Good luck potion recipe. "Felix Felicis" is a potion that brings good luck. How to make a miracle drink

If you are constantly haunted by failures, bad luck and, in general, thirty-three misfortunes, then you have come to the right place. With the help of this article, you will be able to prepare “Felix Felicis” - a complex drink that brings good luck to the person who drinks it.

The creator of the drink, Sigmund Budge, believes that “Liquid Luck” is his greatest creation. When used, there may be side effects- self-confidence and dizziness.


With the help of the Half-Blood Prince's textbook, Harry Potter managed to prepare the best in class Potion of Living Death and won a small bottle of Felix Felicis Potion from Professor Slughorn. In 1996, Potter pretended to pour some good luck potion into his friend Ron Weasley's drink at breakfast before an exciting Quidditch match. The “placebo effect” worked for the guy, and he performed great at the game. And only later it turned out that all the credit belonged to Ron himself.

Potion effect

But Harry Potter really used “Felix Felicis” to find out what Professor Slughorn was talking about with the young Lord Voldemort. Potter shared the remaining potion with his friends on the eve of the battle with the Death Eaters, when they attacked the school of magic.

While the Luck Potion was in effect, Harry felt confident and had endless possibilities. Hermione Granger warned her friends not to place high hopes on the drink, because it would not protect the person who drank it from powerful spells. The girl, as always, was right - the drink of luck did not help them see more clearly in the dark when Malfoy Jr. used the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder to help the Death Eaters sneak into the school.

So, we learned about the use of Felix Felicis, now let’s move on to its manufacture.


The Felix Felicis recipe is not tested in practice, but is learned only in theory, because the composition is considered the most difficult to prepare. The duration of the process is 8 hours, 15 days and 5 months.

So, we will need:

  • spring rain - 5 glasses;
  • boomslang venom (a very poisonous snake);
  • claw of a magical creature - a hippogriff;
  • Egyptian amphora mucus;
  • 6 moonstones (these magical artifacts can dissolve in boomslang poison and spring rain, forming an emulsion);
  • 3 elf eggs;
  • 2 fruits of southern bruise (blue flower);
  • the core of a unicorn horn;
  • 1 spoon of mist (pink, gray or blue, collected near a stream at sunset);
  • fruits of korpotka (tree-like marsh plant) - 8 pieces;
  • anthropogora fruit (a small shrub with purple fruits) - 1 piece;
  • at least a pint of the Potion of Happiness.


To prepare a unique magic potion you will need a golden cauldron. The potion maker should stock up on great patience, as the process is long and quite labor-intensive.

  • Pour the prepared amount of spring rain into a vessel and boil over low heat for half a day. Then we throw moonstones into the cauldron - first 3 pieces, a day later - the remaining 3.
  • After two days, pour out at least a pint of boomslang poison and continue cooking for another week.
  • We break the elf eggs and mix their contents with the crushed korpotka fruits. Keep the mixture in a separate vessel on fire.
  • We evaporate the fruit of Anthropogora with one pint of “Liquid Happiness” for about two weeks. Let's combine all the mixtures we have made. We keep the finished mass in an Egyptian amphora for one month. Do not forget that the cauldron with the brew must constantly boil (if necessary, you can add licorice buds so that the water does not leak out).
  • The mass that we obtained as a result of mixing the two compositions is poured into the main liquid and cooked for one month.
  • We cut the seeds of the southern blue into pieces, pass the crushed product through an alchemical converter and at the output we get a viscous substance. Pour it into the cauldron and continue cooking for another month.
  • We grind the unicorn horn with the hippogriff claw, dry it for a week under sun rays and get a powdery composition. It also needs to be poured into the cauldron. For five days, stir the drink every 3 hours and boil until it turns platinum in color.
  • If after five months and fifteen days the potion begins to release rainbow bubbles and gurgle, then we move on to the last stage of preparing the good luck potion.
  • Pour one tablespoon of fog into the cauldron and remove from heat. The potion should become crusty. We remove it with a knife made of silver. Gradually the drink will acquire a golden color. Let's pour good luck into bubbles.

