Design of industrial buildings. Design of industrial buildings and structures Design of industrial buildings and enterprises

Design of production (operating) systems includes the following stages:

Product and production process design;

Design of production facilities;

Work design and labor regulation.

This stage requires a clear definition of design criteria and selection of optimal alternative options. Its goal is to achieve a minimum level of costs per unit of production, which depend on the efficiency of the batch of products launched into production; on the performance of the equipment in relation to a specific job.

Product Design is based on the principle of satisfying customer needs. To analyze specific consumer requirements for a product, the product is assessed according to the following criteria:


Economical operation;


Elements of luxury;

Size, power or strength;

Life time;

Reliability in operation;

Maintenance requirements, its simplicity;

Versatility of use;

Operational safety.

When deciding on the characteristics of a product and the design progress, options are selected according to the following criteria:

Dimensions and shapes of the product;


The ratio of standard and unique elements;

Modular components;

Redundant components for increased reliability;

Safety elements.

There is a direct interdependence between the assessment of a product and its characteristics: the use of different characteristics leads to an increase in price or decrease in cost of the product. For example, installing air conditioning in a car will make it more luxurious, but will increase its price and after-sales service. Another example: the use of thicker sheets of metal for the body of a car will increase its service life and increase safety, but will lead to an increase in the cost of the car and an increase in fuel consumption, and therefore, the cost of operation.

Design (development) of the production process carried out after completion of product design and involves evaluating the project according to the following criteria:

Productive capacity;

Economic efficiency;






Safety and ecology;

Satisfying the vital needs of workers.

To ensure the required characteristics of the production process, options are selected according to the following criteria:

Type of processing system - single production (project system), batch or mass production, continuous process production, combination of different types;

In-house production of components or external acquisition of all or some components;

Carrying out certain types of work on your own or transferring them to subcontractors;

Methods for performing certain types of work;

Degree of mechanization and automation;

Level of specialization of workers.

When designing a production process, the following costs are taken into account:

Cost of land;

Rental costs, acquisition or construction costs;

Costs for transportation of raw materials and fuel;

Costs for transportation of finished products;

Energy and water supply costs;

Taxes and insurance;

Labor payment;

Relocation costs, including losses from stopping production for the required period.

When developing a technological process, the following are determined:

Required machines and other equipment, tools, devices, etc.;

Methods used;

Required number of workers;

Planned or standard duration of the production cycle.

The production process is closely linked with the product life cycle. Thus, in the early stages of a product's life cycle, when sales volumes are low and product design is not entirely stable, the manufacturing process must be so flexible that it can be changed quickly to accommodate changes in product design. During this period, the production process is characterized by labor intensity, small-scale production and lack of automation.

As the product is improved, its design will become more standardized and sales volumes will increase. At the stage of product maturity, economic efficiency and stability of product output will become of utmost importance, and therefore the price level, which will become the main factor in the competitiveness of the product. The production process at this stage becomes capital-intensive, highly automated, and focused on mass production.

This stage involves making decisions on the size of production facilities, their location, design of the enterprise and material and technical facilities.

When designing production facilities They proceed from the decision about how many enterprises, what size and what capacity should be created and where to locate each enterprise.

Large enterprises are created when there is a large capital-intensive processing subsystem that requires expensive special equipment, when it is advisable to concentrate many workers and many different products in one place. For example, car assembly plants.

Small businesses are usually created when customers are highly dispersed or to service large production.

When deciding on the location of a business, it is common to consider the continent, country, region, city and specific site or building for the business.

When choosing the country of location of the enterprise, the following criteria are taken into account:

Demographic and economic factors influencing the state of the sales market;

Sources and transportation costs for delivery of materials;

Quantity and quality of labor resources;

Provision of energy and water;

Political stability;

Tax Policy and Encouraging Economic Development;


Cost of land and construction;

Living conditions (for example, climate, education system, health care, culture, recreation, crime).

