Kitchen lighting with a round table. How to organize kitchen interior lighting: photo and ceiling light. Choosing spots, soffits and bus lights

Chandeliers and lamps for the kitchen-living room promise to become one of the frequently discussed topics in the coming years, as combined kitchen-living room spaces become increasingly popular in the Russian market.

Accordingly, many questions arise regarding their design, since this form of kitchen and living room is still quite new for us, the collective experience of arranging it has not yet been accumulated, so when it comes to designing such a combined space, people are usually lost.

Since light is one of the key stages of renovation, I will begin a series of articles about kitchens and living rooms with it. How to distribute leads for light in the kitchen-living room and – the burning question – how to choose chandeliers and lamps.

First - a boring, but extremely important question - the electrical wiring terminals for the ceiling light. Lighting should correspond to the functional areas of the kitchen-living room, that is, before starting the renovation, you need to decide where the kitchen unit, sofa, dining table and (if any) bar counter will be. This is necessary in order to draw its own conclusion for the overhead light (chandelier, ceiling lamp, pendant, points, etc.) above each functional area with independent switches for each.

Why should you first decide on the layout of the kitchen-living room and draw conclusions for the lighting in accordance with it? Because otherwise (when conclusions under the light are made “from scratch” or according to the principle of symmetry) this strange thing can turn out:

Here we see two extra lamps - one ball lamp in the center of the room and one near the right wall. What are they needed for? No answer. The money is wasted, these lamps are of no use, and from a design point of view, they do nothing but harm.

Another anti-example in the photo below:

In this kitchen-living room, ceiling lights were also distributed according to the principle of symmetry. As a result, as you can see, they divide the room not into functional zones, but into strange squares, and some of the lamps illuminate the far wall of the kitchen-living room, where there are exits to the corridor and the adjacent room. Why are they there? At the same time, there is no full overhead light above the set in the cooking area. So, it is very important:

determine the arrangement of furniture in the kitchen-living room before designing the electrical wiring

draw conclusions under the light where it is needed

Use common sense when planning furniture and fixtures. Here is a funny anti-example in the photo below:

Very nice kitchen-living room, isn't it? Now take a closer look at how the functional areas are distributed in it: the kitchen and dining table are located on opposite walls of the room, and the sofa area is in the middle. This means that with all the hot plates you need to run from the set to the dining table across the room. As a result, when the owners get tired of it, the dining table will move to the bar counter, and for some reason two beautiful, but completely unnecessary lamps will remain hanging on the opposite wall.

– make sure that the furniture layout in your kitchen-living room is comfortable for life, and only then plan lamps and chandeliers

Well, it’s time to give a good example of the distribution of chandeliers and lamps in the kitchen-living room. Please, here it is in the photo below:

This is a kitchen-living room, clearly after redevelopment, and here you see a very good selection and proper distribution of ceiling lamps - soft diffused light in the sofa area, cheerful pendants above the bar counter, which also serves as a dining table, and a ball lamp in the kitchen area. All lamps are different, but compatible with each other (however, the compatibility of lamps will be discussed later).

Here is a diametrically opposite design, but equally convenient and reasonable distribution of ceiling lights:

The selection here is much more ascetic (all lamps are the same), but the principle of light distribution is the same - over functional areas, and it works!

Now about some nuances related to the size and zoning of your kitchen-living room. The following rule applies here:

– the more spacious the kitchen-living room and the higher its ceilings, the more important it is to have overhead light for each functional area

the smaller the kitchen-living room and the lower the ceilings, the fewer ceiling lights it should have

In small kitchen-living rooms (for example, resulting from the combination of a small kitchen and an adjacent room in Khrushevkas and panels), you can make only two conclusions on the ceiling for chandeliers and lamps - one above the set and one above the sofa area and neglect the additional lamp above the dining room table If the area of ​​the kitchen-living room is 15-25 sq. m and it is not narrow and long, then two ceiling lamps are enough to fully illuminate it. There is no need to “share” the ceiling light in a small room. Here's a good example in the photo below:

This photo was taken in such a way that the kitchen-living room seems spacious, but in fact it measures approximately 560*300 cm, and two ceiling lamps are quite enough for comfortable lighting, and given its small area, zoning with light is no longer necessary - pendant lamps above a bar counter and a dining table would only “shred” the room, so they wisely refrained from them.

