Energy saving in an apartment building. List of energy saving measures for apartment buildings - zhkkhportal.rf Energy efficiency of apartment buildings



Based on paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2011 N 18 “On approval of the Rules for establishing energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures, structures and requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 5 , Art. 742; 2013, N 50, Art. 6596; 2014, N 14, Art. 1627)

I order:

1. Approve the attached Rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings.

2. Recognize as not subject to application the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2011 N 161 “On approval of the Rules for determining the energy efficiency classes of apartment buildings and the Requirements for the indicator of the energy efficiency class of an apartment building placed on the facade of an apartment building” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Federation May 20, 2011, registration N 20810).

3. The Department of Housing and Communal Services, no later than 10 days from the date of signing, sends this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation A.V. Chibis.

M.A. Men

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation

registration N 43169

Rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings

by order
Ministry of Construction
and housing and communal services
Russian Federation
dated June 6, 2016 N 399/pr

I. General information

1. The rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings are established in accordance with Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 48, Art. 5711; 2010, N 19, Art. 2291; N 31, Art. 4160, 4206; 2011, N 29, Art. 4288, 4291; N 30, Art. 4590; N 49, Art. 7061; N 50, art. 7344, 7359; N 51, art. 7447; 2012, N 26, art. 3446; N 29, art. 3989; N 53, art. 7595; 2013, N 14, art. 1652; N 23 , art. 2871; N 27, art. 3477; N 52, art. 6961, 6964, 6966; 2014, N 40, art. 5322; N 45, art. 6149, 6154; 2015, N 1, art. 19; N 27, Art. 3967; N 29, Art. 4359) (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law N 261-FZ) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2011 N 18 “On approval of the Rules for establishing energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures, structures and requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 5, Art. 742; 2013, N 50, art. 6596; 2014, N 14, Art. 1627).

2. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is determined based on a comparison (determining the deviation value) of actual or calculated (for newly built, reconstructed and overhauled apartment buildings) values ​​of the specific annual consumption of energy resources, reflecting the specific consumption of energy resources for heating, ventilation, hot water supply, as well as electricity supply in terms of electrical energy consumption for common house needs (hereinafter referred to as common house needs), and the basic values ​​of the specific annual consumption of energy resources in an apartment building, while the actual (calculated) values ​​must be brought to the design conditions for comparability with basic values, including climatic conditions, conditions for equipping the building with engineering equipment and modes of its operation in the manner specified in these Rules.

3. The actual values ​​of the specific annual consumption of energy resources are determined based on the readings of common house energy metering devices.

4. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law N 261-FZ, the energy efficiency class of an apartment building built, reconstructed or undergone major repairs and put into operation, as well as subject to state construction supervision, is established by the state construction supervision body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - construction supervision body) in accordance with these Rules. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is indicated in the conclusion of the state construction supervision body on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, or overhauled apartment building with the energy efficiency requirements (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion on compliance).

5. In accordance with Part 3 of Article 12 of Federal Law N 261-FZ, the energy efficiency class of an apartment building during operation is established and confirmed by the state housing supervision authority (hereinafter - GZHI) on the basis of a declaration on the actual values ​​of the annual specific values ​​of energy resource consumption (hereinafter - declaration) by issuing an act of verification of the compliance of an apartment building with energy efficiency requirements, indicating the class of its energy efficiency at the time of drawing up this act in the manner established by these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building). The declaration is submitted by the owners of the premises of an apartment building (in the case of direct management of the apartment building) or by the person managing the apartment building.

6. The declaration is submitted in any form. The declaration must include the following information:

- calendar dates of the beginning and end of the period for which the declaration is submitted;

- the energy efficiency class of the apartment building and the date of its assignment (if the energy efficiency class of the apartment building was previously established);

- readings of common house metering devices or metering devices that take into account the consumption of energy resources consumed during the maintenance of common property in an apartment building at the beginning and end of the reporting period for each type of energy resource and information about the metering devices (brand, number, verification dates);

- calculation of the volume of consumed energy resources for each type of energy resource, indicating the units of change and converting the units of measurement;

- calculation of the value of the annual specific values ​​of energy resource consumption specified in paragraph 22 of these Rules, calculation of bringing the obtained values ​​to the design conditions;

- actual conditions used to bring them to the calculated ones, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 23 of these Rules - climatic conditions during the period of submission of the declaration, average indoor air temperature in the premises, population density, quality of utilities;

- an indication of the presence or absence of an individual heating point with a function of automatic control of the coolant temperature depending on the outside air temperature and energy-efficient (LED) lighting of common areas.

7. The specific annual consumption of energy resources of constructed and commissioned apartment buildings is confirmed no later than 3 months before the expiration of 5 years from the date of commissioning of the apartment building. For apartment buildings of the highest energy efficiency classes (B, A, A+, A++ according to Table No. 2 of these Rules), the specific annual consumption of energy resources is additionally confirmed no later than 3 months before the expiration of 10 years from the date of commissioning of the apartment building .

8. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building during operation is confirmed no later than 3 months before the expiration of 5 years from the date of issue of the act on the energy efficiency class of the apartment building. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is confirmed by the decision of the owners of the premises of the apartment building or on the initiative of the person managing the apartment building. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is confirmed no more than once a year.

