How to increase your chances of getting pregnant. How to increase the chances of conception? Increase the chance of conception for women

The fertile period is the time interval in the menstrual cycle, which is characterized by the most likely onset. Its duration is only 48 hours from the moment of ovulation - when the egg that left the egg "went to wander" through the woman's genital tract in anticipation of a meeting with the sperm.

It should be borne in mind that spermatozoa remain active and viable in the female body for 3-5 days. Thus, taking into account male and female factors, the duration of the fertile period is about 6-8 days.

To increase the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to determine the onset of ovulation. This can be done using tests that react to the presence of luteinizing hormone in the urine, as well as the basal temperature method. It usually occurs monthly, around the middle of the menstrual cycle, but this can depend on many individual factors.

What positions increase the chance of conception?

The choice of a position favorable for conception largely depends on the structural features of the woman's uterus. For example, with a bicornuate organ, it is recommended to lift the small pelvis up, and with an internal bend, lie on your stomach, leaning towards the bend, or take a knee-elbow position. Women whose cervix is ​​located just above the uterus are advised to take a position: the woman is on her back, the man is on top.

There is a main rule for everyone who wants to get pregnant - after ejaculation, you should not immediately get up, it is better to lie on your side for a while or take the “birch” position. This is done in order to eliminate the possibility of sperm leakage.

To achieve this goal, it is better not to have sex in a room that is too hot, filled with a bathtub or pool. It is also important that after intercourse, a woman refuses to use hygiene products that change the pH level in the vagina, which can harm sperm.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

According to representatives of the World Health Organization, a lack of zinc in the body can lead to problems with conception. Therefore, in the diet of a woman planning a pregnancy, seafood and meat must be present. In addition, it should completely eliminate the use of semi-finished products and other fast food products.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for successful conception and trouble-free pregnancy. Moderate exercise, as well as avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, will help achieve the desired result. In addition, a woman needs to protect herself from everything that causes negative emotions, and live in anticipation of meeting a little man.

A false impression is created that one unprotected intercourse is enough, and in a few days the girl will begin to experience all the delights of toxicosis. Such a development of events is possible in the cinema. In real life, for the onset of pregnancy, a number of factors must develop in a certain way. There are ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant, but they will not give a 100% guarantee for a happy motherhood.

What does successful conception depend on?

According to statistics, only 30% of unprotected intercourse ends in pregnancy. For artificial insemination, this amount is slightly higher and reaches 40%.

Conception is a complex mechanism that is regulated by the hormonal system. The rhythmic secretion of sex hormones comes first. There should be a clear division of the menstrual cycle into the follicular and luteal phases. It happens first. Then it bursts, and an egg emerges from it, ready for fertilization. This moment is called ovulation. In the luteal phase, the corpus luteum solos, which should prepare the endometrium for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

At first glance, everything is simple. But each stage can be interrupted for a variety of reasons, and this will not allow pregnancy to occur. The follicle will not burst - it will turn into an ovarian cyst, there will be no ready-made egg. If ovulation occurs, but the fallopian tubes are changed by adhesions, the meeting of the egg and sperm cannot occur. The very large corpus luteum is a cyst that also prevents normal gestation.

Many pathologies of other organs can affect fertilization. If a woman has hypofunction of the thyroid gland, then it is very difficult for her to become a mother. The following diseases are also important:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Any pathology of the reproductive organs can reduce all efforts to zero.

If fertilization is successful, this does not mean that pregnancy has occurred. The fertilized egg needs time to attach itself to the wall of the uterus while it is ready to receive it. There is a certain period of time, which is called the "implantation window". This is the time when functionally the endometrium is most prepared to meet with the embryo. If it does not happen, ordinary periods will begin in a few days.

Ways to influence conception

In a healthy woman, pregnancy should occur on its own, without additional influences. This requires several attempts, but there is always a chance to get pregnant the first time. There are methods that can help with this. These are non-specific techniques that work in some cases.

Calculate ovulation

If you know exactly the day of your ovulation, then you can accurately determine the timing when it is optimal to have intercourse. Pharmacies sell special ones, but you won’t resort to them daily. Therefore, you can increase the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation by measuring.

The countdown is from the first day of menstruation. Every morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. The data obtained is entered into the graph. In a month, you can evaluate the result. The moment of temperature rise approximately in the middle of the cycle is ovulation.

