Rules for cutting metal with a grinder. Sawing pipes at different angles

An angle grinder is considered an extremely dangerous piece of equipment, so it is important to know in advance how to properly cut metal with an angle grinder in order to avoid injuries and do the task well. It is necessary to ensure compliance with safety measures when working and use personal protective equipment: use a respirator, wear protective gloves or mittens, goggles, etc.

Cutting equipment must be used strictly for its intended purpose; all work is carried out using special metal circles. It is strictly not recommended to remove the protective cover. How to work with an angle grinder correctly, watch the video:

How to properly cut a metal corner with a grinder

You cannot start cutting metal with a grinder without obtaining the appropriate knowledge and some skills. The most important danger is the possibility of the cutting wheel jamming in the cutting zone and its subsequent destruction. When carrying out work, the grinder must be held firmly with both hands. You need to carry out the cutting strictly from yourself. The depth of the cut is determined by the diameter of the disc.

Cutting a metal corner has some nuances:

  1. It is easier to cut a large corner (more than 60 mm) together with a partner. In a workshop, the workpiece is clamped in a bench vice or fixed with clamps on a fixed base. The corner is laid on the surface of the supporting structure (table, box, etc.) so that the cut edge hangs down, and its other part lies completely on the surface of the support. An assistant should press the workpiece and slightly pull it away from you to prevent the disc from biting. Cutting begins from the edge, moving towards the rib.
  2. Cutting corners with smaller dimensions (up to 60 mm) can be carried out without the help of outsiders. The material to be cut is laid out supported on both shelves (edge ​​up). The detachable part must be suspended and not touch the ground or floor. The remaining part is pressed down with the left foot (in the absence of rigid fixation) in order to hold the grinder with both hands. Cutting should begin from the edge, gradually going down and going deeper into the areas of the corner.

If the correct metal cutting technology is followed, the separated fragment will fall down under its own weight, thereby increasing the width of the cutting zone. The likelihood of disk jamming is minimized.

How to cut a pipe with a grinder

The technology for carrying out the work is as follows:

  1. The pipe is secured in a vice or secured in another way. In this case, the cut part should hang down. It is not allowed to place the workpiece between two supports and make a cut in the middle, as the cutting blade will jam (due to sagging pipe).
  2. Markings are applied using a strip of paper and masking tape. The ends of the tape should meet as accurately as possible. Home craftsmen recommend lowering the pipe into the liquid at the required angle, and then marking the cut line along the dry and wet boundary.
  3. The cut should be made from the top of the pipe, gradually lowering the angle grinder lower. The cutting disc should go along the very edge of the glued strip.

A large diameter pipe is cut a little differently, since the working part of the circle does not allow this to be done in one go. The wall is cut sector by sector, and the pipe is turned to the desired side.

How to cut aluminum with a grinder

To cut aluminum with a grinder, a different type of disc is used, since it is a soft metal and the cutting tool gets stuck in it. There are special cutting discs for aluminum and copper.

You should not try to make a cut in one pass, because cold hardening will form on the teeth of the cutting tool and it will become pinched in the material. The cut is performed carefully, without cutting through the metal all the way. You need to go through one place several times and avoid distortions. The process is quite slow, and the quality of the cut will be low. When cutting thick workpieces, experts recommend dripping kerosene into the cutting area. It is better to work with aluminum with a hand router, which allows you to perform figured cutting and make holes. Or you can do this:

Methods for cutting stainless steel

Stainless steel is an alloy steel that is quite difficult to process. This metal can be cut using 2 methods:

  • thermal (metal melts under the influence of high temperatures);
  • mechanical (cutting is carried out using a cutting tool by removing a layer of metal).

Thermal methods include:

  1. Oxygen cutting (gas arc cutting). The metal melts under the influence of an electric arc. Oxygen supplied to the cutting zone promotes the combustion of metal and the removal of slag from the working area.
  2. Electroerosive cutting. The cutting process involves destroying the surface of the workpiece under the influence of an electrical discharge.
  3. Waterjet cutting. The metal is separated by a thin jet of abrasive mixture supplied under ultra-high pressure.
  4. Laser cutting. The treatment is carried out with a thin laser beam.
  5. Plasma cutting. A plasma jet acts as a cutting tool.

