How to dig a well or borehole yourself. Analysis of the question: which is better - a well or a borehole. What is a sand filter well?

Borehole or well?

We recently became the owners of a summer cottage. We just can’t decide on the water supply: should we dig a well or drill a well?

Igor Subbotin, Tver

There are several main options for water supply to a summer cottage (see table). The selection algorithm is simple. If there is a centralized water supply or a local water supply network, it is better to connect to it - the water will most likely be clean and drinkable. Self-extraction of water does not guarantee this, which means you will have to deal with its purification and preparation, which is often very expensive.

But, unfortunately, central water supply is not available everywhere, so you often have to turn to other methods. The best choice is a deep artesian well “for limestone”. The probability of obtaining high-quality drinking water this way is quite high. However, this is also the most expensive option. Shallow wells “in the sand” are the most problematic sources of water supply. They often fail, especially with irregular or insufficient water intake. Instead of such a well, it is more advisable to dig a traditional well, which, by the way, will be better from the point of view of radiation safety - compared to water from wells, well water contains less radon (important in radon-hazardous areas).

Options such as imported water, precipitation collection, and intake from surrounding reservoirs should be adopted only when other methods are not available, or used as additional or temporary sources.

All of the listed water supply systems (except for the collection and storage of rainwater) can be adapted for both summer and year-round operation.

Source of water supply Water quality
Central water supply Typically drinking
Local village water supply with water supply from an artesian well, reservoir or from a water reservoir. Suitability for drinking depends on the source of water supply
Individual tank for imported water Most often drinking
Rainwater collection tank Dirty, suitable for watering only
Deep individual artesian well “for limestone” May or may not be drinkable
Surface individual well “for sand” Not always suitable for drinking
Well Doesn't have to be drinkable: analysis required
A surface pond, a catch basin for collecting surface water, or a natural water reservoir Typically non-potable

Looking for professionals

How not to make a mistake when hiring contractors to build a well or borehole, so as not to become a victim of unprofessionals?

V. Agafonov, Obninsk

If possible, choose a contractor based on recommendations. Find out how the work was carried out in other areas, how stable the water supply system is, and whether warranty obligations are fulfilled. Unfortunately, in practice, a “stamped piece of paper” says little: if problems related to financial liability arise, an unscrupulous executor can simply change the legal entity.

Hot news

Recently, the State Duma, in the 3rd reading, adopted a bill exempting non-profit gardening organizations from paying state fees when obtaining a license to use subsoil plots for groundwater extraction. From January 1, 2020, you will have to pay 7,500 rubles for such a license, but until this time a duty-free preferential regime is in effect. If the depth of the well does not exceed 30 m, and the volume of pumped water does not exceed 100 m³/day, a license is not required at all.

So as not to freeze

Builders suggest that we make a well with a caisson, which significantly increases the price. Why is this necessary? Is it possible to drill a well first and then install a caisson, or should everything be done at once?

Olga Zhurbina, Kirov

A caisson is a sealed, insulated well with a depth below the winter freezing level of the soil. Wells, pipe outlets, etc. are placed in it to protect equipment from freezing, flooding with groundwater and vandalism. It is constructed from brick, concrete rings, metal or plastic. This is convenient, and sometimes even necessary: ​​for example, if the well is located far from the house, and you plan to use the water all year round.

Well drilling technology involves installing a caisson only after completion of drilling work, that is, it can and should be done separately.

5 phrases that should alert you

Unscrupulous, low-skilled or inexperienced performers may promise the following:

1. “We guarantee that the water will be at such and such a depth.” In practice, even if hydrogeological data is available, the depth of a well or well will only become definitively known during operation. It may turn out to be either larger or smaller than originally planned.

2. “The water will be drinkable.” This cannot be guaranteed; final conclusions are made only after completion of work and water analysis.

3. An individual well “for sand” will work on the site for many years. When using water only on weekends in the summer, such a well usually quickly breaks down. Conscientious contractors recommend making collective wells “for sand” in order to increase constant water intake, or include warranty obligations in the contract.

4. “The flow rate (the amount of water that can be pumped out per unit of time. - Ed.) of the sand well will increase later, after pumping.” This characteristic primarily depends on the hydrogeological features of your area and the depth of the well.

