How to sprout pumpkin seeds for food. Germination of pumpkin seeds. Limitations of the free version of stores

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How to prepare pumpkin seeds for planting

​Mrs. Lyudmila, what a “delicious” photo of salads. Very decorative, and at the same time they look appetizing. Their curly and purple shapes are so pleasing to the eye and figure!​

  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​

​Large seeds of pumpkin, peas, corn, and beans are best germinated in washed, dried and well-sifted sand, which should be evenly and constantly moistened. Place them at a depth of 2-3 cm.

​If you use ordinary room conditions to grow seedlings, then you need to place the germinated seeds in bright light, preferably on the windowsills of windows facing south. If possible, then things will go even faster if you use special greenhouses, greenhouses or nurseries.​

​Most of us know about the benefits of pumpkin. But not everyone likes to eat it, despite the fact that it is simply a storehouse of vitamins!​

  • ​cucumbers, radishes and cabbage are needed on the fourth day;​
  • ​I didn’t know about watermelon: “Retention of germination*: 6-8 years.” What a “long-lasting” one, however. It's a pity it doesn't grow here - it's too cold for it. And it’s so relevant, just as everyone sat down to sort out the seeds, what’s left and what to buy for spring.​

Growing seedlings

  1. ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  2. ​Term for determining germination: 10 days.​

​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​

​To calculate seed germination, the number of seedlings should be recalculated per 100 sown specimens. If germination does not exceed 50%, it is necessary to sow 2-3 times more densely. If the germination rate is below 10%, it is not advisable to plant seeds.​

  • Since pumpkin does not tolerate transplantation well, it is better to immediately plant the germinated seeds in peat-humus pots. The suitable size for pumpkin seeds in such pots is 10x10x10 cm.​
  • ​The article will be addressed to those who love pumpkin very much or just want to join a healthy diet by starting to grow it in their garden plot.​
  • ​onions, beets, spinach, sorrel - on the fifth day;​

Watering and fertilizing

​Lyudmila, I have the Purslane PARADOX salad, the package says that it needs to be planted in May, but I can’t wait to plant it and eat it! Tell me if I should wait or plant it anyway. Daylight hours are now increasing.​

​Retention of germination: 2-5 years.​

​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​

Seed sorting

​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd, 3rd ten days of April and 3rd ten days of May (until June 10).​

Germination of seeds

Germination in sand

​On the eve of the sowing season, which in the southern regions will begin with the calendar spring next month - March, today we are already taking out bags with our collected and purchased seeds, checking the date of collecting the seeds (what year the harvest is) or the date by which the suitability of the seeds for sowing is indicated . The information below on maintaining seed germination will help you decide whether to throw out expired seeds.​

Calculation of germination

​You can make pots out of paper and fill them with soil inside. It will then be convenient to remove seedlings from such pots without damaging the roots.​

Storage and sowing periods, conditions for germination of vegetable seeds

​Many gardeners leave the seeds of eaten pumpkin for sowing in order to grow seedlings from them, and then get fruits in the garden. You can also buy seeds of various varieties of pumpkin at specialized gardening centers.​
​dill, carrots - on the sixth day;​
​Natalia, I just saw your question. Sorry for answering this so late. Purslane seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March. Since they are very small, they are not sealed. Picked, strengthened and hardened seedlings are planted in open ground only after the threat of return spring frosts has passed (it is not resistant to them). Purslane needs regular watering, especially in hot and dry summers, but it cannot tolerate stagnant water!​
​Germination temperature: 10-12°C​


  • ​Term for determining germination: 10 days.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 2-3 years.​


  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st ten days of May.​
  • ​Seeds without dates, but of your favorite varieties, which you will regret throwing in the trash, are checked for retention of germination by soaking in water and germination. We place the soaked seeds in one layer on a damp gauze on a saucer and cover them with damp gauze (to create a wet chamber). Previously, this was conveniently done in Petri dishes using blotting paper. At the same time, we maintain a certain temperature regime.
  • ​If you prefer to use seed boxes for growing seedlings, then before filling them with peat soil, add a layer of sawdust about 4 cm thick to the bottom.
  • In any case, before planting the seeds of this plant, you need to sort them. The largest seeds are selected, and the thin and small ones are sent to rejects.​