9. If the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is not confirmed within the time limits established by paragraphs 7 and 8 of these Rules, it is not allowed to indicate the energy efficiency class of such an apartment building in the technical documentation for the apartment building or other documents characterizing such an apartment building; it is not allowed to place an indicator about energy efficiency class on the facade of an apartment building and information about the energy efficiency class on information stands.

10. In order to establish the energy efficiency class of an apartment building, the person specified in paragraph 4 of these Rules acts in accordance with the Procedure for conducting inspections during state construction supervision and issuing conclusions on the compliance of constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction projects with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts, design documentation (RD-11-04-2006) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), approved by Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated December 26, 2006 N 1129 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 6, 2007 year, registration N 9053).

11. In order to issue an act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building, the person specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules submits to the State Housing Property Committee an application for assignment or confirmation of the energy efficiency class and copies of the following documents certified by him:

a) declaration;

b) documents confirming that the applicant is the person managing the apartment building in respect of which a decision is required to determine the energy efficiency class: a management agreement (if the management method is chosen - a management organization), or minutes of the general meeting of premises owners in an apartment building in which a decision was made to manage the apartment building by a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative (if the chosen method of managing a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, or the minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building house, confirming the authority of the owner of premises in an apartment building to submit on behalf of the owners of premises in an apartment building the documents specified in paragraph 4 of these Rules (in the case of direct management of an apartment building);

c) a document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. The State Property Committee, in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Rules, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application and documents specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, reviews the submitted documents and makes one of the following decisions:

a) about the non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements for the composition and content of documents established by paragraphs 5 and 11 of these Rules and the return of the application and the documents attached to it;

b) on issuing a certificate on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building;

c) refusal to issue a certificate on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building.

13. The decision to issue an act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is made by the State Housing Property Inspectorate in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Rules if the application and the documents attached to it comply with the requirements established by paragraphs 5 and 11 of these Rules, and if their validity period has not expired on the date of their consideration .

14. The decision to refuse to issue an act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is made by the State Housing Inspectorate in accordance with paragraph 5 of these Rules in the event that the documents provided for in paragraph 5 of these Rules do not contain the values ​​of the annual specific values ​​of energy resource consumption required for assigning an energy efficiency class, inconsistencies the values ​​of the annual specific values ​​of energy resource consumption specified in the declaration, the values ​​of similar values ​​in the documents submitted to obtain permission to put the facility into operation, as well as when the applicant submits documents whose validity period has expired on the date of their consideration.

15. The decisions specified in paragraph 13 of these. of the Rules, are drawn up in writing in two copies, one of which is kept in the body that made the decision, the second is sent to the applicant no later than 5 days from the date of its execution. Resubmitting the application and documents is possible after eliminating the circumstances that served as the basis for returning the application and the documents attached to it or making a decision to refuse to issue a certificate on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building.

16. The original act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is included in the technical documentation for the apartment building.

17. A copy of the act on the energy efficiency class is sent by the Civil Housing Inspectorate to the local government body that maintains the information system for supporting urban planning activities within 30 days from the date of receipt.

18. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is included in the energy passport of the apartment building.

19. If the specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation exceeds that specified in the act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building, then the owner of the premises in the apartment building, a state or local government body, or a resource supplying organization applies to the GZHI with an application to revise the energy efficiency class of the apartment building and provides copies of the following documents certified by him:

a) a document confirming that the applicant is the owner of premises in an apartment building, or a person paying subsidies for housing and utilities, or a resource supply organization that supplies heat to an apartment building;

b) a document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) copies of receipts for payment of utilities or copies of acts confirming the excess of the specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation.

20. The State Housing Property Committee, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application and documents specified above, reviews the submitted documents and makes a decision to refuse the applicant or sends an order to the person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building, or in the direct management of the apartment building to the owners of the premises in the apartment building. elimination of violations leading to excess specific annual heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation.

II. Requirements regarding the values ​​of energy consumption indicators for the corresponding energy efficiency class and the basic levels of the specific annual consumption of energy resources

21. Indicators characterizing the energy efficiency class of an apartment building include indicators of specific annual consumption of energy resources, including the total specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating, ventilation, hot water supply, as well as for general house needs, per 1 m of premises area, not attributed to common property, and basic levels of specific annual expenditures of energy resources.

22. Basic levels of specific annual consumption of energy resources in an apartment building, including the total specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating, ventilation, hot water supply, as well as for general house needs, per 1 m of area of ​​premises of an apartment building, not included in the common property of the apartment building at home are given in Table No. 1 of these Rules.

Table No. 1. Basic level of specific annual consumption of energy resources in an apartment building, reflecting the total specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating, ventilation, hot water supply, as well as for general house needs, ...

Table No. 1

The basic level of specific annual consumption of energy resources in an apartment building, reflecting the total specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating, ventilation, hot water supply, as well as for general house needs, of apartment buildings, kWh/m


Number of floors of an apartment building


will heat period

Thermal energy consumption

for heating,

ventilation, hot

water supply and

electricity for

general house needs*

including thermal

energy for heating and


* The basic level of specific annual electricity consumption for general building needs is 10.0 kWh/m for apartment buildings equipped with an elevator. If the house is not equipped with an elevator, the basic level of specific annual electricity consumption for general house needs is 7 kWh/m and 3 kWh/m should be subtracted from the indicators indicated in the table.

