How to increase the voltage in the network. Complaint in the power grid about low voltage Voltage sag in residential buildings city

Low voltage in the electrical network is a very serious problem, which most often occurs with the onset of cold weather. If you are faced with the fact that the voltage in the sockets is 200 Volts or lower, then you need to look for the cause of the malfunction as quickly as possible, since this is fraught not only with incorrect operation of household electrical appliances, but also with their failure. Household appliances with a motor load (refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner, washing machine) are most susceptible to the negative effects of excessively low voltage. In this article we will tell you why there may be low voltage in the network and where to call if this problem occurs.

Main causes of malfunction

First of all, we will briefly consider why the voltage in the network may be below permissible values ​​(according to), and then we will consider what to do in each of the above cases. So, the main reasons for low voltage in a private house or apartment are:

  1. Insufficient cross-section of the input cable branched from the main power line to your home.
  2. Poor contact connection at the location from the power line.
  3. Incorrectly selected cross-section of conductors, busbars for connecting protective devices and branches of wiring lines, unreliable contact of connections in the input distribution board.
  4. Transformer overload at the service substation.
  5. Insufficient cross-section of the main power line.
  6. – the load on each phase of the transformer is uneven (for example, one phase is overloaded, the rest are underloaded).
  7. Unreliable contact or on the supply line. In the event of a violation of the integrity of the contact connection of the neutral conductor of the main power line or its complete break, a significant voltage imbalance will be observed in the network: some consumers will experience excessively high voltage, while others will experience lower than permissible values.

These are the most common causes of very low voltage in the network of private houses and apartments. As you understand, the first 3 reasons apply only to you, and you will have to solve the problem yourself. As for the latter situations, they need to be resolved collectively with neighbors, by writing complaints to the relevant authorities. Next, we will tell you what to do on your own and where to call so that higher authorities can help eliminate the cause of the malfunction.

Ways to solve the problem

In order to list the causes of low voltage in the network, we will also consider ways to troubleshoot the problem.

The first thing you should check is whether there is low voltage in your neighbors or whether low voltage is present only in your area. If it turns out that there are no problems in the neighboring houses (or apartments), we begin to look for a problem in the home electrical wiring.

First, you must turn off the input circuit breaker and measure the voltage value at the input: at the terminals of the circuit breaker where the input power cable is connected. If it is already below the norm at this point (according to GOST 29322-2014 (IEC 60038:2009) ±10% of the nominal - 230 Volts, i.e. 207-253 V), then you need to contact the power supply, as the problem may be in the supply network (reasons - p. 4-7). You can read more about permissible voltage deviations in the article:.

According to what was written above, there can be 3 reasons, if only you have low voltage. Start troubleshooting by checking. If the top terminal has poor contact with the wire, this may well be the cause of low voltage. Visually inspect the body of the machine; if it is melted (as in the photo below), it must be replaced. After this, do not forget to connect the new circuit breaker properly - tighten the wires in the clamps thoroughly.

Also pay attention to the cross-section of conductors and bars used in the distribution panel to connect protective devices and branch wiring lines - it must correspond to the load that flows through one or another section of the electrical circuit.

Is the machine connected correctly and there is no visible damage? Make sure that the cross-section of the input wire is sufficient for the operation of consumers in your house or apartment. We talked about this in the corresponding article. The fact is that if the cross-section of the conductors is insufficient, the voltage drops when an increased load is connected.

If the cross-section of the home wiring cable is sufficient, check how the line is branched from the main line to your input. If this is the case, then we can say with great confidence that the low voltage in the house is due to a poor-quality branch wire. With poor contact, the resistance in the problem area increases, which entails a decrease in voltage. Even if the branch is made with special clamps, inspect them too (the condition of the body). You can also check the clamps by connecting the load - if it starts to spark in this place, or the clamp body starts to heat up, you need to replace the product.

Things get worse if the low voltage in the electrical network is not your fault, but the fault of the electricity supplier. In fact, troubleshooting in this case is quite difficult. Next, we will tell you where to call and complain to solve the problem, and now we will provide a measure that will help increase the voltage in the home electrical network.

