How to process raspberries in spring. How and with what to treat raspberries in early spring against diseases and pests? The best folk methods! Raspberry stem fly

Many gardeners grow at least a couple of raspberry bushes on their plots in order to stock up on a tasty “cure” for colds and acute respiratory infections by winter. And I'm no exception.

But, unfortunately, raspberries do not bring a good harvest every year. Either the bushes are attacked by insects, then suddenly they begin to get sick and wither.

To be fair, it should be noted that raspberries themselves are not resistant to viral diseases, although a lot, of course, depends.

But let's start in order. It is easier for gardeners to apply prevention and cope with pest invasions than to treat a plant for diseases.

Therefore, let's first get acquainted with bush pests.

Raspberry pests, description with photographs and methods of treatment

Raspberry beetle

This insect is very often found on raspberries. Brown beetles damage the buds, and their larvae feed on the berries. They all wait out the winter in the ground.

In May, as soon as the ground warms up, adult individuals climb to the surface. At first they behave quietly, without bothering the raspberry tree, since they feed on weeds and flowers of various plants.

Everything changes when the buds on the raspberries begin to appear, and they all climb onto them. Female beetles lay eggs before flowering, inside the flowers. The yellowish worm that is so often found inside the berry is a beetle larva.

How to protect raspberries from it? During the flight of the beetle, which coincides with budding and continues until the first flowers bloom, the raspberry tree is covered with a film or mesh with very small cells.

The beetles that have settled on the shoots are shaken off by spreading polyethylene or other material on the ground; fallen insects are collected by hand and destroyed.

Weeds are regularly removed from the bushes; this is where the beetle first lives.

Raspberry-strawberry weevil

Another flower lover, his second name is flower beetle.

The most ardent pests are females, which leave their oviposition in the buds and then gnaw the stalk.

As a result of this action, the buds dry out and fall off, and we are left without a harvest.

Raspberry bud moth

The larvae travel along the core of the shoots; the starting point is the bud, where the young caterpillar takes root after wintering.

Immediately cut off all damaged shoots and destroy them. Growing new shoots are treated with pesticides.

The parents of the caterpillars are brown butterflies with yellow spots on their front wings.

Raspberry glass

This butterfly resembles a wasp in appearance. Females lay eggs on the soil near the stems and do not cause any harm themselves.

What is difficult to say about their larvae, which move from the ground to the very core of the shoot for the winter. As a result, swellings form on them.

In the spring, the larva safely leaves its place of residence and goes outside. The stems stop growing, no berries form on it, and they gradually dry out. They must be cut out and burned away from plantings.

Raspberry stem or shoot gall midge

The appearance of growths and burst bark on the shoots “indicates” that gall midges have settled on the raspberries, or rather their larvae, which overwinter inside the shoots.

Insects lay eggs when the buds begin to bloom and can be found in the lower part of young shoots. From where the hatched caterpillars move into the bark.

All damaged parts of the plant, as in the previous case, are cut out and burned.

The larvae of mosquitoes or shoot gall midges often damage the raspberry tree, especially if it is infected with fungal diseases.

Mosquitoes leave their eggs under the bark of the shoots; the eggs hatch into larvae, which remain under the bark for a while, and then, gnawing out canals, go into the ground.

Above the habitat of the caterpillars, the bark acquires a bluish color. Damage becomes noticeable in the fall, when we begin to prepare the bushes for winter. By bending them to the ground, they begin to break easily.

If shoot gallicia is a frequent visitor in your area, then select raspberry varieties that are resistant to it. When purchasing, do not let your guard down, as seedlings from nurseries may already be infected with this pest.

Raspberry fly

Blackened, rotten tops are the result of the vital activity of fly larvae.

The female lays eggs at the tips of the shoots. The larvae that emerge from it move under the bark, eating through the annular passages.

The damaged tops of the shoots are cut off just below the place where the caterpillar is located and they are destroyed.


These insects prefer to live in colonies. And since they feed on plant sap, their large population negatively affects the growth and development of the entire bush.

Shoots and leaves are stunted and deformed. But the big threat lies elsewhere; aphids carry viral diseases.


