Growing decorative beans. Climbing bean is a variety of decorative, edible plant. Beans have red flowers, edible or ornamental.

An inexhaustible source of inspiration for gardening for gardening is vegetable and herbaceous crops. They have a variety of shapes and colors, easily fit into landscape design and are not fussy in everyday care. Such edible beauty can also bring practical benefits in the form of a rich harvest. Decorative climbing beans, red and purple, are used for single and group plantings along fences and special trellises. They also find a place in decorating balconies and loggias. Climbing decorative beans offer a wealth and variety of varieties, types, and colors. We’ll talk about growing it from seeds later in the article, but for now, look at the most popular varieties in the photo:

Meet red and purple decorative beans (with photo)

The world of legumes is rich and diverse. Since ancient times, it has given humans irreplaceable vegetable protein. Meet decorative beans, represented by various varieties, coming to the podium. The red representative of the species is distinguished by its high growth and rapid development of vegetative green mass. But purple decorative beans are a real miracle of nature, turning even the most boring and shabby wall into a real work of floral art. Look at the photo for examples of using this plant in landscape design:

Most varieties are climbing, fast-growing vines with large green mass. Due to this, the decorative properties increase every day. Found naturally in the Peruvian mountains of South America. In culture, breeding began around the middle of the fifteenth century in central Europe. Since then, a lot of breeding work has been carried out.

All types of decorative beans can be eaten in the technical maturity phase. Some species can be eaten directly from the pods. When properly grown in seedlings, even in difficult climatic conditions, the crop begins to bear fruit from the beginning of July. No additional shelters are required. Grows well in open ground. For full development, soil rich in organic matter and strong support capable of supporting a significant mass of vine lashes are required.

Among the beneficial properties are low calorie content (no more than 25 Kcal per 100 grams of product) and saturation with vegetable proteins. In addition, plant fibers contain a huge amount of folic acid, which is useful for women expecting a child, vitamins B, C, E and A. The chemical composition contains a whole range of useful microelements: zinc and magnesium, potassium and calcium, iron and chromium. Regular consumption of this vegetable allows you to maintain youth, tighten your skin, and make your hair and nails more resistant to external negative influences. The body's immune defense is strengthened.

In folk medicine, beans are used in formulations to treat exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Decoctions and infusions relieve skin itching and help reduce the manifestations of eczema and psoriasis.

Decorative climbing beans like flowers on the site

All types of this plant can be used as flowers on the site. Decorative climbing beans in purple and red colors are most suitable for these purposes. Its popular name is Turkish fire beans. According to development options, it belongs to tall climbing vines. Scourges can grow up to 5 meters in length. They let it go over supports, fences, and walls of houses. It belongs to plants that love light and direct sunlight, but is not particularly demanding in this regard and can successfully develop even in a shady place.

If you look at the photo, you can see that the purple decorative beans have bright green leaves of a wide, regular shape on the vines. They reliably hide from view those areas of the wall that need to be decorated. The buds may have a rich purple color. Occasionally, white buds appear, which only enhances the decorative effect of the plant in bloom. Blooms almost continuously. At the same time, developing and ripening pods and various buds may be present on one vine. Please note that pods of this species cannot be eaten. Based on research, experts say that they contain toxic compounds.

For gardeners, such plantings can have practical applications. Purple climbing beans are known to be one of the most powerful nitrogen aggregators in the soil in which they grow. This microelement is reproduced in large quantities by the root system. After such planting, potato yields increase by approximately 70%. Another useful property is the effective protection of potato plantings from late blight. In regions where this disease is widespread, it is recommended to plant ornamental beans directly in the rows between potatoes. This measure also prevents the reproduction of the Colorado potato beetle.

Growing decorative beans from seeds: planting and care

It is mainly used to sow seeds in open ground. But in some cases, in order to speed up the process of growing green mass, you can use the seedling propagation method. It is advisable to start growing decorative beans from seeds at the end of March. Sprouted seeds are sown in separate peat pots to a depth of 1.5 cm. Shoots appear fairly quickly. It is important to provide support for a vine that is 10 cm long during the development phase. Proper planting and care ensure rapid growth and development.

