Rules of behavior at school camp presentation. Summer school camp with day stay. Creating conditions for organized recreation for students in the summer; strengthening physical and mental. Outdoor safety and sports events

Theoretical lesson “Getting ready for a hike”

Koshevaya Oksana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 97 in Donetsk”, Donetsk People’s Republic
Purpose: The purpose of tourism activities as a means of promoting health, a healthy lifestyle and preventing crime is to create conditions for attracting as many children as possible to tourism. This development is designed for primary schoolchildren and can be used by primary school teachers, counselors, teachers of school and country camps.

Target: creating conditions for developing interest in tourism.
expand knowledge about tourism; learn to navigate the terrain; introduce basic safety rules; deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.
develop memory, attention, observation, cognitive interest; ability to analyze and draw conclusions; dialogical speech, ability to negotiate.
cultivate love and respect for all living things; desire to help others; introduce to a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: Power Point presentation, ball.
Progress of the lesson
I. Organizational moment. Emotional mood
We're in a great mood
And smiles are a common thing.
Let's wish each other well,
It's time for us to start talking.
II. Introduction to the topic
1. Working on a crossword puzzle.
Guys, to find out what we will talk about today, I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle.
Fill in the names of the items on the tree. Vertically you can read the topic of our lesson.

II. Work on the topic
1. A story with elements of conversation.

Today we will talk about tourism.
- What does the word “tourism” mean? (Children's answers).
Let's turn to the dictionary.
- Type of sport – group hikes that physically condition the body.
- Type of travel made for recreation and self-education.
And who doesn't like to travel? The thirst for learning new things is probably inherent in each of us.
People have been traveling since ancient times.
Even ancient tribes, in order to find the best places to live, were forced to make long marches and journeys.

There are different ways to travel. How? (Children's answers).

In order for the trip to go well, you need to draw up a route in advance, that is, a planned route to follow.
Find synonyms for the word “travel”.
(Path, road, expedition, hike, excursion, cruise, etc.)
To always be healthy,
We need to go on a hike,
Relax in nature.
Breathe fresh air.
- Guys, why do people go hiking? (Children's answers).
(Temper the body; develop strength, endurance; get acquainted with the nature of your native land, sights; admire the beauty of nature; lift your spirits).
2. Work on the riddle.
Guess the riddle. What do they call people who go on a hike?
He carries the weight on himself,
And if he gets tired, he will throw him to the ground.

Anyone who wants to become a real tourist must know and be able to do a lot: how to navigate the terrain, how to set up a tent, make a fire; understand plants and mushrooms; know the habits of animals and birds; environmental safety rules; providing first aid.
We're on a science trip
Let's go today.
Attention, ingenuity
We'll take it with us.
3. Work in groups “What do we take with us on a hike.”
The journey may be long or may take several hours. When going on a hike, tourists should know what to take with them.
Let's go on a hike
Guess who's coming?
No, not guys with backpacks
And not aunts with bowler hats,
And not the older brother with the mustache...
No! We are going on a hike ourselves!
I. Roslova
Imagine that you and I are going on a hike in the nearest forest, without spending the night. Make a list of what you need to take.
(The guys make lists of necessary things for the hike).
(Discussion of answers)
If you are going on a hike,
Don't forget to take your backpack,
Without him on any trip,
There is no way around it.

And you also need a compass,
Mug, spoon, knife, axe,
So that you, having cut the branches,

They could have lit a fire.

You can take your gear with you.
To catch fish,
And also a bigger boiler,
To cook fish soup in it.

Do you still need a tent?
To have somewhere to sleep,
And a hammock to swing
And take a nap in the shade.

And, of course, products
For about six days,
You need to take your mother with you,
Prepare you something to eat.

Need a carrying bag
My favorite dog sits in it.
And of course dad,
So that he can carry it all.

And so that happiness is complete
I'll give you one more piece of advice:
Be sure to put
In your backpack there is a bag of sweets.
I. Butrimova
4. Game “Edible - inedible”.
It is important to eat well while hiking.
We definitely take food with us, but suddenly the unexpected happens.
You call those who are ready to help you your friends. Not only people, but also plants can be friends! They feed and clothe us, help us study and treat us.
What do you think you can eat if you are left without food?
The teacher throws the ball to the children, calling out the names of edible and inedible berries and mushrooms.
(Strawberries, boletus, fly agaric, rose hips, raspberries, boletus, blueberries, toadstool, chanterelles, lingonberries, wolf's bast, boletus, porcini mushroom, false honey mushrooms, blueberries, raven's eye, camelina, russula, satanic mushroom, lily of the valley, milk mushroom)
Remember dangerous berries and mushrooms.

5. Surprises of a forest clearing or “Hike troubles.”
An accident could happen to someone while hiking.
You can fall behind the group and get lost, get hurt, or get bitten by an insect or snake.
Game “Say the Word.”
There is no end to the line
Where are the three dots?
Who will come up with the end?
He will be great.
Making my way through the bushes
Stand back a little.
And to the one who is ahead,
Don't go too close.
Otherwise it's accurate
It will hit the eye... (branch).
Don't drink water from the river,
Microbes swim in it
But much worse
Drink from a dirty... (puddle).

Look at the good guys:
Cheerful and lively,
Dragging from all over
Material for construction.
One suddenly stumbled
Under a heavy burden
And a friend rushes to the rescue -
The people here are good.
Without a job, for the life of me
Can’t live... (ant).

She keeps buzzing, buzzing,
It circles and circles above the flower.
She sat down and took the juice from the flower,
Honey is prepared for us... (bee).

