Technological equipment of the methodology. Methods and means of protecting technological equipment. determining the required number for ATP

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Selezneva Natalya Igorevna. “Development of a methodology for assessing the quality of equipment for repair enterprises”: dissertation... Candidate of Technical Sciences: 05.20.03 / Selezneva Natalya Igorevna; [Place of defense: Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva], 2016


1 State of the issue and research objectives 8

1.1 Analysis of the technical equipment of agricultural enterprises 8

1.2 Analysis of the state of the repair and maintenance base of agricultural enterprises

1.3 Assessment of the condition and need for technological equipment at CU enterprises in the agro-industrial complex 22

1.4 Analysis of existing methods for assessing quality as a criterion for the competitiveness of technological equipment 33

Goals and objectives of the study 59

2 Theoretical research in the field of assessing the quality of technological equipment 61

2.1 Implementation of the process approach when assessing the quality of process equipment 64

2.2 Development of a methodology for assessing the quality and selection of technological equipment 72

3 Methods and means of experimental research 84

3.1 Methodology for carrying out defect detection of parts elements during their manufacture or restoration 84

3.2 Inspection and defect detection of connecting rods and main journals of the crankshaft 86

3.3 Technical and economic basis for choosing measuring instruments for monitoring 91

4 Research results and analysis 100

4.1 Research of the engine overhaul market and selection of a base enterprise 100

4.2 Selection of machines, analysis of their accuracy and determination of losses from defects 102

4.3 Assessment of the quality of selected machines using the proposed

techniques 106

4.4 Assessing the quality of selected machines using the parametric method 113

5 Assessment of economic efficiency from the implementation of research results 122


Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic. Over the past 20 years, the Russian economy has undergone a significant decline in industrial production, and the physical and moral wear and tear of production equipment has increased to a critical level. This affected both the competitiveness of the material and technical base and the quality of products.

To solve the above problems and ensure food independence, the Government and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation developed and implemented the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food for 2008-2012. The program included a set of measures for the technical and technological modernization of agriculture, as well as measures to reduce the risk of loss of income during production. Similar events also formed the basis of the State program for 2013-2020.

Under these conditions, the importance of solving problems of increasing the efficiency of
development and use of competitive technological potential
enterprises determines the need to form an organizational

economic directions for improving the use of the main equipment fleet.

The basis for improving the material and technical base and intensifying production processes is the renewal of fixed production assets. Their condition to the greatest extent determines the pace of scientific and technological progress and the efficiency of the production activities of the enterprise as a whole.

The problems of organizing and using a fleet of technological equipment, on the one hand, lie in the great complexity of the tasks being solved, the difficulty of implementing organizational and economic measures, on the other hand, in the difficulty of finding appropriate reserves and choosing the correct range of necessary equipment for the economically feasible use of enterprise resources.

State of knowledge of the problem. The works of domestic scientists are devoted to the study of problems of the efficiency of technical services in the agro-industrial complex and the use of the technological potential of repair and agricultural enterprises: V.I. Balabanova, A.S. Dorokhova, M.N. Erokhin, V.V. Kirsanova, A.G. Levshina, E.A. Puchina, V.I. Chernoivanova and others.

Many of the above problems have not yet been fully resolved and,
What is important to note is that virtually no modern approaches to their implementation have been developed.
decision in relation to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Question
the very efficiency of using the technological equipment fleet,
assessment of technological potential and aspects of its formation, assessment of technical
technical level of the technological equipment park of enterprises were engaged in
D.S. Buklagin, I.G. Golubev, I.V. Gorbachev, O.N. Didmanidze, A.S. Dorokhov,

M.N. Erokhin, P.A. Karepin, V.M. Kryazhkov, A.G. Levshin, O.A. Leonov, E.A. Puchin, V.F. Fedorenko and others.

Purpose of the study consists of developing theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for creating a methodology for assessing the quality of technological equipment - the main element of the technological potential of technical service enterprises in the agro-industrial complex in modern economic conditions.