Growing decorative beans from seeds by sowing in open ground begins in the first half of May. It is necessary to sow and then cover it with a protective film. It is removed only after an acceptable average daily temperature of 18 degrees Celsius has been established.

Before planting, it is necessary to soak the seeds in a solution with a growth stimulator. You need to keep it for about 24 hours in a warm place (for example, on a radiator or on a sunny windowsill). Before planting, holes are prepared with a depth of up to 5 cm. The distance between plantings should be about 50 cm. After planting, watering is carried out and covered with protective material.

Subsequent care of decorative beans after emergence mainly consists of providing them with comfortable conditions for rapid development. In difficult climatic conditions, it is advisable to provide protection with the help of homemade greenhouses and greenhouses. They can be made from metal rods bent in the shape of a semicircle. A polyethylene film is stretched over them and carefully sealed.

Abundant watering is another important step in caring for ornamental beans. The plant is very moisture-loving. Therefore, if there is no rain, you should water every evening. In this case, you should avoid getting water on the blooming buds. The water should be warm and settled. Chlorinated tap water causes acidification of the soil and, when it gets on the leaves, stimulates their wilting.

Planting and caring for decorative climbing beans will not take much time, and the bright flowers are fragrant for a long time. The plant climbs any support; it can be used to decorate a gazebo, the wall of a house, or simply hide any unsightly structures. In many varieties, the fruits are even edible.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Most often in our areas you can find decorative beans with purple and bright red flowers. But the variety of its colors is much richer. It is believed that the purple color of the flowers is characteristic of several varieties of beans, while the fiery red color is a separate variety. Currently, it is believed that this is not entirely true: the variety of new varieties covers all imaginable color variations.

Beans are perfect for vertical gardening

Beans grow very quickly, many varieties reach a height of 5 m, and throughout this entire length the shoots try to grab onto something. This is a heat-loving crop, but it does not require special conditions and grows well in any sunny area. In the shade it feels somewhat worse, but also pleases the owner with very beautiful flowers. The fruits of many varieties are edible, however, few summer residents eat them, preferring to plant grain or asparagus varieties separately in a small bed.

Like any other bean, decorative beans saturate the soil around them with nitrogen, absorbing it from the depths of the soil and from the air and converting it into digestible compounds that accumulate on root nodules. In this regard, at the end of the season, the plants are not pulled out: they are cut off at the surface of the soil, leaving the roots in place.

Potatoes planted nearby significantly increase their yield due to the property of beans to improve soil fertility. And the green mass of decorative beans harvested in the fall is sent to a compost pit, where it enriches the composition of the collected plant waste with a large number of nutrients.

Nightshades growing close to beans are not affected by late blight. The Colorado potato beetle doesn't like its aroma either.

The homeland of decorative beans is Latin America; its original name translates as “sailing ship,” due to the shape of the flower. Ripe fruits are large, rough beans. They are collected in order to repeat the planting next year or build a flowering wall in a new area.

Video: all about beans Turkish beans

Varieties of decorative beans

Currently, the following varieties are known more than others and find their use in decorating areas:

  • Mammoth is a bean with white flowers of various shades and sizes. The largest flowered variety.

    Mammoth's flowers are white and very large.

  • Dolichos purpurea is a bean with purple flowers. This variety is often called climbing lilac. Dolichos is a rare example of a bean with a pleasant aroma, so its branches with large flowers are often added to bouquets. The inflorescences stand well in vases with water for up to 2 weeks.

    Dolichos is so similar to lilac that some even doubt that it is a legume.

  • Bicolor - under this name they combine a group of varieties that differ from others in the combination of two colors: some of the flowers are pure white, the other is painted a rich red color.

    Madame Butterfly is one of the representatives of varieties with two-tone flower colors

  • Turkish beans are a popular variety that have orange-red, even fiery, scarlet flowers. One of the most commonly grown varieties for garden decoration. When planted in a timely manner, plants bloom throughout the summer.

    Turkish beans are the most famous variety of decorative beans.