Missed my ear
It looks like a fly, but not a fly.
This fly didn't buzz
Guys, she has a sting!
If it stings, it will be “ouch”!
Who is this? Guess it!
A fly with a sting? Miracles!
Everyone knows that this is... (wasp).
There is a gap between the windows
A furry... (bumblebee) flew into the gap.

The rope is crawling along the ground.
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I am... (snake).
If trouble occurs, you must be able to provide first aid to yourself or a friend for minor injuries: wounds, burns, bruises, splinters, bites.
Let's remember the rules of first aid.

6. Drawing up a memo “If you get lost.”
Hasty path
He keeps his way from afar.
A path winds through the forest,
Like a thread from a ball.
You stared at a beautiful butterfly and fell behind the group. What to do?
(Children's answers).
- Don't panic, try to calm down.
- If you have a phone, call.
- Try to remember what noticeable places you met along the way. (Power lines, stream, special trees, etc.)
- Try to attract attention by shouting loudly.
- Don't run through the forest! Stay in one place!
- Rest assured, they will definitely find you.
So as not to get lost on the way,
Don't suddenly fall behind the group,
The compass will definitely come in handy.
Know where is north and where is south.
A. Nevzorov
What if there is no compass? Every tourist should be able to navigate the terrain; you need to know natural signs that will help you do this.

7. Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Rules of behavior in nature.
Guys, if you agree with the content of the lines, then you unanimously answer, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if not, then we say, “This is not me, this is not me, these are not my friends.”
When I saw the fly agaric
I'm passing by friends.

The chick fell out of the nest,
We can't touch him.

Who collects lingonberries?
Does it pull out the bush by the roots?

Who walks along the path,
Don't step on bugs?

We don't break branches,
When we walk through the forest.

We saw a hedgehog
And they took him home.

We will find the anthill
Let's watch and leave.

We took the tape recorder into the woods
And they drowned out the birds' voice.

We'll take the dogs into the forest,
The birds will be calmer in it.

I'll pick lilies of the valley in the forest,
I'll bring it to my mom for the holiday.

We trample and knock down edible mushrooms,
And we collect the inedible ones in a basket.

You, man, loving nature
At least sometimes feel sorry for her:
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields.
M. Plyatskovsky
III. Summary of the lesson. Reflection
Guys, our journey has come to an end.
Well, now the time is up
It's time to go home.
A lot of impressions
Nature gave it to us.
N. Machneva
Complete the sentence:
- Today I found out...
- it was interesting…
- I realized that...
- I wanted…

General rules of conduct for children (teenagers) in the camp. 1. It is necessary to observe the camp's daily routine, general sanitary and hygienic standards (wash, comb your hair, take a shower, dress for the weather, etc.). 2. Each child (teenager) is required to comply with all the rules established in the camp, including fire safety rules, rules for sea swimming, excursions, bus trips, hikes, etc. 3. The child (teenager) must be with the squad. If you need to leave, you must have the permission of your counselor. 4. Exiting the camp territory is permitted only with the permission of the shift supervisor (or director) and only when accompanied by a counselor. 5. Every child (teenager) and camp employee must take care of the green spaces on the camp territory and maintain cleanliness. 6. You cannot eat unfamiliar berries or fruits. 7. If your health worsens, you must inform the counselors. 8. It is necessary to follow the rules of behavior in public places - with words, actions and behavior, do not disturb others, do not offend their aesthetic sense. 9. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, is prohibited in the camp. 10. It is necessary to treat personal property and camp property with care.

When starting any business, count the children.

Safety precautions in the building.

    Do not run around the body.

    Don't lift heavy things

    Be careful with doors. Danger of getting a bump while walking along the corridor

    Do not put your fingers or other foreign objects into the outlet.

    You must go down the stairs carefully, looking at your feet. It is prohibited to run up the stairs and slide down the railings, overtake, play on the stairs, push, or hang on the railings.

    The bedside table should contain only writing utensils, books, small toys and personal hygiene items (storage of food, socks, wet items, shoes must be excluded).

Fire safety rules. 1. It is necessary to know the evacuation plan for the dormitory building. If you notice signs of fire, leave the building immediately and notify any adult.

2. It is prohibited to light a fire indoors, on camp grounds, or on hikes. 3. It is not allowed to use electrical appliances without the permission of the counselor.

4.Smoking is prohibited in the camp.

Familiarize yourself with the types of fire extinguishers. Kinds:

    *Water fire extinguisher*

    *Powder fire extinguisher* - powder is harmful to the respiratory system

    *Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher* - for any fire

    *Alogenous fire extinguisher* - the substance is toxic, do not use in unventilated areas. Very expensive.

5.Flammable items should be deposited with the counselors. 6.It is not allowed to touch sagging or protruding wires. The presence of such wires should be reported to the counselor.

Safety precautions on the street and sports events.

    In the summer in the sun - hats

    There is water nearby.

    Shoes include sneakers, sportswear, socks.

    When renting bicycles or roller skates, children must wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.

    It is advisable to play with balls on a special court.

    In towns: children do not stand on horizontal ladders. Be careful not to get sand into your eyes or respiratory tract.

    On trampolines: only jump, do not climb the walls, do not perform acrobatic somersaults.

TB on water.

0. The camp director, medical worker, floating instructor, and team of counselors must be present.

1. It is allowed to go to the beach only with a group. On the beach, be located in the sector assigned to the squad. 2.Everyone must have a hat, a towel, and a swimsuit (swimming trunks, swimsuit). 3. Swimming is carried out in groups of no more than 10 people. At the counselor’s command, line up and pay in numerical order. 4. Entry into the water is permitted only at the command of the navigation officer. Swimming takes place in a fenced sector; swimming beyond the fence (buoys) is prohibited. 5.You can only enter the water up to chest level. 6. It is strictly prohibited to dive, use a mask, fins, snorkel, inflatable objects, give false distress signals, push and wrestle in the water. 7. Exit from the water at the signal from the navigation officer. Line up and pay in numerical order.

