The ratio of sand and cement for various types of work. Cement-sand mortar: the ratio of sand and cement when mixing the mixture Mortar for masonry at home

Preparing mortar for brickwork has never been considered a complex construction operation, and in teams this work is performed by the youngest and most inexperienced. But errors in its execution are immediately apparent to professionals, and eliminating them does not require much time or much effort.

Basic requirements for the prepared solution

A properly prepared mixture for laying bricks must meet certain requirements. There are only three of them, but failure to comply with even one of them makes high-quality masonry impossible. Firstly, the mixture must be sufficiently plastic. This is important, since the quality of filling irregularities and voids in the brickwork depends on its plasticity.

Secondly, the setting time must be optimal. If the prepared mixture hardens too quickly, it will be impossible to use it for masonry. Cement-based mixtures retain their plasticity for 1.5-2 hours, and when lime is added to them, this period increases to 5 hours. Thirdly, maintaining sufficient strength after complete hardening. If the frozen mixture is not strong enough, the laid masonry will most likely become deformed.

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Main components of the solution

Various types of mortars are used to fix bricks in masonry. But they are all prepared using similar technology. The composition of any mortar for bricklaying must include a binder, filler (usually sand is used for these purposes) and water. They differ only in the astringent component. If necessary, for better plasticity and viscosity, clay, PVA glue or other additives are sometimes added to the mixture being prepared.

The following can be used as a binder for preparing the solution:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • cement-lime mixture.

Brick mortar using lime is almost never used. Lime makes it warmer, but it is also the main reason for the lack of strength of the mixture. The only places where bricks can be laid with lime mortar are stove foundations and brick chimney pipes. Depending on the fat content of the lime, the proportions of the bricklaying mortar can vary from 1:2 to 1:5 (1 part lime to 2-5 parts sand).

Cement-based bricklaying mortar has been and remains the most popular among amateur masons. Although it is the coldest and hardest of all three types, it is also the most durable of them. The plasticity of a cement mixture depends on the amount of cement in it. The proportions of cement and sand, depending on the brand of cement and the requirements for masonry walls, can vary over a wide range: from 1:2 to 1:5.

Unlike amateurs, professionals prefer cement-lime mixtures. Due to the presence of lime milk in their composition, they are warmer and more flexible than purely cement ones, but remain strong enough, which makes it possible to use them for almost any type of brickwork.

Their only drawback is that they cannot be used in conditions of high humidity. The optimal ratio of cement, lime and sand for M25 mortar is 1:1:4; for a solution of grade M50 – 1:0.5:4.5.

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Technology for high-quality solution preparation

The main secret of a high-quality solution is in the correctly selected proportion of mixing its components. To prepare the masonry mortar you will need the usual tools:

  • large capacity for mixing components;
  • buckets (can be old, but always clean);
  • shovel;
  • Master OK.

If large volumes of brickwork are expected and a team of builders will be involved, then it is advisable to use a concrete mixer as a container for preparing the mortar; it will save you from the hard monotonous work of mixing manually.

But if the amount of work is small and you intend to do it yourself, then it is still better to prepare the mixture by hand. The setting time of the vast majority of cement mortars for brickwork is 1.5-2 hours; if you prepare even half a concrete mixer of the mortar, you still will not have time to use it in the allotted time, therefore, you will waste materials and time on preparation.

Before starting preparation, the sand must be prepared for use, i.e. sift, cleaning it as much as possible from debris and foreign impurities. It is best to use river sand, but regular quarry sand will also work, as long as it is of a fine fraction, no more than 2.5 mm.

Then sand and cement are poured into the container for preparing the solution in buckets in the required proportions. If you do not know the exact required proportion, then it is better to start with the most common one - 1:4 (1 bucket of cement and 4 sand).

By filling 4 10-liter buckets of sand and 1 identical bucket of cement, you will end up with not 50 liters of the mixture, but only 40, since the cement will fill the space between the grains of sand, but will not increase their volume. In the future, by increasing the proportion of sand or cement, you can always adjust the prepared solution to the plasticity you need.

First, cement and sand are thoroughly mixed by hand until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the resulting mixture is mixed with water. The average water use is approximately 0.8 liters per 1 kg of cement. But these figures are not accurate; the amount of water added to the cement-sand mixture is usually determined during the preparation of the mixture, adding liquid little by little until the prepared solution reaches the desired consistency.