  • Climber - a variety with bright red (often even burgundy) flowers. In recent years, it is he who is replacing Turkish beans.

    Climber - one of the most fashionable modern varieties

Some varieties of green beans, for example, Golden Nectar, are also often positioned as ornamental. There is a little confusion in this matter due to the fact that many climbing varieties of vegetable beans can act both as a decoration for the garden and as a crop grown for consumption as a food product.

Planting decorative beans

In most cases, beans are grown by sowing seeds directly into open ground. After all, there is not much point in wasting energy on seedlings; beauty can wait for warm days, but such beans are not specially grown for food. However, the seedling option also exists; it is used in regions with a harsh climate and in cases where you want to create a beautiful wall in your dacha as early as possible. True, you will have to tinker with the seedlings, remembering, among other things, that beans are extremely painful to tolerate any transplantation.

Video: Dolichos bean bushes on the site

Landing dates

You can not sow seeds in open ground very early; the soil must warm up before sowing: the seeds begin to germinate at a soil temperature of 8–10 o C, and the seedlings are very sensitive to frost and die at -1 o C. The optimal temperature for its growth is considered to be 20– 25 o C. In the central region, planting dates are mid-May, in the north - early June. In the south, all types of beans are sown as early as April. If seeds are sown in cold soil, their germination rate sharply decreases, and sometimes they die completely. An approximate guideline is the time when cucumbers are sown, which, like beans, are afraid of frost.

They begin to grow decorative beans for seedlings at the very end of March or beginning of April, in the northern regions - closer to the end of April. If it turns out that the sowing was done too early and the seedlings have outgrown, you will have to arrange a support for it, to which long stems are tied. For this purpose, you can carefully stick, for example, a pencil next to the sprout.

Planting seedlings

The seedlings will have to stay at home for about a month; they will grow normally in soil of any composition except clay, but it is better to mix turf soil and sand in a 2:1 ratio and add a handful of wood ash to a bucket of the mixture.

Seeds for seedlings must be sown in individual pots: beans cannot tolerate transplantation if the roots are damaged. You can also use disposable ones with a removable bottom, but the best option would be peat ones - then planting in open ground will be completely painless. You can also use large peat tablets.

The best option for growing bean seedlings is peat pots.

The seeds of beans are large, and before sowing they are easy to calibrate, throwing away the smallest ones that are affected by pests. Then it is recommended to soak the seeds in water until they swell (12–16 hours), without waiting for them to bite.

Some gardeners pre-etch them in a solution of potassium permanganate and even soak them in growth stimulants. All this, of course, can be done, but it is not necessary to engage in optional operations in the case of growing ornamental crops.

The seeds of decorative beans can be of different colors, but they are always large and easy to handle.

Beans are sown to a depth of about 2 cm. Usually it sprouts well, so it’s enough to place one bean in a pot or tablet, but if there are a lot of them and there are doubts about germination, you can put 2-3 beans in each, and then carefully remove the excess shoots.

The temperature at which seedlings should be grown is 18–22°C, but after emergence, it should be reduced by several degrees for 3–4 days. Growing seedlings does not require any special care other than periodic watering. The bushes do not have to be shaped by pinching or pruning. No additional feeding will be required this month.

If the soil was very thin and it turns out that the seedlings are growing slowly, you can water them with an infusion of wood ash.

You can transplant seedlings into the garden bed no earlier than two true leaves have developed. You shouldn’t keep it at home for too long either, but if the transplant is done together with a peat pot, then there is no risk. Only a week before planting, you need to prepare the bushes, periodically taking them out to the balcony and accustoming them to fresh air.

A common box for beans is not the best option: it will be very difficult to remove seedlings without damaging the roots

Planting seedlings in a garden bed

Decorative beans are less demanding on conditions compared to vegetable varieties. But still, the bed should be prepared in advance by adding the usual doses of fertilizers. It can be humus or compost, but not fresh manure. Any mineral compositions with an emphasis on phosphorus and potassium are also suitable: a lot of bean nitrogen is not required. This item causes excessive growth of vegetative mass to the detriment of intensive flowering.