To achieve our goal, the following were identified and implemented: tasks:

an analysis of the technical equipment of agricultural enterprises was carried out

the state of the repair and maintenance base of agro-industrial complex enterprises was studied
to determine the need for technological equipment at enterprises
TS in the agro-industrial complex and a comparative analysis of equipment for finishing
crankshaft work;

Existing indicators and methods for assessing quality and competition were examined
profitability of special technological equipment;

substantiated and proposed indicators for assessing the quality of technological
equipment and formulas for their calculation;

a comprehensive methodology for assessing the quality of technological equipment has been proposed
development at CU enterprises in the agro-industrial complex;

it has been theoretically proven that the use of cheaper technological
equipment with low accuracy results in a significant increase
loss loss from reparable and incorrigible marriage;

The proposed methodology for assessing the quality of technological equipment at CU enterprises was tested, and the economic effect of its implementation was calculated.

Object of study are technological equipment and processes for processing parts during machine repair.

Subject of research are methods for assessing the quality and selection of technological equipment used when processing parts during the repair process.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research The basis was the works of Russian and foreign scientists on the problems of development of the agricultural sector of the economy as a whole, issues of increasing the efficiency of using MTP in agriculture, methods for assessing the level of product quality, Laws and Government Decrees and other legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.

To solve the problems, the following research methods were used: analytical, comparative, graphical, modeling, differential, complex and other methods.

Scientific novelty:

it is proposed to determine the integral indicator of the quality of technological equipment by calculating indicators of the specific resource intensity of the process of processing parts on the equipment of repair enterprises;

a methodology for assigning and selecting indicators of unit costs, losses and costs is proposed;

a new indicator was introduced - specific losses from correctable and irreparable defects per unit of production;

a comprehensive methodology for assessing the quality and selection of equipment for repair enterprises has been developed, which includes the above indicators.

The practical significance of the dissertation work is a proposed methodology for assessing the quality and selection of technological equipment, which allows us to evaluate various types of technological equipment for TC enterprises in the agro-industrial complex, taking into account all costs and possible losses from defects during the repair process.

Implementation of work results. The results of the dissertation work were introduced into the practical activities of the enterprises of OJSC ARZ No. 5 (Moscow) and LLC Avtomaster (Tver).

Approbation of work. The main theses of this dissertation work were highlighted and positively assessed at all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences: Saratov - “Vavilov Readings” (2008, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saratov State Agrarian University”); Saratov - “Problems and prospects for the development of agriculture in Russia” (2008, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saratov State Agrarian University”); Moscow – “Innovation processes in the agro-industrial complex” (2013, RUDN University); Moscow – “Science and practice in quality management, metrology and certification” (2014, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “MSAU named after V.P. Goryachkin); Moscow - “Reports of TSHA” (2015, RGAU-MSCA named after K.A. Timiryazev).

Publications. Based on the dissertation materials, 9 scientific works were published, a list of which is given at the end of the abstract, of which 4 articles were published in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission. The total contribution of the author in printed works devoted to the topic of the dissertation research is 91.6%.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, main results and conclusions on the work, a bibliography including 157 sources, and 4 appendices. The main material of the dissertation is presented on 177 pages of computer text, contains 22 tables, 31 figures.

Analysis of the state of the repair and maintenance base of agricultural enterprises

The current trend of aging machinery and equipment determines the development of the field of repair and maintenance of equipment. At the same time, the repair and maintenance base of rural commodity producers is in unsatisfactory condition.

A large study of the state of the repair and maintenance base in the regions of the Russian Federation was carried out in 2008 by Professor I.G. Golubev. and junior researcher Kukhmazov (currently there is no data on such studies). An analysis of changes in the state of the repair and maintenance base of farms in the Penza region over 6 years showed that there was a reduction in the number of repair shops, car garages, and warm parking lots on farms. The readiness of the repair and maintenance base of farms for the autumn-winter period, when machinery is being repaired, remains low. Many workshops are not heated and have no power supply.

Farms do not have normal conditions for the repair and maintenance of equipment; there are no workshops and tools to carry out the work. Therefore, the complexity of eliminating the consequences of equipment failures is very high. And it should be noted that downtime for technical reasons accounts for up to a quarter of the time of use of the unit, and the elimination of technical faults - up to 8.5% of the time of use of the units during the period.

Currently, only 3% of farms have adapted workshop-boxes, and 6% have car garages. A quarter of the farms use premises for various purposes - warehouses, hangars, indoor warehouses - for repairs and maintenance. Research conducted by the Federal State Scientific Institution "Rosinformagrotech" showed that in peasant (farm) farms of the Penza region and the Republic of Mordovia there is practically no infrastructure and means for repairing and servicing machines, i.e. Only 7% of farms have adapted workshops. The majority of small farms do not have their own warehouses for fuel and lubricants. Also, manual refueling of equipment predominates in them, resulting in significant contamination of the refueled petroleum products. By 2014, the situation had remained virtually unchanged.

