How to cover chamomile for the winter. Chamomile flowers, planting and care. Possible pests and diseases of chamomile

– a very beautiful flower that will decorate for many years. It is unpretentious and does not require complex care. However, you should not neglect the following guidelines, since insufficient or irregular care can lead to dire consequences.

First of all, when caring for a large garden chamomile, you need to take into account three “golden” rules:

  • avoid overwatering;
  • prevent the expansion of weeds;
  • Don’t forget to loosen the soil regularly.

Nevertheless, in plant care there are a number of special cases related to reproduction, preparation for winter “rest” and the prevention of fungal infections. What does a gardener who grows or decides to grow a large garden chamomile need to know so that the plant feels comfortable?

Morphological description

Large (giant) garden chamomile is a perennial herbaceous bush plant belonging to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. Its peculiarity is large inflorescences, mainly with snow-white petals and a yellow core.

Often a large garden chamomile is called nevus. From a botanical point of view, this name is incorrect: daisy belongs to the same family, however, chamomile flowers are slightly smaller, and the leaves are thinner and more delicate, not whole.

Garden chamomile is a branched plant with many inflorescences on one bush. The buds are large, dense, pronounced. The stem is elastic and strong. A healthy plant can bloom all summer. In many cases, the morphology of garden chamomile is associated with belonging to one or another variety.

Popular types and varieties of large garden chamomile.

A giant of his own the stem reaches 90 cm in height, and the diameter of the opened bud is more than 15 cm. Frost-resistant, easily tolerates drought. But for the most spectacular flowering, regular watering is necessary.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, cornflower is known for its healing qualities. Most often used for cutting. Belongs to this variety Terry chamomile– characterized by an abundance of petals filling the core. Terry chamomile is practically not inferior to the largest variety - cornflower, reaching 70 cm in height.

North Star

A favorite of gardeners, it is distinguished by its resistance to drought, its size (stem length is 60-70 cm) and the shining whiteness of its inflorescences. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in shady corners of the garden. Planting seedlings is possible in spring or autumn, however, flowering occurs only in the second year.


Sun-loving perennial with lush white inflorescences. It reaches a height of no more than 35 cm with a diameter of the opened bud up to 10 cm. Unlike the Northern Star, the Princess prefers moist soil. The flowering period is the longest: from July to mid-October.


Large-flowered plant reaching 90 cm in height. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 12 cm. It is planted, as a rule, in the fall and will delight you with flowering the following summer. The variety is unpretentious, tolerates drought and, like its “botanical brothers,” loves sunlight.

Colored varieties

Thanks to the experiments of breeders, there are more than 100 colorful species, among which the most popular are:

  1. Pyrethrum rosea or Persian chamomile has a lot of varieties, differing in the richness of the color of the petals. It is often grown for cutting, harmonizing in a bouquet with other field plants. For Persian chamomile, both a lack and an excess of moisture are detrimental. Feels comfortable in the shade. The flowering period lasts all summer.
  2. Red pyrethrum looks like pink, which often leads to confusion. Its peculiarity is its large bright red inflorescences, which is why it is sometimes called meat-red pyrethrum.
  3. Yellow doronicum– characterized by the bright yellow color of the petals. Flowering occurs early - in the second half of March. During this period, the plant reaches 70 cm in height. Yellow doronicum multiplies quickly, without requiring specific care. Tolerates frosts. It is unpretentious to lighting and blooms longer in shady corners of the garden.
  4. Separately, it is worth mentioning the blue chamomile, which is distinguished by the dark blue color of the inflorescences. This is an annual plant reaching 60 cm in height. It is best known for its use in medicine and cosmetology for the preparation of essential oil.
  5. (or orange petal) is a perennial herbaceous plant with narrow bright orange petals. Sun-loving variety, grows quickly. Used to decorate flower beds, less often for cutting.

Photo gallery: variety of colors of colored chamomile

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Growing on site

There are several ways to grow garden chamomile. Which method to choose depends on what time of year the planting takes place.

