Do-it-yourself toilet repair: a complete guide. DIY toilet repair: what to do if the toilet is leaking? How to fix a toilet leak with your own hands

When the toilet tank is constantly leaking, you are guaranteed to experience nervous irritation:

  • at night you will hear water flowing;
  • when leaving home, worry whether the apartment and the neighbors below will flood;
  • the appearance of rust in the toilet;
  • condensation on the pipes, then mold in the toilet;
  • the counter readings increase.

To avoid such troubles, initially entrust the installation and connections of plumbing to specialists. Eliminate all subsequent breakdowns by studying the causes of the problem in advance.

A leaking tank is one of the most common toilet breakdowns.

What is the reason?

Like any problem, fixing a leaking toilet starts with identifying the source of the problem.

Reasons for a leaking toilet:

  • if the plumbing is new and recently installed, the reasons lie in improper installation and connection; the mechanism for filling the tank with water and draining it is not installed correctly;
  • if your toilet is at least six months old, the cause of the tank leak may be poor-quality materials or fittings;
  • obvious mechanical problems of the toilet arise after three years of operation: polymer materials become brittle and can break due to a sharp change in pressure in the pipes.

If you want to fix the leak yourself, you can determine the true problem by disassembling the tank and inspecting it for damage, cracks, and checking the water shut-off valve. In this case, you have two options:

  1. Shut off the water supply and watch for water leaks. If the water does not flow, and it remains in the drain tank itself, then the cause of the breakdown lies in an incorrectly adjusted or clogged system for automatically supplying water to the tank (we call it a float).
  2. If water flows until the drain tank is completely empty, the cause of the breakdown lies in the drain valve. It can easily become clogged and simply break.

In the first case, the “float” broke; it is enough to just adjust the water pressure that passes through the fill valve, and complete disassembly of the drain tank is not necessary.

If you find that the cause of the water leak is the drain valve, you will have to disassemble the tank. But before that, it’s better to flush the water several times while simultaneously pressing the drain button with a little force.

Most often, small but hard salt deposits are the cause of jamming of the mechanism. By doing this forced flushing of the tank, you may be able to get rid of the debris.

Problem options

As sad as it sounds, the drain tank can leak in different ways. Therefore, before disassembling the mechanism, you need to determine exactly how the water flows.

Water can leak from the tank for various reasons.

Failure of the cistern in several variations:

  • water flows out through the overflow;
  • water begins to flow before reaching the overflow;
  • leaks between the toilet bowl and the cistern;
  • flows simultaneously with the drain.

Of course, the plumber’s phone number is always at hand, but such problems are quite easy to fix on your own, just by studying the mechanism.


The essence of the problem: the tank overflows with water, and it simply comes out through the overflow.

Why does the tank overflow with water?

  • the gasket in the valve was deformed: over time, the rubber part lost its elasticity and stopped tightly closing the water;
  • the gasket is not pressed tightly enough: the element itself is not broken, it is just weakly pressed against the hole of the drain valve;
  • the pin that holds the float lever located in the valve body is rusted or lost;
  • the float lever has moved;
  • the valve could simply crack if it is plastic; If the device is made of brass, a similar reason is impossible.

The most common problem is a misaligned lever. To correct this situation, it is enough to return the lever to its place: it should lie horizontally, lower than the pipe inlet.

Eliminating continuous leakage through an overflow:

  1. Remove the top cover of the cistern.
  2. Raise the float one centimeter: if the leak has stopped and you didn’t need much effort to do it, your search is over.
  3. Turn the float lever a little so that it closes the water earlier.
  4. If water continues to flow when you raise the float, you most likely need to pay attention to the valve. The design of the valve itself has a pin that secures the lever; make sure that it is intact and intact.
  5. A damaged pin can be replaced with a piece of copper wire.
  6. Also, there should be no holes in the place where the stud is attached. If it does exist, you will have to buy a new valve. Be sure to bring a sample of the old mechanism with you.
  7. If water constantly flows despite the gasket being tightly pressed to the valve hole, the problem can only be solved by purchasing a new device.

