Saving water. Using water at home Purpose: to study water consumption in a house (apartment) and give recommendations for saving water. Object of study: consumption. How to save water in the kitchen? Really effective ways

Sometimes we have to save money. One of the constant cash costs every month for every family is paying for utilities. The biggest numbers we see are in water bills. Water is constantly used: when cooking, washing dishes, bathing, cleaning and laundry. What can you do to save water without causing discomfort to yourself and your family members?

My history. What led me to strictly save water in my apartment?

Every month I find utility bills in my mailbox. When you look at these numbers, you immediately understand: that’s it, austerity! But no matter how you look at it, the next month you receive another receipt with the same or higher number.

Yes, every time I promised myself that when cleaning I would turn off the tap, that when washing dishes, if I needed to go somewhere, I would also close it. But somehow everything didn’t work out: either the water was too comfortable, I thought I couldn’t do the same, or I simply forgot. It seems like what’s wrong with this - it moved away for five minutes, all the water did not run away.

But the day came when I had to seriously think about saving. I got laid off at work and had to look for another one. She was found, but with a lower salary. Calculating the family budget, my husband and I came to the same conclusion - it’s time to save on something.

No matter how they guessed or decided, they settled on one thing - water! It is the easiest thing to save, it is for it that such incredible bills come. Water is something you can really save on without compromising your comfortable life. It is constantly becoming more and more expensive. After talking with my friends, I got some useful information about how easy it is to save water.

Proven ways to save water in the bathroom

So, we decided to save on the bathroom initially.

  1. First of all, we installed a special water-saving nozzle on the shower. It's very inexpensive, but it really helps to use less water. What brought us to this decision? Information from the Internet. It clearly states how much water can be saved by installing such a nozzle. I will share the information with you too. With a regular nozzle, about 12 liters of water are spent per minute, and with a water-saving nozzle, only 5! This way, you can save a huge amount of water when taking a shower!

For example, you are taking a shower 15 minutes, with a regular nozzle you use 180 liters of water. And if you use a special dispersing nozzle, then the amount of water used will be only 75 liters!

We have been using this shower head for two years now, the amount for water in the receipt has decreased by 15% . We save more per year on such a shower 2000 rubles

  1. Take a shower, not soak in the bathtub. This is also a very effective method. When taking a shower, we spend only 50 - 80 liters of water with a water-saving nozzle, and when filling the bath, we spend more than 150 liters. That's three times more. For me personally, such savings are not a problem, since for several years now I have only been taking a shower. I can lie in the bathroom when I want to warm up.
  1. Turn off the water when not in use. These are moments in the shower when you shave or cleanse your skin with a scrub. These few minutes will give you serious savings.

Behind 5 more minutes of shaving or applying a mask will go down the drain 25 liters of water. By using such procedures every day, you are wasting more than 9000 liters of water per year. In my region, in terms of money per year, this amount will be about 500 rubles only for cold water.

  1. You can also save water while brushing your teeth. Turn off the tap after filling only one glass of water. This water will be enough to rinse your mouth of toothpaste. This way you will spend the maximum on washing your face 10 liters of water, not 50 . This is also money. Moreover, we do not count the water resources spent per day, but per month.

I have a family of three. That is, we spent about 4.5 cubic meters of water per month on brushing our teeth and washing our faces as usual. And using a glass of water to rinse your mouth, you spend less than a cubic meter. In monetary terms, we began to pay per year for morning washing 580 rubles instead 2000-2500 thousand.

  1. We installed a mixer with one lever for adjusting the water temperature. It was noted that when using a mixer with two wings, when adjusting the temperature, the water simply flows uselessly into the drain. Our money follows the water there too. It’s better to spend money on a faucet once than to constantly flush water down the pipe.

This faucet will help save water up to 8 liters per minute!

  1. A water heater was installed. Yes, this is again a cost in order to save money. Hot water costs many times more than cold water. Why pay more when you can pay less? Yes, a water heater is expensive, but it pays for itself quickly. There are still times when hot water needs to be passed through; many houses have this problem. This is when the hot food lasts for a long time and is barely alive, or when it has an unpleasant brown color. Another plus is that when the entire city is cut off from access to hot water in the summer and people have to wash with water heated in a pan, we wash, as always, without inconvenience.

