Internal fire water supply. Design of internal fire water supply system Design of fire water supply system

Assignment for the design of an internal fire-fighting water supply system is mandatory issued for the following objects:

  • Residential high-rise buildings with more than 12 floors;
  • Dormitories, regardless of number of floors;
  • Public buildings and structures;
  • Administrative buildings with more than 6 floors;
  • Administrative and amenity buildings, regardless of the number of floors, having an area of ​​more than 5000 m2;
  • Production facilities and warehouses of any type;
  • Buildings for cultural and entertainment purposes;

In residential high-rise buildings, it should be remembered that the combination of ERW with domestic water supply can be carried out within the 12-15th floor; if the number of floors exceeds 16, these water supply systems must be separated.

Fire-fighting valve with sleeve and fitting

Features of ERW design

At design of internal fire water supply system developers use the following main regulatory documents: SNiP 2.04.01-85 and SP 30.13330.2012.

In mid- and low-rise buildings and industrial structures where the installation of drinking water or industrial water supply systems is planned, ERW is integrated into an already installed system. Fire hydrants are installed in places of maximum access: landings, lobbies, corridors, near internal entrances.

The taps are placed in special metal cabinets that can be mounted either in the thickness of the wall or on it. Installation height 1.3 m from floor level. No more than two taps can be connected to one water supply riser at the same time. Placement is allowed both on the same floor and on different ones.

Axonometric diagram of the installation of fire hydrants along risers

The fire hydrant kit should include a hose with a length of 10 to 20 m and a special nozzle - a fire hose. For low-rise residential construction, in buildings where ERW is combined with a household water supply network, it is allowed to use PVC plastic as the material for supply pipes. All buildings for other purposes must be equipped with a metal pipeline and a pipe outlet to the PC, respectively.

If there are more than 6 storeys, regardless of the type and purpose of the building, the fire risers must be looped in order to normalize the water supply pressure. However, if the number of PCs for the entire building does not exceed 12 pieces, then the use of a dead-end installation scheme is allowed. It is also possible to replace the ring water supply system with looped inputs

If the input cannot ensure maximum pumping of water in accordance with the specifications, then when design of internal fire water supply system It is necessary to provide for a bypass line equipped with a blocking valve with remote electromagnetic control.

Pumping station for fire-fighting water supply

Additional pumping stations that provide the necessary pressure are located in the technical rooms of the building: boiler rooms or boiler rooms.

The main rule that should be strictly adhered to when developing and design of internal fire water supply system- jets of water issued by fire hydrants must reach any point in the structure. To do this, you need to correctly position the racks and calculate the branches for installing the PC. Fire hydrants are installed exclusively in heated rooms. If this is technically impossible, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of insulation.

It should be noted that the internal fire water supply is not the main fire extinguishing system, but only an auxiliary one. It is designed to contain the spread of fire from the source of the fire and ensure the quick and safe evacuation of personnel or residents from the risk zone.

The main difficulties and mistakes when designing yourself (with your own hands)

Solutions LLC "Region"

  • Lack of an agreed upon design of the Sanitary Protection Zone (SPZ)
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare Terms of Reference for the SPZ project. If necessary, we will carry out the design of the sanitary protection zone and coordinate it.
  • Lack of metering devices and objective (calculated) data on the required productivity.
  • We will collect all the necessary data, carry out calculations and present it to the customer for consideration. If necessary, we will carry out temporary installation of metering devices.
  • Lack of title documents for land.
  • We will assist in the preparation of documentation and, if necessary, include it in the design specifications.
  • Inaccuracies in the preparation of the Technical Specifications: all necessary research was not taken into account, the above listed documents were not taken into account.
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare the correct technical specifications.
  • The price justification was not carried out correctly, based on commercial proposals from non-specialized organizations, without taking into account compliance with the requirements of technical specifications, the need to inspect buildings and structures, etc.
  • We will prepare an estimate for design and survey work and inspection, according to reference price guides.
  • Inspection, research, design are carried out by different companies - this causes delays and the appearance of additional work.
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30% Costs of construction and installation works. Based on alternative design and modern technologies, we select the optimal solution. 3D modeling technologies help to avoid waste of materials and minimize the likelihood of errors.
25% For the cost of design and survey work, you get a high-quality project that allows you to implement your plan on time. Thanks to an integrated approach, everything is in one hand (collection of initial data, surveys and measurements, surveys) and the experience of our specialists, we can optimize costs and offer you a competitive price.
20% Time during construction and installation work. The decisions made by our engineers and architects are not only reliable and aesthetic, but also thought out in terms of convenience and speed of implementation (flexible solutions in terms of work execution).