If the area is clay, you need to add sand when digging; if the soil is too acidic, add chalk.

There is any scheme for planting decorative beans, since its main purpose is to decorate the site. Therefore, the owner himself decides whether it will be a garden bed or one row along a wall or fence, but between the plants it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 20 cm, and preferably 30–40 cm. If there are several rows, then leave 40 to 50 cm between them, in depending on how you can build the supports.

The technique for planting seedlings is the usual: in selected places, dig holes the size of the pot and bury the seedlings in them almost without deepening, after which they water generously with warm water and mulch the soil.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Sowing seeds directly into the garden bed is the most common way to plant decorative beans, and this is most often done. In the case of light and warm soil, beans are sown on a flat surface.

If groundwater is close, build a raised bed.

The sowing pattern is the same as when planting seedlings: distances from 20 to 40 cm are left between the holes. More dense planting gives a solid blank wall, but the plants develop worse and do not bloom so gracefully. 2-3 beans are sown in each hole to a depth of 1.5–2 cm, then the bed is abundantly watered using a watering can with a strainer and the soil is mulched with any bulk material. If the threat of frost remains, the crops are temporarily covered with spunbond. Excess shoots are carefully trimmed a few days after their appearance.

Bean seeds are not sown very deep, 2-3 pieces per hole.


Caring for beans is simple and includes systematic loosening of rows, weeding, fertilizing and watering. Loosening is carried out after each watering and rain; it is also combined with the removal of weeds. As the bushes grow, it will become increasingly difficult to loosen, so it is advisable to mulch the bed. When the bushes grow to 12–15 cm, they are lightly covered with earth.

Beans are a heat-loving plant, therefore, if they were planted too early, at first you need to monitor the weather and, possibly, cover the plantings with non-woven materials. Alternatively, you can build a small temporary greenhouse. Mature plants can withstand temperatures close to 0 o C.

How to water beans

Water all types of beans, including decorative ones, infrequently and moderately, avoiding drying out the soil. This should be done at the root, in the evenings, with water that has been settled and warmed by the sun during the day. In case of dry weather, watering is required twice a week.

It is advisable to direct the water directly to the roots, especially taking care not to soak the flowers and buds. Therefore, the strainer is often removed from the watering can so that the water gets between the rows or, when planting in a single row, closer to the base of the bushes.

Immediately before flowering begins, the soil can be slightly dried out for several days: this causes more buds to appear, but then watering continues as usual. It is better to mulch the soil around the beans with any bulk material (peat, humus, sawdust, chopped straw) to better retain moisture.

Top dressing

Feed decorative beans with any mineral or natural fertilizers, except fresh manure. Flower growers advise fertilizing it only twice:

  1. When two true leaves grow (per 1 m2, add 1 g of urea, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of any potassium salt).
  2. At the moment the buds appear (the same composition, excluding urea).

If it turns out that the flowering is not as lush as expected, perhaps the soil has become depleted, in which case more fertilizing should be done by mixing a handful of wood ash and a couple of tablespoons of superphosphate in a bucket of water, then let it stand for a day, dilute it with another 2 –3 times with water and water the plantings with this solution.


After the beans begin to grow intensively, the shoots only need to be directed in the desired direction, and they themselves will quickly entwine the existing support. In this way, you can create any convenient composition by constructing artificial obstacles. It can be a wall, a pyramid, a cone, a cylinder, or even a ball.

The bean loves wooden supports, for some reason it wraps around metal supports worse and plastic ones very poorly, so sometimes it has to be helped to do this. If it turns out that the beans refuse to wrap around plastic objects, you just need to tie up their shoots with soft twine in 2-3 places, and then they will most likely go where the gardener wanted.

You can make shapes of any shape from beans

When the beans fade and form pods, they can be collected into bunches - they also look quite impressive. After drying, they are collected to be shelled into seeds, which, after a short drying, are poured into paper bags and stored in a dry place.

