Feng Shui of the workplace in the office and at home. Organization of the workplace: the right workplace according to Feng Shui, tips, photos

We probably spend 1/3 of our lives not only in bed, but also at work. And not only our mood, but also the work process itself depends on how correctly we are able to organize our workplace. In this matter, the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui comes to our aid.

General principles of the table according to Feng Shui.

Your desktop should also have good Feng Shui. Here are the basic rules to follow for this:
- do not sit opposite the door to the room;
- do not sit with your back to the window;
- make sure that there are never symbols of Water behind your back (aquarium, fountain, images of water, etc.);
- Water symbols should be either in front of you or above you.
Now turn your attention to the desktop. The bigger it is, the better. Make sure that it is always in order: a table littered with papers is bad feng shui.

One of the most important elements that you should first of all pay attention to when decorating a workplace is its color scheme. According to Feng Shui, each color is an expression of a certain type of energy. Color not only affects our mood, but also affects our health (this is studied by color therapy). From this point of view, the white, black and gray offices that are fashionable today are completely inharmonious, since they contain only three colors, or rather, no colors. Gray is a variation of black, which in turn is not a color at all. We see black when the surface does not reflect anything, but only absorbs light. White, as you know, is a neutral color, and therefore does not carry any energy.

The variety of too bright tones also has an adverse effect on the state of the body. The motley color scheme attracts attention only at the first moment, but being in such an environment for a long time is quite tiring. When designing your workplace, try to adhere to the principle of the “golden mean” in the literal sense. Golden tones - light orange, yellow, beige, coffee with milk, as well as warm red, the soothing color of young greenery, gentle marsh will create a feeling of security and joy.

It is very important that you sit in one of your favorable directions at your workplace. Every person has four favorable and four unfavorable directions. Their calculation is a completely separate story, so we will not touch on this topic here. Just keep this recommendation in mind for now. It is believed that if you are sitting in a direction favorable to you, then you are guaranteed good luck in all your endeavors.

Whatever workplace you occupy, in a separate office or a common room, you need, first of all, to determine whether you are under pressure from negative energy from the outside. If “arrows” of negative energy are directed at the window from the roof of a neighboring house, place a plant on the window or hang blinds.

Never sit under ceiling beams, bookshelves or air conditioners. Any overhanging structure can become a source of failure and illness. Remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and racks. According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money.

You should not place your workplace, even if it is oriented in a favorable direction, opposite the door (especially if it opens into the room). In this case, you are attacked by a strong flow of energy, which can have a bad effect on your health.

There is no need to sit with your back to the door; this is a very uncomfortable and alarming position. It's called a "knife in the back." It is believed that with this arrangement you can be betrayed, set up, or passed over for promotion. If there is no other option, you need to put a mirror on the table so that you can see everyone entering the door.

You don’t need to sit with your back to the window, you will thereby deprive yourself of the support of influential people, your own employees, and all of your even the most ingenious projects will be doomed to failure. It's better if there is a wall behind you. If this is not possible, close the window with thick curtains.

You need to sit facing the door, but not opposite it, but diagonally from the entrance. Your desktop should be clearly visible from the front door; it should not be blocked by safes, cabinets, or massive chairs. It is believed that if you are not visible from the front door, then luck may pass you by.

It is very important to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace. A well-equipped workplace is the key to health, emotional and spiritual balance.

Don't squeeze your desk into a corner of the room, much less between cabinets. Any physical inconvenience will affect the quality of work. You must be free to approach your desk; there should be free space in front of and behind the table, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. Otherwise, difficulties await you.

If you work in a cubicle or have a partition directly in front of you, hang a picture of a lake or a flowering valley, that is, visually expand the perspective in front of you.

If there are a large number of people working in the room or a large number of visitors coming to you, you may become tired of the hustle and bustle. Place some bright or favorite object on your desktop. This could be a beautiful table lamp (not necessarily a purely work design), a photograph of children, a model of your favorite car. Find any way to protect your personal space.

