The process of constructing multi-storey buildings using monolithic technology. Construction of apartment buildings

Housing construction in our time is one of the most profitable areas of business. This is due to the fact that housing will always be needed; there is a steady demand for it, which sometimes outstrips supply. If you want to invest money in the construction of an apartment building or attract investors, then, of course, you will need a business plan.

Purpose and rationale of the project

The main goal of the project is the construction of a multi-apartment residential building with the subsequent sale of the finished property. Additional goals may include meeting the demand of city residents for comfortable housing and improving the area adjacent to your building. A business plan for the construction of residential real estate implies that your project correctly outlines the feasibility of constructing a “high-rise building” in this particular area with justifications in the form of an assessment of the real estate market and the degree of profitability.

But we should start with the legal justification of the project. To start building a residential building, you will need a number of documents, obtaining which will take a lot of time and nerves, which means you will need separate employees to work in this direction. So, you will need a lease agreement or a document that confirms your ownership of this land plot, as well as a building permit obtained from the city administration, a license for construction work, coordination of the project with the architecture department, copying the necessary urban planning documentation from the General Plan and etc.

Any business plan involves a detailed description of the project. We propose for construction a nine-story residential building with office space on the ground floor and a parking lot.

The construction site of an apartment building is a regional center in the central part of Russia, since there is a high demand for housing here, and therefore corresponding prices per square meter of housing.

In addition, competition here is not as high as in the markets of Moscow or the Moscow region.

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Housing market research

Market research will bring the economic feasibility of the project into our business plan. The fact is that due to the high level of required investments, it also has certain risks. In this regard, the choice of location for construction and the characteristics of future housing must be carefully calculated so that you can get the maximum benefit from this project. We must find out how many square meters of housing were introduced over the last year in the specified area (city), what dynamics of indicators are observed, whether the pace of development in a given municipality is increasing or decreasing.

It is important to have information about which housing price category is in greatest demand. The growth potential of the residential real estate market also depends on the activities of banks, more precisely on their activity in the field of mortgage lending, since not every person in our time is able to purchase housing without using borrowed funds.

The higher the purchasing power of the population in a given area, the more luxury housing can be sold (up to luxury housing) and the more expensive a square meter of real estate can cost.

The result of the market research should be economically sound calculations of the cost per square meter of housing. This will help not only to correctly formulate a pricing policy, but will also ensure quick sales of the final product (finished housing). As a result, you will be able to quickly begin implementing a new project, increase your cash flow and increase your own income.

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Cooperation with local authorities

You should know what kind of housing policy the local administration is pursuing, whether it participates in federal (regional) programs for the resettlement of city residents from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, whether it purchases ready-made residential real estate or whether it participates in construction as a co-investor. Often, working with local authorities through municipal-private partnerships can be very beneficial. This means not only information and consulting support for the construction of an apartment building, but also the direct participation of local authorities in the form of capital investments.

It should be borne in mind that the preparation of the necessary documentation, which in some cases takes years, in this situation can occur in record time.

Another feature of working with municipalities is the possibility of cooperation at the project formation stage. Often, local administrations need small residential premises, which are not popular with developers, but are vital for municipal authorities to implement programs to resettle city residents from dilapidated housing. In other words, your business plan may include the construction of housing of various layouts and sizes for the needs of local authorities, which will guarantee you a sales market and completely eliminate some risks.

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Production plan

The business plan necessarily includes the main indicators of the future multi-apartment residential building. We must indicate the type and area of ​​construction, the total area of ​​residential and commercial real estate, the number of buildings (if there are 2 or more), the total number of apartments and commercial properties. If it is possible to indicate for which specific commercial real estate space is allocated (for example, for the location of shopping centers, fitness clubs, beauty salons, etc.), then this will only decorate your business plan and help attract investors.

