How to kiss a girl correctly: the right approach for beginners. How to kiss a guy correctly: mastering the technique of a good kiss French kiss - a passionate kiss with tongue

This article will look at various types of kisses, and will also pay attention to how to kiss correctly.

Meaning: “I want to get to know you better.”

A kiss on the cheek may seem more like a manifestation of platonic feelings, or a respectful attitude towards your relatives, but it can also be applied to your other half.

Your lips should be soft and relaxed. Bring them closer to your girlfriend's or boyfriend's (if you're a girl) cheek, as if choosing the perfect spot for a kiss. Then gently touch your cheek with your lips.

A kiss on the cheek can lead to a kiss on the earlobe, which is a very sensitive point for the touch of lips, tongue and the sensation of breathing. You can bite your earlobe, just do it while covering your teeth with your lips.

“I feel good next to you.”

Bring your lips to the closed eyes of your loved one and, lightly touching, kiss them. You can also kiss the eyebrows and corners of the eyes.

This is a particularly sweet way to kiss someone you really love. It’s not for nothing that the kiss of the eyelids is also called the kiss of an angel.

"I care about you."

This is a sincere kiss that promotes a feeling of security, which is created specifically to express care for each other.

"You are cute."

Kissing the back or inside of the hand is very sensual.

And even if this is not the most passionate type of kisses, they always reflect your care and desire to be close.

“Every part of you is amazing.”

This kiss is reminiscent of a vampire bite, but that doesn’t make it any less pleasant or amazing.

“I like your face.”

Consists of kissing the chin from ear to ear. You already know what you can do with your earlobe.

“You are gentle and affectionate.”

A kiss on the nose will seem quirky and cute, making you both smile.

"Let's continue."

The back of the neck can be an interesting kissing target. Your other half will definitely appreciate it.

“Every part of you is better than the previous one.”

Try this type of kissing by touching your lips to the pads of your fingertips.

10. French kiss (passionate)

“You awakened my feelings.”

Touching lips is wonderful, but kissing using both lips and tongue is even more intimate.

The French kiss is one of the most popular types of kisses that breaks out between two very close people.

It's better to start it slowly. Touch your loved one's tongue with your tongue. Keep your tongue relaxed and try not to produce too much saliva.

“I like playing with you.”

This is a gentle kiss that is specifically designed to seduce the other person.

Kiss either the bottom or the upper lip your partner, without using language. This type of kissing can be used mixed with the French kiss.

12. Melt the ice

“Let's light it up.”

This is a very naughty and fun kiss that you can use while drinking iced drinks.

Place an ice cube in your mouth and place it on the tip of your tongue, then kiss the girl (guy) and pass the ice cube using your tongue.

Find out how long it takes for the ice to melt.

13. Hot and cold

“I'm slowing down, but I'm going to speed up.”

When kissing your partner, pull away sharply, and then gently hit his lips with your lips, provoking an explosion of feelings.

"I miss you."

Kiss the lower lip, remembering to use your tongue.

"I want you."

Move in to kiss your partner, but run your tongue across their lips instead.

Now kiss them.

“Let's experiment.”

You kiss your partner's tongue softly.

“Being with you makes me a better person.”

When you are as close to face to face as possible, open and close your eyes, touching the girl’s (guy’s) cheeks, nose or lips with your eyelashes.

Let your lashes have some fun too.

"You make me smile."

Touch your partner's nose with your own, moving up and down and side to side.

"You are mine."

Gently kiss the girl's neck for pleasant emotions.

“Let's try something new.”

Try the legendary kiss from the movie “Spider-Man”, when your face is upside down in relation to your partner.

You can use this type of kissing while in bed or on the edge of the bed.

“Let's add some fun.”

This kiss is like melting ice, but only sweeter.

Place a berry or piece of fruit in your mouth, then move on to French kissing. As soon as your lips touch, use your lips and tongue to pass the fruit to your partner.

“Thanks to you, I feel good.”

This type of kissing is done by sucking your partner's lips, as if you are trying to suck the soul out of him. It is never long in duration.

“No one will know about our secret.”

Take a small sip of your favorite drink and leave a drop of it on your lips. After this, kiss your partner, sharing your favorite taste.

“How passionate you are.”

To bring this kiss to life, touch each other with the tips of your tongues.

“You're delicious.”

Almost any kiss can be made more exciting by adding a little biting to it, by gently grabbing, for example, your partner's lip or earlobe.