Seedling growing method

  1. a depression of up to 30 cm is made in the ground;
  2. Fertilizer is placed in the hole: compost or organomineral mixture;
  3. There is no need to remove old soil from the roots to avoid damage;
  4. The soil must be irrigated after planting.

Flowering should begin next year, but much depends on the characteristics of the variety.

Dividing the bush

It is better to plant by dividing the bush in the first half of autumn once every 2-3 years. Planting a flower is necessary for more spectacular flowering, which fades as the bush grows.

  1. the rhizome is divided into parts with several growth points;
  2. the seat should be slightly larger in size than the rhizome of the plant being planted;
  3. It is advisable to pre-fertilize the hole and straighten the root;
  4. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered.

Flowering occurs the following year.

If chamomile is grown for cutting and to form bouquets, the most suitable growing method is division.

Growing from seeds

Tips for growing large chamomile with seeds:

  • To collect seeds, you need to wait until the flower stalks ripen (the petals should dry out and the baskets should turn brown).
  • Cut and dry the inflorescences.
  • Dry the seeds and remove debris from them.
  • It is recommended to store seeds in a paper bag with an air hole.

Sowing period is autumn and spring.

Sow chamomile as follows:

  • seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 2 cm;
  • distance between rows – 20 cm;
  • It is recommended to mulch the beds.

How to plant a large garden chamomile in the garden?

Preparing the soil and choosing a planting site:

When and how to plant?

  • Sowing of seeds takes place at the end of May - end of July.
  • To grow seedlings, seeds are sown in March in specially prepared pots with drainage (or ordinary plastic cups, but we must not forget to make a hole from the bottom).
  • Planting by dividing the rhizome is carried out in September - early October.
  • Seedlings are planted in May.

When is the best time to replant garden chamomile?

The plant takes root well, but for more spectacular flowering, when replanting, add mineral fertilizers or compost to the hole.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth to garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Caring for large garden chamomile

Watering and fertilizing

The plant needs regular, but not excessive watering. We must not forget to mulch or drain the soil. Both organic and mineral are suitable.

Mandatory feeding:

  • nitrophoska– 2 tbsp. l. fertilizers/10 liters of water (composition for May feeding);
  • superphosphate or potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l/10 l of water.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

After flowering ends, the plant also requires watering and loosening of the root soil. We must not forget to destroy the weed. With the end of flowering, new leaves appear in place of dead leaves, so the plant requires regular fertilization. Well suited for this: fresh mullein or an infusion of bird droppings.

As a rule, large garden chamomile can withstand frost in open ground, but it is better not to risk it and cover the garden bed with leaves before the snow falls.

Bush pruning and rejuvenation

To strengthen the rhizome and form new growth, it is not recommended to leave the stems standing - they must be cut off. After the chamomile has bloomed, the entire above-ground part of the plant is cut down to 10-15 cm from the ground.

Bush rejuvenation is pruning of part of the root system, performed 5 years after planting, and then repeated after 3 years.

How is rejuvenation performed:

  1. the rhizome is divided in half, one part of the root system is removed;
  2. In place of the removed part of the rhizome, compost and new fertile soil are laid.

During subsequent rejuvenation, the older part of the rhizome is removed.

Diseases and pests

If not properly cared for, large garden chamomile is susceptible to fungal infections:

They are used to prevent infections. In case of severe damage, it is better to remove the plant.

Timely weeding and loosening of the soil, as well as preventive treatment with insecticides, will help reduce the risk of pest damage.

Large garden chamomile in landscape design

The large garden chamomile is famous in floristry and serves as a flower bed, where it combines well with other garden flowers. Goes well with unpretentious wildflowers such as poppies, cornflowers, .

Nivyanik goes well in one composition with flowers such as. In addition, the plant feels comfortable on the Moorish lawn. Low-growing varieties decorate borders. Sometimes I grow garden chamomile in decorative flowerpots on terraces.

There are three main timings for pruning. The first time chamomile is pruned is at the height of flowering. Only faded inflorescences are removed. The main goal of this event is to extend the flowering period.

The main task in summer is to remove flower stalks. This will provoke the bush to bloom again.