In addition, in small kitchen-living rooms, if the dining table is moved to the sofa wall, it is also not necessary to make a separate ceiling lamp above it; above this area you can simply hang one chandelier in the center, as in the photo below:

The dimensions of the sofa-dining area are approximately 320*460 cm. For this space, the existing chandelier, which is correctly placed in the center of the area, is quite sufficient. The pendants above the bar counter are also in their place - they are both decorative and convenient.

A similar example is in the photo below:

In this kitchen-living room, the dining table is also located in the sofa area, and it is beautifully illuminated by a chandelier hung in the center of the area. And above the headset there is a separate light.

And vice versa - if the dining table is located in the furniture area, there is no point in providing a lamp for it - in the kitchen-dining area you need to hang one chandelier in the center.

And yet, even if we follow the rule “the smaller the room, the fewer ceiling lights it has,” even in a small kitchen-living room you should have at least two ceiling lights: one in the kitchen area and one in the sofa area. Try to find the error yourself in the anti-example in the photo below:

Here, pendants above the dining table are the only source of overhead light. This means that the light from them will constantly hit the eyes of people sitting on the sofa facing the kitchen. This is extremely uncomfortable. As a result, either the sofa will be turned 90 degrees counterclockwise to sit with your back to the kitchen, or the overhead light will be turned off, and a large floor lamp will be placed in the sofa area. Well, or the ceiling will be re-drilled and a second outlet will be made under the chandelier in the sofa area

Now let's concentrate on the second point of planning chandeliers and lamps for the kitchen-living room - their selection. How should chandeliers and ceiling lamps combine with each other in a combined kitchen-living room?

The easiest way is to select them from one collection:

It is recommended to select chandeliers and lamps from the same collection in small kitchen-living rooms - if you want to reduce the visual fragmentation of the interior.

In the kitchen-living room in the photo on the left, they did exactly this because the size of the room is small, and this is the right decision, although I would move the lamps above the bar to the sofa area (I think you would too). So:

chandeliers and lamps in the kitchen-living room can be the same (recommended for small areas)

The second way to combine lamps and chandeliers in the kitchen-living room is to select not identical ones, but also not polarly different ones, but similar ones.

Oddly enough, this is one of the most difficult methods, especially if the chandelier shades are not perfectly white, but painted. Similar, but different shades of lampshades can give an unsightly discord in daylight. Therefore, with this approach, it is better to choose lamps and chandeliers with white shades.


So, the second way to choose chandeliers and lamps for the kitchen-living room:

select lamps and chandeliers of the same color (preferably white), but of different shapes

Another method is possible in which one of the lamps is colored and the other (others) are white, but this method is used extremely rarely.

But, of course, lamps and chandeliers in the kitchen-living room can be completely different:

Ascetic modern light above the set (dots, a laconic overhead lamp with a white shade, etc.) goes perfectly with the classic chandelier in the sofa area. But more contrasting solutions are also possible:

A classic chandelier in the sofa area goes well with a brutal dark lamp above the dining table. Please note that this dark lamp is here for a reason - it supports the color of the kitchen appliances.

So, the third way to choose chandeliers and lamps for the kitchen-living room:

a chandelier in the sofa area can contrast in style and color with the light in the kitchen area

But there is also no need to go to the point of absurdity in the selection of contrasting styles:

The main secret to the correct placement of lighting fixtures for the kitchen is the creation of multi-level lighting. In each part of the kitchen, it is necessary to install a separate light source to create comfortable conditions and coziness. Depending on the layout of the kitchen area in the apartment, you should carefully approach the installation of the correct light distribution.

In order to correctly select and install lighting fixtures, it is necessary to calculate the size of the kitchen area, take into account the color shades of interior items, as well as style parameters when decorating.

Kitchen lighting options

There are many options for lighting fixtures for the kitchen area, which allow you to create a unique style and richness of light. To illuminate the kitchen area, you can use several types of lamps:

Kitchen ceiling lighting

Overhead lighting in the kitchen should be evenly distributed over the work area and diffused onto interior items.

For this purpose, the best option would be a built-in LED lamp. It goes well with suspended ceilings and lighting panels.

When choosing lighting fixtures for a kitchen area with a painted ceiling, it is suitable to install a lighting device in the form of a rectangular structure with a built-in LED strip.

