Turbo accountant series programs. Turbo9 Accounting is a new generation accounting program. However, an equally important group are objects designed to store temporary sets of data during a user session. As a rule, they are

The program, developed by Dolgoprudnensky Research Center CJSC, is intended for comprehensive automation of accounting and management accounting for large and small businesses.

Turbo Accountant 6.9 program allows you to:

keep records of the business activities of the enterprise both from the “posting” and from the “primary document” with automatic generation of postings;

carry out recalculation when changing transactions "retrospectively";

adapt the program to the requirements of a specific enterprise and changes in legislation;

set up a chart of accounts, change and supplement analytical reference books;

generate various internal reports in any context using the built-in report generator;

change and create forms of primary and reporting documents of any complexity using a visual form editor;

create your own settings and application systems.

There are many benefits to being a turbo accountant. It can carry out comprehensive automated accounting of the following types:

fixed assets;

intangible assets;

circulation of funds;

material goods and services;

settlements with accountable persons and counterparties;

The accounting program also carries out automated information accounting of tax systems:

creates registers;

generates reports in electronic form;

generates statistical reporting;

automates budgeting.

And also the advantages include:

accounting of several organizations in a single information base (holding accounting);

sustainable operation of branches with a common database via the Internet;

consolidated reporting for branches and legal entities;

high performance with a large amount of data and a large number of workstations on the network;

integrability with Western and Russian ERP systems;

support for various accounting policy options;

solving non-standard accounting problems;

parallel maintenance of accounting and management accounting;

powerful tools for analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise: multidimensional analytics, a report generator, a mechanism for clarifying reports.


lack of uniform reference books;

lack of efficiency of management accounting;

the program does not sufficiently implement the specifics of the enterprise.

The automated accounting information system contains many unified forms of reporting and primary documents that are in strict accordance with modern legislation.

The main characteristic of a program for automating accounting is the speed of its system. On average, it can process up to ten million transactions. The computer information accounting system is mainly used to automate budgeting not only for small businesses, but also for large industrial organizations. It surpasses its competitors not by a few, but by tens of times. The interface of the accounting program (system) for accounting automation is clear and simple. It does not require training for new users, because is not only visually appealing, but also intuitive.

practice report

3.3 Disadvantages of the Turbo Accountant program and ways to solve them

During the industrial operation of the Turbo Accountant 2.2.5 program, the following shortcomings were identified:

The program is a Dos application, therefore working as a real window application in modern operating systems without emulating the Dos environment is impossible;

The internal format for presenting data in the program is not compatible with the formats of modern applications, which can lead to incorrect results of data import/export operations between applications;

The program does not have tools for automatic data import/export;

The program does not have the tools to integrate it into modern applications as a separate module;

Technical support and maintenance of this version of the program by the manufacturer has been discontinued;

The program does not support laser printers, which greatly slows down the process of printing reports;

The program does not have tools for uploading reports in digital form to various storage media, which is inconvenient when providing information to inspection authorities.

Based on the above shortcomings, the task was set to replace this application with another one that eliminated the shortcomings of this software product.

The solution to this problem is to create a completely new application, either based on a new platform or based on the platform currently used in the enterprise.

Creating an application based on a new platform is impractical for the following reasons:

High cost of a new development environment;

Additional labor costs when creating and implementing the application;

Retraining of personnel;

Possible difficulties when integrating the application with other systems, which will affect staff productivity.

Therefore, the optimal solution was to create a new application based on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, which is currently used in the enterprise. To write the application, the built-in 1C programming language will be used.

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The Turbo Accountant program is one of the top five leaders in the Russian accounting software market and is a powerful accounting and analytical tool with the help of which the accounting problems of an enterprise are comprehensively solved...

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Today, there are quite a large number of automated accounting systems on the market... each organization chooses an accounting system depending on its immediate desire, the quality of the system...

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The advantage of this software is ease of installation, ease of use, system reliability and ease of learning. This is almost the only program on the huge market of accounting products...

    manufacturer: DIC company

    functional modules: accounting, mini-salary, mini-accounting of inventory items, accounting of fixed assets and tax assets, business trip, taxpayer

    single-user version cost: $155 (basic), $359 (Pro version)

    other versions, additional modules: Professional version (multi-currency accounting, unlimited number of transactions, bank debugger), Light (accounting and payroll only), DOS version 3.2, client-server version, additional modules Salary and Taxpayer.

