The left lower abdomen hurts very badly. Why does nagging pain occur in the lower abdomen on the left? Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

According to its anatomical structures, the lower abdominal zone belongs to the digestive tract and contains the organs of the genitourinary system. Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen is a very multifaceted symptom.

Based on its location and nature, one can only have a guess, but not complete confidence in the diagnosis. Additional examination and consultations with different specialists are always required. In medicine, the symptom is called pelvic pain.

Statistics that support complex diagnostics

According to statistics, when referred to a hospital, patients are distributed according to profiles:

  • 65–90% require urological care;
  • 60–70% end up in gynecology;
  • about 60% are admitted to gastroenterology departments of hospitals;
  • from 7 to 15% require the help of a traumatologist.

The total amount is not 100% because the preliminary diagnosis turns out to be incorrect and the patient has to be transferred to another department.

What organs are located in the lower left corner of the abdomen?

Organs of different systems are located on the left lower abdomen. Digestion includes: the small intestine - loops of the jejunum, part of the descending colon and the sigmoid - large intestine. To the organs of the genitourinary system: the left half of the uterus, the left appendage with the ovary and fallopian tube in women, the ureter and part of the bladder.

We must not forget that pain on the left side of the lower abdomen can cause disturbances in the bone skeleton of the pelvis, hip joint, lymph nodes, nerve bundles and vessels, irradiation downward in diseases of the spleen and left kidney.

How does pain occur?

The causes of pain syndrome according to the mechanism of formation are different in parenchymal and hollow organs. Dense organs (spleen, uterus, kidney) are covered with a protective capsule. It contains pain endings of nerves that react to any damage.

In hollow organs (intestines, ureter), pain occurs when the muscle wall is stretched if the damage reaches the level of the submucosal and muscular layer. The mucous membrane itself does not have the ability to cause pain, since it is not equipped with special receptors.

Pathological processes leading to pain in the lower abdomen can be:

  • inflammation;
  • degeneration of an organ or wall due to impaired metabolism at the cellular level;
  • local circulatory obstruction;
  • functional or organic malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

Necrosis (death) of the intestine - extreme ischemia

Physiologists distinguish 3 stages in the development of pain:

  • I - aching sensations appear in the lesion, they are not defined by the patient as painful;
  • II - formation of referred pain, possible loss of connection with the true cause;
  • III - expansion and deepening of pathological disorders, strengthening of the pain impulse from the site of the lesion.

We will consider options for pain in the left side and lower abdomen, depending on the possible pathology of the organs.

What types of left side pain should you consider?

The nature of the pain serves as a guide to the assumption of the location and type of pathology.

Aching dull pain

Often worries women with a unilateral gynecological problem. Dull pain above the pubis and on the left is possible with cycle disorders, sex, inflammation and endometriosis. Inflammation is indicated by a combination with elevated temperature and weakness.

Nagging pain

In intensity it is significantly inferior to other types, but it exhausts a person with its constancy. In men, it occurs with inflammation of the scrotum, strangulated inguinal hernia, orchitis. Initially, a malignant tumor manifests itself in a similar way.

Sharp pain in the side

The sharp nature of the pain accompanies intestinal spasm, distension with gases, acute expansion of the bladder and pelvis of the left kidney during urinary retention, rupture of the ovary in women, and the passage of stones through the ureter.

Stitching pain

Colic is an acute spasm caused by contraction of the intestines or ureter. Typically subsides after defecation and urination. A type of pain is shooting pain. It is characteristic of inflammation in the lumbar region and joints. Stitching pain can precede the rupture of an ovarian cyst.

What pain characterizes diseases of the small intestine?

Diseases of the small intestine affect all sections, causing severe pain with a cutting tint, cramping type. Accompanied by impaired absorption capacity, frequent loose stools, loss of fluid and electrolytes, vitamins, and protein.


A small segment of jejunal loops lies on the left side of the abdomen. With infectious enteritis and gastroenteritis, inflammation is accompanied by patient complaints that “the lower abdomen hurts on the left.”

Symptoms of the disease cannot be separated from signs of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach). The temperature rises, nausea appears, vomiting is possible, pain migrates from the epigastrium to the center of the abdomen. There is a lot of mucus in the stool, undigested food particles, and possibly blood.

Malabsorption syndrome

The essence of pathological disorders comes down to the inability of the mucous membrane to absorb certain foods (for example, fruits, milk). The main symptom is frequent loose stools with the release of fat.

The intestines are bursting with gases, so the pain in the left lower abdomen and side is cramping in nature, inconsistent, and can cause attacks. After bowel movements or taking medications with antispasmodic effects, the pain subsides. At the same time, patients complain of rumbling, bloating, and a taste in the mouth.