But the cycle can be uneven and sometimes go astray. Therefore, it is necessary to spend another month in measurements and compare the results.

Knowing the date of ovulation, you can purposefully have unprotected contact the day before. The first days of the post-ovulation period are also suitable. To increase the likelihood of getting pregnant on the day, it is not necessary to have sexual intercourse several times in a row. With each repeated ejaculation, the quality of sperm decreases. It begins to be a cocktail of seminal fluid and single spermatozoa.

Correcting nutrition

Nutrition determines overall health. Lack or excess of nutrients can disrupt the maturation of germ cells, worsen the quality of cervical mucus and make it unsuitable for sperm.

With proper nutrition, you can increase the likelihood of successful conception. It is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The food must be red meat and seafood. They contain essential amino acids that are essential for the body. These substances cannot be obtained from plant foods or synthesized independently.

Proper nutrition implies a large amount of vegetables and fruits, fiber. They help cleanse the intestines, help maintain normal peristalsis. Timely bowel movements help keep the uterus in the correct position. With constipation, fecal masses burst the rectum, it presses on the uterus and can disrupt its position. This condition is not conducive to conception.

Diet correction involves the rejection of drinks containing caffeine - coffee, tea, some carbonated drinks. Alcohol is also prohibited. It disrupts microcirculation, and its metabolic products poison the body. Scientists have calculated that drinking alcohol in the amount of 10 drinks per week reduces fertility by 50-60%. It is also associated with the work of the liver, in which the metabolism of waste hormones occurs.

We change the way of life

Quitting smoking also increases the chances of a "quick" pregnancy. This thesis applies not only to the expectant mother, but also to the spouse. In men, sperm is completely renewed within 2 months. Therefore, the highest quality sperm will appear 2 months after giving up a bad habit.

In women, smoking negatively affects the state of the eggs, reduces fertility by 2 times. In the body of a smoker, especially over 30 years old, blood clotting increases. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of microthrombi. Thrombosis of the endometrial vessels disrupts the nutrition of the uterine mucosa, the embryo simply will not find a place where it can attach itself. Or it will attach itself, but will not be able to provide food for itself and will die. After the age of 35, the chances of getting pregnant are more related to giving up this bad habit.

You also need to remember about sufficient physical activity, walks in the fresh air. It keeps all systems in good shape. Dosed physical exercises also affect the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Their microvilli move in the right direction - towards the uterus, and push the fetal egg there.

Adding vitamins

Vitamins are activators of biological processes in the body. Women have their own characteristics: certain substances are needed for each phase of the cycle. Vitamins that increase the likelihood of successful conception are taken on the days of the cycle. In the follicular phase from day 5 to day 14 of the cycle, vitamins B₆ and E are especially needed. They will help the endometrium to rebuild and the dominant follicle to mature.

The luteal phase lasts from 15 to 25 days. It needs vitamin C, B₁ and E, but the latter is doubled. These substances will help the endometrium build up the vessels that are necessary to nourish the embryo.

In preparation for pregnancy, vitamin E and folic acid must be taken daily for 2 months before the planned conception.

A trace element that increases fertility and the ability to conceive is zinc. Its norm for the normal functioning of the reproductive system is only 15 mg per day. Zinc is rich in peanuts, almonds, oysters, steak or chicken fillet.

We are psychologically tuned in

During stress, certain hormones are released that inhibit the reproductive system. This applies to both emotionally negative situations (distress) and positive ones (eustress). Any of them is a shake-up for the body.

Fertility is also affected by the very expectation of pregnancy. Some women, whose numerous attempts to have a child remain unsuccessful, fixate on this thought. Their whole life is built around the possibility of conception. This is also stress leading to. As soon as they let go of these thoughts, everything turns out by itself. Someone can cope with such a psychological problem on their own, and some need the help of a psychologist.

Additional ways

It is known that in China there is a ban on children. Married couples are not allowed to have more than one child, with the exception of natural multiple pregnancies. If you do not resort to reproductive technologies, then there is a way to increase the chances of conceiving twins.

