How to install drainage systems. Forevacuum and high-vacuum pumping of the chamber can be performed in both manual and automatic modes Exceptions to the general rules

As a general rule, investigative actions can be carried out at the place where the preliminary investigation is being conducted. In turn, the preliminary investigation in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 152 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation is carried out at the place where the act containing signs of a crime was committed, with the exception of cases provided for by the same article.
It is somewhat difficult to resolve the issue of where the so-called ongoing crimes are committed, i.e. criminal acts that are committed over a more or less long period of time. Meanwhile, the correct and precise determination of the place of commission of an act containing signs of a crime is an indispensable condition for a legal and reasonable solution to the issue of territorial jurisdiction of a criminal case.
In this regard, the ruling of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in case A is of interest. Canceling the court decisions taken in this case, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation noted the following: “Within the meaning of the criminal law, the place where the crime was committed should be considered the place where all criminal actions are completed, regardless of whether where socially dangerous consequences occurred. The criminal procedure law does not delineate the territorial jurisdiction between investigators of internal affairs bodies in transport and territorial internal affairs bodies."
If it is necessary to carry out investigative or search actions in another place, the investigator has the right to carry out them personally or entrust the execution of these actions to an investigator or an inquiry agency, respectively, who is obliged to carry out the order no later than 10 days (Part 1 of Article 152 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).
The carrying out of investigative actions “in another place” should be understood as the carrying out of investigative actions in another administrative region, interterritorial entity or in another subject of the Russian Federation.
From the general rule established in Part 1 of Art. 152 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, in subsequent parts of the same article a number of exceptions are made:
  • if the crime was started in one place and ended in another place, then the criminal case
    investigated at the place where the crime ended (Part 2);
  • if crimes were committed in different places, then, by decision of the prosecutor, the criminal case is racially
    follows the place where most crimes or the most serious of them were committed (Part 3);
  • the preliminary investigation may be carried out at the location of the accused or
    majority of witnesses in order to ensure its completeness, objectivity and compliance with
    procedural terms (part 4).
The investigator or inquiry officer, having established that the criminal case is not within his jurisdiction, carries out urgent investigative actions, after which he transfers the criminal case to the prosecutor for referral according to jurisdiction (Part 5 of Article 152).
If it is not possible to determine the place where the crime was committed, then the preliminary investigation is carried out at the place where signs of a crime were detected or at the place where criminal consequences occurred.
Cases of crimes committed through inaction must be investigated in the place where the actions were to be performed, the failure of which constitutes a crime, or at the place where the criminal result occurred.
The location of individual investigative actions is either predetermined by objective factors and therefore cannot be changed at the discretion of the investigator (for example, inspection of the crime scene, seizure, search, and in some cases - investigative experiment), or is determined by the investigator taking into account the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the specific circumstances of the case .
Interrogation. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 187 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the interrogation is carried out at the place of the preliminary investigation. The investigator has the right, if he deems it necessary, to conduct an interrogation at the location of the person being interrogated.
The interrogation of an accused person in custody should be carried out, as a rule, in a pre-trial detention center or premises of an internal affairs agency where there is a temporary detention facility for suspects and accused persons. In this case, the likelihood of the accused escaping during transportation to the place of interrogation, as well as from the investigator’s office, is reduced: If
1 For more details, see Review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the first quarter
2001//Byll.VSRF.2001.No.10.S. 19, paragraph 5 ¦.:.

