Standards for multi-apartment and individual buildings. How high is one floor? Standards for apartment and individual buildings Is it possible to build a house in a leap year

    Well, the basement usually sticks out by 1-15, the ceiling is a maximum of 30 cm, the ceiling height is 2.5, the attics vary from two to three meters. Well, count 2.5x16+0.3x19 (the overlap of the attic and roof can also be calculated) +1.5+2... In short, about 50 meters.

    Approximately 30 m.
    What a source! Logics. Add 2.5 m to each floor (this is an approximate standard) and + floors between floors and a roof.

    don’t worry, everything will be fine.. My cat was gone for 2 weeks, we were all worried, but he crawls on 2 legs, the other 2 were broken.. The veterinarian said we need to euthanize, but we refused, now 7-8 years later, he’s still running , jumping..

    Considering that the 1st floor is approximately 3 meters, the entire building is approximately 45 meters

    go to the doctor :) my friend crushed his heels like that

    Have you already climbed higher, where the feline animal cannot reach you? You can get down!
    The highest jumps can be made by African leopards and pumas. They are able to jump onto a tree branch (or rock ledge) located at a height 5.5 meters.In general, cats can jump up to five times their height.

    Is your cat, by any chance, a puma?

    Although, my cat jumped from the floor onto a tall cabinet, flew two meters, but only 5 meters))
    Yes, it urgently needs to be included in the book of records!

    nope :) doesn't make me sick

    I bought a decent one for 5 lats.

    If there are no cracks or fractures, then fastum will most likely help. Well, or my favorite troxevasin: also good for bruises.
    But just in case, monitor the bruised area: if soft tissue is crushed there, there may be complications. You will understand this if, in addition to pain, signs of inflammation appear: redness, swelling.
    Then skip to the doctor!

    CopyPro doesn't have very good quality. Especially if you want to print a large poster.

    I recommend you two places on Merkela:
    CopyExpert- Merkela iela 17/19 By the way, they have a 50% discount every day from 16.00-17.00. If I'm not mistaken, you can find out more by calling 67221568 or 27840652.
    Merkelas Drukas Darbnica- Merkela 13. 67320606 or 26424400.

Surprisingly, many citizens of modern Russia still use and purchase this type of housing.

Characteristics of buildings

In the previous paragraph of the article, the main series of MKDs in the USSR were briefly mentioned. To better understand the concept of building them, let's look at their characteristics in the following table:

MKD series




type of structure


panel, brick

panel, brick

number of storeys

availability of elevator/garbage chute



number of rooms in apartments

apartment features

large size, combination of bathrooms, wooden base of floors, insulation of rooms, small kitchens, high shelves and large area

small size, combined bathrooms, no room insulation, the walls in the house are mostly load-bearing, small kitchens, low ceilings and small area

average dimensions, separate bathrooms, isolation of rooms, mostly non-load-bearing walls, average kitchens, average ceilings and average-large area



heat capacity



consistently average

It is worth noting that the housing stock from these series is mostly worn out, so there is no need to talk about the reliability of the buildings.

Regarding the general operational characteristics, we can say that Khrushchev buildings fully justify their status as social housing and do not differ in particular comfort, but Stalin buildings (at the moment practically not for sale due to severe wear and tear) and Khrushchev buildings are more comfortable housing, aimed not just at providing housing human needs, namely the comfort of his life.

About MKD series

What types of panel houses are there with 9 floors?

The popular MKD series in the USSR did not have any special features, with the exception of Khrushchev’s “panels”.

Due to the fact that this housing was built in huge quantities, it was given a serial name.

By the way, there were quite a lot of series, since each of them reflected certain changes in the concept of construction of apartment buildings of a particular period. Surprisingly, in 25 years - from the late 50s to the early 90s, almost a hundred series of houses were produced.

The most common of them were:

  • Series 1-500 – typical panel MKDs from the times of Khrushchev. They were distinguished by 5 floors and one- and two-room apartments of a nondescript nature.
  • Series 1-468 – improved. They were distinguished by 5-10 storeys and more comfortable apartments with 1-4 rooms.
  • Series 83, 90 and 97 are the apogees of the Khrushchev era of MKD construction. They had a similar number of floors to the 1-468 series, but were more comfortable in terms of use.