To mix the mixture, you need clean water, preferably at room temperature (15-20º). The mixture must be thoroughly mixed the entire time you add water. Do not miss this nuance, since sand, as the heaviest component of the mixture being prepared, will always settle to the bottom of the container, squeezing up the water in the mixture. A properly prepared mixture should resemble thick homemade sour cream in appearance.

Knowing all the nuances of preparing masonry mortar, you can easily prepare it yourself, without resorting to the help, and far from free of charge, from construction companies. The main thing is not to deviate from the right technology and not to give up after a possible failure.

In construction, one of the traditional materials that does not lose its attractiveness over time is brick. It is used in the construction of residential buildings, interior partitions, and fences. As a result, you get a very beautiful, durable wall that is resistant to many types of influences. But in order for the structure being built to be reliable and attractive, it is necessary to properly prepare the masonry mortar, with which the individual bricks and rows of masonry will be held together.

To get a high-quality solution, you need to mix all the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Lime mixtures

When asked which mortar is best to use for brickwork, many believe that the best is to use ordinary cement, but this is far from the case.

Often a more plastic composition is required for installing fences and interior partitions. In this case, you can use warm limestone, which is prepared from quicklime ground lime and sand. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then plain water is added. The masonry mass is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained; there should be no lumps or foreign impurities in it. The proportion is usually as follows: for one part of lime take from two to five - sand of the middle fraction.

Cement mortars

Cement is prepared from a mixture of ordinary cement and medium sand. The proportions can be different, they depend on the brand of cement used and can be: for one part of cement, take from three to six - sand.

Mix the dry mixture with the addition of water until a homogeneous mass is formed.

First, the dry mixture is mixed, then water is gradually added, then everything is mixed until a homogeneous, thick mass is obtained. But this option is not the best, since ordinary cement is inactive, even when using any brand it turns out to be too hard and too strong.

The cement-lime composition for bricklaying consists of lime and cement. The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Slaked lime, that is, lime dough, is diluted to the state of thick milk, and then filtered through a sieve.
  2. A dry mixture is prepared based on sand and cement, which is dissolved with lime milk, after which it is thoroughly mixed. Adding lime can increase the plasticity of the resulting mixture; this mixture is recommended for use for laying any type of brick.

Simple masonry mortar

The simplest solution is prepared from a binder (it can be ordinary cement or lime) and sand. In some cases, clay can also act as a binder, but this is very highly specialized work that is not performed very often.

The most common cement-sand mortar has the following proportions: one part of cement to three of medium-fraction sand. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed first in dry form, after which plain water is gradually added to it. Stirring is carried out until the resulting composition acquires the proper density and mobility.

Checking such characteristics is not so difficult: the container in which the solution is mixed must be tilted at an angle of forty degrees; if the mixture does not pour out, then you can begin the masonry process.

Complex installation solution

The solution should not spread or slide well off the surface.

A complex brick mix is ​​a mixture of several components and a binder material that affects the physical characteristics. Among such complex mortars for brickwork, cement-lime-clay, cement-lime and others are used, thanks to which the masonry is simpler, but also reliable.

Clay, for example, is added to make the composition more plastic. It does not fall apart during operation and is installed very neatly and easily. The use of plasticizers makes the brick mixture indispensable when laying facade walls. This mixture is very economical, it provides uniform compaction, and when spread, it is conveniently leveled over the surface of the previous row. Therefore, many experts recommend spending a little more time preparing the solution, but then this will only help in the work.

Component ratio

To properly make brick mortars, you need to determine the ratio of the main ingredients. It is recommended to take sand of medium coarseness, that is, with a fraction of two and a half and above; the brand of solution may be different, but it is this that affects the proportions. Here are examples of how you can make brick mortars based on this:

  • when using grade 500 cement, the proportions are: one part cement, 2/10 lime, three parts sand;
  • when using grade 400, the proportions will be as follows: one part cement, 1-3/10 parts lime, 2.5-4 parts sand;
  • for grade 300 the proportions will be as follows: one part cement, 2/10 lime and 3.5 sand.