It is made of thin translucent material and is mounted in the ceiling hole. This type of lighting will illuminate the entire kitchen area with uniform light dispersion.

The installation of rotating lamps, the fastening of which is carried out on movable brackets, which can easily be mounted under wall cabinets, will help diversify the kitchen interior. Lamps of this type allow you to control the light, dimming or, conversely, increasing the brightness of the light in the kitchen.

In addition, small LEDs can be installed in the interior of the cabinets. This option is considered ideal for. The kitchen area, which has a large area and is divided into work areas, should be illuminated with general purpose lighting.

Large kitchens

For large kitchen areas, several types of LED lamps are used that have the ability to rotate in any direction.

The kitchen areas in this case should consist of overhead lighting fixtures that diffuse light onto certain areas of the work surfaces in the evening.

Additional lighting will be provided by the installation of small spot LED devices, which illuminate the entire area of ​​the kitchen, as well as the interior.

To save electricity, it is better to use lighting fixtures that, if necessary, can be connected separately to illuminate the required work area (for example, a dining table or).

Small kitchens

Two types of lamps are effective: single (held on a flexible bracket and pantograph lever, which allows you to move them from one part of the kitchen to another) and spot (LEDs built into a line or lamp, installed under hanging mezzanines).

The higher the ceilings in the kitchen, the longer the lamp cords can be. They should be located at a level above the upper edges of the kitchen mezzanines so that lighting devices do not interfere with the opening of the doors.

For a kitchen with a low ceiling, the best option would be to install linear lighting with built-in LEDs. Small luminaires may contain devices with halogen diodes.

In kitchens with low ceilings, you can also install lighting fixtures with movable brackets that serve to illuminate dark kitchen areas.

Work area lighting

The main light source should fall on the main part. To illuminate the working area of ​​the kitchen, local lighting devices are used, which can be easily screwed between the mezzanine and the ceiling or built into the cabinet.

Hidden lighting elements are well suited for kitchens whose countertops are occupied by kitchen utensils.

To add a special atmosphere, the kitchen decor can be complemented with decorative sconces, ideally matched in color and style.

If the kitchen space is not occupied by cabinets and furniture, you can use autonomous lamps for lighting, saving energy costs by completely illuminating the entire perimeter of the kitchen.

Traditionally, in our country, the kitchen is not only a place where food is prepared, but also a place for eating and private gatherings. Therefore, lighting in the kitchen should not only be practical, but also beautiful and comfortable.

Principles and requirements

A kitchen is a room in which there are at least two zones with different purposes - a work area for cooking and a dining area. Different purposes also lead to different requirements for kitchen lighting: the work area should have bright lighting, allowing you to see everything clearly, and the dining area should have softer lighting.

But zoned kitchen lighting does not exclude the presence of a chandelier. Its functional significance is small, since the light spot is obtained in the center of the room, which remains mostly empty. But from the point of view of leveling out uneven illumination, this method is very good. As an option, you can use several spotlights, as in the photo above, or install built-in ceiling lights if the ceiling is suspended or suspended.

You need to think about lighting the kitchen even at the renovation stage, when the wiring is being assembled, the wiring is being installed, and the installation locations for sockets and switches are marked. Later, after the repair is completed, this is very problematic - you have to lay the wiring on top or in.

Illumination standards

When you are just planning lighting in the kitchen, the question arises of how many lamps are needed and what power. It's simple: there are lighting standards for each room for the kitchen - 150 Lux per square meter of area. Calculating illumination in Watts is no longer relevant, since a 7 W LED lamp can produce light like a 50 W incandescent lamp or 650 lm.

For example, let’s calculate how much light is required for a kitchen with an area of ​​12 m2. To do this, we multiply its area by the norm: 12 m2 * 150 Lx = 1800 Lx. And since 1 Lux is equal to 1 Lumen, it is necessary to install light bulbs that in total give at least 1800 Lm.

If you decide to do zoned lighting, that is, the work surface will be illuminated separately, there will be a light source above the table, it makes sense to count everything separately. To do this, the kitchen plan must be divided into zones, the area must be calculated, and based on these figures, the number of lamps and lamps for them must be selected. Just keep in mind that two 50 W lamps in total will not give as much light as one 100 W lamp, but about 1/3 less.

