Glossy ceilings: photos, reviews. Which ceilings are better - glossy or matte? Glossy or matte stretch ceiling? Which ceiling is better, gloss or matte?

More and more people are thinking about installing suspended ceilings in their apartments. And for good reason... because they have an excellent appearance, withstand various external influences, maintaining all their performance qualities, and also have a high service life.

The modern market for suspended ceilings is very rich. And the question often arises - which stretch ceiling to choose: glossy, matte or satin? Each of them has a number of pros and cons. So let's figure out which ceiling is best for your room.

Advantages of suspended ceilings

Firstly, this type of ceiling covering is durable (about 10 years) and easy to use. For example, a wine stain can simply be wiped off with a wet cloth.

Secondly, various bacteria and fungi do not develop on stretch ceilings; more precisely, they are hygienic.

Thirdly, they look very impressive and can become a highlight in any interior.

Stretch ceiling technology

To create a stretch ceiling, a thin and very durable film is stretched over a pre-installed frame. The result is a ceiling that is perfectly smooth, beautiful and harmoniously fits into the interior. The stretch ceiling film can be made of fabric or polyvinyl chloride. In terms of texture, this type of coating can be glossy, satin and matte.

Glossy ceilings

Glossy stretch ceilings, which are often called varnish, are a smooth canvas with a mirror effect. The reflection coefficient can reach 90%, and thanks to this they visually expand the space of the room.

And this is especially important if the room is small and has a low ceiling; gloss eliminates the impression of “pressure” from above.

With the help of glossy ceilings, you can turn your craziest interior design ideas into reality, conducting experiments with both space and light.

The gloss has a bright and rich color palette and it will create an interesting and original effect from a design point of view. However, the disadvantage of this ceiling texture, unlike other variations, is that the seam line on it will be more noticeable.

Matte stretch ceilings

Calm, noble matte stretch ceilings are perfect for relaxation areas; they will bring notes of peace, softness and relaxation. However, it is highly not recommended to install such ceilings in the kitchen, since the roughness of the surface may make it difficult to remove stains that occur during cooking.

If you do not want to make drastic changes to your interior, but prefer a more classic design, which is always in fashion, then you should choose matte stretch ceilings.

Unlike a glossy surface, a matte surface does not have a reflective effect, but rather “drowns out” unnecessary reflections. Such suspended ceilings are somewhat similar to a painted or whitewashed surface.

They are able to highlight the main advantages of the interior and hide the shortcomings. The matte surface accentuates the interior design and can add charm to any room. There are no reflections or reflections on the matte surface, so they will accurately convey the color palette that you have chosen. A very important characteristic is their high density; in addition, matte ceilings are considered the most economical in combination with high quality and durability.

Such a ceiling will create a chic and at the same time not expressive background.

It will look gorgeous in those rooms where there are a variety of stucco moldings, antique furniture or a variety of decorative items.

Satin ceiling

If you want something in between a glossy and matte ceiling, then satin is what you need. It, like matte, is a perfectly smooth painted surface, but the paint is more expensive. It, like glossy, has a reflective effect, but these reflections are barely noticeable. Satin reflects light rays, but does not reflect objects.

Ideally smooth with a slight silky shine, satin will not distract attention, but will only complement any interior.

A distinctive feature of satin fabric is the ability to look different under different rays of light. For example, in daylight you can see the natural color of the canvas, but in artificial light the shades will become a little lighter. This ceiling design will look great in both classic and modern interior styles. If you want to be original and create a metallic or mother-of-pearl effect, then satin ceilings are suitable for you.

Satin ceilings with images of the starry sky look very impressive.

And with uneven lighting, a satin stretch ceiling will look very original. For example, if the satin fabric is blue, then in the daytime a blue tint will be clearly visible near the window, and white color strokes will flash near the lamps.

Glossy, matte or satin stretch ceiling - expert advice

In terms of their technical characteristics, glossy, satin and matte stretch ceilings are identical. They are environmentally friendly, safe and durable. Therefore, when choosing the type of stretch ceiling, you should rely on your personal preferences and what kind of effect you want to create in the room.

For example, if you have a small room, then a glossy ceiling and striped wallpaper will look very useful, which will visually increase the space.

If for you the living room is a place where you spend quiet evenings with your family, watch TV or read your favorite book, then you should opt for satin or matte stretch ceilings. If you often welcome guests in the living room or organize various parties, then you should definitely choose a glossy ceiling; it will create an additional note of celebration.

Most often, gloss is installed in the hallway, bathroom, and in the kitchen it is an absolute favorite. Glossy ceilings look very interesting and immediately attract attention. The only mistake here is to choose too dark shades, for example, black or brown. Of course, they look unsurpassed, but it will be problematic to wipe off drops of fat over the stove after “violent” cooking. If you still want to install a dark glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen, then you should worry in advance about a high-quality hood over the stove and about special detergents for this type of fabric.