  • ​tomatoes - on the sixth day;​
  • ​Lyudmila, thank you. A very necessary thing. Tell me: pumpkins, zucchini, seeds were collected in 2014 (last year), when is the optimal time to plant them (peak germination). They advise that optimally after a year. Is it advisable to plant them this (next season). Did I understand correctly that their relevance will remain until 2020))​


  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd ten days of April and 1st ten days of May.​
  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd, 3rd decade of April.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 4-5 years.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 1-2 years.​


  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​It is no longer worth waiting for sprouted seeds for more than the period given below to determine germination.​


  • ​Planting pumpkin seeds, previously germinated in damp cloth, is recommended approximately 20-22 days before the planned transplantation of seedlings into the ground. During this time, the seedlings usually have time to grow stronger.
  • ​Pumpkin seeds are most often not planted directly into the soil or into a special peat tablet. It is recommended to first devote several days to germinating seeds, which can then be planted.​
  • ​celery and parsley - on the eighth day.​
  • ​Therefore, it is very important for every gardener to use only those tested for​

Zucchini, pumpkin

  • ​Retention of germination: 5-6 years.​
  • ​Photo used from the presentation of Ales Jezdinsky​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​


  • ​Term for determining germination: 7 days.​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 6 days.​
  • ​Data on the timing of sowing (planting) seeds of the main vegetable crops, given below for central Russia, will help you create a schedule for your personal sowing.​
  • To make the seedlings strong, you need to follow some recommendations:

Sweet corn

  • ​To soak, the seeds can be placed in warm water (with a temperature of about 50 degrees) for a couple of hours, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a warm place. The seeds should be kept in this state until they peck, keeping the fabric moist at all times.
  • ​To calculate the level of seed germination, you should count the number of sprouts on a certain day after laying out for germination. The total number of seeds is 100%, the number of sprouts is considered the germination level, the remainder is empty and too weak embryos. For example, if 20 seeds were germinated and 10 sprouts appeared, then the germination level is 50%, which means that when planting, the seed should be sown more densely, which increases their consumption.​
  • ​seed germination​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​


  • ​Retention of germination: 4-5 years.​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 7 days.​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 14 days.​


  • ​Retention of germination*: 6-8 years.​
  • ​In the first couple of days, you will need to provide the crops with a temperature of +18-25 degrees during the day, and at night lower it to +15-18 degrees.​
  • ​Soaking the seeds is necessary in order to:​


  • ​If about 10% of sprouts appear, then it is better not to use these seeds, since the costs will be high and the harvest will be minimal.​
  • ​. It is necessary to check the seeds for germination in advance so that by the time of sowing everything is ready for planting.​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 7 days.​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd, 3rd ten days of April and 1st, 2nd ten days of May.​


  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd decade of April.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 3-4 years.​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​


  • ​When the shoots appear, you will need to monitor the temperature again: for the first six days, during the day it should be at +15-18 degrees, and at night +12-13 degrees. This is necessary so that the seedlings do not stretch.
  • ​Their germination occurred faster;​
  • ​If you have something to add, please be sure to leave your comment​
  • ​To begin with, all seeds must be carefully sorted from empty specimens. You need to select seeds of pumpkin, melon, zucchini, beets, and cucumbers in a container with plain water. The seeds should be poured into the water and mixed in a circular motion, but should not be shaken. Now you need to leave the container with the seeds for 10 minutes. When this time has passed, you can collect and discard all the seeds remaining on the surface, since they are empty. The seeds that have sunk to the bottom need to be pulled out and dried thoroughly, placing them on dry paper.​


  • ​Term for determining germination: 8 days.​


  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 2 days.​
  • ​After such changes in the first week and a half, you can already place the crops in a room with a temperature of +18-22 degrees. But at night it is still advisable to reduce it to +13-15 degrees.​


  • ​seeds were less susceptible to being eaten by pests, since they lose their attractive taste when soaked.​
  • ​When selecting seeds of radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, you should use a saline solution. To do this, pour 3-4 tablespoons of salt into a container of water. The seeds are poured into the solution and mixed so that each grain is soaked. Next, you need to leave the seeds to stand in the saline solution for about 10 minutes. After this, you need to collect empty seeds from the surface for discarding, and save those that have sunk to the bottom of the container. They must be rinsed from the saline solution with clean water. After all these procedures, the seeds must be dried.
  • ​Retention of germination: 2-3 years.​
​Average sowing (planting) dates: April - 3rd ten days of April and 1st ten days of May.​