Remember to perform this kiss very gently, making sure that it does not hurt.

“I have fun with you.”

Choose a part of your partner's body, say the back. Start kissing in the shape of the letters of the girl's (boyfriend's) name, or depicting another figure, for example, the sail of a yacht.

“Your body is amazing.”

The collarbone area is a very sensitive part of the body.

You have the option of kissing your partner gently, harshly, or using your tongue.

You can move the kiss from your collarbone down your stomach or towards your shoulders and face.

“It’s calm and pleasant with you.”

The belly is a nice, soft place to kiss.

“Your hands are attractive.”

Why stop at the palm and wrist? Continue by kissing all the way to your elbow.

“I would eat you whole.”

Shoulders may become interesting choice for a kiss.

You can kiss the shoulder directly or reach it by making a line from your earlobe or elbow.

Work your way across your partner's chest and then towards their lips.

"I like you."

This type of kissing is ideal for a couple who or when someone goes outside the house.

It can also be suitable for first kisses in new couples when one party doesn't know how the other feels.

32. “Mua” or air kiss

"I want to be next to you."

This kiss should be used during a telephone conversation or while at some distance.

Just say “Mua!”

"I think of you."

When your partner isn't around, you might want to send a virtual kiss via text message.

Write something like “I would really like to kiss you right now...” or “This text message will turn into a kiss when I see you.”

“I enjoy spending time with you.”

The shoulder is a rather unusual target for a kiss.

If you decide to kiss the back of your neck, think about back side shoulder, which is also sometimes called the angel's wing.

"I'm holding you."

This kiss occurs when a guy tightly lifts his feet off the ground and floats in the air.

36. Adventure Kiss

“Tonight is going to be fun.”

Try kissing a girl from a moving car. When doing this, try to follow the traffic rules.

“You are charming.”

This type of kissing has already been considered in pairs with others, but now its solo appearance has come.

Take your partner's earlobe with your lips and gently pull it down. To increase the degree of attraction, use your tongue using a gentle movement in combination with your lips.

This is a very passionate kiss. Your partner will not only feel it, but also hear and feel your warm breath.

“You move great.”

This kiss is intended for dancing couples. Against the backdrop of a slow composition, it is very romantic.

"And let the whole world wait."

Have you ever surprised your girlfriend with a kiss in the rain? Unexpectedly hug her waist and give her a romantic kiss.

Every time it rains, your friend will think of you.

“You are very attractive.”

In essence, this is the same kiss on the lips without the tongue, on the cheek or on the nose, only the context is different.

You can use it anywhere, but it gets its own special touch when you are in public.

With this kiss, the play of the eyes is of great importance. The couple looks at each other with passionate gaze, slowly approaches and, finally, one of them quickly kisses on the lips, cheek or nose.

“There is nowhere to retreat.”

Want to add some more passion? Then try this type of kissing.

Just gently push the girl towards the next wall, and, holding her, start kissing her on the lips.

42. Secret kiss

Close your girlfriend's (boyfriend's) eyes, tell her that a little surprise awaits her, put some candy on your tongue and give her a French kiss.

“Happiness never seems to end.”

Kiss at half your normal speed or at one-quarter your usual speed.

It's amazing how slow motion quickly speeds up everything around you.

How to kiss correctly

1. Take the first step

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Each of us is personally responsible for our own pleasure, and there is no reason to wait until the other person decides to kiss you.

Don't ask if you can kiss a girl. Alternatively, start with a kiss on the forehead, then kiss the tip of the nose, then move on to French kissing.

The best time for a first kiss is when you are alone, there is a pause in the conversation, and you are both looking into each other's eyes.

Push the situation to this point by escaping the crowd to a place where you feel comfortable.

Stand or sit next to your partner, make eye contact, and let the conversation come to a natural point of passion. You will know when this moment comes.

2. Take your time

Probably, best advice before the first kiss there is calmness and absence of fussy movements.

If you're feeling nervous about your kissing abilities, that anxiety may contribute to insecurity and frantic attempts to get it right, which will only make things worse.

As a result, you will begin to behave unnaturally, making unnecessary movements, or your actions will seem somehow abrupt and inappropriate to the situation.

Kissing should be romantic and relaxing, so try to do everything smoothly and slowly.

3. Optimal intensity

Another problem that you may encounter before learning how to kiss properly is the intensity of kissing, as it should not go to extremes.