We calculate how much we save on such equipment per month and year. Hot water at the rate of the region in which I live costs per cubic meter 159 rubles Cold - 49 rubles According to the last meter readings, before the water heater was installed, it was written that we used 8 cubes of hot water, and cold 6 cubes It came out in money 1566 rubles The next time we received a receipt, accordingly, there was only cold water consumption - 12 cubes, that is 588 rubles Electricity with a heater began to be spent more on 500 rubles per month (taking into account its shutdown for the time when no one is at home). That is, water for a month cost us 1088 rubles We saved 478 rubles in a month, and more than 5,000 rubles in a year. With the fact that we bought a water heater for 8000 rubles, it paid for itself in less than two years.

  1. We hung a “reminder” for the child. This is a small poster in the bathroom that says you need to save water. Moreover, it helps not only the child, but also us not to forget about this nuance. As soon as I look at this inscription, my brain begins to rush me, and my hands quickly start lathering the washcloth! The savings are small, but still nice.

The toilet is the main waste of water

Although toilets do not constantly flush water, they are the main source of water waste. We took this point into account and applied several methods to reduce such consumption.

  1. Replaced the water release button. We removed the original button and installed a new one - a double one. So one half helps drain only half of the tank, and the second half drains the entire tank. Conventional toilets flush in one flush 12 liters of water. The double button makes it so that half of its contents flow out of the tank when flushed, that is, only 6 liters. For those who do not have the ability to replace the button: place a one and a half liter plastic bottle of water in the tank. The tanks have a cut-off valve that stops the tank from filling. A bottle of water will act so that the volume of water in the tank will become half as much. Thus, the cut-off valve will stop supplying water when there is only half of the tank.

Everyone knows when which button will be useful to them, so they can calculate the possible savings. But on average it will be 25 liters per day, and for the year 9125 liters.

  1. We have a new toilet, so there are no problems with it. This item is for those owners whose plumbing is no longer new. Carry out a complete inspection of the toilet cistern and eliminate all leaks. Even when water only drips quietly from the tank, this is a huge waste of water! With these drops you will lose more per day 50 liters of water. Accordingly, 18,250 liters of water per year will be paid for just like that.

How to save water in the kitchen? Really effective ways

The kitchen is also a waste of water resources. We cook every day, wash dishes and hands. What ways have helped me save water in such processes?

  1. We put a nozzle with a sprayer on the faucet. These heads, like shower heads, are sold in stores. They work exactly the same way as the ones I wrote about above - they spray water in large droplets. There is no discomfort with such a spray, but the savings are good!

I wash the dishes approximately 10 minutes, water is wasted 45 liters at a time. It's a little more per day 200 liters, since I take into account washing dishes - three times, plus the additional use of the tap when cooking and rinsing glasses and mugs during the day. With a regular tap, the volume of water used is twice as much, approximately 400 liters It turns out that we have to pay for water from the kitchen tap in 2 times less. We pay for 73000 liters, not per 146000 .

  1. Wash dishes immediately after eating. I learned this to save money! Previously, dishes were dumped in the sink, and washed only after a couple of hours. The food, accordingly, dried out during this time, and more water was spent on washing. Cleaning fresh food from dishes is easier and faster!
  2. Afterwards, I persuaded my husband to buy a dishwasher! It was my dream! I wanted this for myself for a long time, even before saving water. But somehow everything was not up to her: loans, mortgages, and there are only three of us in the family - we don’t mess around too much. But the three of us learned how to dirty so many dishes that even six people couldn’t handle it. Salads, first, second, husband eats one, son eats another, I eat third! A lot of utensils are used when cooking! Finally, the cherished day of buying a car has arrived! We went to the store, I chose, my husband paid! Hooray! As it turned out, the machine is not only a helper in the household, but also a great way to save water! With its help, water is wasted 5 times less! So per year we paid for 14,600 liters of water used for washing dishes.
  3. Installed a filter on the faucet. We used to use a jug to purify water for drinking. But sometimes it would sit with us for a day, and then it would be poured out and refilled with fresh water. And before filling the jug, I had to let the water run for a few seconds. By installing a filter on the faucet itself, these costs stopped. And this is more savings 3 cubic meters of water per year.
  4. When cooking, I close the tap. Now that I have a dishwasher, I started cleaning vegetables in the basin. This is also great for saving water. You pour water into a basin, wash the vegetables there before peeling, and then simply rinse them in running water.

Save water when washing

A washing machine is a great way to save water when doing laundry, but let’s make this saving even more economical!

