How to make a poster with your own hands - manufacturing instructions, thematic ideas, photo examples. Types, ideas and instructions for designing posters with sweets Original do-it-yourself happy birthday posters

To create a festive mood on a birthday, beautiful congratulatory wall newspapers are traditionally used. They decorate a home or office work environment. It will be a great pleasure for the birthday person to receive as a gift a colorful poster that relatives and colleagues drew especially for him.

1. Wall newspaper for a woman or a man

If you don’t know how to draw, but really want to please the hero of the occasion with an original congratulation, use the template created by professional artists especially for visitors to our site. If you carefully color the finished drawing, no one will ever guess that the author of the masterpiece is someone else!

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large picture.

2. DIY wall newspaper (poster) for a child’s birthday

Use a ready-made birthday wall newspaper template.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large pattern.

How to make a wall newspaper (poster) for a birthday

  1. First of all, all eight fragments should be saved on your computer or immediately printed on a black and white printer.
  2. The next step is gluing the elements into a single pattern. This can be done with glue or tape glued to the back.
  3. To compact the newspaper, it is recommended to duplicate it on the wrong side with thick paper or whatman paper.
  4. The last stage is coloring the poster with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.
  5. The finished picture can be supplemented with voluminous paper flowers and sparkles.
  6. Can fit into every frame or cloud

For those who want to create a poster for a loved one, a wide-format postcard option is suitable. This product will take a lot of time. However, the amount of emotions that you can ultimately get will justify any difficulties. A poster with sweets would be very successful in terms of originality. It is decorated in a variety of ways: they take whatman paper, bend it in half in the form of a book, or make a special handle so that the product hangs on the wall. This will allow your loved ones to enjoy delicious treats at any time. Everyone will be happy with sweet food presented in this way. The day of treats on which such wide-format cards are given can be the name day of a loved one, the anniversary of a relationship, or just an ordinary holiday date on the calendar. With the help of a handmade gift, they emphasize attention, love and heartfelt empathy to dear people. Thanks to the originality and creativity of the master, the gift will remain in their memory for a lifetime. Favorite candies and other sweets only contribute to this.

Poster with sweets - an unusual DIY gift

Making a sweet poster for a birthday or other holiday is a good idea. Anyone who wants to get started must first decide on the theme of the future product. The design style depends on the recipient and his lifestyle, on the sweets he likes.

The diagram and congratulations on whatman paper are prepared in advance. This will allow you to understand what a wide format postcard will look like. Ideas for such a product are looked at on special forums and websites. There they also get information about the features of adding their favorite sweets and cookies. Attaching sweets to posters is not always easy, given the specifics of the packaging material. This is worth considering for those who decide to start creating a gift.

What kind of posters can there be?

A poster with chocolates is given as a birthday present to a husband, girlfriend, mother, grandmother and any relative. Such a large postcard looks like a wall newspaper. It combines funny slogans with various sweets: candies, chocolate bars or cookies. Depending on who they plan to give the gift to, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Original postcard. Suitable for the birthday of a colleague, relative or loved one.
  2. Romantic poster. It will be a good idea for expressing your feelings. Often created for the anniversary of a relationship or as a declaration of love.
  3. Sentimental cards (sweet poster for mom). With their help, they emphasize the sincerity of feelings towards parents and other relatives.
  4. Children's posters. Created with pictures and stickers of cartoon characters. The process of creating a composition that a child will remember for many years is approached with particular seriousness.
  5. Photo posters. Here they show the most varied imagination. Portrait materials and flowers are used.

Design ideas

For those preparing an original congratulation, a poster with different chocolates is a good way to show their creativity. Those who create a gift, first of all, look for original jokes and wishes. The poster also contains classic poems and slogans, each word of which is designed using a separate color. An example of several such “sweet” wishes:

Snickers - don't slow down and don't stop, be positive!

Bounty - let your life be like in paradise.

May such a surprise await you as in Kinder.

May your thoughts be as fresh as Orbit.

Let every morning be invigorating - a bag of coffee.