Chinese women know about it and apply it successfully. The secret is in conventional birth control pills. If you take combined oral contraceptives for a short time - 2-3 months, then the ovaries have time to rest a bit. After the drug is discontinued at the first ovulation, a rebound effect occurs, or recoil. The ovaries are actively involved in the work, and even 2 eggs can mature in them.

For some patients with minor hormonal imbalances, gynecologists also recommend taking contraceptives for a short time, and then actively trying to get pregnant in the first month after stopping use.

Boy or girl?

The gender of the child depends on the father. It's all about the chromosome set. In women, the egg contains the X chromosome. In men, 50% of spermatozoa have X, and the second half have Y chromosomes. Which of them will be the first to be introduced into the egg, this sex of the child will be:

  • XX - girl;
  • HU is a boy.

It's almost impossible to influence it. But there is some unconfirmed scientific evidence. Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are more mobile, they have less weight due to the lack of one arm. But at the same time, they die faster. Their counterparts with the X chromosome are slower, but also tenacious.

You can get pregnant with a girl if you consider the following points:

  1. From long abstinence, some of the spermatozoa with the Y chromosome presumably die, leaving X, which carry the female sex.
  2. In the acidic environment of the vagina, the more mobile spermatozoa are also the first to die.
  3. It is necessary to increase the proportion of magnesium and calcium.

Bottom line: if you have intercourse infrequently, maintain a healthy vagina, and also eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium, you can increase the chances of conceiving a girl. Women are advised to consume more dairy products, cottage cheese. From fruits are recommended: grapefruit, lemon, watermelon, pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple.

If nothing helps...

You can try to get pregnant on your own for a year. The number of intercourse should not be too frequent. Enough 2-3 times a week.

If a long-awaited pregnancy has not occurred in a year, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor. It is possible that on the part of the husband or wife there are deviations in health. In this case, it is necessary. Be sure to determine the presence of sexual infections, check the hormonal background, the presence of ovulation. For men, a spermogram is required.

It is possible that there are diseases of the endocrine organs that prevent pregnancy. It is necessary to visit the therapist and the endocrinologist and to find out this question.

In many cases, a timely detected pathology can be treated. But sometimes the condition of the genitals does not allow pregnancy to occur naturally. Then there is nothing left but to resort to.

Do you want a baby, but all attempts are in vain? There are several recommendations that will help significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.

The right time to conceive

The most favorable period for conception is the day of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Ovulation mostly occurs in the middle of the cycle, about 14 days after the start of the last period. The basal temperature chart will help determine its onset. Measurements are taken every day in the morning without getting out of bed. An increase in rectal temperature indicates ovulation. Indicators increase by about 0.2-0.6 ° C a day after ovulation and remain elevated until the start of the next period.

You can determine the day of ovulation by changing the consistency of the lubricant (vaginal secretion) - it becomes more sticky. In addition, the amount of lubricant is increased.

Now in pharmacies you can buy special tests that determine ovulation.

What drugs interfere with getting pregnant the first time

If earlier the onset of pregnancy was regulated by hormonal contraceptives, they are canceled 3 months before the intended conception.

Anabolic steroids suppress the function of the pituitary gland and disrupt the hormonal background. Long-term use of steroids by men leads to disruptions in the endocrine system.

Taking vitamins for those who want to get pregnant

An alternative is foods rich in folic acid - fresh greens, cabbage, beets, carrots, beans, peas, bran, seeds and nuts, whole grains, potatoes in their skins.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant: lifestyle

Proper nutrition

A diet enriched with vitamins is the key to a healthy body. First of all, coffee and drinks containing caffeine should be excluded from the menu, as this substance reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

It is recommended to give up salty, smoked, fried, sweets in large quantities for a while, limit foods containing preservatives. An increase in blood sugar provokes the production of adrenaline, a hormone that “attacks” progesterone. The latter, in turn, regulates the release of lubrication and prepares the uterus for conception.

The menu increases the amount of fresh fruits, foods rich in folic acid. It is recommended to increase the amount of animal proteins in the menu, for example, cook more dishes from chicken, beef.

For 3 months, completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages.


Both partners need to take care of their physical form. This is especially recommended for women. Shaping, dancing, swimming, yoga, a variety of physical exercises - all this strengthens the muscles and prepares the body for pregnancy and childbirth. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the back and abdominals. The latter supports during gestation and childbirth, and the back - after the appearance of the baby.