“Felix Felicis” cannot be used constantly, because it is too toxic, and its frequent use leads to strong self-confidence and dizziness, which dulls the sense of self-preservation. The dose of the potion is calculated depending on the weight of the drinker and the period for which he wants to stock up on luck.

What have you heard about the potion that brings good luck? It's called Felix Felicis. What is it, who created it and what is the recipe for the magical drink? Read about all this in the article.

Luck Potion

This is a liquid the color of molten gold, a magical drink that brings good luck in all matters to those who drink it. It does not work on Muggles (those who do not have magical powers). The dosage depends on the weight of the magician and the time during which luck is needed. The approximate dose for a drinker weighing 50 kg and the drink lasting 10 hours is 1 sip.

Healers warn that this potion should not be drunk frequently, as it dulls the sense of self-preservation and gradually poisons the body.

Felix Felicis has an extremely complex recipe and manufacturing procedure. An incorrectly brewed drink is pure poison for which there is no antidote.

“Felix Felicis” is prohibited from being used in any sports competitions (like doping among Muggles), in exams and elections.

Who invented it

JK Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter book series. This is a story about a boy wizard, his friends and the adventures they experienced. She came up with "Felix Felicis". The first time “liquid luck” appears is in chapter 9 of the book “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” Potions teacher Slughorn tells the reader in detail about the miracle drink.

In the magical world, the “recipe for luck” was invented by the sorcerer Zygmunt Budge, who was proud of his creation and called it the best potion of all time.


After Harry Potter received a vial of "liquid luck" from Professor Slughorn as a reward for a perfectly brewed "drink of living death", Felix Felicis was used several times.

  • Harry pretended to pour a magic drink into pumpkin juice his friend Ron to give him confidence in his first Quidditch game.
  • Harry drank some of the potion on the day of Aragog's spider funeral. The dose was enough to elicit from Professor Slughorn the hidden memories of his conversation with Riddle about the Horcruxes.
  • The rest of the "luck" was drunk by Ron, Hermione and Ginny before the battle with the Death Eaters, who had tricked their way into Hogwarts school.

The book describes how the characters felt and behaved after taking the Felix Felicis potion. A sense of limitless possibilities slowly but surely crept into them; previously difficult tasks now seemed like a couple of trifles; they were filled to the extreme with self-confidence.

How to make a miracle drink

How to cook Felix Felicis? The recipe for “liquid luck” is very complex. The preparation steps are described below.

  • Pour 1 liter of water collected during the first spring rain into a gold cauldron and simmer over low heat for 12 hours.
  • Add 6 crushed moonstones. Stones are added one at a time at intervals of 1 hour.
  • After a day, very carefully pour in the boomslang poison. Leave to simmer over very low heat for a week.
  • Beat 3 elven eggs and add the mucus of 1 Egyptian amphora. Mix thoroughly so that the potion does not thicken.
  • On the 20th day of preparation, thoroughly chop the magic plants and add the powder to the cauldron.
  • Grind the unicorn horn and hippogriff claw. Add to the cauldron.

Stir the potion clockwise every 2 hours for 5 days. If everything is done correctly, then at this stage the drink will acquire a silver color. You need to leave it to steep for 5 months. When the time runs out, the “luck” will start to bubble up a lot. Add a spoonful of mist. Ready! A properly brewed Felix Felicis potion will be golden in color.

Verbovaya Olga

Luck Potion

One day a woodcutter went into the forest to buy firewood. Suddenly he sees that a fallen tree has crushed the hare’s paw.

Save me, a kind person! - asks the hare in a human voice. - I am the hare king, I will fulfill your wish.

The woodcutter marveled, took up his ax, cut down the tree and freed the hare.

Thank you, kind man! Now ask for what you want.

The woodcutter thought for a moment, then answered:

I always want to be successful in everything, so that whatever I have in mind will certainly come true.

“Okay, have it your way,” answered the hare.

He immediately called out to his entourage, and soon hares appeared in the thicket of the forest.

What do you need, Your Majesty?