  • ​Retention of germination: 4-5 years.​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 12 days.​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 8 days.​


  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates**: 1st ten days of May.​
  • ​You need to water pumpkin seedlings with a moderate amount of water, but regularly. It is better not to allow the soil to dry out. At a temperature of +18-22 degrees and optimal soil humidity, the seedlings grow strong, and if the soil is too wet, the seedlings stretch out.​
  • ​Advanced gardeners know that hatched pumpkin seeds need to be hardened off.​
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  • To check the germination of seeds, you should take a small sheet of paper, a piece of gauze, chintz or a medical bandage. The material must be divided in half and placed on a small saucer. Seeds should be evenly spread on one part of the fabric, which must first be thoroughly wetted with water. The number of seeds should be divided by 10, so it will be easy to calculate the germination level. After this, you need to cover the seeds with the second part of the material and remove the saucer to a room at room temperature. The material must be moistened with warm water for several days.​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 14 days.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 1-2 years.​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​

​Term for determining germination: 14 days.​


  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 3rd ten days of April and 1st ten days of May.​
  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd decade of May.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 3-5 years.​
  • Already seven days after the emergence of seedlings, seedlings can and should be fed with fertilizers. It is better to choose mullein solution for this. But in case of its absence, a fertilizer such as nitrophoska is suitable, which is diluted in a proportion of 15 grams per 10 liters of water.​


  • ​This is especially true for those plant varieties that grow better in the southern regions, but you want to grow them in cooler conditions.​
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  • ​Check​
  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st, 2nd decade of April.​


  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 7 days.​
  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 1st ten days of April and 1st, 2nd, 3rd ten days of May.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 2-3 years.​


  • ​Retention of germination: 6-8 years.​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​If you do everything correctly, pumpkin seedlings will have low and strong stems, internodes will be short, and by the time of planting, each plant should already have two or three well-developed dark green leaves.​


  • ​Hardening is as follows:​
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  • ​seed germination​
  • ​Retention of germination: 2-3 years.​


  • ​Term for determining germination: 14 days.​
  • ​Average sowing (planting) dates: 2nd, 3rd decade of May.​
  • ​Retention of germination: 3 years.​


  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​
  • ​Term for determining germination: 10 days.​
​When the threat of frost passes, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in the garden. They plant it in previously prepared holes, which need to be shed with warm water.

Elena, Lviv

​sprouted pumpkin seeds are left in a damp cloth for 3-5 days, placing them, for example, in a vegetable drawer at the bottom of the refrigerator;​

Natalya Sysoikina, Novosibirsk

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Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

​It is also possible using the “roll method”. To do this, you need to take a simple square-sized notebook sheet and completely moisten it with water, but it is important that it does not tear. This sheet should be carefully placed and the moistened seeds should be spread over the entire surface. Then you need to carefully roll the sheet into a roll, which is lowered into a container with warm water. The paper roll should not be completely immersed in water, but only touch it and should be kept in a dark place.​

Rus there Rus here, Moscow

​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​

Alexander, Minsk

​Average sowing (planting) dates: May.​

​Retention of germination: 4-5 years.​ ​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​​Determination period for germination, days: 10 days.​

Seed selection.

​Term for determining germination: 10 days.​

Checking seed germination.

​Determining the germination energy of seeds of various crops is the key to strong seedlings and a rich harvest. Summer residents and gardeners should check planting material for germination in advance, even at the stage of preparation for the sowing season.​

​Sprouting is carried out with a temperature difference: for approximately 8 to 10 hours a day, the temperature is maintained at +18-20 degrees, and then from 12 to 14 hours the temperature is reduced to +1-2 degrees.​​Growing cabbage... White cabbage cultivation and care . White cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables from the cabbage family in our country. In...​ ​Calculate​

​Term for determining germination: 10 days.​ ​Retention of germination: 4-5 years.​​Germination temperature: 20-30°C​

​Term for determining germination: 15 days.​

​Retention of germination: 5-6 years.​

​Checking seeds for germination begins with sorting, which, if you follow the traditional method, is carried out in liquid. Large-sized seeds (melons, cucumbers, beets, pumpkins) must be selected in clean water. And when sorting seeds of radishes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, you should use a 3-5% solution of table salt or ammonium nitrate. Pour the seeds into the liquid in small portions and mix thoroughly, but do not shake. Soak them in the solution for 10 or 15 minutes. Then remove any floating seeds. Strain the settled specimens through a cloth or sieve, rinse in water and dry, placing them in a thin layer on a sheet of paper. Seeds are usually checked a month before sowing. And if the seeds are stored in a cool, dry place, you can carry out the procedure at any time.​

Many strong medications are available only by prescription and can only be taken under strict medical supervision.

