Poet Sergei Ostroy biography. Biography. Sergei Ostrovoy: biography of the poet

Sergei Grigorievich Ostrovoy was born on September 6 (August 24), 1911 in Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk) into the family of an employee.

After finishing his nine-year school in 1929, Ostrovoy moved to Tomsk, where he worked as a reporter for the Krasnoe Znamya newspaper, and then in 1931 to Moscow. He was a literary consultant for the magazine "30 days", a traveling correspondent for the newspaper "Gudok".

Sergei Grigorievich's first essay appeared in 1931 in the newspaper "For Communist Education". He began publishing regularly in 1934 in Komsomolskaya Pravda, Pionerskaya Pravda, Krasnaya Zvezda and other newspapers. His collection of songs was published in 1935, and “Poems” was published in 1937.

In July 1941, Ostrovoy volunteered for the front. He started the war as an ordinary soldier near Vyazma. At the beginning of August 1942, he became a correspondent for the army newspaper of the 31st Army, “On the Enemy.” Army divisions fought defensive battles in the Rzhev and Kalinin directions. Major Ostrovoy entered with advanced units the liberated Kalinin, Staritsa, Zubtsov and dozens of villages in the Kalinin region. Through the mouth of an ordinary soldier Grigory Sannikov, in the verses of “The Thoughts and Concerns of Ivan Saturday,” the poet says:

"Who will praise our valor?

Without sparing the soldiers' strength,

The entire Kalinin region

I explored with my feet."

He fought not only with his books, newspaper articles, poems, but also with ordinary soldier weapons: a grenade, an anti-tank bottle, a rifle. In January 1942, his article “Not to Happen” about the partisan from Zubtsov Pavel Volosatov was published in the army newspaper. In the summer of 1942, Ostrovoy was wounded near Staritsa and was treated at the Chukavinsky hospital (Staritsa district). In 1944 he published a book of war poems.

In the post-war years, Sergei Ostrovoy was a frequent visitor to the Kalinin land. After one of his visits to Pushkin’s places (Bernovo, Malinniki), he wrote the poem “Staritsa”.

The air is split open by spiers,

In every cavity there are centuries...

If Staritsa is not a city,

The Volga is not a river either.


The city was tortured with iron,

Marked was a dashing enemy,

And with Batya’s hoof,

And a fascist boot.

Sergei Ostrovoy is the author of poems primarily of a civil, journalistic nature. He published more than 30 books, the most significant of which are “I thought about you today” (1964), “I walk the earth” (1973), “Selected works in two volumes” (1978). In 1985-1987 A three-volume Collected Works of the poet was published. For the collection "The Years" (1984), the poet was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. M. Gorky.

Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degree, Friendship of Peoples, Badge of Honor and medals.

Poems and songs

I'm walking on the ground
(A. Babaev)
Alexander Vedernikov

Song of the defenders of peace
(A. Khachaturyan)
Nina Postavnicheva

The song stays with the person
(A. Ostrovsky)
Joseph Kobzon

Ballad about a Moscow boy
(B. Alexandrov)
Red Banner Ensemble

(A. Dolukhanyan)
Kapitolina Lazarenko

Many years ago, a song reached the city where I lived:

I will send you on a long journey,
The ripe color of dawn will fall on the apple tree.
Give me, falcon, a saber as a farewell.
Along with a sharp saber, give a pike...

At that time, Soviet song had not yet spread as widely as it does today. And yet each new song quickly came to life. I immediately fell in love with the song “On a long journey.” It was sung not only on the club stage, but also, simply, at home, among friends. Much later, I found out who wrote the lyrics of this song and heard the name of the poet Sergei Ostrovoy. And now his poems and song are well known in the country. They became our companions, they won our love. It is difficult to find a person who does not know the songs “On the Long Path”; or “Evening on the River,” and “Wait for the Soldier.” Together with composers. Matvey Blanter (“On the Road…”) and Boris Mokrousov (“Evening on the River” and “Wait for the Soldier”), poet Sergei Ostrovoy shares the glory of these songs. Once Mikhail Svetlov wrote in his “Grenada”: “Life invented new songs.” And among the current new songs there are poems and songs created by Sergei Ostrov. One can only envy his energy and efficiency. His books are published one after another, poems often appear on the pages of newspapers, and the poet’s songs are heard on the radio. Ostrovoy’s poems “Mother” and “Ballad of Love”, poems “Letter to Man” and “A Word about the Indifferent”, published in the newspaper “Pravda”, had a great readership. The editors received hundreds of letters. People took up the pen because the poet’s furious and excited voice touched the most intimate strings.