Regardless of whether a wide-format card is being prepared for the anniversary of dad, a beloved boyfriend, or another person, a fresh trend will always help make it original. The same situation applies to the option for a girl or woman, in which wishes in verse are often used.

Video about making a poster with do-it-yourself sweets


How to give a sweet gift to a loved one

When making such an exquisite product as a poster with chocolates, you pay attention to several points. Firstly, wishes are prepared initially. They are written down on a simple piece of paper. You can use a laptop or computer. You will also need a list of candies to fill out the poster. After completing the development of the preliminary layout, you will have to go to the store and buy all the necessary sweets with other goodies. After you have managed to stock up on candies and bars, you should put them in their places. This is done in order to see how everything will look. If everything is planned correctly, the poster will bring a lot of emotions to a girl, mom or dad.

Necessary materials

You can make a gift in the form of a collage with sweets with your own hands. It should be bright and unusual: decorated with different types of chocolate and other goodies. The cost of such a gift is small compared to options that can be purchased in souvenir shops. Creating a poster with original inscriptions will be a good solution to express your feelings to a friend.

To create gifts for a friend or girlfriend you will need the following:

  1. Bars or other sweets. In this regard, anything that has a bright and original wrapper is suitable. Branded products would be a good option. It is easiest to create a successful slogan for it, given the many advertising blanks for sugar products entering the market.
  2. Whatman paper and cardboard in various shades. With their help, they create separate backgrounds and zone the place on the postcard. Cardboard sheets and elements obtained with their help will add dimension to the gift.
  3. Scissors, pencil, markers, tape and other office supplies. They will be needed to secure the photo collage with candy bars.
  4. Beads and other jewelry. In this regard, you can really fantasize. It all depends on whether the present is intended for a friend or a friend. If a gift is being prepared for the anniversary of a holiday, there will definitely be numbers in its center. Even leaves from trees or rose petals are used to create them. A variety of stickers will also help. For musicians, music lovers and car enthusiasts, the range is especially large.

Computer and printing equipment falls into a separate category, which will be indispensable when searching for original ideas and ready-made solutions. If you want to get a truly beautiful composition, you need to use everything to the maximum.

Step-by-step description of the creative process

Only those who can be patient and follow the instructions can create a sweet gift on whatman paper. The creative process involves the use of an initially prepared layout.

When preparing it, pay attention to the following:

  1. The creator of an original gift needs to think about how to harmoniously combine all the components that will be placed in frames against the background. These include: sweets, decorations, inscriptions or photos. In this regard, a good idea would be to create special, separate bases from the background. They will fill in those places where sweets and inscriptions are missing.
  2. The diagram drawn with a pencil will play an important role. Its background is filled with light colors. Then they begin to place the inscriptions, which should be thought up in advance.
  3. Placing the sweets itself will be the final stage. They are attached using double-sided tape, glue, thread, tape or other available devices.

If a person is not confident in his skills, he needs to practice first. This will allow you to gain the necessary skills in order not to spoil whatman paper. It is also worth learning how to write beautiful letters with a certain slant on plain paper. Inscriptions can be printed on a printer and pasted or folded from separately cut out letters, and then added to the overall composition.

If there is any free space left on the poster, fill it using stickers or photographs. In this regard, everything will be to your taste. You just need to use your imagination. Depending on whether the gift is intended for a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, it is decorated with jewelry and other small elements. Well-chosen words will help highlight a bright surprise.

Presentation of a sweet gift

Gift - poster with sweets

Each handmade sweets poster with inscriptions is a special gift. If possible, it is hung on the wall before the holiday. This will be a good surprise for the hero of the occasion who wants to try the dessert. The product will fit well into any decoration. Initially, it is confused with simple congratulations written on paper. However, after you manage to look a little closer and see the words from the candies, everything will fall into place.

Often a poster with sweets is presented along with a toast. A good idea would be to read the wishes that are written on it for all guests and explain a little. This is often how group cards are given to a guy or girl for a wedding.