The most unfavorable workplace is the one near the door. And no matter what position this employee holds, the attitude of strangers towards him is always less respectful than towards colleagues in the back of the room. He is always more tired of the hustle and bustle, as people constantly walk past him and distract him with inquiries. If you can’t move your work station from the aisle, also place a bright or some large object on the table that will make your place more visible and meaningful.

If your desk is located next to a large window, you may feel unsafe (especially if your office is located on the upper floors of a building). Here you also need to protect yourself by placing some large object near the window, for example, a plant in a tub, floor shelves with books. A large object will protect you, emotionally and physically distancing you from danger.

If you work in a room where there are a lot of shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw away what is outdated and unnecessary, and put it in the utility room. Cluttered and crowded cabinets, racks, and shelves mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth.

Good lighting is a great way to attract positive energy. It is good when there is additional lighting on the desktop in the form of a table lamp. The light source should be directly above your head or on the side of your non-working hand. If the light shines on your working hand, it will cast a shadow on the surface of the table. If you are working on a computer, the light should be directed directly at the keyboard.

Bright sunlight can interfere with work, so you should use blinds or curtains, but you should not completely switch to artificial lighting. If you have to work in a room without windows, be sure to hang a photograph or reproduction of a natural landscape on the wall, or use any other element of nature (a small aquarium, a vase of flowers, place a plant on the corner of the table).

According to Feng Shui, it is good to place your desk “behind the boss,” but in no case facing him. It doesn’t matter that the boss’s office is in another room or even on another floor. The position “behind his back” means his support, “facing the boss” means confrontation.

If you place a table lamp or metal object on the far left side of the table, financial success is attracted.

If you put a photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career.

The area on the far right side of your table is responsible for intimate and family relationships, and if there are problems in this area, place a picture of a couple figure there.

No matter how you arrange your offices, study rooms, common rooms, or private cubicles, it is important to avoid clutter and clutter. On and in front of the office there should be no dirty areas, landfills, dead trees and carelessly trimmed bushes, peeling walls and creaking doors, clogged pipes, poorly cleaned halls and lobbies. There cannot be good Feng Shui in a room if the room has musty air, clouds of tobacco smoke, dirty curtains and glass, furniture arranged in a disorderly manner, and piles of business papers.

You should not allow clutter on your desktop; always keep your work area clean and tidy. Where there is disorder, there is no circulation of positive Qi energy, and therefore there will be no luck and health.

Feng Shui of the workplace.

It is best to sit with your back to the wall. Empty space in the back creates unnecessary tension and makes it difficult to concentrate. You can't always change where you sit, but you can change the space around you. No, do not lay brickwork around the perimeter of your workplace. Just put some large flower in a tub behind. And cheaper, and more beautiful, and your back is covered from unnecessary glances.

You should also not sit next to the door (this is why security guards often have trouble with their careers!). If you are unlucky, the same flower shops or architectural delights in the form of office partitions will come to the rescue. If there is a window behind you, at least close it with blinds. Otherwise, you yourself will not notice how all the working zeal will disappear into emptiness.

Feng Shui desktop.

“There should always be a perspective right in front of a person,” says Feng Shui consultant at the New Wind Center Alexander Frolov. “This helps the favorable and rapid development of the work process.” It’s clear that most people have a monitor permanently in front of their eyes. Then create a perspective right on it - for example, with a picture like this.
feng shui table- this is a table on which there should always be order. At least relative. Papers that are no longer needed have a place in the trash can. This will help you deal with pressing problems more effectively. All items necessary for work (folders, pens, phones, glossy magazines, family photographs) should be located to the left or right of the person sitting. Here, by the way, there is also a gradation. “There should always be more things to the left of a person than to the right,” Alexander told us. “This is due to different types of energy from different sides. On our left, the sun rises and all processes begin to develop. Accordingly, this side should always prevail.” But a couple of frames with photographs can be placed on the right - the energy of emotions reigns there.

Feng Shui of the desktop and place: Above the table according to Feng Shui.