The results of our research showed that only 14% of peasant (farm) households use the repair workshops of collective farms, and about 7% use the base of repair and technical enterprises. Taking into account the state of equipment of rural commodity producers and the base for their service, GOSNITI offers new approaches to the system of its maintenance and repair. Agricultural machines, as objects for constructing a repair and maintenance system, are divided into 3 groups of machines: the first group includes domestic and imported machines of the old generation (more than 10 years of operation); the second - new domestic cars (up to 5 years of operation); the third group includes imported equipment.

For the first group, there is a system of maintenance and repair, formed in the 80s of the 20th century, which makes it possible to maintain equipment with an exhausted resource through frequent repairs, as a rule, in the workshops of the agricultural producers themselves.

Complex components and assemblies of the second group must be repaired in specialized enterprises.

For the third group – “Imported cars” – only their units must be repaired. To do this, it is necessary to attract high-tech specialized repair companies and use effective technologies. It should be noted that updating the MTP will necessarily entail a reduction in the cost of repairing equipment for all groups of machines (Figure 1.4).

GOSNITI conducted monitoring of the activities of repair and maintenance enterprises in a number of regions of the Russian Federation in 2008 (at the moment there is no data on such studies). Its results showed that the repair and maintenance base of the former Selkhoztekhnika was practically destroyed. Thus, as of January 1, 2008, in the Novosibirsk region, repairs of complex machines in special workshops are carried out mainly by the aggregate method, and major repairs of machines in the region are not carried out at all.

In the Smolensk region, before perestroika, each of the 25 districts had its own RTP, and today only 6 districts remain operational RTP, but even in them there are no specialized repair shops. We carry out routine repairs of various units of tractors, grain and forage harvesters and other equipment.

There are four repair and maintenance enterprises (private) in the Belgorod region. Repair shops have been transferred into private hands and divided into workshops according to their production activities. One workshop repairs engines and engine components of various brands, another workshop produces consumer goods. The third workshop provides services to agricultural producers throughout the region in eliminating malfunctions in the operation of engines and units that arise during the operation of tractors, grain and forage harvesters and various self-propelled machines.

Assessment of the condition and need for technological equipment at CU enterprises in the agro-industrial complex

The success of any company in the global market is determined by the main product indicators: innovation (the novelty of the product offered), technical level and quality.

With the concept of innovation, everything is clear - the buyer is attracted by the novelty of the product, its new properties. The technical level includes many indicators, the main of which are resource conservation, environmental friendliness, equipment and labor productivity, ergonomics and safety for humans, as well as the rate of obsolescence of products.

The “quality” indicator ranks first among those listed, since without quality, neither the introduction of innovation nor indicators of the technical level of products will give the desired economic effect. Ultimately, the quality of a product is determined by the consumer. The more parameters of a product that meet the buyer’s requirements, the higher its quality.

In market conditions, all products must be of high quality, regardless of whether they are exported or produced for domestic consumption. The higher the quality of the products, the higher the reputation the manufacturer has in the market, thereby ensuring high profitability and stability of its enterprise. It is no secret that companies with a high position in the market try to produce products and provide services with quality indicators above the level of requirements of standards and technical regulations, since high-quality products are one of the assets of the nation and an attribute of the state’s success in the world market.

Achieving the release of only high-quality goods undoubtedly requires significant effort and money. The most effective thing is to get a quality product the first time. Based on data from leading European tire manufacturers, costs associated with defects resulting from the first presentation of products amount to over 20% of sales. Domestic enterprises in this indicator, called the cost of non-compliance, lag behind foreign ones and this percentage is even greater. If the developed designs and technologies were transferred with the highest accuracy and executed without errors, then there is no need for quality control. However, to achieve such results, additional costs are required to improve quality in both design and manufacturing of products. If an enterprise does not do this, then its costs for eliminating defects and maintaining technical control increase.

The experience of leading enterprises shows that the cost of built-in control instruments and automatic control devices in technological equipment is from a third to half the price of this equipment, but the costs of their acquisition are paid off by a significant reduction in technological defects and an increase in labor productivity.

The economic incentive to improve product quality is undoubtedly the cost of compliance, which averages 15% of the enterprise's total working capital. It includes the costs of control, the prevention of defects and the costs of eliminating defects, with the largest part of the costs falling on final control and eliminating defects. Thus, enterprises mainly directly record defective products, and little attention is paid to identifying the causes and preventing possible defects.