Machining of stainless steel is carried out using the following tools:

  1. Metal scissors. They cope with sheets with a thickness of no more than 0.5-1 mm.
  2. A circular saw. Cutting is carried out using a cutting abrasive wheel. This method can be used to cut thick parts.
  3. Angle grinder. When cutting metal with a grinder, special thin stainless steel discs with a diameter of 125 mm are used. Non-specialized equipment can subsequently cause corrosion in the metal.

According to the cutting rules, the part must be securely fastened or rested against something, otherwise the workpiece may be pulled to the side and the cut will be damaged. It will be necessary to additionally process the cut edge if you cut without following the technology.

Cutting cast iron with a grinder

Cast iron is a rather fragile metal, but very durable, so it is recommended to use diamond-coated discs for cutting it. You can cut cast iron with simple metal discs, but they are much less durable. You can cut this material with a grinder only in a straight line. Any attempt to make a figured cut can lead to jamming of the cutting wheel. As a result, under heavy loads, the abrasive element is destroyed and its parts flying out at high speed can seriously injure people nearby. But it’s better to cut cast iron with a saw, as in the video:

You can use a grinder for cutting cast iron only when using a respirator (a lot of dust is generated), protective plastic glasses and gloves. Bakelite bonded cutting equipment is more suitable for this work. Ceramic bonded discs have a much smaller margin of safety.

A grinder for working with metal is the best solution. This versatile tool allows you to use it not only for cutting, but also for polishing, stripping, grinding metal and many other operations.

When working with wood or metal, as a rule, there are no problems with accurate and high-quality cutting. Polymer materials are a completely different matter. Acrylic or polycarbonate, due to their physical properties, require a special approach to processing. These modern materials can melt at the point of contact with the cutting tool, scratch, and also splinter. In this regard, there are often cases when even the simplest cut looks sloppy or leads to irreparable damage to the part. We have prepared a description of the three most effective methods for cutting plastic, which are suitable for materials of different types, qualities and thicknesses.

If there is a need to cut sheet polycarbonate or acrylic plastic, the thickness of which is 2-3 mm, then the best tool for this work will be a regular mounting knife with replaceable blades, used for cutting drywall. It is better to carry out the work on a hard, flat surface, securing the sheet to it with clamps. Accurate markings play an important role when cutting plastic. Do not forget that in case of an error, it will be impossible to correct the defect and the sheet of material will be damaged. A metal ruler or profile is placed along the line along which it is planned to divide the sheet, along which several passes are made with a mounting knife. You need to cut the plastic slowly but surely, making sure that the blade does not go to the side and plunges into the polymer to the same depth throughout the cut.

Once a sufficiently deep groove has been created, it is tempting to break the sheet along this line, as one does with glass. This solution often leads to undesirable consequences, such as the appearance of chips or cracks. To complete the cutting process, turn the plastic over, secure it again on the table and, placing a ruler on a clearly visible line, repeat the manipulations with the knife on the reverse side. After this, you can remove the clamp, move the sheet to the edge of the table and carefully break off the cut off part with your hands.

How to cut thick sheets of plastic

Cutting polycarbonate and acrylic sheets whose thickness exceeds 20 mm is performed using electric tools. Circular saws are best suited for these purposes. To do this kind of work, you will have to go to the store and purchase a special saw blade designed for working with plastic. It differs from discs for wood and stone by its small thickness and smaller, specially shaped teeth. Under no circumstances should you use discs intended for other materials, as damage to the material in this case will be inevitable. Wood saws have teeth that are too large and spaced apart. Sawing acrylic or polycarbonate with such a disk will lead to the formation of torn edges of the cut and even melting of the polymer.

Just as with manual cutting, before sawing the sheet on a circular saw, it must be accurately marked. It is best to draw a line with a permanent marker, the line of which is clearly visible and has sufficient resistance to erasure. Before starting work, the plastic also needs to be firmly secured. They cut polymer sheets in the same way as plywood, with the difference that when cutting a significant length, it is better to pause so that the disc cools down and does not melt the edges of the cut.

Complex shaped cuts

When working with plastic, it is often necessary to make curved cuts. With thin sheets, you can use a mounting knife, but if the thickness of the polymer exceeds 10 mm, then it is better to use an electric jigsaw. Manufacturers produce saw blades designed specifically for working with acrylic or polycarbonate, having a special tooth shape and a non-standard angle. When working with plastic with a thickness of more than 20 mm, it is permissible to use saw blades for wood with the finest teeth. In this case, you need to set the minimum number of engine revolutions, otherwise the material will begin to melt when cutting.