You probably know what is best, which can increase the value from 140-160 Volts to the required 220. From personal experience I can say that this is the best option for troubleshooting, because Most often, the voltage is low in the autumn-winter season due to the use of electric heaters. The stabilizer is not that expensive and can protect your household appliances even at high temperatures, which is also very important. If you have the money, we also recommend purchasing an uninterruptible power supply, which can eliminate the problem during a voltage drop, because will supply electricity in autonomous mode. Emergency power systems operate from 140 Volts, which is perfect in our case. The only drawback is the high cost. For a model with a power of 5 kW you will have to pay at least 35 thousand rubles (price for 2019).

Considering the cost of the stabilizer and the fact that at an excessively low voltage (below the operating range of the voltage stabilizer), it can quickly fail, so before purchasing it, it is better to contact the supply organization to solve this problem. Moreover, the reason may be in an emergency situation - a violation of the contact connection of the neutral wire on the main line, and this is fraught with an even greater imbalance of voltage across phases in the event of a complete break of the neutral.

The operation of the stabilizer is shown in the video:

Some experts also recommend dealing with low voltage in the electrical network using transformers or additional grounding, but we advise you to avoid such measures. The fact is that the consequences of such manipulations can be disappointing - overvoltage up to 300 Volts or!

Where to call and complain

When the reason for the low voltage is the insufficient cross-section of the main power line or the weak power of the transformer at the substation, things are worse. Millions of rubles are needed to modernize the substation and power lines, so complaints have no effect, even if they have been written for years. However, you are still required to state that you are dissatisfied with the quality of electricity in order to move the issue of reconstruction forward.

If you don’t know where to call and write a complaint if there is low voltage in the network, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following list:

  1. Write a written complaint to the energy supply company.
  2. If no action is taken within 30 days after registering the appeal you wrote, the prosecutor’s office will help you attract energy sales, which we also advise you to contact.
  3. Rosprotrebnadzor.
  4. Administration of the city (district or village).
  5. Energy supervision.
  6. Public Chamber.

We draw your attention to the fact that all these bodies have their own official websites, which are not difficult to find on the Internet. It is not at all necessary to hang around the walls and stand in queues; it is enough to simply write an email to the relevant authority that you have low voltage in the network, and that you have already tried to solve the problem with energy sales. It will be better if you present all available evidence in an email.

Another useful tip is when you write a collective complaint to the energy supply, refer to GOST 29322-2014 (IEC 60038:2009), according to which the deviation from 230 Volts should not exceed 10%.

We hope that now you know what to do when the voltage in the network is low, where and to whom you need to complain so that the fault is fixed! Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the process of resolving a conflict with energy sales can take a long time, so you need to immediately buy a stabilizer so that all the household appliances in the house do not burn out.

Residents of the private sector often encounter low voltage; this problem also occurs in city apartments. First of all, you should find out whose fault it is - the electricity supplier or the consumer and, depending on the reason, take action.

Insufficient voltage in the house - possible causes

Low voltage in the network is an unpleasant phenomenon, but many people deal with it. Poor lighting, when the light bulb only indicates its presence, is not the biggest problem. It’s worse when it’s impossible to do laundry, boil water, cook food on an electric stove, or the refrigerator works intermittently. This happens when the voltage drops to a critical value, but 180 Volts, when everything seems to be working, is also not very encouraging. Devices consume the same current as at normal voltage, and motors consume even more current, but perform their functions over a longer period of time.

The electricity supplier is obliged to provide services that meet the standards: 220 V at the entrance to the apartment with permissible deviations of 198–242 V. Why are regulatory requirements sometimes violated? One of the reasons is the aging of power lines, their poor quality maintenance, and repairs are rarely carried out. The equipment is often worn out, outdated and does not meet modern requirements. There are also errors in planning power lines and supply lines to houses, when one phase is overloaded and the other is underloaded.