It is best to have a standard smooth ceiling above your head with flat spotlights. Beams and pipes are bad. Vertical planes create internal tension - “what if all this falls on my head?” – and interfere with the free flow of energy. As advice to those who have the “wrong” ceiling, I can suggest wearing a wide-brimmed sombrero at work. Maybe it will help.

If you have an air conditioner or heater above your desk, you may experience discomfort from drafts or too warm air. If you are unable to change seats, hang a scarf, umbrella, or other object that deflects the air flow, or change the direction of the air flow so that the air does not blow directly at you.

In addition, on the wall in front of you you need to hang a picture, a calendar, or at least a photograph depicting a natural landscape or street, creating a feeling of depth and visual looseness.

Feng Shui of the workplace and table: Under the table according to Feng Shui.

The side where items are placed under the table is less important than on it. But still, you should not clutter up the space under your feet with extra boxes, wires, and replacement shoes in four copies. The feeling of tightness in the lower part of the body leads to the same feeling in the head. And then there may not be enough room for “flight of thought.” Again, it is better if the necessary drawers, processors and shoes are located predominantly on the left.

Feng Shui of the table: Additional for the workplace.

There should be free space opposite the desktop. If the office is small and cramped, and you “rest your eyes on the wall,” then hang an image of an open space, a natural landscape stretching toward the horizon, right in front of you. Please note that any image of water on it must be calm. The water should seem to flow into the office. This will give an influx of fresh energy and prospects for development.

Access to the table must be free. It is better to throw away unnecessary things and papers. Place a live plant on the table. This is the source of “yang” energy necessary for fruitful activity.

If your workstations are located opposite each other, face to face; this can lead to confrontation and strained relationships. It is better to turn both tables slightly towards the center. As a last resort, the situation can be smoothed out by placing some object or flower between you and your counterpart.

If your table is in a corner - a source of powerful energy flow - this can cause illness. If it is not possible to move the furniture, then you can curtain the corner with a poster, drape it with fabric, or place a large plant next to it.

Open windows and ventilate the room more often. Although this recommendation is very easy to implement, in many modern offices you can find unventilated rooms and rooms without windows. There are several ways to solve this problem. You can use full-spectrum light bulbs: they emit all colors of the spectrum, and most fully reproduce natural sunlight.

Any symbol of nature – a fountain, a houseplant or an aquarium – can save you from the feeling of claustrophobia. But, despite all the positive influence of an aquarium on business, it is advisable not to sit with your back to it, since water behind your back in any case symbolizes instability and is not favorable in “career terms.”

One of the greatest stressors is a large number of people working in the same space, especially if it is cramped and dark. The work seems too monotonous, nervous, and many experience tension due to the constant intrusion of strangers into the “intimate zone”. Feng Shui offers ways to protect yourself physically and emotionally. One of the most effective is creating a specific focus of attention. A table lamp brought from home to illuminate your desk, a soundproof partition, or a vase of flowers can help overcome stress in a closed work space.

It is important to delineate the boundaries of your personal space in one way or another. Many office employees place a photo of their loved ones on their desktop or place a trinket dear to their heart: all this serves as a “protective screen”.

A significant part of the average person's life is occupied by work. Sometimes you have to spend 12 hours a day or more at your workplace, so the surrounding space plays a huge role in the success of your work. It doesn't matter where the work is, in the home or office. Impeccable comfort is important for success. Feng Shui experts talk about how to achieve it and not waste energy in vain. Whether these methods of attracting money and success work or not - there is no need to guess, just test them in practice.

If the office is at home

At home, you are free to do whatever you want with your work area. And this is good, because it is much easier to arrange the table in the office according to Feng Shui relative to other interior elements.

The ideal option is when the table is positioned so that you can see the door, but are away from it. You should see it, but you shouldn’t place the table directly opposite it. Is it possible to make such a change? Then hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the room so that the entrance is reflected in it.

If the door and window are opposite each other, you should not place a workplace between them: it is believed that in this case a “draft” will form, which will carry all your ideas and plans away. It is important that there are no entrances or windows behind you: this causes a subconscious feeling of threat, anxiety, and drains energy.