No matter how hard you try, you most likely will not be able to get a perfect edge at the cut site. Therefore, after completing the work, it is necessary to sand the ends with sandpaper or a sanding block. Experts recommend using coarse abrasives at the beginning of grinding, gradually moving to finer ones. If you show maximum care and patience, the edge at the cut site will be perfectly smooth and will not cause any trouble even with precise joining of the elements.

Separately, it is necessary to mention safety precautions when performing such work. Cutting plastic should be done on a stable workbench or table with a working tool. It is also necessary to take care to protect your eyes with glasses, since some types of polymers, when cutting, can form fragments that fly over a considerable distance.

Useful tips

Bench cutting

TO category:

Metal cutting

Bench cutting

Cutting is the process of dividing a workpiece into parts of specified sizes and shapes. Cutting is used to produce workpieces of specified sizes and shapes from rolled products and sheet metal, as well as slots and holes in the workpieces. Modern cutting methods provide high-performance processing of workpieces of almost any size and from materials with any physical and mechanical properties.

The following technological cutting methods are distinguished.
1. Sawing with hacksaws, band saws and circular saws. Used for cutting long products.
2. Cutting with scissors. Used for cutting sheet metal.
3. Cutting on metal-cutting machines (lathes, milling, etc.).
4. Anode-mechanical, electric spark and light beam (laser) cutting. These methods are used in cases where other methods do not provide sufficient productivity and the required quality. For example, they are used for cutting high-strength materials along complex and precise contours, etc.
5. Oxy-acetylene cutting. It is used for cutting workpieces of considerable thickness made of carbon steel. It does not provide high accuracy and leads to changes in the structure and chemical composition of the material at the cut site. However, it is widely used in single production environments due to its simplicity, high productivity and versatility.

Rice. 1. Sawing (a) and cutting workpieces with scissors (b): 1 - workpiece, 2 - knives; y - rake angle, a - rear angle, P - sharpening angle, 8 - cutting angle

Cutting can be done either manually or mechanically.

The physical essence of cutting is based on various methods of destruction of the workpiece material at the cutting site.

When sawing and cutting on metal-cutting machines, the force F applied to the cutting wedge is directed at an acute angle to the surface being processed. Therefore, the cutting wedge cuts the material and turns it into chips. When cutting with scissors, the force F applied to the cutting wedge is perpendicular to the surface being processed. Therefore, the tool cuts the material without creating chips.

Electric spark cutting is based on electrical erosion (destruction) of the workpiece material. Capacitor C, included in the charging circuit, is charged through resistor R from a direct current source with a voltage of 100-200 V. When the voltage on the electrodes (tool) and (workpiece) reaches the breakdown voltage, a spark discharge with a duration of 20-200 μs occurs between their nearest microprotrusions. The discharge temperature reaches 10,000-12,000 °C. At the point of discharge on the workpiece, an elementary volume of material instantly melts and evaporates and a hole is formed. The removed material in the form of granules remains in the dielectric medium (oil) in which the processing process takes place. Discharges following continuously one after another destroy all the workpiece material located from the tool at a distance of 0.01-0.05 mm. To continue the processing process, the electrodes must be brought closer together, which is done automatically.

Rice. 1.6. Electric spark cutting of workpieces: 1 - wire-tool, 2 - workpiece

When using oxygen-acetylene cutting, the workpiece metal at the cut site is first heated with an oxygen-acetylene flame to its ignition temperature in oxygen (for steel 1000-1200 °C). Then a stream of oxygen is directed into this place and the metal begins to burn. This generates so much heat that it is sufficient to maintain a continuous cutting process.

Anodic-mechanical cutting is based on the combined destruction of the workpiece material - electrical, chemical and mechanical. Direct current passing at the cutting site between the workpiece and the tool causes electrical erosion of the workpiece surface. The resulting molten particles of material are removed from the processing zone by a rotating tool - a disk. At the same time, the electrolyte supplied to the processing zone, under the influence of an electric current, forms oxide films on the surface of the workpiece, which are removed by the same rotating tool.

Cutting tools. When sawing, hacksaw blades (for manual and mechanical hacksaws), band saws and circular saws are used as cutting tools. Hacksaw blades and band saws are a thin strip of high-speed or alloy (Х6ВФ, В2Ф) steel with fine teeth in the form of wedges on one or two sides. Band saws are made by bending a strip into a ring and soldering its ends with high-temperature solder. A circular saw has teeth located on the periphery of the blade. The cutting teeth are hardened to a hardness of 61 - 64 HRQ. To prevent the tool from jamming in a narrow cut, its teeth are spread apart.