The second time pruning begins after flowering has ended. This usually occurs in the second half of July. After flowering ends, chamomile bushes lose their decorative properties, and therefore there is no special need to preserve them.

The third pruning is carried out while preparing the plants for wintering. Its main purpose is sanitary and hygienic. Rotting plant debris is a source of spread of various diseases, as well as a haven for pests. Autumn pruning is carried out before heavy frosts or before the first heavy snowfall.

In this case, the technique for performing pruning depends on the timing of its implementation.

How to prune daisies in summer?

When pruning in summer, only flower stalks with faded inflorescences are cut out. The most convenient way to do this is with small pruning shears or garden shears. The peduncle is simply cut out at the very base.

In summer, flower stalks can be removed even before flowering is completed - then they can be used to make beautiful bouquets.

After pruning, the plants should be watered well and fed with a solution of any universal fertilizer for flowering plants. On average, summer pruning helps to extend flowering time by 2-3 weeks.

Pruning after flowering

The second pruning, which is carried out after flowering has ended, is carried out in a completely different way. This time, the entire above-ground part of the plants is cut off at a height of 5-10 cm from the soil. The most convenient way to trim stems is with pruning shears. At this point, they are already quite hard and woody, so scissors simply cannot handle them.

In the fall, this bush will need to be cut off completely, leaving only the root in the ground.

After pruning, the flower bed with daisies must be fed with a full mineral complex. This will promote faster plant growth. 10 days after applying mineral fertilizers, additional organic matter is added. Fermented mullein solution can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Autumn pruning

Autumn pruning of chamomile is no less important than summer pruning. Its main purpose is to remove the dying above-ground parts and prepare the bushes for wintering. They start it after the onset of a steady cold snap. For most regions of Russia this is the second half of October.

Using sharp pruners, shoots are cut as close to the soil surface as possible. Leave them where they are. Moreover, under no circumstances should they be used to cover bushes. All plant debris should be destroyed. They may contain both pathogenic fungi and the larvae of various pests.

In general, pruning chamomile is quite simple and does not require complex manipulations. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the deadlines. And then the plants will definitely thank you with good development and abundant flowering.

Interesting video: summer pruning of chamomile flower stalks

Is it necessary to prune garden chamomile before winter, the flower stalks have been removed, and the lower rosette of leaves is strong and green? I only planted it this year as a division.

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Chamomiles blooming in the meadow and garden leave no one indifferent. Garden chamomile is the favorite flower of Russian summer residents. Several dozen species of herbaceous perennials can be found in nature in all climatic zones, except the tropics, ice and deserts.

Flower growers are attracted to the culture by its massive and long-lasting flowering, easy care and the ability to plant and propagate the variety they like without much experience.

Description of garden perennial chamomile

The brightest large-flowered plants are used to decorate flower beds. Flower growers first became interested in daisies more than two hundred years ago, so many cultivated varieties have appeared over the years. And although perennial garden daisies can be of different heights, have different flowering times and inflorescence shapes, all daisies have much in common. First of all, this is a recognizable form of an inflorescence-basket, the core of which consists of small tubular yellow flowers, and the frame is made of false-ligulate petals.

Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, semi- and double varieties of garden chamomile are available to gardeners.

Compared to wild specimens in cultivated perennials:

  • flowers are larger;
  • bud formation is much more active;
  • the flowering period is longer;
  • flowers may reappear in the second half of summer.

The garden chamomile depicted in the photo, Leucanthemum vulgare or Leucanthemum maximum, is popularly called cornflower or popovnik. In early spring, a rosette of oblong basal leaves appears above the soil. When inflorescences appear on faceted, erect stems, the height of the plant can vary from 20 to 80 cm. Depending on the variety, the diameter of the inflorescences can reach from 3 to 10 cm.

Reproduction of garden chamomile by dividing the bush

Chamomiles planted on the site grow well, form clumps, which remain decorative even outside of flowering and resemble green pillows. However, after a few years, the perennial needs rejuvenation, otherwise the inflorescences become smaller every year, the foliage becomes smaller and weaker.