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  1. Customer's idea
  2. Preparation of pre-design solutions and variable design
  3. Development of technical-economic feasibility study (feasibility study)
  4. Protection of basic solutions to the customer, selection of the optimal option
  5. Preparation of detailed technical specifications for: project development, engineering surveys, survey
  6. Development of working documentation
  7. Approvals
  8. Author's supervision
  9. The customer's vision embodied


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Internal fire water supply (IFP) is a complex system of pipelines and auxiliary elements installed to supply water to fire valves, primary fire extinguishing devices, fire shutoffs of dry pipes and stationary fire monitors.

ERW ensures fire safety inside public buildings. In accordance with regulatory requirements, ERW must either be installed mandatory or not installed at all.

Structure of ERW design documentation

The ERW design documentation includes the following sections:

  1. Explanatory note with a list of equipment used, its characteristics, and a description of the mechanism of action of the ERW system.
  2. Plans of each floor of the facility, showing the placement of equipment, fire cabinets and distribution of the pipeline network.
  3. Hydraulic calculation of the ERW system, which determines the water flow and pressure at the outlet of fire hydrants.
  4. Axonometric diagram of pipeline layout.
  5. Pumping station plan.
  6. Electrical diagram for connecting devices.
  7. Specification of equipment and materials.

Also, the ERW design documentation includes methods for checking and testing ERW during service maintenance, technical regulations, and calculation of the number of maintenance personnel.

Design stages

Fireproof internal water supply can be of two types:

  • a multifunctional system connected to a domestic water supply and designed to satisfy domestic needs and extinguish a fire if necessary;
  • an independent complex of pipelines and technical means, which is installed throughout the entire area of ​​the building and operates automatically.

In order for ERW equipment to operate efficiently, during design it is necessary to pay special attention to the central stages:

  • Determining the number of jets produced and the flow of water in them. This takes into account the fact that each point in the room must receive at least two jets from adjacent risers. Therefore, after calculating the number of jets, the number of fire risers and their placement points are determined.
  • Design of pipeline network layout. In buildings with five or more floors, equipped with fire-fighting water supply systems, a two-way water supply must be provided. Therefore, risers and taps with water intake risers are looped. Autonomous ERW systems, if appropriate conditions exist, are connected in an emergency by jumpers to other water supply systems.

Development of an ERW project, preparation of drawings and calculations is a labor-intensive process with many nuances and difficulties, which only a professional designer can perform.

Requirements for designing ERW

The internal fire water supply must ensure automatic activation of pumps when the fire hydrant is opened and manual control of the control center or pumping station, as well as from manual fire call points mounted inside fire cabinets.

The method of supplying water to the water supply system, the number of inlets into the building, water flow and the number of fire hydrants are established taking into account the architectural and planning features of the facility.

In an ERW combined with a drinking water system, pipes, fittings, materials and coatings must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate, and the water quality must meet hygienic standards.

Water consumption and the number of fire hydrants simultaneously used to extinguish a fire depend on the type and purpose of the building, number of floors, fire hazard category, degree of fire resistance and structural hazard class.

Electrical parts and pipelines of ERV must be grounded in accordance with GOST 21130 and PUE. If technological installations with a voltage of more than 0.38 kW are located in the coverage area of ​​fire cabinets, then manual fire nozzles are also grounded.

The list of legislative requirements for the design of ERW is regulated by the joint venture “Fire Protection Systems. ERW."