For multi-entrance apartment buildings with sections of different number of storeys, when determining the value of the basic level of specific annual consumption of energy resources, the number of storeys is averaged.

Intermediate values ​​of the specific annual consumption of energy resources are determined by the method of linear interpolation based on the number of storeys of an apartment building and the degree-day of the heating period (hereinafter referred to as GSOP).

23. When establishing the basic level of specific annual consumption of energy resources, the following design conditions were adopted: internal air temperature in apartments is 20°C, occupancy of 20 m of total room area per resident, which corresponds to a standard air exchange of 30 m3/h per resident and specific household internal heat input 17 W/m of total area. The minimum period for calculating the actual energy consumption of an operating apartment building is one year. The actual values ​​of the specific annual consumption of energy resources are brought to the design conditions, for which the actual consumption of energy resources is proportionally reduced or increased by linear interpolation from the design conditions established in this paragraph of the Rules, depending on the deviations of the actual climatological characteristics of the area where the apartment building is located, the number of storeys of the apartment building, average indoor air temperature in premises, population density, air exchange, specific domestic internal heat input, quality of utilities (if utility services are provided of inadequate quality and/or with interruptions exceeding the established duration). The quality of utility services is determined in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, Art. 3168; 2012 , N 23, art. 3008; N 36, art. 4908; 2013, N 16, art. 1972; N 21, art. 2648; N 31, art. 4216; N 39, art. 4979; 2014, N 8, Art. 811; N 9, Art. 919; N 14, Art. 1627; N 40, Art. 5428, 6550; N 52, Art. 7773; 2015, N 9, Art. 1316; N 37, Art. 5153; 2016, No. 1, Art. 244).

24. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is not assigned if there are no common building meters. Energy efficiency classes of an apartment building B, A, A+, A++ according to Table 2 of these Rules are not assigned if such a building does not have an individual heating unit with the function of automatically regulating the coolant temperature depending on the outside air temperature, energy-efficient (LED) lighting of common areas use, as well as individual metering devices in accordance with Federal Law N 261-FZ.

25. Apartment buildings that have a high energy efficiency class for the purposes of tax legislation are houses of classes A, A+, A++ according to Table 2 of these Rules.

26. Energy resources obtained from renewable energy sources are not subject to consideration when calculating the specific annual consumption of energy resources if the equipment generating them is included in the engineering systems of an apartment building.

III. Requirements for the energy efficiency class indicator (labeling) that is placed on the façade of an apartment building

27. The designation of the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is carried out in Latin letters on a scale from A++ to G according to the deviation of the specific annual consumption of energy resources from the base indicator according to Table No. 2 of these Rules.

Table No. 2. Energy efficiency classes

Table No. 2

Energy efficiency class designation

Name of energy efficiency class

Deviation of the actual specific annual consumption of energy resources from the base level, %


60 inclusive and less


from - 50 inclusive to - 60

Very tall

from - 40 inclusive to - 50

from - 30 inclusive to - 40


from - 15 inclusive to - 30


from 0 inclusive to - 15


from + 25 inclusive to 0

from + 50 inclusive to + 25

Very low

28. The energy efficiency class indicator is a square plate measuring 300 x 300 mm for placement on the surface of the facade of the house. An example of a schematic representation of an energy efficiency class indicator is shown in Figure 1 of these Rules.



Figure 1. Index to the energy efficiency class of an apartment building.

29. On the front side of the plate surface at the top edge in capital letters there is the inscription: “ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS.” In the center of the plate there is a capital letter of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) 200 mm high, a “+” sign 100 mm high, indicating the energy efficiency class to which the apartment building in use belongs. At the bottom of the plate, the name of the energy efficiency class is indicated in capital letters: close to zero, highest, very high, high, increased, normal, reduced, low, very low. The font and background color of the sign can be chosen to match existing signs placed on the façade of an apartment building, or the font color can be black on a glossy white background.

30. The developer or person managing an apartment building places an indicator of the energy efficiency class of an apartment building on one of the facades at a height above 2 m from ground level at a distance of 30-50 cm from the left corner of the building in such a way that the visibility of the energy class indicator is ensured efficiency and its safety.

31. To inform the owners of the premises of an apartment building, the person managing the apartment building places an energy efficiency class label containing the following information on information stands inside the entrances of the apartment building or related to the apartment building:

- address of the apartment building;

- number and date of the act on the energy efficiency class of the apartment building;

- energy efficiency class of an apartment building - a capital letter of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) with a height of at least 50 mm, a “+” sign with a height of at least 25 mm and the name of the energy efficiency class in accordance with the table No. 2 of these Rules;

- the values ​​of thermal energy consumption for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and electricity for general house needs, and the thermal energy consumption for heating and ventilation separately, given in the act on the energy efficiency class of an apartment building, reduced to the calculated ones;

- a table of minimum and maximum values ​​of the basic level of specific annual consumption of energy resources for each energy efficiency class;

- the energy efficiency class of an apartment building specified in the design documentation (if such a class was indicated in the design documentation, if any).

32. In the case specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, the person managing the apartment building dismantles the indicator of the energy efficiency class of the apartment building from the facade of the apartment building and removes the energy efficiency class label from the information stands.