So, when choosing between glossy, matte and satin stretch ceilings, there cannot be a single piece of advice, and it is impossible to say which of these three textures is better. Everything here is individual and completely depends on the size of the room and taste preferences.

Care of suspended ceilings

From time to time, stretch ceilings should be wiped with a damp soft sponge. If you need to get rid of more serious dirt on the canvas, you can use a regular liquid detergent, the main thing is that it does not contain various aggressive components, for example, alcohols or acids.

Stretch ceilings are confidently gaining their place in the sun, no one can argue with their advantages, and the range of PVC films is breaking all records. But choice always gives rise to doubt, controversy and different opinions.

Today, many forums discuss which texture makes the best ceiling. But non-specific comparisons are not correct. Let's consider a more practical question: which stretch ceiling is more suitable for the kitchen, glossy or matte?

Reviews: gloss or matte

Let’s read what people say who have already installed a matte or glossy suspended ceiling in their kitchen:

“If you want to visually enlarge the kitchen - varnish, if this is not necessary - matte, although I chose the third option - satin. I wanted the ceiling to be really white, while all other films have some kind of tint. But now I understand that I should have just taken a light one, I have to wash it too often, some kind of gray-yellow coating appears” Slatulya.

“It’s more comfortable with a matte ceiling. We have matte ceilings throughout our apartment, including in the kitchen, only the colors differ. It’s not so obvious that it’s film.” Guest.

“It all depends on the style, mat is classic, gloss is hi-tech. There is no right answer, choose what you like." Belmondo.

“It took me a long time to decide. And yet I settled on a matte film for the kitchen, and ordered a glossy film for the bathroom. And I’m happy, my bathroom is very tiny, the shower stall barely fit and the push and pull with the washbasin, so with the gloss it somehow became more spacious” Margot.

As a result, according to the reviews, we have the following picture: if you have a small-sized kitchen, and you are making it larger in every possible way, it is worth choosing a lacquer texture. For those who have normal catering sizes and traditional tastes, swear.

Professional opinion

What do experts say about this, which suspended ceilings are more suitable for the kitchen - matte or varnished? Mos Siling consultants are not used to imposing their opinions on clients; they provide complete information and recommendations, and draw your own conclusions. Therefore, below we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of two textures: matte and glossy.

Matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Matte film is a classic, a smooth canvas with a slight roughness without shine and evenly colored. In any lighting it looks the same, its color does not change, no glare appears.

If you look in the kitchen, you would never guess that this is film. The ceiling looks like an ordinary whitewashed concrete or plasterboard ceiling, with one BUT: its plane is ideal.

White matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen modestly hide all the defects of the main floor, do not attract attention, and serve as a backdrop for the brighter parts of the interior. With such ceilings, kitchens take on a cozy and warm look.

If you plan to decorate the stretched fabric with photo printing, the mat has the advantage as a base: the picture will be clear, without distortion, reflections and reflections. But choose the picture carefully - with the picture, the ceiling becomes the central element of the interior.

It attracts a lot of attention and can become boring over the years. But matte canvas retains its impeccable qualities for several decades, so it should always satisfy you with its appearance.

Another important advantage of matte film is its low cost. It is also worth mentioning such a point as the invisibility of seams: it is difficult to find a welded joint on a matte surface. And if a seam is required on a varnished canvas, light falling directly on the joint makes it visible.

So, a simple checkmate is not so simple in reality. It is suitable for decorating rooms in historical, classic and modern styles. Its traditional, unpretentious elegance is appreciated by discreet people with high taste.

Glossy canvas in the kitchen

The varnished canvas creates a holiday - the ceiling! It is elegant, iridescent and shiny. The widest range of colors allows you to choose the film to match the interior in any tone. Glossy film is used if you want to create a stylish, spectacular ceiling in the kitchen.

If the dining room is very small, a lacquered reflective surface will make it appear larger. But in this case, you should not use bright colored or dark paints. Although the darker the glossy film, the higher its mirror qualities and the effect of infinity on the ceiling.

But this does not work in small areas. To prevent the ceiling from hanging, but, on the contrary, appearing higher, choose very light colors. The gloss goes very well with the glazed surface of the tile, but do not try to match the tone to the tone.

Under different lighting, the varnish canvas will change, its shades will vary all the time. Buy a ceiling a couple of shades lighter than the walls are painted. If a seam is necessary on the varnish canvas, it should be placed in an inconspicuous place.

The advantage of gloss is its excellent compatibility with any type of lighting. Backlights, spotlights, built-in and ceiling lamps and chandeliers - everything is beautiful with a glossy ceiling, its surface sparkles with light and appears in all its glory.