Today, on the pages of the site, I would like to talk about a natural medicine that will help us avoid many diseases and does not require prescriptions at all.

We are talking about sprouted pumpkin seeds. They contain up to 27% of the most valuable natural protein and almost 45% of fat and tender.

Pumpkin seeds contain almost the entire periodic table, and when sprouted, the benefits of the seeds and their healing effect are enhanced tenfold.

Sprouted seeds will help in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension, improve brain function and will simply be very useful for everyone.

Germinating pumpkin seeds is very similar to. To sprout, take a glass of pumpkin seeds in the shell, rinse well and place in an even layer on a plate. Fill them with water so that it covers the seeds, cover with gauze and place in a dark place.

Every 12 hours, it is advisable to rinse the seeds and fill them with fresh water. After two days, sprouts should appear. The most useful are sprouts up to 2 mm long.

Sprouted pumpkin seeds are eaten without the shell, chewing thoroughly until they form a pulp. Sprouted seeds are eaten with any dish without heat treatment or the addition of honey.

Heat treatment eliminates all the healing properties of sprouted pumpkin seeds.

Store the germinated seeds in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days and wash them daily with cold water.

It is best to eat sprouts as a separate food on an empty stomach or add them to salads.

Sprouts improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the secretion of bile. They also promote blood formation, activate heart function and reduce cholesterol levels.

Regular consumption of sprouted pumpkin seeds helps strengthen the immune system, reduces fatigue and normalizes sleep.

Potent drugs and antibiotics require parallel intake of vitamins and auxiliary medications to restore the body and reduce the negative effects of drugs.

It is enough to eat a tablespoon of sprouted pumpkin seeds a day to maintain your health at a high level and easily.

Sprouted pumpkin seeds are a universal medicine; they do not require prescriptions or any auxiliary products.

Pumpkin is an unpretentious vegetable that even a novice gardener can grow. However, in order to get strong fruits that will last a long time and retain their beneficial properties, you must follow the rules for growing and caring for pumpkin sprouts. Compliance with the recommendations when sowing and further growth of seedlings will be the key to a rich harvest.

Pumpkin sprouts do not require too much care

Features of the vegetable

Some gardeners grow pumpkin from seedlings, but this plant develops and grows better if it is immediately planted in a permanent place. It does not tolerate transplantation well and may die.

Depending on the climatic region, pumpkin seeds are planted in the spring, at the beginning or end of May. It also depends on the variety: some varieties are heat-loving, while others can tolerate short, light frosts.

Pumpkin belongs to the category of melon vegetables. It has a long main root and small root shoots, which are located half a meter higher to the surface of the earth. For such a branched root system, the fertile soil on top plays a role. Space is important for this vegetable, so the seeds are planted half a meter apart from each other.

Good predecessors for pumpkin shoots:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;

Not suitable as predecessors:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • squash.

Potatoes are an excellent predecessor for pumpkin

Soil type

Plant seeds on any land, but it is recommended to choose a fertile variety if you want to get large pumpkins. Acidic soil is supplemented with ash and lime. If the climate is cool, then sand and turf soil are added to the compost heaps before planting.

If the soil is light, then pumpkin seeds are planted one at a time directly into the ground, without forming a bed. For severe varieties, high beds are created and sowing is done there. It is recommended to plant this vegetable on a heap composed of:

  • soil;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • rotted manure.

To create a compost heap, dried grass, fallen leaves, and kitchen waste are placed in the fall. In spring, a layer of soil is added there, into which the seeds are then planted.

Choose a place for the heap that is open to sunlight, but protected from the wind (preferably on the south side). With this planting, the seeds germinate faster and develop better. It is not recommended to choose a shaded area because the fruits will grow small. The suitable temperature for the growth of this vegetable is 25 degrees; at 14 degrees, development stops.

