The boss forces you to do someone else's work without additional pay, threatening with dismissal. How to protect yourself from arbitrariness? If the boss finds fault and survives from work


I had the following problem: I have been working in an organization for a year and a half, where from time to time they are forced to go to work on weekends, as well as stay late at work. No applications are made and no payment is made accordingly. Until now, this did not particularly bother me, but the following situation occurred: in the organization, the secretary retired, while an employee is being selected, her place is not occupied by anyone. The director told me that for a month, until she selects an employee, I must perform both my duties and those of the secretary. Of course, without any statements and payment, again on a voluntary-compulsory basis. To my attempt to object, she answered me, “Either you are sitting in the waiting room, or you won’t work here at all anymore, I don’t need to bend my show-offs here!” I understand that this is not legal, but what should I do in this situation, how to deal with the arbitrariness of the authorities? I really count on your help!


Good afternoon!

Yes, of course, everything is clear, forced labor is prohibited by law, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is Article 4 and the International Convention.

But, yes, something must be done, and even more so if you need evidence and witnesses to go to court.

What do you do, but do the following: collect this evidence!

1. Start a notebook or something like a diary, where every day you will write down these threats without emotions, only with facts, for example, on such and such a date at such and such a time in the presence of such and such witnesses, I was told this and that. Yes, the problems of bossing and mobbing are widespread all over the world and judicial practice is not very rich in examples, but international courts have these practices and they are very extensive, and based on these courts, such a notebook-diary serves as good evidence.

2. The second point, I would like to clarify, but your salary is white or mixed, when you may not be paid something. If mixed, then again collect evidence that there is a black part, just now you need to remove resentment, emotions and start preparing your defense. Gather evidence in any way, preferably documentary, that there is a black salary.

And if your salary is white, then I can say that if you were not assigned the duties of a secretary, as required by law, then just do this work badly, badly, because they won’t even be able to punish you for this, you didn’t sign orders, contracts, job descriptions, therefore they can’t even punish you in this case, even just announce a remark or reprimand, there are no grounds for this (well, of course, if the salary is white). Work very poorly, while pretending to be surprised, constantly come to your boss with questions that you didn’t understand something, or something you need to show or where to find, draw her into the process of fulfilling the duties of a secretary, while with an innocent look, saying constantly, that you are very, well, trying very hard, but something is wrong with you.

I have been a personnel manager for 20 years, of course, I give these tips to the detriment of myself and colleagues like me, but when you are on the neck, you need to learn to shoot people from the neck. Sometimes, such situations were also with me.

If the salary is black, then first collect evidence about this, and then move on to the poor performance of secretary duties.

3. Learn to say the word NO, you yourself have taught the employer that he treats you as one who can do everything and you don’t even need to encourage her for this, look around in the team if everyone is in the same position as you, take a closer look at them, how they behave, so that they are treated with sympathy, with pity, that they need support and especially material support.

Study your boss, her weaknesses, her marital status, learn to speak the same language with her, put her in a situation where she will have to see you as a person, with similar problems, weaknesses, so that she identifies herself a little with you, oh, how you look alike, will she be able to threaten herself, but hardly. It's called manipulation, it's what they do to you, only you have to turn it away from you. This, of course, is already psychology, and life experience, and the ability to get along with people, and the ability to influence them, but you need to do something, maybe you won’t get the result in this situation, but in the next situation it may not even arise.

4. Also find good reasons when you have to be absent from work - b / l, go urgently to the dentist to treat a toothache while bringing a certificate that you were at the dentist’s appointment, in general, you can find a lot of reasons so that situations arise when you have to be absent completely or take time off for good reasons.

There is an opportunity to oversleep, stand in a traffic jam, even if they tell you for it, let them threaten you, let them yell, but you stay calm and just ask, what do you offer, what way out do you see from this situation, i.e. you don’t make excuses, yes you agree, you were late, overslept, stood in a traffic jam, but you don’t make excuses, but you want to hear some kind of proposal, what should you do in a situation where the whole city is in a traffic jam and now this is a common situation, engage in dialogue.

5. When they begin to point out to you that you are doing a bad job, that you have a mess in your papers, answer, and what does it mean bad, or a mess, this is just an adjective and a noun, you need specific comments and suggestions, you need facts, what they hide underneath these words and again you are not in the position of a guilty and justifying, but are already translating the monologue into a dialogue, you want some kind of explanation, you want to hear the specific position of your leader.

