How to grow good onions from sets. Tips for growing large onions. How to grow onions in the country - about planting, growing and varieties of onions

I have been growing onions using my own method for several years now. Neighbors come to marvel at my turnip onions and I am happy to share my experience with them. There are no special secrets here: labor-intensive physical labor and unimaginable care. You will just need to hill it several times during the entire ripening period of the onion. You can see this in my photos. On the Internet you can read the most unusual growing methods; I am especially surprised by fertilizers and fertilizing. I will definitely say that onions do not like fresh manure and constant moisture. I’m not going to criticize those who haven’t even held a shovel in their hands, I’ll just tell you how I grow onions. I plant onions in early May, when the ground dries out and warms up.

I dig up the bed for sowing onions, break up all the clods of earth, for this I walk over it with a rake and scatter some ash. I bought onion sets, sorted them out, cut off the top ends with scissors and immersed the entire onion in a pre-prepared bright pink manganese solution. I have it there for about half an hour. I pour the used solution into a watering can and, diluting it with water, water the currant bushes (this is only good for currants.)

I draw out a bed of onions with a stick special for this purpose on the line for planting the sets, a gap of 15 cm. Then in each line with the same stick I make indentations every 15 cm to a depth of 2-3 cm. I lower the sets into these holes with the cut end up. Then I fall asleep and lightly clap my hand. In dry weather I make sure to water it. After 3-5 days, the onion sprouts as an even green plume; I make sure to water it every evening. I carefully hill up the grown onions, and at the same time remove the weeds. I carry out the hilling two more times, as the greenery grows. An important condition is that if you want to get a large turnip, you don’t need to tear off the central feathers, otherwise some fans will tear off everything for the salad and wait for new ones to appear, and besides, the onion will grow gigantic.

In July, onion feathers noticeably grow, becoming long and juicy. I am carrying out the third hilling of the onion. And it seems that there are no more worries with him. When watering, I check how it feels. No yellowing, lodging, or bolting. For prevention, I water the onions with a pink solution of manganese once every two weeks. In the bottom photo you can see how juicy the onion feathers are and the moment when I raked the soil from the neck of the onion. Now the turnip will be big, very big!

At the end of July I prepare the onions for final ripening; now the task is not to grow the feather, but to allow the development of the turnip itself. To do this, I scrape off the soil from each neck of the bulb, but not too much. The bulb itself will do the rest as soon as it feels free. You will immediately notice this transformation; in just a few days the onion will become larger. But the feathers in the garden bed will begin to lie down, this is a sign that the onions are ready for harvest. Green feathers can be collected and used for food; they are not bitter at all, and are quite suitable for many dishes. I prepare okroshka, salads, and freeze most of it along with dill in the form of briquettes for the winter. I’ll tell you about this and show you in the next topic. I stop watering so that the onions don’t rot. I usually harvest onions before August 8-10. I do this early in the morning, in sunny, dry weather. I don’t dig up the onion, I just pull it out by the feather and leave it to dry in the garden. During the day I stir it so that it is better ventilated. In the evening, I trim the feathers and take the onions under the shed, where I scatter them for further drying. Onions store well, lasting until the next harvest. Absolutely without any chemicals and environmentally friendly.

When we plant any vegetables or something else edible on our plot, our main task is to get a decent harvest. And such a harvest is often characterized by large fruits, vegetables, tubers and other similar things. Of course, everything is good only in moderation, and large fruits do not always give us what we wanted. For example, quite often large potatoes are empty inside, and this, of course, is very bad. But today we will talk about onions. When we plant it, we always expect that it will eventually grow large. After all, few people like to collect onions, which in the end turned out to be slightly larger than the sets. This is not why we sowed it.

Large onion. The main secrets of its cultivation

The first moment, which ultimately determines the final result, is planting the onion. By the way, you can plant it as sets not only in the spring, but also before winter (it’s written about this here). When to do this is up to you. The main thing to remember is that any planting involves first preparing the soil appropriately. As for onions, you should not plant them in clay soil. He doesn't like it. If you have nothing to choose from, and the soil on your site is exactly like this, then its composition will need to be adjusted. To do this, sand or peat is simply poured on top of the bed, and these components are mixed well with the main composition of the soil. In addition, the soil should also be slightly alkaline. If you have it acidic (acidity can be determined in this way), then in the fall, you will definitely need to add dolomite flour to it. It will help to significantly deoxidize the soil.