Decorative beans are one of the easiest plants to grow, allowing you to transform your summer cottage with minimal labor and financial investment. It allows you to build a shaded corner on the site, decorated with colorful flowers. This culture is rightfully popular and is found in most suburban areas.

Many summer residents and residents of country houses prefer to plant their plots with decorative climbing beans, since they are unpretentious in care and their planting is quite simple. In addition, it looks very beautiful and bright, especially during the flowering period. Its stems can twine around a fence, giving it a nice look, or a gazebo in the yard. The length of one stem can reach 5 meters, and decorative beans grow quickly. The fruits are subsequently used as food, since all beans are edible (except for purple beans). Beans contain large amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals.


If the area is not very large, then you need to carefully select the plants that will grow on it. Summer residents are interested in what advantages decorative beans have and whether they are worth planting at their dacha.

  • Unpretentiousness. Beans do not require painstaking care, which distinguishes them from other crops.
  • Growth rate. The beans will turn into a beautiful green wall with bright colors in a short period of time.
  • Large selection of flower colors.
  • Not only the inflorescences look attractive, but also the pods, which can also be of a bright color.


If you decide to plant climbing beans on your plot, then you need to decide on the variety. It is worth noting here that the beans do not differ from each other in taste, size or appearance. The only difference is the color of the flowers themselves.

  • Golden nectar. This plant has very bright orange flowers.
  • Mammoth. This variety differs from others in that the flowers are larger. Their color is white.
  • Purple beans. This is the variety most beloved by summer residents. The flowers are very beautiful and bright. But you can’t eat the fruits.
  • Two-color beans. The flowers turn out to be very interesting - they combine white and rich scarlet shade.
  • Turkish beans. This is the most unpretentious variety. Even with minimal care, the stems will reach a length of 4 meters. Orange flowers.

If you need beans solely for decoration, then you can use absolutely any variety of this plant. But still, Turkish beans and purple beans are best suited for this purpose. These two species eventually become covered with bright flowers, which will perfectly decorate your area. In addition, these varieties are distinguished by the longest vines. They can be planted right next to the house, creating a support for them. After a short period of time, the walls will be covered with long stems with beautiful and very bright flowers. They have no special care requirements; they can grow even in the most unfavorable conditions and in the absence of sun.

Of course, if you also want to get a harvest in the future to eat beans, then growing purple beans is no longer suitable, since they are inedible. This must be taken into account when choosing a variety for planting.

Beans must be planted in soil that is already well warmed by the sun. It is also recommended to use not new places, but those where they have already grown, for example, cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage. If you follow this rule, you will get a very rich harvest and beautiful flowers. The soil for planting should be prepared in the fall - the ground is dug up and fertilized with superphosphates. You need to use about 300 grams per 10 square meters. This fertilizer will make the flowers more vibrant and the stems longer.

Under no circumstances should the soil be fertilized with nitrogen additives. The fact is that nitrogen accumulates in the roots, which will subsequently greatly harm the plant.

In spring, the soil must be fertilized with potassium and superphosphate. The first is added 20 grams, and the second 30 grams per square meter. Only with proper soil preparation can you achieve good results.

Beans can be planted directly into the ground or you can prepare seedlings first. Both options are acceptable, but seedlings are still not particularly popular among gardeners, although they can guarantee you early flowering. The fact is that beans do not really like transplanting and sometimes begin to “be capricious”.

Sowing seedlings

If you want beans to please you with bright flowers as early as possible, you need to sow them as seedlings first.

  1. Sowing of beans can begin as early as the end of March. To do this, you need to prepare special peat pots.
  2. Only one bean is placed in each pot to a depth of about one and a half centimeters.
  3. The stems will appear very quickly. Once they reach a height of 10-15 cm, they will need to be provided with support for the vines to cling to. This stage is very important for the normal growth of the plant.
  4. Seedlings must grow at a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Ideal - 22 degrees.

Beans that are not yet developed need to be planted in open soil, otherwise there will be problems with their adaptation. It is advisable to replant it together with a small amount of soil that was in the pot. This will help the plant take root faster.

Open ground

If you are not in a hurry, plant beans directly in open soil. Of course, it will begin to bloom later, but you won’t have any problems getting it to take root.