When doctors forbade us.
We joined the companies voluntarily.
No honors. No benefits. No praise.
We didn’t ask for a different fate then.
Ask me: why did I fight?
How could I live without Russia?

These lines contain all of Ostrovoy, they contain the pathos of his poems - his voice and destiny, his love for the Motherland and poetry. Exempted from military service due to poor eyesight, Ostrovoy volunteered to go to the front. The Order of the Patriotic War and five medals marked his military career. In poems and songs you will hear the voice of a poet in love with his land, a man who cares about all the worries and joys of the world. This can be felt in the recently written poems “Height”, “Blue Jackdaws Were Flying”, “And Love Remains to Live” and in the new songs “I Walk on the Earth”, “Sokolniki”, “The Ballad of a Moscow Boy”, “Boulevards”, “ Heart song”, “The song stays with the person”.

Through years, across distances.
On any road
Anyone aside
You can't say goodbye to a song
The song doesn't say goodbye to you.

This song by Ostrovoy very accurately expresses the essence of song poetry. The song stays with a person because it is his good and faithful friend.
Mark Lisyansky

Ostrovoy Sergey Grigorievich is a famous Russian poet of the 20th century, the author of many songs, including the beloved and popular “The Song Stays with the Man”, “Winter”, “On the Long Path”, “Wait for the Soldier”, “Near the Village of Kryukovo” ", "Drozdy" and others.

Characterized by a wide genre range - lyrical, humorous and serious, Sergei Ostrovoy's songs are written about people, Russian nature and fearless soldiers who heroically stood up to defend the Fatherland in difficult times.

The creative path of Sergei Ostrovoy

Over the course of several dozen creative activities, the writer published about fifty books, the total circulation of which is quite difficult to calculate. The most significant of them are “I thought about you today”, “I walk on the earth”, “Poems”, “I was born in Russia”. The poem “Gypsies” is autobiographical, the writing of which took place throughout one’s life when he was sent to a gypsy camp during his childhood.

People's poet Sergei Ostrovoy was friends and worked with such composers as Aram Khachaturian, Vano Muradeli, Boris Mokrousov, Isaac Dunaevsky, Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, Matvey Blanter, and received batches of letters from unknown composers who set the author's rhymed lines to their own music.

The most famous songs based on Ostrovoy's poems

The song based on the verses “Winter”, performed by Eduard Khil in 1960 at the “New Year’s Light”, was set to music without the author’s knowledge by Eduard Hanok and was not mistaken. The composition was repeated in Leonid Gaidai’s film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” and became firmly established among the masses. “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...” almost everyone sang.

The famous “The Song Stays with the Man,” first performed by Joseph Kobzon, became a Soviet hit. Later it was taken as the final composition of the prestigious music festival “Song of the Year”. The composer gave “Near the Village of Kryukovo” to the group “Gems” and also guessed right with the choice of performer.

One of the best songs of military lyrics is considered to be “Wait for the Soldier,” which tells about the feelings of an ordinary soldier who dreams of returning home, and the deep and heartfelt composition “Drozdy,” created in collaboration with Vladimir Yakovlevich Shainsky, became a popular patriotic creation.

Sergei Grigorievich was a multiple winner of song festivals and competitions as a songwriter; for the collection “The Years” he was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. M. Gorky.

Sergei Ostrovoy: biography of the poet

The Russian songwriter-poet was born on September 6, 1911 in the town of Novonikolaevsk (Siberian Territory), in the family of a housewife and a fur buyer, who later became the owner of a small shop. The parents of the future writer were semi-literate and were very critical of Sergei’s passion for reading. There wasn't even a single book in the house. Such rejection from loved ones forced the young man to read at night by candlelight, which irreparably affected his vision.

Sergei Ostrovoy survived the Civil War, at the time of which he was 7 years old. He remembered the change of whites to reds and reds to whites well, as well as the typhus epidemic, when countless dead bodies were carried away on columns of sleighs, like brushwood. These terrible memories left a deep imprint on the receptive childhood memory.

During my school years, I easily found a common language with my classmates and published my first notes in the city newspaper. After finishing 9th grade at the age of 16, having quarreled with his father, he left home and got a job as a newspaper reporter in Tomsk.