When choosing a sawing tool, you should first take into account the length of the cut and the hardness of the material being processed.

When making long cuts, it is necessary to choose blades with a large tooth pitch, and when processing thin-walled workpieces - with a fine one. At least three teeth must be involved in cutting simultaneously.

The higher the hardness of the material being processed, the larger the sharpening angle should be. The chips formed in this case have the shape of a comma and fit tightly into a small space. When machining soft materials, use tools with a large chip space. A positive rake angle improves productivity because the tooth cuts rather than scrapes the workpiece material.

To process high-strength materials, hacksaw blades with synthetic diamonds on the working surface are used.

To cut sheet material, cutting tools in the form of knives are used, which are most often removable. Knives come with straight, curved and round (roller and disk) cutting edges.

In anodic mechanical cutting, thin discs made of mild steel are used as a tool. On an electric spark machine, a continuously moving wire is used as a cutting tool.

Equipment and accessories for cutting. In a tool shop, small workpieces are cut with a hand saw. The hacksaw blade is mounted in a frame so that the teeth are directed away from the handle.

Manual lever shears are designed for cutting sheet material. Tool shops use small, portable shears. They can cut sheet steel up to 4 mm thick, aluminum and brass up to 6 mm thick.

Hand scissors are designed for cutting sheet material, making workpieces with a curved contour, cutting out holes with a complex contour in workpieces. For straight cuts, scissors with straight, wide knives are used. If the upper cutting edge is located to the right relative to the lower one, then the scissors are called right-handed, and if they are on the left - left-handed. To obtain external curved cuts, use hand scissors with curved wide knives. Cutting out internal curved contours is done with scissors with narrow curved knives.

Mechanical cutting of sheet material is carried out using manual electric shears, vibrating shears, as well as roller, multi-disc and sheet shears.

Sequence and techniques of work when cutting. Cutting is preceded by marking. Then the cutting method, equipment and tools are selected.

Correct execution of cutting techniques is of great importance for quality processing. The location of the workpiece and tool during manual cutting must be such that the marking line is constantly accessible for observation. When the cutting length is large, the pressure on the hacksaw is increased, and when the length is short, it is reduced. Since the teeth of a hacksaw break especially easily at the beginning and end of a cut, at these moments the pressure on it should be minimal.

When cutting, hand scissors should be opened to 2/3 of the length of the cutting edges. In this case, they easily grip the workpiece and cut well. The cutting plane should always be perpendicular to the surface of the workpiece being cut. Misalignment leads to jamming, crushing of edges and the appearance of burrs.

Correct adjustment of the tool is of great importance. So, with a weak tension on the hacksaw blade in a hand hacksaw, the cut is oblique. A large gap between the knives leads to the formation of burrs. The appearance of burrs with correctly adjusted knives is a signal that they have become dull.

When cutting with a hand saw, you should stand freely and straight, half-turned towards the vice.

Cutting off(cutting) - the process of completely separating one part of a material from the whole (rod, bar, angle, etc.) using a cutting tool on metal-cutting machines.

Cutting(cutting) - the process of completely dividing a whole (rod, bar, angle, etc.) into equal or unequal parts using a cutting tool on metal-cutting machines.

Cutting(slotting) - the process of forming one or several dimensional narrow grooves (slots, splines) in a workpiece using a cutting tool on metal-cutting machines.

Cutting and slotting cutters (slotted). Cutting off workpieces on milling machines is done with cutting cutters, cutting grooves and splines is done with slotted (slotted) cutters. Parting and slotting cutters have cutting edges located along the periphery and do not have cutting edges at the ends. According to GOST 2679-61, slotting and cutting cutters are made of three types: type I - with a small tooth, type II - with a medium (normal) tooth, type III - with a large tooth. Slotting cutters of types I and II with a diameter of 32 to 80 mm are mainly used for cutting grooves and splines and are manufactured in two accuracy classes: AA and A (precision version). Cutting cutters of all types and diameters with a width of 1 mm and above are manufactured according to accuracy class B (normal version). Cutting cutters are intended for cutting a whole into parts (for example, cutting a workpiece into several equal or unequal parts) and cutting from a whole part, for example, cutting one workpiece from a block. Cutting cutters with fine and medium teeth are intended for processing steel and cast iron, cutters with large teeth are intended for processing aluminum, magnesium and other light alloys.

