Feng Shui: about the location of the front door. Entrance door Door location according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the practical side of Taoist teachings, which implements the principles of this teaching on the symbolic organization of space in order to control the flow of Qi energy. Energy can be both positive and negative. Negative energy (Sha) can only be counteracted passively: simply not being in this flow or placing an absorbing obstacle in its path.

The Chinese philosophy of geomancy is characterized by the personification of energy in relation to each object of the surrounding reality. The symbolic properties and characteristic features of an object are expressed in its energy characteristics. The combination of all factors: the location of the living space in space, the position of the rooms in it relative to the cardinal directions, the way objects are arranged in the home and their properties create favorable or unfavorable living conditions. The practical goal of interior planning according to Feng Shui is to create zones in which positive energy accumulates.

The role of interior doors in the teachings of Feng Shui

Since the flow of energy is inherently continuous, interior doors and partitions are responsible for routing this flow within the home. The positive energy of the door block is determined by its serviceability, neat appearance, and absence of squeaks.

A faulty or “sick” door will become a source of negativity in the room.

When choosing a new interior door, every little detail matters, from the material to its color.

Location and color selection according to Feng Shui

When choosing a material and color for an interior door, its location relative to the cardinal points is taken into account.

  • The door to the north symbolizes the element of water and influences career-related events. For such a canvas to become a source of positive energy, it must be black or blue, with wavy lines in the decor.
  • The southern door is ruled by the element of fire. In the life of the owner of the premises, she becomes a source of positive energy, responsible for fame and recognition. It is advisable to paint such a canvas in shades of red, and geometric shapes in the form of triangles are used in the decor.
  • The western door is associated with the element of metal. It impacts the health and well-being of children. White and silver paints are used for painting.
  • The eastern door symbolizes the closeness of family ties and affects mutual understanding between relatives. The symbol of such a canvas is wood, and plant ornaments are used in its decoration.
  • According to Feng Shui, the southwestern part of the house is designated as a bedroom for spouses. The decor of the door leaf and the rest of the interior uses symmetrical and paired elements.

Important! Feng Shui recommends installing push handles on the door leaf in the bedroom, which, when activated, are lowered simultaneously from both sides.

  • The northwestern door requires competent finishing in those houses whose owner often travels.
  • The north-eastern part of the house is dedicated to the study room, as the energy in this place promotes effective education.

  • The southeastern door in the house is responsible for financial well-being. It is preferable to paint it brown or yellow.
  • The method of opening interior doors in an apartment according to the rules of Feng Shui is important. In each room, the door leaf must open into the room, with a right-hand hinge. Then, relative to the person entering, the door will open to the left.

  • Locks are not welcome - they reduce the trust and openness of the residents of the house and alienate family members from each other.
  • Doors are not installed opposite flights of stairs.
  • Doors that do not open and are locked are undesirable in the house. They must be covered with a mirror or decorated with other decor.

All doors in the house are selected in the same color scheme. If you make accents in accordance with the location relative to the cardinal points, then the main tone of the interior decoration will be able to attract positive energy of a certain nature.

  • Thus, solid wood doors with red-brown tinting attract good luck and prosperity.
  • Light wooden canvases with a natural shade of yellowish ocher “call” guests into the house.
  • Cool shades will fill your home with calm and tranquility.

  • According to Feng Shui, glass panels for interior openings are not made transparent. Positive energy evaporates through clean glass without lingering in the house. For glass structures, frosted glass, tinted glass, or even better, stained glass is used.

The video will tell you what role doors play in any home according to Feng Shui.

03.09.2016 28107

The ancient Chinese teaching of space harmonization, Feng Shui, attaches great importance to the free and uniform distribution of vital energy. And the entrance doors to the house play an important role in this; it is not for nothing that the ancient Chinese sages called them “the mouth of the house.”

Location of the front door according to Feng Shui

Unfortunately, owners of finished apartments rarely have the opportunity to choose the canonical location of the front door according to Feng Shui, because it is difficult to change the layout of the rooms. But if you are building your own country house, it’s not a bad idea to think about this issue.

