Full description of the Kesha grape variety. Grape variety Kesha - description, pruning and care. Diseases and pests of the Kesha grape variety description of the variety

Berry crops such as grapes are widespread not only in the southern regions. It is grown by gardeners in different climatic zones. Kesha grapes occupy a special place among varietal crops due to their many positive qualities.

Breeding history

Grape selection is becoming increasingly popular. And thanks to the painstaking work of scientists, new varieties appear on horticultural markets, adapted for cultivation in different regions of the country. Kesha is one of the varietal plants that in a short time has gained many fans among winegrowers.

The culture first appeared in Kuban. Scientists are developing new hybrid grape varieties that are most suitable for cultivation in regions with harsh and difficult climatic conditions.

The Kesha grape variety became a hybrid from the Moldovan varietal culture White Beauty and Delight, previously bred at the same institute. Kesha combined the positive qualities of both parents, and in a short time began to be grown en masse in many parts of the country.

The grapes began to be actively used to create derivative varieties with a similar name, and therefore misunderstandings regularly arise. So, on its basis such varieties as Kesha 1 and 2 were bred. The first is also called Talisman or Super Kesha, and the second is Zlatogor, Muscat Kesha.

Advantages and disadvantages

Kesha belongs to the table hybrid varietal crops, and has certain advantages.

  1. The fruit ripening period is 120-130 days.
  2. The bush is characterized by strong and rapid growth and development.
  3. The vines of the plant ripen almost simultaneously, en masse.
  4. Grape flowers are bisexual, so there are no problems with pollination.
  5. The clusters are large, conical or cylindrical in shape, and have excellent aesthetic and commercial qualities.
  6. High yield.
  7. The hybrid grape variety is characterized by high taste, which experts rate at 8 points on a scale of 10. It is also easy to transport.
  8. It is unpretentious in care and cultivation, winter-hardy, can withstand temperatures of -25°C. This allows it to be bred in the northern regions. Creating optimal conditions for the crop will allow you to annually obtain a good harvest of selected, large berries.
  9. Relatively resistant to diseases.

Among the main disadvantages of the Kesha variety are the following:

  • a large number of bunches on a plant provokes shredding - the brushes will be small in size and light in weight;
  • An excess of nitrogenous substances in the soil leads to the death of the crop.

Distinctive features

Kesha is characterized by rapid growth, develops quickly, and begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting.

Description of grape bunches of the varietal crop: their shape is conical or cylindrical, not neat, but attractive. The average weight of one bunch is 1 kg. The stem of the grape bunch attaches well to the shoots of the vine due to its length.


The berries are placed on the branch in a structured, loose manner, characterized by large size and oval shape with creamy white skin. It is important to consider that fruits form on almost all shoots, so remove excess fruits in a timely manner. To obtain a high-quality harvest, it is recommended to leave no more than 3 bunches on one branch.

The fruits have dense transparent pulp, with a sweet and sour, rich taste. They can be consumed fresh and are also suitable for long-term storage and transportation.


Kesha has established itself as a high-yielding variety. By creating favorable conditions for its growth, you can annually obtain abundant harvests of high-quality fruits. The culture is self-pollinating, so the number of ovaries is large and requires timely pruning.

The number of clusters that can form on one grapevine corresponds to the age of the plant itself.

By grafting a varietal crop onto an old trunk, the first harvest can be obtained already in the 2-3rd year, whereas with conventional planting the grapes begin to bear fruit in the 5th year.


Based on the Kesha grape variety, several more varietal crops have been created that have improved characteristics. Among them are:

  • grapes Kesha 1 (Talisman);
  • Kesha 2 (Muscat Kesha, Zlatogor)

Kesha 1 or Talisman

One of the first places in terms of taste and harvest quantity is occupied by Talisman grapes. Kesha 1 is known for its features.

  1. The ripening period of the fruits of the crop is 120-130 days.
  2. The varietal grape bush Talisman is self-pollinating, massive.
  3. The shape of the bunch is oval-conical, the density is low. The weight is impressive, with proper care it can reach 2 kg.
  4. The berries of the Kesha Talisman grape variety are large in size, with a red tint and an amber core.
  5. The productivity of the shoots is high, the berries can remain on the vine for a long time without falling off. The fruits of the variety are easy to transport, have an attractive appearance, and have exquisite taste.
  6. Talisman has increased immunity against pests and diseases, and characterizes itself as a frost-resistant variety.