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The energy characteristics of buildings established by Order No. 262 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “On the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures”, at first glance, are less effective compared to their European counterparts. However, a simple comparison of values ​​is incorrect due to different climatic and standardized living conditions. The article provides a comparative analysis of the energy efficiency requirements for buildings in Denmark and Russia and proposes consistency in the implementation of these requirements for the Russian Federation.

Consistency in meeting the requirements for increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings

Physical and mechanical characteristics of produced autoclaved aerated concrete

A comparison of the actual heat consumption of buildings (as measured by heat meters) with the required one (according to the energy passports of these buildings) revealed that the heat loss of new residential buildings starting in 2000 and after a comprehensive overhaul should have been reduced by more than 2 times due to their insulation, replacing windows with energy efficient ones and installing thermostats on heating devices.

In fact, the reduction in heat consumption for heating amounted to only 1/3 of the potential savings due to insulation of buildings, the remaining 2/3 are thrown onto the street in the literal and figurative sense due to the overestimated thermal performance of the heating system for the reasons specified in, and due to incorrect setting thermostats. Moreover, it also shows measurements of air temperatures in apartments of overheated houses at the level of 23–25 ° C, confirming that the excessive consumption of heat for heating is not due to construction defects, but to the lack of basic control over heat consumption and the lack of focus of operational services on energy saving.

It is possible to eliminate excessive heat consumption by a heating system designed with a reserve by regulating the heat supply for heating according to an adjusted temperature schedule (in the direction of decreasing it, taking into account the identified reserve of the heating system). The implementation of such a schedule is possible in the controller of an automated heating system control unit (ACU), the installation of which is part of the complex overhaul of residential buildings, or ITP in new construction houses where they are installed.

Taking into account the identified reserve in the heating system, which is determined by the ratio of the design calculated heat consumption for heating and ventilation Q r pr (from the “HV” section) to the required Q r tr (from the energy passport K zap = Q r pr /Q r tr), the calculated values ​​of coolant temperatures in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system must be recalculated:

t 1tr = t in r + 0.5 (t 1 r - t 2 r)(Q - 0 /K zap) + [(t 1 r + t 2 r) / 2 - t in r ](Q - 0 / K set) 1 / (1 + m) , (1)

t 2tr = t 1tr - (t 1 r - t 2 r)(Q - 0 / K zap), (2)

where t in p is the estimated air temperature in the room (taking ttemp for calculating graphs according to SNiP 41-02–2003 “Heating networks” equal to 18 ° C);

t 1 p , t 2 p – design temperature, respectively, in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system, °C;

Q - 0 – relative consumption of thermal energy for heating, representing the ratio of the required consumption of thermal energy for heating, determined at the current outdoor temperature t n and calculated for heating design t n r;

m – exponent in the formula for determining the heat transfer coefficient of heating devices; as a rule, it is taken equal to 0.25.

To set the value of the required coolant temperature, at the calculated outside temperature (t n p), it is necessary to substitute Q - 0 = 1. The calculations performed show that, for example, when the heating surface of heating devices is overestimated by 20%, the calculated parameters of the coolant circulating in the heating system , should be 84–63 °C instead of 95–70 °C in a system without reserve.

But not only the design parameters of the coolant should be revised, but also their change depending on the outside air temperature.

It should be taken into account that with an increase in outside temperature, the share of household heat emissions in the heat balance of a residential building increases, due to which it is possible to reduce the heat supply for heating. Zero heat consumption for heating will no longer be at t n = 18–20 °C, as is customary when constructing standard control schedules, but, as calculations show, in houses without insulation at t n = 15 °C and in insulated houses at t n = 12 °C. The dependence of the relative heat consumption for heating on the current outside temperature in formulas (1) and (2) is found from the following equation:

Q - o = [(Q o p + Q in)(t in - t n) / (t in - t n r) - Q in ] / Q o p =
= (1 + Q in / Q o r)(t in - t n) / (t in - t n r) - Q in / Q o r, (3)

where Q o r – calculated heat consumption for heating at t n r, Gcal;

Q int – household heat emissions taken into account when determining Q o r, Gcal.

The test results on one of the residential buildings of series II-18-01/12, where the proposed schedule was implemented when setting up the ACU controller, are given in Table. 2. As a result, heat savings on heating were achieved by 45% compared to the same house before a comprehensive overhaul and with similar houses in which insulation was not performed.

In similar houses where major renovations were carried out, ACUs were installed, but the controller was configured to maintain the design schedule of 95–70 °C with zero heat consumption at t n = 18 °C, the excess heat consumption compared to the mode proposed above was 28% ( see table 2).

The data presented indicate that in order to increase the energy efficiency of existing buildings built after 1979 (see the table and graphs demonstrating the excess of the design heat consumption for heating over that required by the energy passport in), it is necessary to install an automated heating system control unit, setting the controller to proposed operating mode with adjustment of the calculated parameters of the coolant (taking into account the reserve in the heating system) and the heat supply schedule (taking into account the increasing share of household heat emissions in the heat balance of the house with an increase in the outside air temperature).

Houses built before 1980 are included in the comprehensive overhaul program, which includes the installation of an automatic control unit.