Ticks are very small insects that are difficult to see. However, their vital activity is difficult not to notice.

Leaves infected with the raspberry beetle become covered with oily and light green spots. Over time, they become deformed and take on an ugly shape.

One solution is to plant varieties that are not sensitive to this pest. When purchasing, pay attention to the health of the seedlings; be sure to make sure that they are free from pests.

The spider mite is omnivorous and enjoys the juice of many plants, including raspberries. He likes to settle on thickened plantings, weakened and old shoots. The leaves are covered with light green dots and are covered with cobwebs from below. Gradually they turn yellow and dry out.


The leafhopper also feeds on cell sap from leaves. White dots become noticeable on the leaves, shoots slow down, the berries become noticeably smaller, and the yield decreases. In addition, the leafhopper, like aphids, carries a dangerous viral disease.

All these insects cause significant harm to raspberries. Most of them overwinter in the ground or under fallen leaves and plant debris. Annual loosening of the soil in late autumn and early spring can deal a blow to the “enemy army”, since during loosening we destroy wintering sites.

The fight against raspberry pests in the spring continues by watering the soil with hot water (70–80 °C) from a watering can, but this procedure is carried out while the snow is still on the site.

Chemical preparations for treating bushes are used before flowering in the spring or after fruiting. What is the best way to treat raspberries before flowering against pests?

A solution of karbofos (50 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water) is considered a universal remedy, since it is aimed at most of the above insects. Except for those who hide inside the shoots, since the active substance practically does not penetrate inside. Also proven to be good: Atellik, Confidorm - the solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Some insects appear in the garden already during or after flowering, or we notice them during harvest. Before spraying raspberries with chemicals during flowering, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, since active chemicals may remain in the berries.

To treat bushes, it is better to use folk remedies during this period. Yes, they are selective, but they also help repel some pests.

How to treat raspberries against worms in berries?

You can try to remove the raspberry beetle larva with a biological insecticide - Lepidocide, but treatment must be completed 5 days before harvest.

Or they collect pests by hand. This, of course, is labor-intensive, but there is a chance to save most of the harvest.

How to treat raspberries against aphids during flowering?

The presence of aphids on the site is a nightmare for gardeners and gardeners. Aphids settle on many vegetable and fruit crops, so they can leave them without a harvest at all.

You can drive it away from the plant by spraying the bushes with infusions of potato and tomato tops.

The pest does not like infusions of calendula, onion peels or tobacco. Add 3 tablespoons of liquid laundry soap to the infusion; this will help the solution stick to the bark better. Treatment is carried out once a week.

How to treat raspberries against raspberry flies?

It is advisable to use chemicals if its numbers are very high. In this case, treatment with karbofos is carried out when the shoots do not exceed 15 cm in height.

But annual autumn loosening of the soil and mulching it in the spring with sawdust impregnated with tar, or adding wood ash or mustard powder under the bush will help you forget about its existence.

Raspberry diseases, description with photographs and methods of treatment


This is one of the most common fungal diseases of shrubs. Ideal conditions for its development:

  • raspberry thickening;
  • insufficient aeration at high humidity.

Shoots 10–30 cm high are especially sensitive to the pest. The disease affects all parts of the plant. They are covered with gray spots with a purple edge. Often the leaves curl and fall off prematurely.

Diseased bushes have reduced winter hardiness. If the bush survives the winter, then next year, at best, weak fruit-bearing branches will appear.

Annual sanitary pruning of bushes, fertilizing them with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and treating them with copper-containing solutions helps reduce the risk of developing anthracnose.

The infected plant is treated with a solution of copper sulfate using personal protective equipment; or oxychome, where the active ingredient is copper oxychloride. It acts quickly and has a long-lasting, healing effect.

Spraying is carried out before flowering or after harvesting.

Didimella or purple spot

This is a disease of fungal origin. Its development is provoked by high humidity and ambient temperature, as well as strong thickening of the raspberry tree.

The peak of the disease occurs in July–August. The leaves are affected first, with purple spots appearing around the base. Then they spread to the stems, capturing them completely. By autumn, the stems crack and become very sensitive to low temperatures.

