About sandwiches with red caviar. Sandwiches with red caviar - the best recipes. How to quickly and deliciously prepare sandwiches with red caviar Canned fish sandwich in the oven

Option No. 1. Design of sandwiches with red caviar and cream cheese

If you need to make a lot of sandwiches, but you only have one jar of red caviar, you can shift the emphasis to cream cheese and decorate everything beautifully. This cheese has a “noble” taste, it is quite worthy to be side by side with red caviar.

Rye bread is not suitable for the base of sandwiches; you need wheat baguettes or loaves with a delicate crumb and a crispy crust. The creamy caviar filling suits profiteroles made from choux pastry and tiny puff pastries. Sandwiches made from cheese and caviar can be made “cracker”, but you should look for cookies that are crumbly and thick.

Beautifully decorated sandwiches with red caviar can be made from French loaf or similar oblong buns. The crispy sesame shell of the buns will add originality to the dish. The taste of cream cheese should be neutral without harsh flavoring additives; sour and spicy cheeses do not go well with red caviar.

The bun is cut into centimeter-sized pieces; you should not cut it diagonally, such sandwiches look worse, and besides, it is difficult to spread butter on their edges when decorating.

Dill leaves are chopped very finely, the stems are not used. Dill is an ideal herb for decorating caviar sandwiches. Parsley and cilantro are overly spicy and will dominate the flavor in this dish, so it’s best not to use them.

The crust of each piece is greased with soft butter, then the bun circle is “rolled” over a plate with chopped dill. Dill edgings decorate sandwiches and highlight the taste of caviar.

Place the cream cheese in a cooking bag and attach a nozzle with a small shaped hole. Squeeze out cheese in the form of flowers or pyramids. Cream cheese holds its shape perfectly, it will not flow or melt. The middle of the sandwiches is not greased with butter or cheese.

A little red caviar is placed in the center of each sandwich. You will get delicious cheese daisies with a red caviar center. In such sandwiches, dense, fine-grained caviar is usually used for decoration.

Sandwiches are immediately served to the table. Caviar cannot be stored for a long time without a jar. Different varieties of red caviar behave differently: some eggs dry out and become chapped, others become deformed and “melt”, and the bread is soaked with caviar liquid. If you need to make quick sandwiches, carefully mix the caviar with cream cheese and spread it on bread.

Option No. 2 “Goldfish”

Cut two pieces from a wheat oval loaf.

Each slice will be a separate fish. Two corners are cut off on one side of the slice so that the bread looks like the body of a fish. And from the cut off corners you will get a tail.

The fish's body and tail are smeared with butter. The eyes are pieces of olives, the pupils are red eggs.

Red caviar is spread with a teaspoon, imitating the striped pattern on fish scales.

The olive is cut into small strips and a pattern is laid out along the upper contour of the fish.

Green onion feathers are cut into cubes and decorated with fish belly. Several dill stems are laid on fish tails. A couple of sprigs of dill and a few stalks of green onions are used to recreate benthic vegetation.

Large whole olives are laid out here and there.

Design option No. 3 “Forest mushrooms”

The sides of the bread slices are cut off to form mushroom caps.

The cut corners are folded in pairs, forming thick mushroom legs.

The hats are greased with butter. Thin strips of blue onions are laid along the edge of each cap, imitating the plates under the caps. The legs are also greased with oil and sprinkled with dill.

When decorating, mushrooms should be placed at different levels to make the composition more natural. Mushroom caps are completely filled with red caviar, distributing it in an even thin layer. In the mushroom meadow they “grow” herbs such as dill and berries such as olives. Green onions are finely chopped and used to decorate sandwiches with red caviar: sprinkle on the seam connecting the cap and the stem, emphasizing the line of the plates under the caps.

Wild mushrooms look very appetizing. If you want to make small mushrooms, you can “stamp” them by squeezing them out of the bread crumb using a shortbread mold.