TB during a camp fire.

Children within a radius of 5 meters from the fire

The counselor himself is located directly next to the fireplace

A senior counselor and camp director must be with the counselor.

Have fire fighting equipment on hand

Children are wearing comfortable shoes, closed clothing, and hats.

Rules of behavior during mass events. 1. When holding public events, you should be with the squad. You can only leave if accompanied by a counselor. 2.Events should be attended in appropriate clothing and footwear. If this is not suggested by the script, you cannot appear at events in a swimsuit, bare-chested. 3. When holding public events in open areas in sunny weather, a headdress is required. 4. You should follow the rules of etiquette in public places (do not make noise, do not push, do not whistle, do not stomp your feet). Rules of conduct on bus excursions. 1. Boarding the bus is carried out at the command of the guide (counselor).

2. While the bus is moving, you are not allowed to stand or walk around the cabin. You cannot lean out of the window or put your hands out the window. 3.When braking sharply, you must hold on to the handrails. 4. If signs of motion sickness or nausea appear, you must immediately inform the guide (counselor). 5. You can only get up after the bus has come to a complete stop at the command of the guide (counselor). 6.Exit from the bus is through the front door. After getting off the bus, do not wander off, gather in the indicated place and follow the instructions of the tour guide (counselor). You cannot go out onto the roadway or cross the street on your own. Toilet - the same scheme as with the souvenir.

Purchasing whiting, shawarma, etc. products are STRICTLY prohibited. When purchasing souvenirs, the time and place of the meeting are agreed upon in advance.

8.Movement outside the camp territory is carried out ONLY in formation!

Exit from the bus is through the front door. After getting off the bus you need to line up.

You can get up only after the bus has come to a complete stop at the command of the tour guide (counselor).

The window can only be opened by 2 fingers.

While the bus is moving, you are not allowed to stand or walk around the cabin. You cannot lean out of the window or put your hands out the window.

Be sure to wear your seat belt. Rules of behavior during walks (excursions, hikes). 1. Children (teenagers) are allowed on walking tours in appropriate clothing: closed comfortable shoes, a hat, if necessary, long trousers and shirts (sweatshirts) with long sleeves. 2. The leader during the excursion (trip) is the guide. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the guide, as well as the accompanying counselors. 3. During a walk, excursion, or hike, you should be with the group and not wander off. It is not allowed to deviate from the route (trail, path), approach electrical wires, unfenced edges of ravines, gorges, cliffs. 4. It is necessary to promptly inform the counselor about deteriorating health conditions or injuries. 5. You should respect local traditions and customs, take care of nature, historical and cultural monuments. 6.Photography is allowed in specially designated areas during a general stop of the group with the permission of the guide. 7. At the end of the excursion (walk, hike), gather at the indicated place and, after announcing the end of the excursion, follow the instructions of your counselor. 8.Purchases in the store can only be made with the permission of the counselor. 9. When crossing the roadway, follow the traffic rules, strictly following the instructions of the counselor. They cross in an organized group; at the beginning and at the end of the column, children must walk with red flags; one of the counselors stands on the road, the other leads the children.

10. When walking through the forest, it is prohibited to leave the path, eat berries, cones, etc., or approach wild animals. Rules of conduct during boat trips. 1. Boarding and disembarking from the boat is permitted only at the command of the guide. Before boarding and after disembarking, you must gather in a certain place indicated by the guide or counselor. 2. It is not allowed to run around the boat, lean over the railing, play outdoor games, or open the doors of service rooms or exits from the boat. 3. If signs of motion sickness, nausea or other deterioration in health appear, you must inform the counselor. 4. It is allowed to leave the place of disembarkation from the boat only at the command of the guide or counselor.

5. Everyone must wear life jackets. It is prohibited to take off vests before the manager’s command.

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Creation of conditions for proper rest, improvement of children’s health, development of their internal potential, promotion of the formation of key competencies of pupils based on their inclusion in diverse, socially significant and personally attractive activities, meaningful communication and interpersonal relationships in a team of different ages, development of children’s creative abilities.

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Create conditions for organized recreation for children. Involve children in creative activities, develop creative thinking. Contribute to the formation of cultural. behavior, sanitary and hygienic culture. Create favorable conditions for improving children's health. Provide the child with the opportunity for self-realization based on individual personal potential. To develop communication and tolerance skills in children.

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Always shine, shine everywhere! The principle of humanizing relationships. The principle of matching the type of cooperation with the psychological age characteristics of students and the type of leading activity. The principle of democracy. The principle of differentiation of education. The principle of creative individuality.

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camp "SOLNYSHKO" City Museum of Local Lore Swimming pool at the school KOI KNPP cinema hall Sports ground at the school City department for culture and sports Summer recreational school camps School and city libraries Playgrounds at the place of residence City children's clinic Ministry of Emergency Situations Traffic Police Music school City newspapers, radio, television RDK

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promoting children's health; improving the socio-psychological climate in the camp; reducing the growth rate of negative social phenomena among children; strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages and nationalities; formation of skills, acquisition of life experience of adequate behavior in extreme situations; development of the child’s creative abilities, initiative and activity; instilling self-care skills; increasing the feeling of patriotism; respect for native nature; improving the material and technical base for organizing summer recreation and health improvement for children; creating favorable conditions for the health of children through cooperation with institutions of additional education, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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DAY SCHEDULE 8.30 - 8.45 Gathering of children 8.45 - 9.00 Exercise 9.00 - 9.15 Line 9.20 - 10.00 Breakfast 10.00 - 12.00 Outdoor games, walks, citywide events, squad events. 12.00 – 13.00 Club work, health procedures 13.00 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 14.30 Club hour, walk 14.30 Going home

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Master's law. Law of accuracy. Law of Raised Hands. Everyone is responsible for what happens to them. Believe in yourself and your strength.