Perennial garden daisies reproduce by seed and vegetative methods. If these beautiful flowers are already growing in the flower beds, it is enough to divide the adult curtain into several.

It is best to plant a perennial in the first half of autumn, dividing the plant into parts so that each has a part of a strong rhizome and several growing points. The soil for planting chamomile must be dug up, cleared of weeds and moistened:

  1. The hole is dug a little larger than the root system.
  2. The plant in the planting hole is placed at the same level, after straightening the rhizomes.
  3. The hole is filled with soil, which is compacted and watered.

Since seeds from faded baskets do not convey the characteristics of the parent plants, vegetative propagation is indispensable if you want to get young clumps of any varietal garden chamomile.

The more often the clumps are rejuvenated, the more spectacular their flowering and the larger the inflorescences. However, spring replanting may delay or cancel the appearance of buds.

Sowing garden perennial chamomile and planting it in the ground

Chamomile seeds have excellent winter hardiness, so they can be sown both in spring and before winter. Autumn sowing will not only save precious spring time, but also provide natural stratification. This means that the seedlings will be friendlier and stronger.

Spring propagation of garden chamomile by seeds is possible in two ways:

  • sowing in thawed, dug up and loosened open ground;
  • sowing seedlings at home, which are transferred to a flower bed in the warm season.

In the second case, the plants turn out stronger, they bloom earlier and by winter they manage to form a lush, strong rosette. Planting garden chamomile seedlings is carried out in the second half of February or March. For sowing, take a light, loose substrate based on sand, garden soil and peat. Seeds, several at a time, are placed in seedling containers or peat pots filled with moistened soil. Sprinkle the top with a thin layer of the same substrate.

The crops should be kept under film or glass and at high humidity until germination, that is, 10–15 days. Then the trays are transferred to the light and the cover is removed. If necessary, provide additional illumination for 14 hours a day, otherwise the seedlings become very elongated and weaken.

Picking is carried out when the garden chamomile seedlings open 2–4 true leaves and are about 5 cm high. For active tillering, the main stem can be pinched.

One and a half or two months after sowing, the young plants are taken out into the open ground to pre-prepared sunny areas without stagnant water and with neutral acidity of the soil.

Garden daisies are planted in prepared soil, which is not only dug up, but also loosened. Weeds are carefully selected from the soil, and complex fertilizer for ornamental flower crops is applied to feed the seedlings.

It is more convenient to transfer seedlings with a clod of earth without damaging the root system. In this case, holes are dug slightly larger than the size of the containers, and the gaps are carefully filled with soil, compacted and watered. Although the plants are still small, they have to grow a lot, so gaps of 20 to 40 cm are left between seedlings, depending on the variety of garden chamomile and the design of the flower bed. The first flowering of plants planted with seeds and seedlings should be expected only after a year.

Caring for garden chamomile after planting

All types of chamomile, including garden chamomile, are light-loving. They do not tolerate proximity to groundwater and growing in dense, caking soil.

But at the same time, perennials, beloved by gardeners, are very undemanding to care and can grow even on soils poor in humus, tolerate drought and are not afraid of serious attacks by pests.

However, after planting garden chamomile, caring for them should be careful and systematic. Young plants need frequent watering until rooting is complete. Flowers that are firmly established in a new place are no longer so tender, and they are watered only in hot, dry weather.

The time for watering is chosen so that drops of water in the sun do not act as lenses and do not cause unsightly burns on the leaves and inflorescences.

Although garden daisies are very unpretentious, lush flowering can only be achieved if the plants receive enough nutrition. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers are applied under the roots in the spring. Wilted inflorescences must be cut off together with the stem. This will help keep the plant strong and decorate the area with white chamomile lace for a long time.

When flowering ends, flower care does not stop. Closer to autumn, adult clumps are divided, all old, dead parts are removed, flower stalks and dry leaves are cut out.

If the soil on the site is acidic, it must be deacidified in the fall using dolomite flour or lime.

Chamomiles are frost-resistant, but in winters with little snow they can freeze out, so before the cold weather the clumps are cut down to the ground and thickly sprinkled with peat, spruce branches or other suitable material.