Gradually gaining some experience and knowledge, in 1931 he moved to the capital of Russian cities - Moscow, and in 1934 he was already a traveling correspondent for the all-Union newspaper "Gudok". In this capacity, the author traveled almost half of the country, wrote a lot about people of different professions with whom he had the opportunity to meet.

Poplars were pouring

On an ongoing basis, Sergei Ostrovoy, whose biography inspires good human deeds, began publishing in all-Union newspapers starting in 1934. In 1935, the debut collection “Guarding the Borders” was published.

His poem “The poplars were pouring” was awarded two prizes at the military-Komsomol song competition; composers Vladimir Fere and Nikolai Myaskovsky set the words to music, and Sergei himself received a high monetary reward.

The sudden success inspired the young man so much that he decided to connect his life only with creativity. The lines coming from the author’s pen were characterized by humanity; Penetrating into the very depths of the soul, they warmed people. More than 10,000 letters of response came to the poem “Mother,” published in the Pravda newspaper.

He fought with both words and grenades

In the summer of 1941, Ostrovoy went to the front as a volunteer and spent the entire war with the rank of private. He fought not only with books, poems and newspaper articles, but also with the usual weapons of a soldier: an anti-tank bottle, a grenade and a rifle. With advanced units he entered the liberated villages and towns of the Kalinin region, which he often visited in the post-war period. In the summer of 1942 he was wounded and treated in a hospital; in 1944 he published a book of military lyrics. Almost until the end of his days he published poems in various publications.

About the village of Kryukovo

The song “At the village of Kryukovo” has its own interesting history. The author wanted to write a folk composition, the music for which, as if guessing his thoughts, was composed by M. Fradkin. When the finished work was released into the vastness of the country, it turned out that there were a huge number of villages with that name in the country, and each of them survived military battles.

I dedicated all my books only to her.

Sergei Ostrovoy was married to Nadezhda Nikolaevna Tolstoy, a famous harpist, Honored Artist of Russia, 12 years younger than him. This was Sergei Grigorievich’s second marriage, which turned out to be very happy: the couple lived together for half a century, and his wife became a kind guardian angel for Sergei Grigorievich. The poet dedicated his books to her and only to her.

Until his last days, Sergei Ostrovoy, whose biography, photos are a vivid example of humanity and fortitude, led a healthy lifestyle, played sports and followed a daily routine. In the 1970s, he headed the Russian Tennis Federation, serving as its president. Moreover, his passion for tennis came quite late - at the age of 50, and since then, for almost 40 years, he visited the court three times a week. The poet also loved skiing and could spend about five hours on the track.

Sergei Grigorievich Ostrovy passed away on December 22, 2005. The work of the author, whose songs are heard every day on the radio and on TV screens, remains modern and relevant today - in times of great upheavals and even greater hopes.

Ostrovoy Sergei Grigorievich is a famous Russian poet of the 20th century, the author of many songs, including the beloved and popular “The Song Stays with the Man”, “Winter”, “On the Long Path”, “Wait for the Soldier”, “Near the Village of Kryukovo” ", "Drozdy" and others. Characterized by a wide genre range - lyrical, humorous and serious, Sergei Ostrovoy's songs are written about people, Russian nature and fearless soldiers who heroically stood up to defend the Fatherland in difficult times.

The creative path of Sergei Ostrovoy

Over the course of several dozen creative activities, the writer published about fifty books, the total circulation of which is quite difficult to calculate. The most significant of them are “I thought about you today”, “I walk on the earth”, “Poems”, “I was born in Russia”. The poem “Gypsies” is autobiographical, the writing of which took place throughout one’s life when he was sent to a gypsy camp during his childhood.

People's poet Sergei Ostrovoy was friends and worked with such composers as Aram Khachaturian, Vano Muradeli, Boris Mokrousov, Isaac Dunaevsky, Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, Matvey Blanter, and received batches of letters from unknown composers who set the author's rhymed lines to their own music.

The most famous songs based on Ostrovoy's poems

The song based on the verses “Winter”, performed by Eduard Khil in 1960 at the “New Year’s Light”, was set to music without the author’s knowledge by Eduard Hanok and was not mistaken. The composition was repeated in Leonid Gaidai’s film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” and became firmly established among the masses. “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...” almost everyone sang.

