Building personal strength. Why do we lose vitality and how to accumulate energy. The power that feeds us

We live in a world of power and the limitations of power. Both are very necessary things, but only if they are applied in moderation. Society teaches us limitations, and they are needed. Since if everyone could calmly use their power, the existence of society would become impossible. Therefore, society introduces various constraints on the use of force. Without these limitations of strength, a weak person (child) could not survive in society, since everyone is born small and weak. And from the standpoint of society, this is justified. But the fact that society takes away personal power remains.

Restrictions are needed for living in society. When you live in the wild, you have nothing to restrain your strength. But man is a social being, outside of society, very, very few can survive alone ("A lone wolf, that's cool! But it's so hard, sonny .." A. Rosenbaum).

It is easier to survive in society, even weak people manage to survive in society. And society, as we have already said, requires restrictions. Therefore, people quite often face a choice - personal strength or society. And most give up their personal power forever. From the point of view of our esoteric club, personal power is the level of the manipura chakra (Lower Dantian manipura is a course for the development of personal power, interaction in society), but now we are talking about personal power in its general understanding.

The accumulation of personal power is impossible as long as it is constantly taken away from you. The egregor of any country (society) constantly accumulates strength, its strength is not only the personnel of the armed forces, it is your strength as well. And in order to take away the power from you, he limits. These social. limitations are what we constantly bump into at the level of consciousness. These are the limits that we cannot go beyond. These concepts go far beyond the understanding of the laws of the existence of society. You can follow these laws, and be a limited slave (law-abiding citizen), you can violate them, but be even more dependent (underworld). And you can follow all these rules and be free. Some successful people in society, intuitively, understood this (developments of the past). Gaining strength can be learned again ... Very often, it is the acquisition of strength and power for many people that is the basic motivation for entering various and esoteric clubs. From our point of view, there is nothing bad about it, and there is nothing good about it either. It is a natural need for all people to be strong. Every child dreams of becoming big and strong in order to receive all the benefits of an adult.

Personal strength is what allows you to move towards your goal and arrange your personal life. This power is controlled by a person, but only from a certain level of perception. This is just the look of a person limited by his personal perception. In fact, this is the position of people who believe that there is nothing else behind the personality. And because such people are in the majority, the term “personal power” was born (Castaneda was one of the first to speak about it). But the very concept of personal power goes far beyond the personality. From our point of view, this is the power possessed by the original Spirit, which manifests itself through each person. It can be said that the Spirit is the source of personal strength. And the restoration of personal strength (the development of personal strength) is a serious step towards the Spirit. Society restricting you at the level of the manipura chakra, in fact, limits you at the level of the Spirit.

Therefore, we begin teaching magic with the basic course of the Lower Dan Tian (link below, left menu). It consists of practical exercises in which you will be given certain exercises, with the implementation of which the development of personal strength begins. In addition to exercises, lectures are held in the form of conversations, and through this communication your worldview changes, which, in turn, allows you to return your personal strength from society, which actively absorbs it. And only after you regain some of your strength, you can move on and take part in other projects. The personal power of the magician is something without which the magician cannot exist in principle! A psychic - yes, he may be, but a magician - never.

"We can also talk about the chemical death of a person when the supply of psychic energy is depleted.

We can talk about resurrection when psychic energy begins to replenish".

What is Psychic Energy?- This is the life-giving energy on which the existence of a person depends. There is no Psychic Energy (hereinafter PE) - there is no life, physical decomposition, illness and death occur. There is PE - there is a life full of creativity, health and happiness.

Synonyms for PE: grace, prana, Chinese energy Qi, fire of Hermes, Kundalini, fire tongues of the day of the Holy Trinity, Vril Bulwer-Lytton, free energy of Killy, fluid Mesmer, Od Reichenbach, living fire of Zoroaster, Sophia of the Hellenes, Saraswati of the Hindus and many, many others.

Signs of decline in PE: mental and physical fatigue, drowsiness, amorphous consciousness, and in severe cases - nausea.

Signs of a PE flush: joy and optimism, creative activity, desire for achievement and fruitful activity.

Seven Ways to Conserve PE

1. AURA. Leaving the house in the morning, mentally outline an energy shell in the form of chicken eggs so that your body is at the center of this auric egg. Thus, you will strengthen the protective network of your aura, which protects your PE from unwanted intrusions.

2. VAMPIRES. Try to avoid communicating with people with a dull and dim, shifting gaze - these are energy vampires, after communicating with whom severe fatigue sets in. A person's gaze cannot be faked. The eyes are the most reliable indicator of the presence of PE in a person. Those who do not have their own PE often become an energy vampire and try (often unconsciously) to steal it by simply approaching the donor's aura.

3. CROWD. V public transport, or a similar place of gathering of people, discreetly make a blitz-assessment of the people standing next to you. If one of them caused you a slight rejection, then move away from him to another place. When human auras touch, your PE flows according to the magnetic principle into another aura, and the PE of another aura flows into yours, and there is no way to hinder this energy exchange - this is a firm law.