We looked at the example of a classic toilet, but if you have a modern device, look for the origins of the problems and their solutions by studying your toilet model individually.

If the plumbing is new, the cause of leaks may be improper installation.

Water begins to flow before reaching the overflow

The essence of the problem: water constantly flows, regardless of whether the overflow level has been reached or not.

The cause of the leak may be in the bolt that holds the toilet and the shelf together; it is either rusted (if it is steel) or cracked (if it is plastic).

Solution to the problem:

  1. Make sure the water only flows up to the overflow level.
  2. Turn off the water and flush the tank.
  3. Dismantle the flexible line coming from the tank.
  4. Remove the bolts that secure the shelf to the toilet. Inspect the fittings: if they are in good condition, it is enough to replace just a couple of bolts, or buy a new set of fittings.
  5. Rusty bolts need to be cut off with a hacksaw.
  6. Remove the shelf from the cuff, drain the remaining water and place the mechanism on a flat surface.
  7. Reassemble the tank with new bolts, preferably brass. Repeat all steps in reverse order.
  8. Experts recommend replacing the rubber gaskets in any case.

If necessary, tighten the cuff with an aluminum tie or copper wire.

Leak between toilet bowl and cistern

Option No. 1: the problem can be solved easily: just tighten or simply correct the part.

Causes of the problem: a faulty cuff is most often the cause of water leakage.

Regardless of what material the cuff is made of, there are clamps for both plastic and metal. Tighten the cuff with clamps carefully, not too tight, but not too loose.

If the cuff device is corrugated, then it can simply move. In this case, simply return the part to its place and secure it.

Option No. 2: replacing rubber gaskets, tightening bolts and nuts.

Causes of the problem: too weak fixation of the shelf to the tank.

Just tighten the fastenings. Metal bolts rust and become deformed over time, but this does not happen to brass bolts.

If tightening the bolts and nuts does not help, check the rubber gaskets. They need to either be completely replaced or repaired (dry, apply sealant, dry and reinstall with bolts).

Option No. 3: replacing the drain tank.

Cause of the problem: Water leaking between the tank and the shelf may be a sign that the shelf is completely broken.

This kind of problem is very serious. It is better for you to consult a specialist, because a breakdown often requires a complete replacement of the toilet bowl or even the flush tank.

Plumbing products should be regularly inspected for cracks, including the cuff and pipes.

Toilet design for a better understanding of the problem

Leaking at the same time as draining

The essence of the problem: every time you press the drain, water begins to leak from under the tank.

Option #1:

  1. Check the serviceability of the drain mechanism inside the tank. Take the valve with your hand and press it lightly. If the leak has stopped, it means that the reason was hidden in the loose fit of the valve in the center of the tank.
  2. In this case, you just need to replace the gasket in the valve.

But this reason is far from the only one.

Option #2:

  1. The next reason for the tank leaking may be a displaced drain button.
  2. If the height adjuster has moved and the valve is higher than the drain hole, then a gap will form between the drain and the shut-off valve.
  3. You just need to return the water height regulator to its original position.

The breakdown is quite simple and not at all costly.

Option #3:

  1. A loose nut on the outside may result in water leakage.
  2. You need to carefully and carefully tighten the nut and also check all the fasteners that secure the flush cistern to the toilet.

Minor damage can be repaired and sealed, but major damage must be completely replaced.

When the toilet starts leaking, there is no reason to feel joy: the noise causes irritation; the counter rolls up large numbers that will have to be paid; traces of rust appear on the toilet itself; Condensation appears on pipes and walls, which in the near future threatens to turn into corrosion, mold and rot. And in order to avoid negative consequences both for your nerves and home, and for your wallet, you should begin to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Fortunately, most cases where there is a leak from the cistern into the toilet are easily corrected, and you can deal with them on your own. You can see a simple solution to the problem of leakage from the tank into the toilet, cheap and cheerful in the video (in its own way it shows ingenuity in correcting problems):

Why does water flow from the tank into the toilet?