Chinese sages directly connect the main entrance to a house with its owner, arguing that the correct orientation to the cardinal points can either strengthen or weaken the leadership of the head of the family. In general, it is considered that

  • doors facing north-west contribute to the growth of the authority of the eldest man in the family, ensuring the love and trust of the rest of the household in him;
  • a house facing north usually brings tranquility. However, over time, it can develop into some lethargy of relations, or even mutual cooling towards each other;
  • an apartment with an entrance to the east is especially favorable for young and pretentious people. It is easier for those who live in such a house to make a career and realize their professional plans. The eastern direction is also suitable for businessmen and merchants;
  • many will be attracted by the entrance door to the house, located in the southeast, because it guarantees the residents of the house a slow but steady increase in material well-being, peace and goodwill in family relationships;
  • if you strive for public recognition, political leadership, place the Feng Shui entrance in the south direction. However, be prepared that the head of the family living in a house with a southern door may become egocentric, striving only to fulfill his own desires;
  • The western entrance to the house is recommended for parents with children or for ardent lovers. In such an atmosphere mutual understanding and creative development flourish. And the romance of relationships and sensuality reaches its greatest intensity. It should be feared that over time, betrayal may settle in such a house, since one of the partners will not be enough for the other.

How the front door fits in with the others also matters. The Chinese consider the combination of the entrance to the house with two other doors located on the same wall to be mortally dangerous. If it is impossible to correct the situation, the front door is separated by a thick screen or partition. An entrance consisting of several doors in a straight line is also considered a bad sign. This can be neutralized by hanging protective curtains.

If the door to the toilet is located opposite the main entrance, positive energy can leak through the sewer systems. To neutralize such a neighborhood, you should hang a “chime of the winds” on the door of the restroom, because this will help reflect and disperse energy flows throughout the house. A Chinese bell is also hung on the door if the number of windows (symbolizing children) exceeds the number of doors (parental sign), so that children do not take away the vitality of their ancestors.

Size matters

Attention is also paid to the size of the door. Too big can not only scare away happiness, but also cause a lack of money flowing out of the house through it. But a disproportionately small entrance is not at all good, because through it it will be difficult for positive energy to enter your home. In addition, followers of Feng Shui sincerely believe that in a house with a small door, grievances accumulate, and household members are prone to quarrels, squabbles and resentments. In any case, the front door should be larger than all other doors in the house and taller than the tallest member of the family.

For success

By the way, Feng Shui masters are in irreconcilable conflict with existing fire regulations, which require that the door opens outward in order to avoid obstacles to the evacuation of people in the event of a fire. But the ancient Chinese believed that the front door should open inward, because this promotes favorable turbulence of qi energy. The house is deprived of success and prosperity even if there is an impenetrable door opposite the entrance (the back door). In this case, all the favorable vital forces simply do not linger in it. To prevent this from happening, divide the space with a screen, decorative lattice or large indoor plant, which will disrupt the straightness of the flow.

To ensure success for everyone living in the house and strong family ties, you should not see the stairs from the entrance to the house. It’s really bad when the staircase is double (going down and up). How to compensate for this negative factor if nothing can be radically changed? Hang a bright light source above the opening and add illumination to the hallway without cluttering it with unnecessary things. According to Feng Shui, light representing yang energy will help protect the home. Polished floors and light walls also have a beneficial effect on the overall atmosphere of the apartment.

Very different doors

What door material should I choose? Natural wood, of course, is preferable, because wood can attract good luck and prosperity, especially if the entrance to the home is oriented to the east. But high-quality steel is also not bad, but transparent glass is considered by Feng Shui followers to be incapable of blocking the path of evil. If, after all, the doors are glass, then the properties of the material can be neutralized by attaching an opaque curtain.

The color of the front door according to Feng Shui is also extremely important, but only in the context of its location relative to the cardinal directions.