When choosing a production site or building for an enterprise, the following factors are assessed:

Restrictive norms for the development of an industrial zone, compatibility with neighboring objects;

Size, configuration and other technical parameters of the site;

Preferred modes of transport;

Volume of transport for clients, provision of access to the building;

Availability and cost of energy supplies and other services, including fire protection and waste disposal;

The appearance of the site, its compliance with the nature of the enterprise;

Distance from residential areas and infrastructure;

The location of the establishments of competing firms, especially retail or service establishments.

Enterprise design involves determining the configuration of the enterprise: the size and shape of the structure and the location of production resources within it.

When making decisions about the layout of an enterprise, a choice is made to use the following layout schemes:

Operational (functional);

In-line (linear);

Positional (fixed).

Operative planning assumes that production resources (equipment) are grouped based on the work or process performed. For example, in a machine shop, all lathes are grouped in one area, drilling machines in another, milling machines in a third, etc. This layout is used in small-scale production, where individual products move from one area to another depending on specific requirements. When developing such a plant layout, great importance is attached to minimizing the transport operations required to process a batch of products.

Flow (linear) layout used in mass production and in continuous process production, where each product produced actually goes through the same processing operations. Production resources (equipment) are located in a strict sequence of workplaces in accordance with the operations required to produce finished products. For example, an assembly line at a car factory. With this layout, particular importance is attached to the correct distribution of the load on workplaces.

Position-fixed layout used when carrying out projects when the manufactured product is fixed (motionless), and production resources are supplied to the place of work as needed.

Enterprise Design Process is divided into the following sequentially interconnected stages:

1. Collection of initial data:

Layout diagram of the production process located at the enterprise;

Specified productivity and range of products;

Information about the site (size, configuration);

Information about all buildings located on the site (floor plans, floor heights, load-bearing capacity of floors);

“building codes and any other regulations related to safety and ecology.

2. Determination of the quantity and types of production resources required to achieve a given productivity.

3. Determination of the floor area required for each production

site, taking into account the installation of equipment, organization of warehouses, repair shops, rooms for management personnel, rooms for rest of workers.

4. Determining the location of individual sections, taking into account the nature of the production process.

5. Development of a general layout of each main and auxiliary site, indicating their size and location.

6. Determination on the general diagram of the location of each piece of equipment and other production resources at each site.

When resolving issues of enterprise planning, all factors influencing it are comprehensively considered, and the task is to minimize the movement of materials, ensure flow in the movement of products, effectively use all production areas, ensure safe working conditions and, most importantly, ensure flexibility in planning, creating possibilities for easy redevelopment. The problem of flexibility is the most important problem of technical progress in modern industry, and especially in mechanical engineering. It is directly related to the tendency to rapidly change types and models of manufactured products, as well as to the predominance of serial and small-scale products in modern mechanical engineering.

At this stage, specifications are created that define the nature of the work.

Work design includes:

Determining the content of each type of work at the enterprise;

The procedure for distributing work;

Development of principles of economic efficiency of work;

Principles of employee behavior.

It is assumed that the nature of the work must correspond to the abilities and qualifications of the employee, the capabilities of the equipment, and the psychological expectations of the employee.

In modern conditions, an important factor in increasing labor productivity is specialization of production workers, allowing

Reduce the amount of employee training;

Increase the professional level at each specialized workplace;

Select production tasks that do not require skilled labor and entrust their implementation to unskilled workers receiving lower wages;

Expand the possibilities of using specialized equipment.

Labor rationing- This is the development of standards for the time required to complete a specific operation or production task.

Standard time determined: in the form of time spent per unit of production; in the form of the number of products produced per unit of time (hour).

Time standards are used in planning and assessing equipment load, developing schedules and assessing the work of people involved in production.

In work on labor standardization, electronic computer technology is widely used. Technically sound rationing of labor costs is not only a tool for determining production standards and prices, but also the most important means of improving the organization of production and labor.