Some people kiss too aggressively, which can result in their partner's teeth clashing, pushing them away, or retreating and taking a step back.

Others, on the contrary, are too shy and timid, as a result of which their kisses become insipid and lifeless.

Think about handshakes. It will probably be strange if someone squeezes your hand so hard that your bones crunch.

Therefore, pressure and intensity in kissing and hugging should be present, but within reason.

4. Use your tongue correctly

Another characteristic of a “bad” kiss is using too much tongue.

When you first start kissing your partner, you don't have to use your tongue right away. Increase love tension gradually.

Focus on different ways of kissing with just your lips. When the time comes to use your tongue, do so carefully.

At first, tilt your head a little to the side, try to lightly touch the girl’s (guy’s) tongue. Imagine that your tongues are gently caressing each other.

Don't press too hard with your tongue and don't try to fill your partner's entire mouth with it.

If you're not sure how to use a language, try practicing on back side your palm. Play with different ways moving your tongue over the skin of your hand.

This practice may seem silly, but it's a really simple way to understand how things work.

5. Don't forget to breathe

You won't be able to kiss properly if you don't breathe through your nose while kissing.

In addition, such a maneuver will slow down the romantic process a little, increasing the level of passion.

6. Add variety

Don't let your lips or tongue stay in one place for more than a couple of seconds.

The excitement of the first kiss is exciting, but anything can happen if you don't change your own style at least a little.

Use your tongue to gently explore all the sensual places in your partner's mouth, vary the types of kisses, but try not to be too dominant or open your mouth too wide.

7. Use your arms and whole body

The best kiss is the one that involves your whole body, not just your lips.

Hug the girl (boyfriend) or stroke her arms, shoulders and back with your hands. Move your hands up and down your body. Hold your partner tightly to you. Place your hands on the girl's face or run your hands through her hair.

Alternatively, you can take a break from kissing on the lips by focusing on your neck or earlobe. Use your whole body to create variety.

At the same time, be sure to remember that a slow pace makes the kiss even more sensual.

8. Playing while kissing

You can diversify kisses with playful actions:

  • Break away from the kiss and look your partner in the eyes while smiling playfully.
  • Gently run your finger over the girl's lips.
  • Pull away from the kiss and, keeping your lips slightly parted close to each other, inhale and exhale together.
9. Adapt your technique

To kiss correctly, you can use various methods, but do not forget that each person has his own style of kissing.

So when you kiss someone, pay attention to what your partner is doing and what he or she responds to best.

How actively does the partner use the tongue? Do you feel that he is uncomfortable when you bite his lips?

As passion builds and momentum increases, you can begin to kiss with more dynamics while continuing to gauge your partner's reaction.

Try to adapt as a result of the feedback you receive.

10. Open your eyes sometimes

Most people associate kissing with closed eyes. But periodic eye contact before and during the kiss can make it even more passionate.

11. Stay in the moment

Try to enjoy the moment and just feel what is happening.

If you try to keep your attention only on technique all the time, the most piquant thing in a kiss, and this is nothing more than passion, will be crumpled and take on faded shades.

12. End the kiss smoothly

When you are about to complete a French kiss, the easiest thing to do is simply pull away from your partner and stop kissing. But this may seem a little harsh.

Maybe, best case scenario will stop using the tongue and seek the help of a tongueless kiss before the kiss is completed.

It is better if the very first kiss does not last too long.

13. Discuss how you prefer to kiss

When it comes to any criticism, most people become defensive due to feelings of vulnerability.

So don't criticize by saying that your partner doesn't know how to kiss properly.

It is much better if you explain to your loved one what you like and what you don’t.

14. Don't neglect kisses

The effort a couple puts into a long-term relationship communicates to their partners that they truly care, love, and respect them. And this is really important.

But, unfortunately, the longer a couple is together, the less importance lovers pay to the French kiss. They start to think it's not that important.

However, even in a long-term relationship, French kissing should remain a priority.


First of all, try to focus on the types of kisses and considered recommendations that you like and suit best. Remember that the right kiss is when it is fun and pleasant.

Follow your feelings, as well as the signals coming from your partner, and, most likely, the kiss will turn out even better than you expected.

