Industrial design - project of industrial enterprises, buildings, structures. Design of industrial buildings and structures Design of industrial buildings and structures

Industrial engineering enterprises is one of the most large-scale and complex tasks for architects and engineers. Architectural, design features and utility networks, as a rule, are individual for each industrial building. In addition to the characteristics of the soil and construction area, economic efficiency and speed of construction, such factors as technological features of production and increased safety precautions during operation should be taken into account when designing.

Features of site planning when designing the placement of objects

When executing a section of the SPRUS project, the developer is obliged to study in detail the features of the future production and competently plan the area on which it is necessary to display:

1. Production building of the required area, indicating the places of loading of raw materials and unloading of finished products from the workshop.

2. Access roads within the site to an industrial building, if provided for in the design assignment - a railway dead end.

3. Warm and cold warehouses for storing finished products or raw materials (as necessary). They should be located with maximum convenience to ensure logistics.

4. Administrative building for staff accommodation (sometimes located inside the workshop).

5. Other auxiliary sites and buildings - checkpoint, utility rooms, additional pre-production workshops (if required).

6. Fencing of the site, improvement zones, main indicators of the technical and economic indicators according to the general plan.

When carrying out the construction and layout of the site, it is important to observe every little detail, especially regarding the movement of freight vehicles through the territory - turning radii, the possibility of two-way traffic, settling pockets, overpasses - inspection points at the entrance, etc.

Name of works Object area Stage P Stage P
Design of new construction of buildings (section "KR") from 1000 m 2 from 120000 ₽ from 270000 ₽
from 5000 m 2 from 320000 ₽ from 670000 ₽
from 10000 m 2 from 450000 ₽ from 970000 ₽
Design of building reconstruction (section "KR") from 1000 m 2 from 150000 ₽ from 300000 ₽
from 5000 m 2 from 350000 ₽ from 700000 ₽
from 10000 m 2 from 490000 ₽ from 750000 ₽

* The prices indicated in the table are approximate, the exact cost is calculated individually for each project.

Space-planning solutions for installation work

When developing the architectural part of an industrial building project, it is important to take into account the features of the production line, or several lines, according to the instructions from the equipment suppliers and the instructions from the customer, namely:

1. According to the layout of the lines, assign the number and dimensions of the spans of the industrial building. In this case, it is important to use standard dimensions for the convenience of further design and construction - 12, 18, 24, 30 m, etc. Then, at this stage, the length of the building and the pitch of the transverse columns are determined (also in modular steps - 6, 12 m).

2. A grid of columns is assigned at the intersections of the axes. Here it is important to pay attention to the production process - usually, various operations take place in each bay of the workshop, and they are performed independently of each other. But in some places communication of lines is required by means of a conveyor, a local crane beam or a trolley on rails and, often, in the area of ​​communication of lines, columns are not placed along the central axes. There may be 2–3 such places along the length of the building.

3. When it is built plant, design involves a schematic drawing of production areas and lines on the main floor with platforms for the passage of personnel, entrances and exits, cameras and bunkers, operator booths, local walkways, gangways and stairs, office premises (if any), explication of premises and production areas is carried out.

4. Plans for the remaining floors are developed (if required by technology or specified in the customer’s specifications)

5. The roof slope is assigned based on the requirements of SNiP to prevent the formation of snow bags, design features of roof trusses and the presence of translucent structures on the roof.

6. The main longitudinal and transverse sections of the building are developed, indicating the marks of all surfaces, as well as the facades of buildings with gates, windows, and corporate identity, based on the customer’s instructions.

Structural solutions for buildings for factory workshops

The design of an industrial building is the most important and complex part of the work in industrial design. When calculating the frame, it is necessary to take into account all types of loads and their combinations. These are like classic snow, wind, permanent and temporary loads acting on any building, as well as operational loads.

Each column of the frame must be designed to bring together two and sometimes four overhead cranes (if any), the transverse connections of the building must satisfy the loads arising from the braking of the cranes, the fastening points must provide strength when exposed to vibration and other dynamic loads. There may also be additional conditions specified in the technical specifications or in the specifications of the equipment supplier.

Based on the material, buildings can have a load-bearing reinforced concrete prefabricated or monolithic, metal or combined frame. The choice of frame material depends on economic and technological factors.

Design of industrial buildings include:

1. Foundations - most often monolithic reinforced concrete glass type, on piles or without, interconnected by rand beams.