Technical standardization designed, on the basis of an analysis of technological production processes, techniques and methods of labor and all organizational and production conditions, to identify the actual labor intensity of labor processes and the level of use of workers' working time; develop all technical and organizational conditions to reduce the labor intensity of labor processes.

Having implemented hundreds of buildings in Moscow, the Volga region, Kazan, Mordovia, Ulyanovsk, and the North Caucasus over 13 years, our company has confidently occupied its own niche in the market for designing industrial premises.

And today we offer a range of services: project development, production of metal structures, their delivery to the regions, installation, construction, commissioning.

Types of industrial buildings and structures

Classification systems are many and varied. Most often they are divided as follows.

By function: workshops, auxiliary premises, transport and warehouse complexes, engineering structures (bridges, power lines, capacitive facilities), power units (substations, etc.).

Based on structural material: brick, reinforced concrete, metal, wood.

By number of spans: single and multi-span.

By structural systems: frame, with partial frame, frameless.

Design of industrial buildings. Tasks

Firstly, the choice of design solutions depending on the construction technology.

Secondly, comprehensive development of space. Equally important are workshops, rooms for staff, premises for storing raw materials, finished products, communication between structural divisions, household and administrative areas.

Thirdly, compliance with fire safety.

Fourth, creating comfortable and safe workplaces in compliance with temperature conditions and lighting levels.

Fifthly, drawing up estimates, resolving construction issues, calculating economic feasibility, etc.

Features of the design of industrial buildings and structures

The team of specialists has to take into account serious loads on the load-bearing elements of the building, so they take the calculations as seriously as possible. Modern technologies make it possible to create huge spaces with virtually no partitions; the walls can be either double or single.

It is important to study the technological processes in a specific production - many of them require specific conditions to comply with. They are taken into account during design.

Engineering networks must meet certain requirements, often very complex ones. At the same time, the uninterrupted operation of workshops depends on their functioning.

And finally, the fundamental factor is the type of production. A confectionery factory's solutions will be fundamentally different from the chemical industry or the automobile industry.

Who should design industrial buildings and structures?

Preparation of working documentation requires a specialist to have extensive knowledge in related fields. It is necessary to have the skills of complex design and calculations, and to have an ideal knowledge of the requirements of standards and regulations in different regions. Therefore, we involve only engineers specializing in this industry in the design of production facilities. Mandatory requirements for such specialists: at least 5 years of work experience and high qualifications.

Stages of design of industrial buildings and structures

I. Preparation of pre-project documentation.

Drawing up a sketch, 3D visualization of the object, selection of materials, preliminary calculation of engineering, structural elements. Selection and coordination of optimal solutions. Their design.

II. Detailing of the approved part of the building project.

In-depth study of all details: drawings, diagrams, architectural and technical design, conducting field surveys. All engineering systems and the impact of the industrial complex on the environment are accurately calculated. Prototyping is done and finally approved with the customer.

III. Drawing up a working draft.

Engineering drawings are finally prepared, the design is thought through to the smallest detail, architectural and planning solutions are specified, and estimates are drawn up. To put it simply: designing industrial premises is preparing instructions for builders, finishers, installers, etc.

And so that during the work the result does not deviate from the specified parameters, we offer the service of designer supervision over them.

What does the cost of services consist of?

The following points are key.

  • Area and dimensions of the room;

  • Volume of calculations, complexity of engineering networks;

  • Production nomenclature;

  • Requirements for completing the final package of documents;

  • Selected architectural style;

  • The need to select equipment, materials, plumbing and lighting equipment, etc.

5 reasons to choose NovoStroy company

  1. Bonuses. When ordering turnkey construction, the project is developed free of charge.

  2. Format of prefabricated buildings. We offer it as an alternative to traditional construction.

  3. Non-standard architectural ideas. The appearance of a plant or factory is the face of its success. Based on it, partners draw conclusions about the enterprise.