If you are running a business, placing a table in the eastern part of the room will help in its promotion. The southeastern part favors creativity, the western part favors stability in life, and the northwestern part promotes the development of leadership qualities.

According to Feng Shui, the table in the office should be positioned so that there are no sharp corners directed at you behind your back. Overhanging structures silently cause illness and injury. If you work at a computer, hide all wires and tubes if possible. It would be a good idea to purchase a wireless mouse and keyboard: this will increase the comfort of your area. In addition, wires are considered “thieves” of money.

Make the lighting of the work area sufficient, but not too bright: add a table lamp to the general light.

Feng Shui of a workplace in a company office

If you are an ordinary office employee, then there are few opportunities for rearrangements. However, even when working in a company building, you can arrange your personal space in such a way that it will orient you to success.

If besides yours there are other tables at which colleagues are working, then you should not arrange the furniture so that you are face to face with them. Otherwise, frequent disagreements are possible. Sitting facing the wall, you block the channels for the emergence of new ideas and energy for their implementation. The window and door should be located to your side.

To win the “love” of management, it is better to sit facing them, even if the boss’s office is far from yours. In order not to lose your favorite work, you should not sit in front of any mirror surfaces that show your reflection. The workplace should not be reflected in mirrors, especially if you deal with money.

You should not position your face or back to a long corridor, even one hidden behind an office door. This is especially bad for the success of people in leadership positions.

The place of work should radiate positivity

Place things in your workplace that inspire and delight. These can be photographs of loved ones, slogans, items of personal success. Take a photo of yourself where you are successful and happy - and place it near you to attract even more luck. The image of a path leading to a distance or a staircase going up in the northern part of your place will lead to advancement in your career.

If it is prohibited to place foreign objects on the table, put them in a drawer. This way you will have the opportunity to admire your favorite things every time you take something out of there. Place a beautiful screensaver on your desktop with peaceful landscapes or objects of your dreams.

Color spectrum

If you want to arrange a workplace in your company office according to Feng Shui, but you don’t like the color scheme of the room, arrange some variety on your desk. So, an orange mouse pad or a bright photograph in orange tones will raise your energy and relieve fatigue.

Red color of fire. It is suitable for energetic people and helps them succeed even more in business. However, too much of it in the interior can cause increased fatigue and irritability when staying indoors for a long time.

Dark blue and black. This is a symbol of water, helping to find peace and focus on creativity. In excess, these colors impart uncertainty and vulnerability.

Metallic colors. Silver, gold, white and gray colors. They attract wealth, but in excess they make a person greedy.

Brown. The element of color is earth. A person who chooses this color gains stability and confidence in the future. However, too much brown leads to weakness, stubbornness, and self-criticism.

Putting things in order

How often do you clean your workplace? Usually people get used to the mess very quickly and stop noticing it. It becomes the norm of life. According to Feng Shui, one of the methods of attracting money is to put things in order on the table with a certain arrangement of objects on it.

  • Career area. It is located right in front of you on the table. Leave it blank so that new horizons of success open up before you.
  • Creative sphere. Located on the right. Everything that has already been completed - documents, folders, reports, etc. - is better to put here. However, any imperfections should not be stored on the right hand. Also, here you should place your favorite photos, creative images, etc.
  • On the left is the health area. This is where we store all unfinished or planned matters. For health, you can place a crane figurine or a wooden container with nuts.
  • In the far right corner it is good to place photos of couples in love, or you can have your own (if you already have a loved one).
  • In the far left corner you should grow a money tree or any other plant: it will bring wealth.

In order for people to work fruitfully, it is necessary to create suitable working conditions. This should begin at the stage of planning office space; if this is not possible, then it is worth paying attention to the design of workplaces.

Organization of the workplace: important rules

To organize your workplace correctly follow these tips:

    “Quality furniture is more valuable than money”. If it is not possible to completely update the furniture, do it at least for the departments that work with clients and definitely for the manager. This will immediately increase the status of your enterprise in the eyes of people and accordingly increase your profits.

    “The table and chair create comfort”. The correct selection of this furniture will reduce staff fatigue. Considering that everyone is of different height, it is better to choose chairs with lift-up seats.