The reasons also lie in the consumers themselves. If in Soviet times there was a 6.5 A fuse under the meter, this meant that residents simultaneously consumed a maximum of 1.5 kW. Now one kettle has a power of 2 kW, but how many other household appliances and various power tools are there in a modern home? There is also seasonality in electricity consumption, which increases significantly in the cold season when electric heating is turned on. At dachas, consumption increases on weekends, the power of the networks is insufficient, and the voltage is less than necessary.

Who is to blame - the supplier or the consumer?

First of all, we find out who is responsible for the insufficient voltage. In an apartment building, this is very easy to do; just ask your neighbors if they have a similar problem. If not, we look for the reason within ourselves. In the private sector, we interview people whose houses are connected to the same phase. We look at the power line, remember which wires lead to our own home, and look for houses powered by the same wires. You can also turn off all devices and measure the voltage. If it is normal, but drops after turning on several appliances, the reason lies in the house.

If the voltage drops in the house, then the reasons are as follows:

  1. 1. Insufficient input. A thin wire causes low voltage in the network, especially at maximum load
  2. 2. The contact at the input is burnt, additional resistance is formed, causing the voltage to drop. Losses can be significant.
  3. 3. Poor quality of branch wire from the line to the house. Poor contact on the twist increases the resistance, and everything happens similar to the previous case.

The voltage drop is accompanied by the release of heat. If the wiring cross-section is insufficient, this is not a problem, since the heat is evenly distributed along the entire length of the wiring. If the contacts are bad, the consequences can be very unpleasant. This place will heat up intensely to the point that the wiring will burn out, but a fire is also possible. If the voltage problems are related to the power company, then it seems as if solving this issue is easy, you just need to write a statement.

In reality, everything is more complicated; suppliers often ignore low voltage in the network, because it is associated with expensive work on power lines. It is possible that due to increased electricity consumption, the substation transformer is overloaded and needs to be replaced. It happens that power transmission line wires were laid a very long time ago, and now their cross-section is unable to satisfy the increased needs, it is necessary to carry out reconstruction. Another common reason is uneven load distribution across the transformer phases.

Conductors with a small cross-section are more common in gardening partnerships, but the same problem exists in the private sector of the city. The fact is that several decades ago, cheap steel-aluminum wire was used on power lines. He then satisfied the existing needs, but now they have increased significantly. The wire cross-section of 16 mm 2 is no longer enough. A characteristic sign of low transformer power or insufficient conductor cross-section is low voltage during the day and its increase to normal at night.

It is almost impossible to prove that the transformer has insufficient power or the load is incorrectly distributed among the phases. Network congestion may occur for a while and then disappear. The phenomenon of voltage sag is variable, and consumers often have to solve the problem themselves. You need to write a complaint to the energy company, but you also have to do something yourself.

Voltage sag is a particular solution to the problem

If you are convinced that the home network voltage is dropping due to problems with the branch line from the power line to the house, then we take some action. We inspect the connection of the branch with the main power line. Very often it is made by conventional twisting, which leads to a steady increase in resistance. Only good cooling in the open air protects the wires from burning out. The connection is made using certified clamps.

Sometimes aluminum wires of the line and copper inputs into the house are twisted together. The junction of two dissimilar metals gets very hot, we replace the twist with clamps or a terminal block.

If the connection is made with clamps, pay attention to their body. A melted surface indicates poor contact. If we turn on the maximum load, then the appearance of smoke and sparking inside indicates that a voltage drop is occurring in the clamp; we replace it with a new one. A similar problem occurs on the upper terminals of the input machine. We replace a device with burnt contacts, a melted body, and tighten the contacts securely.

If the energy company ignores the residents’ requests, does not change the transformer to a more powerful one, or the main wires to a larger cross-section, you will have to find a way out on your own. Electricity suppliers, eliminating problems with increasing voltage, are faced with the need for millions of capital investments, and are reluctant to take such a step. One of the ways to privately solve the problem is to supply three phases to the house, which requires permission from the energy sales office. If it is received, we place a phase switch at the input and, if necessary, use the least loaded one.