  4. Rationalization of industrial and administrative processes. This is one of our goals when designing production facilities.

  5. A guide to a reasonable reduction in construction and operating costs for the facility.

Other design services from the Novostroy company

Design of buildings made of metal structures

Warehouse design

Design of warehouse complexes

Shopping center design

1.1. Types of industrial buildings

Industrial enterprises are classified by branches of production.

In total, there are more than 15 large industries (electric power, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, metalworking, etc.)

Based on the industry classification of production, a classification of industrial buildings is built. At the beginning of the study of this course, it was said that industrial buildings, regardless of the industry sector, are divided into four main groups: production, energy, transport and storage buildings and auxiliary buildings or premises.

TO production include buildings that house workshops that produce finished products or semi-finished products. Industrial buildings are divided into many types depending on their purpose, according to the branches of production. These can be metalworking, mechanical assembly, thermal, forging and stamping, open-hearth shops, shops for the production of reinforced concrete structures, weaving shops, food processing shops, auxiliary production shops, for example, tool, repair, etc.

TO energy include buildings of thermal power plants (CHPs) that supply industrial enterprises with electricity and heat, boiler houses, electrical and transformer substations, compressor stations, etc.

Transport and storage buildings include garages, parking lots for industrial industrial vehicles, warehouses for finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials, fire stations, etc.

TO auxiliary include buildings for administrative and office premises, premises of public organizations, household premises and devices (showers, dressing rooms, etc.), catering facilities and medical stations. Depending on the type of production, auxiliary premises can be located directly in production buildings.

Space-planning and design solutions for industrial buildings depend on their purpose, the nature of the placement of technological processes in them, and are characterized by significant diversity. Such buildings can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. By number of spans– single-span and multi-span one-story industrial buildings. Single-span buildings (Fig. 1.1, a) are suitable for small industrial, energy or warehouse buildings. They are also used for locating industries that require significant spans (from 36 m or more - long-span buildings) and significant heights (more than 18 m). Single-span buildings are typical, for example, for industries with technological equipment located on special structures - “shelves” that are not connected to the load-bearing structures of the building itself (Fig. 1.1, c).

Multi-span (Fig. 1.1, b) is the most common type of one-story industrial buildings, widely used in various industries. Multi-span buildings with the same or similar span parameters (width and height) without internal open courtyards are called buildings continuous development(Fig. 1.2) and can reach significant sizes (several hundred meters in width and length).

2. By number of floors– single-storey and multi-storey. In modern construction, one-story buildings predominate (approximately 80% of the total construction volume), as they have certain advantages. They provide better conditions for placing equipment, organizing production flows, and using various transport and lifting devices. Process equipment of any weight can be installed anywhere in the building, since it is placed directly on the ground. One-story buildings provide greater flexibility when changing the technological process.

The use of multi-storey industrial buildings (Fig. 2.3) is limited to industries with relatively light technological equipment located on interfloor floors (light industry, instrument making, printing industry, etc.).

Multi-storey buildings are also advisable in cases where the technological process is organized in a vertical pattern and materials can be moved by their own weight (for example, bulk materials warehouses). Multi-storey industrial buildings are also designed with limited territory sizes. Multi-storey industrial buildings are often constructed with so-called technical floors (Fig. 1.3, d), in which technological communications are located (ventilation ducts, electrical wiring, pipelines, etc.), as well as in some cases auxiliary rooms. In multi-story buildings, the most commonly used column grid is: 6x6; 6x9; or 6x12 m. In buildings with technical floors, when the height of the supporting structure of the floor (for example, a truss) is within the entire height of the technical floor, the spans can be increased to 24 m. The upper floor in all types of multi-story industrial buildings can be free from intermediate vertical supports (Fig. 1.3, b, c).