Since ancient times, man has expressed his affection and sympathy with hugs and kisses. And if everything is clear with a hug, and there is no special wisdom in a friendly kiss on the cheek, then what should an inexperienced young girl do who wants to express her feelings to her lover? How to kiss correctly for the first time, so that a young man wants to prolong this moment, and does not run in fear for the safety of his mouth? And even if your first kiss has already taken place, every girl at least once has the question: “Am I kissing a guy right for the first time? And what does it mean to kiss correctly and how to learn it?”

Let's try to understand the basic rules of how to kiss a guy correctly in order to enjoy it, and not make it a chore. Just don’t memorize and turn everything you write into a mechanism. The main thing in this matter is sincerity, the rest will be told by nature and a little knowledge.

Choose the right situation

The most natural and appropriate situation for a kiss is a farewell after a date, even if it is. It is the “kiss goodbye” that will be the logical end of the evening and the beginning of the development of a serious relationship. There is no need to rush anywhere and worry that you will miss the moment. You've been dreaming about this opportunity for so long, replaying it in your head like a movie, trying to understand what you'll feel, that you fully deserve to savor this moment from beginning to end. Wait until there is an awkward pause, and let your lover clearly understand your desire: look into his eyes, and then slowly lower your gaze to his lips. Usually all this happens by inertia and no mechanism of action is required from you. She looks down at his lips, while licking her own; the guy takes the hint and kisses his beloved. But if a young man can’t make up his mind, don’t be shy, act on your own!

It is not advisable to use a French kiss as a first kiss, it can only scare the guy away. The first kiss should be light and sliding, sensual and tender. It is important to show not the ability to kiss, but your sympathy and readiness to further development relationships.

It is important not to forget about your feelings and the feelings of your partner

Usually in a relationship the guy is the active party, and the girl directs and corrects his actions. Then, if something doesn’t suit you, for example, a guy is too persistently trying to get his tongue into your mouth, then you have the right to show your unpreparedness. Just do it gently, without running away or turning away; for example, in this case it is possible to pull away slightly and close your lips. But you shouldn’t completely break away from your partner, otherwise he may decide that he is unpleasant to you.

It happens that the initiator is a girl. Perhaps you are simply more temperamental than the guy, or the situation simply develops in such a way that you have to make the first step, or it is just a spiritual impulse. Or maybe the guy hasn’t even kissed, and it’s you who will show him how to properly kiss a girl for the first time. In any case, do not hold back your emotions. Let your lover see how much you care about him, and then he too will not be shy about showing you his feelings.

The aesthetic side of a kiss

Many people forget that the aesthetic aspect of a kiss is no less important, such as the right time. Some small forgotten nuance, missed something, overlooked something - and the impression of the kiss will be ruined. And long hours spent searching for information on how to kiss a guy correctly, rehearsals with your beloved will not help plush toy or a pillow or even perhaps training with a friend. A kiss near a trash can, after a garlic bun or an onion pie, chewing gum or excessive snoring, a strong nicotine odor from the mouth - all this will leave an unpleasant aftertaste from a seemingly pleasant action.

Of course, it is impossible to take into account all factors, there are circumstances beyond us, but let's try to do at least what is in our power so that the kiss is remembered as something romantic and sublime. Do not forget that romance is important not only for girls, but also for the stronger sex, and often even more important. After all, girls are taught from childhood to be gentle and romantic, which means that it is you who will have to show your boyfriend what it is.

How much can you kiss without going beyond the bounds of decency?

You should not abuse kisses, wasting them with or without reason, otherwise this activity will become something ordinary for you and will get boring very soon. Explicit and too frequent kissing in public is also considered indecent; this has long been a rather intimate activity to make public. Kisses should be in moderation, after them there should be a feeling of “slight hunger” mixed with euphoria.

How to kiss a guy correctly? Any girl should know the answer to this question, because a kiss is one of the main components in a relationship between lovers.

The main principles of proper kissing

  1. To be more confident during your first kiss, you should practice a little. These can be handy objects (pillow, toy, food), friends, yourself (sometimes it is very convenient to practice on your own hand).
  2. There should be no bad breath. There are many easily accessible methods for this: chewing gum (just remember to take it out of your mouth before kissing), refreshing tablets, long-lasting toothpaste, you can eat an apple, etc.
  3. Don’t forget to show your sympathy in other ways: gentle touches, languid glances, hand in hand, etc.
  4. Radiate cheerfulness and positivity; such people always attract others.
  5. The kiss itself should be unhurried, light and gentle. One long touch or many short kisses are possible. Further, depending on the circumstances, you can either interrupt the kiss or move on to a deeper and more protracted one.
  6. It is necessary to determine your readiness for further development of relations. If a guy is in no hurry to develop a relationship, read it and take action yourself. You can either plunge headlong into a storm of emotions, or take your time and enjoy the regularity; everything will come in its own turn.
  7. If you decide to go further, then you can start French kissing. This will also require training and practice.
  8. Constantly take into account the feelings of your loved one, this will help develop your relationship and stop a lot of troubles and contribute to the construction.
  9. And finally, it should be said that you should not get lost during a kiss. Improvise, bring in something new, be either tender and romantic, or passionate and daring - and then you will never get bored with kisses.