Your business plan should clearly state the duration of the main work and their step-by-step plan - from issuing permits to putting the constructed facility into operation. Before starting construction, the law requires preparatory and excavation work, obtaining a geological examination confirming the possibility of building a residential building on this site. It is necessary to include in your business plan a quarterly schedule for all construction work: preparation of the territory and laying the foundation, construction of the building and installation work, necessary interior and finishing work. As is already clear from the above, to build an apartment building you will need a full staff of employees of various specialties. If you do not want to carry out construction activities yourself, you can enter into an agreement with a specialized organization.

"Home Sweet Home!"
I have no doubt that everyone wants to have their own home - a place where it will be cozy and comfortable. “Why should we build a house?!” this phrase can be used in different contexts, it also has different endings, but that’s not the point. The main thing is that it is about home. It’s not for nothing that they say: “My home is my fortress.” In the everyday sense, a cottage, dacha, apartment, room is a house, but from the point of view of the letter of the law, not everything is so simple. We have already mentioned individual residential houses and dachas earlier. Now let's take a closer look at multi-apartment residential buildings.

The concept of an apartment building

First, let's turn to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This regulatory legal act (Article 16) provides an interpretation of the terms “residential building” and “apartment”.

The concept of “apartment building” is absent in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation; it is given in the “Regulations on the recognition of premises as residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for habitation and an apartment building as unsafe and subject to demolition or reconstruction,” which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2006 No. 47.

Let us turn to the set of rules SP 54.13330.2011 “Residential multi-apartment buildings. Design rules. Updated edition of SNiP 31-01-2003", Appendix "B":

What you need to know about permission to build an apartment building

The form of a building permit is the same for both an individual housing construction project and a multi-apartment residential building (hereinafter - MKD), it was approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 19, 2015 No. 117/pr. The main difference lies in the list of documents that must be submitted to the authority authorized to issue a construction permit.

The documents required to obtain a permit for the construction of an apartment building, as well as a sample application for a permit, are given in the article “”.

The authorized body (the one who gives permission for construction) in most cases is the local government body at the location of the land plot on which the construction of the apartment building is planned (exceptions are provided in parts 5 - 6 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws).

Obtaining a permit for the construction of an apartment building is possible after the authorized body has established the compliance of the design documentation with urban planning regulations, the territory planning project and the territory surveying project.

You can study the procedure for obtaining permission through the multifunctional center in the article “”.

After the development of project documentation, it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion of the project documentation; for cases when MKD projects are not subject to examination, see the article “”. According to the “road map” of the Chuvash Republic, the period for passing the state examination of project documentation for MKD is 45 days.

If the examination of project documentation was non-state, then it is necessary to attach a copy of the accreditation certificate of the legal entity that issued this conclusion.

The section “validity of the construction permit” is filled out by the authorized body in accordance with the design documentation submitted by the applicant. The duration of construction of the apartment building is provided for by the construction organization project.

If the rights to a land plot or apartment building are transferred to another person, then the period for which the permit is issued remains the same (for exceptions, see Part 21 of Article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A little about attics

The top floor of an apartment building can be attic, attic or technical (technical attic)
Returning to SP 54.13330.2011, we read the following:

  • 3.15.6 Technical floor - a floor functionally designed to accommodate the technical premises of a building and in-house engineering systems, can be located in the lower part of the building (technical underground), or in the upper part of the building (technical attic), or between above-ground floors.
  • 3.15.7 Attic floor (attic, mezzanine) - a floor in the attic space,
    the façade of which is formed entirely or partially by the surface(s) of the roof (pitched or flat).
  • 3.17 Attic - an open space between the upper floor ceiling, external walls and roof structure;

If the technical floor and attic are not considered residential, then attics in a residential building may be suitable for human habitation if the regulatory requirements for residential premises are met.

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Housing was built in the Tver region, where the price per square meter was one and a half times lower than the market price

An apartment building was built in Kalyazin, Tver Region, the price per square meter of which is one and a half times less than the market price. Let us immediately note that the construction is solid, traditional, this is not a “sandwich” option. Families already live there. The house was built using the housing construction cooperative (HCC) system, the legislative framework of which has been restored in Russia since 2011. Accordingly, the experience of this construction can be transferred to any construction in Russia.

