work hard and fruitfully, but have not accumulated anything, have not earned anything. So they continue to live in a dorm room or living from penny to penny. Many people with this damage constantly fall under the influence of some swindlers and deceivers. Carriers of such damage often lose money or have it stolen from them. This monetary damage can come through envy or through a curse addressed to you. Perhaps you were on your way to an important meeting and were loaded with business, creative, seething energy. Perhaps they are loaded with the specific energy of the money they took for the cause. And at this time someone began to curse at you. It could be a relative who quarreled with you the day before or a completely random person in transport. What is swearing? You remember that this is a war, a battle, a fight. Your business energy has been pierced. Malice made a hole in her. They burned a hole, a large, deep one, snatching away a good share of your monetary or business energy. And this hole, because of your ignorance, remains. Dashing One-Eyed, an evil spirit who will follow you on a leash, is usually attached to this hole. What should you do to prevent a hole from being burned in your business energy? Immediately before a business event, it is advisable not to meet with any of your relatives for a day. If this is not possible, try to live this day in peace, peace and quiet. Before the event, try not to talk for 3-4 hours in order to accumulate mental energy, think through every action: your actions before the event, the business event itself, your steps after it. About an hour before a business meeting, apply coins to your temples and forehead so that they stick to your skin. Let them hang until they fall off. Stay calm, but do not lie down, lest your business energy become sleepy and passive. If on the day when your business event is planned, you received an alarming signal, for example, you met a person who is unpleasant to you, this is a harbinger of Lich. Try to postpone the event. If this is not possible, then wash yourself with water to wash away the negative vibrations of the person you meet. If this is not possible, then try to cross or run over running water to throw this witcher off the scent. When leaving for your financial business, you need to throw the charmed salt and pepper or ashes behind your back. Earlier in the book, I already described various money conspiracies. You should have amulets on yourself. When leaving your home or office, do not look back and do not remain with your thoughts in the space you left. On the way to a business meeting, you should not step over money if you encounter a thrown coin on the sidewalk. Money needs a bow - bend over and pick it up. If you received torn money on this day, you cannot take it with a living hand, otherwise the wounded and torn energy of money will be woven into your energy.

If, in connection with the listed symptoms, you have been diagnosed with damage called a leaky pocket, then perform the ritual.

For nine days you should pray, looking with wide open eyes at the rising sun for about half an hour to an hour. It is believed that after nine days, your business energy, struck by someone’s anger, will completely heal, be reborn and renewed.

I would like to tell the inquisitive reader that in the last chapter I deliberately gave announcements of those of my books that will be published further. Wait for them, look for them and see you soon. Live well. Bless yourself and your life, your loved ones and children. And then your life will be filled with good.

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