It is necessary to clearly understand that high quality products cannot be achieved without appropriate financial investments. When calculating the total costs required to ensure quality, leading companies take into account the unspoken rule in calculating the cost of products: additional costs for increasing the reliability of the product not only pay off by reducing the number of defects in production and reducing the cost of warranty service, but also bring additional profit to the manufacturer.

Quality indicators and prices make it possible to fully evaluate the quality of products. But besides this, the price of the product itself is also important. After all, the economic justification for optimal quality, or economically rational marriage, is the most important task of all enterprises. When buying a product, a consumer always studies the correspondence of the price of the product to a certain set of not only quantitative, but also qualitative properties that it possesses. Therefore, one of the important points in achieving high quality products is the correct selection of technological equipment for production. The goals that the manufacturer wants to achieve - the production of high-quality products at an attractive price - must justify the funds invested by him to achieve these goals. Thus, the higher the accuracy of manufactured mechanical engineering products should be, the more high-precision (and, accordingly, more expensive and high quality) the equipment for their production should be.

Development of a methodology for assessing the quality and selection of technological equipment

Crankpin wear occurs most at the top due to the pressure of the connecting rod during the compression and expansion strokes. As a result of this type of wear, the radius of the crank decreases, which becomes the main reason for the decrease in the compression ratio and, as a consequence, loss of engine power. Due to the distortions of the connecting rod after operation, the connecting rod journal acquires a barrel-shaped shape. Thus, in order to identify the greatest wear and shape deviations, it is recommended to measure it in two or three sections.

The main journal takes up the load alternately from several connecting rods, the pressure from one connecting rod is transmitted to several journals at once, its length and diameter are larger, so it has less and more uniform wear than the connecting rod. But uneven wear of the main journal along the circumference is possible due to deviation from the alignment of the main bearings and radial runout of the main journals.

We mark the measured planes and sections of the crankshaft journals for inspection and defect detection according to Figure 3.1, 3.2 a, b and Figure 3.3 a, b.

Location of control planes for the crankpin journals of the crankshaft We measure the connecting rod journals of the crankshaft by the outer diameter in three sections along two planes - parallel to the plane of the crank of the journal being measured (S1) and perpendicular (S2). Location of sections when inspecting the connecting rod journals of the crankshaft when placing two (a) and one connecting rod (b) on the journal

Location of sections and planes when inspecting and defecting the crankshaft main journals when the crankpins are positioned at an angle of 90 and 180 (a) and 120 (b) We measure the main journals by their outer diameter in two sections along two or three planes (at 90o or 60o ). Plane S1 for all main journals is taken in the plane of the crank of the first connecting rod journal.

The sections of the main and connecting rod journals are located at the ends at a distance of 1/4 of its total length, and the first section will be considered to be the section from the toe of the crankshaft.

Based on the measurements, we determine the smallest dimensions of the main and connecting rod journals dim. We summarize the characteristics of the machines in tables (Appendices 2 and 3).

The AMC-SHOU K-1500U machine is considered the best in this class of machines; it has a cast iron bed and a very high level of accuracy. The ROBBI REX 1500 machine is a cheaper representative of this class with a welded steel frame and a lower level of accuracy. The ZD4230 machine is the heaviest and most energy-consuming, its accuracy is even lower. The MQ8260A machine is a Chinese analogue of the ZD4230 machine with the lowest cost and accuracy.

Let us give some explanations regarding these tables (Appendices 2 and 3). The service life of all TSL machines is taken to be the same, since all manufacturers set it at approximately 30 years. For used machines we take half the service life - 15 years. Also, the hourly RF productivity is taken equal for all machines, based on the working conditions of service personnel of the same qualifications and under equal conditions (the annual productivity of the machines is calculated in one 8-hour shift and 250 working days per year). The service life for calculating depreciation charges is assumed, based on regulatory documents, to be 10 years for all machines. We will calculate expenses for 102 for four performance options. We make calculations using the cost method, taking into account our developments.

To analyze the accuracy of the machines we have selected, we will calculate the accuracy parameters for the main and connecting rod journals of the crankshaft of the YaMZ-238B engine. Figure 4.1 shows a diagram of the location of the tolerance field T, the displacement of actual dimensions relative to the middle of the tolerance field C, the dispersion zone of dimensions, and the probabilities of the appearance of a correctable Pbr(i) and an irreparable defect Pbr(not).