    "Clean table". There should be no objects on the work surface that are not related to work.

    “Every thing has its place”. All documents without exception must have their permanent place. At the end of the working day, you definitely need to sort everything out.

    "Use organizers". To avoid cluttering your workspace, store all small items in a special stand.

    “Clean where they don’t litter”. The administration should introduce some restrictions in the office, for example, prohibit smoking and eating in offices.

    "Lighting". A sufficient amount of light is a factor that has a positive effect on the comfortable work and health of the employee.

    "Fresh air". Fresh indoor air increases productivity and reduces employee fatigue.

    "Volume". You need to choose the best option for external noise that will not cause discomfort to employees.

    "Ambient air temperature". The environment affects the work of the entire team. Try to optimize it so that everyone has a good time.

For most of the population, work is an integral part of life.

People get different emotions from labor activity, to some she brings pleasure and prosperity, but there are those for whom work is a burden. In any case, a person spends most of his time at work, so you need to know how to make your stay as comfortable and successful as possible.

Organization of the workplace: the correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

Lately it's been great meaning when organizing their living space, people give feng shui rules. It is this science that optimizes energy flows, which increases the chances of success and prosperity. There is nothing complicated about it, all you need is to determine the correct location of the desktop and the objects that will be located on it.

Desk location according to Feng Shui: tips

    Between the table and the wall on the contrary it should be enough free space- it denotes your plans for the future. The greater the distance, the higher you can move up the career ladder.

    The table should not be placed under the ceiling beams- they produce destructive energy. If this is not possible, place vases with fresh flowers, they will take away some of the negativity.

    It is forbidden organize workplace on the same line between the window and the door- you will simply be blown away by the flow of energy. Try to turn the table as perpendicular to these objects as possible.

    Give up table position towards the door face or back - best option diagonally. You will see the door, and your back will be protected from an invisible threat.

    If in the room huge windows, better stay away from them. On an energetic level, they cause unconscious danger. If there is no chance to change the place, close them with curtains or hang blinds. Additionally, you can decorate the window sills with flowers in pots.

    Don't sit under the air conditioner Not only can it cause illness, but it will also blow all thoughts out of your head and interfere with your work. If possible, move your desk to a safe location.

    For good and fruitful work there should be a lot of light above the table. The ideal option is a lamp with an ordinary light bulb in a honey or gold shade; it will become your symbol of good luck.

    The workplace should not be reflected in the mirror, all your efforts will be absorbed by him. Even if you like to admire yourself while working, try to give up this pleasure and sit away from the mirror.

    Chair near the desk is also of great importance dimensions must be proportional to the table. It is better if there are armrests and a good back - this will give you a feeling of support and support. Don’t skimp on a quality chair; it will even add confidence in your abilities.

    For managers the best option would be to place your workplace, as possible further from the entrance to the office. A different location will negatively affect your career and even reduce your authority in the team. After all, according to the rules of the ancient world, the leader always chooses the best place.

    It is better for subordinates to sit in front of their superiors, this will provide him with complete protection and support.

When you get a job in a big office, then no opportunity to choose your own workplace. However, you can still help yourself by setting up a personal workplace according to Feng Shui recommendations, which will help neutralize negative external influences and stabilize the situation.

To have wealth and success in your career, Feng Shui rules:

    the best location will be the northern part of the room;

    Place a “money tree” in the southeastern part;

    hang a picture of a turtle behind your back;

    the table lamp should be red.

We've figured out the arrangement of the furniture, now let's add everything correct position of objects in the workplace. This will become a definite talisman for achieving even greater success in work and harmony in relationships with colleagues.

If your desk resembles a mini landfill, don't expect to have a successful career. Feng Shui means perfect order, because without this, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely. To do this, you need to put everything in its place; allocate a desk or cabinet drawer for this. The first thing to do is use the "bagua" - energy map, which divides any space into 9 parts, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. Ask yourself what is most important to you in life and, based on the answer, organize your workplace in accordance with your preferences.