Sometimes planting begins quite early - in mid-April. However, most often the plant is planted in early or even mid-May. The soil must warm up to at least 12 degrees, since beans, like cucumbers, are afraid of cold weather.

The beans are planted two at a time in the soil to a depth of one and a half to two centimeters. It is permissible to plant three beans in one hole.

There should be a decent distance between each hole - about 20 centimeters. The distance between the rows should be approximately 50 centimeters - beans love space. Near each hole it is necessary to install a support about 3 meters long. Structures made of plastic or metal should be abandoned, since vines will not be able to wrap around them.


When the beans are still young, they must be carefully protected from the cold. In order for the plant to grow normally, it needs an air temperature of at least 18 degrees. If it is lower, then the beans are covered with film. Already an adult plant, it can withstand cold weather and will not die even in severe frosts; it does not need to be protected.

It is important that the beans receive enough moisture. It needs to be watered very well, especially on hot and dry days. This can be done with a hose or watering can. Water flows between the holes. The buds must remain dry and should not be wetted. Water should not contain chlorine, as it harms the plant. If there is no rain, then you must water the beans every day, because they are very moisture-loving.

Use superphosphates or various organic fertilizers as top dressing. It is strictly prohibited to use fresh manure for this. Make sure that fertilizers do not get on the stems and leaves. The fact is that the bean leaves are very tender and can cause serious burns that cannot be removed with water. That is why dry fertilizers must be placed directly into the soil very carefully. Liquids are poured into the hole using a watering can.

If you don't need a harvest, you don't have to pinch the shoots. If you want to collect beans in the future, then pinching the shoots is a mandatory procedure. Proper care will help you collect as many fruits as possible.

It is worth noting that the beans should be collected as they ripen, and not all together at the end. Some varieties begin to bear fruit within two months. On others you will see the first fruits only after 100 days.

So, climbing decorative beans are great for decorating a summer cottage - they have an attractive appearance and are easy to care for. It is these qualities that have made it so popular among beginners and experienced gardeners. Even if you don’t know much about gardening, you can afford to plant beans in your dacha and gain experience. She will forgive you many mistakes and mistakes.

The traditional 6 acres do not give the summer resident much space for experiments, but they teach him to use every meter of land wisely. And growing decorative climbing plants is gaining more and more popularity among gardeners: it takes up almost no space in the garden, decorates the area (or covers up an unsightly fence), and brings in a good harvest.

So, the topic of our article is care, planting and growing climbing beans.

Can you eat curly beans? Types of climbing beans

Some novice gardeners ask whether climbing beans are edible. Of course it's edible! But the grains and pods of some varieties in their raw form contain toxins that are quickly destroyed when cooked. Like regular bush beans, climbing beans come in the following types:

-asparagus climbing beans (sugar, green). These beans are harvested in an unripe form and placed in salads, soups, etc. But if you keep asparagus climbing beans on the plant until biological maturity, you can collect small bean grains from them.

Asparagus climbing beans variety "Blauhilda"

- grain curly beans (hulled). These are simple beans, as a result of which we obtain grains suitable for long-term storage. Climbing beans boast larger grains compared to bush beans, and their color is unique.

Climbing beans, "Fire Red" variety

- semi-sugar curly beans. This is something between asparagus beans and grain beans. When ripe, it produces grains, but the pod itself is more tender than that of grain varieties and is suitable for eating when young. Subsequently, the pod becomes hard, with a pronounced parchment layer.

Climbing beans: growing features

Planting climbing beans

Growing climbing beans is no different from growing regular beans. One can only note that they are very thermophilic and intolerant of frost, so for growing climbing beans they choose only the south side, where there are no cold winds.

Soil for planting climbing beans should be neutral and even slightly alkaline. Otherwise, it should be deoxidized in the fall, and at the same time add fertilizer - manure, compost and superphosphate. And if previously potatoes, cabbage or cucumbers grew in this place, in the future you don’t have to feed the climbing beans at all, since the soil after these crops is fully enriched with minerals for climbing beans. By the way, after growing beans, the soil becomes extremely rich in nitrogen - this is the work of nodule nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in its root system. Like all legumes, beans are a very useful precursor that gives the earth a rest.