The chance to conceive a child increases if you go outside every day, go out of town more often.

Loads should be moderate, since you can achieve the exact opposite effect - to deplete the body.

It happens that loads lead to irregular menstruation or their cessation. In this case, you need to temporarily reduce the pace and rhythm of classes, but you should not abandon them altogether.

Sex life and successful poses that help get pregnant

You don't have to have sex every day for the week before and after ovulation to get pregnant. Scientific studies confirm that men who have an intense sex life have low spermograms - spermatogenesis does not have time to recover.

You don't have to have sex every day. Enough to do it every other day. It must be remembered that sperm is active 72 hours after ejaculation.

The most favorable positions are “missionary” and knee-elbow positions for a woman (a man is on top and behind, respectively). The chance of getting pregnant increases if you lie down for a while after sex, raising your pelvis.

Before sex, it is not advisable to be zealous with the toilet - use products that can change the acidity of the vaginal lubricant. Douching is strictly prohibited. Enough traditional hygiene procedures. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa are very sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment where they enter. Also, do not use synthetic lubricants.

Before getting pregnant: preparing for conception

If the family is planning a child, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for conception and the course of pregnancy. During the bearing of the baby, the body is subjected to higher loads, so ailments that did not bother before can become more active. Some diseases can affect the weak points of the body. It is necessary to make sure that by the time of conception the woman is as healthy as possible.

To increase the chance of getting pregnant, you need to visit doctors of several specialties, pass a series of tests and get vaccinated - these are necessary conditions, since even the most banal diseases can affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

Doctors help you get pregnant

To increase the chances of getting pregnant, both partners should first see a therapist. Prenatal counseling helps to detect diseases that future parents are sometimes not even aware of. This will cure the disease or take into account its presence during pregnancy. Doctors, knowing about pathologies, will be able to minimize the risks associated with toxicosis, edema and other unpleasant phenomena. In addition, they will be able to prevent the threat of miscarriage caused by a certain disease.

If a woman has a serious illness, for example, epilepsy or diabetes, then she definitely needs to consult a specialist. He may suggest other treatments/controls for the disease. This is due to the fact that some drugs are harmful to the fetus and can prevent conception.

Before getting pregnant, it is worth visiting a dentist. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to take an x-ray, which is prohibited for expectant mothers. In addition, bad teeth are a hotbed of infections, which is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman to face.

You can get pregnant the first time and give birth to a baby even with serious vision problems. The only thing that a doctor can forbid is to give birth naturally. That is why you should first visit an ophthalmologist.

In the presence of genetic diseases, you need to visit a geneticist. Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to get pregnant precisely because of the presence of such pathologies. In addition, the geneticist will determine the degree of risk in the presence of hereditary pathologies.

Get tested and vaccinated

Traditional tests are mandatory: blood, urine, feces. During preparation, vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed. Iron-containing preparations are often prescribed along with folic acid to avoid anemia during gestation. Saturation of the body with useful substances increases the chances of getting pregnant.

If a woman has not had rubella, you need to be tested for immunity to this disease. If the result is negative, it is worth getting vaccinated. Rubella during gestation increases the risk of fetal defects. After vaccination, doctors allow you to get pregnant only after 3 months.

Why can't you get pregnant the first time?

The problem can be caused by several reasons that differ significantly from each other.

It is worth highlighting a few main ones:

  1. Lack or complete absence of spermatozoa in semen, as well as lethargy of those;
  2. Problems with ovulation, its absence, pathologies of the genital organs, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  3. Hormonal incompatibility of specific partners.

Pregnancy is a big decision in the life of a married couple. The more carefully the process is planned, the more successfully the pregnancy will go. When a girl wants to become a mother as quickly as possible, she needs to understand the main aspects of the preparatory period. It is important to be informed about menstruation, ovulation, conception. It does not hurt to know what happens in the uterus at different stages: before pregnancy and immediately after the conception of a child. Such a block of knowledge serves as the main brick during the period when it is impossible to get pregnant. In the meantime, those who want to become mothers get acquainted with the information, let's look at possible secrets and tips: how to increase the chances of getting pregnant and how to do it quickly.

Let's go from simple to complex. First, let's look at general recommendations that can increase the chances of getting pregnant. These include the use of folk secrets, unobtrusive advice and instructions from specialists.