As you can see, each texture has its pros and cons. Therefore, before making your final decision, review the photographs of matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen and glossy options.

We hope the information received will also help in your choice. Let’s summarize everything that has been said: if you want to make an unusual, exclusive kitchen and visually enlarge it, you need a glossy stretch fabric.

If you do not plan to highlight the ceiling, the central design element will be decoration on the wall or furniture, then you do not need spectacular lighting and shiny stretch fabric - buy a matte ceiling.

And the last point: whatever ceiling you choose, it is very important that it is combined with the decoration of the walls, floors and furniture, so that all interior elements are in the same style and color scheme. And, most importantly, you should like the ceiling!

When it comes time to choose a coating for the ceiling surface, the question arises: should you choose a matte or glossy ceiling? To solve this problem, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of these surfaces and decide on the coating material.

Tensile structures

Recently, tension structures have become the most convenient and reliable way to design the upper plane. They may differ in color characteristics, texture and quality of the coating material.

Among stretch fabrics, three types of coverings can be distinguished:

  1. Fiberglass-based - these materials appeared not so long ago and few people know about them. The surface has a matte appearance and beautiful texture. It can withstand temperature changes well, but water has a detrimental effect on it.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride based - the most popular material. It is highly durable and easy to care for. Among PVC films there are matte, glossy or satin sheets. Has many color shades.
  3. On a fabric basis, the material has a slight shine, but without a glossy reflection.

Glossy ceiling

The cost of this type of coating is more expensive compared to matte canvases. Although it has a huge number of various color shades.

The glossy surface reflects light and creates a mirror-like effect. Thanks to this, a visual expansion of the space is created and the room appears larger.

Looks great in spacious rooms. The ceiling surface reflects all pieces of furniture and interior details - making the space deeper.

Which ceiling is best for your apartment, matte or glossy? There is constant competition between them. Increasingly, designers began to use combined canvases.

This combination looks great on the surface. They can be colored or plain - you can choose the color yourself.

  • By choosing light colors for finishing, a perfectly clean surface is created.
  • The reflective effect diffuses light and the room becomes more spacious.
  • The interior can be decorated with additional patterns and designs.

Advantages and disadvantages of gloss

The significant advantages of a glossy finish include:

  • affordable price compared to other suspended structures;
  • goes well with various materials, creating unique and original designs.
  • convenience and high speed of installation, installation is carried out without dirty construction work;
  • there is no need to level the base ceiling, the design hides flaws, creating perfect evenness;
  • durability – guaranteed service life up to 10 years;
  • the film is not electrified, therefore it repels dust and dirt;
  • withstands high humidity and temperature changes.

The disadvantages of glossy ceilings are associated with violation of the rules of aesthetic perception and installation:

  • A shiny surface at night mirrors the incoming light from passing cars or street lamps and disturbs the peace of the residents. That is why it is not recommended to install them in bedrooms.
  • It is not recommended to install glossy panels in small rooms. The design reduces the ceiling by 10 centimeters, while reflective glare will dazzle.
  • This material is not capable of accumulating dust, so it collects on nearby pieces of furniture. This dust, when reflected, will spoil the appearance of the room.
  • It is important to choose lamps wisely. Regular light bulbs are not suitable as they get very hot and can melt the film.

Among glossy ceilings, the most popular, usually used in the hall, has become a surface that imitates a starry sky. During the day, it appears as a base in the sky (or desired) color, and at night, it turns on additional lighting in the form of stars. Moreover, such a canvas can be suitable for any room and match any interior.

Matte ceiling

This surface is characterized by conservatism and gives rigor to the space. The material muffles glare and does not reflect other surfaces.

There are two types: smooth and rough. The second type resembles an ordinary simple ceiling.

Among the advantages of matte canvases are:

  • significant material density;
  • clear presentation of colors with a huge selection of shades;
  • does not distort the perception of style in the room;
  • used to highlight exclusive interior masterpieces;
  • Gypsum stucco can be an excellent addition to the finishing.

Let's compare surfaces

Which ceiling to choose, knowing the main advantages and disadvantages of coatings, glossy or matte? Let's compare each of the bases in detail.

  • Matte ceilings are easier to maintain, while glossy ceilings must be washed thoroughly.
  • Matte will be the ideal finish for the kitchen. This surface hides greasy stains and splashes, unlike gloss.
  • The matte ceiling creates restraint in the interior and does not attract attention, while the gloss adds illumination and festivity.
  • Both coatings are successfully used to decorate the ceiling in the living room, bedrooms, children's rooms and bathrooms.
  • Is it better to buy matte or glossy? Comparing the cost of canvases with the same quality, matte ones are cheaper. Only if there is a seam connection, then the price is further reduced.