Let us repeat, many series of MKDs were produced on the territory of the USSR in the 50-90s. Some of them were distinguished by their prevalence (described above), some by greater solidity (602, series-PP, etc.), and others by the number of floors (series-II up to 18 tiers, for example). There are several ways to more accurately find out the serial number of your specific MKD:

  • having carefully studied the technical documentation for the apartment;
  • by contacting the BTI at your place of residence with a corresponding request;
  • by going to the official website of the housing control of the Russian Federation or another resource, where there is information about all series of apartment buildings being built in our country.

As a rule, series of houses are recognized by citizens to consider the specific features of their homes. However, the wear and tear of most houses from the Stalin, Khrushchev and even Brezhnev series raises a big question about the relevance of this issue. Let's finish here. We hope the material presented above was useful to you.

You can learn about the history of the construction of Khrushchev houses in the USSR by watching the video:

Write a question to a housing lawyer in the form below see also Phone numbers for consultation

11 Sep 2017 121

Discussion: 6 comments

    A nine-story panel building is not the worst option, I live in one myself, but it can’t be called excellent either. The main complaint is sound insulation. Yes, she simply doesn’t exist! You can hear conversations not only from neighbors above or below, but sometimes even across the floor. It feels like the houses are made of thick cardboard and not for people, but for chickens and geese.


    You can’t even argue that your own, private house is best, but if you choose, then Stalin’s houses are better, they are built conscientiously and strong, they will last for many years, the main thing is that these houses belong to the city and are not ghost houses that are not occupied by anyone other than the owners .


    It’s better what you have money for, although in my opinion it would be better if the house is recently built and new, in any case, it is not in danger of being demolished for a long time. In the USSR, houses were built conscientiously, the most budget option was the Khrushchev building.


    I live in Khrushchevka. The house is brick, but the walls between the apartments are made of plaster blocks. Soundproofing is disgusting. If you stand under the wall and cough, your neighbors will hear you, not to mention laughter and children’s crying. The size of the rooms is small, the kitchen is tiny. But the sound insulation between floors is not that bad.


    When we moved from the Brezhnev nine-story building, we chose a 12-story building from the same era, since the layout there had already been more or less improved. And the kitchen is 2 meters larger. I think the 12-story buildings are the most successful from the Brezhnev era.


The height of a 9-story building in meters is a relative value that depends on which series of residential buildings this building belongs to. The construction of residential buildings in certain periods was carried out according to standard designs, and they had some differences in layout, floor height, and number of sections. Therefore, to determine the exact parameters and reliable information about the height of a nine-story building, it is necessary to have specific technical information. If an average height is needed, it is called 27 to 30 meters. Sometimes, to answer the question of how many meters are in a 9-story building, you need to take into account the roof, ground floor and additional architectural decorations.

Construction of a 9-story building

A little about the history of the issue

The design of houses of various heights is dictated by the need to save space, which arises in conditions of total urbanization.

The higher the house, the more apartments can be built in it and the more families can be accommodated.

Sample plan for a 9-story building

The expansion of large cities and megalopolises in width leads to the seizure of areas that could serve as agricultural land. Therefore, there was an urgent need for the design and construction of multi-storey buildings. Here are some examples:

  • the first 4-story frame-panel house in the Soviet state was built in Moscow in the post-war period (1948);
  • at the same time and a little later in Moscow, a residential area was built up with houses of 10 floors;
  • the first frameless panel house, 7 floors high, was built in 1954, also in the capital;
  • the construction of 5-story buildings was chosen for reasons of economy - this is the maximum number of storeys that allows construction without an elevator;
  • For the first time, the construction of a 9-story panel house began in 1960.

Without an agreed project with all parameters, it is impossible to start construction

Determine with accuracy how tall a 9-story building is , possible using the standard code that was used to designate standard projects in the USSR. The index indicated the type of building and wall material (panels, load-bearing frame, blocks, bricks, etc.), series number and serial number of the project. Sometimes there are two more numbers, 1 or 2, indicating the period when it was adjusted.