Watch the video showing how to kiss with your tongue correctly:

You look into each other’s eyes, slowly tilting your head, almost merging in a kiss - and suddenly you realize that you don’t know how to kiss at all! You need help, but don't worry, we'll teach you everything you need to know - who, when, where, why and how to kiss. Well, let's start the lesson!


Part 1

How to initiate a kiss

    Let your partner take the initiative (optional). If you are very nervous, wait until your partner takes the initiative. Just repeat what he (she) does during the kiss.


    Family psychotherapist

    Moshe Ratson is the executive director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a psychotherapy and counseling clinic in New York City. Received a master's degree in psychotherapy in the field of family and marriage. She has been working as a psychotherapist for more than 10 years.

    Family psychotherapist

    What hints can help? Answers Moshe Ratson, family therapist: “To show a person that you want to kiss him, try speaking more quietly and leaning slightly towards him while talking. You can even whisper in his ear. Get physically closer to him than usual. You can also try to copy his body language.”

    Take risks . Over time, you will be able to initiate the kiss, and you will develop your own technique.

Part 4

How to kiss after a date

    Lean in closer. A kiss after a date may or may not happen, so if you want to kiss your partner, be close to him or her. When it's time to say goodbye, you'll be close enough to kiss without having to make any unnecessary moves.

    • Boys, at such moments you usually panic and peck the girl on the cheek, which practically means: “You remind me of my sister” - not a very good way to end a date. When you walk a girl to her car or door, place your hand on her shoulder. The barrier has almost been overcome! Now she already imagines your intentions, now you can safely stand closer to her.
  1. Watch the girl's reaction. If she leans away or moves away from you or tries to create distance between you, then you shouldn't try to kiss her. There is no need to be offended and make a scene out of it - smile, thank her for the wonderful evening and say goodbye. Perhaps the girl is not yet ready for a kiss.

  2. . If a person stands close and looks into their partner's eyes, it usually means that they are about to kiss them.

    • If you look into her eyes for too long, she may feel uncomfortable. Try not to stare, otherwise she will feel like she's being interrogated. Look into her eyes, but from time to time you need to look away - for example, at her lips.
    • Perhaps you think that you don’t need to let the girl know so clearly that you are going to kiss her. But you are wrong - if she is ready for a kiss, then everything will go more smoothly. There is no place for surprises here - otherwise it will lead to bruises, broken noses and teeth, inconvenience and misunderstanding on her part.

Every girl has thought about how to kiss a guy correctly at least once in her life (or rather, in her youth). Some even tried flirting with tomatoes or using their hand as an imaginary partner.

If a girl is inexperienced, then it can be difficult for her to decide to take a step towards physical intimacy: be it a kiss or something more. And, it would seem, she is ready, but the fear of making a mistake haunts her. Therefore, the girl rejects the guy’s attempts to kiss her, while having the desire to reciprocate. This situation can be corrected quite easily, the main thing is to do everything gradually.

Moral preparation i

What kind of kiss it will be: passionate or tender, oriental or French - has no of great importance. People who are in relationships don't think about how to kiss a guy correctly - they just kiss. And this is the first thought that you need to learn and keep in your head. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes or “wrong tongue movements.” It is fear that fetters a person and prevents a sensual, mutually desired kiss from happening.

A very good tactic before a kiss is honesty. A girl can safely tell her young man that she has never kissed or simply does not know how to do it. There is nothing shameful in such confessions. They are absolutely normal, since people are not required to meet any “international first kiss standards” (and they simply do not exist).

If a guy does not suffer from a mild degree of dementia, then he will under no circumstances make fun of a girl for her innocence. Moreover, a worthwhile man will always support his beloved and teach her everything she wants - be it fishing or passionate kisses.