  1. Exits to the west and northwest are painted in silver or white shades. A white front door with metal decorative elements blocks evil forces, reflecting them away from the house. You can enhance the impact by adding yellow or brown colors as a complement. But red, blue and black are contraindicated for the West.
  2. The north door can be painted blue, black or white, without using brown or green tones. Decoration in the form of wavy lines will enhance the favorable outcome of any endeavor.
  3. A red front door is suitable for the southern direction, but blue and black are not acceptable for the south, it will create disharmony.

It's the magic of mirrors

Mirrors have a special attraction for people, and some peoples endow them with mystical powers. Feng Shui masters believe that a mirror hung opposite the passage into the house reflects the energy entering the house, literally “pushing” it back and preventing it from increasing well-being. But the mirror surface located next to the main entrance, on the contrary, disperses favorable flows throughout the house. This rule applies to all doors installed in the house, so a mirrored door is hung only in the bathroom to prevent the outflow of energy with flowing water.

The Chinese prefer octagonal mirrors, bagua, which, in their opinion, have protective powers. According to Feng Shui, such a mirror on the front door can be placed outside, but it should not reflect the windows and doors of other houses, as this causes energetic harm to neighbors.

Mirror tiles, so beloved by designers, are considered potentially harmful, because they crush the image into small pieces.

The Chinese are sure that in this way they can cause harm by symbolically “cutting” fate. Ailments and troubles will haunt the person. Large mirrors are preferred to such defective interior items, so as not only to be fully reflected in them, but also to have prospects for personal growth.

"Poisoned Arrows"

“Poisoned arrows” is the name given in Feng Shui to unfavorable factors that can cause irreparable harm by converting positive Qi energy into the opposite Sha Qi. Arrows include everything sharp and angular that surrounds your home. This could be a lonely tree (a symbol of loneliness), a cross-shaped pillar, a hospital or a cemetery opposite the main entrance. Destroyed houses, garbage dumps, and high-voltage lines are also unfavorable in their impact. An entrance door with a Feng Shui mirror, reinforced by applying trigrams (special signs symbolizing the elements), will help in correcting the negative. A cluster of crystal balls or the famous bamboo Chinese wind chimes have a similar effect.

Tip: Don't forget to clean the mirror from dust and dirt, otherwise its protective properties will be weakened.

Feng Shui and Orthodox icons

You should not mix the teachings of Feng Shui and Orthodox canons. The icon above the front door is a Christian symbol of home protection. There is a miraculous image of the 4th century “Impenetrable Door”, protecting the house from both evil intent and looting. “The Holy Goalkeeper” or “The Burning Bush” can be placed not only in the home iconostasis, these icons are hung above the front door to protect the Mother of God at home. However, in Orthodoxy it is considered more correct to place the icons on the eastern wall, in the “Red Corner”.

As we already know, according to Feng Shui, the front door is the main supplier of energy to the house, and the quantity and quality of this energy depends on its condition. Interior doors also play an important role in the circulation of energy flows in the house. It is desirable that they have positive characteristics, that is, they are balanced, close and open freely.

The location of the doors opposite each other

Doors located opposite each other in the corridor can either conflict or complement each other on an energetic level.

Depending on the size of the doors and their location, there are several options for their energy impact on people living in the house:

— There are no problems if the doors are the same size and located opposite each other (Fig. 1);

— If the doors are the same size, but not located opposite each other, this is also good (Fig. 2);

- Doors of the same size, but located not exactly opposite each other, are called biting doors. Such doors can cause quarrels and conflicts;

— If the doors are not located opposite each other, this problem can be solved with the help of a mirror, hanging it on opposite walls (Fig. 3);

- If one door is much larger in size than another door, then they come into conflict at the energy level (Fig. 4) - the large door seems to absorb the small one. If one of these doors is the door of a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen, then its negative impact is enhanced. in this case, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere in the corridor between two doors.

How to solve the empty door problem

The term “empty” door in feng shui refers to a doorway inside a house that does not contain a real door. There is no problem if such a passage leads to the living room, dining room or kitchen. But if it leads to the bedroom (or bathroom), this is fraught with conflicts with the spouse, which can lead to divorce. It is recommended to install the door and then the problem will be solved. If this is not possible, you should hang a curtain in this place. It is not necessary to keep it constantly open; a positive effect will also be achieved if the curtain is constantly pulled to the side.