  1. Do not use the maximum program unless necessary. There is an opportunity to put the machine on an express wash - do it!
  2. Wash in large volumes. Don't throw just one T-shirt into the machine, but save some laundry. By washing one or more items at a time, you are being wasteful! Place a laundry basket and wash clothes so that the machine is loaded to the maximum.

There are also good savings on washing. In normal mode my machine uses 60 liters of water per cycle. If you wait to wash one blouse and a couple of blouses, and wait until the laundry accumulates, you can save a lot. After all, washing 10 once a month you will spend 600 liters of water, and for 20 you will have to pay more for washing 1000 liters In a year you will save approximately 4800 liters of water only for washing.

Let's sum it up

My ways to save water Savings, rub/year
Water saving shower head 2000
Take a shower instead of a bath 1500
Cover the water when shaving or brushing your teeth 1500
Water heater 5000
Double cistern flush button 400
Inspection of the toilet cistern 900
Spray nozzle on kitchen faucet 3500
Dishwasher 2800
Water filter for tap 150
Savings on washing 250

Thus, in a year it is possible to save approximately 18,000 rubles on water alone, which will not be superfluous in the family budget.

Marina Petrova, 36 years old

Unlike electricity or heating, reducing water consumption often does not involve any costs. All you need is to change some everyday habits.

Not so long ago we already talked about that, as well as in. The following simple ways to save water complement what has already been said and will help you approach the issue more comprehensively.

When cooking food, try to use a minimum of water. In addition to the obvious savings, this gives many dishes a richer taste. Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl rather than under the tap. The water after washing can be used to water indoor plants. In summer, keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator. This way, you don’t have to pour several liters down the drain each time, waiting for cool water to flow from the heated pipes. Install a boiler or gas water heater in close proximity to the place where you most often use hot water. This will save a significant amount of water, since you won’t have to wait for the cold water to drain. If your shower fills a 10-liter bucket of water in less than a minute, immediately change to a more economical shower head or use a shower head that reduces flow. A simple way to save water is to avoid showering every day. Doctors say that, in many cases, this is even useful, since frequent washing dries out the skin and washes away the beneficial bacteria living on the body (yes, there are such things). From an early age, teach your children to turn off the taps completely, tell them about different ways to save water and why it is important. You can save water, time and money by brushing your teeth while you shower. If you have several small children, wash them together in the same bath. It’s both more economical and more fun. If you drink tap water, use a glass instead of trying to catch the stream with your lips, pouring several liters down the drain. While shaving, plug the drain and fill with some warm water. To rinse the blade, just leave a thin stream. It is estimated that . If you're running out of time, stimulate yourself with a countdown timer. Keep a small bin in the bathroom for trash and paper. This will break the habit without having to flush cubic meters of water down the toilet and clog the drain. Many liters of water are wasted when you wait for the cold water to drain and the hot water to flow. This water can be poured into a bucket and then used for any household purpose. Water indoor plants in the evenings rather than in the morning. This way, less moisture evaporates and you will need less water for irrigation.

Samarina Stepanida

An urgent problem of modern society is the conservation of resources. One of these resources is water. How to save water at home?



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Project “Saving Water” Completed by 8th grade student: Samarina Stepanida Project leader Geography teacher: Konovalova T.V.

“Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The project is focused on studying issues related to the role of water in our lives and the possibilities of saving water in everyday life. Project objectives: to study the world's water reserves; how much water does a person need; problems related to water consumption; The practical part of the work: what is the water saving if we cook food. The purpose of the research work: to develop tips for saving water at home.

World water reserves Global problems of fresh water on earth Water is the only substance that exists in nature in liquid, solid and gaseous states. The meaning of liquid water varies significantly depending on location and application. Fresh water is more widely used than salt water. Fresh water on planet Earth is only 3%, and 97% is salt water, which is unsuitable for drinking, growing crops and household use. There remains only 3% of the water reserves that people use in their economic activities. But for some reason many people think that this 3% is inexhaustible. Limited water resources have led to some regions and cities experiencing a shortage of drinking water. The time when fresh water was viewed as a free gift from nature is over. Today, some territories on Earth have already felt this. Saving water is a problem not only of economy, but also of the survival of mankind.

Alarming statistics: 1.1 billion people no longer have safe drinking water; More than 80 countries (1.7 billion people) experience fresh water shortages; Now fresh water is also obtained from salt water, but it is expensive. Meanwhile, 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty. The forecast for 2025 is simply frightening: out of every three people on the planet, two will experience a lack of fresh water. Over the past 40 years, the amount of fresh water available to each person in the world has decreased by 60%. Over the next 25 years, a further reduction by another 2 times is expected. Therefore, the most urgent task is not only to study the reproduction of water, pinning hopes on the ice sheets of Antarctica, Greenland, and the Arctic, but also to use various ways to save water by people everywhere.