There are some basic tips regarding mental preparation:

  • tell the guy in advance about your inexperience;
  • relax as much as possible;
  • concentrate on your own feelings.

In some cases, it is impossible to overcome fear due to deep moral discomfort. But for most people, it’s enough to just have an open conversation with your significant other and after that everything will go like clockwork.

Appearance Preparation 2

A guy won't look at his sweetheart's millimeter pimple during their first kiss. But, unfortunately, this is impossible to prove to girls. Even those ladies who understand that they are worrying in vain cannot control their emotions.

Therefore, before a kiss, you need to prepare so that you ultimately feel comfortable and confident. The most important area is the face. Since the girl will experience maximum discomfort due to the fact that the guy can see some “problems” up close. He, of course, will not pay attention to this with a 99.99% probability, but it is better to be safe.

What appearance factors should you pay attention to:

  • Lips. If they are flaky and cracked, then kissing will simply be unpleasant. In this case, both participants in the kiss will experience discomfort. Therefore, before “moment X” you need to scrub and moisturize your lips. You can make your own scrub from sugar and honey, and use regular hygiene products as a moisturizer.
  • Leather. Another important point for girls. In order to feel confident, you should paint over dark circles under your eyes and apply concealer to pimples or age spots. The entire face can be covered with a thin layer of foundation. The product should have a matte or semi-matte finish, otherwise it may be imprinted on the guy’s face (it’s better to check this factor in advance by holding the phone to your face). In general, it is desirable that the skin tone is even. If your face is already in excellent condition, then you don’t need to do anything to it.

  • Brows. It's easy enough to pluck them out. Here, again, is a funny moment, because the guy will not notice the small hairs, but the girl will constantly think about them. For the same reason, it is worth getting rid of the mustache, especially if because of it the lady is periodically confused with Mikhail Boyarsky.

For more details on how to kiss with your tongue correctly, see our article below.

You shouldn't put anything on your face that isn't glued to your makeup bag. A guy wouldn't like the fact that his once young and beautiful companion looked like an aging transvestite much more than the fact that she had an uneven skin tone or unpainted eyelashes.

Important! No lipstick. Even if it’s a super-fashionable matte product that doesn’t imprint on anything at all and sits on your lips in such a way that you can’t even wipe it off with a dish grater. It will be simply inconvenient for a guy to spoil his girlfriend’s makeup (and he will also be afraid that the lipstick will creep onto his lips). And of course, after the first kiss there will be a second, third, and by the end of the evening in the mirror, instead of her reflection, the girl will see the Joker.

Another point that cannot be ignored is the smell. It is worth using deodorant at least for good human reasons. The girl will most likely sweat from excitement, and when she realizes this, she will begin to sweat even more. At this point, it’s unlikely that it will come to a kiss—at most, a run to the nearest toilet stall and an attempt to dry your armpits with a hand dryer.

Before kissing, it is advisable not to eat anything that can cause bad breath. If a kind mother offers to eat her signature borscht with garlic, then you should refuse. Even chewing gum will not cover up the smell and aftertaste, so the kiss will turn out unpleasant.

Don't indulge in carbonated drinks. The girls, of course, are princesses, but the desire to burp due to the gases accumulated inside has never escaped any royal dynasty. Belching during a kiss will clearly discourage romance.

Atmosphere for the first kiss 3

Many girls wonder when, where and how to kiss a guy best. If this is your first kiss, then it is best to choose a private setting. There is no need for anyone to distract you from an important process. Therefore, a kiss in a noisy company (especially on a dare) is more likely to cause embarrassment than to enjoy intimacy.

Places for the first kiss:

  1. Apartment for a guy or girl. It is not advisable for parents to be present in the apartment at this time. They can knock and, as usually happens according to the law of meanness, they will do it at the most piquant moment. If both partners live with relatives and are never at home alone, then it is better not to skimp and rent an inexpensive hotel room. This is especially true if the couple is mentally prepared to continue the kiss.
  2. Park in the evening. You shouldn't force a guy into a dark space. You need to make a date in the park in advance and choose the quietest and most secluded place. You can kiss as romantically as possible near a fountain, under a lantern, or in any other atmospheric corner. The main thing is that there are a minimum number of people nearby (and especially screaming, curious children).
  3. Motor ship. This is a very romantic place, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to find a secluded corner on the ship. Still, it's worth a try. A bridge or generally any place near a river or lake is also suitable. Of course, you shouldn’t visit places far from the city with a guy you barely know, but if your partner is permanent and time-tested, then why not.

