Wooden or stone bath. What is the best material to build a bathhouse from, and how to choose the material (foam block, gas block, wood, brick) Combination of a brick house and a wooden bathhouse

Having decided to build a bathhouse on a country site, we ask ourselves questions about what material to choose, what design is more reliable; What is better - a bathhouse made of bricks or a log house? There are plenty of materials on the market now: various types of processed wood such as laminated veneer lumber, foam blocks, and much more. Not all of them, of course, are suitable specifically for building a bathhouse, and the priority is all two classic options: brick and wood.

Let's consider the advantages of building a stone or brick bathhouse

The first thing we remember when we talk about brick as a building material is, of course, reliability, durability and structural strength. The wall will not rot, will not burn, and its appearance will not worsen over time. But at the same time, the thermal conductivity of a stone bath is significantly higher than that of a wooden building. Such a structure will cool down very quickly, which, accordingly, necessitates careful thermal insulation, and will also require more fuel to heat the interior.

Regarding the fire resistance of brick buildings, experts express the following competent opinion. Of course, in the event of a fire, the structure does not collapse, but the strength properties of the material become significantly worse. Therefore, it makes no sense to rely only on the reliability of the wall - it is imperative to ensure that all heating devices and electrical wiring are always in good working order: in the operation of a bathhouse, negligence is completely unforgivable.

Stone aesthetics as a reason to realize a design idea

Another undoubted advantage of a stone bath is the ability to give the structure a variety of shapes during the construction process, show architectural imagination, and create an unusual exterior of the building. Wall decoration also allows for great variety and opens up wide possibilities for creativity - the main thing is that the materials are moisture resistant. If you wish, you can line the wall with facing bricks or decorative tiles that imitate materials found in nature. It is possible to apply plaster to the wall, creating an unusual texture, or decorate the interior with original stucco molding - the designer and the customer have every opportunity to show their imagination and create a small work of art on a separate country plot.

What to consider when building with stone and brick

When building brick and stone baths, there are inevitably moments that require particularly close attention. So, you need to be prepared to spend a much larger amount on purchasing building materials, erecting a foundation and walls than, for example, when building a wooden building. By the way, special mention should be made about the foundation: since stone and brick are quite heavy and massive materials, the foundation must be such that it can withstand this load with a reserve. It should be carried out with a sufficiently deep depth (experts recommend focusing on the depth of soil freezing) and preference should be given to a strip type of foundation, which is guaranteed to withstand the load from the wall and roof of a brick bathhouse.

Our specialists will be happy to listen to all your requirements and wishes, conduct a thorough analysis of the land plot and develop a detailed project for the construction of a brick or stone bathhouse, and you can make an application for the development of the project by e-mail or by phone:

Advantages of choosing a bathhouse based on a log frame

Everyone knows that healthy wood has a very beneficial effect on the human body and that it is a very environmentally friendly material. It is also important that wood is much more affordable than brick, but the main thing in sensual and emotional terms is far from it. The whole point is to relax and breathe in a pleasant pine aroma, feel the comfort of being in a room made of material donated by nature itself, relax and gain new strength.

Heat retention and natural ventilation

Wooden walls retain heat much better and longer, and this is their undoubted advantage over stone or brickwork; It is much easier to warm up a building made from a log frame or timber frame. Due to the good thermal insulation characteristic of wood, a much smaller wall thickness is sufficient; In addition, excellent savings are provided by the possibility of making a less capital and massive foundation, because wood is much lighter than brick. In addition to the above, a very significant advantage is the absence of dampness in a wooden building, because wood has the ability to naturally pass air both inside and outside the room, thus ensuring the maintenance of a natural microclimate in the room.

Questions about the fire resistance of a log bath

The biggest controversy is always caused by the comparatively lower fire resistance of wood compared to stone, natural or artificial. However, experts have their own weighty arguments and opinions for this. First of all, modern compositions and impregnations increase the fire resistance of the wall several times; and, in addition, fires occur mainly due to malfunction of heating equipment, electrical wiring or lighting fixtures. Therefore, the number one task when using any bathhouse is to carefully monitor the condition of the specified equipment and communications. In addition, a critical stage in the construction of a brick or log bathhouse is compliance with all standards and requirements when installing a sauna stove and installing all internal communications.