If we minimize the costs of ACU in accordance with the recommendations of the “Code of Rules for the Design of Heating Points” (SP 41-101–95), excluding from the Standard Album of calculation and linking of ACU developed by the State Unitary Enterprise “MoszhilNIIproekt”:

  • backup circulation pump;
  • unnecessary imported hydraulic regulators;
  • high-temperature drainage pump (50 times the cost of the generally accepted portable pump "Gnome");
  • expensive measures to reduce noise and vibration levels from the operation of pumping equipment 2,

then the ACU device will pay for itself in the first year of operation. But projects for linking the ACU must be supplemented by calculating the specific temperature schedule for heating heat supply required for each series of houses and adjusting the pump speed depending on the deviation of the return water temperature from the calculated schedule.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that at present in Moscow there is no program for installing automatic control units in existing housing stock buildings. Also not being implemented is the “Comprehensive modernization of heat and water supply to buildings with the installation of automated individual heating points (IHP) and the elimination of central heating points”, included as the main event of the City Target Program “Energy Saving in Moscow for 2009–2011 and for the future until 2020” , adopted by Moscow Government Decree No. 1012-PP of October 28, 2008. And these are exactly the measures that are repeated in Order No. 262, as allowing to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and structures at the first stage of implementation, and it is advisable, if possible, to carry them out together so as not to cut the same pipelines twice.

This is confirmed by the data presented in Table 1. 2 results of full-scale tests. From the table 2 it follows that, on average, for eight houses in October–April 2009–2010 (212 days), heat consumption for hot water supply amounted to 254.6 Gcal, or per day Q hw = 254.6 / 212 = 1.201 Gcal/day, and water consumption is 104 l/person. on the average day of the heating season. From here it is possible to establish the actual value of the coefficient taking into account heat loss by pipelines of hot water supply systems from formula (1) adj. 2 in :

β hl = Q hw 10 6 / [(t h - t c) a n c]-1 = 1.201 10 6 / [(55-5) 104 160 1]-1 = 0.444,

where t h, t c are, respectively, the average temperature of hot water at the points of water supply, t h = 55 °C, and cold water during the heating period, t c = 5 °C;
a – level of average daily water consumption per person, a = 104 l/day. (from Table 2);
n – number of residents in the house, n = 160 people. (from Table 2);
c – heat capacity of water, 1 kcal/(kg °C).

Pipeline heat loss coefficient obtained from actual heat consumption

β hl = 0.444 turned out to be higher than recommended in the table. 1 adj. 2 V for hot water supply systems with heated towel rails and non-insulated risers connected to the central heating station, β hl rec. = 0.35, and was caused by an overestimated circulation volume - the actual circulation exceeded the average daily water withdrawal by 7–10 times, while according to calculations it should be approximately equal to it.

The transfer of hot water supply water heaters to the ITP of buildings will sharply reduce heat loss through hot water supply pipelines by eliminating intra-block networks and reducing excess circulation by bringing the water heating unit closer to the place of its consumption. According to table. 1 adj. 2 in, coefficient of heat loss by pipelines of a hot water supply system with insulated risers connected to the ITP, β hl rec. = 0.2. Then, at the same water consumption, 104 l/person. days The heat consumption of the house for hot water supply will be per day of the heating period:

Q hw = 104 160 (1 + 0.2) (55 - 5) 1 10 -6 = 0.998 Gcal/day.

Specific consumption of thermal energy for hot water supply at β hl = 0.44 and β hl = 0.2 (from formulas (5.13 and 5.14) in) taking into account turning off the system for repairs for 14 days. per year (351 working days), the duration of the heating period is 214 days, the coefficient of reduction in the level of water withdrawal in the summer is 0.8, the cold water temperature in the summer is 15 ° C and the area of ​​​​the apartments of the house

And h = 3,618 m2, accordingly, will be:

The reduction in heat losses will be: (122.7 - 99.4) 100 / 122.7 = 19%, and the specific heat consumption range required since 2011 according to Order No. 262 will be achieved.

Many people have high hopes for achieving energy savings when residents are given control and ability to manage energy consumption for heating. In pursuance of this task, the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency...” sets the goal of equipping apartment buildings commissioned from January 1, 2012 with individual meters for the used thermal energy.

The solution to this problem is possible:

  • installation of apartment heating systems in houses with horizontal wiring and connection to two-pipe vertical risers with measurement of consumed heat energy consumption using an individual heat meter;
  • maintaining vertically single-pipe (in standard series houses) or two-pipe heating systems with a common house heat meter at the input of the heating system and heat meters on each heating device, which serve to distribute the thermal energy consumption measured by the common house heat meter among apartments depending on the readings of these meters, which are not commercial devices .

In both solutions, heat control is transferred to thermostats installed on each heating device. However, as shown in, in practice thermostats do not cope with the energy saving function - they do not reduce heat consumption for heating when buildings overheat.

This is due to the fact that thermostatic heads are installed in the heating system with a maximum temperature setting limit of 26 °C. This means that when the valve is fully opened (and the mentality of the Russian resident turned out to be such that he does not look for intermediate positions, especially since thermostats are not digitized by temperature degrees), it will not automatically close until the room temperature exceeds 26 ° C. Naturally, even the most heat-loving residents perceive this temperature as excessive and open the windows, releasing the heat to the street.

Moreover, in the house under study, not only thermostats were installed, but also the heat meters mentioned above on each heating device, and the residents were trained in the correct handling of this equipment, but a positive effect has not yet been achieved.