Cutting cutters with fine teeth are produced with a diameter D = 32-250 mm, width B = 0.2-5 mm, with a number of teeth z = 56-140; cutters with a medium tooth have, respectively, D = 50-250 mm, B = 0.5-5 mm, z = 32-80; cutters with large teeth - D = 50-250 mm, B = 1-5 mm and z = 14-40. Large workpieces are cut using saws with insert segments. These saws have a diameter D = 275-2000 mm, width B = 5-14.5 mm, bore diameter d = 32-240 mm and the number of segments 14-44. The segments are made of high-speed steel and secured to a disk made of 50G or 65G steel with three or four rivets.

Slotting cutters with fine and medium teeth are designed for cutting shallow slots in the heads of screws or castle nuts, cutting shallow grooves. Slotting cutters with large teeth - for cutting deep splines and grooves.

To reduce friction during processing, cutting and slotting cutters have an undercut angle φ 1 (the width of the cutter decreases from the periphery to the center). For slotting cutters φ 1 = 5-30", and for cutting cutters φ 1 = 15"-1°. In order to improve the working conditions of cutters and increase their durability, transition cutting edges are made on the teeth.

Transitional cutting edges can be of three types. For cutters produced centrally, the transition cutting edges are made according to shape 1 and serve to separate the chips along the width.

Cutting and slotting cutters D = 32-250 mm are mounted on mandrels with diameters d = 8, 10, 13, 16, 22, 27 and 32 mm. The optimal diameter of cutting cutters is selected based on the same conditions as for disk cutters.

Solid carbide slotting cutters are intended for cutting grooves in workpieces made of stainless, chromium, acid-resistant, heat-resistant and other difficult-to-process materials. They are manufactured according to industry standards with a diameter of 7 to 60 mm and a thickness of 0.5 to 3.5 mm from hard alloys of various grades. The use of carbide cutters made from high-speed steel can significantly increase labor productivity by increasing cutting speed and increasing durability by 10-20 times. The quality of the processed surface increases by two roughness classes.

Cutting workpieces into pieces. It is required to cut a steel angle 315 mm long into five equal parts measuring 60 ± 10 mm.

Selecting the type and size of cutter. The diameter of the cutting cutter should be chosen as minimal as possible, since the smaller the diameter of the cutter, the higher its rigidity and vibration resistance. Therefore, when cutting with cutters of small diameters, it is possible to give higher feeds per tooth and obtain better quality of the machined surface than when working with cutting cutters of large diameters. The durability of large diameter cutters will be less and their cost will be higher. The optimal cutter diameter, as for disk cutters, can be determined by the formula D = 2r + d1 + (12÷16). In our case, t = 50 mm at d = 32 mm, d1 = 48 mm. Therefore, D = 2 50 + 48 + 12 = 160 mm. Let's take a cutting cutter made of high-speed steel 6РМ5 D = 160 mm, B = 3 mm, d = 32 mm, z = 56 (type II - middle tooth).

When securing the workpiece, special attention should be paid to the rigidity of the workpiece and the cutter. The workpiece is installed and secured in a machine vice, as shown in Fig. 92, with emphasis on the shelf for greater rigidity of fastening. The table with the workpiece secured must be brought as close as possible to the bed. The cutter should not touch the vice. The cutter is mounted on a mandrel as close as possible to the machine spindle, and the shackle is mounted closer to the cutter to ensure greater rigidity. To prevent the cutter from tearing the workpiece out of the vice, but pressing it against the vice, down-milling (by feed) is used. However, with this method, there should be no play in the connection between the screw and the nut for the longitudinal feed of the table.

Rice. 92. Securing the workpiece in a vice

Setting for milling mode. The feed per tooth of cutting and slotting cutters made of high-speed steel R6M5 when processing steel is selected within the range of 0.01-0.03 mm/tooth. Cutting speed within 30-60 m/min. Cutting and slitting - with coolant cooling.

It is preferable to cut thin sheet material and cut it into strips using down milling, since the cutting force in this case will press the workpiece against the table. However, as mentioned earlier, feed milling can be done only in the absence of a longitudinal table feed mechanism. If the workpiece is mounted directly on the machine table, without supports, then the cutter on the mandrel should be positioned against the T-shaped groove in the machine table.