Pumpkin grows well on rotted manure

Preparation of planting material

Seeds are selected that are complete, with an intact shell and without deformations. Then they are placed in warm water (40 degrees) and after 9 hours they are transferred to an aqueous solution of ash (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) for half a day. These procedures will awaken the pumpkin sprout, and it will begin to breathe and develop.

Another option is to heat the seed material in the oven, wrap it in several layers of gauze and soak it in an ash solution. After a few hours, the seeds will swell and become ready for planting. If they are not pre-soaked, they will take several days to sprout.

Large and beautiful seeds are selected for planting


Plant the seeds when the daytime temperature is 20 degrees or more. Some gardeners choose a planting spot next to a fence so that pumpkin shoots can entwine it. It is better to plant at the end of the plot so that overgrown vegetables do not interfere with other plantings with their lashes.

Depressions are made in the prepared, heated soil. They are spilled with water, then 2-3 seeds are planted away from each other to a depth of 5-6 centimeters.

How many centimeters of depth you choose for planting depends on the soil type. For light soil this is 8-10 cm. The distance between the rows is two meters, between the fruits - a meter.

Before the seedlings appear, the plantings are covered with plastic wrap or a burdock leaf to avoid unnecessary watering. Excessive moisture causes the soil to settle. When they sprout, one sprout is left in the hole, and the rest are pinched so as not to damage its roots.

Only one sprout should be left in each hole.

Seedling method

Pumpkin does not tolerate transplantation well. Cultivation by seedlings is used for the nutmeg variety, which needs warmer conditions. To do this, at the end of April, pumpkin seeds are sown in the soil mixture, laid out in pots or other containers (volume 0.5 l).

It is recommended to harden the seedlings. Every day the pots are taken out into the open air for 3-5 days. How long you need to keep them outside depends on weather conditions. If the temperature is above 15 degrees, keep it for a quarter of an hour on the first day. During the following days, this time increases by 15 minutes. It is not recommended to expose seedlings to direct sunlight; it is better to shade them.

Plantings are fed with mineral fertilizers and watered with warm water. After 30 days (late April - early May), the seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or under plastic film, keeping a distance of at least a meter between them. To do this, choose evening time or cloudy weather.

Care should be taken not to damage the root system. The less time the seedlings are grown, the smaller the container is chosen so that the roots completely entwine the soil in it. When planting, each sprout is buried at the level of the cotyledon leaves.

Two ovaries are left on each specimen, the rest are pinched at a height of up to half a meter above the fruit. If the nights are cold, continue to cover with film (with slits over the plants).

The seedling growing method is not suitable for all varieties of pumpkin


Pumpkin seeds germinate just as quickly as cucumber seeds. The first shoots appear after a few days (two or three). When real leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out. How many plants to leave depends on the variety:

  • for large-fruited – 1;
  • for hardbark and nutmeg -2.

Pumpkin seedlings do not require complex care. They need loosening the soil around and between the rows, weeding and watering. During the period when the ovaries are smaller than the average size of the apple, watering is limited. If overwatered at this stage, the leaves grow to the detriment of the fruits. Watering is also suspended when the pumpkin is ready for harvest. This makes the pulp sweeter.

Feed the seedlings moderately. The first feeding with mullein solution and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is before the flowering period. The second - during flowering (a solution of wood ash in 10 liters of water).

To retain moisture in the soil, it is mulched. This is done in the second ten days of June - the soil has already warmed up. When the growing season comes to an end, gardeners pinch the tops of young shoots and remove female flowers.

Pumpkin seedlings should be freed from proximity to weeds.

  • When preparing the soil mixture, it is not recommended to add fresh manure if there is a mole cricket on the site. This pest is attracted to fresh fertilizers.
  • It is not recommended to add too much rotted grass to avoid overheating the root system during composting. Moderate amounts of this material are well suited for temperate climate zones.
  • If you are planting the nutmeg variety in a temperate climate, then growing through seedlings is recommended. This ensures that the vegetable ripens.
  • To prevent losses during possible frosts, gardeners sow planting material densely, at different depths. If frosts have not hit, with the onset of warm days, late shoots are removed.
  • If there are many rainy days in the summer, vegetables are grown on compost heaps. This way the crop will not rot from contact with wet soil.
  • For vegetable gardens in central Russia, it is better to choose an early or mid-ripening variety.
  • Seed material can be soaked in a warm, weak manganese solution.
  • Gardeners plant pumpkins in a checkerboard pattern so that the grown vegetables do not interfere with each other.
  • It is not recommended to take well water or from an artesian well for irrigation.