The life, health and safety of people depend on many factors. If a fire occurs in a room not equipped with fire-fighting equipment and without a developed plan for the evacuation of people and property, much will depend on accidents and trifles. In the event of a fire, personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing agents (sand, water, non-flammable liquids) may not be at hand.

Many years of life experience prove that in the event of an emergency (fire, combustion), life and property can only be saved by a pre-developed evacuation plan and a fire water supply installed in an easily accessible place.

It is very important that the fire water pipe design is designed by qualified fire safety engineers. It is necessary that the fire water supply project being developed meets all fire safety requirements and all the features of the building and the specifics of its internal premises.

Designing a fire water supply is a complex engineering task because this water supply system is intended only to extinguish fires or fires. Fire water supply is a network of pipelines that are constantly and completely filled with water. This type of fire-fighting water supply is called “wet”.

A “dry” fire-fighting water supply system is a water supply system that is filled with water only when extinguishing a fire or fire.

There are two types of fire water supply:

  1. water supply system, which is a system of several pipelines with fire shields. In many cases it is connected to domestic water systems. This type of fire extinguishing system is designed to extinguish fires or fires manually. As a rule, the coverage area of ​​one fire shield is equal to the length of the fire hose (20 meters).
  2. automatic fire extinguishing system. The system is a network with sprinklers (or deluges) separated from the domestic water supply network and installed over the entire area of ​​the building. The sprinkler is capable of irrigating no more than 12 m². When an alarm is received, the sprinklers turn on automatically. The system itself also works and continues to work without human intervention.

In order for water systems to work smoothly, it is necessary to accurately design the functioning of internal and external fire water pipes.

Fire water supply design consists of the following stages:

  1. determination of the number of fire extinguishing jets and determination of their flow rate. When designing, it must be taken into account that each point of the room must be irrigated by at least 2 jets from two different adjacent risers. After this, the number of fire risers is calculated and their locations are determined.
  2. network wiring design. In 5-story buildings or higher, equipped with a fire-fighting water supply system, it is necessary to take into account actions that ensure two-way water flow. This means that it is necessary to loop fire risers and faucets with water risers. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the installation of shut-off valves on the jumpers. In the event of a fire, the self-supply system must be connected by jumpers to other water supply systems, if such conditions exist.

In order to ensure the fire safety specified for a particular building, a fire extinguishing system must be provided during construction. The most common and self-justifying method is considered to be the use of water. Provides this design of internal and external fire water supply simultaneously with the development of the building design.

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General idea of ​​fire water supply

How is a fire water supply different from a regular one? Why create a separate system? Let's imagine a situation: we need to put out the flame. This can only be done with a powerful jet of water. Will a household tap provide the required pressure? And will it provide a flow rate of 2.5 liters of water per second? But this is the minimum standard that one fire hydrant produces. A temporary lack of water in the structure also cannot be ruled out.

Let us consider the requirements that are taken into account during the design, separately for external and internal water supply systems installed for fire safety purposes.

External fire water supply

The complete system consists of a hydrant, a water intake structure, a water source and water lines. Depending on the conditions and capabilities, water supply units, reservoirs, and pumping stations are installed.

The design decision is made in each specific case individually, taking into account the requirements set out in SP 8.13130.2009.

The main purpose of the external fire water supply is to refill fire equipment with water. It must constantly maintain the specified water pressure. The fire hydrant must be located in a place with free access to it for specialized vehicles. The number of water intake points for fire equipment (hydrants) in a given territory or in a populated area is calculated in accordance with the standards. The remaining components of the system are responsible for ensuring that the required amount of water is always in the tank.

Before drawing up a project for an external fire water supply system, a survey of the area is necessary.

Internal fire water supply

He sets up with the goal of starting to extinguish the fire as soon as possible: he unfolded the hose, opened the valve, and a stream of water began to flow. It must be designed so that it is always in combat readiness.

The internal fire water supply system consists of pipes and technical means, without which the supply of water to fire hydrants is impossible. Such means include water pressure tanks, hydropneumatic tanks and pumping units.

The list of conditions under which the construction of a special internal water supply is necessary, norms and requirements for the components of ERW are given in SP 10.13130.2009.