Some people order delivery of the product by courier. This is done in cases where a person works on his holiday. He will be pleased to receive sweets. Such a step will make a certain impression on employees. Due to the fragility of the product, its transportation is entrusted to familiar people or relatives. The latter option is preferred during celebrations in cases where there is a desire to cause as much surprise as possible among the hero of the occasion. With the help of original handmade gifts, this can definitely be achieved.

The childhood holiday will be even more memorable if you use your imagination when creating decorations and cards. In this regard, ideas for original designs, as well as technologies for creating a foundation, will be useful. Creating a special texture will help to give a special uniqueness to the background, which should have a hand-made poster with chocolates and inscriptions.

In order to receive it, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. A sheet of cardboard or colored A4 paper is cut in half. In total, you will need 10 halves of different shades if the paper is single-sided, and 5 halves if it is hard and double-sided.
  2. For a one-sided option, take two halves and glue them with the colored side up. Thanks to this, the postcard on whatman paper will be more solid. It is better to glue the collage using stationery glue or double-sided self-adhesive tape. This will not harm the integrity and strength of the workpiece. If you use any liquid adhesive, the paper will get wet. As a result, its surface will become wavy. This will affect the strength in some places. Such a defect will affect the specifics of fastening the sweets and chocolates themselves, which will not fit tightly to the base.
  3. Sweets and other decorations for a friend are attached to the cardboard used to reinforce the Whatman paper. To do this, use regular thread. Before gluing, a hole is made in sheets of thick paper through which the fishing line is passed. Sometimes it is nylon or regular thread. It all depends on the size of the sweets and the specifics of their fastening. One side of the thread is attached between whatman paper and a sheet of thick paper, the other, with loops, is used for hanging sweets, chocolates, bars and even cookies. These holes can also be used for tape. If it is too wide, the fabric is cut lengthwise. As a result, the necessary loops for fixation are obtained.

Each individual sheet is a necessary element of the future postcard. If the surface is uneven, smooth it with a dry, dense cloth. After the base is completed, they move on to the main part - writing congratulations and adding sweets, with the help of which they will be able to please a dear person. The words printed on the printer are cut and pasted into the right places. If there is no printer, they are written by hand or purchased ready-made postcards are used. Bars and chocolates are glued to double-sided tape. Photos will also be very helpful in such cases.

If you have already given a person all imaginable and inconceivable gifts, your imagination has dried up, and no one has canceled the holiday, remember a good phrase “The best gift is a gift made with your own hands”. If you carefully approach the creation of a gift with your own hands, taking into account the personality and tastes of the recipient, you will create a sensation and leave the most pleasant impression.

Poster with sweets– an unusual, bright, eye-catching gift that has the effect of surprise. Really, who expects to find their gift hanging on the wall? And also, this is a convenient option for combining a postcard and the gift itself.

On the other hand, a poster with chocolates and do-it-yourself inscriptions is a wide scope for creativity. It can be made in absolutely any theme, you can attach different gifts to it and it will be suitable for different people.

In addition, such a gift is an excellent solution when the budget is limited, because it makes it possible to show that the value is not in the cost of the gift, but in the efforts put into its creation.

To summarize, they come in several main types:

Please note: any poster must have a noticeable inscription - who it is intended for and congratulations on a specific holiday or event.

Sweets poster for your loved one

There is no figure more romantic than a heart, so for your loved one, I suggest making a cry in the shape of a heart with secret sweets.

What you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • White paper;
  • Marker black;
  • The paint is red;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Your photo;
  • Sequins;
  • Scissors;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Sweets.


  1. We outline the outline of the heart on whatman paper;
  2. Paint the heart with red paint and sprinkle glitter on top while the paint is still wet. Let the drawing dry for several hours;
  3. Cut out the picture;
  4. We print out our photo. It is desirable that it be something interesting, intriguing, romantic in order to surprise the other half;
  5. We carefully wrap everything in plain white paper to hide what we have prepared for our loved one;
  6. Using a felt-tip pen or marker in beautiful identical letters, write “Eat me” on each sweet;
  7. Glue a photo to the middle of the heart;
  8. We write confessions or sweet phrases in different places of the heart with a black marker;
  9. We carefully glue the sweets so that, upon removing them, the person sees the hidden phrases;
  10. On top of the photo, glue something massive and attractive on which it will be written “Eat me last.”