The theoretical foundations of the calculation and design of specialized technological equipment for carrying out maintenance and repair operations of automobiles are presented in detail. Classifications of equipment groups are given. The principles of operation and design features of the main types of technological equipment are considered. The procedure for calculating and selecting the main elements of process equipment is described. The main provisions of the system of maintenance and repair of technological equipment are given.
For university students. It may be useful to specialists in motor transport and car service companies, as well as specialists designing technological equipment.

The basic concepts that must be used when designing process equipment are the following.
Product - any item or set of production items manufactured by an enterprise.
A part is a product made from a material that is homogeneous by name and brand without the use of assembly operations, for example a screw, nut, shaft, cast body.

An assembly unit is a product whose components are subject to interconnection by assembly operations (screwing, joining, soldering, crimping, etc.).
A unit is an assembly unit that can perform a specific function in products for one purpose only in conjunction with other components.

An assembly is an assembly unit that has complete interchangeability, the ability to be assembled separately from other components of the product or the product as a whole, and the ability to perform a specific function in the product or independently.

Chapter 1. Mechanization of technological processes of maintenance and current repairs
1.1. General provisions
1.2. Methodology for determining indicators of mechanization of work at road transport enterprises
1.3. Main aspects of mechanization of maintenance and current repairs at road transport enterprises
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of process equipment design
2.1. Basic Concepts
2.2. General principles and rules for the design of technological equipment
2.3. Stages of designing process equipment
2.4. Types of design and operational documents
Chapter 3. Design of process equipment drives
3.1. General information
3.2. Pneumatic drive
3.2.1. General information and classification
3.2.2. Air motors
3.3. Hydraulic drive
3.3.1. General information and classification
3.3.2. Selection of hydraulic drive pumps
3.3.3. Selection of hydraulic equipment and pipeline calculations
3.3.4. Calculation of pressure loss in the hydraulic system and efficiency of the hydraulic drive
3.3.5. Hydraulic motors
3.3.6. Hydraulic tanks and conditioning of working fluids
3.4. Pneumohydraulic converters
3.5. Electromechanical drive
Chapter 4. Equipment for cleaning and cleaning work
4.1. General information and classification
4.2. Equipment for blast cleaning of products
4.2.1. General characteristics of blast cleaning equipment
4.2.2. Calculation and design of washing frames of jet installations
4.2.3. Calculation of pumps for jet washing systems
4.3. Brush and jet-brush washing systems
4.4. Equipment for submersible cleaning of products
4.4.1. General characteristics of submersible washing equipment
4.4.2. Calculation and design of devices for intensifying immersion cleaning processes
4.5. Equipment for implementing special cleaning methods
4.6. Ultrasonic washing systems
4.7. Thermal engineering calculation of washing and cleaning equipment
Chapter 5. Treatment facilities of road transport enterprises
5.1. General information and classification
5.2. Methods for cleaning cleaning solutions
5.3. Calculation of treatment facilities
Chapter 6. Handling equipment
6.1. General information and classification
6.2. Inspection ditches and overpasses
6.3. Jacks
6.4. Lifts
6.5. Tippers
6.6. Electric hoists, cranes
6.7. Conveyors
6.8. Basic rules for operating lifting mechanisms
Chapter 7. Lubrication and filling equipment
7.1. General information and classification
7.2. Design features of lubrication and filling equipment
7.3. Equipment for the preparation and distribution of compressed air
7.3.1. Compressors
7.3.2. Air collectors
7.3.4. Compressor stations
7.4. Combined lubrication and filling equipment
Chapter 8. Control and diagnostic equipment
8.1. Methods and tools for diagnosing cars
8.2. Stands for diagnosing the traction and economic qualities of cars
8.2.1. General information and classification
8.2.2. Calculation of the support-drive device of roller stands for diagnosing the traction qualities of cars
8.2.3. Calculation of loader parameters of a roller power stand for diagnosing traction qualities of cars
8.2.4. Calculation of a roller inertial stand for diagnosing the traction qualities of cars
8.3. Methods and means for diagnosing car brake systems
8.3.1. General information and classification
8.3.2. Calculation of roller stands for diagnosing car brake systems
8.4. Engine diagnostic equipment
8.5. Equipment for checking and adjusting vehicle wheel alignment angles
8.6. Stands for checking shock absorbers and clearances in car suspension joints
8.7. Diagnostic complexes
Chapter 9. Disassembly, assembly and plumbing equipment
9.1. General information and classification
9.2. Equipment for disassembling and assembling threaded connections
9.3. Equipment for disassembling and assembling interference joints
9.3.1. Calculation of forces in interference joints
9.3.2. Pullers
9.3.3. Presses
9.4. Disassembly and assembly stands
9.5. Assembly fixtures
Chapter 10. Equipment for maintenance and repair of car wheels
10.1. General information and classification
10.2. Stands for mounting and dismantling tires
10.3. Tire and tube repair equipment
10.4. Stands for balancing car wheels
Chapter 11. Body repair equipment
11.1. General information and classification
11.2. Devices and stands for power straightening of bodies
11.3. Test equipment
Chapter 12. Equipment for painting work
12.1. General information and classification
12.2. Equipment for preparing surfaces for painting
12.3. Equipment for applying paints and varnishes
12.4. Equipment for drying paint and varnish coatings
12.5. Painting and drying chambers
Chapter 13. Operation of technological equipment
13.1. General provisions for maintenance and repair of process equipment
13.2. Principles of differentiation and evaluation of equipment for drawing up a maintenance and repair system
13.3. System for maintenance and repair of process equipment
13.4. Methods for organizing maintenance and repair of process equipment
13.5. Metrological support of technological equipment
13.6. Ensuring environmental safety of process equipment