2. Frame columns - as a rule, they are made in a prefabricated version in the form of finished products, mounted in the foundation shell, centered vertically and horizontally and monolid (in the reinforced concrete version) or installed on anchor bolts (in the metal version). On the columns there are consoles for fastening crane beams, embedded parts along the length if it is necessary to fasten enclosing structures, on the heads for installing rafter structures and sling loops. With significant transverse spans, to accommodate wind loads by the enclosing structures, half-timbered columns are installed along the first and last axes of the building.

3. Crane beams - mounted on the column console with careful alignment vertically and along the axis of movement of the equipment. In the reinforced concrete version, they are performed mainly in a prestressed version. Crane rails with brakes are installed on top of the beams.

4. Rafter structures with spans of 6 and 12 m can be made in the form of beams; over 12 m, it is advisable to use trusses to reduce the dead weight of the structure and reduce its cost. A roof structure is installed on top of the trusses.

5. Longitudinal connections are arranged cross-shaped in the outer spans or portal in the central spans. Transverse braces are most often installed between trusses and absorb wind loads and braking forces of crane trolleys.

6. Finally, work is carried out to install the floor with embedded parts and pits according to the instructions of the equipment supplier; enclosing structures, windows, doors, gates, the 2nd and 3rd tiers of the workshop are arranged in a lightweight version if necessary.

The frame system of industrial buildings is the most effective, since in case of production need it can be quite easily extended through additional construction and installation work.

Engineering equipment in enterprise workshops

When designing internal engineering networks, it is important to understand the requirements of the technological process - products must be manufactured in cold or warm mode, the amount of water required to ensure the process, the presence of harmful emissions, which will determine the type of ventilation system, as well as the number of personnel per shift to ensure their household needs.

Design of industrial buildings and enterprises includes the main engineering networks:

1. Heating. If it is necessary to heat the workshop, the heat release from operating equipment, heating chambers, furnaces, which are also involved in heat supply, is calculated. The difference in the required heat is compensated either by registers along the walls of the building, and for significant spans, when the heat radiation from them is not enough, industrial fan heaters of the Volcano type are used, which produce complex radiating and dissipating effects.

2. Ventilation. Calculated depending on the technological process. It is carried out either natural - through special deflectors in the roof, or supply and exhaust, or combined. It can be either general exchange, i.e., the selection of equipment and air ducts is carried out based on the general air exchange rate in the building, or local - from specific production equipment. Often local ventilation is needed to collect production waste, for example, milling waste, and direct it to storage bins for subsequent recycling.

3. Water supply and sewerage. Water is necessary to meet domestic needs, depending on the number of personnel in a shift and, if necessary, to support the technological process. The connection is made either through previously transmitted technical specifications, or from your own VCU. The sewerage system receives wastewater and, through collectors of a calculated diameter with the required slopes (or through a pumping station device), carries it to treatment facilities. If necessary, an automatic fire extinguishing project is carried out in the building.

4. Electricity supply. In 99% of cases, the plant has its own transformer transformer, with dry or oil transformers, depending on the standards and safety requirements. The low side wiring is arranged in the workshop and to the machines in accordance with the working design and equipment connection diagrams.

5. Low-current systems. Purely individual for each object. Most often, in order to provide industrial buildings with all modern systems, sections of APS, APM, SOUE are designed, and video surveillance is developed according to the customer’s instructions. As for automation and dispatching of equipment, this is most often done by specialized companies that work together with suppliers and carry out comprehensive wiring of machines with equipment for a control room.

Production design is a complex process of developing different types of documentation that is needed to carry out production work. The need for this service may arise in many organizations. That's why design of production facilities performed in many localities.

The production system has a very complex structure, significantly surpassing any device or product in this indicator. Design of enterprises and productions must be carried out by qualified specialists who are well versed in this issue.

Design of production processes. Its main elements

Important elements of the production organization project:

  • System-wide information. Production structure, as well as the number of personnel, management system.
  • Organizational decisions regarding subsystems. Organization of production processes and sales services.
  • Organizational decisions for product release. This includes organizing the work of employees and operating equipment.
  • Decisions related to economic relations in the enterprise.
  • Projects for organizing additional divisions of the enterprise.

Design of production facilities in Moscow must take all these points into account. Only in this case production plant design will allow you to organize an enterprise that effectively conducts its activities.

Types of production design

The preparation of design documentation for different types of production can vary significantly. There are many types of design of this type:

  • Chemical production design.
  • Design of petrochemical production.
  • Design of mechanical engineering production.
  • Design of food production.