5. “You can install a vibration-type pump (“Baby”, “Rucheyok”, “Oasis”, etc.) into a well or well.” In the case of a well “on sand”, vibration leads to shedding of the walls of the water lens, and in the well - to compaction of the soil and a slowdown in its filling with water.

The question of which is better, a well or a borehole, is ambiguous and at the same time very serious. It arises for everyone who wants to provide their home with the necessary amount of good quality water. In order to choose a well or well for a summer residence, you need to understand the issue comprehensively. You need to know exactly what kind of water you need and how much money you can allocate for this purpose.

In our article we will look at all the pros and cons, and each person will decide for himself what to choose a well or a well. You will learn what these two types of construction are.

What kind of water is needed

As strange as it may sound, we get different types of water from wells and boreholes. Therefore, we will consider the difference between a well and a well in this regard. It’s up to you to choose between these two designs on your summer cottage. We will try to inform as much as possible so that there is as little doubt as possible about what is better and what is different - a well or a well.

Unlike a well, electricity is not required to extract water from a well.

When drilling a hole for water intake, the first layer that we come across in the process is perched water. It is located at a depth of approximately four meters. This is the water that accumulates here as a result of precipitation. The largest amount of this water collects when the snow melts. Minimum quantity in winter. If you need water for technical purposes, watering plants, it is quite suitable; further drilling is not at all necessary.

In order for the water to be of excellent quality, moisture from this layer should not get inside the structure.

When we drill or dig further, groundwater will begin to flow. When installing a well, the water level in it will be exactly the same as underground. This layer is replenished by filtering the water that comes as a result of precipitation and melting snow. River water also penetrates into groundwater. The level ranges from 10 to 40 meters and depends entirely on the terrain.

The next layer of water, which lies even deeper, is artesian. It is characterized by the fact that it is located between soil layers under constant pressure, which is why pressure is obtained. The pressure can be so strong that when a hole is made, it can result in a fountain. Here the water is the cleanest, the layers of soil protect from debris and other types of pollution. But getting to it is not so easy; you need to drill to a depth of at least 40 meters. Therefore, if you want to get well-purified water, it is better to give preference to a well, since it is very difficult to make a well to such a depth. In addition, the well will last longer.

To keep the water in the well clean, it must be constantly cleaned and disinfected.

Depending on what you want to get as a result, the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen design are determined. It is safe to say that for technical purposes, watering a vegetable garden, orchard or flower bed, it is not at all necessary to use the purest water. Therefore, it is better to give preference to a cheaper and simpler option, which in this case is a well.

If you want to get an answer to the question of what is better at your summer cottage to obtain high-quality water - a well or a borehole, then it is better to give preference to the latter option. It will last longer. If you want to have artesian water, there is simply no alternative.

Now let's consider the issue of profitability, as well as the terrain.

Construction of a well is financially more convenient and cheaper. The depth can range from 15 to 15 meters, but there are structures even deeper. Everything again depends on the terrain and the depth of the water vein.

To obtain water, a well will be more profitable in material terms, since it is designed for excavation work at shallow depths and without the use of special digging equipment.

The depth at which we will search and take water plays a big role in the choice. The quality of water in a well is largely determined by the climate, as well as how correctly the work was carried out.

What is an Abyssinian well (igla well)

The first thing that characterizes this type of construction is its shallow depth, ranging from 4 to 12 meters. The water is of the same quality as in a regular well.

The construction process differs in that a pipe with a sharp tip is driven into the ground to the required depth. Despite the shallow depth, the water is in excellent condition, as it is protected from debris and other contaminants.

The disadvantage is that installation is not possible everywhere. In addition, for full operation it is necessary to install a special pump. It absorbs water on its own.

The design has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let us analyze the Abyssinian well and you will be able to determine whether it is suitable or not.

The first thing that characterizes this type of well is efficiency in installation. You can make an Abyssinian well with your own hands, which will significantly reduce its cost. A basement or other room may be suitable for drilling. It is protected from debris and contamination since the design is completely sealed. In some cases, the water is even suitable for consumption without preliminary purification. If used correctly, it can last for several decades. Can give as much water as needed.

But there are also negative aspects. This type of structure for water intake can only be installed where there are appropriate geological characteristics. The soil must be soft and loose. The water layer must be at least 8 meters high, this is necessary so that the pump can cope with its functions, since it sucks in water itself. Such a pump will not be able to take water from great depths. If you do not reduce the pressure, then it is not possible to connect several water points at once. It is necessary to constantly use this well, otherwise it will silt up, and over time its productivity will significantly decrease.