It cannot be said that there is only one reason for the leak and that this is the solution to the leak problem. The possible cause may be specific to each specific design. But nevertheless, the “classical” design has become widespread in our country, and consideration of leakage problems, as well as their elimination, will be considered on it. I also suggest watching an informational video that will allow you to understand the design feature of the functioning of the toilet cistern in order to better understand the nature of the leak:

Why does the tank leak #1?

The most popular reason is very obvious - the toilet tank simply overflows, and all excess water leaves through the overflow. And this reason has several reasons that lead to it:

  1. Deformation of the rubber gasket during operation, when the rubber loses its elasticity and, due to loose shutoff, begins to let water through.
  2. Insufficient pressure level of the gasket to the outlet of the drain valve. It was not deformed and did not lose its elasticity - the gasket is simply weakly pressed against the toilet part and because of this, water flows.
  3. The pin holding the float in the valve body has become rusty or worn out during operation.
  4. There is a crack in the body of the flush valve inside the toilet tank, through which there is a leak.

​Attention! If a brass valve is used in the tank, then point No. 4 should not be taken into account, since cracks are the province of plastic parts, brass ones are too reliable.

Brass valves look like in the photo:

Why does the tank leak No. 2

If the tank does not overflow, but there is a leak, then what is the reason for the toilet tank leaking? The second popular cause of leakage is a problem with the bolt connecting the tank and the toilet itself. Steel bolts rust and leak, plastic bolts burst and water begins to leak.

Why does the tank leak No. 3

Another popular cause of leakage is a problem with a rubber bulb. The fact is that the pear, like any rubber part of the toilet bowl, loses its elasticity over time, becomes stiffer and no longer takes the required shape, as a result of which water begins to leak. You can recognize it by looking at this photo:

Why does the tank leak No. 4

It may also be that the drain tank is malfunctioning due to skew or displacement of the float lever. There are quite a few reasons for misalignment: there may be a hole in it, due to which water flows into the float, or it may simply have shifted during active use. Or the purchase of plumbing parts, the quality and service life of which, as well as the possibility of leakage from the tank, cannot be discussed.

Ways to eliminate a leak from a toilet tank

But if there are reasons why water flows from the tank into the toilet, then there must be ways to prevent this unpleasant and unprofitable action for the wallet. Now you can get acquainted with the best ways to overcome the problem when water flows from the tank into the toilet.

Solving the Problem Caused by Cause #1

You can solve the problem when water leaks quite easily, if you only know what the root cause is to blame for the flow of water from the tank into the toilet. You need to do a little experiment:

  1. Remove the toilet lid;
  2. Raise the float one centimeter. If the water stops flowing, the goal has been achieved. The problem is that the float arm is slightly bent and is now not shutting off the water and it continues to flow. To fix a leak, it is enough to bend it a little so that the lever shuts off the water more accurately when approaching the filling edge.
  3. If the flow from the tank into the toilet has not stopped, then the valve itself should be inspected. Make sure that the retaining pin is in place, it is intact and, when used, secures the float lever in the valve. You should also check the hole on which the pin is held: is everything normal and as it should be?
  4. If the pin does break, it can be replaced with a piece of thick copper wire. If the hole for it is deformed, then you should go to the store for a new valve.
  5. Are you reading this paragraph because others didn’t work? Okay, you need to press the gasket into the valve hole. If, when pressed, the water stops flowing, it means that the gasket is not being pressed well and needs to be adjusted. If your toilet continues to leak, you will need a new seal.

When examining the cause and ways to solve the problem, it was believed that the toilet cistern has a classic design that has been in use for 30-40 years. But given the continuous emergence of new designs of toilets and their cisterns, we can recommend familiarizing yourself with the principle of their functioning.