Rice. 1.1. Types of one-story industrial buildings: a – single-span; b – multi-span; c – single-span with floor transport; 1 – hanging crane 2 – lantern; 3 – support crane

An industrial building can consist of single-story parts of different heights or multi-story and single-story parts (Fig. 1.3, c). The latter are called mixed-storey buildings.

If there is a technical floor in one-story industrial buildings, inter-truss space, basement floors or spaces under work platforms are used. Gradually, this technique led to the emergence of a two-story type of industrial building (Fig. 1.4), in which on the first floor there are workshops with heavy equipment installed directly on the ground; on the second floor there are production facilities with light equipment that require good natural lighting. Two-story buildings are used for some light and food industries, electrolysis workshops, etc.

3. According to the availability of lifting and transport equipment– on non-crane and crane (with overhead cranes or suspended transport, see Fig. 1.1 and 1.3).

All industrial buildings (single-story and multi-story), as a rule, are equipped with lifting and transport equipment for moving finished products, products in the process of their manufacture, raw materials or technological equipment during its installation or dismantling. However, when studying the types of industrial buildings, one must keep in mind that lifting and transport equipment has a great influence on the space-planning and design solutions of buildings.

4. According to the design schemes of coatings– frame planar (with coverings on beams, trusses, frames, arches), frame spatial (with coverings - shells of single and double curvature, folds), hanging of various types, cross, pneumatic, including air-supporting and air-carrying (Fig. 1.5) .

Rice. 1.5. Structural schemes for coatings of frame industrial buildings

planar: a – on beams; b – by farms; c – on frames; d – along the arches;

spatial: d – shells of single curvature, f – shells of double curvature; g – shells of double curvature in the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid; and – folds; k – hanging cable-stayed; l – cross; m – pneumatic air-supported; n – pneumatic air-carrying

5. According to the material of the main supporting structures– with a reinforced concrete frame (prefabricated, monolithic, precast-monolithic), steel frame, brick load-bearing walls and coating on reinforced concrete, metal or wooden structures (Fig. 1.6). In addition to the listed classification characteristics, several more can be identified, determined by the conditions of the technological process and the required characteristics of the environment of production premises.

Rice. 1.6. Industrial buildings: a – with prefabricated reinforced concrete frame; b – with a steel frame; c – with load-bearing structures in the form of wooden laminated three-hinged arches; d – with load-bearing brick walls and covering on prefabricated reinforced concrete beams; 1 – foundations; 2 – reinforced concrete columns; 3 – reinforced concrete roof beams; 4 – crane reinforced concrete beams; 5 – outer wall; 6 – foundation beams; 7 – coating slabs; 8 – locations of internal drainage funnels; 9 – overhead cranes; 10 – steel columns; 11 – steel trusses; 12 – aeration light; 13 – aeration lantern, 14 – load-bearing brick wall; H – design height of the workshop; Нк – height from the floor level to the level of the head of the crane rail; h – height from the floor level to the top of the crane console of the column

6. According to the heating system– unheated and heated. Unheated buildings include buildings in which production is accompanied by excessive heat generation (the so-called hot shops: foundries, rolling mills, etc.), as well as buildings that do not require heating (cold shops: warehouses, storage facilities, etc.). Heated buildings include all other industrial buildings where sanitary, hygienic or technological conditions require positive air temperatures during the cold season.

7. According to ventilation systems– with natural ventilation or aeration through special openings in the enclosing structures; artificial supply and exhaust ventilation using fans and air duct systems; air conditioning, i.e. with artificial ventilation, creating constant specified parameters of the air environment (temperature, humidity, degree of air purity). Air conditioning is always used in so-called sealed buildings (completely isolated from the external environment), intended for industries that require particular precision or cleanliness in the manufacture of the product.

8. By lighting systems– with natural, artificial or combined (integral) lighting. Natural lighting is provided through light openings in the walls (windows) and in the covering (lanterns).