Kesha 2 grapes were the result of crossing Talisman with Kishmish, and combined their positive qualities. Among the main advantages of the variety are the following:

  • ripening of grape bunches is earlier compared to related varieties and is 105-115 days;
  • the cluster of grapes Kesha 2 is large in size, dense, can reach 1.5 kg;
  • the vine of the crop is strong, durable;
  • grapes are able to resist diseases and pests, frost-resistant;
  • The berries are large in size, with thin skin, light amber in color, the taste of the fruit is sweet, with a noticeably noticeable taste of nutmeg, for which this grape is called Kesha Muscat.

Planting a varietal plant

Kesha requires compliance with some planting rules. This will allow the crop to quickly adapt to new conditions and turn into a healthy, viable, well-bearing bush.

Boarding time

Spring planting of Kesha grapes should be carried out after the threat of night frosts has passed. The air temperature during planting should be at least +15°C. The same temperature regime should be observed when planting grapes in the autumn.

The Kesha variety can be grown in two ways:

  • using seedlings;
  • by grafting a plant onto an adult grape rootstock.

Based on the description of the Kesha grape variety, it is known that the second method can be carried out throughout the entire growing season of the plant.

In order for the seedling to quickly adapt to new conditions, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules.

  1. The hole for planting the plant should be made in advance. At its bottom you can lay a layer of fertile soil or rotted humus.
  2. It is recommended to grow the varietal crop on fertile, chernozem soil, moderately moist. Excess moisture in the soil can lead to rapid rotting of the root system of a grape seedling, the spread of viral and bacterial diseases in it and, as a result, death.
  3. The landing site should be well lit by sunlight, so it is recommended to place the grape bushes on the south side of the garden plot.
  4. If you plan to plant not one, but several bushes, the distance between them should be at least 1 m.
  5. The root system of a young seedling is fragile, so it must be placed in the hole with the utmost care and caution. The depth of the hole should be such that the root collar is above the soil surface.
  6. To fill the hole with soil, you can use a mixture with mineral fertilizers. This crop does not tolerate excess nitrogen in the soil.
  7. After filling the hole with soil, it is necessary to water the plant generously. It is important to consider the moisture content of the soil itself.
  8. The seedling is tied to a support installed nearby.
  9. Planting grapes in the fall involves warming the young plant before the winter period.

Rules of care

Varietal grapes are relatively undemanding in care, but compliance with basic agrotechnical practices will make it possible to obtain a bountiful harvest.


Soil moisture around Kesha grapes should be moderate, it depends on weather conditions. A lack or, conversely, an excess of moisture in the soil directly affects the quality and quantity of crop fruits.

In a temperate climate and sufficient rain, it is recommended to water the grapes 2 times during the entire growing season: before the plant blooms, and after it. In extreme heat, it is recommended to irrigate the outer part of the crop.

When there is excess moisture, winegrowers make drainage systems near the bushes. This allows excess water to drain without causing rotting of the plant’s root system.

Cleaning and thinning

Regular cleaning of the Kesha grape variety from non-bearing shoots and excess foliage will allow the bunches to grow, develop and ripen to their full potential.

  1. If a grapevine has developed a long tendril that does not have a bud, it should be removed. Over time, a bud will appear at the site of the cut. After this, you should observe it - if a tendril appears again in this place without the presence of inflorescences on it, this grape branch will not bear fruit, it is better to completely remove it.
  2. In this place, 3-5 young branches will appear, some of which will be productive. The rest should be removed.

The density of the grape bush does not allow the fruits to develop and grow. It is recommended to regularly carry out systematic cleaning of the varietal crop.

Tying up

It is necessary to tie up Kesha grape bushes for several reasons.