Lamp type, color and light

Another important point. When selecting lighting, it is best to choose lamps of the same type: halogen, LED, daylight. As a last resort, you can combine two types, but it is better not to use all three. They provide different lighting and it is almost impossible to get a sane result. We are not talking about incandescent lamps, since they are used very rarely: they require too much electricity, producing a small amount of light.

In addition to the type of lamps, you need to choose lamps that produce light of the same color, which is also called the color temperature of the lamps. They can produce light with blue, yellow, and white tints. Basically, it’s up to you to choose, but the best option is natural or neutral. It is better for the eyes and for color perception.

General lighting in the kitchen

Now let's see how you can create general lighting in the kitchen. The traditional option is a chandelier. But it does not fit into every modern interior; nevertheless, it has its place.

Traditional general lighting - a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling

Often kitchens are not square, but rectangular in shape. In this case, you can find a chandelier that is elongated. For a long and narrow room, this is the best option that will provide optimal light distribution.

If the ceilings are low, you won’t be able to hang a chandelier—it will get in the way. The solution is to find a lamp that is almost flat. It can be square or round - whichever is more suitable for the chosen one.

If you are going to make a suspended or suspended ceiling, you can “scatter” spotlights over the surface or create some kind of pattern from them (read about ways to place spotlights and more). You can also make lighting around the perimeter of the “central” zone. Such lighting in the kitchen visually helps to raise the ceiling and make the room a little more spacious.

All these methods can be combined, so the number of options is very large. But it is important not to forget that there is also lighting for two other zones and to look for lighting fixtures for this area as well, because they must match in style.

Dining area lighting

The light near the dining table can be made in only two variations: a story sconce, one or several lamps on a long cord from the ceiling.

You can use the sconce if the table is near the wall. When choosing the location of a wall lamp, we are guided by two considerations: the level of illumination and convenience. The lamp should not interfere, for which it is placed at a height of 60-80 cm above the tabletop. In order for it to illuminate the entire table, it is advisable to find a model that allows you to move the lamp away from the wall.

To ensure that the lighting in the kitchen is not only bright, but also beautiful, all chandeliers and sconces are selected in the same style, which should also be in harmony with the overall design style.

Work surface illumination

There are more nuances in lighting the work area in the kitchen. First of all, you need to decide where to place the lamps, then choose their type, type and shape of lamps.

Choosing a location

When illuminating a work area in a kitchen, lamps are usually placed on the underside of hanging cabinets. And this is the best possible option. Because everyone else is much worse. For example, if the light source is on the ceiling (position 1 in the photo), standing with your back to it you block the light. Even if the lamps are located along the line, but high - on the ceiling or slightly above the level of the upper cabinets (position 2) - only a narrow part of the working surface at the edge is illuminated, the rest is in the shadow. That’s why the work area in the kitchen is illuminated by fixing the lighting fixtures to the bottom of the cabinets. Then the lighting in the kitchen has a pronounced zonal character, but it is much more convenient to work this way.

Here again there are options: lamps can be placed closer to the wall, in the middle, closer to the outer edge of the cabinets. The best option is closer to the outer edge (position 4). This way the lighting is more efficient with fewer shadows in the work area. The third option is also not bad. It is somewhat worse in terms of illumination, but more practical to implement.

So that the lighting in the kitchen does not interfere

If you illuminate the work surface in the kitchen at the bottom of the cabinets, other problems arise:

  1. Not everyone is satisfied with the appearance of the lamps attached in this place.
  2. The light hits the eyes of people sitting at the table.

Both of these problems have one solution: you need to install a decorative strip that will cover the lamp and limit the spread of light. It turns out that the lighting in the kitchen is softer and the lighting fixtures themselves are not visible.

The location of the bar, its height, and the position of the lamp must be selected on the spot: light sources have different heights, different brightnesses, the luminous flux can also be directed differently. Therefore, you select the bar parameters experimentally. Ideally, the light will not even fall on the floor, but will only illuminate the tabletop.

Alternatively, the bar can be designed as a small shelf for various kitchen items. Usually decor or jars of spices are displayed here. If you don't like this idea, just do a plank. If you think that even the plank spoils the appearance or it simply does not fit into the style, make a double bottom in the cabinets, hiding light sources inside. In this case, you can install frosted glass, which will soften the light.

In this case, the door is made along its entire length, although this is not necessary. To avoid problems with fixing the glass, you can install an aluminum corner around the perimeter of the bottom, on which you can simply lay a piece of frosted glass or translucent polycarbonate cut to size.