Now, as for the sevka. It also needs to be prepared for planting. It’s best to “bathe” it a little in potassium permanganate (we make a solution and put it there for 10 or 20 minutes). This way you can disinfect all planting material, which will further protect your onions from certain diseases. In addition, you can speed up the germination of onions. To do this, the top of the set will need to be slightly trimmed. When you plant it, in a row, you will need to sprinkle a little ordinary salt. It will help repel the onion fly from your beds. In addition to salt, carrots can also repel this pest from onions. Therefore, always plant both of these vegetables side by side. Onions are also useful for carrots, because they also have their own fly, the carrot fly, which already harms carrots. Onions, on the other hand, prevent the carrot fly from getting closer to its favorite treat. So the benefit here is mutually beneficial.

How and what to feed?

It is no secret that proper fertilizing significantly affects the size of the fruits of any crop. For onions, fertilizing is also very important. It is done not once, but three times. For the first time, it is necessary to feed the onion when only 2 leaves appear on it. Slurry is well suited for this, which you will need to prepare. This is done simply - a liter of manure is usually simply diluted in a bucket of water. In addition to slurry, chicken droppings also work well. Its concentration will be lower - 1 glass of such droppings per whole bucket of water. To both options for this feeding you will need to add a few more components. This is superphosphate (30-40 grams), which must first be dissolved in warm water, and also ash (pour a glass).

Don’t forget to feed the onions the second time after 2 weeks. This is done again with the same superphosphate (30 grams), but with urea (10 grams) and potassium (5 grams). This calculation is also given for a bucket of water.

The end of June will come and you will need to remember about feeding again. This should be done with exactly the same composition as fertilizing number 2. But, if you are a little late and will be fertilizing somewhere in early July, then use nitrogen instead of urea. But you need to be careful with nitrogen fertilizers. If you “overdo it” with them, you will get a good feather, but the bulbs themselves will suffer significantly. Potassium sulfate is the best option of all potash fertilizers, because onions need sulfur. Potassium largely determines the overall safety of the bulbs. It is also present in ash.

Fresh manure, which many people add in the spring, cannot be used to feed onions. The same applies completely to potassium chloride (you can add it, but you only need to do this in the fall). But phosphorus should not be neglected, because it largely determines the size of the bulbs.

How to dry and store onions correctly?

When you get a good, large onion, that's not all. If it cannot be preserved, then why did you grow it at all? And in order for it to be stored for a long time, it must, first of all, be removed from the garden on time. When the first August rains come, there should no longer be any onions in your beds. So, at the end of July you will need to remove it all. If you forget about it, it can get seriously wet, and such a bow is unlikely to be preserved for a long time.

Removing onions on time is also not a guarantee of long-term storage. The main thing is to dry it thoroughly after that. This can best be done in the attic, if it is warm enough there and the wind is still blowing. When the onion dries well, all the dirt is removed from it and the dried tops are cut off. But they don’t cut it off at the root, but always leave 8-10 centimeters.

When you put the onion away for storage, do not forget to sort it out sometimes. After all, it’s enough for one onion to deteriorate and then everything will start to deteriorate. Your task is to prevent this from happening.

In this video they will show you another way to get large onions. How to do it? Look.

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When the harvest is not satisfactory, gardeners wonder how to grow large onions, what is needed for this, are there any secrets or tricks? Proper agricultural technology is the basis of the basics, which few people follow, besides, the variety is of great importance, and the cultivation zone is planted in the Urals or Siberia, the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, the Kuban...

The onion bed is not simple, but with fertilizers!

Many summer residents and gardeners consider onions to be an unpretentious plant - they do not fertilize the soil, do not disinfect the planting material, and in the end the harvest is small or, worse, absent altogether. In this regard, the question may arise of how to grow large onions. To begin with, experienced summer residents and gardeners recommend preparing a good garden bed. Since the composition of the soil in each garden is not the same, it is necessary to focus on the type of soil and its mechanical composition.

For high acidity, add chalk, wood ash or dolomite flour; lime works well. After digging, scatter 2 cups of the substance (to choose from those listed above) over an area of ​​one meter square. For slightly acidic soil, you can use a smaller amount of alkalizing products (1 cup per 1 m²).

Indicator paper will help you find out the acidity of the soil; you can buy it at the pharmacy. We take 20 grams of soil for examination, dilute it in 50 ml of distilled water, let it sit for an hour and carry out an analysis. Dip litmus into the mixture and look: red - soil acidity is high (up to 4), orange - medium (up to 5), yellow - weak (up to 6.5), greenish - neutral (up to 7.5), green-blue - alkaline (up to 8.5).