  1. The varietal crop is distinguished by abundant foliage and a large number of fruits. As they mature, they grow and become heavier. By tying up the bush, we facilitate its growth and prevent mechanical damage that may occur due to the abundant amount of ripening crop.
  2. It is easier to care for a tied bush; spray its above-ground part during the period of heat and fruit ripening.
  3. In case of significant frosts, it is easier to insulate such a crop by creating conditions close to greenhouse conditions.


Young seedlings and only grafted cuttings in the first year of their life are quite sensitive to frost. The varietal crop is insulated using straw, hay, leaves, etc. Having laid out the insulating material around the trunk, they put something heavier on top - a layer of soil, boards, etc.

Feeding and disease prevention

The variety needs periodic feeding. Mulched bushes receive organic fertilizers on their own, so it is additionally recommended to add only phosphorus-potassium minerals to the stem. It is important to remember that grapes are sensitive to excess nitrogen in the soil, which can damage the root system of the plant and lead to its death.

One of the wasp trap options

Among the diseases that grapes can be exposed to if basic agricultural practices are not followed are viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

A preventative measure against pests and diseases of grape bushes is to treat them with Bordeaux mixture. To do this, use a 1% solution, which is sprayed on the outer parts of the plant.

The hybrid grape variety Kesha combines the most positive qualities, which is why it enjoys great success among winegrowers from different countries and climatic zones.

The Kesha grape variety is well known to most gardeners. The self-fertility and high productivity of Keshi are combined with the excellent taste of the berries; the variety is considered one of the best table varieties of medium-early ripening. Due to its high frost resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions, it is planted both in the southern regions and in central Russia.

History of breeding, description and characteristics of the Kesha grape variety

The Kesha grape was bred in Kuban, in Novocherkassk, at VNIIViV named after. ME AND. Potapenko, where they have been breeding grapes for seven decades. The institute's work is aimed at obtaining new hybrid forms capable of growing in northern regions with harsh climates. And since there are a huge number of amateur winegrowers in Kuban, there are no problems with testing new varieties, and there are no problems with their comprehensive study.

Kesha's parents were the popular Moldovan variety Frumoasa Albe (White Beauty) and Delight, previously bred at the same research institute. In this regard, Kesha’s second name is Improved Delight; they also know it by its number: FV-6–5. All the positive qualities of the parental forms are also manifested in Kesha.

The name Kesha turned out to be so popular that it is included in the names of several other grape varieties, which often leads to misunderstandings, since they, although somewhat similar, still have significant differences from Kesha. These are, for example, Kesha-1, Kesha-2, Red Kesha, Radiant Kesha... Moreover, a number of these forms are derivatives of Kesha and, in turn, bear several more names. For example, Kesha-1 is also called Talisman or Super Kesha. It has a number of advantages over the original form, but Kesha-1 has only female flowers and therefore requires pollinators. Kesha-2, obtained by crossing Kesha-1 and Kishmish Radiant, is also called Tamerlane, Zlatogor or Kesha Muscat. It ripens earlier and has a strong nutmeg aroma. But in this article we are talking about grapes called simply Kesha, without additional numbers or words.

Photo gallery: grape varieties with the word Kesha in the name

Kesha's berries have very little ovality Kesha-1 differs quite a bit in appearance, but is very different in care Kesha-2 is also very similar to its ancestor, but the consumer properties are slightly different Only Kesha red is easy to distinguish by appearance And in the radiant Kesha we again recognize parental traits

Kesha grows in the form of a very large bush and falls under the category of so-called arbor grape varieties. The shoots grow very quickly, over the summer they can grow up to 5 meters, they ripen well, about 80% of them are fruitful. Claimed frost resistance is down to -23 o C, resistance to mildew is high, and resistance to other vineyard diseases is average. Easily propagated by well-rooted lignified cuttings.

Kesha does not begin to bear fruit early: a guaranteed harvest occurs only in the fifth year after planting, but individual small clusters may appear already in the third year. Then every year the harvest increases and in general is very large. The variety is self-fertile and does not require pollinators, so for an ordinary family you can plant only one bush, and there will be enough berries. The variety is classified as early or mid-early, since the time of ripening of the berries depends both on the weather and on the thoroughness of caring for the bushes. On average, it is just over four months from the moment the first buds bloom. Thus, in the southern regions the berries become edible in the middle, and in the middle zone - at the end of August.