Artificial lighting is essential in buildings without natural light or in buildings without skylights. In buildings without natural lighting and without lantern superstructures, electric lamps are used that produce a spectrum close to natural, making it easier to ensure the required sanitary, hygienic and production conditions; in particular, sealed buildings are easier to implement without natural lighting.

The last three features determine another classification feature of the space-planning solution of the building.

9. According to the coating profile– with or without lantern add-ons. Buildings with lantern superstructures (Fig. 1.7) are arranged for the purposes of aeration or natural lighting, or both. Lantern superstructures complicate the design of the building and their operation (snow accumulates on the roof in the spaces between the lanterns).

Rice. 1.7. Industrial buildings with lanterns

a – anti-aircraft light (translucent caps); b – light-aeration rectangular profile; c – profile of the anti-aircraft triangular lantern; d – profile of the light trapezoidal lantern; e – profile of a rectangular light-aeration lantern; e – profile of an aeration lantern with wind deflectors: 1 – light-aeration lantern; 2 – anti-aircraft light; 3 – hanging crane; 4 – overhead crane: 5 – wind deflector

Finally, a special group may include special types of buildings, for example, sheds for openly installed equipment, buildings for explosive industries, buildings for industries with a high degree of radiation, buildings combined with technological equipment - the so-called “building units”.

In addition to industrial buildings, an industrial enterprise usually includes industrial buildings. These include structures for industrial transport(overpasses for overhead cranes, inclined galleries, etc.), communications structures(tunnels, channels, individual supports and overpasses, etc.), equipment installation devices(foundations for cars), bookcases(in buildings and open) for equipment placement, special structures(tanks for storing liquids, bunkers for storing bulk materials, chimneys, cooling towers for cooling circulating water, water towers, etc.) (Table 1.1).

It should be noted that industrial structures are often elements of a building. For example, a trestle for an overhead crane in a one-story industrial building is part of the load-bearing structures of the building.

Industrial buildings are often divided according to span sizes: short-span(6, 9, 12 m), mid-span(18, 24, 30, 36 m), long-span(over 36 m – 60, 90, 120 m and more). Small spans are used mainly in auxiliary and warehouse buildings, as well as in multi-storey industrial buildings. Medium-sized spans are currently the most widespread.

It can be assumed that large-span industrial buildings will be increasingly used in construction practice, since the space free of vertical supports facilitates the placement of equipment and does not hinder the modernization of technological processes. However, one should keep in mind the capabilities of the construction of lifting and transport equipment. When using floor-mounted self-propelled cranes, the possibilities of increasing building spans increase significantly.

Table 1

Industrial buildings

Industrial buildings with large spans that meet the requirements of modern automated production can be designed with load-bearing structures of coverings in the form of arches, shells, and folds. Such designs allow production to be located in single-bay buildings (Fig. 1.1, c).

In the context of rapidly accelerating technological progress, the problem of increasing "flexibility", i.e. the adaptability of the building to accommodate various equipment, various technological processes, which are being improved much faster than the building wears out, becomes of great importance. In this regard, in the post-war period, design and research organizations did a lot of work to create various types "flexible" And "universal" industrial buildings that differ from the usual themes. that they can be used to accommodate various industries, having the same space-planning and design parameters. An example would be an industrial building with two dissimilar industries (textile and electrical).

Currently, various workshops and departments of the same production, as a rule, place or, as they say, "block" in one big building. This is where the buildings mentioned above come from. continuous development. In the recent past, the main place in industrial construction was occupied by the so-called “pavilion” construction, in which almost every workshop was located in a separate building. Blocking provides a significant economic effect, reducing the territory of the enterprise, the length of communications, the area of ​​the building envelope and, consequently, operating costs by reducing heat loss, etc.

At the same time, it has not lost its significance and pavilion development. It is used in cases where, for example, blocking is impossible due to technological conditions (the harmful effects of the production of one workshop on another) or when pavilion development is advisable for economic reasons (relatively small buildings with an autonomous technological process can be built much faster than a large one). semi-detached building).