Construction organizer Sergey Kachushkin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Housing Collective Communities. As a person who advocates for the revival of the building cooperative, he is convinced that in Russia it is possible to build honest and, most importantly, high-quality and reliable houses. The most important ideological point was the principle of construction without a single “penny” spent on gratitude, stimulation, kickbacks, tackles and everything else. We talked to him in an interview about the nuances of this successful construction experiment, the approach of control and supervisory authorities, as well as the housing cooperative system and more.

“SP”: - Sergey, you organized a kind of experiment - you built a house without bribes. This is amazing! Tell us what else is unique about this construction site, where the house was built and is it true that the price per square meter is one and a half times less than the market price?

It all started with the initiative to build housing in the city of Kalyazin, Tver Region, for socially vulnerable groups: for teachers, doctors, nurses, kindergarten teachers, for large families. We have joined forces with the city authorities. As a result, today a house has been built in the city where 44 families already live. Housing with finishing in this house cost 25 thousand rubles per square meter. For comparison, the price of a similar square meter in the city without finishing is from 45 thousand rubles.

The first and most important postulate in the implementation of this project was the principle of construction without “incentives” from regulatory organizations.

“SP”: - Let’s step aside a little, and then we’ll talk in detail about the implementation of this construction experiment. The problem of housing affordability in Russia is one of the most pressing. How much social housing is being built today?

The volume of construction of such housing varies in the regions. At the same time, there are socially oriented large construction projects. Moreover, they are not always publicly disclosed. For example, I know that Vladimir Potanin and Alexey Mordashov built such houses. At one time, Roman Abramovich also built quite a lot.

“SP”: - Today, according to economists, 5-7% of the Russian population can afford to buy housing in Russia. With a mortgage - 10−15%. There is a housing shortage in the country. And individual “buildings” do not save the situation.

With this project we have proven that 100% of the population of the Russian Federation will be able to buy housing with a mortgage. I am ready to affirm this with all responsibility.

“SP”: - Let’s take everything apart then. What is the basis of the project?

Firstly, we took as a basis what was initiated and implemented back in 1958 in the Soviet Union, namely, housing construction cooperatives (HBC). Let me remind you that in Soviet times there was no private ownership of housing. All housing was public. At the same time, the legislation of the Soviet Union allowed for public-shared cooperative ownership. Then the country's leadership made a decision regarding housing, comparable to the small NEP - they allowed private owners to build housing, which was previously unacceptable.

Incomes in the Soviet Union were low, but there were people who could afford to spend money on expensive housing. These were scientists, top teaching staff, the cultural elite and a number of other people who had a high level of income (more than 200 rubles per month). Having made the first payment for the cooperative, a person began to allocate a sufficiently large amount of money from his salary to get an apartment in an elite building. In Soviet times, a cooperative house was, as a rule, a high-level construction: brick, with a glazed loggia, with completely different areas.

After the collapse of the USSR, problems arose with financing, many cooperatives were “frozen”, some were “built” for 15-20 years, and some went bankrupt. Next came a series of defrauded investors and shareholders due to the fact that many businessmen, unfortunately, having felt the taste of big money, began to look for “options” for even more money.

I will explain in detail so that there is no misunderstanding. In the Soviet-era housing cooperative system, shareholders hired a developer who built the house. In the dashing 90s and already in our time, the developer himself (or rather, a businessman disguised as a developer) initiated the creation of a housing cooperative and almost recruited shareholders there. With this money he began to build a house. As a result, the shareholders, not understanding what was happening and without controlling the developer, simply gave money. And the developer built in such a way that in an almost finished house, shareholders (like housing cooperatives) owed a lot of money to the developer. Then the developer stopped construction, filing claims against the housing cooperative, with which he had a purely contractual relationship. Let me emphasize once again that the initiator of the construction - the businessman - was in the developer. Then, through a court decision, everything that was built was confiscated from the shareholders for debts: people were left without apartments, and the businessman was actually left with a completed house.