It is difficult to say definitely about the shape of the bunches: on one bush there can be both conical and cylindrical-conical specimens, or even completely shapeless ones. The comb is long. The size of the bunches is substantial, but not gigantic: the average weight is about 800 g, individual specimens can reach up to 1.3 kg. There is no pea formation: all the berries are approximately the same size and are pressed tightly against each other. The brushes withstand transportation well. When caring for bushes, it is recommended to leave no more than two bunches on each fruitful shoot.

The berries are white, yellowish, greenish at first, and become amber when fully ripe. In bright sun they may develop a brownish tan. The shape of the berries is almost round: the ovality is slight. The berries are large to medium in size: usually their weight ranges from 10 to 12 g. The berry has 2 or 3 seeds. The skin is thick, but does not interfere with eating. The pulp is dense, fleshy, translucent. The taste is assessed as harmonious, but rather sweet. Total sugar content from 21 to 24%, acidity from 6 to 8 g/l. These grapes are mainly used fresh. Stores well in the refrigerator.

The color of berries is difficult to define in one word: it is different in different weather and in different degrees of ripeness

The berries can remain on the bushes for a long time without deteriorating in presentation or taste. They do not crack during sudden weather fluctuations.

Video: Kesha grape harvest in September

Features of planting and growing the Kesha grape variety

Even novice summer residents can plant Keshu on their plot, since caring for these grapes is very simple. Neither the planting rules nor the basic principles of care differ from those in the case of other table varieties. Kesha is a classic grape variety that requires light shelter for the winter.

Like any grape, Kesha loves sunny areas, protected from cold winds. It is advisable that the bushes be protected on the north side by a house wall or a high, blank fence. Kesha is very easily propagated by cuttings, the survival rate of which is very high. Therefore, if you get a cutting, you can grow a seedling yourself. When choosing a seedling, the main thing is that it has healthy roots. Immediately before planting, the seedling should be placed in water for a day, slightly cutting off the tips of the roots so that it is saturated with moisture. You can plant grapes in the fall, but it is better in the spring, in April.

For spring planting, the hole must be ready in the fall. And in the summer, the selected area must be dug up with fertilizers (humus, ash, superphosphate), removing perennial weeds. In the fall, you need to dig a large hole, at least 70 centimeters in each dimension. Drainage at the bottom (15–20 cm of crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks) is necessary. At the bottom of the hole you need to place a layer of fertilizer mixed with good soil. And above, where the young roots will be located, only clean fertile soil should be placed. A piece of thick pipe must be placed at the bottom of the hole in order to water the seedling directly into the roots in the first years.

A pipe must be laid into the hole for planting grapes; You can do without it only in the case of sandy soils

In addition, you need to drive a stake to tie the shoots in the first year (then the stake will be replaced by a strong trellis). The grapes must be planted deeply so that no more than two buds remain on the surface. After watering the seedling well, you should mulch the soil around it.

Caring for Kesha is simple: watering, fertilizing, tying up shoots, pruning, preventive treatments. Everything except pruning does not require special knowledge. But pruning grapes is a little more complicated, but it’s impossible without proper pruning: the harvest will only get worse every year.

There is no need for excess water, but periodic watering is required, especially in dry regions. The need for water is especially great during the growth of berries, but from the end of July, watering Kesha must be stopped: let the berries gain sugar and become tasty. In the event of a dry autumn, pre-winter watering is necessary shortly before covering the bushes for the winter. You need to feed it mainly with ash: bury a couple of liters under the bush every year. Once every two years in early spring - two buckets of humus, in shallow holes along the periphery of the bush. And 2-3 times during the summer it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding by spraying the leaves with weak solutions of fertilizers. Before flowering and immediately after it - complex minerals, after another 2-3 weeks - only potassium and phosphorus.