Eliminating cause No. 2

First, carefully inspect the fittings. Just a few bolts may need to be replaced. But just in case, it would be better to purchase a new toilet kit, since it is quite cheap. In any case, you should completely disassemble the toilet tank to understand why it is leaking and why it is leaking. So, if you discover problems that go unnoticed by the naked eye, you will be glad that you bought a full set of bolts. Replacement process:

  1. Turn off the water supply to the toilet tank;
  2. Empty the tank;
  3. Disconnect the flexible line from the toilet tank;
  4. Unscrew the bolts. If they are covered with rust, it is better to cut them down with a hacksaw. Purchasing bolts is always cheaper than purchasing a broken toilet due to the amount of effort required;
  5. After moving the toilet tank back, you must remove the shelf from the cuff that connects it to the toilet;
  6. Drain the remaining water and remove rust from all places where you find it;
  7. Repeat all the steps in reverse order, only with new bolts and it is advisable to replace them with new rubber gaskets, even if they are not yet deformed enough to allow water to pass through.

Warning ! When tightening the bolts, try to avoid even the slightest distortion, and also avoid applying significant force. It is very easy to crush the earthenware from which the toilet is made, or leave a crack in it.

Work and elimination reason No. 3

Since the pear has already lost its shape, repairing it does not make sense to eliminate the problem, from an economic point of view. The solution is to buy a new pear. In the store, you should ask for several pears at once, and choose the softest one, because over time they become harder and harder (you can see this from your own pear). The bulb is attached using a thread, and if you look at it from above, to unscrew it you need to turn it clockwise to remove it, and counterclockwise to screw in a new one. A temporary solution to the problem with the pear can be a weight suspended on the rod, which will press the pear to the saddle. The function of such a load can be performed by any weighty nut. I suggest looking at the photo where such a solution is played out.

Leaking water from the tank into the toilet can become a big problem because the flow of cold water increases greatly. This also leads to the appearance of limescale in the drain bowl. The drain tank has a simple design and repairing it will not be difficult, even for inexperienced users. Most of the materials installed inside are made of plastic, which greatly reduces their service life and leads to constant breakdowns. But how to fix a toilet in a short time if water is leaking?

Frequent problems due to which water constantly leaks from the drain tank

Faults that cause water to leak:

  1. Water flows non-stop from the water supply pipe.
  2. Water flows in a small stream into the drain bowl.
  3. Draining from the tank occurs only after much torment with a lever or button.
  4. The lever or button does not respond at all.
  5. Leaks and puddles form near the toilet.
  6. The tank is filling with an unusual loud noise.

Causes of water leakage in a small stream

Tank is faulty:

  1. Overflow. The water supply should stop at a certain time (when the float is raised 2.5 cm below the pipe), but there are a number of reasons why this does not happen: the gasket in the tap is deformed; the gasket is not pressed well; the pin is rusted or deteriorated; The valve inside the tank is cracked.
  2. The lever moved out of place and the toilet began to leak.
  3. A rusty steel bolt or a cracked plastic bolt.
  4. Hardening of the rubber of the pear (when the rod is raised, the pear also rises; if the rubber hardens, the pear does not take the desired shape and does not sit correctly in place).
  5. If the plumbing is new, then a leak is possible due to improper assembly.
  6. Malfunction in the cuff (water flows between the tank and the bowl).
  7. Weak fastening of bolts and nuts (connection of the tank to the toilet shelf).

Also read our article, which will tell you in detail.
Drain bowl malfunction a rare occurrence, the main reason for this can be attributed to improper fastening of the toilet to the floor or wall.

Read also the material that will tell you what to do if.

If all the fastenings were made correctly, all the bolts are straight and well tightened, there are no cracks or backlashes, then most likely the problem lies in the tank.

Repairing and stopping leaks - how to fix and eliminate if water runs in the toilet

What to do if a malfunction is detected? First you need to inspect the float for any malfunctions. If the float lever is skewed, water will not linger in the tank (it will accumulate, overflow and immediately flow out). If distortions and leaks are detected, you should open the lid and simply adjust the lever: install it horizontally, 2.5 cm lower from the entrance of the pipe to the tank.