The fact is that some manufacturers produce films of small sizes, so a seam is needed to join them into a single sheet. It is usually invisible, although on some surfaces it is clearly visible and spoils the appearance. It is important to know about this in advance and think through options for getting out of this situation. The selected ceiling can be replaced with a wider canvas or a cost reduction may be required.

If you want to add some artistic flair to your space, what is the best ceiling design, glossy or matte?

  • Matte surfaces are often decorated using photo printing. There is always the opportunity to order the application of any photograph, painting or image on film. This design creates a cozy and soft atmosphere in the room.
  • For glossy ceilings, you can also choose the desired patterns or select your favorite compositions from the proposed catalogue, only the room should be spacious and contain a minimum amount of furniture.

How to make a glossy ceiling attractive even after several years of use?

  • Such a surface requires regular wet steam cleaning to degrease the surface. Or you need to wipe with a special product, carefully, without leaving streaks or droplets of water.

If you don’t want to do this yourself, there are already companies offering the perfect cleaning of glossy canvases using professional equipment.

Which ceilings are best suited for unheated rooms?

Matte or glossy stretch ceiling can withstand short-term slight low temperatures. At the same time, a ceiling based on a fabric covering tolerates any temperature changes and is used for temporary buildings, such as a garage, cottage or loggia.


Thanks to matte and glossy surfaces and their combinations, you can create different types of designs to suit the individual style of your space.

  • In multi-level structures, glossy surfaces are often used, as they enliven the ceiling.
  • For a classic style, it is better to use a matte surface.
  • Glossy films have a huge palette of colors compared to matte ones.
  • But at the same time, matte coatings are able to absorb any reflections and reflections, and also retain their original color for a long time.


Thanks to the glossy surface, they create a magnificent floating ceiling with hidden lighting. The transparency of the film can be different, therefore, with a light transmittance of 50% or more, fluorescent lamps or LED strips are sewn inside the structure. It creates an interesting effect, as if the light is coming from within.

For matte surfaces, use only small lamps up to 35 W or spotlight LEDs, since powerful lamps can damage the film.

The main point of the article

1. Which ceiling is better to install in an apartment?

2. To make the right choice you need to:

  • get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of each coating,
  • determine the quality of the material,
  • aesthetic and visual preferences,
  • desired type of lighting and
  • design.

3. With these details, you are guaranteed a stunning ceiling that perfectly matches your space.

It is believed that stretch ceilings originated from Ancient Greece or Egypt. The fabric drapery simply covered the wine stains on the ceiling. The modern stage of the existence of suspended ceilings began with the invention of PVC film. Relative cheapness and ease of installation and operation are only a small part of the positive characteristics of the film sheet. Designers often use suspended ceilings to create unusual interiors. The skillful use of colors, textures and shapes of the ceiling surface when decorating interiors decorates and transforms the room, hides flaws and communications, visually changes the area of ​​the space and divides it into zones.

Until recently, ceiling repairs consisted of leveling, whitewashing, painting or wallpapering. But innovative technologies, modern materials and economical production make it possible to use suspended ceilings when creating the interior of every home or office. This ceiling design allows you to forget for a long time about the need for regular repairs, which is very convenient and practical, and most importantly these days - economical. All that remains is to decide on the choice of canvas, and if everything is clear with the color scheme, then the choice between a matte and glossy ceiling must be made based on several factors.

Stretch ceilings, like any building structure, have their own

  • functional features;
  • characteristics;
  • positive and negative points during installation and operation.

It is impossible to answer the question, Which ceiling is better - matte or glossy? – categorically. In this case, it is worth taking into account the preferences of the owners, the interior design of the room, lighting and many other points. It is better to carefully study all the pros and cons, advice from designers, and only after that make a final decision.

A stretch ceiling is a structure made of profiles with a film stretched over it. The profile is made for such purposes from metal or plastic. The method of attaching the canvas to the profile depends on the features of the design solution and is selected by the master. The reliability of the ceiling and the aesthetic design of difficult areas - corners, lighting, communications - depend on the correctly chosen profile. To create a stretch ceiling, PVC film of various shades and textures is used.