Kesha is quite resistant to mildew disease, but for preventive purposes early spring spraying with a solution of iron sulfate will not hurt. But its resistance to other diseases is average, especially in rainy years, so when 3-4 leaves appear on the shoots, it makes sense to preventively spray the vineyard with Ridomil Gold. Along the green cone, that is, at the moment the leaves begin to emerge from the buds, you can spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

In early spring, before the sap begins to flow, you can do a little pruning of the vines. It is much more convenient to prune grapes in late autumn, before covering the bushes for the winter. But the main work of normalizing the bush from extra shoots, stepsons and, unfortunately, clusters must be done in the summer, while the broken off areas are still green and small: according to the rules, on each shoot of Kesha, no more than two clusters should be left. If you work hard in the summer, it will be much easier in the fall. The total load on the bush should be no more than 40 buds.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the bush will be very large, you need strong trellises, but you will have to cut out the extra bunches

Before the onset of frost (around the end of October), all vines must be removed from the trellises, tied into bundles that are easy to handle and covered on the ground with any suitable materials. In not very harsh regions, spruce or pine spruce branches or dry tree leaves are suitable for this; in the northern regions they try to use non-woven materials or old clothes. The trouble is that mice thrive under such shelter; they eat the bark close to the roots. As a result, the entire above-ground part of the bush dies. Therefore, in the case of a serious shelter, you should definitely place pesticides for rodents under it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Having examined the description of the Kesh grapes, we will try to give it a generalized description. Of course, you can find the best and worst varieties based on any characteristic, but if you compare it specifically with table varieties of medium-early ripening, this variety is one of the best. Kesha is considered one of the elite grape varieties. The indisputable advantages of Kesha include:

  • high and stable yield;
  • good commercial qualities of the bunches and their transportability;
  • wonderful taste of berries;
  • absence of cracking of berries and good preservation of the harvest on the bushes;
  • rapid growth and good ripening of shoots;
  • ease of propagation by cuttings;
  • high frost resistance;
  • good resistance to mildew disease;
  • ease of care.

Winegrowers consider the following relative disadvantages of the variety:

  • average degree of resistance to major grape diseases;
  • the need for qualified pruning and crop regulation, without which the berries become very small.

Video: properties of Kesha grapes

Grapes are a fairly popular crop that is grown in many garden plots. In some cases it is a decorative component, but most often it is used as a tasty and healthy treat. A plant that combines these two purposes is the “Kesha” variety, whose taste and characteristics deserve special attention.


Today, garden and vegetable plants that have not been subject to selection are very rare. Breeding improved and more resistant hybrids is quite an important job. It is of great importance for regions with harsh climates, where the cultivation of certain crops due to climatic conditions is not possible. This also applies to grapes, because the plant is a southern and heat-loving crop.

For regions of Russia and other countries belonging to the risky farming zone, various grape varieties were bred, including “Kesha”. This plant represents one of the best achievements of Russian breeders, as it stands out for its good yield indicators and minimal requirements regarding agricultural technology.

According to the description of the crop, it must be classified as a table grape of medium early ripening. The plant was obtained by crossing the grapes “Vostorg” and “Frumoasa Albe”. Thanks to professionally carried out work, “Kesha” adopted only positive properties from the mother plants, such as high productivity, rapid adaptation to climatic conditions, immunity to many diseases and other important qualities.

The growing season of the variety varies between 120-130 days depending on the growing region and the weather in the region. As a rule, the berries reach a state of technical ripeness by the end of August.



"Frumoasa Albe"

The bushes of the plant are distinguished by their tall growth, so they can reach a length of about 6 meters. The grapes bloom with bisexual flowers, so they do not require additional pollination. The brushes are large in size, growing in the shape of a cone or cylinder placed on an elongated stem. On average, the weight of one bunch ranges from 500 grams to a kilogram.

The fruit variety is distinguished by its yield, which reaches 80%. However, an important condition for ensuring proper ripening of berries is timely normalization of the bushes. The optimal number of brushes on one shoot should be 1-2 pieces. This way the plant will not suffer from excessive stress.

The color of grape berries is white, the fruits themselves are large, ripen in a round or oval shape, as a rule, the weight of one berry reaches 12 grams. The skin of the fruit is distinguished by its density, which increases the transportability of the crop over long distances. That is why grapes are grown not only in private vineyards, but also on a serious industrial scale. The pulp contains a minimal number of seeds, usually no more than three. The grape pulp is fleshy and juicy.