Ways to save water in everyday life: - turn off the water while brushing your teeth - when taking a shower, turn off the water while soaping - load dishwashers and washing machines as much as possible - do not keep the water constantly on when preparing food, etc.... WE DECIDED TO EXPERIMENTALLY CHECK AND CALCULATE WHAT AMOUNT OF SAVINGS EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF WATER SAVING IF THEY REGULARLY ADHERE TO AT LEAST ONE OF THE ABOVE POINTS.


Experiment No. 1 Calculation of the volume of running (faucet open) water consumed when peeling 3 potatoes for dinner

Step 1 We close the drain in the sink with a stopper so that we can understand how much water goes out if we do not close the tap.

Step 2 Peel 3 potatoes while water is running.

Step 3 Measure the length, width of the sink and height of the water level

Step 4 Do the calculations RESULT: during this experiment (when the tap is open) almost 6 liters of water were consumed

Experiment No. 2 Calculation of the volume of water spent on peeling 3 potatoes for dinner using a storage water consumption system

Step 1 Pour a sufficient amount of water (n = 5 cm) into a cylindrical pan (for convenience and accuracy of calculations) and peel 3 potatoes

Step 2 Pour clean water (h = 4.5 cm) into the pan and rinse the potatoes

We measure the diameter of the pan, calculate the radius and measure the height of the water level in the pan a) while peeling the potatoes b) during the final washing of the potatoes Step 3

Step 4 Do the calculations RESULT: this experiment used about 2.4 liters of water

conclusion: BY PEELING 3 POTATOES YOU CAN SAVE ALMOST 3.6 liters of water. And if you consider that during the week the housewife cooks 2-3 times every day, and definitely washes more food than in our experiment, then the scale of the savings is pleasantly surprising. And if you calculate the approximate volume of water saved per year, etc., then the scale is simply amazing! about 3000 liters of water per year can be saved in each home only by economical processing of vegetables and fruits

We saved a little And try to imagine that tomorrow you won’t get a sip of water “It won’t seem like a LITTLE!” "SAVE WATER"


Project objectives: to study the world's water reserves; how much water does a person need; problems related to water consumption; The practical part of the work: what is the water saving if we cook food. The purpose of the research work: to develop tips for saving water at home.

Sources of water and its types Water on Earth contains approximately 1500 million km3, and fresh water makes up about 10% of the total planetary water supply. Most of the water is not in open reservoirs, but in the earth's crust: 110-190 million km3. These waters are divided into two types according to the depth of their occurrence - groundwater and surface water. Deep underground waters are located tens to hundreds of meters from the surface of the earth, they permeate porous rocks, and also form giant underground pools surrounded by waterproof layers. The water in such underground tanks is under pressure.

located in the soil and upper layers of the earth's surface at a depth of several meters. Compared to deep waters, they have one disadvantage and one advantage. Disadvantage: these waters are much more actively in contact with the surface of the earth and therefore they are less protected from pollution than deep waters. The advantage of these waters is that they are more accessible and easily accumulated in wells and surface reservoirs. The next largest body of fresh water (20-30 million km3) is concentrated in the glaciers of Antarctica, Greenland and the islands of the Arctic Ocean. We receive fresh water from the atmosphere (about 13 thousand km3). Another type of groundwater is surface water, which we receive in the form of precipitation - rain and snow. The world's oceans contain large reserves of water, which can be desalinated using various physicochemical methods.

The main supply of fresh water consumed by humans is concentrated in lakes and rivers. One of the largest Russian lake water storage facilities, Lake Baikal contains about 20 thousand km3 of water. Today, Baikal water is considered the cleanest in the world. This is how water resources are distributed on our planet. Another source of water is living organisms. Plants and animals, which are two-thirds water, contain 6 thousand km3 of water. The human body is in a state of continuous water exchange with the environment: it secretes water in the form of sweat and urine and daily replenishes water losses with fresh water. If it is not possible to get drunk, then water is lost through sweat and exhaled air, and as a result, there is a threat of dehydration (dehydration) of the body.