Preparing a bed for onions - in the photo

Clay soil requires good drainage. To improve water permeability and increase the overall quality of the soil, you can add 1 bucket of river sand per square meter. An excellent addition would be peat (5 kg per 1 m²) - the fertilizer has a porous structure that allows the roots of the plant to be supplied with moisture without oversaturating, which is important for the life of the onion.

Loam considered favorable for planting onions. In the fall, after digging up the soil, add manure, compost or humus (in the amount of 3-4 kg per m²).

Sod-podzolic soil widespread, and although it contains most of the nutrients, adding organic matter will have a positive effect on the composition of the soil. If you use manure during autumn digging, then it should take a walk, lie in the sun, air out and only then go to the garden bed. For one square meter of such soil, add 1-2 kg of manure, humus or compost and dig it up. In spring, instead of organic matter, you can add minerals (per 1 m²): nitrogen - 1 tbsp. l. (for the growth of the green part of the plant), phosphorus 7.5 g (for the mass of the onion turnip) and potassium 18 g (to strengthen the root system).

Sandy soil does not retain moisture, so it is recommended to add clay for compaction. Peat is great. You can feed the soil with manure at the rate of 2 buckets per square meter. In spring, use nitrogenous fertilizers (urea 70 g per 10 m²). Since sandy soils are loose and have a high loss of liquid, it is better to fertilize them in the spring, using less fertilizer, but more often.

Sandy loam soil good for planting onions. Has a high degree of air penetration and retains moisture. For fertilizer, use peat, preferably together with manure: a bucket of each nutrient component per square meter.

Calcareous soil requires constant loosening, heats up quickly, which leads to drying out. It is better to fertilize such soil with humus or compost, and put mulch on top, in the form of weeds picked from the garden, fallen leaves. Wood ash is suitable; it is added throughout the year at a rate of 200 grams per square meter. Potassium for such soil is necessary in the autumn; when digging, sprinkle 2 tbsp. l. per square meter of area.

If you follow the advice of experienced agronomists, you can understand how to grow good onions in the country by fertilizing the soil in accordance with its type. Of course, it is worth taking care of the proper preparation of planting material.

Processing the seedlings before planting is a must!

Growing sets is much easier than onion seeds - the very next year you get excellent large onions. Therefore, in order to know how to grow large onions, we suggest paying attention to the methods of processing planting material.

First, a few tips from experienced summer residents. If the seed size is from 1 to 1.6 cm, then it is better to plant it in the autumn, because it is very difficult to comply with storage conditions: a constant air temperature of +3 ° ... + 5 ° C is required, a well-ventilated room, disinfected in advance, with a relative air humidity is not higher than 70%, the vegetable itself is stored in wooden boxes or well-ventilated bags (surely, many can boast how they stored onions in nylon tights, such a purely Russian life hack).

processing onion sets in potassium permanganate – pictured

Of course, before this, the onions are dried for 2 weeks at a temperature of +35 °C. Compliance with all conditions is difficult, therefore, in order for the harvest to be full, the best thing you can do with such a set is to plant it in the fall.

Bulbs larger than 2 cm take root well and produce large turnips, which is very important for a gardener; do not forget about feeding and processing planting material. And if storage standards are not observed, such plants shoot. Summer residents advise breaking off the buds of the arrow and using such vegetables first, since they will not be stored for long.

So, to begin with, before planting, treat the bulbs: dry the heads for 2 weeks on natural fabric (cotton, linen), at a temperature of +35 ° C. The next step is to soak the sets in a saline solution: 30 grams of table salt (you can use sea salt in the same quantity) dilute in 2 liters of liquid, dip the heads for 30 minutes for spring planting (for autumn - 10 minutes).

Next you will need a solution of potassium permanganate: the composition is simple - 1 tsp. on a bucket. Potassium permanganate allows you to disinfect onion sets and help you grow a healthy harvest. After marinating in solutions, rinse the onions and lay them out to dry for 5 hours at a temperature of +30°...+35°C. Now you can start planting.

Of the drugs sold in garden stores, Quadris, Fitosporin and others have proven themselves well. The first will help the plant fight viral and fungal diseases. Application: 8 ml of suspension is diluted in 10 liters. water, dipped in the mixture for 30 minutes, dried and planted. Fitosporin is resistant to various temperature conditions (from -50 to +40 ° C); manufacturers offer the substance in different forms: paste, powder and suspension. To increase the mass of produce, you can use the drug Epin: you will need 0.5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of liquid, soak the bulbs for 3 hours, dry them slightly, plant them, and in a few months you can harvest a large harvest of onions. That's all the simple rules for getting a large onion harvest. To know how to grow large onions from sets, follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners and a good harvest will not be long in coming.