There are other ways to solve the problem privately:

  1. 1. We install a voltage stabilizer at our input, but if there is a significant drop to 160 V, the device may be ineffective. A good stabilizer of suitable power is expensive. If a dozen similar devices are connected along the street, the network will drop to its limit and the stabilizer will be useless.
  2. 2. Install the step-up transformer, selecting the appropriate parameters. But the fact is that the drawdown is unstable and, when the voltage returns to normal, the transformer raises it to such a value that all connected devices will burn out. To avoid this, we install a relay that will break the circuit when the limit threshold is reached.
  3. 3. We install additional grounding of the neutral wire at the input. Thus, the resistance of the zero and the entire wiring as a whole is reduced. But the method is dangerous; there is a possibility that during repairs the phase and neutral wires may be mixed up, resulting in a short circuit. Even worse, when there is a zero break on the power line, the current will flow through the grounding, very serious consequences are possible.
  4. 4. For a private home, with sufficient funds, we purchase a voltage converter with an energy storage device. This is the most radical way to increase the voltage and get rid of problems, but such equipment is very expensive: from 3 to 20 thousand dollars.

Such a device provides ideal current parameters in the network, supplying consumers with electricity when it is turned off. It operates on the same principle as an uninterruptible power supply for a computer, but has a much higher power from 3 to 10 kW. The device has an electronic connection with a diesel generator, which automatically starts when there is a power failure. But the startup occurs after some time, first the device’s batteries are used.

Another, at first glance paradoxical, way to achieve normal voltage is to use a step-down transformer. It should reduce the voltage within 12–36 V, 100 Watt power will withstand a 0.5 kW load, and 1 kW of power will pull a 5 kW load. We connect the step-down winding to the network, depending on the parameters of the transformer we get an additional 12–36 Volts. To avoid the risk of overvoltage, a 24 V transformer would be optimal, or even better, install a voltage relay at the input.

It is almost impossible to independently resolve the issue of increasing the voltage in the network if the transformer is weak or the cross-section of the wires is insufficient. All residents should act together and contact the energy supply company. You may have to bear some of the costs yourself, otherwise the situation could last for years.

Low network voltage is a problem common to households in the private sector. 160-180 volts - this voltage is not enough to operate most household electrical appliances and lamps. Even the simplest incandescent lamp at an excessively low voltage no longer shines, but simply “indicates” its filament with a soft crimson color.

First of all, it should be remembered that the electricity supplier is obliged to ensure the quality of this electricity at the input, that is, at the boundary of responsibility between the subscriber and the supplier. In fact, most often the line of responsibility is located at the point of connection of the overhead line branch to a private house.

Therefore, the question of fundamental importance is: within whose area of ​​​​responsibility is the problem? If the voltage on the overhead line itself is just as low, then the energy supply organization is responsible for this (gardening board, Energosbyt, etc.) But if the voltage there is fine, then the problem area is the input, and this is already on the conscience of the consumer.

Taking measurements on the overhead line support at the branch connection point is practically not at all easy, and even unsafe. Only qualified employees of the electricity supply organization can carry out such work.

For example, if only you have problems with voltage, and the neighbors connected to your same phase do not experience any inconvenience, then this quite clearly indicates that the technical problem is located precisely on your branch.

Another characteristic sign of problems at your input may be the absence of drawdown before turning on any electrical appliances in your home. That is, if the input device is turned off, the voltage at the input is full, and if the stove, kettle and vacuum cleaner are working at the same time, then they practically cannot work, since the drawdown is obvious and noticeable even without the use of special devices.

Voltage sag within the homeowner's liability limit

If the voltage drop occurs precisely on your branch, then the following options are likely:

1. The cross-section of the input conductor is insufficient for the available length. On conductors that are too thin, a voltage drop occurs, which can be quite significant in the case of extreme load.

2. There is a branch circuit that plays the role of additional resistance. At this resistance, in accordance with Ohm's law, a voltage drop occurs. These volts, “disappearing” on a bad contact, may not be enough.

