Why the Yorkshire Terrier hiccups. Why the dog often hiccups, what to do with unhealthy hiccups. Hiccups as a natural reaction

Hiccups in dogs are generally harmless and safe. The main source of hiccups is diaphragm spasms. Reasons why your dog hiccups can be anxiety, eating too quickly, irritation or stress.

Puppies can hiccup in the morning, after waking up, as well as after a nap and after eating. Some puppies even hiccup while sleeping!

Causes of hiccups in dogs and puppies

Hiccups are so common in dogs that some veterinarians consider it "growing pains" as puppies go through physical and psychological development.

Episodes of hiccups in puppies begin to diminish, usually as they get older, and disappear completely between 8 and 12 months of age.

It is also believed that hiccups are a rudimentary reflex of many puppies, which remains with them from the time they are in the womb. This is a way in which they can strengthen their esophageal muscles and lungs while they are literally "underwater."

In any case, there is no cause for concern if the hiccups last less than an hour. If your dog has been hiccupping for longer or the hiccups are chronic, you should consult your veterinarian. Sometimes hiccups combined with other symptoms can be a sign of heart disease, hypothermia, asthma, and some other respiratory conditions.

Treating hiccups in dogs

As a rule, hiccups in dogs go away on their own. Stress and human exposure only add to the puppy's anxiety. However, some believe it is better to help the animal.

The goal of treatment is to change the puppy's breathing rhythm. This can be done by distracting the animal, or by giving it something to focus on. Offer him a ball or squeaky toy that can captivate him and change his breathing. A treat, food, or water can also change his breathing rhythm.

Physical activity and play can also help calm the puppy. If anxiety is causing the hiccups, try relaxing it. The massage will help your pet relax and breathe normally.

In case the problem persists, your veterinarian may recommend sedatives. These medications will help relax the muscles in your diaphragm. In extreme cases, hiccups in puppies can be caused by a physical abnormality that surgery can resolve.

So, let's summarize. When your dog hiccups, it's important to stay calm. Hiccupping in dogs is a normal phenomenon that is typical for both puppies and adult dogs, as well as their owners, humans.

Hiccups, which are inherently convulsive reflex breaths, are most common in young dogs or puppies. Although, adult dogs can also hiccup for one reason or another. Why do dogs hiccup? Let's try to answer this question.

The dog hiccups - what to do?

Pay attention, first of all, to the duration of the hiccup. So, the cause of short-term hiccups can be the drying out of the nasopharynx during active games of the dog, especially the young one. In this case, simply offer the animal a drink. It is not uncommon for a dog to hiccup after eating. This happens either because the dog eats its food greedily, or when the stomach is full. Such hiccups will quickly go away by themselves. Sometimes, to help their pet in such a situation, experienced dog breeders raise the dog so that it stands on its hind legs and hold the animal in this position for about three minutes.

Another reason why a dog hiccups often is not enough liquid food in the diet. Introduce meat and bone broth or vegetable broth into your pet's diet and the problem will be settled.

Of course, one cannot exclude from a number of reasons for the occurrence of hiccups and banal hypothermia. This is especially true for dogs with bare skin, in the first place, and dogs of short-haired breeds. Most simple recommendations in this case - a warm drink, dry heating (for example, wrapped in a blanket), you can give a small lump of sugar. And henceforth, it should be borne in mind that such dogs are dressed even indoors, if it is cool or there is a draft.

The dog hiccups constantly

A cause for serious concern is prolonged hiccups, which can be a harbinger heart attack, be a symptom of a disease of the digestive tract or ingestion of a foreign object, indicate infection (especially in puppies).

If the hiccups occur regularly and are persistent, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Every person at least once in his life noticed that his beloved pet hiccups. Why does the dog hiccup? Is hiccupping in puppies dangerous? But before answering them, you need to know what kind of process it is, and what types of it there are.

Hiccups - convulsive contraction of the diaphragm. There are two types of hiccups: short and long-term.
Veterinarians say that hiccups in puppies are normal as they go through the stages of formation and are very sensitive to the environment. Over time, as your little pet grows up, such phenomena will be much less common.