Since there is a goal to achieve real energy savings while ensuring comfortable living conditions for residents in heated premises, it is necessary to set a limit on the opening of the thermostat so that the air temperature in the controlled room does not exceed 20–22 ° C, the optimal comfortable range according to GOST 30494–96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters." The range is called optimal, because it causes a feeling of comfort in the cold season in at least 80% of people, and the rest can increase comfort individually, for example, by dressing warmer.

But before implementing these solutions, it is necessary to confirm under natural conditions the effectiveness of such individual apartment (or instrument) metering of heat consumption for heating.


  1. Seppanen O. New requirements for the energy characteristics of buildings in Europe / O. Seppanen // Energy saving. – 2009. – No. 3.
  2. Livchak V. I. Should the level of thermal protection of buildings be increased? Answer: “yes” / V. I. Livchak // ABOK. – 2009. – No. 7.
  3. Livchak V. I. Actual heat consumption of buildings as an indicator of the quality and reliability of design / V. I. Livchak // ABOK. – 2009. – No. 2.
  4. Livchak V. I. On the calculation of heating systems, energy saving and air temperature in heated rooms of a residential building / V. I. Livchak // ABOK. – 2010. – No. 2.
  5. Livchak V.I. Thermal imaging inspection cannot replace thermal testing of buildings / V.I. Livchak // Energy saving. – 2006. – No. 5.
  6. Livchak V. I. The real way to increase energy efficiency by insulating buildings / V. I. Livchak // ABOK. – 2010. – No. 3.
  7. Design of heating points: SP 41-101–95. – M: Ministry of Construction of Russia, 1997.
  8. Energy saving in buildings. Standards for thermal protection and heat and water power supply: MGSN 2.01–99. – M.: State Unitary Enterprise “NIAC”, 1999.

1 Livchak V. I. On the requirements for energy efficiency of buildings from order No. 262 of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia / V. I. Livchak // Energy saving. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 10-14


1. Abbreviations used:

ITP - individual heating point;

DHW - hot water supply;

Cold water supply - cold water supply;

MA - the person managing the apartment building or the owners of the premises of the apartment building (in the case of direct management of the apartment building);

ESO - energy service organization or company;

PO is a contracting organization specializing in the specified field of activity.

2. In accordance with Part 5 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 48, Art. 5711; 2010, No. 19, Art. 2291; No. 31, Art. 4160, 4206; 2011, No. 29, Art. 4288, 4291; No. 30, Art. 4590 ; No. 49, Art. 7061; No. 50, Art. 7344, 7359; No. 51, Art. 7447; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446; No. 29, Art. 3989; No. 53, Art. 7595; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1652; No. 23, Art. 2871; No. 27, Art. 3477; No. 52, Art. 6961, 6964, 6966; 2014, No. 40, Art. 5322; No. 45, Art. 6149, 6154; 2015 , No. 1, Art. 19; No. 27, Art. 3967; No. 29, Art. 4359; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4202) The list of activities should contain an indication of:

1) the optionality of such events for their implementation by persons to whom this list of events is addressed;

2) the possibility of this organization carrying out certain events from among the events specified in this list at the expense of funds taken into account when establishing regulated prices (tariffs) for its goods and services, as well as at the expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building, including on the basis of energy service agreement (contract), and the projected cost of such individual events;

3) possible performers of the events specified in this list of events and not carried out by this organization, determined on the basis of publicly available sources.

3. The cost estimate for the implementation of the event is indicated in rubles per square meter of residential space or usable area of ​​non-residential premises and the savings obtained as a result of its implementation are indicated as a percentage for each resource and calculated individually for each apartment building depending on the architectural and planning requirements , structural characteristics of the house, the level of its engineering equipment, physical wear and tear of structural elements and engineering systems, taking into account the climatic conditions of the location.

4. The activities specified in section “I. List of main activities” are offered to owners as a matter of priority. The order of activities in each section reflects the priority of their implementation.

5. In order to achieve the maximum effect on energy saving and increase the efficiency of use of energy resources, it is recommended to propose the implementation of several measures together:

1) measures for installing ITP: 13, 21;

2) measures to modernize pipelines and fittings of engineering systems: 14, 22, 23;

3) measures for thermal insulation of pipelines and fittings of engineering systems: 15 - 17;

Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: After the energy crisis of the 70s, many European countries began to think about the environmental problems of the modern world. They replaced the uncontrolled consumption of natural resources and energy with the development of environmental projects.

After the energy crisis of the 70s, many European countries began to think about the environmental problems of the modern world. Uncontrolled consumption of natural resources
and energy, they replaced the development of environmental projects.

Countries changed both externally - they signed international agreements (for example, the Kyoto Protocol) and internally - they saved public energy resources and tightened requirements for commercial and municipal facilities.

But if they were able to influence the owners of buildings of this type quite simply, then the problems of energy consumption of private buildings are still being solved. To heat houses and provide them with electricity, many states spend 40% of the country's total energy resources.

At the same time, according to experts, in Russia this figure can be reduced by the same 40%, since now domestic houses have very low energy efficiency. How to influence this indicator?

Energy saving in Russia. Government influence

The struggle for energy conservation in Russia began in the 2000s. One of the first documents regulating this area was SNiP “Thermal Protection of Buildings”, issued in 2003
and designed to improve the energy efficiency of domestic homes.

Without the necessary economic incentive, building codes and regulations did not give full results and in 2009 they were reinforced by the federal law “On Energy Saving”
and increasing energy efficiency."