It's almost midnight, and you're still at work? It is quite possible that this is not a case of emergency and not an exciting new project: you simply systematically perform not only your own, but also other people's duties. How to avoid work that is not part of your job description?

To learn how to say "no" and focus on your own, and not on other people's affairs, listen to the advice of

Hurry to do good?
“My daughter has a matinee tomorrow in kindergarten, and I have to hand in a report by lunchtime ... I’ll never know what to do,” you hear from a colleague and, out of the kindness of your heart, agree to help. A week later, the same colleague complains about a cold that suddenly struck her: “But I can’t leave, because I still have to call clients!” Leaving all the cases, you call clients, and finish your work by nightfall.

Psychologists say that such tactics are one of the most common and trouble-free techniques for using people to their advantage. A not too decent colleague who wants to shift part of his work to others does not even need to ask for anything: he simply veiledly appeals to the best feelings of others (sympathy, solidarity, understanding), and they themselves offer him their help.

Recognizing such manipulation is not easy, but possible. Isn't it too often that events occur in the life of a colleague that now and then prevent him from working at full strength? Does he use all the reserves to solve his problems without the help of others? For example, you can take your mother to the doctor, and then return to work, despite the late hour.

What to do if you notice that you are deliberately “hung” with extra work? To find a way out of the situation without spoiling the relationship with a colleague, next time help him not with deeds, but with a word: sympathize, offer to take an analgesic, recommend a doctor you know. Your refusal to work for a colleague should be polite, but very clear: “Unfortunately, I can’t do it for you - I have an emergency job myself.”

If you are a beginner...
It is much more difficult to refuse to do someone else's work for a newcomer who has just joined the team. After all, the probationary period involves testing not only professional qualities, but also the ability to get along with people. How do you say "no" here?

Meanwhile, it is on newcomers that they often try to dump the most uninteresting and thankless work, taking advantage of their ignorance. As a rule, new employees, trying to join the team as quickly as possible, obediently learn other people's duties. However, they should remember that during the probationary period it is important to show oneself as a professional, therefore, first of all, one should perform the work that is prescribed in the job description. If, having just joined the company, you will not cope with your main functionality, no one will remember that you helped others, most likely, the probationary period will be considered failed.

Of course, you should not fall into paranoia and see those around you as exclusively exploiters. Sometimes you need to help colleagues, if possible. If you see that the task offered to you is completely inappropriate for your position, ask who has done this work before. If it was not your predecessor who did it, then politely inquire why it is now being passed on to you. Finally, say that you will definitely help once you have completed your current tasks. For greater persuasiveness, you can talk in detail about what kind of cases are waiting for your attention.

When a manager asks for help...
Perhaps the most ambiguous and difficult situation is when the boss shifts his work to you, referring, for example, to an important meeting or other circumstances. On the one hand, this is good for you: in this way you can gain experience, make useful contacts and lay the foundation for future promotion. On the other hand, the fact that the manager entrusts you with part of his duties does not at all guarantee you a speedy career growth. How to be?

There is no single correct answer to such questions - a lot in such cases depends on your capabilities, career plans, the personality of the leader and relations with him, etc. Whatever it is, if you do not have time to do both your work and the work of the boss Be sure to inform him about this so as not to let him down.

Imposed services
“Don’t thank me, it’s not difficult for me, I need to help each other,” says a colleague, bringing you coffee that you didn’t ask for. The next day, he volunteers to help you with advice, then he says a few words in your support at the planning meeting. Behind all this, a certain tactic may be hidden: persistently providing others with all kinds of small services, such employees subsequently rely on the fact that others will feel indebted and will not refuse to help at the right time. Experienced office dwellers are advised to simply avoid such colleagues. If you have already fallen for the “bait” and you are asked to repay the service you once provided with a prepared presentation or report, try to overpower yourself and politely refuse your colleague, clearly arguing why you cannot complete this or that task at the moment.

Remember that the ability to say “no” is almost a mandatory attribute of a successful career!

“Who, if not you?”, “No one will do it except you!”, “There is no one else to turn to” - if you regularly hear such phrases, then you are in good standing with your superiors. True, experts say, if for the sake of this high mark you have to take on other people's duties, work evenings and weekends, and all this is free, then most likely you are skillfully manipulated.