Now all you have to do is stick the gift in a prominent place and enjoy the bright emotions of your other half when she discovers her gift.

Poster for mom

A poster with sweets can be given to your mother for her birthday or March 8th. Choose sweets carefully, taking into account your mother's tastes: pop candies and lollipops are clearly not something she might like.

I propose to make a gift of gratitude for the dearest person in the world.

What you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • Double sided tape;
  • The tape is narrow;
  • Scissors;
  • Marker black;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Paints;
  • Sweets "Merci".


  1. We remember what mom loves or is interested in. If she loves lilacs, for example, draw a lush lilac in a vase in the center of the Whatman paper with a simple pencil. Scatteredly draw individual small branches of lilac;
  2. Color the drawing. Make the central composition bright and the branches pale;
  3. Let the drawing dry;
  4. Take one Mercy chocolate bar and place it on a lilac branch. Mark the beginning and end with a pencil - these are the boundaries;
  5. Without going beyond boundaries, on each branch write to your mother what you thank her for;
  6. Glue the “Merci” chocolate bar over the phrase; if the phrase is in two or three rows, glue several chocolate bars;
  7. You can also glue an envelope with theater tickets or a small bag with earrings to the poster.

The main thing is to show maximum sincerity and involvement, then your mother’s tears of joy will be your best reward.

Poster of sweets for dad's holiday

Dads are a stern people, and they don’t have a strong desire for sweets, but if you offer an exciting problem, the male soul of an explorer and conqueror will not resist! To start making such a poster, you need to decide what you will give. Suppose we want to give dad a WATCH.

What you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • Paints;
  • Marker black;
  • Cupcakes "ChocoPie";
  • Chocolate "Alpen Gold";
  • Skittles candies;
  • The tape is narrow;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser.


  1. In the center of whatman paper we draw a large rectangle, our sweets will be glued there;
  2. Under the rectangle we draw squares for the letters, just like in crossword puzzles. In the last square we write the letter Y;
  3. We outline the contours with a black marker;
  4. We design the poster in a style that the father will like: fishing, hunting, bowling;
  5. Glue the sweets: 1. “ChocoPie”, 2. “Alpen Gold”, 3. “Skittles” candies;
  6. When the gift is ready, hang it on the wall.

Please note: you must write the instructions on the poster or verbally explain the rules of the game to Dad.

As a result, dad should collect the word CLOCK in the lower squares and joyfully wait for the main gift.

Birthday poster for sister

What you will need:


  1. We take a brush with paint and run it along the comb over the Whatman paper to create splashes of color. We make splashes of different colors;
  2. Let the Whatman paper dry;
  3. With a black marker we begin to write a speech, during which we paste in sweets that suit the meaning. The speech should look something like this: My beloved sister, I congratulate you “Happy Birthday”, may your health be as strong as this coffee (3in1 Coffee Nescafe), may life bring you only pleasant surprises (Kinder surprise), and may it only be bitter chocolate (bitter chocolate). I wish you to be active (Snickers Chocolate), but at the same time tender (Milky Way Chocolate), bright (Skittles Candies), but feminine (). Enjoy life (Bounty Chocolate), and I will always be there (M&M’s Candies).

Please note: you can paste joint photos or just beautiful pictures, as well as a small gift, onto whatman paper.

Poster "Happy Birthday" to brother

What you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • Double sided tape;
  • The tape is narrow;
  • Marker black;
  • Brother's photo;
  • Orbit chewing gum;
  • Juice "Handsome";
  • Chocolate Bounty;
  • Snickers chocolate;
  • Skittles candies;
  • Chewing gum Love is;
  • Chocolate KitKat;
  • Coffee 3 in 1.