Any “street” option can be safely discarded if it’s winter outside and -30. Kissing during a snowfall is undoubtedly romantic, but it needs to be done quickly and in warm down jackets. It often turns out that a love moment is more reminiscent of an awkward dance of two frozen snowmen.

But, again, it is worth remembering that all the described “rules” are very conditional. If you want to kiss on a crowded avenue at noon, then why not do it. Sometimes “that” moment can be missed by waiting for the “right” moment.

Several kissing techniques 4

All kisses can be divided into 3 categories: quick, tenderly romantic and passionately erotic. There is also the “clumsy” category, but usually everyone is afraid of it.

Quick kisses are the easiest to perform. It is enough to literally touch someone else’s lips with your own, perform certain manipulations (quite possible without a tongue) and, with a sense of accomplishment, move away from your partner’s face. Manipulations can be anything. You can bite your lip, but it is very important to do it as softly and gently as possible. You can also press the same lip between your lips and lightly run the tip of your tongue over it. A quick kiss can easily turn into a romantic or passionate one. Naturally, if both partners wish.

Many people wonder how to learn to kiss on tomatoes. The answer is no. This is something from the series “how to learn to give a blowjob on a banana.” But at least it’s clear with bananas - they are similar in shape. Unfortunately or fortunately, the human body is different from vegetables and fruits. At least it is mobile.

A partner is unlikely to show the equanimity of a tomato or the endurance of a banana when a girl bites his lip (or something worse).

The kiss should be natural. You don’t need to think about it, about the movements of your tongue or lips, you should just surrender to your emotions and your own sensations. The only thing that is important is mobility and lack of monotony in movements (if it comes to a long kiss).

Tenderly romantic kiss 5

For such a kiss you need to be in the appropriate mood. It is highly desirable to be inspired by your partner, to be inspired by his words and actions. Convey tenderness with your touch. All touches should be soft and smooth. Before a kiss, you can touch his hair, take your boyfriend’s hands in yours, and hug him. You can start with a kiss on the cheek or nose to express a desire for intimacy.

Probably, the guy himself will take the courage and be the first to reach for the lips of his beloved. The girl’s task in this case is to respond to the kiss and duplicate his movements. If a guy kisses only with his lips (no tongue), then there is no need to rush and try to show him the skills developed on tomatoes.

The girl may well take the initiative on her own. To do this, you need to reach out to your lips, hug your neck or waist. The first touch should be soft and airy. Then you can be assertive, but don't go overboard. At some point, the tongue should be connected to the lips. This becomes appropriate as soon as the usual kiss starts to get boring. You need to touch your partner’s tongue with your tongue, but without enthusiasm. The ideal option is smooth, sliding movements.

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to push your tongue as deep as possible into the oral cavity - this is unpleasant.

Passionately erotic kiss 6

This option is suitable for girls who, despite their inexperience, have a fiery temperament. A passionate and erotic kiss, like sex, requires foreplay. You need to touch your partner: gently, but excitingly. Before kissing, you can caress his neck with your lips and tongue, touch his abs, stroke his arms. The girl's body appearance, mood - everything should show moderate eroticism and playfulness.

The kiss may initially be abrupt. That is, you need to touch your partner’s lips with your lips, and then they will pull away. This is an exciting game that makes a person perceive a kiss as something exciting. Even if a girl doesn’t know how to kiss at all, she shouldn’t be afraid or embarrassed of herself. In passion, the main thing is the touch, sensuality and giving of the partner. If a guy shares this passion, then everything will definitely work out.

You can connect your language at any time. You should lick your lips, then put your tongue into your mouth and begin to “explore” the oral cavity, without going too deep. In such a kiss, it is appropriate to bite your lip. A girl does not need to be afraid to touch her partner everywhere if she wants to continue and is ready for more intimate intimacy.

Important! You can alternately kiss the guy’s upper and lower lips, and then lick them and bite them lightly. It's very exciting.

And, of course, you should close your eyes while kissing. It really helps to listen to your own emotions and understand how to kiss a guy correctly.

And about how to kiss a girl correctly, read further in the article.