All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This example was presented for cement-limestone masses; for a cement-sand mortar the proportions will be slightly different:

  • with a cement grade of 500, the proportions will be: 1 part cement to 3 parts sand;
  • for grade 400: 1 part cement and 2.5 parts sand.

Brickwork is based on the implementation of basic rules, otherwise the necessary strength and solidity of the entire building structure will not be achieved.

The water taken is cold and clean, its temperature should be from 15 degrees to 20. During production, all dosages must be observed exactly.

The optimal water consumption is:

  • when using concrete grade 100, take from 1/2 to 7/10 water for 1 part of cement;
  • for cement-sand, for each part of cement you need to take 8/10 water.

Attention: when carrying out work in the winter months, you cannot use Portland slag cement, as the quality of the solution will be extremely low!

For installation it can be as follows:

  • for brand M100 – 300-250 kg per cubic m;
  • for M150: 400-330 kg per cubic m;
  • for M200: 490-410 kg;
  • for M300: 600-510 kg.

Solution mobility

An important characteristic that the composition must have is mobility. This value depends on which components are used to mix the solution. To determine mobility, you can take a regular cone with an angle of 30 degrees, a height of 15 cm and a mass of 300 g. This cone must be immersed in the prepared masonry mixture. Mobility is determined by exactly how many centimeters the cone has sunk.

For using solid bricks, a composition for masonry with a mobility of 9-13 cm is suitable, but for hollow bricks of any type the permissible value is only 7-8 cm. It must be remembered that when working in very hot weather it is necessary to increase it to approximately 12-14 cm so that the masonry is strong and reliable.

When using bricks in construction, it is important to choose correctly not only the material for masonry, but also the mixture with which the bricks will be attached to each other. It is on what composition is used for bricklaying, how accurately the proportions and mobility are observed, that determines whether the future wall or other structure will be reliable, durable and stable. Today, different types of mortars are used, but their choice depends on the weather conditions under which the masonry is being laid and for what purposes the building material is used.

In order to build a brick house, you will need to understand the mortar for laying bricks: it must be strong, reliable, not afraid of moisture and can withstand loads well. It is also important that the cost of the mixture is inexpensive, since it is used in significant volumes.

A solution is a substance that acts as a fixative for installation elements with each other and with the base. Laying elements usually mean bricks, blocks, fittings, lintels, and embedded parts. The initial state of the mortar is plastic: this makes it possible to conveniently carry out high-quality and even laying of the building material. Next, the mass begins to harden, and the installation receives the proper strength and reliability. The quality of the transition from the plastic to the solid state is ensured by the main component of the solution - the binder.

In addition to the binder, the mounting mixture includes the following components:

Helpful information:

  1. Aggregate. Thanks to the filler, the solution becomes more voluminous and copes better with mechanical loads. In masonry mixtures, this function usually belongs to a mixture of sand and fiber. Filling solutions for various screeds and monolithic structures include gravel, expanded clay, crushed stone and polystyrene filler. Porous materials (expanded clay, slag, perlite) improve the level of thermal insulation.
  2. Water. The basis of any solution, regardless of its purpose. It is it that dissolves binders, so the efficiency of hydration directly depends on the quality of water. There are even special building codes (GOST 23732-2011, etc.) regulating this issue.
  3. Plasticizers. They increase the performance characteristics of the mixture, making it easier to work with. After adding them, the solution becomes more elastic and convenient. Typically, the presence of plasticizers imparts additional adhesion characteristics to the mixture.
  4. Hardeners. Added to increase the rate of polymerization of the solution. Most often they are used in cases where the natural drying process is slowed down for some reason. It may be too high humidity or low air temperature. When using hardeners, it is necessary to adhere to the exact dosage, otherwise the solution will polymerize very quickly.
  5. Anti-frost additives. They reduce the rate of water freezing, which allows construction work to be carried out at low temperatures. In this case, the lower temperature limit for the use of these additives should be taken into account, which is indicated in the accompanying documentation.
  6. Dyes. They are used in cases where seams need to be given external beauty. This usually concerns the laying of decorative facing bricks.

What types of solutions are there?

When starting construction work on the construction of a brick building, it is important to first decide what kind of mortar is needed for laying bricks.