  1. We distribute the photos so that there is room for text and sweets;
  2. We write the text, glue the sweets. The text is something like this: Smile, your smile is beautiful (Orbit Chewing Gum). You are just “Handsome” to me. All the girls next to you melt (Chocolate Bounty). You are always ready to help () and make my life bright (Skittles). I love you very much (Chewing gum Love is). Get more rest (KitKat Chocolate) and then you will be as strong as this coffee!

Poster with sweets for a child's birthday

For a child, we will try to make a poster with clouds, stars and a magical unicorn.

What you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • PVA glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Paints;
  • Marker black;
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • The paper is white;
  • Hair fixation spray;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Sweets


  1. In the center of the Whatman paper, leaving space for the edging and the inscription on top, we draw a plump cartoon unicorn (if the gift is for a boy - graceful and strong);
  2. We color the drawing, make an outline with a marker and let it dry;
  3. Once it dries everything will shine beautifully;
  4. Coat the edges of whatman paper with plenty of glue;
  5. Tearing off, fluffing, glue the cotton wool;
  6. Sprinkle the cotton wool with glitter and fix everything with hairspray;
  7. On white paper we draw small stars, unicorns, constellations, planets, fairies, in general, everything magical. Color and cut out. These are our future stickers;
  8. We carefully wrap the sweets in white paper;
  9. We glue our drawings on the front side;
  10. Glue the sweets to whatman paper;

Please note: you can add a photo of the child or wishes, and also glue a plush toy in the center instead of the picture.

How to make a jacket poster

What you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • White sheets;
  • Paints;
  • Buttons;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Marker black;
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Threads;
  • Needle.


  1. We fold whatman paper into three parts according to the principle of a window with shutters;
  2. We paint the “shutters”;
  3. We bend the corners of the “shutter” like the lapels of a shirt. If the poster is for a teacher, you can cut off the sharp edges, making the folds of the future jacket more delicate;
  4. We also paint the lapels;
  5. Using a black marker we imitate a sewing line on a jacket;
  6. Using a black marker, on the inner sheet we draw a collar peeking out from under the jacket and a tie. For a woman, make the collar round, you can add ruffles;
  7. On a white sheet of paper, draw the outline of a jacket pocket, color it, cut it out with small indentations, and glue it onto the jacket to create volume. Don't forget to imitate the stitches;
  8. Sew buttons onto the “jacket” (can be glued);
  9. We glue sweets under the jacket.

A sweet birthday poster is a great, and also edible, gift. A birthday poster for a friend, teacher, colleague, mother, husband is an unforgettable experience both for those to whom the gift is intended and for the giver himself.

A hand-made poster with chocolates and inscriptions will be an original gift and token of attention. This sweet surprise will appeal to children and adults and will ensure a good mood. Showing your imagination, it’s easy to create a congratulatory collage with goodies for a birthday, wedding, anniversary, jubilee or any other significant event.


They use various options for how to design a poster with sweets:

How to do

The technology for making a poster is not difficult and is based on the imagination and ingenuity of the congratulator.

However, for a better result, it is important to consider some points:

For a birthday

The birthday poster includes wishes and parting words.

When preparing congratulations for a child from 1 to 3-4 years old, it is important to pay attention to the freshness and appropriateness of the food, whether the food can be consumed by a particular child.

Older children and teenagers will benefit from posters depicting their favorite characters, cars, motorcycles, animals and other interests. Posters for adults on others contain original parting words, jokes, and confessions of feelings.

For the anniversary

It is customary to celebrate a “round” date on a grand scale, be it 5, 20, 35 or more years. A “delicious” poster will be an original addition to the holiday.

The photo shows an example of how you can make a congratulatory craft with treats for a 10-year-old boy.

Congratulatory banners decorate the room where the holiday is taking place.

For a wedding

A poster for newlyweds is used to decorate the place where the bride is bought or the festive hall where the celebration takes place.

A pre-conducted photo session will allow you to insert an image of the couple into a wall newspaper.

To mom

Women are pleased to hear warm words, compliments and wishes addressed to them. Especially if they are pronounced by beloved children.