As mentioned earlier, buildings with large spans (single and multi-span) are becoming widespread, in which technological equipment is installed on shelves(Fig. 1.9). These buildings are used, for example, in the chemical industry. Pavilion construction is also advisable in cases where the technological process is accompanied by significant gas or heat emissions that are removed by aeration through openings in the outer walls and covering.

Rice. 1.9. Cross section of an industrial building with built-in shelves

Recently it has become widely used open placement of technological equipment those industries for which the difference in ambient temperature is not significant. The open placement of part of the equipment allows you to reduce the volume of the building, simplify and facilitate the space-planning and design solution, and in explosive industries increase the level of safety. In Fig. Figure 1.10 shows an ammonia plant with open placement of columns, heat exchange and other equipment.

Rice. 1.10. Ammonia plant with open arrangement of process equipment

Buildings with lantern superstructures widely used in industrial construction. IN lightless buildings In continuous buildings, so-called “psychological” lighting is often used in the form of windows along the perimeter of the building, with the help of which workers do not lose visual connection with the external environment, since the complete absence of natural light has a negative psychological and physiological effect on workers.

There is also no doubt that buildings without natural light require significant energy consumption and exclude natural ventilation through windows and lanterns. For a number of industries, buildings without lanterns are generally unsuitable. Therefore, buildings with lantern superstructures of various profiles still retain their importance.

As indicated, in one-story buildings the inter-truss space is used for technological needs, often separated from the room using suspended ceiling, in which artificial lighting lamps are installed. Suspended ceilings significantly improve the interior of the workshop; in addition, by separating communications and auxiliary technological devices from the production area, they improve working conditions.

In connection with the introduction of penalties in the Russian Federation, growth began not only in the agricultural, but also in the industrial sector. Individual industrial enterprises (not located on the territory of the industrial park) are also being designed and built throughout the country. At the same time, we can say that the design of enterprises - workshops, factories, warehouses and other industrial facilities - is a kind of aerobatics of industrial design. Here, like in no other industry, the qualifications and competence of architects and designers are tested because the finished project must take into account the features of the technological process, the profitability of production and labor protection and worker safety standards.

In this material we will consider the following aspects:

  • initial data for the design of industrial enterprises;
  • terms of reference for the design of industrial buildings;
  • requirements for the designed industrial facility;
  • design cost
  • ways of development of industrial architecture

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Initial data for the design of industrial enterprises

Let's start in order and consider what needs to be provided to the design organization to create a project. The following information will be required from the customer:

  • title documents for land, as well as existing and demolished buildings;
  • cadastral plans of land plots within the boundaries of the design area;
  • technical specifications for design;
  • a copy of the administrative document for design;
  • urban planning plan of the land plot (if it is a linear object, then a planning project and a land surveying project will be required);
  • technical conditions for engineering equipment of the territory, connection to external engineering networks with mandatory indication of connection points;
  • materials of topographic-geodetic, engineering-geological, environmental, meteorological surveys;
  • assignment for designing measures for civil defense and emergency situations.

The customer has some of these materials (in particular, technical specifications, land documents, land plot plans). The remaining materials have to be collected through various authorities.

Terms of reference for the design of industrial buildings

In order for an industrial building to be built in accordance with the wishes of the customer, a competently drawn up technical specification for the design is necessary. Terms of reference (TOR) is a basic document developed by designers together with the customer, which reflects all the requirements and wishes for the future facility. In addition, the TOR includes the following points:

  • information about the land plot allocated for construction, or, if the building is subject to reconstruction, then its architectural features;
  • dimensions of the designed object;
  • subtleties of the technological process and the sequence of technological operations, as well as the layout plan and dimensions of technological equipment (the number of storeys of the building depends on this);
  • general plan of technological sites, warehouses, passages and passages, underground structures;
  • technical and economic requirements for production;
  • the nature of the work and the degree of its accuracy;
  • logistics features of production, directions of movement of raw materials and finished products;
  • fire hazard category of production;
  • the number of different categories of personnel in each shift (workers, engineers, administration);
  • the need to work with large-sized products;
  • the level of impact of production on the environment, the presence of hazardous components and harmful emissions (gas, dust, etc.) in the technological process;
  • proximity to residential/non-residential buildings;
  • labor standards for workers, sanitary and hygienic conditions, fire safety requirements;
  • special conditions (seismic features of the region, mine workings, etc.).