Spot lighting

When organizing lighting in the kitchen in the work area, you must immediately decide what type of light sources you will use. There are two options - point and tubular. In the case of using spot lights, you get a kind of “zebra”, the contrast of which can be negated by more frequent installation of light bulbs.

The advantage of this solution is that the lamps are quite decorative and such lighting looks beautiful. The downside is that it is not always convenient when cooking. Another drawback: spotlights are quite high and can only be installed with a second bottom in cabinets.

If you choose this method of lighting in the kitchen, take LED lamps. Now they are the most economical - with low power consumption they provide a lot of light and last a long time. In this case, their undoubted advantage is that they practically do not heat up, so there is no threat to the furniture. The option is a little worse - halogen lamps (they heat up and draw a little more electricity), an even less economical one - fluorescent lamps with a regular socket, and the worst option - incandescent lamps.

Linear light sources

When using linear lamps, the illumination is almost uniform, since lighting devices can be mounted with a distance of a couple of centimeters between them.

When choosing light sources for linear illumination, there are even more options and the range is expanding all the time. Perhaps there are already new means that few people know about yet. In the meantime, there are three of them: LED strip, LED and fluorescent lamps. There is also neon lighting, but it is quite difficult to install and costs more. That’s why lighting in the kitchen is almost never done with neon tubes or flexible hoses.

LED Strip Light

The strip and LEDs can be simply mounted on furniture, as it has an adhesive layer. But this layer is unreliable, so they prefer to secure it in some way - with double tape, with staples made of . If you plan to attach the tape directly to furniture, choose models with a high level of protection - IP44 and higher. But it’s better not to take those that are sealed in a tube - at home they overheat (especially in the kitchen), quickly fade, and soon burn out. For this case, it is better to take types filled with varnish or other protective composition.

When choosing an LED strip to illuminate the work surface in the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the brightness and size of the crystals. You need to choose the largest 50*50 or 50*75, and it is better if they are located in two rows. Their total power should produce no less light than was determined in the calculations. Read about the types of LED strips and the rules for their installation.

You can install the LED strip in special profiles (they are also called cable channels or trays). They are usually made of aluminum and have a transparent or translucent removable front panel. There may be a shelf inside on which the tape itself is attached. These are the most convenient types, but in others you have to be a bit trickier.

The advantages of installing LED backlighting in such a tray are that there is no point in worrying about the degree of protection of the tape, it looks decent. The disadvantage is that the light is less bright, so the power of the crystals must be greater than the calculated one. In any case, kitchen lighting using LED strips is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to ease of installation and low power consumption.

LED kitchen lights

LED lamps can be not only spot or ordinary - in the form of a pear with a standard base. They are also available in the form of tubes.

They are installed on clips - plates that are attached to furniture into which tubes are inserted. Some can be mounted with magnets. The corresponding metal plates are attached to the furniture (you can use double-sided tape), and the lamps are simply attracted to them due to the magnets built into the body (Sensor model).

Fluorescent lamps

Tubular fluorescent lamps are a traditional lighting method. They are good because they are switched directly to 220 V, while LED ones require a special adapter that will provide the required voltage.

The disadvantages have been known for a long time - pulsating light, which has a negative effect on the eyes. There is one more not so pleasant point: LEDs are more economical. They consume very little electricity and last longer. Their service life is calculated in thousands of hours. Fluorescent lamps have to be changed much more often (every five times), but they cost less. In general, it is up to you to decide what type of lamp you want to use when lighting your kitchen.

Fluorescent lamps for kitchen lighting can be stylish

If you decide to illuminate your kitchen with fluorescent lamps, the optimal size is G13 base (diameter 26 mm). In length they can be 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm, 150 cm. Today there are different models - from the usual to quite nice (as in the photo above).

You can, as described above, hide such lamps in a double bottom by installing light-diffusing glass. In this case, you can buy the most inexpensive lamps. But it is unlikely that you will be able to save money - the costs for the profile for installing glass and the glass itself are either equivalent or may even be higher.

As you can see, it is better to make lighting in the kitchen multi-zone, and at the moment it is better to use LEDs. The lamps are quite expensive, but they are economical, shine brightly, work for a long time and do not get hot.

