Children's pear: description of the variety, planting and care. Summer self-fertile variety with excellent taste - Children's pear. Children's pear variety.

Adult gardeners, and especially children, look forward to the moment when the first summer fruits can be picked from a branch. The early summer pear of the Children's variety is one of the first to please summer residents.

Harvesting begins in mid-July, when other pears are just beginning to ripen. The abundance and excellent taste compensate a hundredfold for the small, so-called “childish” size of the fruit.

Description of the Children's pear variety

The varieties of pears that ripen early and are suitable for growing in the middle zone can be counted on one hand. Scientists from the All-Russian Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing managed to grow trees that combine productivity, summer fruiting and high endurance.

The new variety, obtained from crossing the hybrid form No. 8 and the old English or Summer Duchess, is good for summer residents and gardeners as a Children's pear. After successful tests, it was entered into the State Register in the Central region of Russia. You can meet large trees, already in the middle of summer, covered with sweet pears, in the Moscow, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Bryansk, Smolensk, and Tula regions. The unpretentious variety can be grown further south, and ripening, due to early flowering, begins even earlier.

Pear seedlings planted in a permanent place show average growth rates. Quite thick shoots, covered with light brown or yellowish bark, first form a round, and then, as they mature, a pyramidal crown. Since the branches are formed silently, the crown is permeable to sunlight and accessible to pollinating insects.

The height of the Children's Pear trees exceeds 5 meters. This should be taken into account when planting, as well as when corrective pruning.

Fruiting of this variety of pear occurs on the ringlets, which often cover the perennial branches. Flowering begins a little earlier than the smooth, medium-sized leaves open. This allows the maximum number of large white flowers to be pollinated.

The first ovaries on young plants appear 4–5 years after planting annual seedlings in the ground. Gradually the yield is increasing. Mature pear trees are characterized by regular fruiting.

Description of pear fruits Children's

The fruits weighing up to 80 grams have a short pear-shaped shape and a slightly uneven surface. They are attached to the branches using a medium-length stalk. As it ripens, the green color of the ovary takes on a light yellow tone. Pears exposed to the sun are adorned with an orange-pink blush.

The section clearly shows closed seed chambers with well-formed brown seeds. The juicy pulp of the Children's pear has a hint of baked milk and a good taste. The variety is characterized by gradual yield yield. Fruits can be harvested from July to mid-August. The storage capacity, like that of other summer varieties, is low, so the ideal purpose is fresh consumption of fruits beloved by children and adults. In the refrigerator, pears remain juicy and fresh for up to one month.

Pears can be used for making confectionery, canning, and sweet pastries.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Children's pear variety

Due to its early ripening period, the variety is excellent for growing in gardens and summer cottages. The strengths of the pear include:

  • frost resistance of trees that are not damaged by cold in the middle zone;
  • regular fruiting;
  • high productivity;
  • gradual return of early harvest;
  • resistance to common fungal diseases;
  • excellent taste of pears.

In addition, summer residents classify the variety as partially self-fertile. However, in the presence of pollinators, the Children's pear sets up to 40% more fruits. At the same time, the trees, Lada, Cathedral, are blooming.

The pear has few disadvantages. One of them is the height of the trees. In order not to lose part of the harvest, the gardener will have to regularly engage in reducing pruning. In addition, the pear fruits of this variety cannot be called large.

Choosing a place to plant a pear tree for children

Pears are light-loving plants, so for seedlings choose places where the trees will not be shaded by other crops or buildings. The description of the Children's pear variety says that the more sun the ovaries receive, the more elegant and sweet the fruits will be.

It is important that the root system does not suffer from waterlogging. If groundwater in the area lies closer than 2 meters, or there is a risk of spring flooding, artificial embankments are installed under the orchard and drainage is established.

When choosing a place for pear seedlings, take into account that the feeding area of ​​an adult tree reaches 20 square meters. It is important that there is a gap of at least three meters between neighboring plants.

Trees grow best in light, fertile soil with a pH level of 5.6 to 6.0. Sand, peat, and nutrient-rich humus are added to clay soil before planting. Excessively acidic soil is deoxidized using dolomite flour.

Planting and caring for children's pear

The pits for planting fruit trees are prepared several days before the plants are transferred to the ground. This allows the soil to settle and eliminates the risk of the tree becoming too deep. The soil removed from the pit is mixed with humus and wood ash or a ready-made NPK complex. Soil enriched with nutrients will speed up the adaptation process.

If you are planting a pear with an open root system, you cannot use fresh manure. Such organic matter will not only be of no benefit, but will also burn the roots.

Nurseries offer seedlings with closed and open root systems. The first ones can be planted from early spring until late autumn. You just need to wet the earthen ball, remove the container and move the tree to a permanent place.

When the roots are wrapped in peat or treated with clay mash, they need more attention, and planting and caring for the pear tree is a little more difficult. Root system:

  • examine;
  • remove damaged or rotten areas, carefully cutting them back to healthy tissue;
  • treated with a fungicide and growth stimulator.