Experts from the recruitment portal HeadHunter Ukraine gave some advice on how to tactfully refuse your boss or colleagues and stop working "for yourself and that guy."

So, experts say, it is certainly wrong to work for two, or even for three, for one salary. But, first of all, let's note the pluses of the fact that you are assigned the additional work.

  1. You are valued, so your position at work is stable, most likely, there is no threat of layoffs.
  2. You are a real professional in your field, and doing someone else's work is not too difficult for you.
  3. By doing a lot of work in a short time, you gain experience and temper.
  4. Your boss marks you, so the chances of moving up the career ladder are quite high.
  5. You have every reason to ask for a pay rise.

How to say "no"

Perhaps, after reading this list of advantages, you have decided for yourself that everything suits you. However, it is possible that neither a new position nor a salary increase will shine for you. How to be in this case?

  • Offer to share the responsibilities among everyone. For example, if one of the employees of your department went on vacation or quit, then, instead of completely "picking up" his work, tactfully advise delegating his duties to all employees of the department or neighboring departments.
  • Clearly define the timing of "help". For example, in the case of a colleague's vacation, say that you are ready to do his work for exactly one week.
  • Discuss your reward. For example, say that you are ready to take on the responsibilities of a colleague who has left, but what bonus can you expect at the end of the month?
  • If you are offered to do someone else's work under the guise of "help", you can say that you are very pleased that they turned to you, but now you are busy doing your job.
  • It is possible and necessary to help others, but still think a hundred times before offering help voluntarily. The fact is that next time they will already count on your help, and it will be much more difficult to refuse.

At the same time, experts note that in some cases the inability to say "no" is due to too vague job responsibilities in the company. The employee believes that this is not his job, but the boss thinks differently. The responsibility for this partly lies with the employee himself, who did not specify the list of his duties at the time of hiring.

"Even if you agreed, it's not forever"

Psychologists say that the first thing every person needs to do is to overcome their habit of agreeing to everything. Yes, it is difficult, unpleasant and uncomfortable to refuse, but who said that at work and in life everything should be pleasant and comfortable?

“Actually, refusing the boss’s order does not mean going into conflict at all,” says business coach Marina Derkach . - For example, you can simply list your current tasks to the boss and ask for help to determine priorities. In any case, you should not make excuses for a long time, apologize, or, even more so, "pull the cat by the tail", without saying either yes or no. It's annoying, even more than a rejection."

It happens that the task assigned to you is difficult, unpleasant, and even has nothing to do with you, but the consequences of its failure can be catastrophic. In this case, of course, the task must be completed. But, experts advise, you should not leave the conversation - it is important to show that your consent to do the work is not given "once and for all." Therefore, after completing the work, be sure to inform the boss that you worked in emergency mode and therefore would not like a repetition of such situations in the future.

In almost all companies there are people who purposefully, under various pretexts, are trying to shift part of their work responsibilities onto other people's shoulders. Of course, there are those who systematically suffer from their own kindness and reliability. How to recognize manipulators and tactfully avoid doing someone else's job at your own expense?

We will understand the reasons for the inability to refuse impudent.

One of the first: the desire to fully express themselves in the new team. It is fraught with the fact that in a new place you will become an errand man or replace not only the previous employee, but also half of the missing staff of the company (and all this for one rate).

If co-workers are trying to “add to” your workload by blaming you for their shortcomings, politely ask if your predecessor did similar tasks. If not, ask why they think the job fits your position.

The second reason for the inability to refuse disinterested help to colleagues is internal self-doubt. Fear of not being liked, running into a conflict, offending colleagues. Very often, people cannot refuse an obsessive colleague, because they are “not allowed by education”. Some believe that in this way they confirm their professionalism and loyalty to the company.

It must be remembered: in the labor market, your knowledge and skills are a commodity. Your work and the time spent on it is the equivalent of material values. You will not give a colleague a salary, simply because he forgot or was too lazy to earn his own. Surely, in this case, you will have arguments to clearly explain why you do not do this. We offer to respond to the manipulator with his own methods.