Run and bring the good luck potion. Whoever brings it first will receive a generous reward from me.

As soon as he said this, the hares ran away in all directions. A few minutes later one of them came running, carrying in his mouth a bottle with a purple liquid inside.

“Here’s a good luck potion for you,” said the hare king. - Take a sip every morning - and you will be lucky in everything.

Thank you, king of the hares, but the bottle is so small - the potion will only last me a week.

Don't worry about it. As soon as you drink the potion to the bottom, the bottle will be filled again.

Thank you, King of the Hare! I will never forget!

To celebrate, the woodcutter grabbed the gift and almost ran home. There he quickly opened it and took a sip. At first nothing changed. Only the potion left a sickly sweet taste.

The woodcutter was just about to sigh in disappointment when the owner of the house appeared. And the poor guy again had nothing to pay him with.

However, as soon as the owner entered the hallway, his gaze suddenly softened:

I came to you to demand payment, but I see that you are already in poverty. Well, I won’t take the last one away from you - you’ll pay it back when you can.

And he left, leaving the woodcutter in complete bewilderment. Still would! Last time the owner shouted, threatened to drive him away if there was no money, and suddenly such unexpected nobility. Apparently the potion is working.

From then on, the woodcutter began to drink a sip of the wonderful potion every morning. And his affairs were becoming more and more successful day by day. And money appeared not only to pay for housing, but also to live comfortably and well-fed. However, our hero was in no hurry to pay the owner - he easily forgave him all his debts. And not only he - people who could be useful to the woodcutter in some way, with great joy, now did everything they could for him, without demanding anything in return. The first rich man in the village, who wanted a profitable groom for his only daughter and refused many young men in love with the girl, willingly married her off to a woodcutter.

At first, our hero was happy that he had such luck. However, little by little he began to take his luck for granted. He forgot his friends very quickly - why should a rich man know something like that? The farm laborers forced them to work for two people, and paid them mere pennies, and even those reluctantly, as if they were giving alms. He shamelessly seduced pretty governesses, leaving them, disgraced, with illegitimate children, either to throw themselves into the pools or to be thrown around the world begging. And soon he got tired of his wife. He found another sweetheart, younger and more beautiful, and kicked his legitimate wife out of the house: go wherever you want, they say, and live as you please.

A poor woman walks through the forest wherever her eyes look - and suddenly a hare meets her.

What are you sad about, old lady, and where are you going? - he asks her.

Oh, hare, how can I not be sad when my dear husband drove me away from home. My father has already died a long time ago - there is no one to stand up for me, the unfortunate one. And I have nowhere to go.

Who is your husband?

When I married him, he was a woodcutter. And now he is the first rich man in the area.

“Let his luck pass to you, old lady,” said the hare.

Meanwhile, our hero finished the last sip of the potion. The next morning I grabbed the bottle and couldn’t believe my eyes - it was completely empty. No matter how much he shook it, no matter how much he hit it with his palms, everything was in vain - the treasured potion did not want to appear.

The disgruntled woodcutter rushed headlong into the forest and began calling to the hare king. Finally, the king appeared before him:

What do you want?

You lied to me! - the woodcutter shouted. - You promised that the bottle would be filled again and again, but it is empty! You took my luck!

“Alas,” answered the hare king. - Luck has not made you cleaner or kinder. On the contrary, you have become arrogant and hardened your heart. That’s why I took it away from you and gave it to the one who needed it most - your wife, whom you put out of the door without pity. So goodbye, unkind man! From now on, luck has turned away from you!

Having said this, he galloped away, only his heels sparkling. Cursing the hare king and his entire family to the seventh generation, the woodcutter wandered home. As soon as I got there, lo and behold, the house was on fire. And the servants stand near them, watching the flames rage with all their might.

What are you staring at, you idiots? - the woodcutter shouted at them. - Save the good, it will burn!

But no one wants to meddle in the fire to save the property of the owner. In vain the woodcutter shouted, swore, and promised a reward, and threatened to pay the price - no one budged. So all his property burned to the ground.

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