The float itself should be level and empty. There shouldn't be any water inside. If water is detected inside the float:

  1. Take it out and drain the water.
  2. Remove the hole through which water enters (heat the plastic or wrap the float in a plastic bag).
  3. Attach the float back and watch it (if water gets inside).

Such measures are temporary. At the first opportunity, you should buy and install a new float.

Draining water after repeated actions with a lever or button indicates a malfunction of the siphon membrane. The following steps will help fix this:

  1. We install the crossbar in place of the cover.
  2. The float lever must be secured to the crossbar.
  3. Completely empty the tank.
  4. A nut connects the tank to the flush tube; it needs to be unscrewed.
  5. Carefully loosen the siphon nut and remove it.
  6. The faulty membrane should be removed and a new one installed in its place (remember that they differ in diameter and size!)
  7. Reassemble all parts of the tank in reverse order.

A non-responsive flush button indicates damage to the draft. To repair, it is necessary to remove the faulty rod and replace it with a new one (in extreme cases, replacement with a piece of thick wire is possible).

To prevent the noisy intake of water from disturbing you, you can make a special muffler:

  1. Prepare a flexible or plastic tube.
  2. It should be installed in the tank in a vertical position, relative to the level. It should be located near the entrance to the float valve.
  3. Make sure that the lower end of the tube is covered with water.

If even the installed muffler does not save you from noise, this indicates the need to install a stabilizing float valve. Such a valve will regulate the level of water flow.

Valve installation mechanism to fix leakage

  1. Empty the tank.
  2. Disconnect the float valve from the pipe.
  3. Release the float valve.
  4. Unscrew the nuts that secure the lever and remove the valve.
  5. Install and secure the new valve with fixing nuts.
  6. Reattach the float lever.
  7. Fill the tank with water and install the lever at a distance of 2.5 cm from the water pipe.

In other cases, the entire water drainage mechanism should be replaced.

Water leaking at the bottom (where it connects to the toilet) indicates damage to the gasket. This seal is located where the tank is attached to the toilet bowl. Replacing the gasket requires completely removing the tank:

  1. Turn off the cold water tap and drain all the water from the tank.
  2. Remove the top cover and locate the two bolts at the bottom of the tank (the nuts are on the opposite side). Unscrew the bolts and pull them out.
  3. Remove the tank and remove the damaged gasket, replace it with a new one.
  4. Reassemble the tank in reverse order.

If, after removing the tank, it turns out that the gasket is not damaged (and not pressed through), this may indicate that the tank is poorly attached to the toilet. After assembly, it is necessary to tighten the nuts on the bolts(on the back of the tank). If the problem persists, you may need to use a special clamp to fix it. When tightening bolts, you must avoid severe distortions and the application of great force.

When carrying out any repairs to the drain tank, it is necessary to clean the rust and remove dirt and dust from the places where the bolts and gaskets are attached. How to repair the tank is shown in the video:

What to do to prevent the tank from overfilling and stop leaking

What to do if you want to prevent the problem from occurring? The following factors need to be kept in mind:

  1. Installation of the device is best left to professionals. They will install the toilet correctly and secure all the bolts straight, without bevels or stripping the threads.
  2. Do not apply strong pressure, displace or loosen it.
  3. Handle the lever and drain button carefully: do not pull, bend, or hit (this can lead to internal damage).
  4. Resolve minor problems that arise in a timely manner.
  5. Replace consumables (bolts and nuts, gaskets, float, bulb and other mechanisms) in a timely manner.
  6. Adjust the water supply to the tank (so that it is not excessive).
  7. Monitor changes in the tank and under the toilet lid (water deposits; increased cold water bills; the appearance of drops or condensation on the tank and near the toilet; other similar problems).

Repairing a leak in the cistern is quite doable. Most breakdowns occur with the internal mechanism of the tank.

The diagram shows the internal mechanism of the tank

Replacing any part occurs intuitively, because all components are visible and can be easily unscrewed and removed.

During repairs, it is necessary to shut off the water supply! If the essence of the problem is not clear or fixing it is impossible for you, you should immediately call a plumber. He will quickly identify the breakdown and fix it.