The most convenient way of classification is to focus on the type of binder:

  1. Cement. The main binding component here is Portland cement. The use of alite and pozzolanic cement is also allowed. Slag can be used as an additional component. The hydration process begins after adding water, and does not proceed very quickly. To increase the drying speed of the cement mortar, a hardener is added to it. In this case, it is very important that all the material is well wetted, otherwise, due to the rapid evaporation of water, a certain percentage of the cement will be unused. If everything is done correctly, cement mortar can ensure high quality and reliability of brickwork.
  2. Lime. The strength of this solution is not very high (0.4 MPa in compression under ideal conditions). This point imposes certain restrictions on its use. The low thermal conductivity of lime mortar is most valued, which is used in the construction of walls with low load on the masonry.
  3. Cement-lime. Due to the introduction of cement into the composition of the mortar, the classic lime mixture receives the proper strength and reliability. The solution obtained in this way adheres well to most building substrates. This allows it to be used not only for constructing walls, but also for plastering them. During the preparation process, lime milk is used instead of water to dissolve the dry mixture.
  4. Cement-clay. The strength of this mortar is an order of magnitude lower than that of cement mortar. However, clay makes the material particularly heat-resistant. Scope of application of cement-clay mortar: construction and finishing of stoves, chimneys and fireplaces. The quality of installation directly depends on the purity of the clay, so before use it must be thoroughly sifted to remove various organic impurities and debris.

How to prepare a good masonry mortar

Among the significant variety of masonry mortars, the most popular is cement mixture. The ratio of the components to each other may differ, which is influenced by the requirements for the solution and the brand of cement used. In order not to waste time at all on calculating the mortar for laying bricks, you can purchase a ready-made mixture at your nearest hardware store. However, it should be taken into account that the price of the finished solution is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of its components. Therefore, if we are talking about large volumes, it is much more profitable to prepare the mixture yourself, since making the solution correctly is not a very difficult task (especially since sand can be dug up near the house).

Choosing a brand of solution

For simplicity, the grades of the solution are indicated by numbers: they correspond to the load in kg/cm2 that the frozen mixture can withstand. If you need to erect a heavily loaded building, it is better to use a mortar of grade 100, 150 or 200: this guarantees the strength of the masonry. In low-rise private construction, grades 50 and 75 are most often used. For the construction of small structures, for example, brick fence posts, M25 mortar, which is characterized by low strength, is quite suitable.

To properly prepare the laying mortar, you can use special data indicating the proportions of the materials included (depending on the brand of cement).

For example, to produce 1 m3 of the most common M50 mixture, you will need 180 kg of M400 cement or 240 kg of M300. Sometimes, in order to save money, some craftsmen reduce the proportion of cement, but this also reduces the strength of the mortar. If we are talking about laying walls or other important architectural elements, then it is advisable to refrain from such experiments in changing the mortar recipe.

How to calculate volume

To plan your bricklaying budget in advance, it is advisable to calculate how much and what will be required. The main guidelines in this case are the volume of the walls being constructed and the type of mortar used, which affects the proportions of the ingredients.

Calculation of the volume of brickwork

Let's say you need to build a simple building where the walls are 700 cm long, with a ceiling height of 300 cm. The wall has one opening for doors 210x130 cm, and a pair of windows 180x120 cm. For the thickness of the walls, you can take 2.5 bricks (64 cm). To calculate the volume of masonry, the number of walls is multiplied by their height and thickness. After rounding the result is 54 m3. The volume of door and window openings (4.5 m3) is subtracted from the result obtained. The result is 49.5 m3 directly on the walls; free areas are not taken into account here.

Mixture calculation

To determine how much ready-mixed mixture is needed, you need to know how much mortar per 1 m3 of masonry. The solution consumption per cube of masonry is usually in the range of 20-30%. For calculation, we select the average indicator of 0.25, which is multiplied by the number of the total volume (49.5). As a result, we get 12.4 m3 of solution. It is also necessary to calculate how much cement is required, since it is the most expensive component. As you know, each brand of mortar has its own ratio between sand and cement. If a 1:4 proportion of sand and cement is used, then it is necessary to purchase cement in an amount of 2.5 m3. Based on the average density of this material (1300 kg/m3), it is easy to calculate its weight (3250 kg).

At the last stage, the exact number of bags is calculated. Typically, cement is packaged in 50 kg packs, so 65 bags will be required. They try to purchase construction materials with some reserve, so it is better to take 66-67 bags.

