Fortune telling on the date of the event. Fortune telling by date of birth for the future online. One of the true fortune telling about events

What is the most important number in every person's life? Of course, his date of birth, therefore the science of numbers - numerology - recommends paying attention to the amount obtained by adding these numbers, and fortune tellers often conduct fortune telling by date of birth in order to predict the future events of a certain person.

Fortune telling by date of birth online for an event in the future

If a person needs to know what the coming day has in store, you can predict it using the date of his birth and the date of an important day for him. To do this, you should add the numbers of the date of birth with the numbers of the desired day, bring it to a single digit number and find out the interpretation. For example, a person was born on 08/01/1989, but would like to know what will happen on 09/14/2015. Let's add: 1+8+1+9+8+9+1+4+9+2+1+5=58=5+8=13=1+3=4. So the key number is 4.

Calculate the number of a future event by date of birth:

Today is not your day. Injuries and sprains are possible. You should not enter into contracts or serious transactions. Be careful - you can be easily deceived today. Today will also be difficult financially - you will be forced to borrow a large amount of money. Weigh what is more important - prestige or the debt trap that is provided to you after your decision in favor of money.

You are lucky. Today, there is always a Guardian Angel next to you, who will take you through a puddle of troubles and throw you over a mountain of problems. On this day you can do whatever you want - everything will work out. By the way, this is a great time to meet the right people. Don't push away those who offer a helping hand - you may need it.

There is no need to build castles in the air, because today they will remain so. You will have to work hard to realize your plans, so get rid of laziness and get involved in the process, no one can promote you if you don’t want to. This is not your option when the mountain goes to Mohammed.

You have been planning this event for a long time, so today you can implement it. No one and nothing will interfere with this, since you worked hard, which means you deserve a reward - a promotion or bonus, or maybe a promising business trip. All in your hands.

Something in your life is not going well. The problem is that you are tired, both mentally and physically, so you shouldn’t work hard on this day, it’s better to spend it in nature or surrounded by friends and loved ones. You will succeed, but then, as soon as you rest.

This day is worth remembering, since you probably won’t remember a luckier one - you decided to start your own business - please, you will succeed, you want to confess your love - today is also a wonderful day, ask for a promotion - don’t be shy. But on one condition, that tomorrow you will not treat all your affairs carelessly, otherwise all your work will be lost.

Well, you have achieved what you have always strived for. Risk is good, but when it is constant, it does not lead to anything good. Therefore, you should not take too many risks, otherwise problems from the category of minor ones will move into the category of very serious ones, both materially and emotionally.

Your ideas have always been used by someone. At least on this day, try to do for yourself what others are doing for you, because it’s not for nothing that they say that if you want to do it well, do it yourself. It is with your hands and ideas that you can create a miracle, which will then bring you considerable benefits.

On this day you will spend a lot of time thinking about your existence. Today you shouldn’t do anything without weighing the pros and cons. Today you need to calculate every step and then make a move that will bring good luck in everything.

Numerology is an ancient science that allows us to understand the harmony of the Universe. Her main instruments are numbers, which carry their own special rhythm. This section contains various free numerology tests.

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The layout proposed here helps you understand the various events happening in your life. Interpreting it is quite difficult, but it allows you not only to look into the future and comprehend the possible development of the situation, but also to determine - and this is sometimes the most important thing! - the hidden reason for what is happening.
How should fortune telling be done? To begin with, you mix the Major and Minor Arcana with each other. By doing this, you seem to surrender yourself to the will of fate - the choice of card is left to its decision. Then you draw nine cards one at a time and arrange them higher in the pattern shown.
Now let's look at what the Arcana of the alignment tell us.
The cards located in places 1 and 2 tell you about the main forces, the driving impulses on which the entire matter under consideration rests. Having correctly unraveled the symbolism of these cards, you are already penetrating very deeply into the mystery of what is happening.
Pay attention to the relationship between the 1st and 2nd cards: do they complement each other or, on the contrary, act contrary to each other. Thanks to this, you will easily understand why your business is moving forward so smoothly (or so difficultly).
The three Arcana located at the top (places 4-3-5) indicate the order in which the forces, whose character can be determined from cards 1 and 2, influence the course of the entire situation.
The central, 3rd sign informs you of trends that currently exist and directly affect the process.
Card 4 speaks of the force that will soon become dominant and “absorb” other influences alien to it.
The 5th card allows you to name with great accuracy the force that is declining (in other words, the losing side).
Three more Arcana, located below the two central ones, reflect the following knowledge in their symbols:
The 6th, left card denotes a factor that is not yet conscious, but has already begun to influence the situation as a whole. Having understood what exactly is hidden behind this sign, you will be able to unravel the cause of your anxiety;
- The 7th card, the one on the far right, indicates the already realized side of events. It summarizes what you already know and helps you re-evaluate what happened;
- finally, the card in the 8th place shows you possible prospects for the development of the entire situation. By analyzing its meaning, you will be able to determine the best path forward for yourself.
The remaining 9th card should be opened only after you have analyzed and interpreted the first eight signs. If it turns out that the inverted 9th card is one of the Major Arcana, it means that fate has decided to help you and reveal the secret of what is happening.
But if some Arcana from among the Younger ones appears to you, it means that the main and most hidden root cause of the whole matter will remain unsolved by you. In this case, card 9 should simply be put aside.