Factors for the appearance of hiccups

One of the main ones is hypothermia. Hiccups are often seen in dogs in winter as a result of the animal being frozen. Most often, hiccups "attack" pets without hair and with short hair. That is why they need to buy clothes and put them on. Make sure dogs are never exposed to drafts.

For long hiccups, a dangerous illness can be the cause. For example, it may be due to the presence of foreign bacteria in the pet's body. Sometimes it occurs after damage to the central nervous system.

In a puppy, prolonged hiccups may be the first sign of a heart attack. Always pay attention to your pet, because he may need urgent help at any time.

Why does the puppy start to hiccup after eating?

Your little pet loves to eat food greedily, and even does it quickly so that no one takes the food. This can be the main reason for the appearance of hiccups in a puppy, since, unexpectedly for his body, he begins to rapidly fill the free space of the stomach.

You may sometimes be intimidated by an overly playful puppy by the onset of his hiccups. But here you should not immediately panic. Due to active and fast games, the pet's mucous membranes (nasopharynx) dry up, which causes a sharp reflexive ingress of air into the body.

For a quick "cure" give the puppy a drink and you will see it immediately feel better. You can also do one interesting exercise: taking an apron with 2 paws in your hands, put the animal in an upright position on its hind legs. Hold in this state for two or three minutes and everything will pass.

Why does an adult dog hiccup after eating?

Although in adults this phenomenon is less common than in puppies, large dogs also sometimes hiccup. Some reasons for the appearance of hiccups in small pets can sometimes appear in older ones. Especially if your adult dog is active, cheerful, loves to play outdoor games or catch up with other dogs.

Hiccups in adult dogs can occur due to a low saturation of the body with water. If you give little to drink liquids, eat liquid, give only dry food, you need to reconsider your attitude to the nutrition process. Add to liquid food, for example, porridge diluted with broth (vegetable or meat). You can also moisten the food with warm water. After a day or two, the dog will forget what hiccups are, and the owner will stop noticing it.

How to tell if hiccuping is dangerous for dogs?

This can be understood by the frequency of seizures, by the well-being and behavior of the pet. If the behavior of the dog is usual and familiar to the owner, and it feels good, and hiccups appear only in cases when the animal is overeating, after eating, and when it is frozen - be calm, there is nothing terrible!
If you notice that hiccups are very common for your dog, it makes sense to worry and start sounding the alarm, because the reasons may not be very good.

How can you help your dog with hiccups?

You can help the animal get rid of the annoying attack. First aid:

  • drink warm water;
  • make a light massage of the tummy with movements in a circle in a clockwise direction (in case the hiccups occurred during the rapid absorption of food);
  • put and hold on its hind legs;
  • glance through, if you have not done this for a long time;
  • consultation with a veterinarian about medications that can stop hiccups.

In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can stop hiccups by introducing drugs:

  1. "Cerucal" or "Seduxen" is a benzodiazepine derivative. Their mechanism of action is to increase the inhibitory effect in the central nervous system;
  2. "Eperazine" is a phenothiazine derivative. Has a pronounced extrapyramidal effect;
  3. "Aminazin" is a sedative. It has a strong sedative effect on the central nervous system.

If you notice that your beloved puppy behaves unusually and is very suspicious during hiccups, do not think that everything will go away by itself. We advise you to immediately make an appointment with a veterinarian. It is advisable not to debug this campaign tomorrow and in no case self-medicate (as for medications).

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Novice dog breeders are very often afraid of such a phenomenon as hiccups in dogs. Although such a respiratory disorder in an animal can occur for a variety of reasons and manifest itself in both puppies and adult dogs. Moreover, veterinarians advise owners not to worry too much about their pet if the hiccups last a short amount of time. And vice versa, it is urgent to take him for an examination if the dog hiccups continuously for 2-3 hours in a row, since in this case the phenomenon can act as a symptom of a serious pathology. The article will look at the causes of hiccups, as well as methods for its treatment and prevention.