A situation where more than three doors are located one after the other

If three or more doors are located one after another in a corridor, then in an energetic sense this is one of the most harmful forms of a poisoned arrow. This arrangement is called in Feng Shui arrow piercing the heart. The danger of this situation is that each of the doors gradually compresses and accumulates energy, and then this energy flow falls on the people living in the house, piercing their personal Qi. The situation is considered disastrous if such a passage leads to the bathroom or bedroom. To eliminate the negative impact, two (or more) faceted crystal spheres should be hung between the doors.

colliding doors

The situation when two doors collide when opening is called colliding doors in Feng Shui. The negative impact of this arrangement can manifest itself in conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes between family members. This applies to all doors both inside and outside the house. For example, if the bedroom door collides with the closet door, then the energetic manifestation of this situation will be the emergence of disagreements between the spouses. To eliminate problems, bright red fabric tassels should be hung on the handles of the colliding sides of the doors.

The door does not fit well into the doorway

The flow of energy in the house is hampered if the door does not fit well into the doorway and is difficult to open. Such a problem with the front door can negatively affect a career, with a door in the bedroom - problems with taxes and accounting may arise, with a door in the dining room - will lead to financial failures, in the kitchen - problems arise with both financial and health. To correct the situation, all doors that open poorly should be repaired or replaced.

"Reverse" door

A door whose initial viewing range is too small is called a reverse door in Feng Shui. To fix this problem, the door needs to be replaced so that it can open wider. If this is not possible, then hang a mirror on the wall next to the door. This tool will create the illusion of a visual expansion of space, which will positively resolve this situation.

If the door is located in the corner of the room

There is a big difference between entering a room straight and entering a room at an angle. Direct entry symbolizes constant and balanced energy flows; angular - unbalanced and disorderly. In Feng Shui, corner doors are called “dangerous doors, gates of devilish Qi.”

The front door, or as it is often called the front door, is both the main entrance and exit for the energy flows of Qi. In an ideal situation, Qi energy should accumulate and then spread in front of the house. Its flows are activated by the movements of people leaving and returning to the house. Today we will look at exactly how the front door should be located according to Feng Shui in order to ensure the conditions specified above.

In ancient China, such a door to a building was called the “mouth of the house,” because it was through them that all positive and negative energy flows passed.

A very important point in terms of the location of the front door of a house according to Feng Shui is the "secret insoles". To check the stipulated condition, you need to stand in front of the front door and take a good look around.

Attention should be drawn to:

  • any sharp corners;
  • satellite dishes;
  • gutters;
  • lamp posts;
  • spiers;
  • access roads to the house;
  • the neighbor's house located opposite your front door.

All of them will send streams of negative energy into your home, which will concentrate at your front door.

Any obstacles that appear on the threshold of your home will significantly worsen Feng Shui.

It is not uncommon for there to be no space in front of the front door where positive Qi energy could accumulate. This situation can be easily corrected by ordering an entrance door identical in color to the dominant direction it faces. A more economical way is to install a lantern above the entrance to your home, which will well illuminate the space in front of it.

A front door located at the foot of the stairs will be extremely unfavorable for every family member living in the house.

In this case, the simplest way to avoid negative energy is to raise the threshold by one or two centimeters so that you can step over it by raising your legs.

The same method can be used if your front door opens directly to the elevator. After all, such an arrangement makes it impossible to accumulate positive flows of Qi energy, and also complicates its free movement.

Entrance door direction

No less important is the sector in which the front door is located, or rather the direction in which it “looks”. If it is located on:

Shape and color

Once the installation location for the front door has been chosen, you can begin choosing the color or shade of the future central element of the house. With its help, the quality of direction selection will be maintained. If the front door according to Feng Shui is located at:

  • southwest– it should be red. To achieve harmony in the family, you can use the color brown;
  • northwest and west– in this case, the metal should be enhanced by a golden color or a silver tint. Brown is used for support. Do not give preference to red, blue and black colors;
  • north– Black, blue and white colors would be appropriate here. It is necessary to abandon green, yellow and brown;
  • northeast, southwest– the primary colors will be yellow and brown, and the secondary colors will be orange and red. Colors such as white and green cannot be used;
  • east, southeast– the best option would be: white, blue and black colors;
  • south– in this case, you should choose red or green. It is strictly forbidden to use black and blue. Not recommended, but brown and yellow can also be used.