"SP": - This is a high-level fraud.

This is an obvious abuse of law. Therefore, the state must create such rules when it becomes either difficult or very fraught to abuse the right.

“SP”: - Now let’s return to the project. What is unique about this “construction of the century”?

When deciding on the issue of housing construction for socially vulnerable residents of Kalyazin, the idea of ​​a Soviet-era housing cooperative came to mind. Time was spent studying the current legislation. It turned out that the legislative framework for housing cooperatives has been restored since 2011 and has a number of additional opportunities and benefits, which, I must say right away, are impossible to implement. No matter what anyone tells me, it is almost impossible to get a mortgage for socially vulnerable segments of the population! I’m talking about the average citizen of the Russian Federation, whose income is plus or minus 20-30 thousand rubles.

“SP”: - 44 families built apartments without a mortgage?

With a mortgage, but preferential. We, together with Rosselkhozbank, fought for it for ten months. As a result, a financial product was created. The bank accepted the first share contributed to the housing cooperative as a contribution for a mortgage loan.

Without this banking product, a person had to make a share according to the requirements of the housing cooperative (for the housing cooperative to start living and building), and then make a contribution to the bank to receive a mortgage loan. For many ordinary citizens this is an unaffordable amount.

As a result, according to the agreement with Rosselkhozbank, the mortgage rate was 12.9% per annum. This is a high percentage. But this is also the minimum possible option. Thus, the monthly mortgage payment averaged 10-13 thousand rubles for a period of 20 years. By the way, a mortgage without support would cost 20 thousand rubles a month, which is an unaffordable amount for Kalyazin.

In general, by reducing the mortgage loan to 2-5%, Russia would be able to rebuild itself in the shortest possible time and millions of families would receive long-awaited housing.

“SP”: - Did your housing cooperative receive preferential conditions, for example, for the provision of a plot without competition?

In practice, we realized that we would not be able to collect the package of documents that is necessary to create a socially oriented housing cooperative that would give us the right to benefits. Therefore, we abandoned this idea and built the house as an ordinary one, without privileges and benefits.

I will note a few fundamental points. The first postulate, which I have already mentioned, is that the construction of the house was carried out without a single “penny” spent on gratitude, stimulation, kickbacks, tackles and everything else. The work developed according to the following principle: when controlling structures came to us and said that we needed to do “probably this,” we calculated how much it would cost and asked our question: should this be done or not? If this needs to be done, there is no question, we will do it. If this does not need to be done, then give us an official document containing confirmation. And we made sure to clarify to them that other than “thank you,” we couldn’t thank them with anything. And this happened at almost every step.

Our second postulate was that the price per square meter should be no more than 25 thousand rubles. Moreover, for that kind of money there should not be a sandwich option, but a house using traditional classic proven technologies. We selected an organization that offered to build a turnkey house for this price, with apartments with social finishing: insulated linoleum, wallpaper, all plumbing, a heating unit for hot water, doors, windows.

We also decided instead of 34 sq.m. according to GOST. for a one-room apartment, make it more spacious - 45 sq.m. The same goes for two-room and three-room apartments.

“SP”: - What pitfalls did you encounter during construction?

To avoid risks and not to receive questions from Stroynadzor at the time of handing over the house about the depth of the foundation, which usually cost a million rubles to check by specialized services, we recorded all stages of construction from the very beginning: from digging a pit to the final distribution of keys.

Any work at a construction site began by notifying the supervisory authorities about the progress of the work being carried out. Next, we issued all the necessary documents to the contractor organization and received both preliminary certificates and certificates for completed work.

Thus, according to the application, “Stroynadzor” is obliged to provide an employee for the construction site. If the structure begins to ignore the application, there are higher supervisory authorities above them and there is always the prosecutor’s office. Believe me, getting an official to work is not difficult if you yourself are ready to work.