How to mix the solution with your own hands

The ideal option is if the construction site has a concrete mixer or mixer. However, such happiness does not always happen: in this case, you have to knead with a shovel and a trough.

It is very important that it is dry and free of small solids. If there are any, this is a sure sign of moisture getting inside the package. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to purchase cement only in specialized stores where they can provide it with proper storage conditions. Often, in order to reduce construction costs, people look for cheaper options, buying material from dubious small enterprises. Such a product usually does not have certification, and during use it often produces indicators that are an order of magnitude lower than those declared. If the percentage of polymerized particles is small, the cement can be sifted.

Preparing sand. The sand must also be dry and sifted. When masonry mortar is prepared independently, the sand for it is either dug by hand or bought at special bases. As a rule, it needs additional sifting to remove various impurities. Organic matter is especially dangerous, as it can subsequently damage the strength of the brickwork.

Mixing sand and cement. This procedure can be carried out in an old trough or bathtub. Having poured sand and cement in the required proportions, it is necessary to achieve maximum homogeneity of the material by mixing. It is best to carry out this procedure in the center of the container so that the solution does not remain on the walls. If the recipe requires it, you can also add slaked lime and dry additives.

Adding water. It is important that the water is not dirty or cloudy, and does not contain any solid or organic impurities. When adding water to a dry sand-cement mixture, you need to act very carefully and not rush. It is very important not to overdo it, as the mixture will be very liquid. To prepare a mortar for bricklaying, it is advisable to enlist the help of an assistant, which will allow one person to add water, and the second to immediately mix it. This will allow you to obtain a homogeneous mixture, without lumps or dry inclusions.

Repeated mixing. After the first kneading, you need to pause for 10 minutes, this will allow the liquid to thoroughly soak and dissolve all the components included in the composition. After this, you need to re-knead the contents of the trough: it is advisable to use the finished mixture immediately, since after an hour and a half its performance characteristics begin to decline.




For centuries, brick has been used as a building material in the construction of buildings. Brick buildings are stable and durable. After all, when building walls, a special composition is used. It's no secret that mortar is necessary for laying bricks. To ensure the reliability of brick buildings and optimize costs, it is important to observe the proportions of sand and cement when preparing masonry mortar. Let's look at this issue in more detail. Let's consider different types of binder compositions, mixing rules, as well as mobility indicators.

Brick laying mortar

What mortar is needed for laying bricks

A properly prepared masonry mixture must satisfy a number of requirements.

Important points:

  • selection of the optimal recipe;
  • use of quality ingredients;
  • preparation of raw materials;
  • compliance with cooking technology.
  • the required plasticity of the working mixture. The effectiveness of filling irregularities, the absence of voids and cavities in the masonry being constructed depends on compliance with this parameter;
  • duration of setting. It is problematic to use an increased volume of quick-hardening mixture. Adding lime allows you to increase the setting time;
  • increased strength properties. After hardening, the strength of the cement mass increases. Brick walls are not deformable due to the high strength of the binder mixture.

Mixing the mixture in a makeshift trough

There is a peculiarity that the mortar for brickwork has - the proportions and ingredients used ensure its transition from the current state of aggregation to the solid. During the hydration process, strength increases, and the binder mixture connects the bricks into a single mass. Regardless of the proportions of the masonry mortar, it must contain the following components:

  • binder. The binding component, when interacting with water, gradually hardens and combines the remaining ingredients of the working mixture;
  • aggregate. It allows you to improve mechanical characteristics, as well as increase the volume of the masonry mixture;
  • water. Water is added to the required consistency, reacts with the binder component, ensuring the normal course of the hydration process.

Used as a binder:

  • Portland cement;
  • lime;
  • lime-cement mixture.

The masonry composition is mixed using sifted river or quarry sand. Foreign inclusions in the form of particles of clay, grass or roots are not allowed. The introduction of fiber makes it possible to increase the strength properties of the mixture. The concentration of water affects the ease of work.

Mortar for laying bricks in a concrete mixer

In addition to the main ingredients, additives are introduced:

  • antifreeze components. Prevent water crystallization at subzero temperatures and ensure normal hydration;
  • plasticizers. They increase the workability of the working mixture, make it easier to work with, and also improve its performance characteristics;
  • hardeners. Provide accelerated polymerization of the binder, reduce the duration of strength development;
  • dyes. The introduction of pigments allows you to change the color scheme of the material, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic perception of the brick wall.