It is believed that a log or beam leaves fewer opportunities for design of the interior and exterior of a structure, but one can argue on this score: we all remember what masterpieces were created by skilled architects in Ancient Rus'.

Interior decoration of a wooden bath

When building with wood, another dilemma arises related to the final choice of material. Factory-processed wood (for example, rounded logs or profiled timber) is coated with protective varnishes or paints, but these coatings require periodic updating. An ordinary (chopped) log eliminates this need, and at the same time creates the unique natural beauty of the material created by nature. Of course, if desired, a log wall can be covered with siding, and such a log bathhouse looks much more modern; In addition, siding does not require maintenance.

Cost of log and brick baths

As we have already said, when comparing the costs of building materials and performing a set of works, stone and brick baths seem, and not without reason, to be a more expensive option. At the same time, what dimensions you expect, how many rooms for various purposes are provided, and how many floors you need are also of great importance. In this case, naturally, a brick bathhouse designed for two or three people will be cheaper than a spacious two-story structure.

To draw up the final estimate for the project, you should contact a competent specialist: we employ professionals in their field who will competently answer all your questions and bring the project for the construction of a turnkey log bathhouse in Kazan to its logical conclusion. We consider our work completed only when we receive positive feedback from a satisfied client; You can be sure: you will like our bathhouse!

Almost all owners of land plots build bathhouses on their plots. For a long time, bathhouses were built according to the principle: bathhouse-wood-brick. Nowadays, other building materials are also used. These are wall blocks. Each of the listed materials has its own properties and features. Let's take a closer look at wood and brick.

If a wooden bathhouse requires wall decoration, it is quite possible to use brick for this.

Brick buildings

A bathhouse is often built from various brands of brick. Such a structure is durable. It is durable, but the walls have to be insulated.

Swarming with insulation is quite expensive. The walls of the bathhouse need additional finishing. Their internal surfaces are lined with wooden slats. The outside of the bathhouse is plastered or the walls are left unfinished. The wall folded under the jointing looks very good. If desired, you can find ready-made ones. They are for 2-4 people, there are large buildings on 2 floors with changing rooms and shower rooms, suitable for living. They can have various extensions in the form of verandas, terraces, attics, garages and gazebos. Each group of consumers can choose any project for themselves.

Bathhouse projects can be divided into:

  • typical;
  • individual.
Image No. 1. Wooden baths are usually built from logs or timber.

Before starting construction, you need to assess your abilities. Some of the work requires certain qualifications and experience. This is especially true for waterproofing construction and communications. In some places, you can involve the efforts of specialists so as not to correct your mistakes. An important point when building a brick bathhouse is the internal insulation of the walls. You can do this in three ways:

  • leave air gaps during laying;
  • insulate the walls with special slab or roll materials;
  • fill the remaining voids with bulk materials.

When arranging openings for windows and doors, it is possible to lay several ones, to which the structural boxes will be attached.

Construction of a wooden bathhouse

Image No. 2. Scheme of preparing logs for assembling a log house.

If you don’t have the skills to work with bricks, you can build a wooden bathhouse (image No. 1). Such log baths were built hundreds and thousands of years ago. Today you can use timber and rounded logs. Construction using these lumber is several times faster and easier. The cost of the building will depend on:

  • choice of materials (timber or log);
  • build it yourself or hire a crew;
  • does the bathhouse have a shower, swimming pool, sauna and other premises;
  • total area of ​​the building;
  • roofing and cladding materials.

Construction materials must last for at least several years. For this purpose, it is better to harvest wood from December to March. After harvesting, the timber must lie in certain conditions for at least a month. The bark is peeled off the logs, leaving only belts 10-15 cm wide at the ends. They will protect the logs from cracking. The material must be stored under the following conditions:

  • logs are stacked;
  • the distance from each other remains 5 cm;
  • the rows of the stack are separated by spacers of at least 10 cm;
  • The stack should be separated from the ground by 20-25 cm.