Experienced gardeners recommend removing most of the leaves before planting. At the bottom of the planting hole, a cone-shaped hill is poured, on top of which a seedling is placed. The roots are distributed along the slopes, and a strong support for the tree is secured nearby.

The hole is filled with pre-prepared nutrient soil. It is important that the root neck of the pear is not buried after planting. It is optimal if the soil level is several centimeters below it. The soil is compacted, the tree trunk circles are watered at the rate of 10–15 liters per plant, and then mulched.

The best varieties of pear - video

Children's pear is the earliest summer variety. This fruit crop is characterized by high yield, and the fruits have a sweet taste. So pear trees can be a wonderful decoration for your garden. From our article you will learn what is remarkable about the Children's pear, and also get acquainted with the description of the variety and tips for growing it.

By external signs, it is difficult to distinguish the Children's pear from other summer varieties. It is especially similar to its closest relative, the Duchess variety. Children's pear has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • abundant harvests;
  • delicious fruits;
  • early ripening.

Let's note the disadvantages:

  • small fruits;
  • Regular pruning of the crown is required.



The creamy flesh of the fruit is very juicy and sweet. Pears can be eaten as early as July, but they will not ripen until mid-August. The fruit weighs from 60 to 80 g. The skin of the fruit is light yellow with a pink blush, the surface is uneven. The cup is of medium size. Brown seeds are small in size, the stalk is not too thick and not too long. Pears can be stored in refrigerators for up to 1 month. The short shelf life is due to the abundance of sugar in the pulp. The fruit is suitable for fresh use and processing.


Pear trees of the Detskaya variety are considered tall. The height of the plant can reach 4 m. The crown has the shape of a pyramid. There are few branches, but they are very thick. Usually all shoots stretch upward. In spring, the branches are covered with dark green leaves. Nursery pear can only partially pollinate itself, so the presence of bees is important for a good harvest. The first flowers appear 4-5 years after planting. Further fruiting will be stable.

Features of cultivation

Planting an early variety of Detskaya pear is practically no different from planting apple trees. If you want to plant several seedlings at once, then keep a distance of at least 5 m between them. There are varieties of pears that are unstable to sudden temperature changes, but this does not apply to the Nursery pear. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the coming winter. To avoid problems, you need to choose the right seedling without breaks or other damage with well-developed roots. For a one-year-old seedling, the root length should be 20 cm, for a two-year-old seedling - 30 cm.

The hole for planting is dug in advance - about two weeks in advance. It should be 60 cm deep and 10 cm in diameter. Seedlings are planted in spring or autumn (the second option is preferable). Fertilizer should be added to the hole, black soil should be poured onto the bottom and sod should be laid upside down. We make a small mound of earth, place a tree in it and tie it to a peg, which should be driven in on the south side, then cover it with earth. Gently compact the soil with your feet. Make sure that the root collar is 5 cm above the ground. The tree should be watered abundantly within two months after planting.

In the first spring, do not forget to loosen the soil around the trunk. For good growth it is necessary to mulch the soil surface and control weeds. Forming the crown is also the task of the gardener. You need to feed the pear already from the second year, somewhere in the beginning of spring.

Video “How to choose the right pear variety”

In this video, a specialist will tell you how to choose the right pear variety for the garden.

Children's pear variety - description. Advantages and disadvantages of the Children's pear variety. The pear variety is in selection. Photo of the Children's pear variety.

Children's pear variety. Photo layout.

Description of sections of the page “Children's pear variety”.

1. Children's pear variety. Description.
2. Children's pear variety. Advantages and disadvantages.
3. Children's pear variety - in selection.
4. Children's pear variety. Photo.

Children's pear variety. Description.

Children's pear variety – julienne selection VSTISP (All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing), obtained from crossing interspecific hybrid No. 8 with the Duchess summer pear variety. Authors: Yu. A. Petrov, N. V. Efimova. Children's pear variety zoned in the Central region.

The Children's pear variety has good winter hardiness. Medium-early (in the 5th year). Annually productive variety. Children's pear variety resistant to fungal diseases.

The ripening period of the Children's pear variety is early summer. Fruit ripening is not simultaneous (from late July to mid-August).

The tree in the description is tall. At a young age, with a highly spherical, then pyramidal crown, formed by a few strong branches with frequently placed ringlets, on which fruiting is concentrated.

Escapes pear varieties Children's in the description - medium, rather thick, straight, light brown (olive yellow). The leaves are medium-sized, smooth, with raised, finely crenate edges. Petioles with small stipules.

The Children's pear variety has fruits below average size, weighing 60-80 g, short pear-shaped, with elevations (pearls) around the calyx. The surface is uneven. The main color is light yellow, the cover color is a pinkish-orange blush.

The peduncle in the description is of medium length and thickness. The calyx is medium, closed over a small subcalyx tube. The seed chambers are closed, with well-executed brown seeds. There is no axial cavity.

Fruit pulp Children's pear varieties in the description – creamy, juicy, sweet, excellent taste.

Children's pear variety. Advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the Children's pear variety. High winter hardiness. Early ripening. Good yields, high consumer qualities of fruits.