“SP”: - Is it technically difficult to knock it out?

This is absolutely not difficult, because, thank God, we have a law. No matter how strange it may sound, the law works for us!

“SP”: - Tell us about specific inspections by regulatory authorities.

The first inspection of firefighters was very difficult: about 40 deficiencies were identified. When they came to me with a report of comments and asked what to do, I said - eliminate it!

For example, one of the shortcomings was the lack of a fire shield. I can say that in 99% of construction projects it never happened. The shield was knocked down in two hours, while collecting all the attributes for it: a cone-shaped bucket, a hook, a crowbar, a shovel, etc. When the firefighters came a second time and said that “the bucket is not red,” I replied, “Give me a brush, I’ll paint it myself.” If it's supposed to be red, it will be. And opposite each item, the employee signed that the defect had been eliminated. We also had to correct such “shortcomings” as installing a fire escape on a blank wall, installing a “Rainlight” fire system in each room, and other “standards” that are intended for industrial buildings, and not for residential buildings.

What struck me most was that this project was purely social, it was built for teachers and doctors, but, unfortunately, this did not stop anyone. For some reason, as a pioneer, I firmly believed that if you build for teachers, no one will ask for money, but on the contrary, they will say, “Well done, look what kind of house you get!”

“SP”: - Are the officials sick?

I may upset you. I myself was an official. This is the wrong wording. An official is a person, a citizen. People are sick, not officials. This is a fundamental difference.

The following situation arose also anecdotally. I immediately said that there would be the strictest control of financial resources: there would be advance payments, but the main money would be paid upon acceptance of the work. A businessman appears, a subcontractor who had to do something. He was allocated 5 million rubles. Some time passes, he came to ask for another 4 million rubles. I ask, did you close those 5 million rubles? He answered, “I’ll close it, but here and here I urgently need to get this and this.” I demanded an account for the first tranche.

As a result, it turned out that this comrade spent 1.5 million rubles, and with the remaining money he bought his wife a fur coat, a car for himself, and went somewhere on vacation. When he received the first call from law enforcement agencies with the words “come and explain,” he in fact compensated for all the missing money. As a result, we were forced to look for other contractors. Moreover, oddly enough, it was more difficult to find local contractors than to bring them from outside. Previously, I was always surprised when contractors from other regions were hired to carry out a large government contract. It seemed stupid, because people need to be brought, taken away, accommodated, supported. But when I encountered this myself, I realized that it was not stupid.

Another example: Tver region, there are forests all around, trees higher than the roof. We start buying lumber. Once - the price is higher. I ask, why are the prices higher, and there are different prices all around? They answer, “This is our price.” As a result, everything we needed was brought from the Moscow region. This is the question of whether officials are sick or people are sick. When people see that construction is progressing sluggishly, that half is being stolen, psychology kicks in - give me at least 100 rubles. And when a house is being built under control, you immediately get the feeling that this is a demonstration construction project and there will be a lot of money there, so what are 100 rubles, at least 200! This is also why we had to hire Koreans for finishing work.

“SP”: - Were there any comical cases when officials or regulatory bodies tried to blatantly interfere with or get something from this construction project?

In general, I realized that it is very easy for Zhvanetsky to be in our country, you just need to be able to listen and observe. One “mundepka,” as municipal deputies are popularly called, said that it was necessary to demolish the fence that was built around the rebuilt house. According to her logic, previously there was a “folk trail” to the nearest alcohol department of the store and people got used to this route. Now they bump into a fence and can get injured. “I have to think about the whole city, and not about your 20 families,” said the deputy. This is a real case. Let me not comment on his reasons.

“SP”: - Who should become the locomotive, the initiator of such construction projects, so that such houses are built throughout the country?

During the implementation of the project, we realized that the initiator of such movements should be the municipal government. An interesting point is that regional authorities were also present when the house was handed over.