Arrangement of objects on the table according to Feng Shui:

    Place a lighting fixture in the far left corner. This place is responsible for financial well-being.

    Place your photo in the middle left your loved ones or a talisman that is associated with family happiness.

    Store books on the front left or other items to record. Add here some blue object to stimulate your cognition.

    The area in the back center is responsible for reputation. Place a red lamp or your rewards in this place.

    In the middle in the center is the place of health. Try to always keep it spotlessly clean, it is better if there are flowers there.

    Front in the center - career site. There should be a computer here. A screensaver that shows an ocean or waterfall symbolizes money.

    Back right - relationship zone. Place a photo of your loved one here, if there is no such person, then a red flower to attract love.

    Middle right - creativity zone. Place magazines or any metal or iron objects in this place.

    Place on the front right customer phone lists.

    Crystal pyramid in the southern part will be your assistant in overcoming all difficulties on the way to promotion.

    Success in negotiations will provide four-armed Ganesha. Its best location is on your right hand, from time to time turn to it and stroke it.

    There are others talismans appropriate on the table, which are responsible for material abundance are the three-legged toad, money tree and Chinese coins. The main thing to remember is that the last item should be hidden from prying eyes; put them under the keyboard.

Having done everything right, soon You notice positive changes At work. The attitude with colleagues and superiors will change. The manager will begin to notice your merits and colleagues’ knowledge.

In order for things to go well at work, according to Feng Shui, the workplace should be in the zone of career and success. Read the details in our article!

It often happens that you are a responsible worker and work as hard as you can, but there is no recognition in the team. But your colleague is an outright slacker in good standing with the boss! One of the reasons for this state of affairs may be an unsuccessful workplace and office environment from a Feng Shui point of view.

So let's try to neutralize the unfavorable energetic effects of people, objects or interiors, and also enhance the influence of positive flows of qi energy. After all, when everything around is harmonious, work goes much better!

Feng Shui workplace

The workplace should be located in the north, in the zone of career and success. It's even better to sit, looking in this direction, with your back to the wall.

Having a window behind you has an unfavorable effect on your career: in this case, all your energy “flies” into the sky. An even more unfortunate position is to have your back to the door. In Feng Shui it is called a “knife in the back” (an employee can be set up, betrayed, or withdraw from the team; he gradually begins to lose energy and confidence in his abilities).

It is better not to sit with your back to an open cabinet or shelves: horizontal surfaces also symbolize “knives” that invade your energy field and worsen your health.

Is your workspace in the corner? According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the table diagonally: in this case, you neutralize the negative impact of both windows and doors.

In Russian offices, they like to arrange desks so that employees are opposite each other, which leads to subconscious confrontation between colleagues. This is also an unfavorable factor according to Feng Shui that should be avoided.

If you are sitting with your back to the window, you can use this technique: curtain the window with thick curtains and place clear cut crystals on the table to give space to your thoughts).

Feng Shui: table and chair in the office

The dimensions of the table and office chair also matter, subconsciously signaling to others about your status and promising opportunities. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder? Use a table for work that is at least one and a half meters long and a meter wide, and a chair with a back so long that it is slightly higher than your head when sitting.

Feng Shui desk

Now let's talk about what should be on the table and what items should be avoided.

The table is intended only for work, and therefore only what may be needed in the process should be placed on it. Ruthlessly part with unnecessary papers and other things. It’s better to put unnecessary items in closets and bedside tables, putting them in folders of bright, rich colors.

In the right corner it is better to place a green indoor plant, which will take on all the negative energy emanating from other parts of the room. And in the far left corner - a table lamp or a shiny metal object - to attract financial success.

In the working sector, a small fountain will also serve a good purpose - at least in the form of a screensaver on the PC desktop (water dissipates negative energy). In this case, the size of the accessories does not matter. A tiny flower and an impressive fountain will work equally well. And don’t forget to put photos of your favorite people on your desktop - they will inspire you to even greater career success.

Feng Shui office equipment

A computer is a necessary attribute in any business, which absorbs electricity from the outlet and then generates it into the energy of creation and creativity. To direct this activity in the right direction, keep objects of bright colors on the table - blue, red, orange or a small globe - a symbol of knowledge (this will ensure an influx of creative ideas).