At the first sign, we mercilessly cut out all infected shoots, since the fungus very quickly spreads to healthy plants. In late autumn, when all the foliage has fallen off, the bush is treated with pharmacoid.

Verticillium wilt

The pest of this disease persists in the soil for up to 14 years even in the absence of the host. The fungus enters the raspberry through the bark and spreads further through the vessels.

On hot summer days the disease manifests itself in all its glory. In 1-2 seasons the bush dies. The first symptoms of the disease are that the leaves in the lower part of the bush die, the shoots stop growing and turn blue.

Ulcerative spotting

A very dangerous raspberry disease that progresses quickly.

After infection, after 2 weeks, the bush becomes covered with brown spots. The pest easily penetrates the plant through cracks and wounds caused by pruning or injury to the bush by the thorns of other plants or trellises.

Late blight (root rot)

Root rot usually develops on old roots. Necrosis forms on them when there are very few suction roots.

The lower leaves do not receive proper nutrition and turn yellow and wither. Waterlogged soil and poor drainage promote the development of rot.

Gray mold or botrytis

Deals a blow to yield, since it mainly develops on berries and partially covers the leaves.

The main symptom is the appearance of reddish spots near the kidney. In winter they turn white.

Root cancer or goiter

The infection enters through wounds, cuts and cracks in the stems. As a result, growths appear on them - these are hard, spongy growths.

Bushes growing in cold, damp soil with high acidity are especially affected by goiter.

Viral diseases do not appear on their own; they are carried by insects - aphids and leafhoppers.

The main vectors are aphids and leafhoppers. These pests have several varieties; for example, you can find such insects in the garden.

  • Dwarfism of the genus Rubus

A large number of thin, short shoots appear on the crop, which form the so-called “witch’s broom”.

The carrier of this mycoplasma disease is the leafhopper. When infected, the bush quickly degenerates and loses its productivity. The diseased bush is immediately removed, making sure that there are no roots left in the soil.

  • Viral mosaic

The disease is carried by aphids. The leaves acquire a mosaic color, then become convex and gradually thin out.

The berries become smaller and lose their taste. The bush is stunted and its shoots are thin.

  • Raspberry jaundice or infectious chlorosis

Another disease carried by aphids. It usually appears in early summer. The yellowing of the leaf blade begins first between the veins, then the entire leaf becomes yellow.

Gradually, the leaves become deformed, curled and wrinkled. The stems become longer and thinner in diameter. The berries are small and the yield decreases.

  • Viral curl

Raspberries are infested by aphids. The color of the leaves becomes dark green, the leaves themselves wrinkle, their edges bend down. They feel hard to the touch. In autumn, the leaves become bronze in color, the fruiting shoots become deformed, and the berries dry out. The plant does not grow, the tops dry out.

All viral diseases cannot be treated. Unfortunately, there is only one way out. The bushes are completely dug up and burned. A new area is selected for raspberries, but they are not planted after tomatoes and potatoes.

The main activities are to prevent diseases:

  • timely control of insects;
  • sanitary pruning of the plant;
  • purchasing raspberry varieties with immunity to viral diseases.

Fungal diseases can and should be fought. The bushes are regularly sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture before flowering and after harvesting. Pruning is carried out after fruiting, young shoots are cut out to thicken the raspberries. Weed out weeds, dig up the soil and mulch it.

Before spraying raspberries in the spring against diseases and pests, it is necessary to find out exactly who has settled on the bushes or why they are sick. The choice of a suitable remedy depends on this.

We use biological agents against insects, for example, fitoverm. I also advise you to pay attention to Polyversum BP, which protects raspberries from pathogenic bacteria and pests.

If there are a large number of pests, more radical methods are used - treatment with chemicals - Nitrafen solution will help against raspberry beetles, chlorophos against shoot gall midges. Fitosporin is used at the first signs of rot.

How to spray raspberries in the fall against diseases and pests

The second treatment is done after the entire berry crop has been harvested and a number of agrotechnical measures have been carried out, namely, we cut off all fruit-bearing shoots, did sanitary pruning, cut out young shoots that thicken the bush, removed all weeds, plant debris and fallen leaves near the bushes, loosened soil.