Characteristics of suspended ceilings

When choosing between glossy and matte ceilings, it is necessary to compare the characteristics and features of each type of canvas, but there are common characteristics that all suspended ceilings have:

  • perfectly smooth surface;
  • high moisture resistance, antistatic and no condensation;
  • high degree of fire resistance;
  • environmentally friendly product - despite the materials used, PVC film does not emit toxic and harmful substances and unpleasant odors;
  • additional heat and sound insulation using additional materials, the thickness of which is selected by the customer;
  • strength - thanks to these properties, PVC tension structures
    • excellent protection against flooding;
    • do not lose their functions when the building shrinks;
    • can be easily dismantled and re-stretched;
  • practicality - no maintenance required, just wipe with a soft damp sponge before each season; if necessary, you can use detergents;
  • camouflage ability - ventilation and water supply communications, gas and electrical networks, fire safety and security systems, are perfectly hidden under the ceiling;
  • simple and easy installation without construction waste in a short time;
  • long service life - more than 50 years;
  • installation in any type of room with any humidity and temperature range from 10 to 400C;
  • affordable price;
  • possibility of self-installation.

Also, all tension structures have their own disadvantages:

  • a noticeable decrease in the ceiling level, which can vary from 20 mm or more;
  • stretched fabric is susceptible to mechanical damage, so you should give preference to those manufacturers who offer a more elastic fabric.

In addition, with this type of ceiling covering, you can use any lighting methods: conventional hanging chandeliers and lamps, built-in spotlights.

Advanced installation technologies, a wide selection of colors, illustrations and even photographs, texture and price gradient - all this allows us to safely call suspended ceilings a leader among ceiling structures. Also, to install a stretch ceiling, there is no need to remove furniture and make subsequent repairs - all work is completed quickly with a minimum of debris and dust.

Types of suspended ceiling structures, features

The information needed to choose between glossy and matte ceilings will not be complete if you do not consider the types of suspended ceilings. The main division, understandable to the common man, is carried out according to the type of fabric material:

  • PVC film;
  • textile fabric.

In the first case, a vinyl film is taken, which has a certain width. European manufacturers do not produce strips wider than 2.7 m, but Chinese manufacturers can, but here it is worth considering the price/quality ratio. Therefore, when creating a ceiling structure with a large width, it is necessary to “stitch” the canvases together. The seams look neat, and on the ceiling they are generally unnoticeable. The large selection of colors and textures is captivating - leather or velvet, for example, as well as a matte or glossy surface.

The second type of fabric is a polyester fabric that is impregnated with polyurethane. Their big advantage is their width up to 5.2 mm, which allows the installation of seamless ceilings. And for large areas, the canvas is glued together or interior design solutions are used to create multi-level ceilings or divide the room into zones. This fabric ceiling can only be made matte. Glossy ceilings simply cannot be made from textiles.

Matte stretch ceilings

Matte ceilings are considered a classic solution for interiors. It is very difficult to distinguish it from the usual painted or suspended ceilings with only one feature - they are perfectly smooth.

This ceiling can be used to decorate any interior in an apartment, office or workplace. A distinctive feature of the matte coating is the absence of any reflections or reflections, the usual distribution of lighting. In a room with such a ceiling, all attention will be paid to decorative and interior elements. Rooms with such premises “breathe” coziness and comfort, and in production and in the office, it is primarily important to have rigor and conservatism for fruitful work.

Matte canvases lend themselves perfectly to painting and applying drawings and images; techniques such as painting and airbrushing are often used to decorate ceiling structures made of matte film. Another special advantage is the large selection of textures - leather, velvet and other “noble” materials will look great in the interior. In addition, the texture can be rough, imitating an ordinary familiar ceiling, which will emphasize the owner’s conservatism, but the interior, in general, will not lose from this.

Main characteristics of a matte ceiling

The quality of the matte film and its features allow us to talk about features and characteristics that, in skillful hands, allow you to create unique interiors, combine functional areas and turn dull rooms into cozy rooms and comfortable corners for each family member.

The advantages of such ceilings are obvious, since matte film:

  • has high strength properties - density, elasticity and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • clearly conveys the color scheme and each shade;
  • allows you to perceive the style of the room without focusing on the ceiling;
  • great when using exclusive elements in design - for example, stucco molding will look great on a matte ceiling, which cannot be said about a glossy canvas.

Matte ceilings made from PVC film can be

  • seamless - sufficient width of the canvas allows you to create ideal surfaces;
  • withstand low temperatures - Siberian frosts are too much for them, but installed on a balcony or loggia, in a garage or in a factory, it will perform its functions perfectly for a long time;
  • cost the owner quite cheap compared to other materials.

The disadvantages of matte canvases include the fact that they cannot be used to “play” with lighting, diffuse it, or get the “starry sky” effect. It is better to use low-power spotlights and pendant chandeliers with arms down or to the sides.

When choosing an image or pattern for the ceiling, you need to weigh all the options. Since the suspended ceiling does not lose its characteristics for many years, it would not be advisable to change the canvas just because the image is boring or unpleasant.

The simplicity of matte ceilings allows you to create unusual interiors and fill any room with comfort. When choosing a matte finish for the ceiling, you can be sure that the end result will be a traditional, high-quality ceiling without frills.