Under these conditions, the logs will dry out well. The top of the stack is covered with slate. A log house made from such wood can last 50 years.

Image No. 3. Technology for the production of laminated veneer lumber.

How to choose a timber and how to use it:

  • individual beams should not have deep cracks;
  • the material is treated with an antiseptic;
  • embedded beams are also treated with waste machine oil;
  • the foundation must be waterproofed;
  • finished walls are equipped with vapor barrier and waterproofing.

A round log (image No. 2) is produced on special machines. It has the same diameter along its entire length. This is very convenient during construction. The grooves have also been selected, all that remains is to insert the sealing material into them. You can purchase a ready-made kit and assemble the log house in a day.

A beam is a hewn log (image No. 3). The thickness of the timber can be from 100 mm. Its cross-section is round or rectangular. Its core is not protected from the influence of atmospheric phenomena. Rounded logs have such protection. A log house made of timber shrinks 6-10 cm per year. The logs settle by 10-12 cm. It is not recommended to order ready-made log houses, since individual elements may fail and assembly will become impossible. When purchasing a set of logs, you need to pay special attention to the numbering of parts.

The construction of a bathhouse made of wood or masonry bricks must be carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • the place where the bathhouse is being built must be at a distance of 10 or more meters from other buildings;
  • the distance from wells and pumps cannot be less than 20 m;
  • It is advisable to agree with your neighbors on the location of the bathhouse;
  • For better drainage, the bathhouse is built on a hill.


Conclusion on the topic

You can build a bathhouse on your own site from wood or brick.

Each of the materials has its pros and cons. Wall waterproofing is made from glassine, foil-coated polyethylene foam or other special films. Wooden walls are insulated from overheating with sheet asbestos or a foil-coated mineral wool board. The roof is covered with different materials.

It can be slate and ondulin, metal tiles and just wooden boards. Jute is often chosen as inter-crown insulation for wooden log houses.

It is produced in the form of tapes. You should not buy cement for a brick bath in advance, since in a month it loses 10% of its active qualities.


Choose a project, buy materials, build a bathhouse from wood and brick and enjoy the light steam!

Today there are many materials for construction on the market. But most of the owners of their own plots most often argue about two types: is it better to have a bathhouse made of logs or bricks? Each of the materials has both its pros and cons, so before comparing it is worth understanding their properties in more detail.

Wood is a wonderful natural material that is great for construction. A log sauna has low thermal conductivity, which is why the air in the interior heats up quite quickly and remains warm for a long time. In addition, log buildings have a number of other advantages:

  • environmentally friendly materials do not cause allergic reactions;
  • structures made of wood “breathe”;
  • modern log houses are highly reliable;
  • walls made of wood help create an optimal microclimate.

With all this, a turnkey log bathhouse is inexpensive, and its assembly takes much less time compared to other structures. The high speed of construction of a log bath is associated with convenient transportation and the relative lightness of the material. In addition, constructing a structure from this material is quite simple. For all its pliability for processing, wood has very high mechanical strength.

Coniferous trees are most often used for log houses, because the resin they contain prevents the natural process of decay, as a result of which such a structure can last for decades, delighting the owners.

Brick structures

Unlike log baths, brick buildings have their own advantages, due to which this material has gained its popularity. First of all, it has a longer service life. In addition, brick allows you to build structures of almost any configuration. Otherwise, the advantages over log baths are purely aesthetic.

Compared to wood, brick retains heat just as well, but there are some features that make a log bathhouse still better:

  • brick structures take longer to melt due to the high heat capacity of the material;
  • the cost of brick structures is much higher than the average price of a log bathhouse;
  • In the absence of proper ventilation and vapor barrier systems, buildings begin to become damp over time, which can cause a specific smell.

In addition, the great protection of brick structures from fires is greatly exaggerated.

Bottom line

Having analyzed the main advantages and disadvantages, we can safely say that log baths are better than their brick counterparts. The only drawback is less durability, but it is more than compensated by the low cost, ease of assembly, and a more pleasant environment. If desired, anyone can order wooden houses and bathhouses “from Mikhalych” - specialists will help not only choose the model of the future building, but also build it in a short time on a turnkey basis.