Chapter 16. General issues of investigative actions
If there is information that the accused is ready to escape, then his interrogations outside the pre-trial detention center should be carried out only in cases of extreme necessity.
The interrogation of the accused may also be carried out at his place of residence, work or another place, if this is due to tactical considerations or objective circumstances. In particular, the interrogation of the accused is carried out at the place where another investigative action is being carried out (for example, inspection of the crime scene, seizure, search, investigative experiment) with the participation of the accused, if it is necessary to quickly verify the evidence obtained using his testimony. At the place of work, the interrogation of the accused may be carried out if there is reason to believe that after the interrogation there will be a need for confrontations between the accused and employees of the institution where he works, who were previously interrogated as witnesses (victims). The interrogation of the accused may be carried out in a medical institution if the state of health of the accused excludes the possibility of his appearance before the investigator. The issue of the place of interrogation of the suspect is resolved in a similar way.
The interrogation of a witness can be carried out both at the place of the preliminary investigation and at the location of the witness.
It is advisable to conduct interrogation at the location of the witness: 1) if it is necessary to prevent the disclosure of information about his knowledge of the circumstances of the crime; 2) if several witnesses in the same criminal case live or work in the same place; 3) if the witness in this case is an accused in another case and a preventive measure in the form of detention has been applied to him; 4) if the witness is in a medical institution, and his interrogation cannot be postponed until recovery; 5) if the witness cannot appear before the investigator due to family circumstances (presence of young children, illness of relatives, etc.); 6) if in order to obtain reliable testimony it is necessary to carry out the interrogation unexpectedly, without special preparation of the witness for interrogation and in other cases.
The questioning of witnesses at their location should be given preference in cases where they live in a populated area located at a significant distance from the place where the preliminary investigation is taking place, according to local conditions. Summoning a witness for questioning to an investigator in such cases has a number of negative consequences. Firstly, the witnesses either do not appear at the appointed time for each, all together, or do not appear at all. Secondly, witnesses from remote settlements most often arrive at the place of interrogation by one train, bus or other vehicle. Along the way, the circumstances of the crime committed are often discussed, as a result of which the testimony of witnesses is leveled out under the influence of such discussion, and it can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for the investigator to determine the source of the witnesses’ knowledge of the circumstances about which they are testifying.
The advantage of interrogating witnesses at their location is that in this case it is possible to quickly eliminate contradictions in their testimony by conducting confrontations, as well as verify the testimony received by calling for questioning those persons who, in the opinion of the interrogated witnesses, can confirm their testimony .
The interrogation of a witness may be carried out in another place determined by the investigator (for example, at the scene of the incident), when the witness states that he will be able to remember the circumstances of the event of which he was an eyewitness, provided that he testifies in a certain place.
The place of interrogation of the accused, witness and other persons is indicated in the introductory part of the interrogation protocol. The law does not require the reasons why the investigator decided to conduct the interrogation outside the place of the preliminary investigation, but this does not exclude the indication in the interrogation protocol of the reasons for choosing this place of conduct, which helps prevent the emergence of doubts about the reliability of the testimony obtained.
The law does not determine the place of confrontation, presentation for identification, or examination. The question of the location of these investigative actions is decided by the investigator based on considerations of saving procedural forces and resources, tactical considerations, expediency, taking into account objective and subjective factors that may influence the reliability of the results of a particular investigative action.
When deciding on the location of an investigative experiment, it should be borne in mind that the conditions in which the investigative experiment is carried out must be as close as possible to those in which the action being tested was performed. Violation of this rule leads to the fact that the factual data obtained during the investigative experiment lose their evidentiary value1. Consequently, if verification and clarification of data relevant to the case can be carried out in a strictly defined place, then the investigative experiment should be carried out in this very place.
! See: Bull. Supreme Court of the RSFSR. 1986. No. 7. - G. 3.

Chapter 17. Investigative examination
The criminal procedure law establishes a general rule according to which “investigative actions at night are not permitted, except in urgent cases” (Part 3 of Article 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). Night time is considered to be the time period from 22:00 to 6:00 local time (Clause 21, Article 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). The ban on carrying out investigative actions at night is due to the fact that during the daytime optimal conditions for carrying out investigative actions can be created. Carrying out investigative actions at night is undesirable due to the fact that the attention of those taking part in them becomes dull, apathy occurs, and they are more susceptible to psychological influence, which under certain conditions may be illegal. Ultimately, this leads to the fact that the information obtained during the investigative action loses its evidentiary value.
Thus, the investigative action must begin in such a way that it can be completed before 22:00. If it is not possible to complete the investigative action by the specified time, then a break is taken until the morning. However, exceptions may be made to this rule.
In particular, the interrogation of the accused or suspect may be carried out at night: a) if the interrogated person insists on it; b) if postponing the interrogation until daytime may lead to the loss or falsification of evidence or interfere with the suppression of new crimes, etc.
The interrogation of a witness at night may also be due to his desire to give evidence that is important, in his opinion, on the basis of which measures can be taken to find and consolidate traces of a crime, detain suspects and suppress criminal activity, or, on the contrary, a decision can be made to release an unjustifiably detained person. or an arrested person, etc. For the same purposes, confrontations can be made at night.
The seizure is carried out at night, as a rule, when its production began at the end of the day (sometimes at this time factual grounds for carrying out this investigative action appear), however, before the onset of night time, the sought item (document) was not issued, and there is there is reason to believe that if measures are not taken to confiscate the sought-after item (document), it may be hidden, destroyed, falsified, etc.
Conducting a search at night is permitted in exceptional cases: 1) if it is not possible to complete a search that began during the day before nighttime; 2) if information has been received that the wanted person is currently in a certain premises; 3) if a search is necessary to suppress criminal activity, prevent the destruction or concealment of instruments of crime, objects and valuables obtained by criminal means, as well as other objects or documents that may be important to the case, etc.
It should be borne in mind that the criminal procedure law limits the duration of the continuous production of such an investigative action as interrogation. The interrogation cannot last continuously for more than 4 hours (Part 2 of Article 187 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).
Continuation of the interrogation is allowed after a break of at least one hour for rest and eating, and the total duration of the interrogation during the day should not exceed 8 hours (Part 3 of Article 187 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). If there are medical indications, the duration of the interrogation is established on the basis of the doctor’s conclusion (Part 4 of Article 187 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).
The interrogation of a minor suspect and accused cannot continue without a break for more than 2 hours, and in total more than 4 hours a day (Part 1 of Article 425 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).