Video about perennial garden chamomile

Caring for large chamomile is easy. To achieve the largest flowers possible, chamomile needs to be fertilized, watered, planted, weeded and protected from pests and diseases in a timely manner.

Elimination of chamomile insulation

When the frost ends, the snow melts, the ground thaws, you need to start caring for your chamomile. First you need to carefully remove the insulation from the place where it grew. This can be done with a plastic rake; it will not harm the young shoots.

Soil feeding

After removing the insulation, you need to feed the soil with mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers are scattered evenly between the rows or around the plant (20 grams per 1 meter). There is no need to water after fertilizing (the soil is still wet), the fertilizers will dissolve on their own. Repeated feeding with organic fertilizers is best done during the formation of buds. In this case, you need to pay attention to the color of the leaves and stem. If the leaves are dark green and the plant is developing well, then there are enough nutrients and it is not necessary to fertilize.

Watering chamomile

The soil moisture for chamomile should be sufficient, but avoid overwatering and stagnation of water, as this will lead to rotting of the roots.

Weeding and loosening the soil around chamomile

Weeding the soil is a very important element in caring for daisies. Weeding is necessary to prevent weeds from taking nutrients and moisture from the plant. Loosening the soil before watering enriches the plant with oxygen and better access of water to the roots.

Pruning chamomile

When a chamomile flower forms, the stepsons (small daisies), which grow in the axils of the leaves, take away the supply of moisture and nutrients. In order for the flower to grow as large as possible, it is advisable to get rid of the stepsons in time; they are cut off or carefully broken out.

Pests and diseases of chamomile

Sometimes aphids may appear under chamomile buds. On individual flowers it can be knocked off with a stream of water when watering. But if the aphid has spread to all the stalks, you need to treat the plant with an appropriate chemical before the bud opens.
If there is a lack of microelements in the soil, chamomile can develop powdery mildew and gray rot. To prevent this, in the spring you need to treat the bushes with a solution of copper sulfate, at the rate of 100 grams per 10 liters of water.

Care after flowering

To form a large and strong root system and for the active development of young shoots, it is better to cut the chamomile after flowering, leaving 10 cm of the plant from the ground.

After flowering, your favorite daisies still need care. How to properly care for a flower so that you can enjoy abundant blooms next year? Pruning, fertilizing, forming a bush - these are the main procedures that are carried out in a flower garden. Tips and reviews from summer residents will help you learn the basics of caring for nevus after flowering.

In the photo, nivberry or chamomile

Caring for daisies after flowering in the countryside e

Daisies - this name has firmly taken root with the common cornflower. You will never confuse it with another plant in the flower garden. Tall daisies occupy a central place for summer residents. They always delight the eye with inflorescences reminiscent of the sun. Unfortunately, the flowering period of garden chamomile is not as long as we would like. How to care for a plant in midsummer?

After flowering, garden daisies accumulate nutrients for wintering, and their roots actively develop. If you leave the plant without care, the nivaria will weaken and become overgrown with weeds. There are many leaves on the stem of chamomile, which gradually dry out. If they are not removed, the flower is more often affected by various diseases.

Chamomiles left unattended often suffer from fungal diseases, namely:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • fusarium.

If a fungal coating is detected on the leaves or stems, it is worth treating the bush with copper-containing preparations. The treatment is repeated 2-3 times. This is the only way to destroy fungal spores and save the plant.

How to prune cornflower after flowering? Flower growers recommend pruning the shoots of garden chamomile, leaving about 15 cm of the stem. This formation of a bush is beneficial for the plant, which, after pruning, will spend more energy on developing the root system and growing new shoots.

To prepare chamomile for the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to regularly moisten the soil around the bush and fertilize it. For this purpose, you can use any mineral supplements or organic matter. Mulching the soil around the bush with manure is a good way to feed the nevus in the fall. The manure will warm the ground around the bush all winter and the chamomile will not be afraid of severe frosts.

Caring for them in the flowerbed includes covering the bush for the winter. This especially applies to the northern regions of our country. Sheltering is carried out in late autumn, before the onset of frost. The bush is protected with leaves or any available covering material.