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Directions and types of activities Events Labor activity Operation “Green Patrol” (weeding in the school area). Operation “Jolly Stream” (watering in the school area). Work on landscaping. Canteen duty (daily).

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Directions and types of activities Events Sports and recreational activities Exercise (daily). Outdoor sports games. Conversation “Rules of conduct when conducting outdoor games.” Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium." "Fun starts with a ball and balls." Sports and gaming festival “Young Firefighter”. Sports and game program “Call of the Jungle”. Inter-camp sports competition.

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Directions and types of activities Ecological events - valeological activities of UDB Ecological game: “A clean spring in your home.” UDB Quiz: “Our common home.” Educational and entertaining program “Cats are cats.” ICB Ecological Journey: “Travel with Tortila the Turtle.” KOI KNPP excursion to LVDC environment. UDB Ecological brain – ring: “In the kingdom of flora and fauna.” Competition of crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of the Forest”. ICB Ecological brain-ring: “Who is the most important in Lake Udomlya?” Conversation “First aid for sunstroke.”

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Directions and types of activities Events Aesthetic education Competition for the best design of a squad corner. House of Crafts. Master Class. Decoration made from natural material: “Music of the wind.” Competition "Miss SUNNY". House of Crafts. Master class “Talisman on a spatula”. Conversation “The Land of the Polite.” Conversation “Rules of Etiquette”.

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Directions and types of activities Events Patriotic education UDB Electronic game - video journey dedicated to Independence Day: “I love you, my Motherland.” ShB Literary and patriotic quiz: “We know about the war from stories...”. Presentation dedicated to the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War “65 years of Victory”. UDB Literary and musical composition: “Glory to you, winner, soldier.”

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Directions and types of activities Events Legal education Conversation “Be careful on the road.” Game "Who is the boss on the road." Sports and gaming festival “Young Firefighter”. Conversation “Rules of conduct in case of fire” Competition “Road Marathon”. Drawing competition “Country TRAFFIC LIGHTS”. Conversation “Rules of behavior on the bus” Game “We are passengers”. Conversation “Beware of sharp objects.” Competition on knowledge of traffic rules “Caution – THE ROAD!” Conversation “We are pedestrians!” Conversation “Be always careful and attentive.” Practical lesson “If you find yourself in an extreme situation.”

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Directions and types of activities Events Educational and leisure activities Holiday “Happy Childhood”. Asphalt drawing competition “Summer is a little life.” Exhibition of drawings “This is the SUN!” Celebration of the opening of the camp session “Summer is a little life.” ICB Competitive and game program: “The Case of Evseyka.” “Multi-remote” competition is a wonderful country.” UDB and ShB Pushkin Day of Russia. The game is a journey: “And the learned cat told me his fairy tales.” House of Crafts master class “Photo frame made from cereals and legumes.” ICB Competitive and game program: “Frog – Traveler.”

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Educational and leisure activities of the Children's Play Club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program. ShB Literary quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. Volkov: “The Wizard of the Emerald City.” Drawing competition "Seven-flowered flower". UDB Literary Brain - Ring: “Riddles of the Wise Owl.” Entertainment program: “About fairy tales, both jokingly and seriously.” ICB Competitive and game program: “Catch, fish, big and small.” House of Crafts master class “Amulet doll made of threads”. Entertainment program “Evening of fun games and competitions.” Closing holiday of the camp shift “Goodbye, SUNNY!”

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Day 1 DDT Holiday “Happy Childhood” Conversation “Be careful on the road.” Game “Who is the boss on the road” Drawing competition on asphalt “Summer is a little life” Day 2 UDB Ecological game: “Clean spring in your house” Self-government. Selecting an asset, designing squad corners: squad name, chant, motto, emblem. Conversation “Rules of conduct in the dining room.” Organization of duty Day 3 UDB Quiz: “Our common home” Group I Exhibition of drawings “What a SUN!” Sports competition: “Fun starts with a ball and balloons” Conversation “Safety rules at the stadium” Day 4 UDB Quiz: “Our common home” Group II Opening celebration of the camp session “Summer is a little life” Day 5 ICB Competition and game program: “ The case of Evseyka" COI KNPP excursion to LVDC environment Conversation "Rules of conduct in the library" Competition "Multi-remote" - a wonderful country" 6th day of UDB and ShB Pushkin Day of Russia. Game - journey: “And the scientist cat told me his fairy tales” House of Crafts master class “Photo frame from cereals and legumes” Educational and entertainment program “Cats are cats” Conversation “Be careful with pets”

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Day 7 RDK Children's game club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program MCB Competitive and game program: "Frog - Traveler" Sports and game festival "Young Firefighter" Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire" 8 day UDB Electronic game - video journey dedicated to Independence Day: “I love you, my Motherland” ICB Ecological journey: “Travel with the turtle Tortila” Conversation “Be careful on the river” Competition “Road Marathon” Day 9 SB Literary quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. Volkov: “ The Wizard of the Emerald City" Drawing competition "Tsvetik-seventsvetik" Conversation "Be careful, avoid injuries." Medical care for bruises Day 10 UDB Literary brain-ring: “Riddles of the wise owl” House of crafts master class Decoration from natural material “Music of the wind” Entertainment program: “About fairy tales in jest and seriousness” Conversation “Rules of conduct on the bus” Game “We” passengers" 11th day ICB Competitive and game program: "Catch, fish, big and small" Competition "Miss SUNNY" Conversation "Rules of Etiquette" 12th day UDB Ecological brain - ring: "In the kingdom of flora and fauna" Group I House of Crafts master class “A doll-amulet made of threads” Competitive game program “Call of the Jungle” Conversation “First medical aid for sunstroke”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary school No. 1 named after P.M. Stratiychuk"


competition for the best organization of fire prevention work with children among summer recreational institutions “Safe Summer”

in the summer health camp with daytime stay for children “Scarlet Sail”

Prepared and completed:

Venediktova N.N. Vikhoreva G.V.