Since ancient times, many people in extremely difficult situations have turned to magic. Whether it will be white or black, the person himself decided. Some people practiced fortune telling on their own, while others resorted to the help of conspirators and magicians. These days, such rituals are also popular, because in some cases it is simply necessary to know the outcome of a particular situation. Read below about what fortune telling for an event can be and what it entails.

Guessing about the event

We will tell you one of the ways to perform a ritual using paper. To perform fortune telling for an event, take a pen and a piece of paper. Sit back and read carefully. This fortune telling for upcoming events will help you understand what awaits you on this day. It is possible that you have an important event coming up at a certain time, so you would like to know what the result will be.

The piece of paper must be black (required). Write your birthday numbers on it with a pen. Next to it, indicate the date on which you are making fortune telling for the event. All this data must be written down on one line. Then add up the resulting numbers. Do this until you get a single digit number. For example, your date of birth is December 12, 1990. The day you are guessing for is 10/30/2016. Add numbers: 1+2+1+2+1+9+9+3+1+2+1+6=38. Then 3+8=11, and 1+1=2. This number will be the final result. Read below what the number you got means:

  • 0 - the result will not bring anything surprising, everything will remain in its place.
  • 1 - one promises great success in your plans.
  • 2 - events on this day, unfortunately, will bring disappointment.
  • 3 - most likely there will be a long and important conversation with someone.
  • 4 - news.
  • 5 - a meeting that you didn’t even suspect.
  • 6 - plans will collapse, it is better, if possible, to postpone or cancel the planned event.
  • 7 - everything will be exactly as you wanted.
  • 8 - ill-wishers on this day can ruin your mood and disrupt your plans.
  • 9 - expect a miracle to happen.

One of the true fortune telling about events

If you doubt that good news awaits you, then use this fortune-telling (truthful) for events. In order to successfully perform this ritual, it is not necessary to graduate from art school, you just need to be able to draw at the student level. So, take several sheets of paper and a pen, draw the following on separate sheets of paper: figures of a man and a woman, a bird, a house, a fence, a cat, a flower, a river, a door. Each of these drawings is some kind of symbol. will help you understand whether you made the right choice.

Once you have drawn all these figures, do the following: put them in a bag. Clearly formulate the question to which you want to receive a definite answer. Having said it mentally in your head, take the picture out of the bag. Read below for a transcript of what was pulled out:

  1. Woman - you have too high demands on the people around you and even on yourself. You need to lower the bar and be simpler. Moreover, this may mean that others are able to interfere with your plans. Be careful.
  2. Man - you are not able to achieve the goal yourself. You need to turn to someone for help.
  3. Bird - postpone the fulfillment of your desire for some time.
  4. House - there will be no changes in the near future.
  5. Fence - the white stripe will begin soon.
  6. Cat - you have a strong character. Your wish will come true when you start making efforts.
  7. Flower - changes will occur in your personal life.
  8. River - you need to rest.
  9. Doors - you will achieve great success. Things will get better.


Thus, we can conclude that sometimes fortune telling about an event really helps you understand yourself better and make the right choice. Good luck!

This is a rather complicated layout, we advise people with some experience to do it. Otherwise, difficulties may arise in its interpretation. Fortune telling is used to cast a horoscope for a specific period of time. In this case, the following questions are asked: “What awaits me over the next 30 days,” “What awaits me this year,” etc. The horoscope can also be decomposed for a specific event. From the tarot reading you will learn the development, the evolution of your question. Sample questions: “Will we get married,” “Will anyone love me...”, “How will my career develop,” etc. For the layout, you need to draw 12 minor arcana and 7 major arcana.

A horoscope can be laid out either for an event or for a certain period of time. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 large periods (either the evolution of an event or a time period): beginning, apogee, slope, sunset. In case of a question about an event, slope may mean let. The last 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 periods that stand out sharply from one another: past, present, future.

The 12 minor arcana symbolically represent 12 months. The further away the lasso is, the more distant the period of time it describes.

Use this layout no more than once a week, or even less often.

Selecting a form. After you have selected all the cards, you will need to select a blank - a card representing you in the layout. If it is impossible to combine both age and appearance from the table, choose a form only according to your gender and appearance. If the card you have chosen for the blank is already in the spread, you will need to replace the card from the spread with the major arcana of the tarot. Almost all of this will be done automatically and will not be difficult. The form is placed in the center of the layout.

A shortened way of fortune telling for the future

This is a shortened version of the horoscope for the future; it is simpler in layout and interpretation. Can be used daily, for example as a daily forecast.

Sample questions: “How will such and such a matter end?”, “How will such and such an issue develop?”, “Will we be together?” and other questions that can be asked during the usual method of fortune telling. You will need to draw 4 minor arcana and 3 major arcana. The third minor lasso represents an obstacle. If the card in this position is good, there will be no obstacles in your way.

Depending on the topic of the question, only one suit of the minor arcana is used in the layout. If the question concerns work, enterprise, career or any other matter, you should choose wands. If you arrange it for love, take the cups. If the question concerns any struggle, confrontation, or process, take swords. If the question is about money, make the layout with pentacles.

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