Celiac disease

The disease is detected in children during the infant period when switching to nutritional formulas or introducing nutritional supplements. It turns out that the child is intolerant to gluten (plant protein from cereals). Clinically manifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and the development of rickets.

Both diseases are caused by unfavorable heredity. Malabsorption syndrome also accompanies functional disorders in other serious diseases.

Pathology of the left part of the large intestine

The abdomen hurts on the lower left side if the descending or sigmoid colon is involved.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The cause of the disease remains unclear. It is associated with stress and hormonal disorders. Middle-aged women are more often affected. It has been established that exacerbations develop against the background of menstruation.

The disease is chronic, manifested by pain in the left abdomen, bloating, and stool disturbances (constipation alternating with diarrhea). An important feature is the absence of any morphological abnormalities in the intestines. Acute pain in the left side is provoked by anxiety, eating fried or smoked meat dishes.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

The disease is caused by autoimmune disorders or is inherited.

Pathological changes begin from the rectum and spread from below to the upper intestines

Based on the principle of localization, nonspecific inflammation is distinguished:

  • only the rectum (proctitis);
  • sigmoid and straight (proctosigmoiditis);
  • left side (left-sided colitis);
  • with damage to the entire colon (total colitis).

In 18–30% of patients, the process reaches the ileum and appendix (ileocolitis). The intestinal walls have morphological changes; histologically they are located only in the mucous and submucosal layer. Ulcers are most often found in the sigmoid and rectum. There is a tendency to degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

Clinically, during an exacerbation, patients experience sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left, of a paroxysmal nature. Associated symptoms are: joint pain, fever, diarrhea with blood and pus. Antimicrobial agents, antihistamines, and corticosteroids are used in treatment.


Diverticula are saccular formations from the intestinal wall. They protrude outward and interfere with peristaltic waves. More often observed in old age. In the presence of dense fecal stones and inflammation, the patient experiences throbbing pain in the left side of the abdomen. At the same time, constipation and black feces due to bleeding are a concern. The disease is treated only surgically.

Colon polyps

Benign formations on the mucous membrane (polyps) are a mechanical obstacle and disrupt the process of water absorption. Identified by constipation and signs of dehydration. The pain in the lower abdomen on the left has a pulling character.

Despite their benign nature, polyps can cause intestinal obstruction

Atonic constipation

Atony of the large intestine can be caused by chronic inflammatory processes, polyps, and neurological problems. The main violation is the lack of proper regulation of peristalsis, loss of the ability to contract and transport contents.

Often observed in old age. The main symptom is prolonged constipation, bloating, dull, bursting pain. Fermentation processes cause increased gas formation, and the accumulation of gases in the descending colon is manifested by constant aching pain in the left side.

Malignant neoplasms

Colorectal cancer is a malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells located in the colon and rectum. In the Russian Federation, among malignant tumors in men it is in third place in frequency, in women it is in fourth place.

The disease is asymptomatic for a long time. Signs begin with increased fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, sudden vomiting, taste in the mouth, belching, and a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen.

At first it hurts only on the left, in the place where the tumor is localized. Then the intensity increases and the pain spreads throughout the abdomen. With a hardware examination of the intestines, it becomes clear why the left side and the area in the lower abdomen hurt.

Pain syndrome with tumors of the left half of the colon is more pronounced

Other causes of pain

A relatively rare disease is one that is transmitted hereditarily, mainly to boys.

The essence of the pathology is the presence in the large intestine of zones without innervation. Therefore, the main violation is the lack of peristalsis in the affected areas, the accumulation of feces in them, and severe constipation.

The main complaints of patients: constipation, constant bloating, nagging pain in the left side of the abdomen. The disease is treated only surgically, removing the area unsuitable for digestion.

Crohn's disease is the formation of inflammatory nodules (granulomas) in the intestines and other parts of the digestive tract. The reason is unclear. With inflammation in the descending colon, abdominal pain is localized to the lower left. Patients experience constant fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The disease is diagnosed only on the basis of a biopsy of material from the site of inflammation.

Characteristics of pain in diseases of the urinary organs

Urinary diseases occur in cases of pathology of the kidneys, bladder, and ureter. The localization we are studying includes local pain in the ureter caused by its stretching and radiating pain from the left kidney.


Inflammation of internal structures (pelvis, calyces) caused by infection. It begins suddenly with high fever, vomiting, chills, pain in the lower back on the left, radiating to the left side of the abdomen. Impaired urination, pain, and urinary retention occur. Pulsating pain is an unfavorable sign indicating the formation of an abscess in the kidney.

In the chronic course, exacerbations are milder, but with the same symptoms. As a result, scars appear in place of the inflamed tissue, the kidney becomes deformed and loses function. Kidney failure occurs when the second healthy kidney stops working hard to compensate for the diseased organ. The disease is treated by urologists with antibacterial agents, diuretics, and, if necessary, by opening the suppuration or resection of part of the kidney.