General recommendations:
1. Eliminate the presence of bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine directly affect the inability to conceive. With regular consumption of “harmful things”, the chances of conceiving a child are reduced at lightning speed. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, be sure to make adjustments to your lifestyle.

2. Bring vitamins in the body back to normal. Often a girl lacks a number of vitamins in order to conceive and bear a child. Of course, you should consult with a specialist, pass a series of tests. Most people on the planet have been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, on which the normal course of many processes in the human body depends. The amount of vitamin D increases the chances of conception.

3. Have sex regularly and laugh as often as possible. If you combine the processes, you get an explosive force. Symbiosis of hormonal surges. Sex at least three times a week is the main path to success. Laughter is a reinforcer. If you can’t have sex always and everywhere, then laughter has no problem with it. An infectious smile increases the chances of a successful pregnancy at times.

4. Nutrition should be balanced. Increasing the likelihood of conceiving a child precisely depends on the diet of a couple who wants to become parents. This has been verified by folk wisdom. If the family eats right, then the appearance of a boy, girl, twins or twins is not far off. Change your diet for the better as soon as possible and get ready to conceive a child.

Features of the menstrual cycle: how to get pregnant 100 percent

To get pregnant with a 100 guarantee, or at least come close to it. The girl needs to understand the features of the menstrual cycle. Naturally, she knows when her period should come and what ovulation is. However, the cycle has its own nuances that should be paid attention to if the goal is to conceive naturally.

The most fruitful moments for conceiving a child: a couple of days before the maturation of the egg, on the day of its release and all day after ovulation. The egg and sperm can find each other and fuse together within 24 hours. Such a program of interaction between ovulation and conception should be remembered every month if there is a desire to become pregnant.

How to quickly get pregnant after menstruation? In this matter, it should be remembered that after menstruation, the next release of the egg on the stage, that is, ovulation, occurs in 7-20 days. Each girl has individual characteristics in the cycle. Therefore, you should accurately calculate the favorable days for conception on your own. You can also use pharmacy test strips or seek help from a doctor. He makes an ultrasound and determines the likelihood of a possible conception of a child in the near future. Folk methods include attention to your secretions. When ovulation approaches, the mucus from the vagina takes on a viscous texture. Thus, you can calculate the day of the release of the egg and mark it in your menstrual calendar.

In those cases when a girl with ovulation figured out and followed all the recommendations, but it did not work out to get pregnant. You should not despair, in a month the body will gain strength, a new ovulation will come, the egg will ripen for fertilization.

How to get pregnant fast. 7 secrets: folk remedies

Folk remedies can be called all the secrets of conception that have been proven over the years. The menstrual cycle is, of course, the head of everything. However, do not forget about other issues. The likelihood of conceiving a child depends on a number of important points:

  1. Future parents must undergo a medical examination. If a couple comes to the doctor and asks the question: how to get pregnant? The specialist will give a clear answer: start with a complete examination. This is the first thing a family must do before the conscious birth of a child. This procedure will greatly facilitate the task. If certain deviations are found during the check, there will be no need to puzzle over why there were problems with conception.
  2. A healthy lifestyle is important. Without proper nutrition, regular physical activity, active walks in the fresh air, the absence of bad habits and other joys of the owner of a healthy body and spirit, conception is indispensable. In addition, future children: a boy, a girl, twins, want to see healthy parents and take an example from them.
  3. Medications. During the period of trying to get pregnant, the girl, together with the doctor, should review the entire range of drugs that she consumes systematically or periodically. Some medications and ovulation with conception are simply not compatible.
  4. Bring more sex into your life. Throw aside probabilities, calculations, ovulation, menstruation. At least for a while. Just enjoy the process. Pleasure without too much thought can lead to the realization of the goal.
  5. A stress-free state will help increase the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy. The less worries, the better. The body reacts to them with failures.
  6. Recommendations for herbs, decoctions and tinctures can be found in various sources, ask friends who managed to get pregnant in this way. However, it should be remembered that in order not to harm your health, it is correct and reasonable to take both medications and folk remedies, you need to consult a specialist.
  7. Treat yourself and love. Love is born from love. The more care an adult boy, a future dad, will show about an adult girl, a future mother, the more likely the birth of children.