Kisses are always pleasant. The French kiss, also known as a kiss with the tongue, gives special pleasure. During it, two people experience feelings that a regular kiss on the lips or cheek will not give. Kissing with tongue at first glance seems difficult, but in fact everything is easy and simple, you just need to kiss once or twice. But many who have not yet kissed so deeply are afraid that they won’t succeed and are embarrassed to kiss their partners like that, since kissing with the tongue is something out of the ordinary for them. But in vain! Throw all your fears and complexes aside! Below are some tips on how to properly kiss on the lips with your tongue.

How to learn to kiss with your tongue

  • If you have never kissed with tongue before, then make your first kiss unforgettable. Let this happen on a romantic date with a person you are in love with or who you like very much. A kiss largely depends on your feelings for the person you are kissing. Believe me, a kiss out of interest and a kiss with the person you are in love with are like heaven and earth. The sensations in the second case are much more pleasant.
  • Think about how you look. A kiss with the tongue is a rather intimate caress. Make sure your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable. You must be neat and tidy.
  • If you are still a complete beginner and don’t know how to kiss with your tongue correctly, remember that it will probably be WRONG. So, you can’t: strong and large quantities of perfume or cologne, greasy and bitter lipstick, a lot of cosmetics on the face, bad breath, dirty teeth and mouth.
  • Needed: clean, neat clothes, a light pleasant smell of perfume, fresh breath.
  • Choose an appropriate setting. It’s better to kiss a girl with your tongue for the first time alone, in a quiet, relaxing environment and with the confidence that no one and nothing can interfere with you.
  • So, how to kiss with your tongue. Relax. If you are tense, you will not be able to move your tongue naturally, and this is one of the main conditions. The first kiss should not be sluggish or forceful, too short or too long. Try to find a middle ground.
  • It is not always appropriate to tell your partner that you are going to kiss him, and even explain in what way. You certainly shouldn’t say: “Turn to me, open your mouth, and I’ll kiss you!” But talking about a kiss is good way find out if your partner wants you to kiss him. Try to ask the question in a light and cheerful tone. For example: “What if I kiss you?” or “Can I kiss you?” Remember that everything depends on the situation. It is better to ask the second question directly to your partner’s eyes. By his reaction, even if you do not receive a direct answer, you can understand whether your partner wants a kiss.
  • Don't try to hold your breath before kissing. People breathe calmly when they kiss.
  • Many people wonder how to hold their head while kissing. To prevent your nose from getting in the way, you should position your head at a slight angle to your partner’s head.
  • Hug your partner while kissing. At the first kiss, you should not move on to exciting caresses. It is best for girls to hug a guy by the shoulders or neck. Young people usually hug the girl around the waist while kissing. Stroke your partner on the back, back of the head, and hair.

Kissing technique with tongue

Now let's talk more about the kissing process itself.

  1. Again, we decided to use visual material to explain how to kiss with your tongue correctly. The pictures reflect the kissing technique quite well. You can find other pictures, there are many of them on the Internet. Visual material is always good to use when learning something. Pictures and photos of how to kiss with tongue are useful material for beginners.
  2. Before kissing, look your partner in the eyes, expressing your feelings to him with your gaze. The gaze should be direct and open. Let your partner read sincere desire in your eyes.
  3. Gently hug your partner and pull him closer to you. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. First, kiss your partner a little on the lips, then open yours slightly. By doing this you will make it clear that you are ready for closer contact.
  5. Gently insert your tongue into your partner's mouth, touch his tongue and begin stroking him. Remember that everything should happen naturally and effortlessly, so your tongue should not be too tense, but also sluggish.
  6. When kissing, the tongues move mutually and stroke each other. You can stroke the tongue along the back, under the root and along the edges. The main thing is to do it with feeling.
  7. During a kiss, lips should touch and move. The movement of the lips during a kiss is associated with pressure on the partner's lips. You either lightly press on his lips, then relax, then open your lips wider, then close them as far as your tongue allows. This happens throughout the kiss.
  8. The lips should not be in the same position as the partner's lips. When kissing, don't be afraid to kiss the skin around your lips.
  9. You can vary the depth, speed and style of the kiss. You can make the kiss deep and passionate (as far as the length of the tongue allows) and not very deep, but gentle. You can kiss quickly (but the main thing is not to overdo it with speed) and slowly. You can also change the movements themselves when kissing. You can stroke the entire surface of the tongue or kiss only with the tips of the tongues. You can do one movement for a longer time (for example, caress the tip of your tongue for a long time). There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is that both partners have a desire to bring them to life!

And remember that learning to kiss perfectly can only be done through active practice. Happy kisses to you!

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