The cable production process can be divided into several stages: step-by-step drawing and broaching of the workpiece, application of insulation and sheathing, expansion, shipping. Let's follow sequentially:

First, general views of the two workshops in which the main stages of production take place.

1. Strand drawing and twisting workshop. Here, the primary processing of copper wire rod, the main raw material for the production of cable and wire products (CPP), takes place.

2. Workshop for applying insulation and sheathing. This workshop houses extrusion lines where copper blanks take on the form of a finished product.

The plant receives copper rod, which is produced by continuous casting and rolling from copper cathodes. Wire rod is a rough piece, usually of large diameter, which is used for further wire production.

3. Rough drawing machine VM-13. Designed for drawing copper rod into wire. Drawing is the process of cold forming of metals, in which the processed wire or other workpiece passes through a drawing tool (die) and takes on the shape and dimensions of its internal channel with a cross-section less than the cross-section of the workpiece. Reducing the cross-section leads to an increase in the length of the wire. This machine is designed for drawing from a diameter of 9 mm to 1.6-4.3 mm.

4. General view of the Nihoff drawing complex. 12-strand drawing machine designed for fine-medium drawing of copper wire into a skein. This is a blank for further twisting into a strand. This is the beginning of the production of flexible multi-core cable.

5. When drawing, cold hardening occurs, which worsens the electrical conductivity of the wire. Also, during drawing, the plastic properties of the metal change: it is strengthened (hardened), its structure changes, the grains of the metal are crushed in the direction of drawing, that is, a texture is formed. Removing the “hardening” and obtaining a soft wire is achieved by heating the metal to a certain temperature, holding it for a given time and cooling it at room temperature. In this case, the metal becomes ductile again.

The heat treatment of a metal, during which its original properties are returned, is called annealing. The temperature and duration of annealing depend on the properties and dimensions of the wire. To protect copper wire from oxidation, it is annealed in special steam or vacuum furnaces. The wire skein is passed through a pass-through annealing device, which saves time by not using muffle furnace annealing.

6. After annealing, the finished skein is wound onto a technological container. Here you can clearly see the layout mechanism, which consists of a drive and a layout device. The product is laid as a result of the spreader moving along the axis of the receiving reel for one revolution equal to the diameter of the received product. As the number of revolutions of the receiving reel decreases, the speed of movement of the spreader also decreases.

7. Empty spools.

8. At the next stage, the skein from several active pay-offs is fed into a twisting machine, where the skein is twisted into a strand, a blank for the production of wires of the PVS, ShVVP, VP-3 brands. Stranding is one of the most common technological processes in cable production. Current-carrying conductors and bare wires are twisted from individual wires.

Either cables and wires are twisted from insulated cores, or (in the manufacture of communication cables) their component parts - groups, bundles, from which cables in turn are twisted. In this process, individual elements (wire, strands, groups, bundles) are combined, in which each of them is located in a helical line around the central (one or more) elements.

9. Internals of a twisting machine with a rotating receiving device. The twisted strands are wound onto a technological container into a finished strand. Twisting is carried out as a result of a combination of two movements: linear (translational) and rotational.