At the same time, the city administration and the region have several fears. Firstly, the risk of getting defrauded shareholders, as a result of which the number of people who need to be helped again, who need to be protected, who need to spend money on it, will increase, while the indicators will worsen. This is the principle of the “wise minnow”. If you have a queue of 100 thousand people in need - well, don’t touch them. And now you start helping, they will go from being in need to being deceived. This is the first fear of the municipal administration.

The second group of fears is associated with the fear of the people awakening from hibernation. We have been talking for a long time about the social activity of the population, we are creating a public chamber, the ONF and other institutions of civil society. But I can say with confidence that the 44 families in Kalyazin who took part in the construction will definitely not give bribes to anyone. These people were convinced that they could freely receive government services without being beholden to anyone. These people are effective subjects of civil legal relations. They can take part in economic life and receive effective, visible, tangible results. And at the same time, do not depend on anyone. And as far as I understand, this is where Pandora's box lies.

“SP”: - The project was developed in the form of the “Fund for Assistance to the Development of Housing Collective Communities”. The original website of the structure is available on the Internet. How active are the authorities towards such projects?

I won’t say who has already shown interest in this, there are many of them, and I hope we will develop this direction further. But there is a certain silence on the part of the authorities.

With the project in Kalyazin, we proved that anyone can build a house without bribes at an adequate price per square meter. We are going to take this initiative to the State Duma. There are also plans to initiate legislative simplification of the required package of documents to confirm socially vulnerable status.

The project declaration for the construction of an apartment building includes a huge amount of different information, the analysis of which can give a potential shareholder an understanding of the reliability of the developer and the approximate appearance of the future house. Read about what data is included in the project declaration and how to determine whether a particular borrower should be trusted.

An agreement on shared participation in the construction of an apartment building is the main document regulating the relationship between the parties when purchasing housing in projects under construction. Registration of relations on the basis of any other document can seriously complicate the life of the shareholder in the future. However, having an equity participation agreement, you also cannot lose sight of some of the nuances that are described in this article.

Construction of apartment buildings

Any construction company is worthy of respect if it is engaged in the construction of individual or apartment buildings, which in the future will be transformed into a huge housing complex of many multi-storey buildings. But not everyone succeeds in bringing such an idea to life. The problem is not only the high cost of the project, but also the difficulties of obtaining consent from the district authorities for the construction of apartment buildings.

In order not to dive into complex terminology, but to speak in simple language, the definition will be as follows. A multi-storey building is a structure in the middle of which private individuals or legal entities are given the right to own rooms, apartments or commercial areas. In such a building there can be two or more apartments at the same time. In addition, each of them has its own personal exit to the courtyard or to rooms for general use, for example, to the landing or to the corridor.

In addition to apartments or rooms, this building (most often on the 1st floor) can accommodate non-residential retail premises. Such areas are used as shops, business offices, and reception areas. And also in a multi-storey building there are premises for common use, stairs and corridors, balconies and loggias, elevators and landings.

The construction of an apartment building can be divided into several stages. These stages imply that the work is carried out efficiently and professionally, because a high-rise structure is a very complex structure, the main criterion of which is to ensure safety measures for residents. Also an important factor will be the creation of comfortable living conditions and the supply of all necessary utilities.

Selection of land area for development

The initial stage in the construction of this structure will be the selection of land area for construction. The selection of a site is carried out according to the plan for the formation of an urban building.

The easiest way would be to obtain land within the city, where there are a small number of houses and the construction of additional residential buildings is planned. The same cannot be said about the city center; the main multi-storey buildings there are located quite densely.

When building multi-storey buildings it is important:

  1. Firstly, you need to take into account the presence of telephone wires for connecting to the Internet and TV. After all, today modern people cannot imagine life without such revolutionary technologies. The closer the required communications are, the lower the initial cost per square meter will be.
  2. Secondly, urban infrastructure plays a significant role in human life. It should be remembered that the close proximity of bus and trolleybus stops, metro stations and supermarkets significantly increases the cost of future apartments.