Scheme for making an Abyssinian well

What is a sand filter well?

This filter design can be used at depths of up to 30 meters. You don't need to invest a lot of money to drill such a well, compared to the cost of an artesian well. But the disadvantage is that it will not last long; very rarely the service life exceeds 15 years. And this despite the fact that this design will be done by experienced specialists. The service life increases if you draw water regularly, and, accordingly, shortens if you draw water rarely.

To drill and equip such a well, specialists will need no more than a day. To arrange the filter structure, large-sized special equipment is not required. Good quality water, low iron levels.

Well on sand

But in the cold season, the amount of water that can be taken is significantly less than in the warm period. If there are other filtration stations nearby, the aquifer decreases. To prevent siltation, you need to constantly draw water.

If you want to equip yourself with an artesian well, be prepared to pay a considerable amount. But such a well will be very reliable. Its depth is more than 30 meters. Drilling work will not be cheap, and you will also need to buy a special pump that regulates the pressure.

Despite the high cost of installing an artesian well, many people want to have it on their property. This is due to the high quality of water. The design will last a very long time. If you cooperate with your neighbors and decide to make one well for several houses, its cost will be significantly reduced.

When purchasing equipment, you need to be very careful in choosing it. It must be reliable. Buy only what is made by trusted manufacturers.

The well is characterized by high productivity, since the water yield of the limestone is high. Provides water all year round without interruption. The pressure will not be less when connecting several points. There is no debris in the water because the design is sealed. It is not necessary to use the well all the time. It can be used endlessly.

Drilling and equipping such a well is quite expensive. Before starting work, you must obtain permission. And for this you need to prepare documents.

Emphasis on volume

The water level in the well depends on climatic conditions and time of year. The average amount of water that can be obtained from a well is 200 liters. If this amount of water is enough, make a well. But when you need to constantly receive water in large quantities, give preference to a well.

Most country houses are not connected to a centralized water supply. Therefore, owners have to choose on their own: a well or a borehole - which is better in the country. Each option has its own positive and negative sides.

The choice between a well and a borehole.

Water sources for private water supply system

The choice depends on the characteristics of the source available for the site.

there are such types:

  1. Verkhovodki (often called the first aquifer). They lie at a depth of up to 4.5 m. This is associated with the pros and cons of such a source of water supply. On the one hand, it allows you to obtain water for domestic needs at minimal costs. On the other hand, these waters are characterized by severe anthropogenic pollution and cannot be used for drinking. Moreover, the fullness of the source directly depends on how much precipitation has fallen recently. Therefore, in winter there is little water in this layer, and in summer, during drought, too.
  2. Groundwater is called the second aquifer (or interstratal water, which already indicates where it lies). This source has an average depth of occurrence - from 10-12 to 45 m. There is less anthropogenic impact here, since the source is filled with moisture from natural reservoirs, so it can also be used to obtain drinking liquid, but purification is required.
  3. Artesian waters. The cleanest source of water. The depth in this case is at least 40 m (and up to 200 m). To collect water, you need to build a hydraulic structure that could lift the liquid under pressure, which would ensure its stable supply. This type of source is used to obtain water for domestic and food purposes.

The shallower the water depth, the cheaper it is to install and maintain a water supply system. But it all depends on the characteristics of the site, its location, topography and even soil composition.

Wells are an affordable method of water supply

To organize an autonomous water supply system, you can install a well or borehole.

Moreover, the first option is considered a universal and simplest solution, but is suitable only for those areas where the depth of aquifers is 4-16 m.

When choosing a source of water supply for your home, it is worth taking a closer look at which option your neighbors chose. If they have wells, you can design a similar structure, focusing on its location in neighboring areas. Otherwise, you need to contact a private company engaged in exploration and drilling in this area, and at the same time designing water supply systems.

Based on the well, it is possible to organize an automatic system, including a pump and filters.

Well for home.

For a private home, wells are a popular option.

Benefits include:

  • uninterrupted water supply;
  • relatively low cost of construction work;
  • simple operation, maintenance and repair;
  • long period of use of such a structure.