      Consumer analysis.

The development ideology of “Turbo-Accountant” is based on a generally simple proposition – “an accountant works from a primary document.” Already on the first screen of the program, the user is greeted with a simple and understandable rubricator “Bank”, “Cashier”, “VAT Accounting”, “Inventory Accounting”, etc.

This program is built on a system of forms, filing cabinets, manual transaction entry tools, and transaction logs. A form can be an input form, a report, or a user interface element for program management. The card index stores documents of the same type or reference books with additional information. All forms and file cabinets are fully customizable, so owners of the “Prof” version can remake the program to their liking. In the basic version, these features are not fully available, but its preset settings and interface are very convenient for a novice user.

Turbo-Accountant allows you to automate banking and cash transactions, payroll calculation, accounting of working capital and intangible assets, settlements with counterparties, office work, construction of internal reports - turnover sheets, order journals, chess sheets, general ledger, etc., reports for tax authorities. Accounting can be divided into accounting sections; accounting for several enterprises is allowed on one computer. The program allows you to analyze various aspects of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise: settlements with customers and suppliers, fulfillment of contracts, availability and movement of goods and fixed assets, accounting of costs and profits of various divisions. Analytical accounting of unlimited depth is possible, making it possible to obtain detailed information, for example, about the supplier under a specific contract (or group of contracts) for the supply of a specific product (or group of products) for a given period of time. Several databases are supported, that is, the ability to work with several organizations. The professional version provides multi-currency accounting; the basic version has a limit on the number of transactions - no more than 32,000 per organization per year.

The calculation core of the program is based on a powerful programming language similar to Pascal and expanded with functions for working with file cabinets, forms and accounting terms. You can even create your own applications based on it, but this requires the “Pro” version. In the basic version, it will be difficult to even add one report to existing ones, although you can reconfigure an already created report without problems.

Forms, forms, scripts and some file cabinets are stored in text form, the rest of the file cabinets are made in the form of Paradox databases. This solution makes data editing easy, but slows down the system. Although Paradox database disaster recovery tools exist, they are not built into the program; it simply crashes when databases are damaged without attempting to recover them. But damaged or deleted indexes (auxiliary data necessary for searching and sorting information) are restored completely automatically.

The entire program interface consists of reconfigurable forms, similar to web pages, which you can master in a matter of minutes. Enter a primary document, create and edit a report, fill out calculation constants - all these operations will become familiar and simple after just a couple of days of use. Most of the time is spent working with this interface, and no special problems arise here, since in addition to forms, the user only communicates with document files and tree-like lists of analytical characteristics. Their interface is quite laconic, so mastering navigation through the card index also takes two to three minutes.

The situation is worse when entering standard transactions or postings. When entering a transaction, you must indicate the debited and credited accounts, the amount and content of the transaction, and also indicate analytical characteristics. In this case, you can select any journal and any analytical attribute, linking, for example, goods from a warehouse to the issuance of wages. This solution seems very dubious - finding such an error is not easy. In addition, instead of the name of the analytical object, its code is displayed.

A simple interface for entering primary documents and reports, ease of learning, a powerful language for describing formulas are the undoubted advantages of the Turbo-Accountant system. However, inconvenient and unergonomic entry of transactions and standard operations, low speed of launching and opening documents, and a weak system for ensuring data integrity and backup seriously worsen the first impression of the program. It can be recommended for use by small commercial enterprises with a small number of operations and simple payroll accounting.

Definition 1

"Turbo Accountant" is a universal program for automating accounting and office work of enterprises.

The turbo accountant information system guarantees automation of work in the following areas:

  • Maintaining analytical, synthetic accounting, as well as multi-currency transactions.
  • Formation, storage, printing of documents and forms of primary accounting reports.
  • Setting up a working chart of accounts, standard analytical accounting operations, forms of primary documents, reporting, etc.
  • Maintaining records at several workplaces and several accounting departments on one computer.