Hiccups can be both short-term and long-term, and the duration of the phenomenon itself depends entirely on the reasons that led to it. If the owner wondered why the dog is hiccuping, then the following information will help him answer it:

  1. The animal often hiccups due to oversaturation. Rapid filling of the stomach is one of the most common factors in this phenomenon. After a long and intense walk, active physical exercise, the dog eats food greedily and immoderately, which leads to hiccups. When feeding your dog dry food, make sure that there is always enough water near it.
  2. Owners interested in why a puppy hiccups should consider the two most possible options: he does it either due to hypothermia of his body, or after violent and fun games with the owner or his fellow tribesmen.
  3. In general, experts are convinced that hiccups most often occur in young individuals. If the puppy does this quite regularly, then do not be intimidated, this is how the growing body tries to strengthen the muscles of the lungs and stomach.
  4. Studies by zoopsychologists have shown that four-legged pets also hiccup due to severe fright or stress. Stress-generating situations include a thunderstorm, a long absence of the owner, going to places with a large crowd of people, and sometimes the appearance of a new pet in the house. In this case, you need to sit down with your pet, talk to him affectionately and caress him. He will calm down quickly and the hiccups will go away.

Experts are convinced that short-term forms of this phenomenon, which often occur after eating, will not harm the pet in any way. Another thing is long-term hiccups, lasting for hours and even days, and which, at first glance, does not have any good reason... It is important to understand that if a dog hiccups for a long time and continuously, then this is abnormal and can lead to such unpleasant consequences, how:

  • dysfunction in the respiratory system of the pet, which is aggravated by snoring, coughing, frequent and shallow breathing;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system, manifested in trembling of the limbs, complete or partial loss of coordination, impaired attention in the dog. Particularly vulnerable to this are those individuals that have recently suffered from such serious diseases as enteritis or meningitis;
  • gastrointestinal problems, including persistent flatulence and indigestion.

Owners are required to take note that if the hiccups last more than 2-3 hours, then this is a direct sign of an impending stroke or heart attack in the dog. The next section will go into details on what to do if your dog has hiccups.

Elimination methods

For short-term canine hiccups, it is permissible to use the following recommendations from veterinarians:

  1. If the factor that caused the hiccups is food, then the owner, to eliminate it, can try to do the following: give the pet warm water or give him a piece of refined sugar, and then stroke the tummy.
  2. Take your pet by the two front paws and "dance" with him a little. This will not only distract the shaggy friend, but also allow the air to escape in the form of a burp.
  3. A light and gentle abdominal massage helps the puppies very well. It relaxes the dog's muscles, which means the chance that the hiccups will go away will increase significantly.
  4. Psam who are overcooled on the street or at home in a draft, intense warming is suitable. It will not only eliminate hiccups, but also protect your pet from colds.
  5. Equally effective during such breathing failures is intense exercise stress... Entertain the animal with an active game or a short run.
  6. The classic methods include pet fright. However, zoopsychologists advise to exercise it extremely moderately so as not to provoke the dog to aggression or even more hiccups.

Prevention measures

If the hiccups appear for a long time, then take the dog for examination to a specialist. Such measures are justified, since if something happens, the owner will be ready to aggravate the symptoms and will be able to provide the pet with prompt assistance. After a complete diagnosis of the dog, the veterinarian may prescribe drugs such as Cerucal (blocks receptors that cause uncontrolled muscle spasms) or Seduxen (removes excessive sensitivity of nerve endings in the animal).

In addition, the owner is obliged to monitor the feeding norms of his pet. In no case do not give him too hot food, this not only spoils the scent, but can also cause hiccups. Shape the portion based on the size and weight of the animal. Overfeeding is extremely detrimental to the health of dogs. If the dog eats dry food, then there should always be enough clean water nearby so that he can quench his thirst. Puppies up to 5-6 months old are given industrial feed only after they have been soaked in liquid.

Do not ignore hiccups, as this phenomenon is not as common as it might seem at first glance. The owner must try to fix it on his own, and if this does not work, then take the animal to a doctor for examination.

Hiccups in dogs occur as a result of respiratory failure and lasts from several minutes to an hour or more. Most often, puppies and young individuals under the age of 12-14 months hiccup. Short-term hiccups are not dangerous for the animal, but sometimes its attacks can indicate the presence of certain diseases, so if this phenomenon occurs, it is worth finding out why the dog is hiccuping.

Hiccups in a dog occur at different times and last several minutes, and sometimes several hours. Short-term seizures occur with rapid and greedy absorption of food. Along with food, the dog swallows air, which enters the lungs and stomach and causes a spasm of the diaphragm.