Urolithiasis disease

Often accompanied by inflammation of the urinary tract and metabolic disorders. It is caused by the loss of crystalline sediment in the urine, its settling in the pelvis and gluing into stones. The most common compositions are phosphates, oxalates, and urates.

The stone causes a disruption in the process of urine outflow, so stagnation and distension form in the higher-lying sections. The movement of a stone along the ureter explains why the lower abdomen hurts. Clinically, after intense shaking or running, the patient experiences an attack of renal colic.

The pain is very intense in nature, cutting. Localized in the lower back or to the left of the navel. Acute urinary retention occurs. The duration of the attack is up to several hours. For emergency care, painkillers and antispasmodics are administered. Frequent recurrence of attacks is an indication for surgical removal of the stone.

Painful manifestations in gynecological pathology

Since the uterus is an unpaired organ, pain during its inflammation and endometriosis spreads from the suprapubic zone to both the left and the right; it is possible to single out only the left-sided localization for diseases of the left appendage.


Inflammation of the ovary is provoked by hypothermia and heavy physical work. The cause is infection. The chronic disease is accompanied by constant aching pain in the left lower abdomen and fever. It intensifies during sexual intercourse and during menstruation. A long process leads to the formation of adhesions.

Cyst torsion

A voluminous hollow formation from the left ovary may have a narrow base (pedicle). If a cyst is present, women note that before the acute attack, the pain in the left side was “tolerable.” Torsion causes intense pain on the left in the iliac region, in the side. During an attack, the cyst may rupture with the appearance of local peritoneal symptoms. Treatment in gynecology is only surgical.

At the initial stage, the left ovarian cyst is located inside the organ and does not cause symptoms, except for disruption of the menstrual schedule

Ectopic pregnancy

The disease manifests itself as an attack of gradually increasing pain in the left side of the abdomen, below, nausea and vomiting. Preceded by a delay in menstruation. Lack of measures leads to rupture of the left tube, peritonitis and multiple adhesions. A woman becomes infertile because the egg does not travel to the uterus.

Allen-Masters syndrome

The disease manifests itself in women in the postpartum period. It consists of rupture of the uterine ligaments during difficult childbirth. Often complicates abortion. The patient experiences cramping pain, which is localized in the lower abdomen, sometimes only on the left or in the anal area. Intensifies with straining.

The pain is burning in nature and radiates to the left half of the abdomen. During a digital examination, the gynecologist reveals excessive mobility of the cervix and pain when pressing on the abdominal wall.

What pain causes diseases of the left hip joint?

The hip joint is the largest joint in the body. The pathology affects bone surfaces and cartilage, adjacent muscles, tendons, nerves and blood vessels.

The most common causes of pain in the hip joint radiating to the lower abdomen are:

  • inflammation (arthritis) infectious and autoimmune;
  • inflammation in the periarticular bursa (bursitis);
  • degenerative disorders in bone tissue, osteoarthritis or coxarthrosis;
  • fractures and dislocations;
  • aseptic necrosis in the femoral head;
  • tuberculosis.

Coxarthrosis affects the articular surfaces and limits the mobility of the femoral head

All diseases are expressed in increased pain in the joint when placing emphasis on the left leg or walking. The doctor will note deformation of the articular surfaces and shortening of the left leg. The diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray. Tomographic slices at different depths are used.

Diagnosis of pain syndrome on the left in the lower abdomen for a long time is very insidious, because it is necessary to assume and exclude many diseases. Therefore, the doctor should not focus only on the clinic and the patient’s complaints.

Reliable data is provided by examination and the use of laboratory and hardware techniques. Patients who feel pain in the left abdomen should rely only on the opinion of a specialist and not try to get rid of them on their own.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Marina asks:

What could be the cause of pain in the left lower abdomen?

Topographically, the sigmoid colon (a section of the large intestine located in front of the rectum), the left ureter, through which urine flows from the left kidney to the bladder, as well as the left uterine appendages are projected onto the left iliac region (a section of the anterior abdominal wall located below and to the left of the navel). among women. Therefore, most often pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates damage to these organs.

In order to determine which organ is affected, it is necessary, as doctors say, to detail the pain syndrome. It is necessary to evaluate the nature of the pain (stabbing, cutting, aching, pulling, cramping), its severity, connection with physical activity, acts of urination and defecation, body position, etc.

In addition, the presence of other symptoms (diarrhea, fever, vaginal discharge in women) should be taken into account, as well as medical history (have there been similar attacks in the past, what caused them, what treatment was given).