If a large number of accounted operations are used, the program provides the ability to organize information processing at several workstations, provided that they are connected by a local network. If the enterprise does not provide for this form of communication, the work of accountants can be divided by creating several journals of business transactions. For subsequent summarization of data, the information is copied onto floppy disks and transferred to the chief accountant's computer.

Software package "BEST"

Definition 2

Utility covers the economic, accounting and statistical components of the enterprise. Complex created by the Intellect-Service company and is a tool for automating the work of accounting. With its help, accounting is available from the moment of formation of primary documentation to the generation of the General Ledger and a set of financial reporting forms.

Among other things, using the data obtained, the system performs the functions of economic analysis of business activities and compilation of statistical reporting for the organization. This program can be used in large and small scale enterprises. The local version of the program is capable of working in production with a volume of operations of no more than 50 per day, which is about 250-300 employees. The network version is capable of supporting production with up to 2,500 workers.

The BEST program will automate the following processes:

  • Maintaining continuous records.
  • Continuity of accounting activities.
  • Organization of interconnected accounting.
  • Implementation of multi-currency, multi-level, branched warehouse accounting.

The software package consists of a number of components, each of which is capable of operating in a self-sufficient mode and within the framework of the system. For the full operation of all systems, it is necessary to have modules for setting up General Ledger maintenance, since only under such conditions can the program be linked to a computer and the chart of accounts be set up.

The complex of program modules includes the following subsystems:

  • Settings and system utilities.
  • "Automation of the chief accountant's workplace."
  • "Cash desk, accountable persons."
  • "Current and foreign currency accounts."
  • "Fixed assets and intangible assets."
  • "Procurement Management".
  • "Warehouse of goods and finished products."
  • "Sales management".
  • "Wage".

Galaxy system

Definition 3

Integrated information system "Galaktika" used to automate the entire variety of financial and economic activities in medium and large-scale enterprises. The versatility of this program makes it possible to use it in production of various industries, as well as scale and structure.

IS "Galaktika" allows you to establish effective management of material, human and financial reserves in production. When starting the system for the first time, the user must go through a mandatory setup step. This procedure is necessary to fill out the main catalogs, classifiers and directories that make up a single information base and are used by all system modules.

The program consists of a set of basic contours, including the following:

  • Financial.
  • Logistic.
  • Accounting.
  • Production management.
  • Personnel management.
  • Personnel Relations Department.
  • Administration.

The system is aimed at automating the solution of problems arising at all stages of management, including:

  • Forecasting.
  • Planning.
  • Accounting.
  • Monitoring the implementation of plans.
  • Analysis of results.
  • Adjustment of forecasts and plans.

The program is primarily intended for organizational leaders, but is necessary for all its departments.

Information help systems

Information reference systems are of great importance in providing information to an enterprise. The most common systems on the Russian market are the Garant and ConsultantPlus systems.

Consultant Plus

The system was developed by the joint-stock company of the same name and has been actively used at enterprises since 1992. Since 2001, it has occupied one of the leading positions in Russia. The company's network unites more than 300 regional information centers that provide the program, provide service, and provide information to users.

ConsultantPlus consists of subsystems, each of which has its own purpose. It also provides for division into four main groups:

  • According to federal law.
  • According to regional legislation.
  • According to international law.
  • Decision support reference systems.

Each program has a list of reference legal databases indicating the approximate number of documents for a specific date.

The "ConsultantPlus: VersionProf" module contains all the regulations of the Russian Federation. The “ConsultantAccountant” module is especially important. It is used by businesses that use a general accounting plan in their accounting system. It sets out regulatory documents, consultations with employees of state and audit companies on accounting and taxation issues, and accounting schemes for business transactions.

All ConsultantPlus systems include the Accountant's Calendar, in accordance with federal law. The calendar is located in the “Reference Information” section, it is published every quarter and reflects information on the deadlines for payment and provision of calculations for taxes, fees, payments, and deadlines for submitting federal statistical reporting forms. The system also contains legislative comments and background information. The information base is updated quickly, without significant material and time costs.