Option No. 4 Design of sandwiches with red caviar for children - “Red Dog”

Animal sandwiches should interest the child, be funny and resemble soft toys. You should abandon the realism of the image, giving preference to simplification of features and stylization. The corners of a white slice of bread are cut off. The resulting trapezoid of irregular shape is the future head.

The lower part of the muzzle is cut out of black bread. In this case, a butterfly mold is used. But instead, you can cut out a heart or a regular circle. The base of the head is evenly covered with butter, and a cut out butterfly is placed in the center.

The eyes and nose are like olives, the pointed ears are like the corners of a black bread slice. The sandwich toy is decorated with red caviar; the grains are distributed unevenly on the ears.

To make the eyes expressive, olive rings are filled with butter, and a small olive slice-pupil is placed on top. A slice of white bread will become the body, pieces of black bread will become the legs.

The body is greased with butter, then red caviar is laid out. Pieces of olives are laid out in rows on the neck of the toy, and rings on the paws. The New Year's red toy dog ​​should sit in the “spruce thickets” of dill and lettuce.

Any festive or New Year's table will look richer and more elegant if it is decorated with sandwiches with red caviar. We have prepared a selection for you in which we will tell you what sandwiches you can make, how to decorate them and how to serve them. will make your table even more festive and rich.

Let's start with the simplest version, in which we use only bread and caviar.

Simple sandwiches with red caviar

For these sandwiches you only need fresh, delicious white bread or loaf and caviar. A couple of sprigs of greenery will be needed for decoration.

Cut the loaf or baguette into pieces and carefully spread with red caviar. Decorate each sandwich with a parsley leaf or a sprig of dill.

We serve an excellent appetizer to the table.

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter

Cut the white loaf into pieces. Grease each one with butter. Then add a layer of red caviar. Decorate with greens.

You can make mini sandwiches and put them on a skewer to create canapés with red caviar. You can also not just slice the bread, but cut it into shapes, for example in the form of circles or stars. Such sandwiches will look more beautiful and appetizing.

For Valentine's Day, you can make festive sandwiches on which you place caviar in the shape of a heart. Romantic breakfast is ready!

Or this option in the form of hearts.

Festive sandwiches with red caviar

For the holiday table, you can make an original appetizer in the form of sandwiches with caviar, lemon and olives.

To do this, grease white or black bread with butter, mayonnaise or a ready-made sandwich mixture, and put caviar on top. Decorate with a skewer of lemon and olives as shown in the photo. Finally, a sprig of dill or a leaf of parsley.

Another design option for sandwiches. Grease the loaf pieces with butter. Place caviar on half of the sandwich and a slice of fresh lemon on the other. Place a rolled piece of lettuce or cucumber on the edge. Decorate with a fresh sprig of dill.

Another design option, with black olives and a slice of lemon.

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Sandwiches with red caviar and egg

Sandwiches with red caviar and a boiled egg will fit perfectly both for breakfast and on a festive or New Year's table. Place them on lettuce leaves for a great holiday appetizer.

Another original version of holiday sandwiches. Grease the baguette pieces with butter, put a circle of boiled egg on half, on which we put a little caviar. Place greens (dill, parsley, watercress) on the second half of the bread.

Toasts with red caviar

To prepare sandwiches for the holiday table, you can use not only loaves, but also croutons. Fried bread will be crispier and tastier.

Fry white baguette or loaf in butter on both sides, cool. Grease with oil and add some red caviar. Garnish with a slice of lemon and herbs. Toasts with caviar are ready. Serve on the New Year's table.

Avocado sandwiches

You can also make original sandwiches with avocado and red caviar. Grease slices of black or white bread with mayonnaise, place caviar on half of the slice, and avocado slices on the other half. Garnish with any greenery.

Sandwich with red caviar and cucumber

Spread a piece of bread or loaf with mayonnaise, put a thin circle of fresh cucumber, put caviar on it and decorate with a sprig or parsley leaf.