Read also: Safe distance from cell towers to residential buildings: standards and harm to health

By looking up the documents for the series, you can accurately calculate the height of a 9-story building in meters in a particular design of a typical type of building. The designation also included data on the expected climatic conditions (seismic, permafrost, subsidence, etc.), as well as the degree of durability of the 9-story building, which the creators of the project expected (the number 1 meant up to one hundred).

Viewing the plan requires knowledge of numerical and letter designations according to GOST

Architectural solutions

The considerations from which the architects proceeded when choosing 9 floors for construction, and not 10 or 8 floors, were the expected height, with rare exceptions, of 28 or a little more than m. The vertical size of a 9-story building in meters usually allows you to reach the top floor using a standard fire escape, the length of which is exactly the same - 28 m.

The standard ceiling height was even less than 3 meters, but taking into account the foundation or base it turned out to be a little more.

If you don’t have a plan, you can easily request such a document from the developer

If you build an additional number of floors, special stairs are required to ensure evacuation in case of fire, and this means a significant increase in the cost of the project. Even if the ceiling height was 3 meters (which was extremely rare in panel houses, even with a foundation and basement), the height of a 9-story building did not exceed 30 m. It turned out that a fire escape could reach the top floor. At the same time, additional security measures leading to an increase in the cost of the resulting square meters were not required.

The photo shows a 9-story building.

The ratio of the height of a 9-story building and a fire escape

Approximate floor height according to SNiP

Apartment buildings include any buildings that have several exits to the building site, or those buildings whose height is more than 3 floors. There is a classification of the number of storeys of buildings, according to the number of floors or the number of meters in height.

Table for calculating parameters depending on the ceiling level according to SNiP

This classification includes all modern buildings, except skyscrapers, and by looking into it, you can find out that residential buildings are:

  • low-rise (up to 3 floors or up to 12 m: possible non-standard ceiling heights are taken into account);
  • mid-rise buildings include floors 3 to 5, standard five-story buildings about 15 meters high;
  • from the 6th to the 10th floor are considered high-rise, the approximate height of the maximum building is 30 m;
  • all others are considered in categories up to 50, 75 and more meters.

Read also: At what distance from the house can a bathhouse be built: fire code SNiP and law

The number of floors does not always mean reaching a certain level. The construction of 6-story buildings in Moscow, where the 1st floor was intended for shops, could be almost as tall as a typical nine-story building. The average height of one floor is considered to be 2.6–2.8 m.

Classification of houses according to SNiP

But in typical projects it could be 2.50, 2.64, 2.7 m. In panel houses it depended on the size of the panel, and they were from 2.5 to 2.8 meters. In a brick house, the ceiling height is from 2.8 to 3 m. In a monolithic structure, much depends on the concrete used, but the ceilings usually reach sizes in the range from 3 to 3 m 30 cm.

Modern standards

In modern individual construction, any room with ceilings higher than 2.5 m is considered suitable for living, and anything lower may already be considered unsuitable for living. At the same time, the maximum number of floors of individual housing construction is 3 floors and 9 m.

This limitation also includes the underground part of the building, so that the average size of a floor can be considered in any case to be about 3 m. Therefore, to the question about the height of a nine-story building, the stable answer received in the information network is from 27 to 30 m.

Construction of a 9-storey building

If you need more accurate data, you should find out the index of the residential building and look at the parameters provided in the standard project.

Ceiling height in standard projects

Starting from the 70s of the last century, a unified catalog of construction parts began to operate in the Soviet Union, which is why the construction of standard projects became part of construction practice. The most common series of houses with nine floors include:

  • 1-515/9sh – house of several sections, panel, maximum number of rooms in the apartment – ​​3, size from floor to ceiling – 2.60 m;
  • 1605/9 – one-, two- and three-room apartments, but the ceilings are already 2.64 m, can be distinguished by the presence of end and row sections;
  • 11-18/9 - a brick house, but to the ceiling in the apartment - the same 2.64 m;
  • 11-49 - already provided for 4-room apartments, but the size from floor to ceiling remained generally accepted - 2.64 m;
  • in later series (606 and P-44K) the vertical to the ceiling could reach 2.70 m;
  • in modern 137th, in houses built a long time ago - also 2.70 m, in newer ones - even 2.8 m.