Follow 10 secrets of onion care to get a big harvest!

Onions are a natural antiseptic, have an antiviral effect on the human body, help other products be more easily absorbed in the body, and, thanks to their saturation with vitamin C, cope well with skin diseases. Of course, the usefulness of the vegetable is undeniable, so why not grow it yourself. To know how to grow a good harvest of onions, summer residents and gardeners reveal 10 secrets of caring for onions

onion harvest - in the photo
  1. Selection of high-quality planting material: without mechanical damage, dense in structure, with golden scales;
  2. Tillage- the main factor in obtaining a quality vegetable (the methods are indicated above);
  3. Selecting a location: the bed should be well warmed by the sun's rays and ventilated (many gardeners advise that the vegetable be located on a slight hill for better water drainage, since onions do not like excess moisture);
  4. Processing of planting material will allow you to grow large onions;
  5. When the onion feathers grow, spray it with potassium sulfate(30g/1 l) – this fertilizing will prevent the onion feathers from turning yellow and will make the plants stronger in unfavorable weather conditions;
  6. When the bulb begins to form, It is better to exclude fertilizers containing nitrogen so that it is not the feather that grows, but the head. The larger the feather, the larger the bow. But, if you are late, and it was not possible to grow a luxurious green mass, then during the period of head formation, it is too late to fertilize with nitrogen. Otherwise, you risk growing loose bulbs that will not store well in winter;
  7. Watering 2 times a week, in the morning or evening (daytime watering will have a bad effect on the plant - yellow or light green spots may appear on the feather). This is suitable for a dry summer, but if the time of year turns out to be rainy, then you don’t have to water the onions at all;
  8. Be sure to loosen the soil, this will increase the access of oxygen to the roots of the plant. Get rid of weeds to prevent the occurrence of infectious or fungal diseases (peronospora, fusarium);
  9. Mulch the soil during autumn planting, and in spring, remove the blanket with the first snowfalls;
  10. Onions are harvested on dry, warm days., to avoid diseases (cervical rot, bottom rot).

We only offer options for getting a healthy harvest, you decide whether to use them or ignore them. Now, dear readers, you know how to grow large onions!

All gardeners plant turnips, but not everyone will be pleased with their size. Agree that peeling and cutting large onions is much more convenient and faster than spending half a day with small items, especially during the conservation period. Therefore, the “caliber” of the crop for this crop plays a paramount role. There are some nuances to how to grow large onions that affect the size of the bulb. Untimely planting, unsuitable variety and errors in care are what can ruin all efforts. However, if you do everything correctly, then the harvest will not only be abundant, but also of high quality.

So, what needs to be done to ensure that onions grow not only lush feathers, but also large bulbs? The following factors are important for a good harvest:

  • selection of the appropriate variety;
  • landing dates;
  • competent care (especially in terms of watering and fertilizing).

Let's look at each point in more detail.

How to choose a variety?

For personal use, onions are most often grown from sets - small onions obtained as a result of sowing seeds (nigella) last season. Sevok (or, as it is also called, waterweed) is either grown independently or purchased. The first option is preferable, because it allows you to control the quality of planting material, namely its conditions.

If you keep the set warm, then after planting it will go into arrows and there will be no more large onions. Optimal storage conditions for bulbs are a temperature of no higher than 2°C.

In addition, when choosing a variety of onions, you need to focus not only on varietal characteristics regarding size. More important is information about regionalization. Onions need long daylight hours, so for southern and northern latitudes you need to use “your” variety.

When to plant onions?

Equally important is timely planting. In general, onions are not afraid of frost, but not varieties grown for root crops. They need warmth to grow, especially in the soil. If you plant the seedling in unheated soil, it will shoot shoots and will not grow large bulbs. At the same time, even in the case of late planting, plants will develop slowly in dry soil, which will affect the harvest.

You can start planting onions when the ground warms up to 10°C and the air temperature is 5°C. Depending on the growing region, this is the end of March - beginning of May.

How to grow large onions: subtleties of care

There will be large onions if the onion has enough nutrition. Poor soil must be fertilized before planting by digging it up in the fall with the addition of organic matter (humus) and nitroammophoska.

During the growing season, onion plantings will need at least 2 additional feedings to grow heads:

  1. Beginning of June - urea solution (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).
  2. End of June – solution based on nitroammophoska (2 tablespoons per bucket of water).

If the bulbs slowly gain weight, you can carry out another feeding by watering the beds with a solution of superphosphate (40 g per bucket of water). It is also important not to forget to regularly moisten the soil, but not with cold water.

Secrets of growing large onions: what to feed - video

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