Thus, by providing these materials along with other documents in the initial data for the design of an industrial facility at the stage, it is possible with a 95% probability to calculate the effectiveness of investments in the proposed construction.

Industrial buildings BIM modeling

Design stages

Regardless of whether an aircraft assembly shop or a metallurgical plant is being developed, it is advisable to adhere to the design phasing scheme described below. A similar scheme was developed taking into account the analysis of international and a number of regulatory documents of European countries:

European regulations require deeper differentiation of the design process. This makes it possible to eliminate unnecessary detail in design solutions and reduce sections of design documentation at the time of examination to sufficient for subsequent design and construction of the facility. In relation to the Russian Federation, these stages can be interpreted as follows:

Requirements for the designed industrial facility

Whether you decide to build a power plant, a machine assembly shop or a pipe-rolling plant, the industrial buildings and premises of the facility being designed must meet the following requirements:

  • functional – maximum compliance of the placement and size of the premises with the functional processes occurring in the building. All groups of premises (working, auxiliary) must be provided with optimal functional connections;
  • technical – the necessary strength, stability, durability and rigidity of load-bearing structures, stability of performance qualities of enclosing structures must be provided;
  • economic – affect the functional and structural parts of the design solution. When solving functional problems (size, number of rooms, placement, etc.), one must proceed from the actual needs and capabilities of a particular customer. With regard to the structural part, the requirements consist in assigning the necessary margins of strength and stability of structures, as well as their durability and fire resistance;
  • aesthetic – compliance of the appearance of the building with its purpose;
  • environmental – reduction of areas allocated for development, widespread use of exploited roofs, effective use of unsuccessful areas of the territory, saving natural resources and energy.

Design cost

So, you have decided on the type of object being designed. It remains to decide on the cost - a sore point for all investors. In general, the cost of design work is influenced by the following factors:

  • purpose of the object. Different coefficients for calculating the cost per square meter are used for different objects. m;
  • characteristics of the object: complexity of forms, type of structures, area of ​​the object, number of storeys;
  • complexity of engineering networks. The cost of this part of the work is comparable to the architectural design of the building.

It is logical that price tags for work will differ in the regions and in the capital. At the same time, a high price is not always a guarantee of the same high quality of work performed.

A small life hack: you can send a request to your favorite metropolitan design organizations to develop a project for an industrial building. And in parallel, send exactly the same request again to your favorite regional organizations. Then compare the price tag, display the average price, and then order the development of the project. For example, for the 1-13/G-T axes of the casting body for the Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant (Leningrad Region, Tikhvin), the V-GRAND company developed both design and working documentation.

Ways of development of industrial architecture

Just because you want to build an industrial building doesn't mean it has to look boring. Below are several ways to develop industrial architecture, which is already becoming a reality:

  • futuristic – involves the “merger” of industrial architecture with the production process, the synthesis of science, technology and aesthetics in one object;
  • general unification of production and auxiliary buildings, assigning them the role of “covering” technological, production and service processes, ensuring multifunctionality, mobility, environmental friendliness and high technology;
  • organization of an innovative facility on the basis of an existing reconstructed enterprise taking into account its specific production, technological, architectural, spatial and compositional features.

In conclusion, as confirmation of the words about futuristic architecture, a number of modern industrial facilities are presented:

Spittelau incineration plant in Vienna

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