Conception problems: how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent

How to get pregnant if it doesn’t work and there is a reason for that - the bend of the uterus. A common diagnosis that can be dealt with. The following factors act as provocateurs: weight lifting, untreated inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and intestines, endometriosis. Symptoms often appear during intercourse, accompanied by pain. This is the first call to visit the gynecologist. The doctor examines the uterus and makes a verdict. With a strong bend, the moment of conception is in question. Since the uterus does not accept sperm due to the bend. This diagnosis is treatable. First, the root cause is eliminated, and then the struggle with the effect begins.

Actively in this process help: a course of physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic exercises.

Get pregnant on order: a girl, a boy, twins or twins

How to get pregnant with a girl? To conceive a girl, you must first familiarize yourself with the Chinese calendar and Japanese tables. With their help and with knowledge of the ovulation period, a favorable day is calculated for the conception of a girl. You can also “get” a girl by renewing her blood. In women, blood is renewed every 4 years, and in men every 3. If at the time of conception the blood of the future mother turned out to be younger, then a girl will be born. The popular recommendation is diet. To give birth to a girl, you need to eat a fairly wide range of foods: from fish and cottage cheese to fruits and honey.

How to get pregnant with a boy? Similarly, as for the conception of a girl, if you want to give birth to a boy, you should refer to the existing ancient tables and know the days of your ovulation. The boy can be calculated according to the lunar calendar and the mother's age calendar. The Germans generally suggested that girls put less stress on their bodies, not worry about trifles, and then the boy himself would want to be born. And the Italians made an observation, it turns out that boys are born more often in plump women, and girls, on the contrary, in thin women. You can also give birth to a boy by eating red meat, but this is more a popular forecast than a scientific fact. They also say that in order for boys to be born in a family, sex should be done only at night.

If there is no genetic predisposition in the family for the birth of twins or twins, then you will have to look for ways to independently implement the double plan in life. Doctors give their easy recommendations. For example, eat more walnuts, quail eggs, germinated wheat grains.

Folk advice for fertilization with twins is as follows: conception in the summer, food - meat products. From a scientific point of view, twins or twins are more likely to conceive women at the age of 35, when the birth is not the first, and the menstrual cycle is on the 20-22nd day. So, the secret of how to get pregnant with twins or twins is revealed.

Conclusion: how to get pregnant fast

1. The main thing for any conception of a child, fast or not fast, is the health of the parents. No bad habits. Balanced and clean nutrition. Regular physical activity. Less stress, more smiles.

2. How to get pregnant the first time and quickly? A proven means of rapid pregnancy with confidence can be called the calculation of ovulation according to the menstrual cycle.

3. For quick conception, you need to have sex often. At least three times a week. Don't forget about ovulation.

4. How you can get pregnant “by order”: conception of girls, boys, twins, twins. You need to pay attention to the Chinese and lunar calendar, Japanese tables, folk signs and expert advice.

5. In order to get pregnant quickly, but at the same time fully bear the unborn child, it is important for parents to undergo an examination of the body before conception. To detect problems in time and overcome them.

Watch the video in which the gynecologist answers our most bizarre questions:

Planning a child is one of the important stages in the life of married couples, but even with a strong desire and following all the doctor's recommendations, not everything always goes according to plan. You need to prepare for planning a child far before conception, but many people rush time and look for ways to get pregnant quickly. For some, the process of conception occurs quite quickly, while others try more than once to give birth to a new life, but to no avail. There are plenty of reasons for the unsuccessful conception of a child, all of them can be of a psychological, physiological or pathological nature and are hidden in both the female and male bodies.

According to medical indicators, almost every 5th married couple faces the problem of conception. It is possible to talk about the possible infertility of one or two sexual partners only in cases where pregnancy does not occur after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. In such cases, the only right decision will be to contact a doctor who will not only be able to identify the cause of fertility, but also give useful recommendations, and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary treatment. In some cases, to increase the chances of pregnancy, it is enough to calculate the favorable time and change your lifestyle. But if, despite all efforts, pregnancy does not occur, do not despair, because there are many ways for successful conception that can increase the chance of pregnancy.

Proven ways to successfully conceive

If nothing happens when trying to conceive a child, do not despair! Try several ways that are time-tested and increase the chance of successfully getting pregnant by 60%.