According to the document, all buildings commissioned or in operation must meet energy efficiency requirements and have energy metering devices. Special organizations that have received the right to conduct energy audits have been assigned to check the energy efficiency of buildings.

The state has taken upon itself the responsibility to support energy efficient projects and assist in the construction of apartment buildings with a high energy efficiency class. However, these rules and, accordingly, government support do not apply to the private sector.

Chapter eleven of the federal law states that individual housing construction projects (detached residential buildings intended for single-family residences with a height of no more than three floors), country houses and garden houses are not subject to energy efficiency requirements.

The 2010 state program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency for the period until 2020” affected the electric power industry, heat supply, industry, transport, government institutions and housing stock.

As part of the program, they plan to decommission old inefficient equipment
and installations, introduce innovative technologies and use advanced devices
in the process of new construction and modernization.

Among the measures to improve the energy efficiency of the housing stock: installation of hot water, heat and gas meters, insulation of apartments, replacement of old refrigerators and washing machines.

Also, as part of the program, they plan to install fluorescent lamps and LEDs
in “apartment lighting systems”. By 2020 their share should be 83%.

These measures will help save 330 billion cubic meters. meters of gas, electricity - 630 billion kWh, heat - 1550 million Gcal, oil products - 17 million tons. I am implementing the program in two stages: the first – 2010-2015, the second – 2016-2020.

Passive houses and energy saving in European countries

In Europe, a solution to the issue of energy efficiency in houses was found quite a long time ago. And this is predictable, since the motivation of residents of European countries is much stronger: if in Russia, according to RIA Rating, the cost of kWh in rubles is 2.9, then in Germany it is 7.5 times more - 21.9.

The level of energy consumption of houses in Europe is reduced using “passive house” technologies. Passive houses, or as they are also called “energy-saving” and “eco-houses”, are especially popular in Germany, and are also found in France and Sweden.

They differ from their standard “colleagues” in their low energy consumption. Most of the necessary resources are obtained from natural factors. For example, windows are positioned so that natural light enters the house as long as possible, and artificial light has to be used less often.

Warmth in the home is maintained through good thermal insulation of walls and windows, trying to minimize the use of heating devices. In especially eco-friendly houses, they even create reservoirs to collect rainwater.

How can you save money?

In Russia, such buildings are rare, because, as we said above, energy efficiency requirements do not apply to private houses, and there is no sufficient financial motivation.

But the experience of Germany suggests that the technologies used in passive houses really help save money. 8-10% of the total cost of housing invested in energy efficiency pays off within a few years.

Thus, having equipped a highly effective thermal insulation system for walls, ceilings, floors, and attics
and basement, you will reduce heat loss from 250-300 kW per sq.m. up to 15 kW. High-quality windows will also help retain heat.

Double-glazed windows with good thermal insulation will retain almost 70% more heat in the house than regular ones. Windows with multifunctional glass stabilize the temperature in the home not only in winter, but also in summer.

Thanks to a special coating, they will not allow bright sunlight to penetrate into the house.
and keep the room cool without using air conditioning. A heat recovery system - returning part of the materials or energy for reuse - also stabilizes the temperature in the room.

Reducing electricity consumption in private homes

Despite the fact that in energy-saving houses preference is given to natural lighting, artificial light cannot be completely abandoned. You will still have to install lamps in the house, because energy saving in Russia must be organized taking into account natural factors. For example, do not forget that in winter it gets dark outside early.

It is important not only to place the lamps, but also to ensure a sufficient level of illumination, since a lack of light will impair vision. Motion, presence and light sensors will minimize energy costs.

Motion sensors are suitable for those rooms that you enter periodically. Place your devices in your closet, hallway, or closet and don't worry about forgetting to turn off the lights. When you leave the room, the motion sensor will notice this and automatically turn off the lights.

Presence sensors have a high sensitivity zone that detects even the smallest movements. Unlike a motion sensor, a presence sensor will “see” you not only when you move around the room, but also when, for example, you flip through a book while reading.

Such devices are suitable for a study, home library or bath. For a bathroom, it is important that the sensor installed in it is suitable for wet areas and has an IP65 protection rating, like the PICO-M-1C mini occupancy sensor.

The light sensor measures the light level in the room and, if it does not meet a preset threshold, turns on additional lamps. Most often, this device is used to turn on façade and landscape lighting.

If you usually get home late, then you need a light sensor. It will solve two functional problems at once: it will turn on the lights when natural light is no longer enough, and turn them off in time in the morning.

Reducing electricity consumption in apartment buildings

It is quite difficult to increase the energy efficiency of an already built apartment building: improving the thermal insulation of walls will become a whole problem, and the ventilation system cannot be changed.

To improve the energy performance of multi-apartment housing, it is possible to automate lighting both inside apartments and in hallways. This will not only improve the energy efficiency of your home, but will also reduce your electricity consumption.

We have already talked about lighting the house as a whole and automating light in individual rooms, for example, the bedroom, so today we’ll talk about lighting automation
in the entrances.

First of all, lighting in entrances is automated on staircases. For this purpose, presence sensors with a Master&Slave connection or motion sensors are used.

Ceiling motion sensors of the PD3N series, as well as street motion sensor LC-Click-N 200, are suitable for the project.