Sandwich with caviar on a cracker

You can also use crackers instead of bread. Spread butter or mayonnaise on it. Then add a little caviar and decorate with any greenery. These sandwiches look very original, compact and of course delicious!

Sandwiches with red fish and caviar

Original canapés with red fish and red caviar can be made for the New Year's table. To do this you will need a wooden skewer or toothpick. put pieces of red fish on a piece of bread, grease with mayonnaise, then put a slice of lemon, on which we put a little red caviar and string the whole structure onto a skewer. Decorate with greens.

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Sandwiches with red caviar - general principles of preparation

Sandwiches with red caviar are not only a very tasty appetizer, but also an excellent decoration for the holiday table. A classic sandwich with red caviar is a combination of a loaf, butter and caviar itself. The appetizer is often decorated with herbs and lemon slices. Sandwiches with red caviar are an elegant and laconic treat, but at the same time very simple to prepare. For preparation, loaf or white bread is most often used. Red caviar has a rich, rich taste and is good on its own, so it is rarely combined with other products.

However, some recipes suggest going a little beyond the usual red caviar sandwich and making a luxurious appetizer with additional ingredients. Red fish, delicate cream cheese, egg, greens, lettuce, lemon, curd cheese, shrimp and avocado - this is, perhaps, the entire list of products with which red caviar is combined. And then, the last component is used mainly as decoration.

By the way, it is thanks to the unusual design that you can turn simple sandwiches into a small masterpiece. For example, you can cut out different shapes from pieces of bread (triangles, hearts, diamonds, etc.), generously coat the side parts with butter and roll in chopped herbs. The top of the bread is also coated with butter, then the caviar itself is laid out. This snack looks very beautiful and elegant! You don’t have to spread the butter, but squeeze it out in the form of a rose (or a wave along the entire edge of the sandwich) with a pastry syringe. Nearby you need to put a pile of caviar and a few leaves of fresh parsley. Same ingredients, but looks completely different.

Sandwiches with red caviar - preparing food and utensils

To make sandwiches with red caviar, you will need a knife, a cutting board and a can opener (to open the can). You may also need a frying pan, as some recipes call for the bread to be slightly browned.

Preparing ingredients for sandwiches with red caviar is essentially preparing an appetizer. The bread needs to be sliced, the herbs chopped. The butter should be soft, as cold butter will not spread on the bread. Therefore, you need to remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance.

Recipes for sandwiches with red caviar:

Recipe 1: Sandwiches with red caviar

Everyone's favorite classic is the combination of delicate butter with salty red caviar. Caviar on a simple piece of bread may seem rough, so sandwiches with red caviar are usually made with butter.

Required ingredients:

  • Loaf;
  • A jar of red caviar;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

Cut the loaf into thin, even slices. Gently spread the softened butter onto each piece of bread. Open a jar of red caviar and spread each piece with butter in an even layer. If desired, you can decorate sandwiches with red caviar with a sprig of parsley or a slice of lemon. If time permits, you can cut out figures from bread (hearts, stars, diamonds, etc.). This appetizer will look much more elegant on the holiday table.

Recipe 2: Sandwiches with red caviar and curd cheese

This recipe invites housewives to move away from the classic method of preparing sandwiches with red caviar and experiment a little. Surprise your guests and loved ones with an original appetizer with cottage cheese, red caviar and shrimp.

Required ingredients:

  • Half a jar of red caviar;
  • Curd cheese - 100 g;
  • 10 slices of loaf;
  • 10 peeled shrimp;
  • Fresh dill;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

Cook the shrimp for about 2 minutes in boiling water, drain in a colander, and cool. Finely chop the dill. Cut circles from each slice of loaf. Lightly brown in a frying pan. Coat the sides with soft butter and roll in chopped dill. Top each sandwich with a little cream cheese and spread evenly. Place red caviar and 1 shrimp on top.

Recipe 3: Sandwiches with red caviar and fish

Red fish is one of the few ingredients with which red caviar is combined. To prepare sandwiches with red caviar and fish, you can use lightly salted salmon or trout. The fish should not be too salty, otherwise the sandwiches will simply be too salty.