Disadvantages of the Children's pear variety. Medium early fruiting pear variety. Small fruit size.

Children's pear variety - in selection.

The variety is especially valuable for breeding for early ripening.

Children's pear variety. Photo.

This page shows a photo layout of a pear variety. Photo of the Children's pear variety is presented, see. Photo of the variety Online.

Nursery pear variety and gardening answers.

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Probably the most popular garden crop after the apple tree is the pear. Its fruits are very sweet, perfectly quench hunger and thirst and are an excellent summer treat for adults and children. The only drawback when growing this crop is the need for additional pollination, which will increase the yield. This rule works great for large areas, but what if it is not possible to plant several pears? In this case, the best option would be to purchase so-called self-pollinating varieties. Our article will tell you more about this.

General characteristics of self-pollinating pear varieties

Self-pollinating species are also called self-fertile. This means that even when planted alone, the tree will produce a stable harvest and does not require additional pollination. This requirement is especially important for cultivation in northern regions, where the climate suggests a risk of spring cold snaps during the flowering period of horticultural crops.

Self-pollinating pear

All modern varieties (and most classic ones) are created taking into account obtaining maximum yields even in single plantings. Of course, such self-fertility often varies depending on the growing region and even the planting location. To get a really good harvest, it is important to comply with many requirements, among which self-pollination is not in the first place.

What a pear needs:

It will also be interesting to learn about how scab treatment occurs in the spring:

It is also worth mentioning what leaf diseases exist and what treatment exists.

Despite the apparent complexity, caring for pear plantings does not pose a particular problem for the gardener. The main thing is to choose the right high-yielding variety, well adapted to the climatic conditions of your area.

Self-pollinating pears: a review of the best varieties for the Moscow region, Central Russia, northwestern regions of the country and the Urals

The selection of varieties implies species diversity, so you can choose the appropriate type of pear for almost any area. Previously, growing in the middle zone implied certain difficulties, but with the development of frost-resistant varieties this ceased to be a problem.

The best varieties of pears with the possibility of self-pollination:

  • Rogneda. A stable, high-yielding variety, a good pollinator. Common for growing in the Moscow region, it has a wide crown, so the distance to the next tree should be at least four meters.

    Pear Rogneda

  • Banquet room. An excellent pear with unusually tasty fruits. Frost-resistant and self-pollinating, characterized by high commercial quality of fruits. Suitable for growing in the Urals.

    Banquet room

  • Marble. A resistant variety, widespread everywhere. Suitable for cultivation in the northern regions, in the presence of other varieties in the planting it is characterized by record yields. But what reviews exist about the Marble variety can be read by clicking on


  • Chizhovskaya. A classic variety with excellent characteristics. It is a good pollinator for other trees and produces crops even in single plantings. The only drawback is the relatively low frost resistance, so additional frost protection is recommended for the winter. It is also worth learning about.


  • Lada. An excellent frost-resistant variety. Early ripening and varying degree of self-pollination. Resistant to most common diseases, the fruits are small but very sweet. It's also worth learning more about the process

    Pear Lada

  • Simply Maria. Belarusian variety, distinguished by excellent taste characteristics and resistance to frost and disease. Self-cultivation is not suitable for the northern regions; it is better to purchase an already grafted seedling. Or you can read about existing reviews of the Simply Maria variety and the existing description of the fruit.

    Simply Maria

  • Tenderness. Autumn variety, frost-resistant and highly productive. The fruits are round in size, distinguished by their large weight and characteristic “blush” of raspberry color.


The above varieties are not a complete list of possible “candidates” for planting in the northwestern zone, but they are maximally adapted to such a climate. It is recommended to select trees according to ripening time, because late varieties will not have time to grow even if all necessary growing conditions are met.

How can you increase fruiting in other ways?

Group planting of pears on your own plot is not the only method of obtaining good harvests. Gardeners have long used special methods in which varieties, even with a low degree of self-pollination, are capable of greater productivity.

Among the most popular are the following tricks:

  1. Grafting another stamp onto a tree. It is advisable to use pollinating varieties for this, for example “Marble”, “Chizhovskaya” and even the classic “Forest Beauty”. But you can find out how it happens and is carried out from the article by following the link.
  2. Nearby landings. Tree– a pollinator does not have to grow nearby; if pears also grow on a neighbor’s plot, insects will willingly use them for the benefit of our plants. The main thing is that the flowering period is approximately the same.
  3. Arrangement of flowering branches next to a tree. If possible, you can cut a couple of branches of color from another tree and place them nearby in a container of water. Pollinating insects will transfer pollen to your tree.

Video of pear fruiting:

Self-pollinated pear varieties provide a good opportunity to obtain a stable harvest even in single plantings. At the same time, such breeding is conditional and is not a panacea if other requirements for the growth of the crop are not met.

To study all the possible nuances of growing pears on your site, you need to take into account the climatic region, the degree of illumination of the planting site and even the composition of the soil. All these characteristics are discussed in detail in our information, as well as a review of the best varieties intended for cultivation in different climatic regions.

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