In this case, the classification depends on what activities the manufacturing enterprise is engaged in. There is also another division of design. For example, design of automated production. We can talk about enterprises operating in a variety of industries. Their distinctive feature is the automation of the production process.

Design of industrial production and its features

This work is carried out to compile documentation that will be used not only during the construction of the facility, but also during its operation. Industrial facilities include both production buildings and various additional structures, such as warehouses.

The preparation of project documentation must be carried out in strict accordance with existing government regulations. Projects can differ quite greatly from each other, since they are created for enterprises operating in different industries, using different technologies and production organization. To properly develop documentation, it is necessary to determine whether an object belongs to a certain industry, as well as to establish its hazard class, which determines the size of the sanitary zone for the enterprise. For example, chemical production has a high, first class of hazard. The size of the sanitary zone for them is 1 thousand meters.

Order production design

Services for drawing up design documentation for manufacturing enterprises can be used in our company. The cost of our services is not very high. Therefore, if necessary, not only large organizations can use them. Our specialists are well versed in all aspects of production design for enterprises operating in different industries.

The development and sales department for complex projects was created in 2008. The department employs experienced specialists, managers of large woodworking industries in Russia, as well as leading specialists from GIPROLESPROM and VNIIDMASH.

The main goals and objectives of the department are the selection, calculation, and delivery of turnkey production facilities, namely:

  • development of the technological part of the project for the production of glued products, wooden house construction, joinery, construction and moldings;
  • selection of necessary technological equipment and tools;
  • formation of equipment placement plans;
  • calculation of consumption of materials, components, electricity. energy, thermal energy;
  • calculation of the number of production personnel;
  • development of a feasibility study;
  • supply of equipment;
  • installation supervision, equipment startup and personnel training;
  • assistance in mastering various production organization schemes and reaching the design production capacity.

Using the latest technology and invaluable experience, leading designers and planners will plan the entire technological process from raw materials to the final product in relation to your production areas.

During the work of the department, more than 500 projects for various woodworking industries were developed, many of these projects were successfully implemented. More than 5,000 jobs have been created at enterprises staffed by the integrated projects department.

The equipment supplied by the complex projects department currently allows us to produce frame-panel houses with a total area of ​​more than 120,000 m²/year, more than 500,000 m³ of house parts/year from wall timber. The total area of ​​the workshops built during the operation of the department amounted to more than 160,000 m².

Technological calculations for various industries

The integrated solutions department (leading specialists from GIPROLESPROM and VNIIDMASH) carries out individual selection, calculation and arrangement of equipment for any turnkey production, in accordance with standards and GOSTs. A pre-design solution with calculations is provided to the Customer in the form of an explanatory note.

  • Pre-design technological solutions
  • Calculations of production volumes and selection of equipment
  • Process diagrams
  • Organization of workplaces and methods of working on equipment
  • General measures for organizing production
  • Technical characteristics of the equipment used
  • Equipment layout diagrams

Preparation of pre-design documentation, arrangement of equipment in the workshop

Production design is a system of drawings, projects and estimates made on the basis of economic and technical calculations. The totality of all indicators that make up production design must justify the economic feasibility and technical feasibility of implementing the project. Production design provides answers to the questions: what equipment will be needed, how much it costs, whether the costs will be recouped and in what time frame, how many materials, parts, mechanisms will be required, for what period the work is designed, etc. Without production design, it is impossible to create a competitive enterprise. The importance of production design lies not only in the preparation of calculations, estimates and drawings. Production design is an important link that allows you to connect science with production. The projects reflect the introduction of modern technical solutions that help make production more profitable. Production design is one of the main conditions for the efficiency of any created production!

If the premises already exist, then the binding of the technological equipment is carried out immediately after the Customer provides the layout of the premises. In case of construction of new production premises, our specialists will offer the optimal layout of the workshops.

Our leading specialists can make the necessary calculations for process automation and auxiliary equipment, as well as calculations for aspiration and compressor equipment.

Development of feasibility studies and business plans

Based on technological calculations, a feasibility study or business plan is drawn up.

Feasibility study

A feasibility study (TES) is the documented results of marketing and feasibility studies that substantiate the feasibility (or inexpediency) and possibilities of implementing an investment project, the selection of the most effective organizational, technical and economic solutions for the commissioning of new ones or the reconstruction and modernization of existing ones production capacity. If necessary, included in the business plan.