The brand of mortar for bricklaying depends on the ratio of the components. With an increase in the proportion of sand, the grade decreases, and with an increase in the proportion of cement, it increases. Various brands are used, of which the most common is M75. In this case, the proportion of cement and sand for bricklaying, as well as the amount of lime, is expressed in the ratio 1: 5: 0.8. Building materials marked M75 reliably bind various types of bricks and natural stone, ensuring the stability of buildings.

The construction industry uses various types of compounds used for the construction of brick walls. Let's consider their features.

Lime mortar for bricklaying

It is prepared on the basis of crushed quicklime and sifted sand. Dry ingredients are mixed until smooth with the addition of water. In this case, foreign inclusions and stuck together lumps are not allowed. Performance properties are achieved by mixing one part of lime paste with two to five parts of medium-fraction sand.

Proportions for cement-lime mortar

Main characteristics:

  • reduced thermal conductivity, allowing you to retain heat in the room;
  • increased plasticity, facilitating the laying of building materials;
  • low strength, significantly reducing the area of ​​use.

Lime composition is used in the construction of chimneys, stove foundations, brick pipes, as well as lightly loaded walls of various buildings.

Composition of cement mortar for brickwork

Main ingredients of cement mixture:

  • Portland cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

The percentage composition of the bricklaying mortar is determined by the brand of Portland cement used. The amount of sifted sand ranges from three to six buckets per bucket of cement. The components must be thoroughly mixed and then water added.

Cement mortar for bricklaying

Main performance qualities:

  • increased safety margin;
  • high level of reliability.

Disadvantages include:

  • long-term hardening;
  • inactivity;
  • increased rigidity.

The addition of hardeners can reduce the duration of hydration, and the introduction of special plasticizers can increase elasticity.

Cement-lime mortar for masonry

Consists of the following components:

  • Portland cement;
  • slaked lime.

Sequence of cooking steps:

  1. Dilute slaked lime with water to a milky consistency.
  2. Strain the liquid milk of lime through a fine sieve.
  3. Mix Portland cement M400 with sand in a ratio of 1:4.
  4. Add the strained milk of lime and stir.

Cement mortar - do it yourself

The cooking process is quite simple. The cement-lime composition is inferior in strength characteristics to cement.

It has the following characteristics:

  • higher adhesion;
  • increased plasticity;
  • reduced thermal conductivity.

An acceptable margin of safety and increased adhesion make it possible to use the sand-cement composition for the construction of brick walls, as well as for plastering work.

Complex mixture

A multicomponent batch is carried out using several components mixed with a binder. For example, clay may be present along with Portland cement and lime. It has a positive effect on increasing ductility and stackability. Plasticizers can also be added to provide ease of use and improve performance. It is worth spending time preparing a multi-component batch so that you can evaluate its merits when performing the work.

How to prepare mortar for bricklaying - proportions, calculation and quality control

Cement consumption for cement-sand mortar

To prepare a high-quality composition that has the necessary performance characteristics, it is important:

  • choose the right proportions;
  • calculate the need for masonry material;
  • make a batch, observing the technological requirements;
  • check mobility.

Dwell in detail on the main features of individual works.

Mortar proportions for bricklaying

Of all the composition options, cement is the most common. It can be purchased at specialized enterprises. However, the increased cost and transportation costs make you think about making them yourself, which allows you to save money. It is important to clearly determine the proportion of the main ingredients.

They depend on the following factors:

  • type of cement used;
  • marking of cement-sand mortar.

Proportion of sand and cement for bricklaying

On specialized websites you can always find conversion tables that allow you to quickly determine the approximate volume of components for various brands of sand-cement compositions. For example, to prepare one cubic meter of solution marked 75, where the digital index indicates the load in kilograms per 1 sq. centimeter of surface, the following ratios should be followed:

  • 220 kg of Portland cement grade 500, the proportion of sand and cement is 1: 6.7;
  • 270 kg of M400 cement mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:5.4;
  • 360 kg of M300 cement mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:4.2.