After this, we treat the bushes with a solution of Actellik, Fufanon or Intavir.

It can be treated for prevention, if there are no harmful insects and diseases, with Bordeaux mixture or karbofos.

But we spray not only bushes. We also make sure to cultivate the soil near them, because this is where pests and pathogenic fungi wait out the winter.

It is not possible to harvest a generous harvest of raspberries without undergoing preventative treatment of berry plantings against diseases and diseases. Viruses and bacteria, fungi and insects also want to eat. Someone has taken a liking to young shoots, someone to a leaf blade or an internode, and everyone tries to make themselves more comfortable, thereby reducing our chances of a good harvest.

Treatment of raspberries in spring against diseases and pests

When considering how to treat raspberries in the spring against diseases and pests, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what diseases or pests we are spraying against. The fact in which vegetative phase of the plant microorganisms and pests are in the most accessible form is of no small importance.

Even if your raspberry plant has not been exposed to the most common viral diseases of raspberries: anthracnose, white, autumn, purple (didimelosis), canker spots, as well as raspberry rust, preventive treatments should be carried out.

  • Viruses are ubiquitous , and you can bring them not only with planting material, but also on clothes, but getting rid of them is quite difficult.
  • Special measures must be taken when planting new seedlings . No matter how much you trust a nursery or market seller, it is almost impossible to guarantee the purity of the material from viral infection.
  • Disinfection of planting material must be carried out by spraying and soaking the rhizomes in a solution of copper sulfate. until it ends up in the general raspberry patch . To do this, you need to dilute 100 g of copper sulfate in a bucket of water and treat the shoots and roots until completely wet.
  • Recently, the drug has proven itself to be quite effective. Horus" By diluting 3 g per 10 liters of water and treating it during the period of bud break, it will well protect the raspberry tree from didimelosis and gray rot. But during the period when the buds are coming out, it is better to use “Topaz” at the rate of 9 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • Before the buds open, for preventive purposes, the entire raspberry tree must be sprayed with the drug "Nitrophen" by preparing a solution at the rate of 200 g per 10 liters of water, or a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. It is necessary to dilute the drug as follows: dissolve 300 g of copper sulfate in 5 liters of water, and 400 g of lime in another 5 liters, and then pour it into the milk of lime, gradually stirring the copper sulfate solution.
  • During the growing season, you can use 1% Bordeaux mixture. The treatment must be carried out before flowering and after harvesting the berries.
  • For goblet rust of raspberries, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture during bud break. If the damage is too large, then the procedure should be repeated before and after flowering.

To disinfect, you need to treat the raspberry plant with a solution of copper sulfate.

Features of treatment with iron sulfate

Treatment with iron sulfate is not effective.

Experienced gardeners have long noted the effectiveness of treatments with copper sulfate, but spraying with iron sulfate does not have a positive effect.

Pest control is the basis of a healthy raspberry tree

The most dangerous diseases include curl, raspberry overgrowth and chlorosis.

Chlorosis is transmitted by leafhoppers.

It is very unpleasant to observe a picture when, instead of several strong and powerful shoots, many thin and flexible shoots grow, with small, jagged leaf plates. Dwarf plants with chloratic foliage also look deplorable. Of course, such plantings must be uprooted, but insects that carry viruses and the fight against them are a must in a raspberry garden.

These are carried by leafhoppers. Therefore, before and after flowering, the plantings need to be treated with a 10% solution of karbofos, and the cut material should be filled with hot water for 2 hours.

Bunch leaf roller

The cluster leaf roller is a rather aggressive pest. If the spring turned out to be extended and cool, then it will be impossible to manage with one treatment against this pest.

Bunch leaf roller.

The first spraying is carried out when the buds open, and again before flowering begins. You can use the following drugs: “Decis”, “Talstar CE”, “Danadim”, “Bi-58”, “Fury VE”, “Karate”. In small areas you can use Inta-vir, Kinmiks, Aktelik.

Raspberry beetle

If the plantings are not large, then you can shake off the beetle into a net.

Do this early in the morning, when the temperature does not exceed 15°C. It is also applicable to collect damaged fruits to prevent the worms from falling to the ground to pupate.