Planting climbing beans directly into the ground is carried out only when the threat of night frosts has passed (late spring - early summer). There are early ripening varieties, the harvest from which can be harvested within two months after planting, and there are also late ones, ripening for more than 100 days. It is better to plant the latter through seedlings in order to have time to fully enjoy the harvest, especially if we are talking about the middle zone and not the southern regions.

Planting climbing beans through seedlings

They begin to prepare it in early May, so that by the time of planting the beans will have two true leaves. The grains are soaked in water for a day and placed in a warm place, after which they are immersed in pots or cups with soil for seedlings so that the sharp end of the beans is in the ground, and the other slightly “peeks out” from the soil. It is recommended to grow climbing bean seedlings at a temperature of 16-18 0 C. Thanks to this, the plants will be stocky, with a good root system. In a month, the seedlings will be ready for planting. For planting, prepare in holes (you can put ash, humus, compost in the holes if fertilizer has not been applied since the fall), the plants are planted in increments of about 10-20 cm, to a depth of no more than 5 cm, near supports.

Planting climbing beans through seeds

The beans, pre-soaked in warm water for a day, are planted in holes or rows to the depth of the phalanx of the finger, that is, about 5 cm (the lighter the soil, the deeper). You can plant 1 piece at a time, or several at a time, depending on the support. Ash, humus or compost are placed in the holes.

In case of severe cold weather, crops or climbing beans are covered with lutrasil, film, etc.

Support for climbing beans

Climbing beans grows from one and a half to three meters in length, so you need to take care of support in advance. The support should not only be high - about 2.5 meters, but also strong, since the beans grow a lot of heavy green mass.

What can you use as a support for climbing beans?

-wooden gazebos, fences, stairs, picket fences and other existing structures;

- Rabitz. Not the best option: the beans will entwine the mesh cells so tightly that it will be difficult to get rid of even dry lashes. In addition, the plant with its weight can simply overwhelm an insecurely fastened chain-link;

- lower branches of trees. Beans are a good neighbor, as they are able to accumulate nitrogen and improve the soil. Among the disadvantages - the tree creates a shadow that is undesirable for beans; beans climb quite high and tenaciously along the branches, and harvesting, and later getting rid of dry residues, can be problematic.

- wooden structure like “grape” or “cucumber”. And since the cucumber is an excellent predecessor for our beans, you can use the trellises on which you grew cucumbers last year as a support.

-poles dug into the ground to a depth of at least half a meter, and rising above the ground at least two meters. You can place poles in the shape of a hut; the letters "T" or "P" with threads connecting horizontal poles and the ground; in the form of the letter “V”, etc.

When the climbing bean grows by about 15 cm, it is hilled up, and as it grows, it is helped to “grab” the support: it is twisted along a pole or trellis counterclockwise.

Caring for climbing beans

Like other garden plants, climbing beans need regular watering, weeding, loosening, pinching and mulching.

How to feed climbing beans? Beans do not need large doses of nitrogen, so they should not be fed with pure nitrogen fertilizers. For the first feeding, a month after germination, it is recommended to feed climbing beans with complete fertilizer. If the plant has a nitrogen deficiency (thin pale shoots, chlorotic leaves), which happens during drought, watering can be combined with the addition of mullein, diluted bird droppings, herbal infusion, etc. After a month, another one is carried out feeding climbing beans- already for the formation of fruits. The easiest way is to feed the crop with ash (a glass per bush) or other fertilizers containing the necessary potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

How to water climbing beans? Before the pods begin to set, the beans do not need abundant watering. On a waterless diet, the plant will grow unpretentious, with a powerful root system that is not susceptible to diseases. However, after flowering, everything changes dramatically: in the absence of rain, the beans are thoroughly watered and the ground around is mulched. You can't get a good harvest without water

When should you pinch beans? Pinching climbing beans is done when you no longer want the plant to grow in length. You can also pinch the growing point to direct the plant’s forces to ripen the beans/blades, or grow a low crop - for example, 1-meter or 1.5-meter.