Technological equipment

The following equipment is used in beer production:

  • 1. Brewhouse:
    • · Filter tank
    • · Wort boiler
    • · Computer control panel
    • · Mash and decoction kettles
  • 2. Fermentation and lager shop:
    • · Cylindrical-conical tanks
    • · Horizontal fermentation tanks
    • · Classic camp tanks
  • 3. Filtration:
    • · SCHENK filtration unit (Germany)
    • · Porcelain department
    • Yeast department
  • 4. Beer bottling workshop:
    • · Filling line (0.5 glass)
    • · Filling line (3L PET)
  • 5. CIP station
  • 6. Carbon dioxide collection station

Characteristics of documented methods

In the course of the enterprise's activities, appropriate documented methods are used that determine the production method, affecting quality, based on standards, technical specifications, and regulatory documents on the production method. Regulatory documents include documents establishing rules, principles, characteristics relating to various types of activities and results.

The requirements established by regulatory documents are based on modern achievements of science and technology, technology and regulated standards, progressive scientific standards of other countries.

Standards include documents that, for the purpose of voluntary repeated use, establish product characteristics, rules for the implementation and nature of the production process and all stages and phases of the product life cycle.

Technical documents, while not being normative, are considered as normative if they are referenced in contracts or agreements for the supply of goods.

In the production of beer and soft drinks at OJSC Vyatich, the following regulatory documents are used: GOSTs or state standards (for raw materials, for finished products, for means of production); Specifications or technical conditions (for finished products, they are designed at the enterprise itself); SanPiNs or sanitary rules and regulations (used to control the quality of raw materials and finished products based on microbiological and safety indicators). Examples of documents are given in the Appendix.

determining the required number for ATP

It is advisable to start choosing and determining the required number of equipment with the basic one (lifts, overpasses, etc.), then complete it with equipment for equipping posts, and compile sets of samples of equipment for personal use.

Currently, there are two selection methods:

1. Selection of technological equipment using the “Table.” “The sheet of technological equipment” establishes standard lists and the need for equipment according to average indicators (uniform types of vehicles, their operating conditions, standard maintenance and repair technologies, labor intensity standards).

2. NIIAT methodology.

Determining the equipment needs of the ATP consists of selecting and compiling a list of necessary equipment and establishing the standard (required) quantity of each sample. When determining the need for a number of basic samples by calculation, data on the distribution of labor intensity of maintenance and repair (as a percentage by type of work) is used. When determining the need for inexpensive and simple-to-design samples, it is enough to use 1–2 ATP factors.

The methodology provides several ways to determine the equipment needs of ATP:

1. Technological calculation of the total annual labor intensity of maintenance and repair work performed using the sample, the number of posts and workplaces, zones and sections.

2. Expert-technical method. According to the assessment of the technological need for a sample for an operation or work, the execution of which without it is impossible, dangerous for use, or which significantly reduces the quality of the results or labor productivity.