Glossy stretch ceilings

Glossy stretch ceilings are in great demand when creating unusual and bright interiors. Such a ceiling will be distinguished by depth and expressiveness. This type of canvas focuses attention on the ceiling and attracts the eye.

Glossy canvas has its own advantages, which are based on the ability to reflect light from the surface:

  • The glossy surface attracts attention and is distinguished by special grace and splendor.
  • Increasing the height of the room - with the help of glossy film you can create rich and luxurious interiors, giving the room an additional feeling of free space.
  • Zoning the room - the width of the film sheet does not always allow for a seamless design, but combinations with matte sheets will cost less than multi-level ceilings, and the effect will be no less. This property is used when it is necessary to zone a room.
  • It is glossy film that is the main material for creating figured ceilings. Its reflective properties allow you to play with chiaroscuro and, with the right lighting, create simply fabulous interiors.
  • Volumetric reflection in such a plane visually increases not only the height of the room, but also the area of ​​the room. Designers call this technique the “mirror” effect or the “second floor” effect. Dark canvases have a more pronounced property of reflecting objects - depth appears at the ceiling, which gives the room a feeling of unreality.
  • Thanks to the wide selection of colors and shades, the rooms turn out elegant and stylish, and the lighting effect will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes.
  • Using lamps and chandeliers, they create inimitable ceiling compositions.

Despite the large selection of colors, making the right choice is very difficult. When choosing a glossy canvas to match the color of the walls, you can easily make a mistake and the shade of the ceiling will be different. Therefore, it is worth choosing lighter shades than those on the walls or using contrasting colors.

The only disadvantage of glossy canvases is their ability to ruin the entire room if handled ineptly; ill-thought-out design can detract from the advantages of any material. But in professional hands, a combination of glossy film and other materials can create a delightful effect of richness and comfort. In addition, the small width of the canvases, up to 2 meters, does not allow you to “fill” the entire ceiling in one piece, and the seams in the gloss are very visible. Therefore, it is worth turning to masters of their craft who will be able to take into account all the nuances - daylight and artificial lighting, room area, color scheme of the entire interior and other equally important details.

If you just need to visually enlarge the room, then it is better to use white gloss. This is the best way to increase the volume up to two times. They also use very light shades of canvas with a similar effect.

Characteristics of white glossy canvas

It’s better to take a closer look at the white glossy canvas. It has additional positive qualities and is suitable for most rooms:

  • the white canvas perfectly reflects light and does not distort the direction of lighting and real objects;
  • neutral coloring is suitable for most interiors and rooms of any size;
  • a white ceiling will create an effect of airiness and lightness and increase the space;
  • such decoration can imply both a solemn, majestic interior, and a conservative and strict one;
  • and finally, it is cheaper than all the color splendor.

It is worth noting another important point - glossy ceilings cannot withstand low temperatures, therefore they are only suitable for heated rooms. And the cost of such a ceiling exceeds the prices of matte canvases.


Now, having this information, every owner of a house, apartment or office will be able to independently navigate and give preference to matte or glossy canvas for furnishing any room. The main thing to remember is two principles:

  • If you want to get an original ceiling and visually enlarge the space, you should choose a glossy canvas.
  • The ceiling should be simple or not attract much attention, then you should choose matte stretch ceilings.

In interior design, everything comes down to accents, and walls and ceilings are the basis for creating a comfortable and functional room. Therefore, it is important to take into account the owner’s sense of proportion and taste.

When there is a choice between a glossy and matte stretch ceiling, it is useless to talk about the advantages of a stretch ceiling in general. Obviously, the person has already made a decision in favor of such a design. However, asking the question “is a matte or glossy stretch ceiling better?” not entirely correct. If one of the varieties had obvious advantages, then most likely the other would have left the market long ago. Therefore, we can only talk about the advantages of this or that type of ceiling covering in specific conditions.

Matte or glossy stretch ceiling: selection criteria

As we know, it is useless to argue about tastes, so personal preferences for someone may be a decisive factor. However, there are also objective criteria that you should rely on when choosing the type of stretch ceiling.

In particular, these include:

  • operating conditions (temperature and its possible changes, humidity, risk of leaks from above, contamination - dust, soot);
  • technical characteristics (strength, durability, transparency, safety, etc.)
  • features of the size and shape of the room;
  • general design style, purpose of the room;
  • aesthetic characteristics (seams, the possibility of obtaining different colors and textures);
  • the need to attach additional elements (lamps, fire alarm sensors).

Only by comparing all the conditions and characteristics can you choose the best suspended ceiling option for a room or apartment. Sometimes, even within the same apartment, different suspended ceilings are used in different rooms. When choosing, it won’t hurt to get advice from a designer, as well as recommendations from a specialist in suspended ceilings. There may be some factors that you haven't taken into account.