How to collect climbing bean pods? Like regular beans - as they ripen. The more often you do this, the more beans your bush will produce. Typically, climbing beans in August-September look like this: the top is blooming, in the middle there are unripe pods, at the bottom there are mature ones. The harvest of climbing beans lasts for about a month, until frost. From 1 “square” of harvest bed, 3-5 kg ​​of beans are harvested.

Thus, growing climbing beans allows you not only to decorate your garden, but also to get a good harvest. And what soups, what potatoes can be prepared with beans! Moreover, many varieties of climbing beans are distinguished by larger and more tender beans than bush forms. But choosing a bean variety is another story.

Decorative beans - can you eat them?
After the discovery of America, Europeans received not only untold wealth and new lands, but also many overseas plants, one of which was beans. In Europe, it first became an overseas guest of gardens and parks, turning overnight into an unpretentious ornamental plant.
Climbing varieties of beans are very attractive for shading and building gazebos, camouflaging a compost heap or decorating a veranda. Resembling small moths, white, pink, purple and even fiery red bean flowers collected in inflorescences are truly unusually decorative.
Years have passed. Now beans have turned from a beautiful ornamental plant into an indispensable vegetable. For example, in warm France it has become one of the favorite vegetables; it is even grown in winter greenhouses. In fact, decorative beans have several names: fire beans, Turkish beans, multifloral beans. Her homeland is South America, so she loves warmth very much. The liana looks good near supports and along the fence, blooming with red and white flowers. Decorative beans are edible, although their skin is thick. The beans are boiled, passed through a meat grinder, the minced meat can be made into cutlets by adding an egg and crackers. Beans also make a delicious soup. But raw beans (even ordinary beans) cannot be eaten, since they contain a toxic substance, phasin glycoside, which is easily destroyed when cooked.
Prepare yourself
Few housewives did not buy bags of frozen vegetables, in which one could find cauliflower, broccoli, and green beans. I must admit, this is very convenient. And it’s delicious, and there are vitamins in stock, because everyone knows that they are preserved almost completely in frozen foods.
By the way, you can prepare a set of such bags for the winter yourself. There would only be a desire. You can freeze these vegetables individually if you are using them for side dishes. But that's not important. The main thing is to grow and freeze. Including beans. True, few people in our country still strive to grow beans, considering them a heat-loving and fastidious crop. In general, of course, this is all true. But we don’t need that much of these beans. A dozen plants, with good care and in our very unfavorable climate, will give you no less than a large backpack of tasty pods. After all, shoulder beans are one of the earliest vegetables to ripen in the summer. And it would be a sin not to use it. And this plant is incredibly beautiful. There are varieties with green, yellow and purple pods.
And if we remember that beans, like other legumes, in addition to yield, also contribute to increasing soil fertility by accumulating nitrogen in nodular formations on the roots, then we can assume that God himself ordered to allocate a piece of land for it on his “hacienda”.
Turkish beans
Beans came to Russia only in the 17th-18th centuries under the name “Turkish beans”. Beans are especially widespread in Ukraine and the Caucasus, where they are now included in many national dishes.
At first, only mature grains were eaten, from which delicious soups, sauces, pates, side dishes and even cutlets were prepared. However, over time, it turned out that bean pods with unripe grains (“shoulders”) taste very good. Moreover, they are simply irreplaceable for preparing a huge number of salads, side dishes and main courses. Gradually, breeders developed special varieties for growing on the “blade”. And if you also take into account the fact that it takes much less time to obtain a harvest of “blades” than to ripen grains, it becomes quite clear why vegetable beans have become very popular in the world.
Growing decorative beans today, I was tempted and tasted the very young blades. To do this, you need to cut them into pieces and boil for 5-6 minutes in salted water. Then quickly cool in cold water so that the color does not fade, and lightly fry with pieces of vegetables: (peppers, tomatoes, zucchini). It turned out delicious! We ate everything with a bang.

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