The main secret of functional kitchen lighting is its multi-level nature. Each functional area - where dishes are washed, work area, eating area - should be well lit. Let's figure out what light sources will help solve this problem.

Basic rules for lighting in the kitchen

Designing kitchen lighting is not an easy task. Light has a great influence on the organization of space. With its help, you can visually enlarge and reduce the size of the kitchen, highlight some areas and shade others.

If the lighting is designed correctly, the lamps are chosen with love and in accordance with the interior, then working in the kitchen will be a joy for the housewife, and family dinners will become a tradition.

So, what are the basic rules for effective kitchen lighting:

  1. The kitchen should always be light. During the day there should be natural lighting, in the evening and at night - artificial. A well-lit room has a positive effect on the psyche and stimulates the appetite.
  2. However, it is important not to overdo it with artificial lighting. Very bright light hurts the eyes and is not always economical from a financial point of view. The more light sources there are in the kitchen, the less power they should have.
  3. Only multi-level lighting will allow you to conveniently distribute the flow of light throughout the kitchen, creating a unique style.
  4. In fashion - . If you are striving to create a comfortable, modern, functional space, your choice is strict, laconic forms and smooth lines. Moreover, this is not just a fashion trend, but also the convenience of cleaning contaminated surfaces.
  5. Don't forget that the times when the kitchen had one lamp hanging in the center of the ceiling are long gone. Large ceiling lamps go well with spotlights, with LED strip along the apron and even with sconces near the dining table.
  6. Consider the color scheme of the kitchen. Light walls and facades will reflect up to 80% of the light flux, dark ones - only 12%.
  7. The working area requires a power of 100 W/m2; for a dining room 50 W/m2 will be enough.
  8. The distance to water from all light sources should be at least 60 cm.
  9. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and sooner or later you will find exactly the option that will become yours.

Organization of general lighting in the kitchen

When organizing general lighting, you need to take into account the most natural lighting possible. To have a lot of light in the kitchen, you need to use transparent or translucent curtains, or drop-down blinds.

The only exception can be the first floors - they require some protection from the curious glances of passers-by.

The lighter the walls, the more light they will reflect. A kitchen with light walls will look more illuminated than the same one with dark walls.

The main lighting is traditionally ceiling lighting. Conventional whitewashed ceilings with a lamp on a hook in the center have long since become a thing of the past. Today's trend is multi-level stretch ceilings. Stretch ceilings allow you to play with lighting.

A chandelier under the ceiling for the interior is not completely excluded. You can't go anywhere without a chandelier, and even Art Nouveau will be boring without it.

The only rule for choosing a chandelier is the height of the ceilings. If the ceilings are low, it is better to choose a creeping lampshade, and with high ceilings you can choose a hanging lamp.

You can find out more about how to choose a chandelier for the kitchen.

In long kitchens, the idea of ​​main lighting can be supported by a row of hanging lampshades. However, in very large rooms, 4-5 lamps arranged in a row above the dining table will help highlight the dining area, even if it is not in the center.

Please note that lampshades pointing downwards will illuminate the outlined space below them. If the lampshades are directed upwards, the light will reflect from the ceiling and softly dissipate, providing the kitchen with a cozy look.

Organization of spot lighting

Spot lighting will look organically in modern styles. But at the same time, it can organically complement the main lighting in.

The layout of ceiling spotlights can be different: around the perimeter, in a circle, in two parallel lines, and even in a checkerboard pattern.

Ceiling spotlights in the kitchen act as a general background that complements the functional one - above the work area, for example.

When organizing lighting in the kitchen, you need to consider how it matches the interior. For example, if the kitchen is small, it is recommended to use light-colored wallpaper and curtains so that the light fluxes reflected from them visually expand the space.

The same applies to the ceiling. A glossy ceiling that reflects rays of light will help create a higher perception of the room.

Work area lighting

Illumination of the work area determines the convenience of working in the kitchen. The lighting is organized depending on the location of the work area.

If the kitchen is of a traditional type, the work area is located under the wall cabinets, then the lamps are placed on the bottom of the cabinets.

In a high-tech kitchen, lamps can be placed on. If narrow cabinets are located in one row higher than usual, then you can install lighting directly on them.

As light sources, you can use directional lamps that will not dazzle the eyes of people sitting at the table, or LED strips that provide diffused light - quite sufficient for work. The simplest option is ordinary overhead spotlights, which are mounted directly on the bottom of the cabinets.