How to recognize and neutralize the manipulator

UNLUCKY. This person does not have a life, but continuous force majeure. He is literally haunted by natural disasters and cataclysms. Therefore, such a colleague, sincerely grieving that his apartment was flooded for the fifth time in a month, with a guilty look, will ask to replace him or take over part of the work. (So ​​that he has time to hit the road home and save at least some surviving property). The enviable regularity of dramatic events in life, especially in emergency or reporting periods, betrays such cunning people.

Since the person, in this case, puts pressure on pity in order to shift his work to you, sincerely sympathize with him, but only in words.

Give valuable advice, advise a specialist, share the phone number of the rescue service. Give an example of even "more terrible" situations and tactfully refuse someone else's work under a preconceived pretext.

AMATEUR. Young people usually suffer from them or. So that a person is not “loaded” with complex or voluminous work, he actively mows down like an unintelligent amateur. No matter how much you explain to him, he does not remember, does not write down, or does the work in such a way that he has to double-check. It is often easier to do the task yourself than to redo it later. And this is exactly what he hopes for, blaming his sluggishness and misunderstanding of the issue.

Have the person take notes as you explain the task. Make it clear that he will not have the opportunity to ask again, so maximum concentration is required from him.

In no case do not redo his work, do not conduct a joint search for errors. If this is within your competence, ask him to correct the task as many times as necessary. Praise and highlight his successes. If by his inaction he brings the team down, raise the question of his competence and professional suitability.

FRIEND. “Not in service, but in friendship” - a colleague or even a leader asks you for help. In the question you are competent, what is it worth to you? Time, effort and desire! The job seems easy as long as someone else is doing it. Therefore, if proper remuneration is not implied, and only vague prospects of possible encouragement are drawn in front of you, answer in kind.

Blame your busy schedule and promise to help when the opportunity presents itself. Emphasize the importance to you of the person asking for help. For him, for a person, for a friend, you are ready for anything, but your routine is the sea, you will help as soon as you are free.

Remember, you need to appreciate your work. You should not turn into an office "traction horse", this threatens with chronic processing - "whoever is lucky, they carry it." By doing someone else's work, you run the risk of forever being on the sidelines while others rise in positions. In order not to end up in the shoes of an uncomplaining workaholic, set boundaries for acceptable assistance for colleagues and management and defend them.


The management hardly considers that this or that work is superfluous for you. Like, work is work. It doesn't matter if you have to work on it or if it's the responsibility of completely different people. You need to be able to politely refuse processing for your own good. How to do it without scandal?

Don't show that you can handle it easily

If a person manages to drink tea and talk, then often colleagues and superiors do not perceive such behavior very well. They think that you are chilling instead of working, you have a lot of free time; and not about the fact that you just know how to correctly distribute your time.

What to do? Just don't show that everything is easy for you. Although we all understand that the work is not done easily. Get distracted, but don't play.


So, you have been assigned a task that is not your responsibility. Sometimes it is either impossible or inconvenient to refuse directly. What to do? Tell your boss that you need to consult with people who are professionals in this (which will distract them), additional information that you can make a mistake. Say that you can do it no earlier than a certain time and warn at labor costs. The boss himself may come to the conclusion that it is better to entrust the case to a person specially trained for him. However, remember: for some individuals, the phrase “can’t” means “don’t want,” which implies shirking and inefficiency of the employee. In this case, do not blame yourself and think about whether you need such a job?

Straight and clear

Helped a colleague a few times, and now it has become the norm? It shouldn't be like that. A little help is one thing, outright use is another. Directly and openly say that you will not do someone else's work, otherwise you will have to work for the whole company. And in general, why do some colleagues work in this company if they do not cope with their duties and constantly ask for help?

Do you recycle all the time? Talk about a pay rise. There are two outcomes: either the requests will stop, or your salary will be increased.

Without tears

Asking colleagues and complaining about overload is not worth it. If they sympathize, they will not help. Who needs extra problems and deeds? Speak personally with the manager. Just be tactful and careful. Explain your claims in a reasoned and clear manner. No ultimatums, otherwise the boss will decide the issue definitely not in your favor.

What? I have not heard

Most of the requests and prayers go to the post office or other means of communication. Disable them or set them to receive messages and calls from people who do not take advantage of your good nature. It is clear that you will not be able to constantly ignore some colleagues, but the number of requests will decrease. Don't answer once or twice and they'll have to look for another good guy. Constant jogging to your table will be too noticeable.

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