The lost volts cause heat to be generated. In the first option, this is not so critical, since the input conductor is heated evenly along its entire length. But if there is a second option, a bad contact will heat up. And very intensely, to the point that the heating site will be visible to the naked eye. Heating will contribute to further deterioration of the contact, and the result will be either complete inoperability of the input, or, in the worst case, a fire.

If you find out that the voltage drop in your home is caused by problems in your power line branch, then you should take the following actions:

1. Critically evaluate the state of contacts. This, first of all, concerns the junction of the main power line and your branch. How is this connection made? If using ordinary twisting, then it is very likely that this is where the problem lies: the contact resistance of such a contact, located in the open air, increases steadily, and only almost ideal cooling conditions save from fire. All this is especially true if the aluminum main and copper branch conductors are connected by twisting. Unfortunately, this also happens.

If the branch is made using certified clamps, then it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the housings of these clamps. Melting or other damage to the clamp body may indicate electrical contact problems. You can verify the presence of these problems by turning on the maximum load in the network (as many electrical receivers as possible) and making simple observations. If sparking occurs inside the clamp, smoke is emitted and the temperature clearly rises, then the clamp is definitely the cause of the voltage drop and must be replaced.

2. Another place for problematic contact can be the upper terminals of the input switching device (most often an automatic machine). In this case, sparking may come directly from the input panel, and the body of the circuit breaker will show signs of melting. Then the input device must be replaced.

Voltage sag within the limits of responsibility of the energy supply company

At first glance, it seems that this case is the simplest: we cooperated with neighbors, wrote a complaint - and that’s it. The supplier is required by law to ensure the quality of supplied electricity.

However, in reality everything is much more complicated. Low voltage in the power line network may be due to the following circumstances:

1. overload of the substation transformer,

2. insufficient cross-section of power line conductors,

3. “skew”, that is, uneven loading of the transformer phases.

The first two reasons are easy to diagnose, but not easy to eliminate: either the replacement of the transformer or the reconstruction of the power line is required. In addition, the load on the network is not stable, which means that the third reason is also not entirely clear. It should be noted here that today relay protection works properly at most substations. This means that a voltage drop due to a banal overload is typical only for some gardening and remote settlements.

The justification that the transformer power is insufficient, or that the load is unevenly distributed among the phases, will be almost impossible to find. Now there is an overload or misalignment, but in half an hour it may no longer exist. Accordingly, the voltage sag is also unstable, and consumers are left alone with their problem.

Of course, it is necessary to write a “paper” addressed to energy sales representatives in such a situation. But you will still have to take some steps on your own. As an option, in such a case, you can obtain permission from the sales company and bring it into the house. Next, you can install an automatic phase switch at the input and always use only the currently least loaded phase, the voltage in which will be close to 220 volts.

In the absence of such permission from Energosbyt, it is possible to carry out periodic “phase changes” with the participation of electricians of the operating organization, who will ensure the necessary shutdown at the substation. But it should be noted that such actions are unlikely to radically resolve the issue.

The insufficient cross-section of power line conductors relatively often becomes the cause of voltage sags, not only in gardens, but also in the private sector within the city. The fact is that a couple of decades ago these lines were carried out with the cheapest wires. The most common were steel-aluminum AC wires with a cross-section of 16 square meters. mm. Steel provides this wire with increased load-bearing capacity, but significantly reduces conductivity. And this despite the fact that the cross-section is 16 square meters. mm. so it is not particularly large, and aluminum itself is not highly conductive.

At that historical stage, when not every private home even had an electric stove, and no other powerful electrical receivers were kept at home, power lines made from AS-16 wires were quite sufficient. And today, on the site of former small houses, entire palaces are being built. Moreover, preference is increasingly being given to electric boiler heating. Of course, electricity consumption increases significantly. And even if the transformer at the substation copes, or it has been replaced, then a significant voltage drop occurs on thin wires at high currents.