In order for the front door to be placed correctly according to Feng Shui, it is worth considering its shape, since it is very closely related to the five elements that improve the energy flows of Qi passing through it. Let's take a closer look at all these elements. If the door is on the side:

  • northern - its element will be water;
  • eastern or southeastern - tree;
  • southern - fire;
  • southwest, northeast - land;
  • northwestern, western – metal.

For a front door facing north, the element that enhances its cleansing properties is water, and metal is used for strengthening and support. If the front door “looks” to the east or southeast, then it is possible to use tree symbols that activate the possibilities of growth and development. In turn, water symbols update and cleanse.

The door facing south is combined with the symbol of fire, which gives good spirits and liveliness to all the inhabitants in the house. Additionally, you can use tree symbols. If it faces northeast or southwest, then the symbols of the earth can emphasize energy flows and stability.

In the case where your front door faces northwest or west, it is necessary to use metal symbols, which give strength and strength. Earth elements are used as additional elements.

Front door style

The teaching says that according to Feng Shui, the front door is intended to protect the house, therefore it should not only be strong, but also solid. It is strictly forbidden to use glass elements, either in it or around it. Moreover, in the house it should be as large as possible in order to be able to provide it with the maximum influx of Qi energy into each living space.

The same condition applies to the height of the front door. She must be taller than the tallest member in the family. This is necessary in order to eliminate any possibility of inconvenience when visiting the house or going outside it.

Windows located on the sides of the door will contribute to the leakage of energy flows of Qi, which, having penetrated through the door, will leave the house through the windows near it.

In this case, lace curtains or plants growing in pots on the windowsill will help prevent energy leakage.

Door opening direction

The ideal option is for the Feng Shui entrance door to open from the nearest wall of your house or apartment, or towards it. This condition creates a feeling of space and also contributes to good energy in the hallway itself.

If the door is hung on the opposite wall, then the one who enters the house finds himself in some kind of enclosed space and immediately begins to experience discomfort.

If the front door is located opposite the “back door,” then the energy flows of Qi in such a house are not delayed at all, but pass through it in transit.

To correct this situation, it is necessary to install a special barrier in the path of the movement of Qi energy, which may be a mirror or a decorative lattice. Also, in order to solve the problem, you can use the construction of a physical barrier, which will be a hanging curtain. It should not be made of heavy velvet and in the form of a curtain, since it is not only too expensive for the given room, but also completely tasteless. We are talking about an ordinary muslin curtain.

If you enter any building, including the home of your friends, relatives, even work premises, you will certainly feel how harmonious the interior is or, conversely, how destructive it is. It is not uncommon for a person to come across a corner of a wall or the edge of a large cabinet when exiting a room into a corridor. In this case, unpleasant sensations also arise that can ruin your mood in an instant. Such negativity can be neutralized by using decorative screens, plants, or varied but harmonizing ornaments.

The front door has always been and remains one of the most important areas in the practice of Feng Shui. That is why it must be protected in every possible way. Actually, we talked about those protection methods that can be used in any house or apartment.

Nowadays, the practice of arranging an interior according to the many, not always successfully implemented in practice, provisions of the “feng shui” system, which originates in China, is gaining increasing popularity.

If you start to understand this topic, then, despite the Chinese origin of the fundamental principles, it is difficult to understand what kind of further direction is understood by our readers as “real feng shui”. Because of this, in this article we will operate with information gleaned about traditions and rules in thematic Russian-language literature.

It is no secret that when choosing a door, many of you pay attention to the “energy of luck”, which originates and lives in a place where there is a special combination of water and wind, referred to in Chinese as “shui” and “feng”. This teaching, which originated in ancient China, gives certain recommendations to people on how to organize their lives.