The photo shows a chamomile bush after flowering and pruning.

Caring for nibbles after flowering, pruning, video:

Chamomile needs care not only in spring, but also in autumn. After flowering, the bush is pruned and the nevus is fed. To prepare the bush for winter, manure or covering material is spread around the bush. If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, then the daisies will bloom magnificently every year, decorating the flowerbed in the country.

Garden chamomile, the cultivation of which gives aesthetic pleasure, is very popular with all amateur flower growers. Everyone in their life has guessed at least once when choosing the largest flowers, but not only lovers appreciate this plant.

Chamomile, pansies, marigolds are unpretentious representatives of the variety of annuals that create the garden landscape. Naive chamomile flowers are an ordinary miracle in the garden.

The word "romana" - chamomile from the Latin means "Roman". Ancient medical books call this plant “Romanov flower”.

In the old days, people were sure that where a star fell, a chamomile would always bloom. One ancient legend says that these flowers were umbrellas for little forest gnomes.

Field chamomile grows everywhere in forests, fields and meadows, and in gardens its sister is garden chamomile.


A large white garden daisy is a "nivberry".

Growing perennial chamomile is common in every garden and is distinguished by its exceptional decorativeness, reliability and freshness.

This perennial with large flowers has abundant and long-lasting flowering. Strong, tall stems reach from 30 cm to one hundred centimeters in height, the diameter of the flower can be up to 10-15 cm.

It is used for growing in mixborders, in single and group plantings, on the lawn, along paths and paths.

Garden white chamomile is also called "nivyanika". In most people's minds, these flowers have long white petals with a yellow center.

There are pink, red, lilac, yellow and even brown daisies. In addition to the traditional types of cornflower - large-flowered and alpine, a large number of other varieties have been bred.

Yellow garden daisy

Chamomile doronicum

This variety of chamomile is distinguished by very bright, but not large yellow flowers, as well as carved, openwork leaves.

Yellow can feel quite good both in the shade and in sunny areas, and in rich and very poor soil, both with and without watering.

It has a long flowering period: from the beginning of the summer season until late autumn. Used for growing on lawns, in single and group plantings, in mixborders, along paths.

Landing conditions

Reproduction should be done in well-lit areas. The soil should be fertilized and, preferably, not acidic.

The plant can grow quietly in one place for more than five years. If a chamomile bush is grown in one place for a long time, the bush thickens, the tall trunks become thin, and the flowers become smaller.


Chamomile Pyrethrum (Persian)

Chamomile can be grown from seeds. Seeds for seedlings are planted in March, when two leaves grow, they are transplanted into separate pots.

The shoots are planted in the ground in May.

The seeds can also be planted directly into the ground at the end of May, covered with film, and shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks.

The seedlings will bloom in the second year. In addition, garden chamomile is propagated by dividing the bush. This can be done once every four years in the fall - in August.

The bush is divided together by the rhizome and the ground part, carefully so as not to damage the root system. If you divide a chamomile bush every year, the flowers will be very large.


Should be sown in March. Shoots will appear in three weeks. When two true leaves appear, the shoots are transplanted into separate containers. And then, when the frosts have passed, they are planted in a permanent place.

Holes are dug 30 by 30 by 30 centimeters. One plant at a time is planted in the prepared holes. The clod of earth is not shaken off. The roots are pressed with soil and watered.

Plant care

Caring for the plant consists of regular weeding, watering, loosening the soil, and thinning. Every five years it is recommended to rejuvenate the plants so that they do not die.

To do this, simply separate part of the bush, planting it in a new place. The resulting void is filled with fertile soil.

After the next three years, this process should be repeated, but part of the plant is dug up from the opposite side. Garden daisies tolerate winter well in open ground in the middle zone, but if the winters are very cold and the flowers are not covered, the flowers will freeze and will not appear in the spring.

Before winter, you need to cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant to the rosette of leaves.


Chamomile blooms for quite a long period, from June to September. Flowering duration ranges from 40 to 60 days.