4. HANDS. In public places, try to avoid direct bare hand contact with common objects and things, such as door handles, handrails, shopping cart handles, etc. If possible, then in the winter season, do not take off your gloves or buy thin ones, for example, kid gloves. If it is not possible to avoid direct contact with bare hands, then find the place that is least used. Human hands emit strong streams of PE. With each touch, a person saturates with his PE those objects that the hand touched. Be mindful of old, unfamiliar things. They can carry a charge of negative PE, from contact with which you will spend a lot of your PE to neutralize it.

5. IRRITATION. By all means, avoid irritation, which can be especially annoying in public transport, in shops, during heavy traffic on the road, driving a car, at home, etc. Mental irritation creates a negative PE, which destroys your positive PE.

6. INTIM. Lead a moderate intimate life, because the reproduction of seminal fluid requires a large consumption of PE.

7. ANIMALS. Do not keep animals at home so that your PE does not leak to them. Animals, like all living things, have their own aura with their own PE, which is much lower in quality than human PE. When the auras of a person and an animal come into contact, the same exchange of PE occurs as between people. Don't saturate your aura with a lower animal PE.

Seven ways to enhance PE

1. AIR. Breathe in natural, clean air more often. Prana - solar PE is dissolved in it. In large cities with a population of over one million, the air is not clean, so try to either go out into nature more often, or even move out of town or in a small town.

2. SPACE. Boundless universal spaces are filled with cosmic life-creating energy, which is akin to human PE. You just need to mentally call, pull her out of there. Look at the starry sky and imagine that this is an ocean of energy, by touching which you can easily enhance your life energy.

3. FRIENDSHIP. Be friendlier to everyone around you. Do not wish harm to anyone, even your enemies. Kindness and a friendly attitude not only generate positive PE radiation in your aura, but also evoke in people the same reciprocal vibrations of their auras. Friendly people exchange positive PE with other people simply because they induce the same positive PE in other people.

4. HEART. The main ruler of a person's PE is his heart. Listen to your heart, not your brain. The rational brain is often deceived in the correct assessment of the life situation and sometimes leads to a dead end. The heart is never deceived and knows much more than the mind can imagine. Hear the voice of your heart in silence and silence. It will tell you how to follow the path of life so that at the end you can say that you have lived a happy life.

6. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Eat raw vegetables and fruits - they are full of solar PE deposits. Try not to eat fried foods, as overcooked butter releases poisons that kill your PE. Do not eat meat, it is full of invisible energy of disease-causing fluids of decomposition, which begins immediately after the death of the animal. Even the freshest meat is full of not only low animal PE, but also energetic microbes, when eaten, your body will spend a lot of PE to neutralize them. Legumes can easily replace meat products.

7. DREAM. Before going to bed, do not worry, and even more so do not quarrel with your family. Try not to watch negative and criminal TV programs that cause bad emotions. Better to watch a good movie, or read a good book, or listen to calm music. Before going to bed, take a shower to cleanse not only your body of sweat deposits, but, more importantly, to wash away the energy accumulations of the day lived from the aura. Pure water has the ability to purify PE. Having retired to sleep in a clean body and a calm, serene spirit, your PE will rush into the clean layers of space, where it will receive reinforcement and nourishment. In the morning you will feel vigor and strength to live the coming day with dignity.

On the way to yourself, it is important to familiarize yourself with some concepts, the realization of which explains many things that happen to a person, due to which it becomes clear that everything in the World is natural and fair.

Energy level(life force) is the luminosity of the cocoon, the more energy, the brighter the luminosity. The energy level is responsible for general activity, immunity, desire to act, mood, solving various situations, tasks, etc. The more energy, the more active and positive people are. I must say that most people have an energy level of about 25-30%, it is not surprising that everyone is so tired, angry and gloomy. Many people do not even know what a level of 90-100% is, when the whole world smiles at you, when everything turns out easily and simply, when you become aware of yourself, see the "signs", laugh and shine.
All people have this tendency: when accumulating small amount free energy there is an uncontrollable desire to spend it on alcohol, smoking, sex and other things. At the same time, a person gets pleasure that blocks internal conflicts. After that, the person returns again to his usual state: fatigue, gloom and general dissatisfaction with life.

If you regularly do the practices of accumulating and mixing energy (various saturations, tensegriti (magical passes), woo shu, breathing exercises, recapitulation, stalking, lucid dreaming, stopping the internal dialogue and other practices), while being aware of the movement of energy, one can stably maintain in oneself at the level of 70-90% of the vital force.
It is important to remember the basic pattern in the development of oneself: energy should be invested only in what gives even more energy. Only this approach leads to the accumulation of Personal Power.

Personal strength- this is the ability to control energy and harmony inside the cocoon (Harmony, in turn, is the ratio between one's own energy and someone else's within the energy body). The amount of personal power depends on: the speed of energy recovery, the ability to manage attention, the ability to see energy (other magical abilities), the level of general awareness, the ability to perceive the World and much more. Develops personal strength: stalking (the art of tracking oneself and being aware of oneself), recapitulation, tensegrity, lucid dreaming and other magical practices. Personal strength is associated with the person's general experience from this life and "past lives."