A dog's hiccups can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

Hiccups in dogs can be caused by a stressful situation or any excitement.

With daily hiccups. If this does not help, a mandatory veterinarian consultation is required.

Puppies hiccup especially often. This is due to the preservation of a rudimentary reflex in the first months of life after leaving the womb. This reflex helps to strengthen the muscles of the esophagus and lungs. After eating, the puppy hiccups due to its own greed. Absorbing food too quickly, he, like an adult dog, swallows air.

Hiccups can develop in a dog due to a lack of fluid in the body: when eating dry food or after frisky games, when the nasopharynx dries up. After eating, hiccups may appear if the food is hot.

The dog hiccups when freezing. This phenomenon is often observed during winter walks. Hypothermic hiccups can occur in hairless and short-haired dogs (). To prevent the dog from freezing, for walks and in cold rooms it must be dressed in warming suits. In especially cold and windy weather, walks are reduced to a minimum.

Long-term hiccups are a sign of a disease

Short-term hiccups are a phenomenon that passes quickly and does not require a solution to the problem with the help of medical means. If the dog hiccups for a long time, or it happens too often, the owner should contact the veterinarian and find out the reason.

Hiccups often occur in active dogs that jump up and run straight away.

Long-term hiccups can occur for the following reasons:

  • A foreign object has entered the dog's stomach.
  • The dog developed diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (). In this case, hiccups may be accompanied by belching and even vomiting.
  • The dog is infected with worms (). Sometimes in this case, worms can be seen in the belching.
  • If hiccups occur after an injury, other additional symptoms may occur.
  • Hiccups may be due to the defeat of the central nervous system or the onset of a heart attack. In this case, the pet needs urgent veterinary assistance.
  • Choleric dogs that jump up and run immediately upon awakening may also begin to hiccup.
  • A puppy sleeping in an unnatural position may hiccup due to a pinched vagus nerve. Place it correctly and the hiccups will stop.

Is hiccups dangerous for dogs?

Hiccups in young puppies after play or jogging are not dangerous.

Brief attacks of hiccups after eating, during play, or after waking up are not dangerous in puppies. This is a natural reaction of the body, and most often goes without any measures.

The danger is long-term or daily, unrelated to natural causes of hiccups:

  • Respiratory system disorders. Additional symptoms: cough, snoring.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. They are accompanied by loss of coordination, tremors, and absent-minded gaze. Violations can be triggered by diseases that the dog has recently suffered: distemper, meningitis, enteritis.
  • Indigestion: indigestion, intestinal blockage.

Important. Hiccups lasting more than an hour are a sign of a stroke or heart attack.

If the hiccups are short-lived and the cause is suspected, you can help the dog yourself:

If your dog starts to hiccup, try playing with it or running a little.
  • After eating, an attack of hiccups can be removed by drinking warm water to the pet. A lump of refined sugar or gentle stroking of the abdomen will help relieve the attack.
  • If this does not help, the dog is lifted by the front paws and moved with it as in a dance. This action will distract the animal, allow it to calm down and allow the air to escape in the form of a burp.
  • Massaging the abdomen after a meal will prevent hiccups in puppies.
  • If the cause of the hiccups is hypothermia, the dog needs urgent rewarming to prevent it.
  • A short run or active play during a dog's hiccups can help normalize heart rate and breathing.
  • A sudden action on the part of the owner can have a positive effect. The dog can be distracted by the sharp squeak of a toy or other unexpected sound.

Prevention measures

After examining the dog and eliminating serious health problems, veterinarians may prescribe medications to help prevent hiccups:

Along with drug therapy, you should follow the rules of feeding the dog:

  • Food should not be hot.
  • The portion for one meal should be appropriate for the age and size of the dog. Excess portions of dry food are especially dangerous. The owner thinks that the recommended amount is too small, and he adds food to the dog's bowl. In the stomach, the food increases in size, and the dog, experiencing discomfort, begins to hiccup from overeating.
  • When feeding dry food, you need to monitor the presence of clean water in a special bowl of the dog.
  • Veterinarians forbid puppies under 6 months to give "crackers". The food must first be soaked.

Hiccups are an unpleasant phenomenon that a pet cannot cope with on its own. The owner must definitely find out why the dog is hiccuping, and help her with all available methods.

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