The phone should also have its own specific place. For right-handers - on the right, for left-handers - on the left (so that you do not have to reach for the tube with your right hand to the left, with your left - to the right, because crossing the body, the hand blocks positive energy).

According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money. Therefore, it is very important to remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and baseboards.

There should be free space in front of and behind the desk, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. If you have difficulty squeezing your way to your workplace, difficulties will await you on the path to success.

It happens that the workplace is located in a cubicle (sometimes even without windows!) or there is a partition directly in front of you. You can expand your perspective with a painting of a lake or a beautiful natural landscape.

What to remove from the office?

No scattered documents, as they block the positive flow of energy! Get rid of unnecessary papers right away. Never leave leftover food or liquid on the table.

The clock must be removed from the office. They count the period of power negatively.

Shelves, handles, locks - all this must be in order. Broken parts are thrown away immediately if they cannot be repaired.

Various wires, we repeat, are hidden from view or disguised. According to Feng Shui theory, finances and energy flow through them.

Above the desktop it is worth placing a picture depicting money. You can decorate your computer with Chinese coins or hide them securely under your phone.

On the right side, in the assistant’s area, you should place a statue of Ganesha.

Remember, in addition to the fact that work brings money, it should also bring pleasure, and not vice versa. You must go to work in a good mood, with elation, and not under pressure, otherwise it will destroy your health and block your access to financial success. Do you believe in Feng Shui? Write to us!

Feng Shui desk

To achieve success in the professional sphere, you need to think about how to create positive Feng Shui in the workplace. The higher the position you hold, the stronger the energy in your work area. First, you need to consider the basic Feng Shui recommendations for the workplace:
-You can’t sit with your back to a window or door
-it is unfavorable to place the desktop directly opposite the front door
-it is undesirable to locate the office at the end of a long corridor or opposite the toilet

The ideal location of the desktop is diagonally from the front door. There should be a wall behind your back, this means reliability and confidence in the future.

Activating your workplace with talismans

It is very important to establish “reliable protection” behind your back. To do this, you can hang a picture of a mountain landscape or an influential person on the wall. You cannot hang a picture of water and place an aquarium behind your back. This can lead to the energy of water simply “flooding” you (it can manifest itself in the form of negative events in the professional sphere)

Cabinets, shelves and safes are best placed on the sides. This means supporting and protecting your work. By installing cabinets on both sides, you will always be safe.
The choice of chair should be taken very seriously. A long back guarantees you increased authority and respect in the eyes of your employees. The chair must have armrests. They symbolize reliable support and confidence.

Oddly enough, in Feng Shui, a clock in the office is an unfavorable symbol. It is believed that the clock “counts down” the time of your tenure in this position.

It is better to hang a panel or painting depicting money, wealth or treasures instead of a clock. With their help you can attract more profit and luck in money matters.

When choosing a desktop, Feng Shui masters advise paying attention to the size of the table - the table should be large and voluminous. Keep your desk clean and tidy. Do not store unnecessary documents or old folders in boxes. To do this, create a separate archive. Clean your desk at the end of the day every day.

It would be ideal to apply a bagua grid on your desktop and arrange the Feng Shui symbols in accordance with it. When applying the Bagua grid, keep in mind that North will be located where you are sitting. It is best to place any talisman that symbolizes prosperity and abundance (for example, a hottey, a frog on coins, an expensive business card holder) in the left corner of the desktop. In the middle of the table (in the place opposite you), place a crystal pyramid. It will symbolize the desire to grow and will bring you promotion and professional growth.
On the right side is an ideal place to place a figurine of an assistant in business - Ganesha.

Ganesha is a very effective talisman that helps solve any business and career issues. To do this, you need to place a piece of candy next to him and stroke his hand. There is a special ritual to activate this talisman.
Be sure to put Chinese coins under your computer and phone. Coins tied with red thread are best placed in folders with documents. This will provide you with a constant flow of wealth.

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