But a well that provides water on a site always has a number of disadvantages. The design uses water from a water intake point with a low resource. In addition, in dry summers the source may dry up, and during floods or heavy rains there is a risk of flooding the well with water from the first aquifer. For such structures, the costs of regular cleaning and disinfection are always higher.

Mine wells

There are different types of wells. Mine structures are structures with a diameter of up to 3 m, and the subsidence depth can be up to 16 m. To strengthen the walls, an engineering solution is used, such as a casing column made of durable materials - most often brick or concrete (in the form of rings).

A sand cushion and a layer of gravel are poured at the bottom of the well - they act as a filter. The head of the structure must be protected with a lock, for which clay and additives (for example, sawdust) are mixed. Water is supplied using a pump (depending on conditions, it can be submersible or surface).

Bored wells

Hydraulic structures have a more complex design. In this case, the water intake shaft must be protected (polypropylene or asbestos-cement). It is also necessarily equipped with a water pipe and a bottom filter.

Water is drawn in using a pump. An example of such a structure is the Abyssinian wells.

Wells are a reliable but labor-intensive option

Wells are a labor-intensive option, but no less common. For the device, you need to drill rock to a depth of 10 to 100 m, i.e., they touch a deeper layer of groundwater than wells.

There are 2 options for a well - sand (or interlayer) and artesian (also called drilling for limestone).

Filter sand wells

The difference between a well and a well is the wider drilling range when constructing the former. It can be deeper (up to 35-55 m) and wider (diameter is 5-12 m). This hydraulic structure is designed for 17 years of operation.

A well is almost always characterized by a lower cost of construction and relative accessibility of development. This option has few disadvantages - sensitivity to decreased water levels and siltation.

There are several types of wells:

  1. Shallow depth, i.e. up to 3 m, so that the flow of liquid occurs due to the operation of a hand pump. They provide water for agricultural purposes, for example, for irrigation of a plot.
  2. Medium depth - up to 6 m. This allows you to obtain water for domestic needs, and with the appropriate degree of purification, the liquid can be used for cooking. In this case, it will be necessary to install metal pipes to form the casing.
  3. Deep wells require the use of special drilling equipment; they are characterized by the use of concrete rings for the casing.

Scheme of a filter sand well.

In the latter case, expensive pumping equipment is also required, since the water supply cannot be established.

Artesian wells

Such wells provide greater productivity and are sometimes even used in several areas. Drilling is carried out to a depth of 35 m. This water supply option is expensive and requires a more powerful pump for the well, but the system is considered reliable. To construct a well, it is also necessary to obtain permits.

The advantages are the ability to draw cleaner water from a greater depth, which is considered a more environmentally friendly method of water supply.

The only drawback is the risk of bottom silting, and in some regions there may be a high level of mineral concentration.

Choosing a location for a water source

When planning a location for a water intake point, you need to take into account approved sanitary standards, according to which the well or borehole must be located at a distance from possible sources of pollution. For a well, this distance is 31 m, and for a well – 15 m.

Location of water for drilling a well or well.

You cannot drill on the shore of a reservoir, in a ravine or lowland, so that surface water does not flow there. An equally important limitation concerns the maintenance of a well or borehole - transport access must be ensured to them.

Qualitative and quantitative indicators of water

To get a reliable picture, you need to check water quality indicators not immediately after the development of a well or well, but only a month after they are put into operation.

Based on the information obtained, it is possible to resolve the issue regarding the need for additional purification of the liquid. But no hydraulic structure can ensure the purity of water, so you still need to take care of installing a filter.

It is necessary to take into account quantitative indicators (flow rate of the source), i.e. the volume of water that it can provide per day - for a well, 2-5 cubic meters are considered the norm. m per day, for wells - from 1.5 to 6 cubic meters. m per hour depending on depth.

In this case, the flow rate of the source must be compared with the needs of the family. For example, when 3-4 people live in a house, consumption is 2.5-5 cubic meters. m per day.

The main difference between a well and a well

Sources of water supply for the home.

It is not so much the drilling depth that plays an important role, but rather the construction technology. For wells there is a high percentage of manual labor. Well drilling is always carried out using special equipment and tools.

A well can be built in 3-4 days, while constructing a well using the manual method will take a couple of days longer. But if a more complex pumping system is used when installing a well, then the construction time will increase.