PVC stretch ceiling - glossy and matte

PVC film ceilings can be either matte or glossy. It is also possible to imitate any texture - leather, velvet, fabric, marble. Absolutely any colors – more than a hundred different shades – will satisfy the most sophisticated taste. It is from PVC that the “Starry Sky” shelves, so beloved by many, are made.

The technical characteristics of a PVC stretch ceiling, knowledge of which is required to make an informed decision, are, first of all, the width of the canvas. It is 2 m. If you need to close the b O larger area, then the sheets are welded with a special device. At the junction, a seam with a thickness of about 0.2 mm is formed - very thin, but can be noticeable to a close eye, especially on a glossy surface.

Otherwise, vinyl film is an almost ideal material: durable, non-flammable (thanks to special impregnations). Another advantage is that it does not absorb water or water vapor at all. This property makes it possible to install ceilings in bathrooms, where high humidity can adversely affect other materials. Moreover, PVC film is completely waterproof, so leakage from neighbors above or from the roof will not spoil the appearance of the room.

Prices for suspended ceilings

stretch ceiling

On a note! The density of the film is such that it can easily withstand the weight of water up to 100 liters per 10 square meters. Even a real flood from the top floor will not affect your apartment in any way!

But there are also limitations. Vinyl films do not tolerate both increased temperatures and decreased temperatures.. Therefore, when designing suspended ceilings, even the power of the installed lighting fixtures should be taken into account. Some of the lamps can heat up during prolonged use, and high temperatures can deform the stretch ceiling film. PVC ceilings are not installed in unheated rooms: balconies, loggias, garages, terraces. At temperatures below zero, the film can change its physical properties and become less elastic.

Another serious problem that threatens owners of PVC ceilings is mechanical damage. Despite its strength, the film is easily pierced by sharp objects. Any scratch during repairs, even during cleaning, will leave an unsightly gap on the surface of the ceiling. In this case, it is impossible to restore the canvas. It will have to be completely replaced.

If you are concerned about the price issue, then PVC film will cost slightly more than a fabric stretch ceiling. Therefore, for a matte ceiling, in order to save money, they often choose cheaper polyester.

Polyester stretch ceiling - only matte

Another common material option for stretch ceilings is polyester. It has a matte surface. In terms of technical characteristics, this fabric is no less durable than PVC. Polyester is not as moisture resistant, so it should not be used in bathrooms, for example. And it won’t protect against leaks on the ceiling. It may even become deformed.

But polyester is not very susceptible to temperature changes. Easily withstands short-term frosts. Therefore, it can be used to decorate the ceiling on an unheated terrace, in a summer house (unless, of course, there is a threat of frost below 30 degrees).

Prices for glossy stretch ceilings

glossy stretch ceiling

Dust-repellent impregnation helps to maintain cleanliness for a long time, and the color options are much wider than those of PVC film. You can use any photo compositions, landscapes, paintings. Want a ceiling painted like the Sistine Chapel? No problem! And the width of the source material allows you to avoid making joints and seams even in wide rooms. Finally, a stretch ceiling made of polyester is not so expensive, so you can save money on a matte ceiling.

Video - Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings

How does a matte or glossy ceiling affect the aesthetics of the room?

The first thing we pay attention to when choosing the decoration of a room is, of course, the appearance. Which ceiling is more beautiful: matte or glossy?

Matte ceiling has a more traditional appearance. If you make it white or choose a light pastel shade, then it is practically no different from plaster. Suitable for those who want to get a familiar effect and are not ready for design experiments. Older people will like it. It is believed to create a coziness effect, promote mental comfort, and a calm family atmosphere. As for the style, the matte ceiling is applicable in almost all styles close to the classic. Goes well with stucco and its imitation, columns and half-columns, arches, etc. Can be used both in huge halls and in small rooms.

Glossy ceiling reflects what is below, so it seems to add volume, increasing the space, adding “air”. Particularly good in large, low rooms. Gloss also creates interesting lighting effects. Reflections from windows and lighting fixtures add light to the room and make the color spots of the interior play out. Sometimes a glossy ceiling is made translucent by placing lighting fixtures behind it - and then the light turns out soft, diffused.

Prices for matte stretch ceilings

matte stretch ceiling

On a note! You can often hear the opinion that a glossy ceiling should not be used in the bedroom. However, for those who love the “zest” in a relationship, a glossy ceiling can replace a mirror above the bed, reflecting everything that happens and greatly enlivening married (and not only) life.

When using glossy ceilings in your design, keep in mind that their perceived color may change depending on the lighting. Therefore, the shade you choose may not exactly match the color of the walls. Do you have any doubts? It’s better to build your interior using contrasting solutions. Then small inaccuracies and light reflections will not be so critical.