In one day, up to 40 liters of water escapes into the World Ocean if there is a leak from the toilet tank in your apartment. This number adds up to exorbitant utility bills per month. It is clear that any owner is interested in fixing problems with the toilet as quickly as possible. This is not always as difficult as it seems, but the failure of the fittings can confuse many.

Toilet flush mechanism: how it works

For many years, the standard set of filling kits remains the same, because the mechanism itself has not undergone revolutionary changes. In a professional environment, the operation of the cistern is based on the principle of a water seal:

Attention! Be extremely careful when handling the ceramic lid. It is not sold separately, but it may crack or break if it falls on the floor.

Why is it leaking from the tank? Troubleshooting

Possible reasons for water leaking from the tank may be:

  • depressurization of the toilet float;
  • breakdown or incorrect operation of the shut-off valve;
  • failure of the rubber gasket and loss of tightness at the point of water release.

In the first two cases, water will continuously flow into the tank and pour out through the safety overflow hole in the upper part of the drain mechanism. In the third, it leaks into a dented or crumpled area of ​​the gasket and leaks from the tank into the bowl. The methods for solving these problems are different, so it is important to correctly diagnose the breakdown. To do this, do a simple experiment:

Attention! Modern toilets are most often equipped with plastic fittings, which are not durable. The service life of the tank filling is also affected by the quality of the water. If it is low and the liquid is not filtered when entering the home water supply, then the plastic components will be eaten away by an aggressive mixture of substances.

How to fix a toilet if it is leaking water through the overflow

You can most often fix typical problems with the float and shut-off valves yourself, without purchasing additional materials. For any repair, you must first turn off the water supply to the toilet.

  1. The float is skewed. This mechanism is constantly in motion, so after several years of service its connections become loose and backlashes appear. The system needs to be rebalanced: return the float to its normal position and tighten the loose elements.
  2. The float has become depressurized. If water penetrates into the hollow glass of the float, wrapping it in a regular plastic bag will help in the first case. You can also seal the unnecessary hole with plastic. But such repairs are short-lived. Get ready to purchase a new valve mechanism.
  3. The shut-off valve does not close due to a loose float pin. Re-insert it into the grooves. If it breaks completely, attach the float with a copper wire bracket. This won't help for long, but it will last for a while.

Advice. It is better not to use steel products inside the toilet cistern. They will be eaten by rust.

How to fix a tank drain

Eliminating this cause of leakage from the tank is more difficult. Most likely, you will have to go to a specialized store. Malfunctions and how to fix them:

  1. The siphon membrane is damaged. This device is found in older toilet models. The siphon can only be replaced. Remove the cover, disconnect the fittings, unscrew the nuts and replace.
  2. The rubber bulb gasket has lost its elasticity. Usually it bends under constant water pressure and loses full sealed contact with the saddle. Sometimes making the device heavier helps - a couple of stainless steel nuts are placed on the vertical overflow tube. But this is a temporary measure. It is better to replace the gasket with a new one. Although even here a catch may await you with the selection of a similar part - it simply may not be on sale, and the entire drain mechanism will have to be changed.
  3. The surface of the seat is covered with rust or lime deposits. This also leads to leakage. Clean the surface thoroughly. For hard water, it is recommended to do this once every few months for prevention.

When going to the store, don't forget the old part. So the consultant will help you choose a similar one. To repair a toilet, no special equipment or tools are needed. The main thing is to correctly identify the malfunction. Even a person who has no experience working with plumbing can eliminate leaks from the toilet cistern.

What to do if the tank is leaking: video

The main elements of the toilet are a seat with a lid, a bowl and a cistern. It is the flush cistern that, when filled with a sufficient amount of water, cleans the toilet bowl. Therefore, when malfunctions occur in the mechanism of its action and any malfunctions appear, this causes significant inconvenience.