Financial side

When carrying out excavation work, the cost directly depends on how deep the shaft will be. The shallower its depth, the cheaper the device will cost the site owner. From this point on, the cost of a well will be less than that of a well.

The cost of installing the latter is influenced by the topography of the site, the type of soil, the depth at which the aquifer lies, etc.

If the water is at a depth of up to 16 m, and the terrain does not create difficulties, then the cost of the device will be comparable to the cost of a well, and maintaining the well will be even cheaper. You need to consider the costs not only of drilling a well or shaft and installing a pump, but also of water filtration and disinfection.

When is it better to build a well and when to build a well?

The main criterion is the depth of the aquifer. But other things being equal, you need to focus on the volume of water consumption, or more precisely, on the daily value of this indicator.

If the consumption rate is 200 l/h, then it is worth building a well on the site. Construction time is shorter, it costs less, and for a summer cottage where the source of water supply is used only during the summer season, this will be the best option.

But if the owners of neighboring houses are ready to invest in drilling, then it can also become profitable from a financial point of view. And the productivity is enough for several areas.

But it is necessary, even before the time comes to make a choice, to order an analysis of the soil and the organoleptic properties of the water. This is done by specialized companies that have information about the geological and climatic conditions of the area. Firms can be ordered to design and build a well or borehole.

Sooner or later, dacha owners who are not lucky enough to have a centralized water supply think about finding a source of water. In this case, the only option remains underground horizons. In order to decide which method of water extraction to choose - a well or a borehole, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Well and well: differences

Let's look at the cost, complexity of maintenance and ease of use of a well and a borehole, as well as what service life and water quality should be expected in both cases.


Due to the absence of the need for drilling and the use of heavy equipment, constructing a well will cost a much lesser amount. And even if you pump water from a well not manually, but with a pump, its cost cannot be compared with the price of well equipment.

The cost of a well depends on its depth and, accordingly, the required number of rings. Today, one concrete ring costs an average of 2 thousand rubles, and digging it in heavy clay soil costs about 15 thousand rubles. For example, for a well 12 meters deep you need 15 rings. Thus, this turnkey well will cost about 65-70 thousand rubles.

The cost of constructing a well primarily depends on the depth of drilling. It also reflects the time of year and the equipment used. We must not forget about the costs of purchasing casing pipes, a head and a pump.

Typically, the cost of drilling one meter of a well, carried out by drilling specialists, starts from 1.8 thousand rubles for “steel 20” pipes with a wall thickness of 4.5 millimeters and a threaded connection. And it remains constant regardless of the required depth.

In addition, the well should be equipped with a pump, for which you will have to pay from 30 thousand rubles. Then the total price of the well will start from the amount of 100 thousand rubles. To use water for drinking purposes, the well must be equipped with a filtration system, the price of which will be 50-250 thousand rubles.

Did you know? Although 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, only 1% is fresh. The problem of lack of resources is getting worse every year. Over the past fifty years, more than 500 conflicts related to access to drinking water have been recorded in the world, and 21 of them ended in military action.

Ease of use

The oldest method of extracting water from underground sources. It is extremely versatile and performs its functions even in the absence of electricity; in this case, water can be obtained with an ordinary bucket.

However, the well has a limited supply of liquid, on average 150-250 liters per hour. Therefore, if you need to service a large area, especially with a lot of green space or a swimming pool, this amount may not be enough. In addition, a shallow well dug for high water is completely dependent on precipitation and can become shallow in dry times.

Artesian layers have a virtually inexhaustible supply, and you will not be limited in watering or other household needs. But if there is a power outage, it will be impossible to get liquid from the column. Therefore, in order to avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, you should provide an autonomous electricity generator or storage tank, which, naturally, will lead to even greater material costs.

Difficulties of care

The well must be used regularly, otherwise after 3-4 years it will begin to silt up. In addition, it should be cleaned and washed at least twice a year, and, if necessary, also treated with disinfectants.

There is no need to clean the well; there is a filter for this. Caring for it consists only of monitoring the correct operation of the equipment.

Unlike a pump, well water will not have a rusty taste. However, the ecological state of the surrounding area may affect its quality. Typically, the depth of the aquifer is from 5 to 25 meters. This is not much, so it can get into it from precipitation, runoff from nearby industries, or chemical fertilizers from farms.