By the way, about glare. Reflected light from sconces, TV, monitor can interfere and irritate your eyesight. Knowing this effect, it is better not to plan a glossy ceiling where several light sources will be used. Or calculate all possible lighting effects as accurately as possible (here you may need the help of a specialist).

Glossy or matte – psychology of perception

If we are talking about the design of a living space, then it is important not only to create a beautiful interior, but also to think about the well-being of the person who will live in this room. From the point of view of a feeling of security and comfort, of course, the traditional matte ceiling wins. It is perceived as more reliable. That is why this option is recommended in children's rooms and personal rooms of family members.

A glossy ceiling is perceived as a challenge. It gives the impression of pomp, sophistication, and solemnity. More suitable for the hall, living room. In a formal setting, glossy ceilings should also be approached with caution. For example, during negotiations, a reflection on the ceiling can reveal something that the interlocutors would like to hide. And the matte ceiling looks more solid. On the other hand, if the company's image requires emphasizing modernity, creativity - a glossy ceiling can cope with this.

When choosing a glossy or matte suspended ceiling with extreme images, be it a starry sky, the face of the Madonna or exotic patterns, take into account the high cost and service life of several decades. Are you sure that you want to admire such beauty every day for ten, twenty, thirty years? That your tastes will not change during this time?

Prices for fabric stretch ceilings

fabric stretch ceiling

How to wash it? Difficulties in cleaning

Issues of cleaning and maintaining cleanliness occupy, first of all, women. Indeed, we can only brush an ordinary whitewashed ceiling to remove cobwebs with a dry brush. But the whitewash is renewed at least once every few years. Stretch ceilings are usually sculpted to last for decades. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to clean it somehow? If we are talking about living rooms and normal operation, then the ceiling will rarely need to be cleaned. You can wipe it with a slightly damp cloth once every six months.

Any chemical detergents should be avoided to avoid damaging the fabric or film. Moreover, you should not use sharp objects.

Matte or glossy? From this point of view, of course, matte is simpler. There will be no streaks left on it. Glossy ones are more difficult to care for. The rag can leave streaks, which can be time-consuming and difficult to remove. Moreover, if access to the ceiling is limited by standing furniture or the ceiling is too high, you can’t even reach it from a stepladder. In such a situation, it is better to turn to professional cleaners.

On a note! When using a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, make sure you have a good, powerful hood above the stove. Removing soot, grease stains, and adhered greasy dust will be very problematic, regardless of whether the ceiling is glossy or matte.

Why glossy or matte? Compatible?

Sufficiently large rooms, where it is possible to install a multi-level ceiling, allow a harmonious combination of matte and glossy parts. The effect is unexpected and interesting. For example, you can make a three-tier ceiling. In the center is the highest matte part, possibly with exquisite painting. Further, a little lower, there is a glossy insert with lighting fixtures that reflect beautifully, enhancing the illumination. And around there is a matte ceiling with stucco. An original solution for the main hall.

Prices for stretch ceilings “Starry Sky”

stretch ceiling “Starry sky”

A small glossy insert in the center, where the chandelier is located, is acceptable in the room. Glare, shine, and the play of crystal are significantly enhanced by reflection. At the same time, the rest of the ceiling is traditionally matte, so there will be no feeling of an aquarium and the comfort of a small living room will not be disturbed.

Glossy or matte: the final choice

Now, for convenience, let’s summarize all the above facts in a table.

Table. Comparative characteristics of glossy and matte stretch ceilings.

IndexGlossy PVCMatte PVCMatte polyester
DurabilityWarranty 10-15 years.
Warranty 10-15 years.
Warranty 10-15 years.
Moisture resistanceDoes not allow water to pass through.Does not allow water to pass through.Absent.
Temperature resistanceLow.Low.Can be used in cold rooms.
Ability to create different texturesYes. Imitation leather, velvet, stone, etc.No.
Creation of drawings, paintingsPlain fabric.Plain fabric.Any.
TransparencyCan be made translucent.No.No.
Glare, reflectionYes.No.No.
Visual expansion of spaceYes.No.No.
Feeling of comfort, tranquilityProbably not.Yes.Yes.
Easy to clean with home remediesDivorces are possible.No problem, wipe with a damp cloth.Does not absorb dust, can be wiped once every six months.

From the table it is clear that the choice will relate not only to the appearance of the stretch ceiling, but also to the material of manufacture. Moreover, having chosen a matte ceiling, you can then determine which material is better suited for your conditions - PVC or polyester. If, from a design point of view, you settled on a glossy ceiling, you will have to use vinyl film in any case.

Video - Advantages of vinyl stretch ceilings

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