In this case, rotation can be done both clockwise and counterclockwise. The direction of twisting is judged by the arrangement of the turns of the elements in the twisted product. The twist is called left-handed when each element of the twist, when viewed along the axis, goes from right-up-to-left, and right when the trajectory of the element goes from left-up-to-right

10. There is a DHC fine-medium drawing machine nearby. Unlike Nihoff, it draws in one core with annealing per pass.

11. The workpiece obtained after drawing.

12. It goes into the strand twisting machine, through a passive payoff. Paybacks are differentiated into passive and active based on the principle of return of the workpiece from the drum. The main task of the payoff is to ensure uniform winding of the workpiece at a constant speed and tension.

13. Element of the twisting machine through which the wire passes before twisting.


15. Finished strand, prepared for application of insulation.

16. Active feeder, from which the strand is fed to the extrusion line.

17. PVC plastic compound in granules. Material for applying insulation and sheathing. Polyvinyl chloride plastic compound used in the cable industry is a mixture of polyvinyl chloride resin (polyvinyl chloride) obtained by polymerization of vinyl chloride with plasticizers, stabilizers, fillers and other components.

18. Extrusion line. The unit for applying insulation and plastic shells consists of an extruder, output, traction and receiving devices, a cooling bath, control and control equipment. From the output device, the wire, twisted core or blank for the sheath enters the extruder head. The brake device of the take-off device serves to constantly tension the core and prevent the drum or spool of wire from unwinding when the unit is stopped or the extrusion speed is reduced.

First, the plastic granules are melted in a screw to a homogeneous mass. For better adhesion and to prevent the formation of air inclusions on the core, especially when applying polyethylene insulation, a device is installed in front of the extruder head to heat the core with electric current through a system of rollers to which the required voltage is applied. The core heated to 100–150°C enters the extruder head.

19. Extruder (worm press). At the extruder head, molten plastic is extruded through the annular gap between the mandrel and the die in the form of a shell and applied to the wire.

20. The cooling bath with tap water, located behind the extruder head, into which the wire or cable enters after applying the plastic sheath, must have such a length that, with the selected cooling mode and pressing speed, the insulation or sheath has time to cool down to 60–70° throughout its entire thickness WITH. Insufficient cooling leads to displacement of the core or collapse of the insulation and sheath.

21. Extrusion line control panel.

22. After the cooling bath, the wire enters the device for blowing water and drying, then into the traction device and through compensators it is supplied to the receiving shaft. When applying insulation, a dry voltage test apparatus is installed in front of the compensator or traction device.


24. Extrusion line receiver.

25. When making a multi-core cable, individual insulated cores are twisted. Twisting of insulated cores into a cable in the manufacture of power cables can be done with or without unscrewing. When twisting without unscrewing, spontaneous additional twisting of the core occurs around its own axis. This leads to deformation of the phase insulation and, consequently, to the formation of additional defects in it in the form of wrinkles and dents. This phenomenon is especially noticeable when twisting conductors of large cross-sections and with large insulation thicknesses.

Twisting is a twisting process in which the direction of twisting of the insulated cores coincides with the direction of twisting of the wires in the outer layer of the insulated core. By twisting into unwinding we mean a twisting process in which these directions are opposite.

26. Twisting of pre-twisted cores is carried out on conventional twisting disk machines, which are equipped with a special twisting device. Often this device is combined with a compaction mechanism. In this case, the compaction rollers, in addition to rotating around their own axis, rotate around the axis of the cable. The phase insulation is applied to the pre-twisted core, so after general twisting, which is done with unscrewing, the quality of the phase insulation does not deteriorate.

27. The twisted cores are subsequently supplied to the extrusion line for the application of general insulation.

28. After applying the insulation, the cable is fed for expansion. Here it goes through quality control and is packaged.

29. Finished products for shipment.

    To be manufactured, to be produced, to be made Dictionary of Russian synonyms. be produced ch. nesov. to be made to be made to be made Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012… Synonym dictionary