Required ingredients:

  • Lightly salted salmon or trout - 200 g;
  • Red caviar - 150 g;
  • White bread;
  • Fresh dill;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

Cut thin square slices without crusts from white bread. Grease half of all the resulting loaves with butter. Place a slice of fish on each piece. Grease the second half of the bread with butter on both sides. Place the spread bread on the fish. Chop the dill and sprinkle it on the sandwiches. Place red caviar on top.

Sandwiches with red caviar - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

— Sandwiches with red caviar can be made not on bread, but with special small tartlets. It turns out no less tasty and beautiful;

— Sandwiches with red caviar can be decorated with whipped cream cheese;

— If regular white bread is used for cooking, it is better to cut off the hard crusts;

— In some recipes for sandwiches with red caviar, the bread is first slightly browned in a frying pan.

Red caviar may be considered a delicacy, but sandwiches with caviar have long become a classic. Think for yourself what appetizer can decorate a holiday table better than this dish? Moreover, preparing such a snack is not at all difficult, and if you show a little imagination, you will also get a very beautifully designed composition.


Classic sandwich with red caviar


Loaf (any bread will do) -1 pc.
Caviar – 200g.
Butter – 100g
Greens – optional, a few sprigs of dill or parsley for decoration.


To be honest, I can’t even call it a recipe and I can hardly believe that there are people in the world who are not able to spread butter and caviar on bread on their own, but since I decided to write about sandwiches with caviar, I can’t do without the classics.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices; if you cut it thicker, the bread will interrupt the taste of caviar and you will have to add much more of it. If you cut it into very thin slices, it will be difficult to spread butter, and eating such sandwiches is not convenient, they will fall apart in your hands.

2. Spread each slice with butter, it’s a matter of taste, butter adds tenderness and goes well with the salty taste of caviar.

3. Place caviar on our blanks. Again, it all comes down to budget and personal preferences; I personally like sandwiches with a thin layer of caviar, but my daughter, on the contrary, is ready to eat it with spoons. Although some friends pay special attention to the thickness of the layer, in their opinion, if the owner “threw a couple of eggs” - this is a sign of stinginess. In this case, you can prepare tartlets; they are much smaller in size and with the same consumption of caviar, we will visually get a much larger snack.


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Cream cheese (or sour cream) – 100 gr.
Red caviar -200 gr.
Greens (dill, parsley) – to taste, for decoration.
These sandwiches perfectly combine the flavors of fresh cucumbers, soft cream cheese and salted caviar. They are perfect for decorating a holiday table, because... their taste is different from the classic recipe.


1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. Spread cream cheese on each slice, or spread sour cream in a thin layer.

3. Cut fresh cucumbers into approximately 5mm slices.

4. Place the cucumbers on top of the melted cheese.

5. Add caviar in the same quantity as in the classic recipe.

6. Finally, decorate with fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with red caviar and egg


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Butter – 100g.
Chicken egg (quail eggs) – 3 pcs.
Red caviar – 150g.
Dill, parsley – if you want to decorate sandwiches, greens won’t hurt.


The recipe is very simple, but there are different versions. Many of my friends believe that mayonnaise goes better with eggs than butter. By replacing just one ingredient, you get a completely different taste, not bad at all, but I prefer the classic. In any case, this snack is very high in calories, you should not abuse it.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. We cut the slices in half, this makes it much more convenient to eat. If you put two slices of egg with caviar on one piece of bread, then “golden hands” will definitely be found and our treat will end up on the floor or on festive pants.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Cleaning. Remove the yolk.

4. If desired, mix the yolk with butter until smooth. In my opinion, the most delicious sandwiches are made when the mixture of butter and yolk also contains finely chopped dill.

5. Spread butter (or our yellow mixture) on each slice. (Lovers of richer snacks can spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the bread).
6. Cut the egg white into 0.5-1.5 cm rings, you should get “caviar cups”. Place them on top of the bread.