An apartment building differs from an individual building in that it has several separate exits to the land or apartment plot. Also, multi-apartment buildings are recognized as buildings whose height exceeds 3 floors, including underground, basement, attic, etc.

The following classification of residential buildings is distinguished, which differ in the number of floors:

  • Low-rise (1 - 3). Most often these include individual residential buildings. The height of the building, as a rule, does not exceed 12 meters;
  • Mid-rise (3-5). The height of the floors is 15 meters - this is a standard five-story building;
  • High number of storeys (6-10). The building is 30 meters high;
  • Multi-storey (10 - 25):

The number of storeys of a building is calculated solely by the number of above-ground floors. When calculating the number of storeys, not only the size from floor to ceiling is taken into account, but also the size of inter-floor ceilings.

Apartment buildings. Number of floors and height of buildings

In modern projects, the “golden mean” is considered to be a height of one floor of 2.8-3.3 m.

The following types of multi-storey buildings are distinguished:

  • Panel. Belongs to the budget series. It has a high construction speed, but poor heat and sound insulation. The maximum number of storeys is about 25, depending on the design. In a living room, the height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 - 2.8 m, depending on the size of the panels.
  • Brick. The construction speed is quite low, since construction requires high costs. Thermal and sound insulation indicators are much higher than panel ones. The optimal possible number of floors is 10. The height of each is on average 2.8 - 3 m.
  • Monolithic. These buildings are quite diverse, because everything depends on the load-bearing capacity of concrete. They have high seismic resistance. To improve heat and sound insulation during construction, brickwork can be used. Allows the construction of about 160 floors. Height from floor to ceiling 3 - 3.3 m.

How to obtain permission for individual housing construction? What does a developer need to know?

Limiting authorities follow the development procedure and approve documents for individual housing construction according to RSN 70-88. Thanks to them, not only the accuracy of site development is determined, but also the layout of the home and auxiliary buildings. This project needs to be thought through carefully.

The height of a 12-story building! — Bunker I.V. Stalin

because what is not shown in the plan will be recognized as an unauthorized structure and must be demolished or re-approved.

Without permission, that is, before the plan is approved and documents are received, work should not begin, otherwise serious problems may arise. In order to find out exactly what documents will be required to start construction, you should read the “Code of Rules for Design and Construction SP 11-III-99”.

In order to obtain permission, you need to contact the BTI or the city architectural department to provide:

  • application for planning permission;
  • documents establishing the right to use the site;
  • certificate of field determination of boundaries, placement of buildings, etc.;
  • cadastral plan of the site;
  • House project.

Once issued, the permit is valid for 10 years.

Individual housing construction

The number of floors of an individual residential building is calculated based on the number of residents and personal preferences. The minimum height of a room according to SNiP is 2.5 m. If the height does not correspond to these parameters and is lower, then this room will be considered unsuitable for habitation.

How many floors can be built on the site? On an individual plot it is permissible to build a three-story house with a height of about 9 meters. In this case, both underground and above-ground premises are also taken into account.

What can be built on a garden plot?

Many people are interested in the question: what can be built and how many floors can one build independently on a garden plot? In addition to outbuildings, it is possible to build residential premises on a garden plot that are not suitable for registration. When constructing buildings on a garden plot, you should be guided by SNiP.

It is permissible to build two above-ground floors. The height of the house in meters depends on the size of the floor, so the minimum permissible height of one span is 2.2 m.

Is it possible to build a house in a leap year?

In our country, a leap year is considered very unlucky for the construction of residential buildings, but in some countries, on the contrary, it is very successful. Is it possible to build a manor? Of course, in modern realities it is difficult to follow all the signs. First of all, it depends on the owner, because not everyone wanted to build a house in 2016, and many put it off. But even companies are no longer able to freeze the project of an apartment building for a year.

This may interest you:

The construction of multi-storey buildings is carried out only by highly qualified specialists, since this business not only requires large expenses, but also has many nuances.

In 2010, SNiPs were recognized as sets of mandatory rules. They regulate activities in the field of urban planning, as well as engineering work, design and construction.

Approximately 30 m.
What a source! Logics. Add 2.5 m to each floor (this is an approximate standard) and + floors between floors and a roof.