The raspberry beetle should be shaken off early in the morning.

Industrial plantations are processed during the budding period if the attack intensity is 3–4 insects per bush (10 last year's shoots). In this case we apply: " Karbofos", "Fufanon", "Aktelik", "Fosbetsid".

If the area is small, you can use Karbofos by diluting it 75 g in a bucket of water. If you use Aktelik, the solution is prepared at the rate of 15 ml per bucket of water.

Nettle leaf weevil

The nettle leaf weevil is an invasive insect.

  • The insect is especially aggressive if strawberry plantings are adjacent to raspberries. In this case, everything needs to be processed.
  • The most optimal treatments for raspberries are during the period when the flower clusters extend.
  • For spraying, use a 10% solution of karbofos.

Bud moth and stem fly

The population of these insect pests can be destroyed, or at least significantly reduced, if spraying is carried out during the swelling of the buds.

A solution of 10% karbofos must be applied so that the buds are completely moistened, this will guarantee the destruction of the insect.

Raspberry shoot gall midge and mite

Timely mulching of areas significantly reduces the flight of mosquitoes from the ground, however in places with severe damage, insecticide treatments are mandatory.

By preparing a 10% solution of karbofos and treating the shoots before flowering and after harvesting, you will also prevent an increase in the raspberry mite population.

Treatment against pests with biological preparations

To save and prevent an increase in the number of insects in the raspberry field, the drug “Lepidotsid” is effectively used.

The drug Lepidocid is used for treatment against pests.

As soon as the air temperature rises to 15° C, treatments can begin. It is enough to dissolve 35–70 ml of the drug in 5 liters of water and treat 2–3 times with an interval of 10–15 days.

It also produces a good effect Bitoxibacillin " Treatments are carried out once every 15 days, dissolving 35 ml of the product in 5 liters of water.

Urea treatment

Amateur gardeners in the spring practice treating raspberries with a solution of urea (urea).

Being a nitrogen fertilizer, it has proven itself perfectly for the moment when the shoots begin to grow and they need “fast” nitrogen. Industrialists also use this fertilizer to feed raspberry plantations.

Urea is used to feed raspberries.

However, people still use urea to treat raspberry plantings in order to destroy pests. If you prepare a concentrated solution that can destroy an insect by contact, then it must be used before the buds open, and the insect has not yet emerged at this time.

When the buds have blossomed, the use of a concentrated solution is unacceptable due to possible burns, and a low concentration will not affect the insect.

It is for this reason that the Urea fertilizer does not exhibit an insecticidal effect and is not used in spraying against insects.


With timely processing, raspberries will give a good harvest.

Raspberries, like other berry gardens and trees, need regular and timely treatments. By applying knowledge and experience, you will get a good harvest of high-quality and healthy berries.

Video about processing raspberries in spring

Garden raspberries differ from their forest “relatives” in high productivity, large size of juicy berries and active development.

But garden raspberry bushes are more often affected by diseases and various pests, the activity of which can reduce the fruiting of the plant to “no”. In my article I will tell you how to treat raspberries against pests and thereby save the harvest.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The same applies to garden plants. Raspberry bushes can be susceptible to the development of a variety of pathological processes. Let's look at the most common bush diseases.

Late blight (root rot)

This fungal disease affects the root system of the bush. The main reason for the development of late blight is excessively moist and heavy soil without a drainage system. The roots in such soil begin to rot, the plant experiences a deficiency of nutritional components, and gradually withers and dies.

  • Plant only healthy and strong raspberry seedlings in the soil. It is best to purchase plants from special nurseries, where they issue appropriate documents on the quality and health of young shoots.
  • Provide raspberries with comfortable conditions for active development. First of all, you need to take care of soil drainage. Do not allow moisture to accumulate near the root system of the plant.
  • If the raspberries are already affected by late blight, then the “sick” bushes are dug up and examined for localization of the damage. Roots covered with a bright red coating should be disinfected with a fungicide (Paurin, Prestop, Poliversum). A severely affected plant is destroyed.

Root cancer

The cause of the development of root cancer is pathogenic bacteria that penetrate the cellular structure of the plant through mechanical damage (cracks, wounds, etc.). A symptom of root cancer is the formation of brown growths-galls on the root shoots.