The famous “The Song Stays with the Man,” first performed by Joseph Kobzon, became a Soviet hit. Later it was taken as the final composition of the prestigious music festival “Song of the Year”. Composer Mark Fradkin gave “Near the Village of Kryukovo” to the group “Gems” and also guessed right with the choice of performer.

One of the best songs of military lyrics is considered to be “Wait for the Soldier,” which tells about the feelings of an ordinary soldier who dreams of returning home, and the deep and heartfelt composition “Drozdy,” created in collaboration with Vladimir Yakovlevich Shainsky, became a popular patriotic creation.

Sergei Grigorievich was a multiple winner of song festivals and competitions as a songwriter; for the collection “The Years” he was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. M. Gorky.

Sergei Ostrovoy: biography of the poet

The Russian songwriter-poet was born on September 6, 1911 in the town of Novonikolaevsk (Siberian Territory), in the family of a housewife and a fur buyer, who later became the owner of a small shop. The parents of the future writer were semi-literate and were very critical of Sergei’s passion for reading. There wasn't even a single book in the house. Such rejection from loved ones forced the young man to read at night by candlelight, which irreparably affected his vision.

Sergei Ostrovoy survived the Civil War, at the time of which he was 7 years old. He remembered the change of whites to reds and reds to whites well, as well as the typhus epidemic, when countless dead bodies were carried away on columns of sleighs, like brushwood. These terrible memories left a deep imprint on the receptive childhood memory.

During my school years, I easily found a common language with my classmates and published my first notes in the city newspaper. After finishing 9th grade at the age of 16, having quarreled with his father, he left home and got a job as a newspaper reporter in Tomsk.

Gradually gaining some experience and knowledge, in 1931 he moved to the capital of Russian cities - Moscow, and in 1934 he was already a traveling correspondent for the all-Union newspaper "Gudok". In this capacity, the author traveled almost half of the country, wrote a lot about people of different professions with whom he had the opportunity to meet.

Poplars were pouring

On an ongoing basis, Sergei Ostrovoy, whose biography inspires good human deeds, began publishing in all-Union newspapers starting in 1934. In 1935, the debut collection “Guarding the Borders” was published.

His poem “The poplars were pouring” was awarded two prizes at the military-Komsomol song competition; composers Vladimir Fere and Nikolai Myaskovsky set the words to music, and Sergei himself received a high monetary reward.

The sudden success inspired the young man so much that he decided to connect his life only with creativity. The lines coming from the author’s pen were characterized by humanity; Penetrating into the very depths of the soul, they warmed people. More than 10,000 letters of response came to the poem “Mother,” published in the Pravda newspaper.

He fought with both words and grenades

In the summer of 1941, Ostrovoy went to the front as a volunteer and spent the entire war with the rank of private. He fought not only with books, poems and newspaper articles, but also with the usual weapons of a soldier: an anti-tank bottle, a grenade and a rifle. With advanced units he entered the liberated villages and towns of the Kalinin region, which he often visited in the post-war period. In the summer of 1942 he was wounded and treated in a hospital; in 1944 he published a book of military lyrics. Almost until the end of his days he published poems in various publications.

About the village of Kryukovo

The song “At the village of Kryukovo” has its own interesting history. The author wanted to write a folk composition, the music for which, as if guessing his thoughts, was composed by M. Fradkin. When the finished work was released into the vastness of the country, it turned out that there were a huge number of villages with that name in the country, and each of them survived military battles.

I dedicated all my books only to her.

Sergei Ostrovoy was married to Nadezhda Nikolaevna Tolstoy, a famous harpist, Honored Artist of Russia, 12 years younger than him. This was Sergei Grigorievich’s second marriage, which turned out to be very happy: the couple lived together for half a century, and his wife became a kind guardian angel for Sergei Grigorievich. The poet dedicated his books to her and only to her.

Until his last days, Sergei Ostrovoy, whose biography, photos are a shining example of humanity and fortitude, led a healthy lifestyle, played sports and followed a daily routine. In the 1970s, he headed the Russian Tennis Federation, serving as its president. Moreover, his passion for tennis came quite late - at the age of 50, and since then, for almost 40 years, he visited the court three times a week. The poet also loved skiing and could spend about five hours on the track.

Sergei Grigorievich Ostrovy passed away on December 22, 2005. The work of the author, whose songs are heard every day on the radio and on TV screens, remains modern and relevant today - in times of great upheavals and even greater hopes.

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