The sincere text and declaration of feelings written on the poster can be supplemented with photographs of your mother or family.

Congratulations to grandparents and other close relatives are prepared in a similar way.

To dad

Comical and sincere wishes for the father are complemented not only with sweets, but also with other souvenirs.

Coffee, a box of cigars, a lighter, etc. are glued to whatman paper.

To my husband

The poster for the spouse contains declarations of feelings and wishes.

For decoration, you can draw hearts, characters, or leave lip prints.

It is interesting to arrange a surprise for your husband by congratulating him on his arrival from a business trip with the help of a poster. A pleasant surprise will show a man that they thought about him and expected him.


You can give a poster to your beloved wife both for a holiday and for no reason.

It contains declarations of love, warm memories. The sign indicating memorable dates looks touching.

To a friend

The address in the congratulation is written by name or good nickname.

It is interesting to complement a poster made for your best friend with warm memories in the form of photographs. Chocolate treats and other elements, as well as wishes and jokes, are selected taking into account the girl’s preferences, aspirations, and character traits.


When making a congratulatory poster, a guy is recommended to take into account his hobbies. Therefore, images of cars, motorcycles, banknotes, girls and other interests are inserted into the craft.

The photo shows an example of an original poster for a guy, which can be given as a gift for his 14-18th birthday.

To my beloved

A wall newspaper is given as a gift for a birthday, Valentine's Day, or for no reason. The inscriptions include original compliments, declarations of feelings and wishes.

A heart-shaped photo together looks beautiful.

To the girl

The craft is done in gentle colors, the jokes chosen are kind and appropriate.

If a girl is on a diet, it is advisable to place low-calorie sweets on the poster: fitness bars, juice, coffee, and so on.

To my sister

Favorite delicacies for the sister are accompanied by good jokes, wishes and parting words, and memorable family photos.


With the help of a poster, a sister can confess her tender feelings and leave parting words for her brother.

Small souvenirs will help add originality: cars, coins (wishes to buy a car, get rich).

To a friend

In this case, a variety of jokes, playful compliments, and funny wishes are appropriate, taking into account the friend’s character and his interests.

To a girl

On the poster for the young creature, in addition to sweets, images of handsome princes, funny animals, balloons, hearts, etc. look beautiful.

To the boy

A sweet poster will be an original addition to a gift. The name of the birthday person and his favorite treats are placed on it.

To my daughter

Wishes and parting words from parents in a humorous and “sweet” form will be an original surprise for your daughter. You can complement the craft with it or family photos. In the picture, the poster is designed in the form of a painting.


In the photo, the congratulatory poster is presented in the form of a postcard.

Wishes and parting words from parents are presented in a humorous style.

The craft is complemented with medals, coins, and banknotes.

To the boss and colleague

Depending on the type of relationship in the team, the poster is designed in an informal or formal style.

To the teacher

Gratitude and wishes from students in the form of a congratulatory wall newspaper will be the best surprise and sign of attention for the teacher.

Decorate the craft with stationery: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, and so on.


A poster with funny and unusual wishes and jokes will lift your spirits and provide positivity on any occasion.


A humorous poster will make your loved one smile. However, it is important to use kind and appropriate jokes, taking into account the characteristics of the person’s character.


You should avoid placing standard congratulations and stereotyped jokes on posters. Unique text, bright and unusual design will make the surprise original.

Poster ideas

Sweets and other items on the poster are accompanied by fun and interesting inscriptions.

When creating crafts, you can use ready-made text options:

  • friendly and cheerful like M
  • Skittles - live on the rainbow;
  • Mentos - be different;
  • Twix - together is sweeter;
  • Nuts - recharge;
  • Mars - it’s wonderful with you on Mars;
  • Bounty - heavenly pleasure;
  • Lion - be the leader of the pride;
  • Coffee - good health;
  • Kinder Surprise symbolizes children;
  • a bag of red or black pepper - a wish to remain a “cool pepper”;
  • Chupa Chups - caramel life;
  • a pack of nuts - to be a tough nut to crack;
  • condoms - so that surprises are planned;
  • a small bottle of alcohol - a desire to use only such antidepressants;
  • glue “Moment” - strong feelings;
  • soap and activated carbon - for internal and external cleansing.