However, this is not all. Any city has its own urban planning plan, according to which construction is carried out in the next few years. It turns out that it is much easier to obtain the right to build residential apartment buildings in the area where construction will be planned in a certain number of years. And it will be even easier for those construction companies that carry out state special orders.

To avoid cooling and freezing of the external walls of the apartment, experts recommend covering them with insulation.

Once you have obtained permission to build the selected site, you can proceed to the next stage of construction of a multi-storey building. This stage will include geological research and topographic survey of the land area. At this stage it is determined:

  • proximity to groundwater
  • general soil condition
  • climatic conditions
  • important features of the territory's topography

Based on geological research data, a conclusion is drawn about which technologies and materials to use for construction.

At the design stage, a design plan is carried out for a multi-storey building, as well as the adjacent area and internal rooms, in particular the layout of apartments. Design is the most important step before constructing an apartment building.

The goal of the designers will be the difficult development of the design of the building and surrounding area. It is important that the external interior blends into the city landscape. It will be extremely unpleasant for the residents of the house if the walls of the new building are visible outside their window. It is necessary to follow the urban planning plan in order to avoid such shortcomings.

During the design, the laying of utility networks is also developed. Details. Read about the features of laying water pipes during the construction of multi-storey buildings in this article.

Construction of an apartment building and landscaping of the surrounding area

The third stage in the process of building a house is the construction of an apartment building. It is necessary to finish the facades and interior rooms. At this stage, the help of professional experts in the field of architecture, design, engineering, and engineering will be useful. The building should be connected to the heating, sewer and water supply networks. Telephone communications are connected to the house, and power supply cables are installed to them.

Landscaping consists of the following points:

  1. Laying sidewalks.
  2. Construction of underground or above-ground car parking.
  3. Installation of children's playgrounds.

The better the home is landscaped, the more attractive it will be to buyers.

The construction of multi-apartment buildings in itself is not the most expensive part of finances. It will be very expensive to collect all the necessary documents and connect city communications. But with all this, developers manage to make good money from this business.

Upon completion of construction and tiling work, the construction company hands over the house for operation. Thus, the construction project of an apartment building will depend on many aspects.

house a, by reading the list of plots available for sale in the municipality or from private individuals. When choosing, you must take into account what surface the construction will be carried out on and what type of soil. Ultimately, the design of a multi-story building will depend on the characteristics of the soil. house and the cost of construction in general.

To purchase the one you have chosen, first contact the cadastral service to obtain its plan. Check out the plan. If it is necessary to carry out topographic surveys or soil measurements, then if you buy a plot from a person, all work is carried out at his expense, and if - at yours. Conclude a purchase and sale agreement and register the right with the Federal Registration Service.

Obtain another site plan from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning - an urban planning one. Enter into an agreement with a construction organization and order a building project for its employees. When drawing up a project, you need to take into account the condition of the soil, the possibility of connecting all the necessary communications, the presence of nearby transport interchanges, etc.

Enter into an agreement with investors to obtain the funds necessary for construction. Receive a positive opinion on the project from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. Contact the head of the administration with an application to issue you permission to locate the facility (multi-story house a) in this area.

Obtain a building permit from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (signed by the city's chief architect). Submit the documents: - certificate of ownership of;
- contract of sale and purchase of the plot;
- resolution of the mayor of the city to issue you a building permit;
- urban planning plan of the site;
- site organization diagram;
- Specifications for connection house and to communications;
- multi-storey project house a (with a positive conclusion);
- constituent documents of a legal entity;
- an agreement concluded with investors (or co-investors). Other documents regulating construction on the site you have chosen may also be required (for example, the conclusion of an environmental impact assessment if the site is located near environmental protection zones). Receive permission within 10 days from the date of submission of documents.

Only after you have received all permits can you begin construction house A. Once construction is completed, you will also need to obtain permission to enter house and into operation after it has been inspected and accepted by a commission from the Department of Architecture and Construction and Supervisory Services.

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