    - (I’ll come to life, I’ll get dressed, 1st person and 2nd person are not used), will get dressed; imperfect 1. About what n. products: to be manufactured. 2. Occur, proceed, be carried out. The votes are being counted. The plane is boarding. | Sovereign to produce (I’m going,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. BE PRODUCED see Produce. 2. TO BE PRODUCED, to be carried out; nsv. 1. To be manufactured, developed (about products, items, etc.). Georgia produces a large amount of wine. New equipment is produced at our plant. 2. Happen... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    be produced- ▲ arise through, labor is produced created by labor (goods are produced) ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Nesov. 1. To be accomplished, to occur, to be fulfilled. 2. To be developed, manufactured. 3. suffering to ch. produce Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    be produced- to be produced, dressed... Russian spelling dictionary

    be produced- (II), produce/(s), in/dish(s), in/dat(s) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    be produced- Syn: to be made, to be produced, to be done (colloquial) ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    be produced- payments are made action, liability for payment is made action, liability for work is written off action, liability for work is carried out, passive for work is carried out, continuation assembly is carried out action, liability for work is carried out... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    be produced- I see produce; is/is happening; suffering II is observed; nsv. 1) To be produced, produced (about products, products, etc.) A large amount of wine is produced in Georgia. New equipment is produced at our plant. 2) Occur, result,… … Dictionary of many expressions


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Installation of drainage systems can be carried out in two options:

  1. Installation of a new mounting system.
  2. Replacement and repair of old drainage system.

You can choose from metal, plastic or zinc gutter systems. The efficiency of these systems will be approximately the same. Installation can be done either traditionally or using adhesive methods. Welding is a more traditional method of installing drainage systems, which is considered more reliable. But modern adhesive compositions provide reliability and strength no less than that of welding.

Mark on the sheathing where the gutter holders should be attached. Installation of holders is installed through the rafters onto the sheathing. The pitch of the rafters is 0.8-1 meter.

At least one of the holders must be installed between the rafters. If the pitch of the rafters is not standard, the holders are installed at a distance of 0.4-0.5 m into the rafters through the sheathing. One riser should be located at a distance of 10 meters when installed.

Be sure to mark the gutter system holders with numbers. There may be deviations during the installation process, this is normal. The sum of the deviations will be approximately 5 mm per 1 meter. On each of the holders it is necessary to mark the bending points. Install the first and last holders. We bend them to the lower position and run a cord between the holders. We install the remaining drain pipe holders. We make the folds in such a way that they touch the cord.

There are some nuances for different types of roofing materials. For example, if metal tiles are used as a roofing material, then they should hang over the gutter

Measure 40 mm from the edge of the gutter. In practice, the slope line can range from 20 to 70 mm. To prevent water from entering the façade during rain, the outer edge of the gutter should be set 6 mm lower. To prevent the cornice board from getting wet, place the lower edge of the cornice strip into the gutter.

The location of water receivers should also be noted. Make a cutout and bend the edges down using pliers. After this, you need to put on the funnel, hooking

We hook the front fold to the front edge of the gutter. Around the rear edge of the gutter we bend the plates that hold the funnel. Remember that the water inlet must be installed on the gutter before it is finally installed on the gutter mounting hooks.

The final stage is the installation of the gutter itself. The gutter is securely fixed using clamps on the edges. In this case, you need to install clamps between the gutters and the corners of the gutter. The plugs are installed from the ends. When sealing, it is recommended to use a silicone compound. Follow the instructions strictly to avoid leaks.

How to choose the length of the drain pipe?

The main rule when choosing the length of the pipe: the lower edge of the outlet should be located 100-300 mm from the ground surface. This is the optimal distance. Pipe fastenings are installed at a distance of 2 meters. At least two fasteners for each pipe - this rule must also be observed. The tightening collar is put on from above. Use a wooden or rubber mallet to work with drainage systems.

Common mistakes when installing drainage systems

Why is it important to avoid mistakes? It is obvious that if the drainage systems are poorly repaired, new repairs may soon be needed. Perform all actions correctly immediately. This will help you avoid defects. For example, a gutter may fall due to improper fastening to the board.

Maintain the recommended distance between the brackets when installing the gutter to prevent the possibility of sagging. Sagging gutter leads to improper operation of the drainage system. It is necessary to level the gutter as quickly as possible and install the brackets in accordance with the recommendations.

Choose the right gutter size. If the size is incorrect, water may overflow the edge of the gutter. The gap between the top gutter and the edge of the roof should not be too large. Also make sure that the edge of the roof is no further than the middle of the gutter. In this case, you will have to dismantle and subsequently install the drainage system.

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