Any owner of a country plot of land, even a small one, sooner or later thinks about building a bathhouse on it. And this is absolutely true, because in addition to aesthetics and the opportunity to relax there with family and friends, bath procedures make a significant contribution to health.

Having moved on to realizing the dream of your own steam room, you need to immediately decide what role it will fulfill: if the bathhouse will be used for its intended purpose, and not for storing hairpins and garden tools, you need to carefully select the material for constructing the walls.

What is better to build from?

or stone - depends on taste. Some people like the soft warmth of a wooden log house, the look of log walls, while others are delighted with stone or brickwork. Of course, each material has both positive qualities and disadvantages.

From time immemorial, the word “bathhouse” was associated with wood. The modern market offers a large amount of lumber from different tree species; when choosing, it is important to know their specifics.
On the ceiling, floor and bottom logs and boards made from coniferous trees are ideal, since they are not only environmentally friendly raw materials - heating reveals a unique “wooden” aroma.
To finish the interior of the bathhouse, it is better to take softer species - aspen, linden, alder or cedar, since under the influence of high temperatures, resin begins to release from coniferous species - it is better to leave them for the outer frame.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden bath

The advantages of a wooden bath include relatively , quick installation, environmental friendliness and lack of dampness. Wooden walls are able to control temperature - they accumulate heat in the winter, and in the summer (before the firebox) they retain life-saving coolness. You can also take into account savings on the foundation, since the tree weighs relatively little.

The disadvantages of wooden baths include low fire resistance, like brick baths. Since wood tends to absorb moisture, fungus or even mold may develop over time, but modern technologies make it possible to avoid this by using a two-step treatment of logs with an antiseptic.

Stone bath

In some countries, there is a ban on the harvesting of wood material; in such cases, for the construction of a bathhouse, you can use stone or its cheaper analogue - brick.

Advantages and disadvantages of a stone bath

The general availability of stone for the construction of a bathhouse is an undeniable advantage. Stone is stronger and more durable, and is also not subject to combustion - in the event of a fire, only the finishing burns out, and not the entire building, but the smell of burning is firmly ingrained into the stone base.

The disadvantages of a stone bath include the high cost of materials, since much more of them are required than when building a wooden one. The technical implementation is also more complex and very expensive. The thickness of the walls of a stone bath should be above 70 centimeters, while 20 is enough for a wooden one. Such thick walls require a complex strip base. It is also necessary to consider the ventilation system, since the stone does not allow air to pass through and promotes the formation of condensation. Walls made of stone or brick cool down very quickly, so you need to take care of an additional heating system.

Make your choice

Somewhat awkward to compare with a stone one is like comparing an orange with an apple: both are fruits, both are round in shape and are eaten, but each has its own characteristics.
We can confidently draw the following conclusion: any bathhouse, be it made of wood, stone or brick, has positive qualities and strengths. When choosing a material, experts advise focusing on the location of the proposed construction (geographically), because a lot depends on the climate and soil.
Deciding on the choice of material for building a bathhouse is not easy, we hope that our will help you choose the best option for yourself. You can also consult with a specialist from the Usadba construction company - we are glad to see you!

Russian bathhouse, not a single good dacha can do without this miracle of construction, the pleasure we can get from visiting a bathhouse is difficult to compare with anything. In the old days in Rus', bathhouses were built of wood, using pine, larch or aspen logs; in recent years, a brick bathhouse has become an excellent alternative to wooden construction.

Advantages of a brick building:

An excellent level of fire protection; if a wooden building can burn out from a spark, the reliability of brick is fully justified.

Durability– if a wooden bathhouse lasts on average 15-20 years, then a brick building can last as long as you like, the average service life of such bathhouses is 150 years, this is the law of brick operation.

Aesthetic appeal– unlike wood, brick does not need finishing. And with the help of bricks you can create any, even the most bizarre shapes.