Milling splines in screw heads or castle nuts is usually done in a jig. In Fig. 93 shows a diagram of a device for continuously milling splines in screw heads installed in two rows. Here, the auxiliary time for loading workpieces and unloading processed parts overlaps with the time for direct milling of the slot. The workpieces are installed manually on a continuously rotating disk.

Rice. 93. Diagram of a device for continuous milling of splines in screw heads

The workpieces can be secured in the fixture automatically in clamping prisms before approaching the slotting cutter. After milling the splines, the prisms are released, the processed parts fall out and enter the box through a chute. If you automatically load workpieces through a hopper device, the processing cycle will be fully automated.

The process of milling splines in a device with a circular feed is fundamentally no different from the case of conventional milling with a longitudinal feed when installing the workpiece on the machine table.

Sheet metal is a common building material used to make fences, gutters and canopies. You can often find ready-made galvanized steel products on sale, such as ridges or pipes for draining rainwater from the roof. But what if the product is of non-standard size and you need to cut sheet metal yourself?

Tools for cutting metal sheets

Initially, when choosing tools, you need to decide on the tasks. Not only the amount of work matters, but also the time frame, the accuracy of the cut and the possibility of damage to the protective coating. Electric scissors are often used at construction sites. However, you should not expect a very smooth edge. The advantage of such a device is the speed of work.

How to cut a sheet of metal straight? At home, the problem can be solved quite simply - by using metal scissors. But this method requires a lot of time and physical effort. Scissors will not work if you need to cut long strips. The most even cut can be obtained using slotted scissors. This tool is quite expensive and is usually used by professionals.

Equipment for cutting profiled and galvanized sheets:

  • Bulgarian;
  • low speed saw;
  • electric scissors;
  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw for metal.

How to cut a sheet of metal with a grinder

One of the fastest ways to cut galvanized sheets is cutting with a grinder. Among the disadvantages of this processing are torn edges, which will have to be additionally cleaned and smoothed. A grinder is not suitable for cutting corrugated sheets, as sparks during cutting can damage the polymer coating. But for simple work that does not require high precision and accuracy, an angle grinder is quite suitable.

Please note that when using such a power tool, purchase a special disc that will not damage the protective coating on the galvanized sheet. After cutting the corrugated board, the edges must be cleaned and coated with special paint. This equipment can be used if you are building a shed from corrugated sheets or making a canopy. In this case, you do not have to purchase a special and expensive tool.

Rules when working with an angle grinder:

  • choose discs with carbide teeth;
  • operate at low speeds;
  • Treat the cut areas with a special anti-corrosion coating.

Hacksaw for metal

Many craftsmen have a hacksaw for metal. This is a universal and cheapest tool. It should not be used if you need to cut out shaped edges, but for making smooth plates, a hacksaw is suitable. The biggest disadvantage of such a tool is the time it takes to carry out the work. You need a lot of it.


If you need to cut a circle in a sheet of metal, you should use a jigsaw. It works quite quickly, so you will get a neat hole in a matter of minutes. Among the disadvantages of the equipment are noise and the possibility of a burnt edge when processing profiled sheets.

Subtleties of working with a jigsaw:

  • it is necessary to use saws with fine teeth;
  • you need to choose a reciprocating mode;
  • it is necessary to control the inclination of the cutting part;
  • rapid failure of consumables.

A circular saw

Sometimes a circular saw is used to cut metal. If you work with corrugated sheets, then the equipment must be turned on at low speeds. Otherwise, the polymer coating may be damaged. To work, you will need a partner to hold the sheet. Among the advantages of this tool is that the work is performed without heating, so you will not damage the protective coating on the profiled sheet. It is best to use an aluminum circle.

To set up fast work with a circular saw, you need to prepare a plywood pattern. The groove is not completely cut out in this sheet. This will be a kind of blank that allows you to preserve the galvanized or polymer coating on the sheet. An excellent tool for cutting metal is a double-blade saw. It, unlike the grinder, does not leave a torn edge and works much quieter. Unfortunately, not every master has such a tool.

What and how to make a hole in a sheet of metal?

It all depends on the size of the hole. If the diameter is small, a drill will do. If large holes are needed, special drill bits are used. Pay attention to the material from which the horse-drawn horse is made. To process profiled sheets, you should use nozzles with a carbide coating. Processing should be carried out without increasing the temperature.

A jigsaw is used to make a large diameter hole. With this tool, cutting out a circle of large diameter will not be difficult. When working, use a saw with fine teeth

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