7. We fill our blanks with caviar; if everything is done carefully, then in the center of the eggs you will get piles of caviar. Of course, it is important that the caviar is not very liquid, otherwise it needs to be dried on gauze for 40-50 minutes.

8. All that remains is to decorate our dish. Add greens - dill and parsley.

If you want to make eggs stuffed with caviar, the recipe is here...

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream


Loaf - 1 piece.

Cream (whipped) - 6 tbsp. l.
Butter - 60g.
Red caviar - 100g.
Dill - 2-3 sprigs.


These little delicacies are perfect for special occasions, banquets and, of course, will be very useful on the festive table in the New Year. After all, beautiful sandwiches with red caviar canapés are the most popular appetizer at any buffet table. The only negative is that they are difficult to take without getting dirty, because... The sides are greased with butter, so they should be served on skewers, or offer your guests forks.

1. Cut the bread into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. Using a mold (glass, mug, knife), cut out any shape from the bread crumb. It will be great if you have different molds (star, heart, etc.)

3. Spread butter on each resulting slice. Apply on the sides and top.

4. Then you need to dip the oiled edges into finely chopped dill, so that our blanks are covered with greens along the entire diameter.

5. Coat the top of the sandwiches with red caviar with whipped cream, about half a tablespoon per slice.

6. On one side of a piece of bread we make a pattern of cream (salted butter), it is better to do this with a pastry syringe.

7. Place caviar on the other half.

Before serving the appetizer, I recommend sticking a skewer into each piece, decorated with an olive or half a lemon wedge.

Sandwich with red caviar calorie content

I really want to start with the good. Red caviar is a truly wonderful product. It contains more easily digestible protein, mountains of vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and amino acids than anywhere else. In itself, it is a very healthy and tasty component. But there is always a “BUT”.

2. Calorie content of caviar is normal. Caviar is very well absorbed by our body. But if we consider it fully, then a sandwich with red caviar is not the healthiest product. Oil consists of almost nothing but fats. Bread is fast carbohydrates. It’s clearly not worth eating such food at night. If you listen to nutritionists, then the ideal ratio of BJU (proteins\fats\carbohydrates) is 16%\17%\67%, BJU of sandwiches with red caviar is 23%\35%\45%. This is not far from ideal, but the calorie content of the dish is crazy, approximately 345 Kcal per 100 g of product. For overweight people, it is advisable to eat caviar in its pure form and in small quantities.

(I can’t help but add my “I”; a normal Russian man, on the advice of nutritionists, will probably die in a week on 2200 kcal per day. It may be subjective, but this is my opinion and my site :))

3. Salt. Yes, we are used to adding it to food and without it food seems tasteless to us. And I love salty foods. But this is a minus, whatever one may say. Salt retains water in our body, in addition it accumulates in the joints. I don’t think this is an argument for giving up seafood, but it is a fact.

4. Allergies. Everything here is banal. Caviar, fish and almost every “sea protein” contains parvalbumin. This is an absolutely safe protein that forms the muscle structure of living (and it is the protein that makes them so) marine organisms. Meanwhile, scientists have recorded increased levels of parvalbumin in salmon (red fish). Which means that if you are allergic to fish, it will be allergic to any fish, but to red fish it will manifest itself much faster and brighter, because... Logically, the higher the concentration of the allergen, the brighter the symptoms. Again, I don’t want to slip into paranoia, but I don’t advise pregnant and lactating women to eat caviar, because... this can cause a hypertrophied reaction in the child's body.

I started out good, but in the end I even got scared when I re-read what I wrote, even though I eat caviar quite often :) .

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar, decoration

Of course, caviar is a very tasty and healthy product, but probably the most important thing is the rarity of this delicacy. And if you are able to treat your guests to such delicacies, your efforts should be appreciated. Even a piece of bread can be turned into something unique, the main thing is to know how to serve it. I won’t hide that some of the photos are not mine, many were taken by my good friend Roma, using his professional camera, for which I thank him very much. (but my recipes were photographed with my ancient phone, why should he burn in hell :))

Sandwiches with caviar are an excellent snack - filling and aesthetically attractive. Thanks to the salty taste of any type of caviar, you can perfectly combine it with different types of bread and other savory pastries, add vegetables and herbs to it.