3. Combined method, combining technological calculation and expert-technical method.

When selecting and compiling a list of equipment required for a given ATP, they use the data of the current “Table of Works”, the standards for the number of workers employed in the maintenance and repair of rolling stock, the “Regulations on Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock of Road Transport”, technological documentation on maintenance and repair for this ATP, catalogs and reference books on technological equipment from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

The expert-technical method is used in cases where the number of equipment cannot be determined by calculation due to low daily labor intensity or loading, or use for non-systematically performed operations.

Determining the nominal number of equipment for ATP in a combined way is carried out mainly for equipment, the nominal number of which is determined by technological calculations, but the results are adjusted taking into account the technological, technical and other requirements of the ATP or sample.

Lecture No. 2 Basic structural elements and components of thermal equipment.


1. Working chambers.

2. Heating elements.

3. Thermal insulation.

4. Transporting and mixing devices.

6. Safety equipment and control devices.

Working chambers . The main element of a thermal apparatus designed for thermal processing of food is the working chamber. It represents the space in which the food product is located at the moment of thermal exposure.

Closed working chambers include: cooking vessels of digester boilers and autoclaves, steam chambers, chambers for IR and microwave processing, etc.

Open working chambers communicate with the environment. They can have the shape of a parallelepiped, cube, cylinder, or another, in which one of the surfaces forming the volume is missing.

Closed working chambers compare favorably with open ones in many technical and economic parameters: they are characterized by lower heat losses and, as a consequence, lower specific energy consumption; in these chambers, technological parameters are more accurately maintained and, therefore, higher quality of culinary products is achieved.

Despite the disadvantages, open-type cameras are also widespread in catering establishments. This is due to their ease of manufacture and the ability to implement many technological processes in some of them, which makes them indispensable auxiliary devices.

The volume of the working chamber is determined, most often, based on the volume of products contained in it, taking into account the safety factor:

font-size:14.0pt;line-height:150%">where V KAM – volume of the working chamber, m3; V PROD - volume of products, m3; φ - safety factor.

The volume of the food product is determined by the required productivity, taking into account the duration of heat treatment:

font-size:14.0pt;line-height: 150%">where D - apparatus productivity, kg/s; τ - duration of heat treatment, s; ρpr - product density, kg/m3,

Heating elements. Products placed in the working chambers are heated by contact with one or another heating medium, which, in turn, is heated by heating elements.

Heating elements are placed in working chambers taking into account the requirements of food preparation technology, provided that minimal losses of raw materials and energy are ensured, as well as a reduction in the overall cost of production.

Thermal insulation . This is a layer of material that reduces heat loss to the environment. The temperature of the outer walls of the devices, covered with thermal insulation, does not exceed 60 "C for cooking devices and 70 "C for fryers, which eliminates the possibility of burns.

Basic requirements for thermal insulation materials: low thermal conductivity, heat resistance and moisture resistance.

In some cases, when the temperature of the working chamber is low, the role of thermal insulation can be performed by an air gap between the chamber and the housing. In this case, the thickness of the air gap layer should not exceed 5...10 mm.

Very effective and economical is combined thermal insulation, consisting of an external air gap and a layer of thermal insulation material adjacent to the working chamber or the surface of the heating element placed on its walls.

Calculation of thermal insulation most often comes down to determining the thickness of its layer.

a is the heat transfer coefficient from the outer surface of thermal insulation to the air, W/(m2 K); t nar - the temperature of the outer surface of the heat-insulating layer, equal to the temperature of the outer wall of the heating apparatus, "C; t env - ambient air temperature, °C; t in - maximum temperature of the inner layer of thermal insulation, °C; λiz is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the thermal insulation material, W/(m K).

Heat transfer coefficient:

α = 9.7 + 0.07(t nar - t ok p ).

Transporting and mixing devices . Transporting devices are used in continuous apparatus to move a food product inside the working chamber.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagrams of transport devices:

a - tape; b - chain; c - screw; 1 - driving drum; 2 - driven drum; 3 - working chamber; 4, 5 - intermediate rollers; 6 - idle branch of the conveyor; 7 - working branch of the conveyor; 8 - mesh containers; 5 - shaft; 10 - auger blade (/p - length of the working section of the conveyor)

The main working element of belt technological transport devices (Fig. a) is a belt, made, as a rule, from individual plates.

The belt speed does not exceed 0.1...0.3 m/s.