Ryzhik T.V.

teachers of the school camp "Scarlet Sail"

5. Feedback from children about fire safety events in the camp.

6. Applications (leaflets, memos, CD-ROM)

1. Description of the activities of the summer health camp “Scarlet Sail” to teach children fire safety rules.

The problem of human life safety in modern conditions is one of the most pressing. It is possible to prepare a person for emergency situations, for the ability to find a way out of situations dangerous to life and health, based on the formation of a system of knowledge about the basics of human and social life safety, training in practical skills for protecting life and health, based on the formation of his experience of safe life activity.

In our camp, children mainly from 6.5 to 12 years old relax and improve their health. This age is the most optimal for instilling primary fire safety skills. Goal: to form the foundations for the safety of one’s own life in school-age children.

Formation of ideas about dangerous situations and ways of behavior in them;

Introduction to the rules of safe behavior;

Transferring knowledge to children about safety rules.

All work is aimed at instilling skills and abilities in the safe use of electrical appliances, gas equipment, careful handling of matches, and is aimed at ensuring that children know the basic rules of fire safety and are able to apply them in case of emergency.

The following preventive measures are carried out in our camp:

    Safety instructions.

    Conversation “Rules of conduct in emergency situations during a fire”

    Game "We are firefighters"

    Drawing competition “All children need to know: it’s dangerous to play with fire!”

    Didactic game “There is no smoke without fire!”

    Competition for children's wall newspapers by unit “His Majesty is Fire!”

    Game thematic competitions on PB.

    Excursion to the fire station

    Handing out fire safety leaflets during the holidays.

2. Plan-grid of fire safety activities with children for the camp shift.



Placement by squad

Safety briefing

Conversation “Rules of behavior for emergency personnel during a fire”

Practical training on fire safety - practicing an evacuation plan

Showing presentations on the prevention of PB

A game "We are firefighters"

Interest classes. Drawing competition « All children need to know: it’s dangerous to play with fire!”

Watch a film on fire safety

A game "Ready 01!"

Competition for children's newspaper walls by squad

“His Majesty is fire!”

Gaming thematic competitions on PB

Excursion to the fire station

Handing out fire safety leaflets during the holidays

3. Photo report on fire safety measures with brief information about them.

Practical training on fire safety - practicing an evacuation plan

Conversation with an employee

Game "Readiness 01"

Relay race

« M You are young firefighters"

Wall newspapers

"His Majesty the fire

Visit to the fire station

4. Scenarios for activities with children on fire safety.

Game themed competitions

1. "We are young firefighters"
In front of the teams (any number of people) there are chairs with the same set of things (bell, fire uniform, candle). 1st runs to the chair and sounds the alarm (rings the bell); The 2nd runs to the chair, puts on and takes off his firefighter uniform; The third person runs up to the chair and puts out the “burning” candle, etc.

2. "Firefighters are coming to the rescue"
In front of the teams (any number of people) there are pins in a row. Each team is given a small fire engine on a string. Children take turns running around the pins like a snake, carrying the car by the string, trying not to knock over a single pin.

3. "Rescuers"
To save people from a fire, firefighters have to overcome various obstacles. A basket of pins is placed at a distance in front of the teams. Each participant, in order to “save” one pin, must run across the bench, do a somersault on the mat, and pick up the pin. Jumping on one leg with a pin in his hands, he must return to his team.

4. “Firefighters put out the fire »
Each participant has a balloon (preferably red, simulating fire) tied to his leg. Children, without touching each other with their hands (tucked away behind their backs), must “put out the fire” (pop the balloons) of the other team.

5. “Dexterity is not a hindrance”
The game is a joke. One person is taken from each team. They squat down. Pictures depicting primary fire extinguishing equipment are attached to the participants’ backs. Everyone needs to find out what object is pinned on the enemy's back. You can't get up from your haunches. Hands should be kept behind your back while playing. Time to play - 2 minutes. At the end of the game, participants must explain how the fire extinguishing agent they guessed is used.

6. "Danger"
Teams must express the following expression from matches: “There is fire in the matches, don’t touch the matches!”

Thematic proverbs and sayings.

1. A fire is born from a spark.
2. A small spark will give birth to a great flame.
3. While the spark is in the ashes, then the carcasses will die.
4. Don't joke with fire - you'll get burned.
5. Fire and water will destroy everything.
6. In fire, even iron is fusible.
7. Fire is not water; if it grabs you, you won’t float up.
8. Don't joke with fire, you can get burned.
9. Don't play a cat with fire - you'll burn your paw.
10. Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the impact.


Thematic Quiz Questions and Answers

1.Why are fires dangerous?
In a fire, things, an apartment, and even an entire house can burn down. But the main thing is that people can die in a fire.

2.What else is dangerous about fire besides fire?
Smoke is worse than fire. It’s easy to get lost in a smoky room and not find a way out. It's difficult to breathe.

3. Why in the old days could a fire destroy an entire city?
Previously, all houses were built of wood, they were built close to each other.

4. How can you extinguish a starting fire?
A fire can be extinguished with a fire extinguisher, water, sand, or a blanket.

5. Why is it dangerous to play in the house with matches and lighters?
Playing with matches and lighters is a cause of fire.