This dish will be an excellent solution for a holiday table.

So, how can you decorate sandwiches beautifully, and what recipes are the most delicious?

To create a festive atmosphere, it would be a good idea to try to decorate the sandwiches as best as possible. Beautiful design is not such a complicated process and any housewife can do it.

To make the appetizer look great on the holiday table, you can use the following tricks:

  1. Use different types of bread. Classically, sandwiches with caviar are made using sliced ​​loaf. Black, gray, whole grain, with seeds, with bran, and rye bread will help diversify not only the taste, but also the appearance of the snack. In addition, dry bread, as well as tartlets made from unsweetened shortcrust pastry, are suitable for some recipes.
  2. Vary your decorations. Traditionally, housewives use sprigs of dill or parsley. In addition to them, using a carving knife, you can cut out various figures from cucumbers or cherry tomatoes, such as baskets, spirals, petals, and decorate with them not only the snacks themselves, but also the dish on which you plan to serve them. Additionally, you can use skewers, especially if the sandwiches are very small.
  3. Pieces of bread can be of different shapes. They can be made round, triangular, polygonal - it all depends on the owner’s imagination. Snacks with unusual shapes always look festive and attract the attention of guests.
  4. Serving ready-made snacks. They can either be placed on one large dish or placed on small trays. If different types of caviar are used, then appetizers can be grouped by taste or made assorted on each plate.

Don't forget about one more important criterion. No matter how beautiful the appetizers are, special attention should be paid to the quality of the caviar. It is a protein product and is subject to rapid spoilage, so sandwiches must be prepared from fresh ingredients immediately before serving.

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter

This recipe can rightfully be called a classic. To prepare it, use a white sliced ​​loaf, butter, red caviar and parsley sprigs for decoration.

Making sandwiches with red caviar is very simple:

  1. The loaf is cut into slices approximately 1 cm wide. Thicker pieces are inconvenient to eat, and very thin slices can crumble in your hands and create a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Each piece of loaf is greased with a thin layer of butter, and then caviar is laid on top. For a standard slice of loaf, one small heaped tablespoon will be enough.
  3. After this, the finished sandwiches are decorated with sprigs of dill or parsley.

The recipe is very easy to follow and is always a constant success. You can diversify it a little by giving the loaf slices different shapes.

With pollock caviar

This snack is inexpensive to prepare, and always looks elegant and appetizing. Sour cream and herbs go well with pollock caviar. These components can be used to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy holiday snacks.

For one sandwich you will need:

  • 1 hard-boiled quail egg;
  • a slice of any bread, preferably dark varieties;
  • 1 tsp. heaped sour cream;
  • 0.5 tsp. finely chopped greens;
  • 1 tsp. pollock caviar.

Preparing the snack is very simple:

  1. Mix sour cream and herbs, coat a slice of bread with the resulting mixture.
  2. Carefully spread the caviar on top.
  3. Peel the egg, grate it on a fine grater or chop it thoroughly with a knife, then sprinkle it on the sandwich.
  4. The resulting appetizer can be decorated with sprigs of herbs or finely chopped green onions.

The advantage of these sandwiches is that they are perfect for a quick and healthy breakfast.

With the addition of red fish

This appetizer not only looks unusual, but is also quite filling.

Salted caviar goes well in taste with red fish, which must be lightly salted. It is not recommended to use smoked or highly salted product, as it will worsen the taste of the finished dish.

Making sandwiches is very simple, you will need the following ingredients per serving:

  • 1 slice of any bread;
  • 1 tsp. soft butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. curd cheese;
  • 1 tsp. caviar;
  • 1 thin slice of lightly salted trout, chum salmon or pink salmon;
  • half a slice of lemon;
  • some greenery for decoration.