Growing a pumpkin crop is not a difficult task. But in order to get large fruits that store well, you must follow the rules for planting seeds and caring for sprouts. In this case, pumpkin dishes will be on your table all winter.

Most of us know about the benefits of pumpkin. But not everyone likes to eat it, despite the fact that it is simply a storehouse of vitamins!

The article will be addressed to those who love pumpkin very much or just want to join a healthy diet by starting to grow it in their garden plot.

How to prepare pumpkin seeds for planting

Many gardeners leave the seeds of eaten pumpkin for sowing in order to grow seedlings from them, and then get fruits in the garden. You can also buy seeds of various varieties of pumpkin at specialized gardening centers.

In any case, before planting the seeds of this plant, you need to sort them. The largest seeds are selected, and the thin and small ones are sent to waste.

Planting pumpkin seeds directly into the soil or into a special peat tablet is most often not done. It is recommended to first devote several days to germinating the seeds, which can then be planted.

To soak, the seeds can be placed in warm water (with a temperature of about 50 degrees) for a couple of hours, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a warm place. The seeds should be kept in this state until they peck, keeping the fabric moist at all times.

Soaking seeds is necessary in order to:

  • their germination occurred faster;
  • the seeds were less susceptible to being eaten by pests, since they lose their attractive taste when soaked.

Advanced gardeners know that hatched pumpkin seeds need to be hardened off.

This is especially true for those plant varieties that grow better in the southern regions, but you want to grow them in cooler conditions.

Hardening is as follows:

  • sprouted pumpkin seeds are left in a damp cloth for 3-5 days, placing them, for example, in a vegetable drawer at the bottom of the refrigerator;
  • germination is carried out with a temperature difference: for approximately 8 to 10 hours a day, the temperature is maintained at +18-20 degrees, and then from 12 to 14 hours the temperature is reduced to +1-2 degrees.

Growing seedlings

If you use ordinary room conditions to grow seedlings, then you need to place the germinated seeds in bright light, preferably on the windowsills of windows facing south. If possible, then things will go even faster if you use special greenhouses, greenhouses or nurseries.

  1. Since pumpkin does not tolerate transplantation well, it is better to immediately plant the germinated seeds in peat-humus pots. The suitable size for pumpkin seeds in such pots is 10x10x10 cm.
  2. You can make pots out of paper and fill them with soil inside. It will then be convenient to remove seedlings from such pots without damaging the roots.
  3. If you prefer to use seed boxes for growing seedlings, then before filling them with peat soil, add a layer of sawdust about 4 cm thick to the bottom.

Planting pumpkin seeds, previously germinated in damp cloth, is recommended approximately 20-22 days before the planned transplantation of seedlings into the ground. During this time, the seedlings usually have time to grow stronger.

To make the seedlings strong, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • In the first couple of days, you will need to provide the crops with a temperature of +18-25 degrees during the day, and at night lower it to +15-18 degrees.
  • When the shoots appear, you will need to monitor the temperature again: for the first six days, during the day it should be at +15-18 degrees, and at night +12-13 degrees. This is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch.
  • After such differences in the first week and a half, you can already place the crops in a room with a temperature of +18-22 degrees. But at night it is still advisable to reduce it to +13-15 degrees.

Watering and fertilizing

Pumpkin seedlings need to be watered with a moderate amount of water, but regularly. It is better not to allow the soil to dry out. If the temperature is +18-22 degrees and the soil is at optimal humidity, the seedlings grow strong, and if the soil is too wet, the seedlings stretch out.

Already seven days after the emergence of seedlings, seedlings can and should be fed with fertilizers. It is better to choose mullein solution for this. But in case of its absence, a fertilizer such as nitrophoska is suitable, which is diluted in a proportion of 15 grams per 10 liters of water.

If you do everything correctly, the pumpkin seedlings will have low and strong stems, the internodes will be short, and by the time of planting, each plant should already have two or three well-developed dark green leaves.

When the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in the garden. Plant it in pre-prepared holes, which need to be shed with warm water.

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