Calculation of material requirements

There are various methods for determining the required amount of building materials. You can, for example, use standard indicators for the amount of mortar for brick walls of various thicknesses:

  • with a wall thickness of one brick, 65 liters of composition will be required to build 1 sq.m of wall;
  • one and a half wall thickness requires increased consumption of the binder mixture to 100 liters.

Mortar consumption per masonry cube

The quantity increases proportionally for walls built with two or two and a half bricks.

Having mastered the calculation method, you can independently determine the amount of cement and sand:

  1. Determine the volume of the masonry, multiply the perimeter of the building by the height and thickness of the walls.
  2. Subtract the volume of window and door openings from the resulting number.
  3. Calculate the number of cubes of composition by multiplying the volume of the walls by a factor of 0.2–0.3.
  4. Calculate the volume of cement by dividing the cubic capacity by the proportion of cement according to the proportion.
  5. Determine the weight of cement in kg by multiplying its cubic capacity by a density equal to 1300 kg/m3.
  6. Obtain the number of bags of cement by dividing the resulting weight by 50 kg.

Having calculated the need for cement, it is easy to determine the required amount of sand, knowing their ratio.


Carry out work according to the following algorithm:

  • Prepare the required ingredients in the required quantities.
  • Check the condition of the Portland cement, which should not be wet.
  • Sift the sand to remove large foreign matter.
  • Pour the weighed components into the concrete mixer.

Loading dry mixture into a concrete mixer
  • Mix them thoroughly until smooth.
  • Gradually add water, controlling the overall consistency.

Once mixed, use the cement mixture quickly as it retains its properties for 60-90 minutes. Professional builders recommend batch mixing, taking into account the volume and speed of work.

Determination of mobility

Mobility is an important parameter that affects the quality and convenience of work. Mobility control is carried out using a metal cone weighing 0.3 kg with an apex angle of 30 degrees and a height of 15 cm. When lowered into the liquid mixture under its own weight, it sinks to a certain amount. This value corresponds to the amount of mobility and differs for different building materials:

  • for solid brick - 9–13 cm;
  • for hollow bricks - is in the range of 7–8 cm.

Particular attention should be paid to mobility when performing work in hot weather. The value increases to 12–14 cm, which ensures the strength and reliability of brick walls.

Conclusion: how important are the proportions of cement and sand for masonry?

Compliance with the recommended proportions when mixing guarantees the strength characteristics of the masonry and the stability of brick buildings over a long period of operation. Despite its apparent simplicity, some preparation is needed to select the optimal ratio of ingredients and perform the kneading correctly. Knowing all the subtleties, you can prepare the masonry composition yourself. It is important to stick to technology. If necessary, you can always turn to professionals for advice.

Brick buildings are very durable and reliable. They can last for years. Why years! Over the centuries. But brick is not considered a cheap material.

After all, to create a small building you will need quite a lot of this building material. And yet, brick houses will never go out of fashion and will not lose their appearance for a long time.

Preparing mortar for bricklaying is the topic of this article. Let's talk further.

For laying bricks on façade walls, plasticizers are added to the mortar. This solution is very economical and is applied to the surface in an even layer.

Ingredient ratio

To prepare the correct solution, you need to calculate the amount of ingredients. For the solution, sand is taken of the middle fraction; the brand of solution can be different, but it is the sand fraction that affects the proportions. For example:

  1. We use M-500 cement, the proportions will be as follows: 1 part cement to 2/10 lime, take 3 parts sand;
  2. We use grade 400 cement, the proportions will be as follows: 1 part cement to 1-3/10 parts lime to 2.5-4 parts sand;
  3. We use grade 300 cement, take 1 part to 2/10 lime to 3.5 sand.

All components of the solution must be mixed well.

This example is for a cement-limestone mixture and for a cement-sand mixture.

Solution proportions:

  1. When using cement grade 500, take 1 part cement to 3 parts sand;
  2. For cement grade 400, take 1 part cement to 2.5 parts sand.

Helpful information

Masonry methods

  • For solid bricks, take a mortar with a mobility of 9-13 cm,
  • for hollow bricks take a mixture with a mobility of 7-8 cm,
  • in hot weather, take a solution with a mobility of up to 12-14 cm.

Before starting work with bricks and masonry mortars, carefully study all the nuances, select the correct mortar, and prepare it correctly. It’s best to entrust the work to specialists in this field; they must do everything according to the rules. We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

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