The taste of the berries is at a high level, in addition, “Kesha” has an unobtrusive floral aroma. The sugar content of the berries is about 25%, the acidity is at the level of 6-8 g/l.

The variety is characterized by good resistance to mildew, but the plant’s immunity to bacterial infections is low, therefore, during cultivation of the crop, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 preventive treatments against diseases. An effective remedy in this case would be Bordeaux mixture or fungicides.

The Kesha grapes are frost-resistant varieties, due to which they remain viable when the temperature drops to -23 degrees. Therefore, it is popular in areas where rather harsh climatic conditions exist.

With proper planting, rooting of cuttings and fruiting of the crop occurs quite quickly, so that the first harvest from the bush can be harvested within two years after planting. As practice shows, competent agricultural technology and compliance with all requirements allow the vineyard to actively bear fruit for more than 10 years. This feature makes it possible to classify the “Kesha” variety as a perennial.

To describe the hybrid as completely as possible, it is worth highlighting the positive and negative qualities of the plant. The advantages of the variety include:

  • ability to self-pollinate;
  • early ripeness of the hands;
  • large size of grape bunches and berries;
  • large harvest volumes;
  • frost resistance;
  • high percentage of shoots ripening;
  • transportability;
  • effective propagation by cuttings;
  • resistance to mildew.

The disadvantages of the variety include the following features:

  • tendency to reduce the size of the brushes due to improper normalization of the load on the bushes;
  • the crop does not tolerate nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • preventive spraying against diseases is required;
  • requires mandatory pruning.


After the Kesha grape became widespread, breeders developed two of its hybrids, which have the corresponding names - “Kesha 1” and “Kesha 2”. Cultures have a lot of similarities regarding organoleptic qualities and appearance, as well as some differences.

“Red Talisman” is the second name of the “Kesha 1” variety. Among the main features of this plant, it is necessary to highlight its resistance to frost. In this characteristic, the hybrid is much superior to the mother crop. However, when growing grapes in mid-latitudes, it is still worth covering the bushes for the winter.

Among the other qualities of Kesha 1, it is worth noting its resistance to fungal infections. Therefore, “Super Kesha” very rarely suffers from gray rot or mildew.

“Talisman” has only female inflorescences, due to which it needs pollinating plants growing nearby. Technical ripeness of the berries occurs in 125-135 days. The hybrid's brushes weigh about one kilogram. The berries ripen light red in color, and the weight of one reaches 16 grams.

As for taste, “Kesha 1” is notable for its unobtrusive nutmeg note in taste. Like the parent variety, the hybrid berries have good transportability and keeping quality.

“Talisman” requires mandatory molding, since the yield of bushes directly depends on correct agricultural technology. Care and cultivation work includes the following activities:

  • timely feeding with complex fertilizers;
  • correct vineyard watering scheme;
  • crop rationing and cutting of shoots;
  • the need for pollination in the flowering phase.

“Kesha 2” is a hybrid that was the result of crossing the grapes “Kishmish Radiant” and “Kesha 1”. In addition to the main name, the hybrid is called “Tamerlane” or “Zlatogor”. The plant is characterized by medium ripening periods. The ripe fruits of the hybrid have an amber or yellow color, the clusters are formed in a conical shape, the weight of the berries is about 16 grams, the weight of the entire cluster is no more than a kilogram. The sugar content of grapes is at the level of 23%, acidity is no more than 8 g/l.

There should be no more than two clusters on one shoot; almost 90% of the shoots on the bushes are fruit-bearing. Unlike the mother crop, “Kesha 2” is a self-pollinating variety, but additional pollination will help increase the volume of the future harvest. After ripening, the grapes can hang on the bushes for quite a long time, maintaining their commercial qualities.

The variety does not tolerate temperature drops of more than -25 degrees, so in the northern regions it needs shelter with the onset of winter. Agricultural technology includes the following types of work:

  • soil fertilization;
  • regular watering;
  • normalization of ovaries and pruning of plants;
  • shelter for the winter.

As for immunity to viruses and diseases, the hybrid has good characteristics, but you should not refuse additional preventive treatment.