Subsequently, the galls grow together, their surface cracks, and the pathological process spreads to the root collar.

The affected root system is unable to absorb moisture from the soil, and as a result, the plant experiences a lack of nutrients.

Raspberries affected by root canker wilt, dry out, and turn yellow. Shoots lag behind in development. The berries lose their taste value and become smaller. Root cancer can also lead to the death of a bush.

Methods of treatment and prevention:

  • Plant only healthy and strong seedlings in the soil. Purchase shoots from specialized nurseries.
  • Maintain crop rotation.
  • Make sure that the soil does not become alkalized.
  • Before planting seedlings, carry out treatment: spill the soil with a solution of copper sulfate (1%); soak the seedlings in a disinfectant composition (100 grams of 1% copper sulfate per 10 liters of liquid).
  • In case of minor damage by root canker, the affected parts are removed from the bush. Treat plant sections with garden varnish.
  • If the root cancer has spread to most of the bush, then the raspberries are dug up and burned. Treat the soil where “sick” plants grew with a disinfectant composition. Raspberries cannot be planted in this place for 2-4 years.

Gray rot

Fungal infection poses a serious danger to the plant. The first signs of the development of gray rot, as a rule, appear at the time of flowering; berries suffer most from the disease.


  • The leaves, buds and flowers of the plant are covered with airy gray “dust”.
  • Subsequently, the “dust” degenerates into a rich gray coating.
  • The plant begins to rot and then dies.

Gray mold is a contagious disease. With the wind, “dust” can spread to healthy plants.

Methods of treatment and prevention:

  • Maintaining crop rotation.
  • Uniform watering.
  • Regular loosening of the soil.
  • Timely removal and destruction of “sick” raspberry structures.
  • Before fruit formation, raspberries are treated with a disinfectant composition (Fitosporin-M) as a preventive measure.

Treatment of raspberries from insect pests

Raspberry beetle


  • the pest damages the pulp of berries, leaves and buds;
  • affected fruits deteriorate and become smaller;
  • Cracks and through holes of various sizes appear on the leaves.
  • in the spring (after the snow melts), dig up the soil deeply, loosen it, and lay mulch on top;
  • Before flowering, both the plant and the soil are treated with special compounds (karbofos, Decis, Iskra).

Stem gall midge


  • compactions and swellings form on the stems and shoots of the bush.

Treatment and prevention:

  • cut off the affected parts of the raspberries and burn them;
  • in the spring, deep loosen the soil around the raspberries;
  • preventive treatment in the spring before flowering with disinfectants (karbofos, Funanon);
  • During the period when buds appear, repeated spraying with disinfectant compounds (Funanon, Actellik) is carried out.



  • accumulation of a large number of small green insects on the lower part of young leaves.

Treatment and prevention:

  • treatment is carried out at the moment of bud break, for this purpose special compounds are used (Aktellik, karbofos).

Stem fly


  • above the bush there is a cluster of insects - small flies with long transparent bluish wings;
  • Cracks and signs of gnawing appear on the leaves.

Treatment methods and prevention:

  • regular mulching of the soil around the bushes;
  • in the spring (after the snow melts) the bush is treated with a disinfectant compound (karbofos);
  • Before flowering, raspberries are re-treated with special compounds (Aktellik, Agravertin, Fitoverm).

Raspberry moth


Treatment methods and prevention:

  • cut off and burn the affected parts of the plant;
  • in spring, raspberries are treated with a disinfectant compound (karbofos);
  • Before flowering, spray with a special mixture (Aktellik, Fitoverm).



  • on the surface of the berries or leaves you can see a small bug with a long nose;
  • the insect sucks out the pulp of the berries, as a result of which the fruits dry out and fall off.

Treatment methods and prevention:

  • Before flowering, treat the plant with a special mixture (Aktellik, Metafos, karbofos).

Spider mite


  • White punctures appear on the surface of the leaves;
  • with severe damage, the plant withers, the leaves dry out and fall off.

Treatment methods and prevention:

  • treating the affected plant with disinfectant mixtures (karbofos, Iskra, colloidal sulfur, Metaphos, Phosfamide, Tsidial).