A characteristic sign of insufficient cross-section of power transmission line wires or substation transformer power is normal voltage at night and a constant sag in the evening. But it is worth noting that these two problems often “go hand in hand.”

Where there are weak power line wires, there is a low-power transformer. But the need for large capital investments prevents the problems from being eliminated. One transformer costs about a million rubles, depending on its power. In addition, the reconstruction of power lines using self-supporting insulation insulation will also cost a pretty penny.

It is for these reasons that energy sales companies, gardening and village administrations can remain silent for years, even if there are obvious problems.

The following methods are known to privately solve the problem of low voltage in the network:

1. Installation on your input. To be honest, this measure in the event of a drawdown to 160-180 volts is doubtful. Firstly, a stabilizer of such deep stabilization and power suitable for home ownership will be very expensive. And secondly, there are a dozen such stabilizers in the power transmission line network - and the network literally falls to its knees, from where no stabilizer can lift it.

2. Installation of step-up voltage transformers at the input. This is also not at all suitable. Suppose we installed a transformer, selecting the transformation ratio from 160 to 220 volts. And in the morning the voltage in the network returned to normal, and instead of 220 in the sockets it became 300 volts. All appliances and light bulbs burn out. After all, the problem with voltage sag is that this sag is almost never stable.

3. Installation of an additional grounding device at the input. Of course, to the zero working conductor. The point here is that the power line is a forward conductor (phase) and a reverse conductor (zero). The cross-section may be insufficient for both, but by grounding the neutral conductor, you can reduce the resistance of the working zero and, in general, the line resistance will also decrease. However, such a measure is also fraught. First of all, due to the fact that during repairs at any point on the line, electricians can confuse the positions of zero and phase.

In such a case, the grounded phase will cause a short circuit. Another option is a break in the working zero on the power line. Then all operating currents will go through your grounding device, which can lead to difficult-to-predict results. At best, the grounding device will simply fail.

As a result, we have to admit that there is no independent radical solution to the problem of voltage sags due to a weak substation transformer or too thin power line wires. Alone in the field is not a warrior. It is necessary to unite with your neighbors, draw up an appeal to the energy sales organization and be prepared for the fact that you will have to bear part of the costs yourself. Otherwise, the matter may drag on indefinitely.

Alexander Molokov

What to do if the quality of electricity does not meet the required parameters

Many consumers have faced the problem of poor-quality utility services or unacceptable interruptions in their supply. What to do in this case, as well as what measures the consumer can take to receive quality services. It’s worth mentioning right away that in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services, in the event of the provision of low-quality services, or the permissible interruption in their supply is exceeded, the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation of the cost of utility services, down to 0. In other words, if the consumer is supplied with low-quality utility resources and the contractor utilities refuses to take measures (or does not take measures) to bring their quality into line, then the consumer can consume these low-quality utilities, but is not obliged to pay for them in full.

In general, what does “poor quality electricity” mean and what parameters exist for its assessment. According to GOST 13109-97, the main quality parameters can be divided into three main subgroups:

  • deviation of frequency and voltage from specified values;
  • voltage non-sinusoidality, voltage asymmetry;
  • Voltage dips, voltage pulses, temporary overvoltage.

All of the above quality indicators are important in the stable and durable operation of consumer electrical receivers. Consequently, if there is a deviation of quality parameters from those established by GOST, this can lead not only to a decrease in the service life of electrical receivers, but even to their failure. Especially often, with various deviations of parameters from established quality indicators, washing machines and refrigerators fail, and the service life of lighting equipment (incandescent lamps, etc.) is significantly reduced. Those. The reasons why a consumer’s refrigerator, washing machine or other electrical appliances burned out may very often be the supply of low-quality electricity

In addition, the deviation of some electricity quality indicators from the specified parameters can even affect human health. This indicator is called the “flicker dose” - the degree of flickering of the light flux on the “fatigue” of a person’s vision due to the influence of voltage fluctuations.