Fresh water shortage is a phenomenon familiar to humanity since ancient times. More than once it has become the cause of crises and social disasters. In traditional societies, water shortages occurred on a local scale, and the resulting crises also remained local. But as humanity developed, the scale of both water shortages and crises increased. It was the water crisis, caused by the consequences of grandiose land reclamation works (namely, secondary salinization of the soil), that became the cause of the death of the civilization of Ancient Mesopotamia. Similar manifestations of inept water management led to the economic weakening of Carthage, followed by its defeat in the wars with Rome and its virtual disappearance from the map of the Ancient Mediterranean. These days, the water crisis is acquiring global proportions.

World water reserves Global problems of fresh water on earth Water is the only substance that exists in nature Water is the only substance that exists in nature in liquid, solid and gaseous states exists in liquid, solid and gaseous states. The value of liquid water is essential. The value of liquid water varies significantly by location and varies depending on location and application possibilities. application possibilities. Fresh water is more widely used than salt water. Fresh water is more widely used than salt water. The fresh water on planet Earth is only 3%, and 97% The fresh water on planet Earth is only 3%, and 97% is salt water, which is unfit for is salt water, which is unfit for drinking, growing crops and drinking, growing crops and use in everyday life. Only 3% of household reserves remain. water that people use in their economic activities. But for some reason, many people think that this 3% But for some reason, many people think that this 3% is inexhaustible. inexhaustible. ..

Limited water resources have led to some regions and cities experiencing a shortage of drinking water. The time is over, The time is over when fresh water was considered as when fresh water was considered as a free gift of nature. For a free gift of nature. Today, some today some territories on Earth are already territories on Earth have already felt this. We felt the water savings. Saving water - According to the UN, a total shortage is not only a problem of saving, but also a problem not only of saving, but also of fresh water is just around the corner. If the survival of mankind... the survival of mankind takes into account that global consumption of fresh water from 1990 to 1995 increased 6 times, with a doubling of population, then the problem with fresh water will become increasingly worse.

Statistics, Alarming Statistics: Alarming: 1.1 billion people no longer have safe drinking water; 1.1 billion people no longer have safe drinking water; More than 80 countries (1.7 billion people) are experiencing a shortage of fresh water; More than 80 countries (1.7 billion people) are experiencing a shortage of fresh water; fresh water; Now fresh water is obtained from salt and sea water. Now fresh water is also obtained from salt and sea water, but it is expensive. Meanwhile, 1.3 billion people live in but it is expensive. Meanwhile, 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty. conditions of extreme poverty. The forecast for 2025 is simply frightening: out of every three The forecast for 2025 is simply frightening: out of every three people on the planet, two will experience a lack of people on the planet, two will experience a lack of fresh water. Over the past 40 years, the amount of fresh fresh water. Over the past 40 years, the amount of fresh water available to each person in the world has decreased by 60%. The water available to every person in the world has decreased by 60%. Over the next 25 years, a further reduction by another 2 times is expected over the next 25 years. reduction by another 2 times. Therefore, the most urgent task is not Therefore the most urgent task is not only the study of water reproduction, placing hopes only on the study of water reproduction, placing hopes on the ice sheets of Antarctica, hopes on the ice sheets of Antarctica, Greenland, the Arctic, but also the use of Greenland, the Arctic, but also the use of various methods saving water by people everywhere various ways to save water by people everywhere. and everywhere.

Ways to save Ways to save water in the home: water in the home: - turn off the water while brushing your teeth - turn off the water while brushing your teeth - when taking a shower, turn off the water during - when taking a shower, turn off the water while soaping - load the dishwasher and - load dishwashers and washing machines as much as possible - do not keep the water on all the time when - do not keep the water on all the time when cooking, etc…. cooking, etc…. WE DECIDED TO CHECK AND CALCULATE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL WAY, WE DECIDED TO CHECK AND CALCULATE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL WAY, EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO WATER SAVINGS IF THERE WILL BE WATER SAVINGS EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE IF THERE WILL BE ANY AMOUNT OF SAVINGS IN THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM WHAT AMOUNT OF SAVINGS DO WE REGULARLY FOLLOW AT LEAST ONE OF THE PROBLEM? REGULARLY FOLLOW AT LEAST ONE OF THE ABOVE POINTS. OF THE POINTS LISTED ABOVE.

“Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell.
You are impossible to describe, you are enjoyed, not
knowing what you are! You can't say that you
necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the most
great wealth in the world."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The project is focused on studying issues related to the role of water in our lives and the possibilities of saving water in everyday life.