Water from a well is of better quality, since it is extracted from deep horizons. Spring water has always been valued for its purity and benefits; it practically does not contain nitrates and salts of harmful metals. And thanks to the closed neck of the well, leaves, insects, frogs or any debris do not fall into it. However, this water may have a metallic or rusty taste.

Important! Please note that groundwater is actually technical water. And to bring them to drinking quality, further purification is necessary, for example, with a filtration system.

A properly constructed well will perform its functions properly for 30-50 years. The key to its long service life is care and timely cleaning.

A well-built well will also last for quite a long time - at least 25 years, depending on the selected equipment, maintenance, operating conditions and the chemical composition of the liquid and soil. Artesian wells are characterized by higher durability - up to 50 years.

Types of wells: their pros and cons

There are two types of wells depending on the depth of groundwater.:

  • mine;
  • Abyssinian.


If the groundwater is not deep and there is no need for large volumes of it, it is enough to dig a pit manually or mechanically, strengthen its walls and arrange the head. In this case, you will get a shaft-type device, known to our ancestors. And modern building materials will make it more reliable and durable.

Such a well collects liquid from the permanent aquifer closest to the surface. In most cases, the well is dug by hand, then the earth is removed, and the walls of the shaft are strengthened with concrete rings, finishing material (stone, brick) or wood (larch, pine, oak).

When a well is dug, it goes deep into the solid layer below the aquifer. The liquid is raised manually or using an electric pump. It gradually flows down from the horizons and accumulates in the well in a certain amount. If you take out all the water from the well, then new water will arrive only after some time.

Pros of a shaft well:

  • relatively low labor intensity and price;
  • work in conditions of lack of electricity;
  • easy maintenance due to large diameter;
  • ease of use.


  • limited fluid supply;
  • the likelihood of water pollution;
  • the need to clean the walls and bottom;
  • the likelihood of the well emptying in the heat.


Such a well is installed when there is no need for a powerful well. Its second name is needle well. It does not require heavy equipment or large excavations; it is dug by hand drilling or using compact equipment.

The construction of such a well consists of installing a pipe of small cross-section (up to 4 cm) to the depth of the upper aquifer. To better immerse the pipe in the ground, it is equipped with a conical tip with a diameter 4-5 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe itself. In this case, the lower part of the pipe is equipped with a filter that protects against contamination. The liquid is supplied to the surface by a self-priming pump.

The maximum depth of the Abyssinian well is 12-13 meters. Such a well can be installed in any convenient place, avoiding close proximity to gutters or drainage collectors. Also, there should be no clay at the water intake site to prevent the filter from clogging. It is necessary to take into account that the igloo well should be preserved for the winter: dismantle the pump, drain the water, and put a plug on the well.


  • greater volume of water than in a mine well;
  • simplicity of design;
  • relatively low costs;
  • cleaner water than in a regular well.


  • does not work without electricity;
  • needs to be preserved for the winter.

Did you know? Studies have shown that water reduces the potential risk of heart attack. It was found that people who drank six glasses of pure water a day were less likely to have a heart attack compared to those who drank just two glasses.

Types of wells with their pros and cons

There are two main types of wells - sand and artesian. Let's look at how they differ and what advantages and disadvantages each of these types has.

Sandy (filter)

The peculiarity of such a well is that it is drilled in sandy soil. Its depth can reach up to 30 meters, and its maximum service life is 15 years. Although practice shows that on average this figure is about 7 years, which is one of the disadvantages of this type of well.

Another disadvantage is the limited supply of liquid - about 500 liters per hour and its not very high quality due to precipitation getting into the aquifers. However, the dirtiest water does not get into them, so the water will be of slightly better quality than from a well. In addition, to avoid silting, it must be used regularly.

However, if we compare it with the artesian one, the advantages include: lower cost, the use of small-sized equipment, short construction time and low iron content.


Pipe or artesian mines are called mines with a depth of over 20 meters, which take water from the artesian layer located between two waterproof layers. Such work is carried out only with the help of heavy equipment, and sometimes the drilling depth can reach 200 meters. An artesian well produces an average of 2 cubic meters of liquid per hour and, under favorable conditions, can last up to 50 years.

The well itself consists of plastic or metal casing pipes, a caisson, pumping equipment and automation systems. All work on its construction and connection must be carried out only by specialists.

Artesian water is usually of very good quality due to its reliable protection against surface contamination. It can fully provide all the needs of a private home. However, before using water for drinking purposes, it must be chemically analyzed and, depending on its results, a purification system must be installed.