What may be the rules for placing lamps on the bottom of cabinets:

  • they can be installed in the corner between the bottom of the cabinet and the apron, in the middle of the bottom surface of the cabinet or closer to the end;
  • if lighting is installed under a cabinet above the washing area, the lamp must be waterproof. Here the backlight can be brighter, but it is also important that it does not blind the eyes.

Lamps illuminating the work area, placed above the wall cabinets from above with directional light, will look organic.

When choosing the type of lamps, you need to consider the following features:

  • Built-in lighting looks neat and does not hit the eyes, but it is much more difficult to install and requires drilling of wall cabinets.
  • Overlays are more noticeable visually, but are easier to install (you don’t need to cut holes in the furniture for them), and it’s easier to change light bulbs in them.
  • LED strips help to realize any configurations - triangular and round in different places. Installing this LED backlight is very easy. However, the LED module requires connection through a transformer, which increases its cost.
  • Spot spots are ideal for lighting and furniture. They come in different types and sizes, and can be built-in, rotary or overhead. Spots with LEDs do not lose brightness over time and do not emit heat.

Dining area lighting

The dining table should have soft, non-irritating lighting. To be able to make the most of natural light, the table should be placed close to a window.

However, if the table is located against the wall, you can use a couple of small wall sconces, and if the table is in the center of the kitchen, ceiling lamps are the ideal solution.

Several lamps with shades that match the kitchen interior and with the ability to adjust the height are a traditional option for any kitchen. By the way, adjusting the lamp length is an excellent option for a small kitchen.

When lowered as far as possible above the table, such a lamp will create comfortable light for eating, and when raised to the ceiling, it will organize general lighting.

When choosing lamps, you need to take into account the shape of the furniture. If the table is oval or rectangular, ideally you need to place 2-3 lamps in a row above it: this arrangement will help illuminate the table evenly. For a round table, one pendant lamp above the center of the tabletop will be enough.

The light source should be located slightly above eye level, approximately 60 cm above the table. For an adjustable model, at the lowest position of the lamp, the circle of light should match the dimensions of the tabletop.

Lighting in cabinets

Lighting in kitchen cabinets will serve well when you have to look for something in the depths. As a rule, it will perform purely functional tasks only in the lower, deeper cabinets.

In upper cabinets, lighting can also perform decorative functions if the furniture doors have glass inserts. Such lighting will even help to visually expand the room. The easiest option is to decorate such lighting using LED strip.

Decorative lighting in the kitchen

Decorative lighting does not carry any functional load, but should add comfort to the room. A very good lighting option is an LED strip placed between the kitchen unit and the ceiling. This design technique is great for compact kitchens - it will make them taller.

Another great option for small kitchens is lighting the base of the furniture set. This solution creates the feeling that the kitchen seems to be floating in the air.

To create decorative lighting, you can use an LED strip to highlight paintings; you can hang sconces over the same paintings, photographs and plates.

In a dark kitchen, if you place several sconces around the perimeter at the same height, the space will visually expand.

If you need to separate the functional spaces of the kitchen/studio, you can also use light accents created by decorative lighting.

Either it can be a row of ceiling lights, lighting, floor lighting, or sconces along the wall.

Which light bulbs to choose

For lighting, you can combine different types of light bulbs, differing in power, efficiency, and design.

The most popular today remain:

  • incandescent lamps: the big drawback of which is uneconomical energy consumption has made them less popular compared to past decades;
  • LED lamps are a good economical alternative to incandescent lamps. In addition, the price for them falls every year, and the range only increases;
  • fluorescent lamps are also an order of magnitude more economical than incandescent lamps and last much longer;
  • halogen lamps, thanks to a huge variety of shapes, allow you to create original interior solutions;
  • LED strip is selected according to size, number of crystals and their brightness.

When choosing lamps to illuminate kitchen areas, it is necessary to adhere to a single concept so that they do not conflict with each other in color or size.

Lamps should be easy to clean, not afraid of water, and not get dirty from any touch. Only by following all these rules can you create a beautiful and comfortable kitchen space.

How to properly organize lighting in the kitchen video

Proper kitchen lighting - in cabinets and drawers, on the ceiling and on the floor will transform your kitchen. LED lighting placement options.

How to properly organize lighting in the kitchen (real photo examples)

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