Usually, at the first stages of pre-design work, we make a brief economic calculation - feasibility study for the correct selection of equipment for our clients. A brief economic calculation helps to initially understand what equipment needs to be accepted for technological calculations according to the optimal criterion: equipment price (capital investment) - productivity (return, profit margins).

Based on the calculation results, our customers receive such data as: profitability, project payback period, production break-even point.

Business plan

To fully present the financial profile of the project, a business plan is calculated.

A full calculation is made with all the economic indicators of the future project, as well as a sensitivity analysis of the project.

A business plan is a document that allows you to manage a business, so it can be presented as an integral element of strategic planning. In most cases, our clients use a business plan to protect their investment project in banks.

It is calculated on the basis of a preliminary feasibility study and prepared technological solutions and calculations. Main sections:

  • Essence of the proposed project
  • Market assessment
  • Marketing plan
  • Technological justification of the project
  • Organizational production plan
  • Financial plan

The Arcos company carries out turnkey production design. What is included in our services? Our services include the following work:

  • Full calculation of any industrial facility, calculation of enterprise parameters, selection of materials for construction, calculation of structures, parameters, number of floors, working areas, selection of the most effective solutions for planning a production facility, its equipment with communications, utility networks, infrastructure,
  • selection of production and equipment for it, supply of the necessary equipment, its launch, design of equipment placement options taking into account specific conditions, training and work of personnel,
  • design of technological part,
  • drawing up a justification for the technical and economic part of the project,
  • providing different options for organizing the production being created, assistance in bringing production to the planned capacity,

What else is included in our task? When designing production, the necessary infrastructure is created, warehouses, auxiliary structures, access roads, and household buildings are designed. For effective production design, it is important to correctly select building materials, reduce the costs of constructing facilities, heating them during operation, repairs, and maintenance in the future.

What principles do we follow when designing production? When choosing design solutions, the principles of expediency and efficiency come first. Materials and structures must be reliable and durable, meet their purpose and meet modern standards. We design structures from modern materials and alloys that are lightweight and durable. We are capable of creating the most complex structures that will meet all modern standards. One of the promising areas of our activity is the design of prefabricated buildings with a metal frame. Designing metal structures makes it possible to put production facilities into operation in the shortest possible time and achieve production payback in record time. This is the essence of modern business, especially in the Russian Federation.

It involves calculating the payback of an industrial process, its costs for equipment, components, equipment repairs, training and maintenance of personnel, design of standard and non-standard equipment for various facilities.

Our advantages

  • The company's motto is quality, cost-effective solutions, speed of order fulfillment. These three important areas allow us to create unique solutions at reasonable costs and at the best prices.
  • We guarantee an individual approach to customers.
  • When designing production, we work to reduce the costs of the created enterprises for raw materials, components, and minimize the consumable part of production.
  • We carry out the design and construction of production facilities in the shortest possible time; we launch production workshops at full capacity in a matter of months over large areas. The customer always has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the list of key works on our website.
  • Cooperation with Arcos means designing a full range of services, carrying out the entire cycle of work until the launch of enterprises.
  • We use modern approaches in our work, have the necessary material support, use computer technology and advanced equipment.
  • We guarantee the high quality of our work and ensure the creation of a safe and highly efficient work process.
  • The structures and industrial facilities designed according to our calculations comply with all necessary standards and regulations.
  • The accuracy of calculations of metal structures with the help of competent design solutions allows us to guarantee the creation of a safe technological process, compliance with all technological principles and the quality of the products, which is the key to the success and profitability of the business.
  • We calculate standard and non-standard designs, taking into account the customer’s wishes and all the nuances of the technical specifications.
  • Computer-aided design greatly simplifies our task and improves the quality of design; all calculations are performed with high accuracy, and visualization programs allow us to offer the customer visual different options for enterprises, equipment placement, and infrastructure being created.
  • The high professionalism of our architects and builders allows us to skillfully use the available tools and computer programs so that the projects we create are modern, advanced, so that the design is highly accurate and of high quality. We have architects, designers, and engineers working in one team. The participation of a technologist on the customer’s side will significantly speed up the process of implementing a high-quality project.

When designing production, we provide comprehensive services, and can also provide services on any of the items, without performing the tasks of a general contractor. In any case, the customer receives an effective result based on the needs of the investor’s business. We have powerful intellectual and design potential, which makes it possible to create projects for the most complex production of any profile. All you have to do is call our coordinates to discuss the possibility of starting partnership cooperation in the design of your enterprise. You can find out the cost of the work

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