System "Garant"

The Garant information system is an equally popular corporate product for automating accounting processes. The development belongs to PPP "Garant-Service" and has been implemented in production since 1990. The system has search algorithms:

  • According to details.
  • Situations.
  • Source of publication.
  • To the classifier.
  • Glossary of terms.

“Garant” contains documents necessary for the effective work of accountants, managers, lawyers, auditors, financiers, workers in the construction, medicine, pharmaceuticals and others. The program also contains groups of small and large information blocks. With their help, the user can select the necessary ones, taking into account the type of activity, to compile an individual package for performing an end-to-end search of documents. The system contains some special information blocks, such as “Legislation in diagrams”, “Russian legislation in English”, which currently have no analogues.

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Accounting system "Turbo Accountant"

The Turbo Accountant program is one of the top five leaders in the Russian accounting software market and is a powerful accounting and analytical tool with the help of which the accounting problems of an enterprise are comprehensively solved.

The product line of the Turbo Accountant version will allow an enterprise to choose a program that is suitable in price and functionality. An important advantage of the product line is the continuity of programs, which simplifies the transition from one program to another as the enterprise grows and develops. They all have a single interface, the same structure of directories and file cabinets, all the usual forms of business transaction logs (text, tabular, card file). The difference lies in functionality.

"Turbo Accountant ECONOMY" - A program for maintaining accounting records for small enterprises. The program automates bank cash transactions, settlements with counterparties and accountable persons, and VAT accounting. Automatically generates financial statements. Payroll calculations, inventory and depreciable property accounting are carried out in standard operations, tax registers are filled out manually. The program works in a local version and has the ability to generate 64,000 transactions. For ease of use, you can install additional applications for Turbo Accountant.

“Turbo Accountant BASIC” - The program is designed for comprehensive automation of accounting and tax accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises. Contains built-in systems: Tax accounting, Mini-salary, Taxpayer, Inventory accounting, OSiNA accounting. The program works in a local version and has the ability to generate 64,000 transactions. To expand the functionality of the program, it is possible to additionally install applications to “Turbo Accountant”.

"Turbo Accountant PROF" - A program for comprehensive automation of accounting and tax accounting in small, medium and large enterprises and creating your own applications. Contains built-in systems: Tax accounting, Mini-salary, Taxpayer, Accounting for goods and materials, Accounting for fixed assets and tax assets. Provides work locally and online, there are no restrictions on the number of wiring. If necessary, you can install any application for Turbo Accountant.

“Turbo Accountant NETWORK” - The program is designed for organizing work on the network and complex automation of accounting and tax accounting in medium and large enterprises. Allows you to work at an unlimited number of workplaces. Network work is organized in a three-tier client-server architecture. MS SQL Server (MSDE), Oracle, Apache can be used as a database server.

The screen form of the official website of the ATP “Code” is presented in Appendix B.

Comparative analysis of accounting systems “1C: Accounting”, “BEST-5” and “Turbo Accountant”

Today, there is a fairly large number of automated accounting systems on the market. Each organization chooses an accounting system depending on its immediate desire, the quality of the system, functionality, etc.

In this work, we will analyze the comparison of the accounting systems considered in the work in terms of cost, availability, the presence of basic capabilities (user-friendliness of the system interface, the presence of comments when searching for documents, the presence of directories in the system), characteristic of systems of this group, in terms of popularity, relevance, implementation of functions management. We summarize the analysis data in Table 1.

From the table we can draw the following conclusion. The earliest to appear on the Russian market was the BIS “1C: Accounting” in 1995; in terms of the number of clients, this same BIS holds a leading position.

Having analyzed the cost of the studied BIS, we came to the result that the most expensive in terms of cost (and the result is obtained from the cost of the module and the cost of the system to maintain) is the BIS - “!S: Accounting”, and the cheapest is “Turbo Accountant”

All three systems maintain a user-friendly interface, reference books and comments when searching for information, a particular document. All systems under study have the ability to save the information found and further process it using the Microsoft Office office suite.

Table 1 - Comparative analysis of legal reference systems “Garant”, “Consultant Plus” and “Code”

*Data as of the end of 2012

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