6. What causes fires?
Fires occur if fire safety rules are not followed: a TV, iron, gas stove, etc. are left unattended; if you play with matches, play around with fire.

7. What should you say when calling the fire department?
You must provide your exact address, last name, first name and what is burning.

8. What would you do if you saw that the lower floors of the house were engulfed in flames?
Wet your clothes and everything around you, wait for help. You should not try to run out of the house if you live on the upper floors. After walking two or three floors, you can be poisoned by combustion products.

9. Why can’t you use the elevator during a fire?
During a fire, an elevator is a real chimney in which it is easy to suffocate. In addition, in the event of a fire, it may turn off.

10. Can an artificial Christmas tree catch fire?
An artificial tree may catch fire. True, an artificial Christmas tree does not burn as quickly as a real one, but burning plastic releases toxic substances.
11. You were given wonderful fireworks and sparklers for the New Year. Where will you light them?
Fireworks, candles, sparklers can only be lit with adults and away from the Christmas tree, or even better, outside the house.

12. What is included in primary fire extinguishing agents?
Firefighting equipment is now complex,
But it helps us
Not only her.
A simple shovel
Hook and ax
We inherited
Since my grandfather's time.
I can reach the burning boards with a hook,
With a shovel
I'll bury the flame in the sand.

13. How should you get out of a smoke-filled room?
Pull yourself together -
Don't be scared, don't yell,
And crawl on all fours
In the direction of the door.
If you fumbled for the door,
Don’t trust your hands at first:
Maybe it's a closet door -
Check it out thoroughly!
If you go out into the corridor
Or crawl out into the yard -
Call adults for help
And make him put out the fire.

14. How to extinguish clothes that catch fire on a person?
You need to wrap the person in thick fabric (a blanket) and roll him along the floor, knocking out the fire.

15. Official date of celebration of Fire Department Day.
April 30, 1649 - the date of publication of the “Order on the City Deanery”, in which the foundations of professional fire protection were laid, is considered the day of fire protection.

16. The longest fire in Russia?
The longest fire in Astrakhan began on August 1, 1858 and lasted 6 days.

17. Device for placing a fire hose?
A device for placing a fire hose - a fire box.

18. What is the service life of a TV?
In general, TVs operate reliably for 6-7 years, after which, as a result of aging of the materials used, dust and contamination of the installation, the insulating properties of the materials are impaired and the fire hazard increases.

19. What is the purpose of a street fire hydrant?
A fire hydrant is designed to draw water from the water supply network when extinguishing a fire.

20. What is the name of the profession of people who fight fire?

21. Why are firefighters called by phone “01”?
“01” is the simplest and shortest number, it is easy to remember. This number is easy to dial even in the dark and by touch.

22. Why is the fire truck red?
So that from afar it can be seen that a fire truck is driving, to which it is necessary to give way. Red is the color of fire.

23. How do firefighters dress?
Firefighters wear a canvas suit. It doesn't burn, doesn't get wet. A helmet protects the head from blows, mittens on the hands, and boots on the feet. To work in fire and smoke, firefighters need breathing apparatus.

24. Name works that mention fire?
S. Marshak “Fire”, “Cat’s House”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”; K. Chukovsky “Confusion”; L.N. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs"; E. Permyak “From the fire to the cauldron.”

25. Uncontrolled combustion.

26. Active “assistant” of fire.

27. The art of fighting fire.

28. Fireman's hat.

29. A device for directing jets of water, the modern name for a fire hose.

30. Primary document about the fire.

31. A container for storing water in case of fire.
Storage tank.

32. How long does it take for a completely residential wooden house to burn down?
On average in 40 minutes.

33. A person whose home was destroyed by fire.
Fire victim.

34. Fire department.

35. Portable fire escape.

36. Same as hose.

37. High observation tower above the fire brigade building.


Thematic riddles

I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy,
I'm above every house in winter,
Over the fire, the steamer,
I am never without fire. (SMOKE).

The father is hot and red, he can be dangerous.
If you feed him he lives, if you give him something to drink he dies.
Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.
With a tongue, but not barking, without teeth, but biting. (FIRE).

I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around! (FIRE).

In a bright red shirt,
Trouble-free in operation.
My name is OP-5,
Every student should know! (FIRE EXTINGUISHER).

I'm with a fire hose.
I'm proud of my friendship!
Get to know me -
Maybe I'll come in handy! (TRUNK).

I say to the baby:
“Don’t touch the matches.”
My matches are not toys
There is fire in those matches. (BOX).

I have a snail spiral
Don't touch me.
The flame will jump off the tile quickly
There will be fire in no time! (ELECTRIC STOVE).

And shirts and pants

I'm ironing for you, kids,
But remember, friends,
That you can't play with me! (ELECTRIC IRON).

He is beautiful and bright red,
But it is burning, hot, dangerous. (FIRE).

Little horse,
Instead of a mane there is a light. (MATCHES).

If the smoke billows out,
The flames beat in tongues,
And fire is everywhere, and heat -
This disaster is... (FIRE).

It gives warmth and light,
No need to joke with him, no! (FIRE).

Smoke pours out like from a furnace:
Don't rush around, don't scream.
Don't wait for other pictures
Call soon... (“01”).

She is everywhere in the world
It’s so difficult for people without her!
He can always handle fire.
Children what is this? ... (WATER).

Everyone knows - a man without fire
Doesn't live a single day.
But when the fire is hot,
It might just happen... (FIRE).

If the flame curls,
The smoke is pouring out in a column,
“Zero – one” we dial,
And who will we call? ... (FIREFIGHTERS).

No arms, no legs,
And he climbed the mountain. (FIRE).

In a dark little house
The kids are huddling closely.
For the game, don’t touch them:
In their head... (FIRE).