Among the main nuances regarding planting Kesha grapes, it is necessary to note its demandingness regarding the type of soil in the garden plot. Black soil will be optimal for planting crops. Before you start preparing and choosing a place for a vineyard, it is worth considering that the hybrid and its species are distinguished not only by the large size of the above-ground part, but also by their powerful root system. Therefore, high-lying groundwater will be extremely undesirable for the productive growth and development of the crop.

Planting seedlings can only be done when the air temperature warms up to at least +15, and the soil temperature reaches +10.

The optimal time for planting the crop in the ground in mid-latitudes is the first spring months; in the southern regions, grapes are sometimes planted even in the fall.

When preparing holes for plants, you need to calculate their size in advance so that the holes are suitable for adult bushes. Therefore, the most successful option would be the dimensions of the holes 50 x 50 cm. The gaps between plants in the same row should be at least 1.5 meters.

The soil for the pit is mixed with humus or phosphorus compounds; drainage should be placed at the bottom, which will help avoid stagnation of water in the ground and also protect the roots from rotting.

When rooting, it is very important to monitor the location of the root collar; its location should be at ground level. After planting the plant, you need to cut the seedling into two buds and install reliable support for the plant. Watering a young seedling should be done immediately after planting it. One bush will need about three buckets of water.


A young plant requires minimal care after planting. If a seedling is planted in the spring, in the first summer it is necessary to provide it with optimal watering, high-quality weeding of the soil from weeds, loosening and mulching of the soil. When frost arrives, the grapes are hilled up and covered. For these purposes, you can use dry grass, pine needles or covering material. When choosing the latter option, you should avoid contact of the crop with the material; there should be a small space between them to avoid freezing.

The main volume of work for the winegrower will begin in the second year after “Keshi” is rooted in the ground. With the arrival of warmth, the plants are freed from covering material, and the health of the crop is inspected and assessed after wintering. Branches that contain any defects must be cut off, and the bush should also be treated with Bordeaux mixture.

To activate the growth processes of grapes, you can resort to the use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. With the arrival of summer, maintenance work consists of pruning excess shoots and normalizing the number of brushes.

To eliminate the risk of peas, it is necessary to control the load on the crop. Pruning is carried out by 8-10 buds; about 40 buds should be left for the entire bush. The shape of the plant is determined by the optimal placement of clusters on the shoot; in extreme cases, one shoot can contain two clusters. In some cases, even the brushes with berries themselves have to be rationed.

Mulching the soil is an important step in caring for the vineyard. In hot months, a layer of mulch will help conserve moisture in the soil; in winter, it will prevent freezing of the soil and roots.

Taking into account the level of natural precipitation, a scheme for watering the grapes is determined. The first watering should be carried out before the bud break phase; one plant will need about 15 liters of water. The second watering, subject to moderate rains in the region, is needed closer to the beginning of June.

Among the variety of various table grape varieties, this particular species deserves special attention. Kesha is characterized by high sugar content of berries, productivity and resistance to characteristic diseases. Our article will tell you more about planting and growing Kesha grapes.

Description and characteristics of the Kesha grape variety

Kesha was developed by selecting two varieties: “Vostorg” and “Froumoasa Albe”. Its taste qualities are considered one of the best, as are its fruiting indicators. In general, Kesha has a number of advantages over the “parent” varieties, as evidenced by the characteristics and positive reviews from breeders.

Grapes Kesha

Main characteristics of the variety:

  1. Refers to early and mid-ripening species, ripening period is 122 – 130 days.
  2. Characterized by strong shoots and the possibility of self-pollination.
  3. Large berries reach an average value of 10 – 12 grams.
  4. The clusters are conical or cylindrical-conical, moderately dense.
  5. Sugar content of berries is 19 – 24%, acidity is within 5 – 8 g/l.
  6. Fruitful shoots 65 – 80%.
  7. Frost resistance within -23 degrees (as with).
  8. Resistant to mildew.

Due to the high taste of the fruit, it is most often used fresh. Based on this variety, other types of grapes appeared, for example, Kesha 1 and Kesha 2. They are slightly inferior in taste to the original, but thanks to selective work they are much more resistant to diseases and have a later ripening period. In general, only an expert can notice the difference between species, and this does not affect the basic conditions of cultivation and planting. It is also worth watching to understand about the conditions for keeping the Kodryanka grape variety.