If the house has an internal car parking, then to save energy you need to automate the lighting there too. The PD4N-1C sensor will help organize automatic parking lot lighting.

This ceiling motion sensor has a large coverage area of ​​24 meters. In parallel, you can connect several such sensors for each lighting group. A protective anti-vandal mesh can be installed on each of them.

Using the sensor, the average duration of parking illumination will be reduced by approximately
from 24 to 8 o'clock. Electricity bills will also decrease in the same ratio.

Energy efficient homes are a sound investment. You will pay more once,
and you will save energy resources for decades. published

The organization (IP) is challenging the prosecution for non-compliance with the requirements for the development and communication to the owners of premises in apartment buildings of proposals for measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency

The organization (IP) servicing the apartment building is challenging the prosecution for non-compliance with energy efficiency requirements (equipping with energy metering devices, etc.)

1. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building built, reconstructed or undergone major repairs and put into operation, as well as subject to state construction supervision, is determined by the state construction supervision body in accordance with the rules approved by the authorized federal executive body for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings, requirements to which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building being put into operation is indicated in the conclusion of the state construction supervision body on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, or majorly overhauled apartment building with energy efficiency requirements.

2. The developer is obliged to place an indicator of its energy efficiency class on the facade of an apartment building being put into operation. The owners of premises in an apartment building are obliged to ensure the proper condition of the indicator of the energy efficiency class of the apartment building and, if the energy efficiency class of the apartment building changes, ensure that this indicator is replaced. Requirements for the energy efficiency class indicator of an apartment building are established by the authorized federal executive body.

3. When carrying out state housing supervision over the compliance of an apartment building, which was assigned an energy efficiency class upon commissioning, with the energy efficiency requirements during the operation of the apartment building, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out the said supervision when checking compliance with the rules for the maintenance of common property owners of premises in an apartment building, determines the energy efficiency class of the apartment building based on the current values ​​of the indicators used to establish the compliance of the apartment building with energy efficiency requirements, and other information about the apartment building. A copy of the act of checking the compliance of an apartment building with energy efficiency requirements, indicating the energy efficiency class of the apartment building at the time of drawing up this act, must be sent to the local government body that maintains the information system for supporting urban planning activities.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. In order to increase the level of energy saving in the housing stock and its energy efficiency, the list of requirements for the maintenance of common property of premises owners in an apartment building includes requirements for carrying out energy saving measures and increasing the energy efficiency of an apartment building. In accordance with the principles established by the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation approve a list of measures to save energy and increase energy efficiency in relation to the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building, to be carried out simultaneously and (or) regularly. The person responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building, or in the direct management of an apartment building, the owners of premises in an apartment building are obliged to carry out energy saving and energy efficiency measures included in the approved list of energy saving and energy efficiency measures in relation to the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, with the exception of cases of carrying out these activities earlier and preserving the results of their implementation. Owners of premises in an apartment building are required to bear the costs of carrying out these activities. In order to reduce the costs of carrying out these activities, the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to demand from the person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building to take actions aimed at reducing the amount of energy resources used in the apartment building, and (or) the conclusion by this person of an energy service agreement (contract) , ensuring a reduction in the volume of energy resources used in an apartment building.

5. An organization that supplies energy resources to an apartment building on the basis of a public contract is regularly (at least once a year) obliged to propose a list of measures for an apartment building, a group of apartment buildings, both in relation to the common property of the owners of premises in the apartment building, and in in relation to premises in an apartment building, the implementation of which contributes to a greater extent to the energy saving of energy resources supplied by this organization to the apartment building and to increasing the energy efficiency of their use. This list of activities should contain an indication of:

1) the optionality of such events for their implementation by persons to whom this list of events is addressed;

2) the possibility of this organization carrying out certain events from among the events specified in this list at the expense of funds taken into account when establishing regulated prices (tariffs) for its goods and services, as well as at the expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building, including on the basis of energy service agreement (contract), and the projected cost of such individual events;

3) possible performers of the events specified in this list of events and not carried out by this organization, determined on the basis of publicly available sources.

6. The list of activities must be brought to the attention of the owners of premises in an apartment building, the person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building, by the organization that supplies and sells energy resources, by posting information in the entrances of the apartment building and (or) other premises related to common property owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as in other ways at the discretion of this organization. The approximate form of the list of such events is approved by the authorized federal executive body.

7. The person responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building is regularly (at least once a year) obliged to develop and bring to the attention of the owners of premises in the apartment building proposals on energy saving and energy efficiency measures that can be carried out in the apartment building, indicating expenses for their implementation, the amount of expected reduction in energy resources used and the payback period of the proposed measures.

8. During the heating season, the person responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building is obliged to take actions aimed at regulating the consumption of thermal energy in an apartment building in order to save it, if such regulation is technically possible and subject to compliance with thermal and hydraulic conditions, as well as quality requirements utilities, sanitary standards and regulations. If calculations for the thermal energy consumed in an apartment building are carried out taking into account the magnitude of the heat load, the person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building is obliged to determine the amount of heat load in compliance with the established requirements for the quality of utilities, sanitary norms and rules and take other actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to optimize the expenses of owners of premises in an apartment building for payment of thermal energy. The person responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building is obliged to bring to the attention of the owners of premises in the apartment building information about the actions carried out in accordance with the requirements of this part or about the impossibility of carrying them out for technological reasons.

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