Well, the basement usually sticks out by 1-15, the ceiling is a maximum of 30 cm, the ceiling height is 2.5, the attics vary from two to three meters. Well, count 2.5x16+0.3x19 (the overlap of the attic and roof can also be calculated) +1.5+2...

How tall is a 9-story building?

In short, about 50 meters.

don’t worry, everything will be fine.. My cat was gone for 2 weeks, we were all worried, but he crawls on 2 legs, the other 2 were broken.. The veterinarian said we need to euthanize, but we refused, now 7-8 years later, he’s still running , jumping..

Considering that the 1st floor is approximately 3 meters, the entire building is approximately 45 meters

Have you already climbed higher, where the feline animal cannot reach you? You can get down!
The highest jumps can be made by African leopards and pumas. They are able to jump onto a tree branch (or rock ledge) located at a height 5.5 meters.In general, cats can jump up to five times their height.

Is your cat, by any chance, a puma?

Although, my cat jumped from the floor onto a tall cabinet, flew two meters, but only 5 meters))
Yes, it urgently needs to be included in the book of records!

nope 🙂 don’t feel sick

I bought a decent one for 5 lats.

go to the doctor 🙂 my friend crushed his heels like that

If there are no cracks or fractures, then fastum will most likely help. Well, or my favorite troxevasin: also good for bruises.
But just in case, monitor the bruised area: if soft tissue is crushed there, there may be complications. You will understand this if, in addition to pain, signs of inflammation appear: redness, swelling.
Then skip to the doctor!

CopyPro doesn't have very good quality. Especially if you want to print a large poster.

I recommend you two places on Merkela:
CopyExpert— Merkela iela 17/19 By the way, they have a 50% discount every day from 16.00-17.00. If I'm not mistaken, you can find out more by calling 67221568 or 27840652.
Merkelas Drukas Darbnica— Merkela 13. 67320606 or 26424400.

Height - floor

Page 2

The floor height in multi-storey buildings is taken as a multiple of 600 mm.

The height of floors and the grid of frame columns are assigned in accordance with the requirements for typing structural elements and unifying dimensional parameters. Such limited mesh sizes are due to large temporary loads on the floors, which can reach 15 kN/m2, and in some cases 25 kN/m2 or more.

The length of the 1st floor can be expressed as...

The height of a floor is the distance from the floor of a floor to the floor of the floor above. The height of the upper floor is taken equal to the distance from the floor level of the penultimate floor to the floor level of the attic; in this case, the height of the attic floor is assumed to be conditionally equal to the height of the interfloor floor.

The height of a floor is the vertical distance from the floor level of the floor below to the floor level of the floor above, and in upper floors and one-story buildings - to the top of the attic floor level.

When the heights of the floors are different, the length of the staircase is determined by the length of the largest of the flights of stairs, which should not extend beyond the cage, otherwise it will cross the beam connecting its racks into a spatial frame.

Combinations of floor heights may sometimes not meet the technological requirements of the production facilities located. In this case, during a feasibility study, it is allowed to accept the necessary combinations of floor heights while maintaining the absolute values ​​provided for by GOST.

An increase in the height of the first floor by more than 5 m does not have a noticeable effect on the excess temperatures of the working area and hi 4 m can be considered close to optimal for the conditions under consideration.

We assume the height of the building's floor is 2-5 m, the average water flow in the riser is 250 kg/h, the pipe diameter Dy is 20 mm.

With a floor height of 3 5 - 4 5 m, the warehouse area can be taken to be approximately 3 - 4 m2 per 1 L 3 of wood processed by the pattern shop per year.

If the floor height is 3600 mm or more, additional holes should be provided for the beams of the flooring, positioning them so that the distance between the holes in height does not exceed 1800 mm. On the top floor, additional embedded parts for fastening the guides should be located at a distance of 500 mm from the bottom of the ceiling above the shaft.

It seems to me that the 5th house is equal to 15 meters

If there are 18 meters to the roof. From a window on the 5th floor 17 meters away, my brother told me since childhood...

15 m in a 5-story building

Floor ~3 meters. 3*5=15 meters

I think it depends on the building itself

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Multi-storey buildings are a good solution to accommodate a large number of people in complete comfort in a limited area. But tall buildings put pressure on people; they become disconnected from the ground. And instead of being content with the sun's rays, you have to live in the shade of multi-story buildings.