Growing this flower does not require much effort. Simple conditions must be observed.

Chamomile loves sunny places. She needs sunbathing for five hours a day.

  • Garden chamomile should be regularly watered, mulched, drained and weed soil.
  • Watering. During drought, as well as during the growing season and flowering, chamomile should be well watered.
  • Fertilizers, fertilizing. Responds to mineral and organic fertilizers. In May, chamomile needs to be fed with nitrophoska - add 2 tbsp to a bucket of water. spoons of fertilizer, the second feeding is made with superphosphate and potassium sulfate, in the proportion of one tablespoon per 10 liters.
  • Diseases, pests. Chamomile can suffer from fusarium, rust, spotting, aphids, gray mold, pennies, and thrips. The flower becomes ill due to excess moisture due to bacterial rot and powdery mildew. In this case, the plant is treated with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid or sprinkled with wood ash. If this does not help, then it is better to cut the plant at the root.

One of the types, chamomile, has medicinal qualities. This chamomile grows in the wild and has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The essential oil obtained from chamomile promotes the process of dilating blood vessels in the brain.

Chamomile is widely used in folk medicine. These flowers produce a large number of seeds. An excessive number of flowers can clog your area; you can avoid this if you cut off the fading flowers along with the stems and remove them. In garden chamomile, faded flowers need to be trimmed regularly to prolong the flowering of the plant.

It is widely used in landscape design. In addition, it is planted in group plantings, on ridges, on the Moorish lawn, and also for cutting. These beautiful flowers last a long time in vases. Growing a flower is not labor-intensive, but it allows you to decorate any flower bed.

Good luck, gardeners!

There are three main timings for pruning. The first time chamomile is pruned is at the height of flowering. Only faded inflorescences are removed. The main goal of this event is to extend the flowering period.

The main task in summer is to remove flower stalks. This will provoke the bush to bloom again.

The second time pruning begins after flowering has ended. This usually occurs in the second half of July. After flowering ends, chamomile bushes lose their decorative properties, and therefore there is no special need to preserve them.

The third pruning is carried out while preparing the plants for wintering. Its main purpose is sanitary and hygienic. Rotting plant debris is a source of spread of various diseases, as well as a haven for pests. Autumn pruning is carried out before heavy frosts or before the first heavy snowfall.

In this case, the technique for performing pruning depends on the timing of its implementation.

How to prune daisies in summer?

When pruning in summer, only flower stalks with faded inflorescences are cut out. The most convenient way to do this is with small pruning shears or garden shears. The peduncle is simply cut out at the very base.

In summer, flower stalks can be removed even before flowering is completed - then they can be used to make beautiful bouquets.

After pruning, the plants should be watered well and fed with a solution of any universal fertilizer for flowering plants. On average, summer pruning helps to extend flowering time by 2-3 weeks.

Pruning after flowering

The second pruning, which is carried out after flowering has ended, is carried out in a completely different way. This time, the entire above-ground part of the plants is cut off at a height of 5-10 cm from the soil. The most convenient way to trim stems is with pruning shears. At this point, they are already quite hard and woody, so scissors simply cannot handle them.

In the fall, this bush will need to be cut off completely, leaving only the root in the ground.

After pruning, the flower bed with daisies must be fed with a full mineral complex. This will promote faster plant growth. 10 days after applying mineral fertilizers, additional organic matter is added. Fermented mullein solution can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Autumn pruning

Autumn pruning of chamomile is no less important than summer pruning. Its main purpose is to remove the dying above-ground parts and prepare the bushes for wintering. They start it after the onset of a steady cold snap. For most regions of Russia this is the second half of October.

Using sharp pruners, shoots are cut as close to the soil surface as possible. Leave them where they are. Moreover, under no circumstances should they be used to cover bushes. All plant debris should be destroyed. They may contain both pathogenic fungi and the larvae of various pests.

In general, pruning chamomile is quite simple and does not require complex manipulations. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the deadlines. And then the plants will definitely thank you with good development and abundant flowering.

Interesting video: summer pruning of chamomile flower stalks

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