Signs of poor quality electrical energy

  • Periodic flickering of lamps,
  • Rapid failure (burnout) of lamps,
  • Irregularities in the operation of office equipment,
  • Malfunctions of devices and equipment (especially sensitive electronic equipment),

So, what actions can a consumer take if he is supplied with low-quality electricity?

It is proposed to consider two options:

1. At a certain point in time, the consumer was supplied with low-quality electricity, which led to the failure of the consumer’s electrical appliances.

2. The supply of low-quality electricity is regular, periodic and recurring. Most often, there is a low voltage in the network or a slightly reduced voltage in the network. As a result, the service life of electrical receivers is reduced, difficulties may arise in their operation, which ultimately affects the life of the consumer. (for example, daily voltage drop in the evening hours).

Option 1. For example, consider the situation that for some reason a consumer’s refrigerator or washing machine burned out, presumably due to a short-term increase in voltage (overvoltage). What should the consumer do in this case:

Firstly, if the warranty period for household appliances has already expired, or the warranty has not yet expired, but the warranty card states that the manufacturer is not liable to the buyer in the event of failure of the household appliance due to violation of the rules of its operation, then When constructing a household appliance, it is necessary to submit it for examination to an authorized service center, which can indicate in the report drawn up the reasons for the failure (for example, a sharp increase in the voltage level not provided for by the manufacturer).

After receiving such an act, you can safely write a claim for voluntary compensation for the cost of a failed household appliance to the guaranteeing supplier with whom you have an energy supply agreement (which may not be in writing). The claim is written in two copies and one copy is transferred to the guaranteeing supplier, the second copy is marked with receipt. If the claim is not satisfied, go to court with an application for compensation for the cost of failed metering devices. It is worth noting that the court, in the presence of all the necessary documents (receipts, act, copy of the claim), as a rule, takes the side of the consumer and recovers from the electricity supplier not only the cost of the metering devices that came out, but also the cost of the examination, the services of a lawyer (if they were resorted to ) etc.

Option 2. As an example, let’s consider a situation where the quality of a consumer’s electricity does not meet the standards for a long time. For example, the voltage level in an apartment, instead of 220V throughout the day, does not exceed 200V, and on winter evenings it can even drop to 190V. That is. the fact of low voltage in the network is obvious. What should the consumer do in this case:

Both as amended by the “new” rules for the provision of utility services, which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 and come into force on September 1, 2012, and as amended by the “old” rules for the provision of utility services approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2012. 2006 No. 307, currently in force, Appendix 1 to the rules states that in the event of a voltage deviation from the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation, for each hour of supply of electricity that does not comply with the standards, the amount of payment for electricity is reduced by 0.15% of the amount payment determined for such billing period. It is worth noting that the amount of payment for electricity can be reduced to 0. The main regulatory document that describes the parameters of electricity quality is GOST 13109-97 “Electricity quality standards in general power supply systems.” Thus, the maximum permissible standard for steady-state voltage deviation should not exceed 10% of the standard level.

Thus, if the voltage is set at 198 V or lower, it is necessary to request a recalculation of the cost of supplied electricity.

The Rules for the Provision of Public Utility Services have a corresponding section that defines the procedure for establishing the facts of the provision of public services of inadequate quality. Thus, if it is discovered that utility services are of inadequate quality, the consumer must report this in writing or orally to the Provider of utility services (homeowners association, management company). Of course, it is better to do this in writing in two copies, on the second copy put a mark on the date of sending the notification). After this, if the Utility Service Provider was unaware of the provision of services of inadequate quality, the date and time of verification of the fact of a violation of the quality of electricity is agreed upon with the consumer, i.e. measuring the quality of electricity. The inspection time is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receipt of the message from the consumer, unless another time is agreed upon. If the utility service provider insists that the electricity is of adequate quality, but the consumer does not agree, then an examination of the quality of electricity may be initiated, which must be carried out by an independent organization.

If the quality of electricity does not meet the standards, the consumer has the right to demand recalculation of its cost every month until its parameters are restored to the required level. In this case, as mentioned above, after recalculation, the cost of electricity may even be equal to 0.