Project objectives:
study the world's water reserves; how much water
required by a person; problems associated with
water consumption;
The practical part of the work: what are the savings?
water if we close the tap
while we brush our teeth.
Purpose of the research work:
develop tips for saving water at home.

World water reserves

The world's total water reserves are enormous, but
most of them (97%) account for
oceans in which it is too salty and not
suitable for drinking, growing
crops and
industrial use.
Only 3% of water reserves remain, which
people use in their business
Limited water resources have led to
that some regions and cities have begun
lack drinking water.

How much water does a person need?

Our body is almost 2/3
consists of water. Water comes in
in the composition of the blood, which
spreads throughout the body
Evaporating from the surface
our skin, water regulates
our body temperature.
Water is necessary for our
body for removal
various harmful substances.

To digest food for our
the body requires 10-11 liters
water per day. Of this amount
approximately 2.5 liters are removed from
body with urine, through the lungs and
skin. Only when a person breathes
loses on average more than 300 per day
grams of water.
An important role is also played by
circumstance how
we eat high-calorie foods: what
The more proteins it contains, the more
we need water. It also matters
a person's age and physical
activity. Naturally,
corresponding losses
the body needs water
compensate for its receipt
from outside.

How much water does a person need to drink to feel good and not get sick?

Many doctors believe
that you should drink water,
based on the calculation: on
1000 kilocalories –
about a liter of water.
However, many
specialists - and us
tend to agree with
they are convinced: for
maintaining water
balance per day
need to drink
at least 2 liters

Water consumption is growing every year.

Only for household
needs in the last
years for one
people account for
on average about 400
liters (40 buckets) per
day, although 200 years
a bucket was enough back.
In many countries already
there is an acute
lack of drinking water

Is it possible to solve this problem? If so, how?

Reference material per day for one
a person has to:
for hand washing 6-8 liters
6-8 liters for brushing teeth
Without closing the rinse tap
toilet 15 liters per day
Shower15-20 liters
Washing 130-150 liters
Taking a bath150 liters

Practical part. If we turn off the water tap while brushing our teeth

Thus we save 4
liters of water. If we
brush your teeth twice a day
day, then we can
save 8 liters
Thus the family from
five people per year,
if each member
families will be closed
faucet, brushing teeth,
will save
8*5*365 = 1460 liters

If we turn off the water tap while brushing our teeth

If for
quantity per day
is 1.6
liters of this
maybe water
approximately 913
man.1.Easy way
save water –
brush your teeth without
running water,
and use
cup with
collected water.2. Bye from
water tap
the water you need will go
temperature, without
no sense will come out
a large number of
water. Collect it in
bucket, jar or
another container for
for example for watering
flowers.3. Only for strong
contaminated items in
washing machine
use mode
washing. For ordinary
include more
economy modes with
smaller cycle
washing, less
temperature.4.Repair or
replace everything
Faulty faucet
per day maybe
“drip” 30-200
liters of water!
close the tap.5. When choosing
give away the mixers
lever. They
mix faster
water than faucets
with two taps, and
means less
water is leaving
"wasted" when you
water temperature.6. From the cistern
maybe in the toilet
water is constantly flowing.
Because of such
leaks are lost
tens of liters of water
Try to follow
for the state
plumbers in their
apartment and on time
malfunctions.7. If possible
buy economical
plumbing: for example,
toilet with two modes
8. If your cistern
the toilet is not equipped with two
drain modes, then
avoid water loss
A simple remedy will help.
Fill the 2 liter
plastic water bottle
and place it in the tank. This
simple "device"
will save up to 20
l of clean water per day.9. Do not rinse laundry under
running water. For these
goals are better used
a filled bath or basin.
10. When washing dishes, do not hold
the tap is always open.
If your sink consists of
two compartments, wash dishes in
sink filled with water,
after closing the drain.
Rinse the washed dishes in
separate container with clean
water. This method allows
reduce water consumption by
washing dishes 3-5 times.
Using dishwashers
cars - albeit more expensive,
but an effective way
saving water and
electricity for washing
Do not defrost
products under
a stream of water from the tap. Better
just in advance
products from
freezers in
refrigerator.12. Taking a shower, you're at 5-7
times you reduce
water consumption by
compared to when
you are taking a bath.
Less water is wasted
if used in the shower
diffuser with smaller
hole diameter.
13. Install spray nozzles on faucets.
This will help reduce
water consumption.
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