Also on the poster are chocolate coins, medals, chewing gum, small cars, banknotes, and so on.


You can buy similar posters ready-made at any bookstore. But it will be much more pleasant for your child not only to see a poster made by you especially for him, but also to take an active part in its creation.

Download a poster template from the Internet in a pdf file or archive. Unpack it and follow the instructions. The most common poster template consists of 8 A4 sheets.

Print out 8 poster fragments. This can be either black and white or color printing. If you want to color the poster yourself or leave it to your child's imagination, it is better to use black and white.

Place the printed poster fragments together. Then glue the sheets together. If you want to achieve integrity, stick them on whatman paper. Start coloring using any means: paints, pencils, felt-tip pens or crayons.

You can order large format printing at any printing center. All you need to do is make the template itself. Most often, a program such as Photoshop is used to create. You can make a great poster using photos, drawings and text. In addition, Photoshop allows you to create your own unique graphic designs. And many options for fantasy brushes allow you to save your time on drawing details. The main condition is excellent quality of the template. Therefore, it can only be done from photographs with good quality and high resolution. Moreover, the worse the resolution, the worse the result will look.

To be sure of the quality of the resulting poster, use a program such as coreldraw to create the template. Unlike Photoshop, coreldraw works not using a pixel system, but a vector one. Thanks to this, the quality of images does not decrease during manipulations with them. In coreldraw you can work with templates of any size, including those for further printing on canvases in A1 or A0 format. Among other things, you can mark up a sheet in coreldraw. This is important when printing. Otherwise, part of the image may simply not fit. But in order to fully use all the functionality of the program, you need to learn how to work with it.

There is an option to make a themed poster. A sort of collage from your child’s life. To do this, take whatman paper, photographs of your child from up to the present time. Glue them on whatman paper, frame them with a beautiful frame and sign them. This way guests will know about your child’s achievements: the first smile, the first tooth, the first step. Add photos with your parents and grandparents. And admire the result!

You can come up with an endless number of ideas for such greeting posters. Make a humorous poster so that the main congratulation is in the center, and around it are photographs of the child with funny captions. Surely your family album contains funny photographs taken in your sleep, while swimming or on a walk.

You can create a poster that will be your family tree. To do this, you need to take whatman paper and draw a branchy tree with a thick trunk. Glue a photo of the baby in the center of the trunk and sign it with either the child's name or simply the inscription "I". Place photos of brothers and sisters on the sides. Place photos of your parents a little higher. Above on each side are grandparents. And so on as long as there are photographs of relatives. Be sure to sign everyone's name. If you have enough time, you can add not only direct relatives to the tree, but also cousins, aunts and uncles.

If you don't know how to draw or use graphic computer programs, you can create a collage from newspaper clippings. You can collect the congratulation text from bright newspaper headlines. Also include pictures from children's magazines with various cartoon characters. Let them congratulate the child. If such a poster is being prepared for an adult, then you can find photographs in newspapers of what you want to wish the person. For example, you can cut out a house, a car, money, the sunny coast of some resort, a yacht, etc. The main thing is that the congratulations are sincere and made from the heart.

You can decorate a greeting poster with sweets. Moreover, each bar or candy will mean something different. For example, you can write a wish that the birthday person’s life will be like heavenly pleasure and attach a Bounty chocolate bar. You may wish to find your soulmate on such a poster and attach a package of two Twix sticks. You can stick candy with alcohol and wish that happiness will intoxicate you. You can find chocolate with the wonderful name “Inspiration” and wish a person to have it constantly present in life. If you glue a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg, then after adding a few nice words, you can wish for a speedy addition to the family. This way you can come up with an original greeting on a poster that will be interesting to read and then delicious to eat. The main thing is the presence of imagination and inspiration.

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