For example, if the voltage below 198 V was installed for 666 hours in a row or in total for a month, its cost for the month should be reduced by 100% (0.15% for each hour of discrepancy).

Thus, if the quality of electricity does not meet established standards, and the utility service provider does not take prompt measures to correct the situation, the consumer may demand a recalculation of the cost of electricity, incl. and in court.

It is worth mentioning that recently electricity metering devices with the function of continuously measuring the quality of electricity, the so-called “electricity quality meters,” have become available for sale. However, so far only three-phase electricity meters have this function, which cannot be installed in ordinary apartments.

P.s. The rules for the provision of utilities also assume a 0.15% reduction in the cost of electricity per month in the event of interruptions in the supply of electricity (power outages) exceeding 24 hours in a row for each hour the 24-hour mark is exceeded.

Unfortunately, no information.

The question of how to write a statement to the power grid with a complaint about poor electricity is asked by many, but all these processes are regulated by law. As Law No. 59 of 05/02/2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” states, a written appeal must be considered by the executing organization, and a response must be received within the next 30 days.

The main legal act regulating all consumer rights is Law No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992, in accordance with Article No. 29 of which, a consumer who is faced with a service of inadequate quality has the right:

  • demand the establishment of uninterrupted power supply;
  • demand recalculation for the service provided;
  • demand reimbursement of expenses (for example, for the repair of household appliances that did not survive power surges).

However, it is not always clear what constitutes inadequate electrical service. The consumer will be helped in this by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” as well as the first appendix to it.

In accordance with this document, utility services must be provided around the clock and uninterruptedly; in other cases, the subscriber has the right to complain. In case of voltage deviations that do not meet the 380/220 volt standards, the cost of electricity should decrease by 0.15% for each interruption hour.

The document that regulates the concept of “high-quality electricity” is GOST No. 13109-97 “Electricity quality standards in general power supply systems”, according to which a service can be considered low-quality if the voltage:

  • deviates from the specified values;
  • has a non-sinusoidal and asymmetrical character;
  • fails, has a pulsed nature, and overvoltage occurs.

In addition, all contractual relations in the field of electricity are regulated by the sixth paragraph of Chapter No. 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to submit an application to energy sales for low voltage

Power fluctuations, especially sudden surges, have a devastating effect on the operation of electrical appliances. Sometimes the result of such events is not only a decrease in the service life of household appliances, but complete failure.

How to recognize low voltage in the network:

  • flickering of lamps;
  • lamps burn out quickly;
  • malfunctions of electrical appliances.

An application to energy sales can be drawn up in a derivative form, the main thing is that the document contains the necessary information:

  1. FULL NAME. the head of the implementing organization, its legally correct name;
  2. FULL NAME. applicant, address, contact details;
  3. the main part of the application, where the applicant must talk about the problem. This should be done briefly and clearly, based on the rules of business correspondence, that is, do not use jargon, make sure that the text is not too emotional, do not insult the addressee, etc. The main part should include information such as:
    • how, when and to what extent power outages occurred;
    • whether the applicant used the services of electricians;
    • List the damaged equipment, if any. Attach to the application a copy of the examination report confirming that the breakdown occurred due to a power surge. In addition, in case of property disputes, it is better to draw up a claim rather than a statement. A sample claim can be downloaded.
  4. date and signature.

The completed sample complaint (application) must be written or printed in two copies. When submitting papers to the organization in person, you should put an incoming mark on your copy. You can also use mail, in which case you should send a notification letter.

What to do if energy sales do not respond to a complaint

If the implementing organization does not respond to a written request, the consumer has the right to contact such supervisory organizations as:

  • Rospotrebnadzor. You can write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor without waiting for a response from the power grid;
  • complain about the electrical network to the Prosecutor's Office;
  • file a lawsuit.

In case of any systematic problems with the power supply, the customer has both the moral and legal right to fight for his peace and comfort, by all legal means. This method, of course, is a written application to the organization supplying electricity.

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