The productivity of the conveyor belt is determined by the formulas:

when moving piece goods

G = 3600 nυ/b,

where G - productivity, pcs/h; n - number of processed products located simultaneously along the width of the belt, pcs.; υ - belt speed, m/s; b - distance between processed products along the length of the belt, m;

when moving bulk materials in a continuous layer, productivity (kg/s)

G = ρLhυ

where p is the bulk mass of the processed food product, kg/m3; L - width of the product layer on the belt, m; h - height of the product layer, m.

In catering establishments, chain conveyors are most often used in steam chambers intended for cooking or defrosting food products.

The main element of chain conveyors is a chain made up of individual steel links, flexibly connected to each other. Perforated containers intended to contain food products are usually suspended from this chain.

The productivity of the chain conveyor (kg/h) can be determined by the formula

G = 3600 V capacitance ρφυ / b,

V capacitance - volume of product container, m3; φ - coefficient taking into account the degree of filling of the container (φ = 0.7 + 0.9); b - distance between containers.

Screw conveying devices (Fig. c) are sometimes called screw ones. They are used in cylindrical working chambers.

The productivity of a screw conveying device is approximately determined by the formula

where G - productivity, kg/s; D - outer diameter of the auger, m; d - shaft diameter, m; S - pitch of the auger blade turn, m; S 1 - blade thickness, m; n - screw rotation speed, s-1; p - product density, kg/m3; φ" - coefficient taking into account the uneven loading of raw materials (φ" = 0.15...0.2).

Mixing devices . In the working chambers of devices intended for heat treatment of viscous food products with a low thermal conductivity coefficient, mixing devices (stirrers) are placed to intensify the heating process.

Rice. 2. Schematic diagrams of mixers:

a) horizontal; b) horizontal with an inclination (φ - angle of inclination of the blade); c) vertical; d) planetary; e) anchor; e) screw; g) twin-screw; h) elliptical

In batch apparatuses, when mixing homogeneous liquids, mixers with horizontal blades are used (Fig. a). Radially located straight blades create intense movement of liquid in the cavity of their rotation and weak mixing along the height of the liquid column. For greater intensification of mixing, the blades are sometimes made inclined (Fig. b).

Mixers with vertical blades (Fig. c) are used for heating and mixing liquids of different densities. Such mixers provide good mixing of liquids throughout the entire volume.

Mixers with a planetary mechanism (Fig. d) are used when particularly intensive mixing of the liquid throughout the entire volume is required.

Mixers with anchor blades (Fig. e) are used in evaporation, cooking and melting apparatus. These mixers are designed to continuously mix settling food particles to prevent possible burning or overheating of these particles during the process.

Mixers with screw (Fig. e), twin-screw (Fig. g) and ellipsoidal (Fig. h) blades ensure good mixing of viscous food products throughout the entire volume.

Load-bearing elements of thermal apparatus. Elements that perceive and redistribute the force of gravity, the force impact of the working parts of machines and mechanisms, as well as dampening vibrations that occur during their operation, are called load-bearing elements.

The most often found in the design of thermal apparatus are frames and frames placed on bases as load-bearing elements.

Foundations are places where machines and mechanisms are installed. The floors of industrial premises or specially prepared concrete foundations can be used as the base.

Beds are supporting elements fixed to the bases, ensuring the distribution of static loads and the damping of dynamic loads.

Typically, the frames are made of massive all-metal, which makes it possible to lower the center of gravity of the device and give it the necessary stability.

The frame is a supporting structure on which the working chamber of the apparatus, transmission and transport mechanisms, as well as systems that ensure safety and automatic control of food processing processes are mounted.

Frames are manufactured in the form of all-metal welded or collapsible (using fastening threaded connections) structures. Standard rolled metal - angles, channels, beams - are usually used as the main elements of the frame.

Safety equipment, control devices and auxiliary structural elements

The most common safety precautions include:

1. Means that exclude the impact of electric current on the human body: protective grounding system; protective grounding system; protective shutdown system; protection system against short circuit currents and current overload;

2. Means to prevent exposure of operating personnel to natural gas;

3. Means that exclude the entry of the resulting thermal decomposition products of substances into the working chambers, and means that exclude the entry of fuel combustion products into the workroom; special ventilation ducts (ventilation devices); traction devices;

4. Means that prevent mechanical destruction as a result of increased pressure or vacuum are safety valves.

5. Control and measuring equipment - thermometers, pressure gauges, pressure and vacuum gauges of various types, intended for recording the main technological parameters of thermal apparatus.

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