Past lives- other, previous incarnations of the personality. All negative and positive experiences of which are passed on in the current incarnation. The more past lives you had, the more life wisdom a person has. On average, those who are interested in expanding perception had about 30-40 past incarnations. Past incarnations of a man and a woman, as a rule, alternate equally.
The more negative karma there was, the lower the personal strength.

Karma- the sum of causal relationships over the entire life of a person.
Karma can be improved through recapitulation. In addition to negative karma, there is also positive - when the World helps a person in every possible way: with signs, the necessary information or the right people. Positive karma accumulates when you invest energy in your goals.
It is very important to change negative experiences into positive ones, since negative programs will not allow the accumulation of Personal strength.

The power of intention depends on two properties - vitality and personal strength (more on personal). The power of intention is the value with which you can realize the inner in the outer. I thought about a vacation in Turkey, I formulated my intention - bam and Mir responded by offering you a "hot ticket" through other people.

In general, all of the above concepts are closely related to each other, therefore our task on the way to ourselves e, expressed in:
1) Clearing negative karma;
2) Increase in Personal strength and due to this;
3) Realization of your true, global intention, that is, goals in life.

The more people around you know who you are and what to expect from you, the more it limits your freedom.

Man has four enemies: fear, clarity, strength, and old age. Fear, clarity, and strength can be overcome, but old age cannot. This is the most cruel enemy that cannot be defeated, you can only delay your defeat.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. Does this path have a heart? If there is, then this is a good way; if not, then it’s no use. Both paths lead nowhere, but one has a heart and the other does not. One path makes the journey along it joyful: no matter how much you wander, you and your path are inseparable. Another way will make you curse your life. One path gives you strength, the other destroys you.

People are perceiving beings. However, the world they perceive is an illusion - an illusion created by the description they have been indoctrinated with from the moment they were born.

Nothing is given for free in this world, and the acquisition of knowledge is the most difficult of all tasks that a person can face.

The sense of self-importance makes a person hopeless: heavy, awkward and empty.

Too much self-focus creates terrible fatigue. A person in this position is deaf and blind to everything else. This strange fatigue prevents him from seeking and seeing the miracles that were in abundance around him. Therefore, apart from problems, he has nothing left.

To be angry with people means to consider their actions as something important. It is imperative to get rid of this feeling. Human actions cannot be so important as to overshadow the only vital alternative: our constant encounters with infinity.

When you see the energy fields, human beings look like fibers of light, like white spider webs, very thin. They stretch from the head to the navel, and a person is like an egg of flowing fibers; arms and legs are like luminous prominences, escaping in different directions.

Seers see that any person is constantly in contact with the rest of the world. True, this connection is carried out not through the hands, but with the help of a bundle of long fibers emanating from the middle of the abdomen. These fibers are connected with the whole world, thanks to them, he maintains balance, they give him stability.

By the time a person realizes the frightening nature of knowledge, he also realizes that death on this path is a faithful companion, an irreplaceable partner who is always there. Death is the main factor that turns knowledge into energy, into real power. Everything ends with the touch of death, and everything that it touches becomes Power.

Peace is all that is contained here. Life, death, people and everything else that surrounds us. The world is immense and incomprehensible. We can never understand him. We will never solve his secret. Therefore, we must accept him as he is - a wonderful enigma.

People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.

Worry inevitably makes a person available, he involuntarily opens up. Anxiety makes him cling to anything in despair, and when he is hooked, he is already obliged to exhaust either himself or what he is hooked on.

Actions are powerful. Especially when the one who commits them knows that this is his last battle. There is a special all-consuming happiness in action with the full knowledge that this action can be the last battle on earth for you.

The integrity of oneself is a very mysterious matter. We need only a small part of it to complete the most difficult tasks in life. But when we die, we die whole, and if we die with the wholeness of ourselves, then why not live with it?

Personal strength is a feeling. Something like a feeling of good luck or happiness. You can call it a mood. A warrior is a power hunter. It must be hunted and accumulated throughout the life of the struggle.

The main obstacle for a warrior is internal dialogue: this is the key to everything. When the warrior learns to stop him, everything becomes possible. The most incredible projects become doable.

The warrior takes his destiny, whatever it may be, and accepts it in absolute humility. He humbly accepts himself as he is, not as a reason for regret, but as a living challenge.

The weak side of words is that they make us feel aware, but when we turn around to look at the world, they always betray us, and again we look at the world as usual, without any enlightenment. Therefore, the warrior prefers to act rather than speak.

A person, any person, deserves everything that constitutes human destiny - joy, pain, sorrow and struggle. If his spirit is destroyed, he just needs to strengthen it - to cleanse it and make it perfect. Strengthening the spirit is the only thing that is really worth living for.

A person should not have to worry about taking photographs or tapes. All this is overkill quiet life... In everything we do, only one thing is really needed - "spirit." A person should only worry about a spirit that is waning.

Everyone has enough personal power for anything. The trick is to turn your personal strength away from your weaknesses and direct it towards your goal.

We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong - the amount of effort expended remains the same.

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