The internal fire water supply can be fed from the external one.

Design stages

Having received all the input data related to the object, we begin to implement the project. Our engineers are faced with the following tasks:

  • drawing up a block diagram that takes into account all components of the system;
  • reference to a building (VPV) or terrain (NPV);
  • calculation of the parameters of each unit with the selection of equipment and connecting pipes;
  • calculation, supply and distribution of power supply;
  • drawing drawings and working sketches;
  • preparation of estimate documentation.

When performing the above points, it is necessary to use the knowledge and experience of engineers of related specialties: builder, plumber and electrician. With their constant interaction, a water supply system is developed, the need for the installation of technical means is considered: tanks, pumping units. The points for their placement are selected. In a high-rise building, for example, the water tank is located on the roof or upper technical floor (if provided). This is the only way to ensure a fast water supply with the required pressure. In some cases, it is advisable to use hydropneumatic tanks in which water is constantly under pressure. By opening the fire hydrant valve, you get a stream of the required pressure.

When several PCs are opened at the same time, the contents of the tanks are enough for a matter of minutes; during this time you need to have time to turn on the main pumping station, if it is not automatically turned on. All these moments are modeled and calculated by specialists.

The requirements for the construction and equipment of pumping stations, ensuring their reliable operation at the right time, are especially stringent. For example, protection against blackout is carried out either by providing an autonomous power source, or by connecting to at least two different lines or transformer substations.

What does the project customer get?

As a result of cooperation with our company, within the contractual period, the customer receives a complete set of design and estimate documentation, completed on the basis of the technical specifications accepted by us for execution. The kit includes

  • construction drawings with the system layout and installation locations of fire hydrants (fire panels), tank or tanks with their installation and overall dimensions for ERW;
  • construction drawings of each facility (reservoirs, pumping stations, water intake location) with details and connection diagrams for the NPV;
  • a complete specification (list) of all parts, materials, instruments and finished installations (purchased);
  • a set of diagrams: functional, schematic, electrical, using which workers will connect all the elements into a reliable, operational system.

It should be noted that for individual components or equipment, operating parameters are indicated in the documentation. For example, for pumps, pressure, flow and power. The specification indicates a specific type, but a similar one may well be used. This issue is resolved with the customer, the model is specified, since differences in installation dimensions can lead to a hitch during installation.

Published on the website: 12/15/2011 at 1:20 p.m.
Object: MDOU 191.
Project developer: SPPB LLC.
Developer's website: — .
Project release year: 2011.
Systems: Pumping station automation, Fire water supply

Type of construction – renovation. The building of the MDOU - kindergarten N191 in Ivanovo is two-story with a basement. The protected premises are heated. The pumping station is located in the basement.

System Description:

The internal fire water supply pumping station is designed to bring the existing internal fire water supply system into compliance with current standards and regulations. Fire water pipeline repair includes:
  • pumping station of internal fire water supply system;
  • motorized shutter;
  • automation of the pumping station and electric shutter;
  • installation of manual fire call points in each cabinet with a fire hydrant, which serve to remotely turn on the working pump;
  • switching on the backup pump in case of failure to start the working pump or failure to create
  • them at the calculated pressure for 10 seconds.
The internal fire-fighting water supply system is designed to eliminate small fires and send a fire signal to a room with personnel on duty around the clock. Sprayed water is used as a fire extinguishing agent, as the most economical, effective and environmentally friendly fire extinguishing agent. The minimum water consumption for internal fire-fighting water supply is determined in accordance with Table 1 of SP 10.13130.2009, water consumption is specified in accordance with Table 3 of SP 10.13130.2009 and amounted to 1 stream of 2.6 l/s with a pressure at the tap of 0.1 MPa. Based on the minimum flow rate per jet, RS-50 mm fire hydrants with a tip spray diameter of 16 mm, equipped with fire hoses 20 m long, were designed. The estimated fire extinguishing time was taken to be 3 hours in accordance with clause 4.1.10 of SP 10.13130.2009. Hydraulic calculation of the installation was carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85* and taking into account the tables of Shevelev F.A. “Tables for hydraulic calculations of steel, cast iron, asbestos-cement, plastic and glass water pipes.” As a result of the hydraulic calculation, the required pressure at a flow rate of 2.6 l/s was 35.6 m. Since the city water supply does not provide the required pressure at the entrance to the building, the project adopted a KML2 40/140 pump with a 2.2 kW electric motor as the main water supply. , developing the required pressure at a flow rate of 2.6 l/s together with the city water supply. The project has adopted two units for installation - a working one and a standby one. Under normal operating conditions, all pipelines of the internal fire water supply system are filled with water. The operating principle of the installation when working with fire hydrants is as follows:
  • If small fires are visually detected, unwind the fire hose, direct the fire barrel to the combustion zone, manually open the valve at the fire hydrant and break the glass of the manual fire call point. The “IPR 513-3 isp.02” detector installed in fire hydrant cabinets is in the mode of single flashing of the built-in LED with a period of about 4 seconds and a current consumption of up to 50 μA.
  • When a plastic window is destroyed, the LED of the detectors switches to a constant glow mode, which confirms the reception of the signal by the control panel. The pulse from the manual fire call point generates a command pulse into the automatic gate opening circuit with an electric drive on the water supply bypass line.
The remote start signal must be sent to the pump unit after automatically checking the water pressure in the system. If there is sufficient pressure in the system, the pump start should be automatically canceled until the pressure drops, requiring the pump unit to be turned on. The pump takes water from the water supply and pumps it into the fire-fighting water supply network. Water begins to flow to the fire. If within 10 seconds the working pump does not turn on or does not create the calculated pressure, the backup pump will turn on. To automate and signal the operation of the internal fire water supply system at the facility, a set of devices of the Orion integrated security system, produced by NVP Bolid CJSC, Korolev, Moscow Region, is used. All system devices comply with fire safety requirements, have fire safety certificates and certificates of conformity. To control the equipment of the pumping station of the internal fire-fighting water supply, the fire control device “Potok-3N” is used. Configuration 6 of this device controls the working and standby pumps and the electric drive of the butterfly valve. The Potok-3N device monitors starting circuits for open circuits and short circuits. ShKP-4 control and starting cabinets are used to switch the power circuits of electric motors of fire pumps and butterfly valves with an electric drive. The pump control channel combines the starting circuit, the output of the “Fault” indicator and three control circuits with a common control tactic. The Potok-3N device constantly monitors the power supply state of the ShKP cabinets, the control mode and the state of the magnetic starter. When the automatic start mode is turned off, the device switches to the “Local control” mode. When the starting conditions for this pump occur, a start signal will be issued to the starting circuit if the power is normal and the automatic control mode is turned on. After a successful start-up, the device transmits the message “Working pump is on” to the network controller. If within 1.5 s after startup there is no signal confirming the operation of the magnetic starter or the pump does not return to mode within 10 s, the device considers the pump to be out of order, turns on the “fault” indicator of the pump’s control gear and no longer issues signals to start this pump until complete system restart. The device generates a command impulse to turn on the backup fire pump. Local control of the electric motors of fire pumps is provided by buttons installed on the front panel of the ShKP cabinets and is used to control the electric motors of the pumps in the event of a remote start failure, as well as during commissioning. The Potok-3N device transmits notifications about operation and malfunctions in the installations of the internal fire-fighting water supply system to the network controller through the interface line. The “S2000M” remote control installed at the security post on the first floor of the main building is used as a network controller. All system devices are designed for round-the-clock operation. Internal fire-fighting water supply belongs to consumers of the first category of power supply reliability and, according to the PUE, is provided by two independent sources of power supply. Protection of electrical circuits is carried out in accordance with the PUE. Electrical wiring is carried out with flame retardant cables laid in corrugated PVC pipes and metal pipes. To ensure the safety of people, the electrical equipment of the system must be reliably grounded (zeroed) in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and the passport requirements for electrical equipment.

Project drawings

(They are for reference only. The project itself can be downloaded from the link below.)

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