Those who practice this system believe that if you carry out modeling using it as a basis, then it is possible to predict the influence of the energy of shape, color or position of various things under the influence of factors such as, for example, the orientation of a thing in space. Let's look at the main points of the Feng Shui system in relation to doors.

What is the first thing that greets us? Entrance door. This is where the flows of “lucky energy” exit or enter. Based on this, it is necessary to abandon all obstacles that may stand in the way of “energy,” abbreviated by the Chinese word “Qi” (that’s how we will denote it further).

Where "Qi" gathers should be spacious and unobstructed. It would be great if a lamp was located above it, brightly illuminating the area in front of the entrance. It is not very good for “Qi” if the location of the door is near the elevator or at the bottom of the stairs, which is typical of most modern apartment buildings. But in the “feng shui” system there are techniques for adjustment, including for correcting unfavorable interiors of entrances.

What should be done? Raise the threshold one or two centimeters so that anyone entering your home will step over it. Keep in mind that in all steel doors this level of threshold is built into the design, which means that nothing needs to be done beyond this.

Feng Shui experts also consider the location of the front door opposite the passage to the toilet to be unfortunate, explaining this by the fact that there is water that flows away and the “Qi” entering the house can “leave” along with the water, without leaving behind a favorable aura for such unwise people. to the owners. In this situation, you must always follow this rule - the entrance and toilet should never open at the same time. Additionally, you can place a mirror surface, which will make the room “invisible” to the “Qi” energy.

An important factor for “Qi” is the material from which the door is made. The best is considered to be the one that is durable and strong. It is also good if the entrance opening was larger in relation to the others, which helps “Qi” penetrate the house.

Feng Shui theory dictates that we place the front door in the southwestern side of the space, and to attract more “Qi” energy, choose it red. But, if there is disharmony in the family, then the color of the canvas may be brown or yellow.

By changing the color of the door you can influence your spiritual and life goals; Feng Shui recommends painting it in white, black or blue colors, and not using brown, green or yellow tones.

Next, let's move on to interior doors. If one of them is located opposite the entrance, then this is not too good for “Qi”. It will move more quickly, just as in the example with the toilet, but even if there is no water here, at such a high speed luck will still not be able to stay in your house. The solution, according to Feng Shui experts, may be to divide the space with screens or plant barriers. The dimensions of the door must correspond to the dimensions of the room, that is, the larger the room, the larger it is, and vice versa. There is a sign - a large opening in the bathroom will force people to stay in it longer, which can lead to an increase in vanity and “emptiness” in the soul. You also need to know that if the tallest member of the family passes through the opening without difficulty, and the box does not “compress” his aura, then the “Qi” energy in this house will remain for a long time. Doors to the living room or dining room should be the largest in the house. According to Feng Shui, the passage to a room where the whole family gathers or for receiving guests affects the advancement of “Qi”, which, together with friends, comes into your home, making it smoother and freer. It is a good idea to use doors with two leaves in these rooms.

Feng Shui professionals recommend paying attention to hinges. They should not creak, as unwanted sounds are diverted by “Qi”. In these cases, there will be no help either from the “chime of the wind” or from the bells hung above the entrance. Also, according to Feng Shui, an obstacle for the owners of most apartments in our country may be the presence in the hallway of only one door, which for “Qi” will become both an entrance and an exit. At such a moment, energy flows collide and negatively affect the health and mood of the apartment owners. It is not entirely clear how to deal with such interference, but it would be somewhat strange to equip “Qi” with a special entrance and exit door.

Summarizing the above, we conclude that doors are unique components of the interior of a house that can bring good luck to the inhabitants of the apartment. However, despite everything previously described, remember that in the teachings of Feng Shui a lot depends on your perception, so feelings of harmony and joy from the appearance of the interior of your home can themselves attract “Qi”. And, despite the fact that others may not feel what is dear to you, trust your instincts. Whether it will be right or not, practice will show, and your sincerity in feelings will attract “Qi”.

We wish all our readers that the recommendations written here will help when choosing doors and organizing the interior for an office or home.

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