The video shows a description of the grape variety:

How and when to plant

Buying seedlings is a responsible matter, because the chances of successfully settling down in a new place depend on it. Be sure to inspect the roots for damage. All shoots should have a uniform color and show greenish flesh when cut. After purchase, it is not advisable to store the seedling for a long time without moisture.

It is usually recommended to soak the roots in a solution of growth stimulants, and plant them no later than a day later. It is also better to transport the seedling with sufficient moisture in the roots to prevent drying out.

How to plant a seedling:

  • Best time . By autumn, shoots will already appear on the seedling, and next year the first berries will appear.
  • It is advisable to choose the most illuminated place for planting, protected from drafts and not swampy.
  • The soil should warm up well, but planting should be done before the leaves begin to appear on the sprout.
  • Plantings are located at a distance of at least 1.5 - 2 meters, because the bush grows quite well.
  • To form a bush, it is necessary to provide stable supports; the type and shape depend on the individual characteristics of your site.
  • Kesha is picky about the composition of the soil, therefore, it is necessary to feed poor soils, or better yet, prepare the place in the fall. To do this, apply mineral and organic fertilizers and dig the soil well. Next year the place for the vineyard is ready.
  • The recesses should be spacious enough; before planting, the rhizomes must be straightened and carefully placed in the hole.
  • The aerial part of the shoot is cut off at the height of two to three buds.
  • After planting, the seedling is well watered and, if necessary, protection from night frosts is used.

It will also be useful to learn about how grapes are grown in the Urals in a greenhouse:

It will also be useful to know what types exist, what they look like and what they are called.

How to grow

This variety does not require special conditions for maintenance. It has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below, but usually Kesha is characterized by unpretentiousness and takes root well after planting in a new place. In the first year after planting, you don’t have to plan any special events; care comes down to watering, pruning and shaping the bush, loosening the soil and weeding out.

In the future, it is necessary to organize the following conditions:

  1. Trim side shoots to create a compact bush.
  2. Water thoroughly before flowering and in dry weather.
  3. Spray with special fumicides twice a season.
  4. In the spring it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  5. Use nitrogen fertilizers in minimal quantities to prevent an excess of green mass.
  6. On one shoot, cut off the extra ovaries, leaving the strongest one.
  7. In the fall, be sure to carry out an audit, cutting off excess shoots. This will help to overwinter well and form a strong bush next year.
  8. The remaining branches are twisted and bent to the ground, providing reliable shelter on top.
  9. Preventive treatment against pests is carried out as necessary with appropriate preparations.

But how the Vostorg grapes are grown, and how they need to be planted in the soil in order to achieve maximum effect and a good harvest, you should go to

Video on how to grow grapes:

Despite the declared frost resistance, Kesha needs winter shelter. Ice that forms during an unsuccessful winter is very dangerous for shoots and rhizomes.

What year does it begin to bear fruit?

If planting was carried out in the spring, the one-year-old seedling will form a fairly decent “stock” of shoots by autumn. Before wintering, they need to be shortened, and in the spring the plant will continue to grow. If everything is done correctly, the bush does not lack moisture and nutrients, fruiting may be possible in the second year after planting. It is recommended to trim off excess clusters, leaving no more than one on each branch. If the crown is elongated in size, the tip is pinched to ensure full ripening of the remaining berries. You can learn more about Arcadia grapes, see photos, and cultivation features by going to

An excess of nitrogen fertilizing will lead to the rapid formation of green mass, to the detriment of yield. In addition, such growth rates reduce the chances of a successful wintering of the plant, which negatively affects the overall health of the bush. This is why an excess of minerals (especially nitrogen) is just as harmful to grapes as a deficiency.

Kesha grapes are a worthy high-yielding variety. Its breeding is not particularly difficult, but has its own nuances. If proper care is provided, the seedling can bear fruit as early as next year. The main points of planting and further care of this variety are discussed in the information in our article.

By clicking on, you can find out more about the existing reviews of the Laura grape variety.

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