How many years have multi-storey buildings been built?

If construction organizers do not pursue goals such as breaking any records during construction, or if they are not pressed for deadlines, then the building takes about 10 months to construct. Also, the timing depends on the height of the 9-story building. There are also such nuances as a lack of labor due to sudden epidemics, materials, and the vagaries of the weather. And in addition to height, a house can also occupy a certain area. It can be a whole complex or a house with one entrance, and the construction of each requires its own time frame.

To this you need to add the time required for the foundation to shrink. This is a necessary and natural process. This takes about a year or more. Shrinkage occurs depending on the natural conditions of the area (weather, soil) and the materials used in construction. Naturally, the building pushes the ground and settles a little in it. Before construction, specialists are required to study the structure of the soil, after which they draw up a construction plan - what materials to select, what height of a 9-story building in meters should be, the foundation, etc. It is also important to eliminate flooding of the sub- and near-ground parts, since groundwater has a negative impact on any building materials.

Tallest buildings in the world

If you think that the height of a 9-story building is too high, then you are mistaken. Compared to this, it's just a fungus under a tree. In New York there is a tower called the Sears Tower, and its height is 443.2 meters! And this skyscraper is far from the tallest in the world. But the height of its observation deck will be visible to the entire city.

There is a skyscraper bearing the name and it has a height of 381 meters. Location - the same New York. A huge amount of materials were used in its construction. It has 102 floors and 6.5 thousand windows!

Completing the trio of examples is Shun Hing Square, and this one is already in the city of Shenzhen, which is located in China. Its height is 384 meters (69 floors). Construction took 3 years. Up to 4 floors were built per day. Despite the fact that the height of a 9-story building is small compared to skyscrapers, few companies can complete the work in such a time frame.

But if every construction company could meet such deadlines, then in a matter of years cities could turn into megalopolises. Many cities would lose their historical names and acquire new ones due to the fact that they underwent agglomeration. But let's not scare ourselves with fantasies.

Is it difficult to build high-rise buildings?

If you are looking for a master class on how to build a multi-story house with your own hands, then you better give up this idea. Since without special calculations your house will not stand for long. Often people cannot cope with the complexity and volume of work even when building a one-story private house.

We present the amount of basic materials needed during construction. To build one floor, you need 4,500 bricks, 10 kg of plaster, 10 floor slabs and much more. And the height of a 9-story building is not just abstract numbers. There are costs for the foundation, roofing, etc. In addition, a large workforce and special equipment are needed to lift building materials to a height.

The responsibilities for constructing a multi-story building are divided among a large number of people. There are many professions involved in this matter: from architects to builders. Do they find it difficult to cope with their responsibilities? Certainly!

The first tall buildings

Even in ancient times on Earth, people knew how to build structures of enormous size. Unfortunately, the technology has not reached our days. But the size is amazing! How could people, without modern tools, create such complex structures? The most famous buildings are the temples and pyramids of the Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians, as well as Greek palaces. Even then, people knew how to create buildings that were complex not only in size, but also in shape and beauty.

Disadvantages of 9-story buildings

Living in a tall building is not always convenient. There are many disadvantages of living in 9-story buildings. For example, if you live on the top floors and the elevator is faulty. And the very possibility of getting stuck in an elevator is not attractive. The height of a 9-story building offers beautiful views of the city, but the likelihood that your children may fall off the windowsill while admiring them is very high if you do not prohibit them from playing and leaning on the window. Explain to children what consequences these activities may have.

And in case of an emergency, if you live on the highest floor, it will be more difficult for you to leave your apartment. It is dangerous to use the elevator, and it takes a long time to run up the stairs to the first floor; unforeseen circumstances can happen during the descent. The length is not enough to reach the 9th floor. However, help can come from the air. But there are floors that cannot be reached either from the air or using stairs.

So, it is better to develop an evacuation plan with your family in advance for any type of emergency. Keep a first aid kit and essentials ready, and most importantly, remember that safety depends primarily on you. Follow the rules of safe behavior yourself and don’t forget to teach them to your children.

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