  • high performance;
  • good water quality;
  • durability of the structure;
  • Irregular use is allowed.
  • high cost of work and equipment;
  • high mineralization of water;
  • inability to work without electricity;
  • impossibility of cleaning in case of silting.

Important!It is better not to dig even the simplest mine-type well yourself, but to invite specialists. Because there is a risk of encountering a so-called “floater”, which can lead to tragedy.

How to make a choice: to summarize

In order to decide on the method of water extraction at the dacha, you need to analyze several factors:

  • ground water level;
  • volume of water required on the farm;
  • material capabilities;
  • possibility of installing pumping equipment.
There is no single right choice. If there is no need for a large amount of water and you do not live in the country all the time, then you can use a simpler and cheaper method - a well. Otherwise, a more technologically advanced, but also expensive well may be a good choice. However, please note that in order to install deep-type structures, you must obtain permits.

Many owners of country houses have to solve the problem of water supply installation. The first question that arises in connection with the desire to get rid of the problem of lack of water concerns the choice of source. One of the most popular queries on Runet “well or well, which is better” in the field of choosing a source for autonomous water supply.

What is better - a well or a well for a cottage?

A cottage is a country house for permanent residence, all engineering systems of which, including water supply, must work as efficiently as in a city apartment. Considering that the cottage is characterized by a large volume of water consumption, only a powerful source is suitable for its water supply system. A high-power water source is also necessary to ensure the ability to collect water from several points simultaneously.
Therefore, in the case of a cottage, the question “is it a well or a borehole for water?” should not be installed - here you need an individual artesian well to a depth of more than 40 meters.

Advantages of an artesian well over a well:

  • high water yield;
  • longer service life;
  • better water quality;
  • stability of the water level (the water level in the well has seasonal fluctuations; at some point there may be no water in it at all).
  • The disadvantages include its energy dependence. In the event of a power failure, the pump will stop working and the water supply will stop. The solution to this problem is to use an autonomous power generator.

    What is better - a well or a well for a summer house?

    At the dacha, you can organize water supply from a well or well. The well can be dug into the perched water or the first aquifer from the surface. To supply water to a dacha from a well, drilling is usually carried out to a shallow depth - no more than 40 meters.


    Installing one well ring is higher than the cost of drilling a meter of well. The minimum cost of drilling 1 meter of well, performed by professional drillers, is 1,800–1,900 rubles. The minimum price for a well ring and installation work is 3,800–4,000 rubles. But this is only for the first 10 rings. For the installation of each ring, starting from the 11th, you will have to pay an additional 150–500 rubles. The cost of a meter of drilling always remains the same, regardless of the depth of the well.

    Water quality

    If you compare a well with a well dug to the high water level, then the well will have an advantage in terms of water quality. The perched water lies shallow and the waters that form it do not have time to be cleared of various pollutants that are abundantly available on the surface (wastewater from toilets, petroleum products, chemical fertilizers, etc.). If the well and the well are fed by the same aquifer, then the water quality in both sources will be comparable.

    Stability of water supply

    The least stable source of water supply is a well dug for high water, the reserves of which are small and very dependent on the amount of precipitation. During the dry summer period, as well as in winter, perennial water may disappear. Well or well, which is fed by the waters of the first horizon, is a more reliable source, although seasonal fluctuations in water levels also occur here.

    Dependence on electricity supply

    Water from the well can be taken either manually or pumped out using an electric pump. Lifting water from a well is only possible using a pump powered from the mains: if the power supply is cut off, the pump will also stop working. The problem of ensuring the operability of the water supply system in the absence of electricity can be solved in two ways: using an autonomous electric generator or installing a storage tank on the top floor of the house.

    Life time

    The service life of a well depends on the level of skill of the performers, the quality of the materials used, hydrogeological conditions and operating conditions. A well can provide water for 20 years, the service life of the well reaches 25 years or more. But under unfavorable factors, both the well and the well may not last even 2 years.

    What is better - a well or a well? It is better to order water well drilling!
    CJSC Gidroinzhstroy is one of the leading companies in the field of organizing autonomous water supply. We create reliable and efficiently functioning water supply systems based on water wells, carry out a full cycle of work, carry out warranty repairs and offer maintenance services.

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