Not big in stature
A small match.
Only touch the matches
Don't have... (HABITS).


Thematic counting rhyme

I offer you a counting rhyme,
Very cheerful, so ingenious.
Answer my questions,
And get balloons for this.

This ball is in your hands for a reason.
Previously, if there was a fire,
The signal ball soared high -
Called firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire,
There a ball will rise into the sky,
There will always be a threat to us
Wicked (The presenter throws the ball, the one he chose must complete the sentence)…fire.

One two three four -
Who has a fire in their apartment?
Smoke suddenly rose in a column.
Who didn't turn it off (The presenter throws the ball)... iron?

A red glow ran.
Who's with the matches? (The presenter throws the ball)...played?

The table and cabinet burned down at once.
Who dried the clothes over (The presenter throws the ball)...gas?

The flame jumped into the grass
Who burned at the house (The presenter throws the ball)... foliage?

Who threw it into the fire?
Strangers (The presenter throws the ball)... objects?

Remember every citizen
This number (The presenter throws the ball) one.

I saw smoke - don't yawn
and firefighters (The presenter throws the ball)

Easier than putting out a fire
Give it to us (The presenter throws the ball)…warn.

Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 1 named after P.M. Stratiychuk"

Stavropol Territory, Andropovsky District, Kursavka village

Purpose of the event:

    To consolidate children's knowledge of fire safety rules and rules of behavior during a fire; with the profession of firefighter,

    To consolidate children's knowledge of what can result from careless handling of fire.

    To instill in children respect for the work of firefighters; develop feelings of collectivism, responsibility and endurance in schoolchildren.

Progress of the event:

    Preparatory stage

    Conducting a conversation with children on the topic of fire safety

    Holding a drawing competition

    Selection of musical accompaniment for competitions

    Organizational stage

All necessary equipment for outdoor games and relay races in the gym has been prepared: 2 buckets, blue and red ribbons (5 pieces each), soft toys (8 pieces), 2 A4 sheets, 2 red markers, skittles, hoops, jump ropes , barriers, blue and white fabric.

    Event stage

Host: Hello guys! Today we have gathered with you to once again remember how dangerous fire can be! So, we begin our Readiness 01 competition.

    "Ready 01"

If in the room you have tears rolling from your eyes,

As the smoke curls in clouds and the fire chews the carpet -

You need the courage to answer the phone.

Try to remember the numbers from zero to nine.

Feel free to pick up the phone and be able to dial 01.

Children are divided into 2 teams. On the other side of the hall there are 2 chairs with pieces of paper and a marker, you need to run to the “telephone”, write 01 with a marker, call the fire department. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

    Game "Fire-water"

Children with a red ribbon are fire, those with a blue ribbon are water. The ribbons are attached to the children's belts in such a way that they can be easily pulled out. Children with a blue ribbon must collect all the red ones representing fire, i.e. "put out" the fire. We play 1-2 times.

Leading. Fire brings warmth and joy to people, but sometimes it can become a dangerous and cruel enemy. In the path of fire, brave and smart, fast and resourceful people stand in the way - firefighters. They are fighting fire. There are many obstacles on the way of a firefighter before he gets to the victim; sometimes not only people, but also their loyal animals find themselves in the fire. Now you and I will save these animals. Let's be firefighters ourselves!

    Fire drill relay race

The game involves 2 teams of 5 people from each class. Children stand in a line. You need to overcome obstacles, save the animal and take it to the hospital.

The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

The game can be complicated by asking the “firemen” to move blindfolded.

    Relay race “Smoky corridor”

Members of each team line up in front of their tunnel (the tunnel is made of gymnastic hurdles), take turns running along it, then return back.

    Game "Two boots - a pair"

The legs are tied (the left leg of one player, the right of another). Holding hands, jump to the finish line. During a fire, the ability to work together and work together is very important.

    Game "Fire"

One player is selected from each team. At a conventional signal (fire siren), players run from the starting line to the chairs on which the “firefighter’s equipment” is laid out: for example, a helmet, gloves, a belt, etc. “Firefighters” must prepare for departure - put on ammunition. The one who gets dressed the fastest wins.

The game can be complicated if several players from each team participate in it - for example, three.

Then each player who has already “dressed up” runs to the starting line and passes the baton to his friend.

The team whose players get dressed first and line up at the starting line wins.

The game can be repeated several times - with the participation of other team members.

    Game "Putting out the fire"

Rules of the game: children are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given a “fire extinguisher”. Not far away are placed (according to the number of teams) objects that need to be extinguished (a large cube; a rubber inflatable toy, etc.). On command, the participants each run to their object, run around it (extinguish it), put a “fire extinguisher” nearby and run away to the side. As soon as the “fire extinguisher” touches the ground, the next participant in the game runs. Victory is awarded to the team that puts out the fire first.

    Game “What you need in case of fire”

Progress of the game. The members of each team line up one after another in one line. At the command of the leader, they run to the table on which objects or images related to the profession of a firefighter (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, etc.) and not related to this profession are laid out. The player must quickly select the desired item and return to the team. Then the next child performs the same actions, and so on. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.


The work of a firefighter is held in high esteem,

You won't find anything more dangerous.

We honor firefighters for their valor,

We thank them for their courage!

So as not to upset anyone,

Let us know the rule:

Dark night, bright day

Be careful with fire!

Summarizing. We received an order: “For courage and heroism, resourcefulness in the fight against fire, for knowledge and ability to get out of difficult situations, express gratitude to all participants in the camp shift.” Thank you.