Bud moth


Treatment methods and prevention:

  • before the buds swell, carry out disinfectant treatment (Confidor, Decis, Iskra);
  • at the moment the leaves appear, spray the plant with 10% karbofos.


  • treatment of raspberries from diseases and pests is carried out immediately as the first signs of damage to the plant appear;
  • Prevention against diseases and pests is the creation of comfortable conditions for growing shrubs, as well as spring treatment with disinfectant compounds.

Proper care of raspberries in the spring is the key to their further growth and a bountiful harvest.

Improper pruning, lack of fertilizing, lack of treatment against pests and diseases will further affect the harvest of this tasty, healthy berry.

Do you want to grow such beautiful raspberries?

What to do with raspberries in spring

The list of spring work that needs to be done in the raspberry garden in the spring includes:

  • pruning after winter;
  • feeding;
  • treatment of shrubs from pests.

The raspberry leaves have already blossomed

Caring for raspberries in spring begins in early or mid-March. It depends on the region where the berries are grown.

To begin work, the air temperature must be at least +5 degrees.


The first step is to prune the raspberries. It must be done as early as possible in order to have time to carry out all the work before active sap flow begins.

In spring, it is better to prune raspberry bushes before sap flows.

Spring pruning is carried out in two stages.

First, shoots that are affected by stem gall midge are removed.

You can detect traces of the vital activity of this pest with the naked eye, especially while there are no leaves on the bushes. Swellings are visible at the bottom of the shoots and stems. If you cut them, you will find gall midge larvae. Remove damaged, heavily frozen, weak shoots.

Regardless of the form of planting, raspberries are thinned. Thickening of plantings affects productivity. With the tape form of cultivation, up to 25 stems are left per linear meter, with the bush form - from 8 to 12.

At the second stage, the raspberries are pruned again when they begin to grow. The top trimmings are shortened to the first overwintered bud.

Fertilizing raspberries in spring

Urea is a popular fertilizer for raspberries.

The most important fertilizers for raspberries are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but she also loves organic ones. In spring, raspberries are fed with nitrogen. Lack of nitrogen leads to slower growth of shoots, shredding of leaves and a sharp decrease in yield.

Do not forget about phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. A lack of phosphorus is manifested by weakening of shoots, and a deficiency of potassium not only has a bad effect on yield, but also greatly reduces winter hardiness.

Scheme for fertilizing raspberries in spring

  1. After the snow melts, even before loosening the soil, nitrogen fertilizers are applied (10-15 g of ammonium nitrate or 10 g of urea per 1 sq.m.). Along with nitrogen fertilizers, it is also good to add a glass of ash under each bush. Before applying fertilizing, the plants must be watered well.
  2. After loosening the soil, apply organic fertilizers as mulch. This can be humus, peat compost, straw manure, etc.
  3. In May, raspberries are fed with mullein, diluted at the rate of 500 ml per bucket of water.

Treatment of raspberries from pests and diseases in spring

In the spring, it is important to take measures to protect bushes from pests and diseases.

From the raspberry beetle

The photo shows a dangerous pest for raspberries

Raspberries are treated against beetles immediately after the snow melts and the shoots are tied, generously spraying the bushes and ground with Nitrafen solution.

Before flowering, treatment is carried out with a mixture of infusions of marigolds and wormwood.

Two-time treatment of raspberries with biological preparations Fitoverm and Agravertin also shows good results.

From raspberry gall midge

Traces of raspberry gall midge on the bushes

To combat gall midges, you need to inspect the raspberries as carefully as possible after wintering, and if growths are detected, cut out and burn the affected shoots.

At the stage of bud appearance, raspberries are again sprayed with Fufanon or Actellik.

From raspberry fly

Common pest for raspberry bushes

Prevention consists of spring mulching of tree trunk circles. This makes it difficult for insects to leave their wintering areas. In early May, before flowering, you can treat raspberries with Actellik, Fitoverm or Agravertin.

For diseases (anthracosis and gray rot), raspberries are treated with Nitrafen solution in early spring, with Bordeaux mixture at the stage of bud break, and at any time with Fitosporin.

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