  • Water fills the toilet tank, entering it through a pipe.
  • As a result, the float rises.
  • A float, a lever and a seal take part in the drain. When a sufficient amount of water is collected in the cistern, the shut-off valve closes. After this, the water tends to the bottom and the water drains.

An interesting fact is that the very mechanism of the toilet and flush cistern was invented quite a long time ago, and since then it has only been improved, but has not undergone significant changes.

If suddenly there are malfunctions in the operation of the tank, for example, water flows from the tank into the toilet, then this always causes inconvenience and requires finding out the cause of the damage. Most often, if water leaks, the factors that contributed to the leak are not critical; they can always be eliminated and a faulty drain tank can be quickly repaired.

The tank is cracked

In this case, the problem is obvious and, to eliminate it, it is necessary to repair the toilet cistern by sealing the crack using special means. Choose any good sealant and get to work. Sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of high-quality glue, which will firmly seal the edges of the crack, the cistern will again hold water in the cistern itself.

The flush button height adjuster has shifted

It happens that the problem is related to button flushing Then the location of the drain hole becomes lower than the valve, which causes a gap (gap) to appear between them. As a result of this displacement, water flows into the toilet. After you have discovered this problem, simply adjust the height and then you can safely use the button.

Loss of elasticity of the rubber bulb

The service life of such a pear is not too long and, over time, it loses its elasticity and becomes rigid and not at all elastic. As a result, it is no longer in close contact with the seat, resulting in water flowing. In this case, you don’t need to do anything complicated, just replace the old bulb with a new one. The new bulb always floats perfectly and does not cause problems when flushing begins.

Rubber bulb not positioned correctly on exhaust valve seat

Normally, the pear should be on the saddle, but during service, it may begin to become covered with rust, after which shrinkage occurs and constantly water flows. To eliminate the malfunction, you should clean the rubber bulb by first disconnecting it. After the cleaning procedure, the problem will be resolved.

Broken shut-off valve

If, after pressing the valve, water continues to flow, it means that it is broken. Indeed, in normal operation, when you press it, the water stops flowing. After you change the valve gasket, everything will fall into place, and you can continue to safely use the drain button.

Float misalignment

It should be in a horizontal position, adjust it making sure it holds the correct position.

Damage to the siphon membrane

If the membrane is broken, then in this case constantly The toilet tank is leaking. In such a situation, you can only replace this membrane; there is no way to repair this part if it breaks. Select a new membrane that is suitable in size and place it in the siphon.

The nut is loose

It happens that the nut fastening becomes loose and then the toilet leaks. After Once you remove all the parts that prevent access to it, you can tighten it tighter.

Wear of rubber gaskets

Since during their long service life they are constantly exposed to friction, a problem arises when the toilet leaks. If you have just started using the toilet and have already discovered this problem, it often happens that they were initially installed incorrectly and then you should remove them and reinstall them. This procedure is not difficult to do yourself; keep a supply of new rubber gaskets in the house.

Cuff malfunction

If the cuff has come off, put it back in place or tighten it with a clamp. If you have already made several attempts, but the old cuff does not fit into place, then you should buy a new one and put it in place of the old one.

The reinforcement fastening is broken

If the fastening does not hold the reinforcement, then in this situation it will be necessary to completely replace the broken reinforcement with a new one.

As can be seen from the above, by correctly identifying the cause of a constant water leak, you can independently eliminate the problem in almost every case. This will require a standard set of tools and a certain skill. By following these recommendations, you can quickly correct the leak that has arisen. However, if you doubt your abilities as a craftsman, then it is better to immediately contact a competent plumber; he will know exactly what needs to be done in each specific situation.

When choosing, give preference to good quality plumbing fixtures that will serve you for a long time. Before purchasing, research information on the Internet, read reviews and recommendations for purchase. Try to handle existing plumbing fixtures with care. When connecting, check the serviceability of all elements. In the future, carefully use the button, make sure the flush tank is working properly, and listen to the sound of flushing. If something in the plumbing starts to alarm you or the toilet is already leaking, you should immediately check the serviceability of all elements to avoid further problems.

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