Preparing a snack is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. Mix butter with cottage cheese, spread the resulting mixture on bread.
  2. Place caviar on the prepared slice so that it takes up half the space.
  3. Place a slice of lemon on the remaining portion and place a slice of fish, previously rolled into a roll, on top.
  4. Decorate the resulting sandwich with herbs.

You can slightly diversify the butter with which the bread is greased, and in addition to the cheese, add finely chopped dill to it. The taste will be more expressive and rich.

Sandwiches with black caviar

For such a snack, it is best to use not an ordinary loaf, but a baguette, and try to cut it into round slices. Then the treat will look truly elegant.

In this recipe you need to use only an original and natural product. Substitutes are made from algae, after which they achieve a similar taste using numerous food additives and dyes, which will ultimately affect the final taste of the snack in a negative way.

To prepare delicious sandwiches, in terms of one serving, you will need:

  • 1 slice of baguette;
  • 0.5 tsp. butter;
  • 1 tsp. without a slide of black caviar;
  • some greenery for decoration.

The recipe is very simple: grease the baguette with a thin layer of butter, then place caviar on top and decorate the finished appetizer with herbs. The main advantage of such a snack is that black caviar itself has a pronounced taste and does not require a large number of additional ingredients.

Appetizer with capelin caviar

The most budget option for sandwiches. To prepare such an appetizer, it is best to use caviar with a sauce, to which shrimp or pieces of smoked salmon can be additionally added. This will add a special piquancy to the finished dish.

To prepare sandwiches for 1 serving you will need:

  • 1 slice of dark bread;
  • 1 tsp. processed cheese with herbal flavor;
  • a little finely chopped garlic;
  • 1 tsp. with a heap of capelin caviar in sauce;
  • 1 slice of tomato, preferably sweet varieties;
  • greens for decoration.

Prepare a snack quickly and easily:

  1. Mix processed cheese with garlic, spread the resulting mixture on a slice of bread.
  2. After this, carefully place a layer of caviar on top of the cheese-garlic mixture.
  3. Top with a slice of tomato and a sprig of herbs.

Sandwiches according to this recipe are not only tasty, but also budget-friendly, so they can even be prepared for breakfast.

With red caviar and avocado

This appetizer will not only look unusual, but will also captivate guests with its combination of two distinct flavors – caviar and avocado. For this recipe, you need to choose a ripe fruit; it should not be too hard.

  • 1 slice of bread, you can use bran-based bread;
  • a little butter;
  • 2-3 small slices of avocado, they should be thin and the size of the bread;
  • 1 tsp. red caviar with a slide;
  • some greenery for decoration.

Prepare the snack like this:

  1. The bread is greased with butter, after which avocado slices are evenly placed on top of it.
  2. Caviar is placed on top of the avocado. It is best to place it in a low mound in the central part of the sandwich.
  3. After this, the finished appetizer is decorated with herbs as desired.

Such an appetizer will also be not only tasty and elegant, but also filling, and will certainly delight your guests.

Sandwiches with cod caviar

Cod caviar is a relatively inexpensive product and goes well with vegetables. Such sandwiches will turn out not only tasty, but also elegant; when decorating them, there is no need to restrain your imagination.

To prepare a snack for 1 serving you will need:

  • 1 slice of gray bread;
  • 0.5 tsp. butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. finely grated egg yolk;
  • a little garlic powder;
  • a little black pepper;
  • 1 tsp. with a pile of caviar;
  • several slices of cucumber, previously peeled, of any shape;
  • sprig of dill.

You can assemble a delicious snack from the ingredients described above like this:

  1. Mix butter, yolk, garlic powder and pepper until smooth.
  2. Grease a slice of bread with the resulting mixture and place a thin layer of caviar on top.
  3. After this, decorate the appetizer with figuratively chopped cucumber slices and herbs.

Tomatoes and olives will also go well with this appetizer.

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