Determination of the ovulation period

To increase the likelihood of conception will help determine ovulation. A woman should keep a calendar of menstruation, in which she will mark the most favorable period for conception. The highest chance of getting pregnant comes in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, 2 weeks after the first day of menstruation.

An accurate method for determining ovulation will be the measurement of basal temperature. You need to change the basal temperature in the morning, before getting out of bed. Temperature readings should be recorded daily. If the basal temperature is 37 - 37.4 degrees, then ovulation has come. In cases where such a temperature lasts for several days or weeks, a frowning pregnancy is more likely.

To give up smoking

If both sexual partners smoke, it is quite difficult to conceive a child, because cigarettes, like cigarette smoke, contain a large amount of harmful substances that have a negative effect on the reproductive system of women and reduce the quality of sperm. For some, quitting smoking is unrealistic, but you can significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, thereby increasing the chance of conception. You should also avoid smoking areas.

Maintain normal weight

Doctors are sure that in order to successfully conceive a child, you need to control your weight. People who have an excessive amount of adipose tissue suffer from an imbalance of hormones. To conceive a child, the weight of one of the partners must not exceed the norm by more than 30%. If a person is excessively thin, it is also difficult for him to get pregnant, but in such cases it is necessary that the weight increase by at least 3-5 kg. 4. Proper nutrition and living conditions The ability to conceive is affected not only by bad habits, but also by nutrition. If you want to get pregnant, you should refuse or reduce the intake of fatty, spicy and fried foods. The diet should contain only healthy and natural products that can provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

To increase sperm quality and sperm motility, men need to take ascorbic acid at the rate of 1000 mg per day for 7 days. Taking vitamin C allows you to increase the number of spermatozoa by 1.5 times. Women are advised to take folic acid 1 tablet 3 times a day for 1 month. Folic acid helps to regulate the level of female sex hormones.

The probability of conception can be increased if you eat foods rich in vitamin E daily: parsley, potatoes, rye bread, nuts, bananas, wheat germ, butter, vegetable oil. Also useful are those foods that contain a sufficient amount of selenium: eggs, garlic, brown rice, coconut, wheat germ.

Behavior during sex

Sexual relations should bring satisfaction to both sexual partners, but if you want to get pregnant, a woman should get more pleasure from sexual intercourse. During the period of orgasm, physiological changes occur in the cervix, which will allow the spermatozoa to quickly enter their destination. Some experts are sure that in order for conception to be successful, a woman should get an orgasm a little later than a man.

Psychological comfort

For successful conception, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is considered important. Constant stress, physical and mental fatigue do not allow women to fully relax and set themselves up for a successful sexual intercourse. During the planning period of pregnancy, you need to protect yourself from any factors that may negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Rest and a full 8-hour sleep are also considered important.

Position after intercourse

Some women believe that in order to get pregnant, you need to lie with your legs up for 30 minutes after unprotected intercourse. The effectiveness of this method has not been scientifically proven. There are other ways to get pregnant, but it is difficult to answer which is better, because in order to achieve success, all points must be observed for both a man and a woman.

Doctors are sure that by observing the above points, you can double the likelihood of pregnancy. No need to despair if after the first attempts nothing works. The main thing is patience and optimism! If you can’t get pregnant for a long period, you should definitely contact specialists who, after the results of examinations of both sexual partners, will be able to identify the cause, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment and give useful professional advice.

Folk ways for successful conception

Many women, in order to increase the possibility of getting pregnant, turn to traditional medicine, which during its existence has collected quite a few recipes with which you can increase the chance of conception. Folk methods consist of taking various decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, which, according to alternative medicine doctors, can not only cure many female diseases, but also increase the chances of successful conception.

Recipe number 1. To prepare the decoction, you will need 1 tbsp of boron uterus flowers, which you need to pour 0.5 liters. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and take 50 mils 2 times a day.

Recipe number 2. A decoction of the red brush. In the process of preparing the decoction, you will need 1 tablespoon of red brush grass, pour 0.5 liters. boiling water, insist, strain and take 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day for 1 month. Then you can take a break for 1 month and extend the reception. This decoction well stimulates the reproductive system, allows you to increase the chance of conception.

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