Disadvantages of such buildings:

Brick takes longer to heat - If it takes an average of an hour and a half to light a wooden bathhouse, then a brick bathhouse will have to be heated much longer, however, such a bathhouse will hold heat much longer

Expensive– a brick bathhouse is more expensive than a wooden one, but it also lasts longer

Lack of decent ventilation - such a bathhouse cannot withstand high temperatures, and its walls are much less ventilated

Comparing the pros and cons of construction, gardeners and summer residents increasingly prefer brick. Is it difficult to build a brick bathhouse with your own hands? If you love construction with all your heart, then building such a bathhouse will not be difficult.

To build a brick bathhouse you will need brick, cement, gravel, sand, a tub for mixing the mortar, and time. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of brick; first you need to create a drawing of the proposed structure, imagine the height of the building itself, as well as the height of the ceilings, which usually in a bathhouse does not exceed 2 meters.

According to fire safety standards, your bathhouse should be located 12 meters from residential buildings, 1.5 meters from the fence, in a free, ventilated space. You can build a bathhouse without fear of consequences. First you install the foundation for the bathhouse. For this purpose, a pit is dug, 1.5 meters deep, sand is poured into it, then a layer of crushed stone and metal reinforcement are laid. Formwork is erected from wood, which is subsequently filled with concrete. It is worth providing a hole for draining water, and also pouring a special formwork for the stove. It is better to maintain the finished foundation for 2-3 months, but if the construction is urgent, then the construction of the foundation can begin within a week. Some builders lay a layer of roofing felt or tar on the foundation; in the case of a brick bathhouse, we do not recommend doing this, because... In this case, the adhesion of the bathhouse to the walls is disgusting.

Wall masonry:

When starting to make masonry walls, think about whether it is better to use ordinary sand-lime brick, and build the thickness of the walls to 2 bricks. If you plan to lay out a pattern or relief on the walls, take care of it in advance. Interior partitions can be made thinner; here 1-2 bricks will be enough to separate the steam room and the bathhouse. This way you will protect yourself from fires and damage. If you try to make the bathhouse warm and durable, this bathhouse will serve you for many years.

A separate topic is mixing the mortar; for laying bricks you can use the mortar based on the proportion - 1 bucket of sand, 1 bucket of cement and a ladle of lime, pour the mortar with water to the desired thickness. As a rule, grade 200 cement is used to make the mortar. Such a mortar will reliably fasten the brick to the walls and give you the opportunity to enjoy a warm, cozy bathhouse.

Insulation of a brick bath

This problem is relevant in harsh weather conditions; in order to reliably insulate your bathhouse, you can use mineral wool, floor insulation, expanded clay or brick. No matter what type of insulation you choose, your bath can remain warm, beautiful and cozy. By insulating the walls with mineral wool, you get a cozy, beautiful and warm bathhouse. It is better to insulate the walls from the inside, using exterior finishing; you will have to sheathe the bathhouse with special metal frames. Brickwork in its pure form looks more aesthetically correct than a frame insulated with mineral wool. Thus, the finished bathhouse can not only last for many years, but also serve you faithfully.

Roof of a brick bath

As a rule, the roof of such a bathhouse is laid from siding or metal tiles; it is possible to provide a structure with a sharp ridge, as well as with sloping edges and drains. You can safely use this sauna for relaxation, and also get maximum pleasure from the finished sauna.

Building a bathhouse with your own hands is not such a difficult task, which can take a maximum of one season; the finished bathhouse can last longer than the expected date, however. Its use does not burden you or create additional difficulties. A beautiful, reliable, neat and aesthetically correct bathhouse, built in a short time with your own hands, will help make your holiday at the dacha pleasant and unforgettable.

Does a brick bathhouse shrink?

This question is asked by many who have gone through all the stages of building a brick bathhouse; indeed, the walls of such a bathhouse can shrink slightly. Experts recommend starting to decorate such a bathhouse 2-3 months after the completion of the construction of the walls. Thus, you will not only save significantly on finishing materials, but also protect yourself from the possibility of redoing interior work. Many questions arise during the construction process, for example, how to properly lay floors and ceilings. Beams are usually walled up with cement mortar; however, you should be especially careful about the method of laying the mortar in the resulting holes.

In general, summer residents are satisfied with the result of construction, which can serve for many years; such a bathhouse not only does not shrink, but also serves faithfully for many years.

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