Slide 1

1. It is necessary to observe the camp daily routine, general sanitary and hygienic standards (wash, comb your hair, take a shower, dress for the weather, etc.). 2.Each child is required to comply with all the rules established in the camp, including fire safety rules, rules for swimming, excursions, bus trips, hikes, etc. 3. The child must be with the squad. If you need to leave, you must have the permission of your counselor. 4. Leaving the camp territory is allowed only with the permission of the shift supervisor (or director) and only when accompanied by a counselor or parent. 5. Every child and camp employee must take care of the green spaces on the camp territory and maintain cleanliness. 6. You cannot eat unfamiliar berries or fruits. 7.If your health worsens, you must inform the counselors. 8. It is necessary to follow the rules of behavior in public places - with words, actions and behavior, do not disturb others, do not offend their aesthetic sense. 9.Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, are prohibited in the camp. 10. It is necessary to treat personal property and camp property with care.

Slide 2

1. It is prohibited to make fires, light torches, or use fireworks and firecrackers on the territory of an educational institution. 2. Smoking is prohibited in the building of an educational institution and on its territory. 3. It is prohibited to bring matches, flammable liquids (gasoline and solvents), flammable substances and materials into the educational institution. 4. It is prohibited to use lighting and heating devices with an open flame or a spiral (for electric stoves) in the offices. 5. Do not use faulty electrical appliances. When using an electric iron, you must place it on a reliable stand. 6. Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended. 7. In case of fire and flames: – use available fire extinguishing agents; – call the fire department by phone 01; – leave the room if the fire cannot be extinguished.

Slide 3

1. Do not turn on electrical appliances without the permission of teachers or educators. 2. Do not check the temperature of the electric iron by touching its sole with your fingers. 3. Do not connect the radio speaker to the electrical network. 4. Do not open electrical cabinets or turn on electrical switches. 5. Do not unscrew light bulbs while the table lamp or switch is on. 6. Do not touch any exposed wires with your hands; they may be live. 7. Do not open sockets and switches for repairs, even if you are already in 11th grade. 8. Do not throw various objects and ropes onto the wires. 9. If you find an electrical wire falling to the ground from a pole, do not come closer than 5 m to it.

Slide 4

1. Cross the road only in designated places. At controlled intersections, turn to green traffic lights. In areas not regulated by traffic lights and marked with markings, exercise maximum caution and attentiveness. 2. Do not run out onto the roadway because of stopped vehicles. The unexpected appearance of a person in front of a fast moving car does not allow the driver to avoid hitting a pedestrian or can lead to another accident with serious consequences. 3. When exiting a vehicle, if you need to cross to the other side, you need to let the bus pass in order to control the road. Walk around the bus from behind, tram in front. 4. When crossing the road, first look to the left, and after crossing half the width of the road, look to the right. 5. If you did not have time to complete the crossing and the traffic light turns red, stop at the traffic island. 6. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles - remember that it is impossible to stop the car instantly and you risk getting run over. 7. Don't play with the ball close to the road. The ball may roll onto the road, and in your excitement you will not notice the danger, running out to get the ball.

Slide 5

1. If you don’t know how to swim, don’t swim in a deep place, don’t rely on an inflatable mattress or other floating devices - they can slip out from under you and you will drown. 2. Don’t swim far, you might get tired and not swim to the shore. 3. Inflatable equipment (tube, mattress) can “leave” you, and if you don’t know how to swim, you can drown. 4. Do not dive in an unknown place or in shallow waters, as you may hit your head on the bottom or some object. 5. Do not play in deep water with your head submerged in water, you may choke. 6. Do not sail in a boat without life-saving equipment (life jacket or ring). 7. Don’t play around in a boat on the water, you might capsize. 8. Do not swim near landing stages, barges, or ships - they may get pulled under the bottom. 9. Without knowing the ford, do not cross the river. You can fall into a hole.

Slide 6

1. In the absence of a teacher, do not climb on sports equipment and equipment. 2. Before performing the exercises, warm up and warm up the muscles. 3. Before jumping, check the jumping pit for stones, glass and other dangerous objects. 4. Do not push each other, do not trip each other. 5. Shoes must have non-slip soles (sneakers, sneakers). 6. If you feel unwell while running, take a step and then sit down. 7. When playing football and hockey, use protective clothing (protective guards, shoulder pads, elbow pads and other protective equipment). 8. When running on rough terrain, be careful not to trip or fall into a hole. 9. If you are very tired and have difficulty breathing, stop running and go for race walking or regular walking. If you experience dizziness or nausea, report it.

Slide 7

1. When holding public events, you should be with the squad. You can only leave if accompanied by a counselor. 2.Events should be attended in appropriate clothing and footwear. If this is not suggested by the script, you cannot appear at events in a swimsuit or flip-flops. 3. When holding public events in open areas in sunny weather, a headdress is required. 4. You should follow the rules of etiquette in public places (do not make noise, do not push, do not whistle, do not stomp your feet).

Slide 8

1. Children are allowed on walking excursions in appropriate clothing: closed comfortable shoes, a hat, if necessary, long trousers and long-sleeved shirts (sweatshirts). 2. The leader during the excursion (trip) is the guide. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the guide, as well as the accompanying counselors. 3. During a walk, excursion, or hike, you should be with the group and not wander off. It is not allowed to deviate from the route (trail, path), approach electrical wires, unfenced edges of ravines, gorges, cliffs. 4. It is necessary to promptly inform the counselor about deteriorating health conditions or injuries. 5. You should respect local traditions and customs, take care of nature, historical and cultural monuments. 6.Photography is allowed in specially designated areas during a general stop of the group with the permission of the guide. 7. At the end of the excursion (walk, hike), gather at the indicated place and, after announcing the end of the excursion, follow the instructions of your counselor. 8.Purchases in the store can only be made with the permission of the counselor. 9. When crossing the roadway, follow the traffic rules, strictly following the instructions of the counselor.
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