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with damage to the sigmoid colon

If there is pain in the lower abdomen on the left, damage to the sigmoid colon can be suspected in cases where there are symptoms such as:
  • the pain intensifies on the eve of defecation, after a long walk or during a bumpy ride;

  • pain syndrome is accompanied by tenesmus - a painful urge to defecate;

  • pain is combined with frequent loose stools (up to 20-40 times a day);

  • feces look like meat slop (significant admixture of blood) and/or have a foul odor;

  • pathological inclusions (blood, pus, mucus) are detected in the stool with the naked eye.

The sigmoid colon is an S-shaped, curved section of the large intestine located just in front of the rectum. Therefore, all pathological processes spread from the sigmoid colon to the rectum, and isolated damage to the sigmoid colon is extremely rare.

Structural features such as the presence of physiological bends and narrowings contribute to stagnation of intestinal contents; this is quite rational from a physiological point of view, since it is in the sigmoid colon that the final formation of feces occurs. However, these same features have led to the fact that the sigmoid colon is the most vulnerable place of the large intestine - tumor, degenerative and inflammatory processes are localized here more often than in other sections.

Most often, pain in the left lower abdomen occurs with the following pathologies of the sigmoid colon:

  • infectious processes (acute and chronic dysentery, as well as dysentery-like infections);

  • chronic non-ulcerative colitis;

  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;

  • circulatory disorders in the sigmoid colon (ischemic sigmoiditis);

  • sigmoid colon cancer.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with dysentery and dysentery-like infections

The causative agents of Shigella dysentery and some other microorganisms (for example, enteroinvasive E. coli) are capable of secreting toxins that cause the formation of ulcers in the terminal part of the large intestine.

As a result, acute sigmoiditis develops with typical symptoms: frequent loose stools, tenesmus, cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the left. Feces contain mucus, blood and pus visible to the eye. The symptom of “rectal spitting” is very characteristic, when with a high frequency of stool during the act of defecation, only mucus mixed with blood and pus is released.

Dysentery and dysentery-like infections are transmitted from person to person through food, water, and dirty hands. A significant role in the spread of infection is played by bacteria carriers - people who do not have signs of the disease, but release bacteria into the external environment.

The disease begins acutely as gastroenteritis (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea without pathological impurities, cramping abdominal pain without clear localization), occurring with a significant increase in temperature (up to 38-39 degrees) and pronounced signs of intoxication (weakness, drowsiness, headache). Only on the second or third day the disease takes on the character of a typical acute sigmoiditis.

If you suspect dysentery, you should contact an infectious disease specialist, since the lack of adequate treatment can lead to the development of complications or the disease becoming chronic.

Chronic dysentery is prone to a persistent relapsing course, when periods of relative well-being are replaced by periods of clinical exacerbation of the pathology, reminiscent of acute sigmoiditis.

Bursting pain in the lower abdomen on the left with chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis

Chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis is a polyetiological disease (pathology caused by several reasons at once), in the occurrence of which a large role is played by hereditary predisposition, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and poor nutrition (lack of a normal diet, lack of vitamins and coarse grains). fiber with an excess of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, abuse of spicy foods, salt and alcohol).

The mechanism of development of the pathology is based on a violation of the normal balance of intestinal microflora, so the impetus for the occurrence of chronic non-ulcer sigmoiditis can be long-term antibiotic therapy, previous infectious intestinal diseases, toxic infections, giardiasis, etc.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left in chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis has a bursting character, radiates to the perineum and groin, and intensifies with sudden movements and physical activity. In this case, the pain is most often of medium or weak intensity, sometimes perceived as a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen on the left.

The pain syndrome is accompanied by stool disorders. Chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis, unlike other lesions of the sigmoid colon, is characterized by constipation and/or constipation followed by diarrhea.

A long course of the disease leads to cerebrasthenia (exhaustion of the nervous system), in such cases characteristic symptoms appear: headache, irritability, fatigue, decreased physical and mental performance, emotional lability, a tendency to phobias (obsessive fears) and depression.

Cramping pain in the left lower abdomen with chronic nonspecific inflammatory lesions of the large intestine

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the left is characteristic of chronic ulcerative lesions of the sigmoid colon, not associated with the activity of specific microflora (so-called nonspecific inflammatory bowel lesions).

In such cases, pain occurs periodically during exacerbations of the disease and is combined with other characteristic symptoms of ulcerative lesions of the sigmoid colon, such as:

  • frequent loose, foul-smelling stools;

  • the presence of visible blood in the stool;

  • violation of the general condition of the body (weakness, fever, headache, etc.).
With a long course of chronic nonspecific inflammatory lesions of the intestine, chronic anemia, cerebrovascular disease, and in severe cases cachexia (general exhaustion of the body) develop.

Features of pain syndrome in nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a severe chronic disease of the large intestine (mainly its terminal sections - the rectum and sigmoid colon), characterized by the formation of superficial ulcers on the mucous membrane with the subsequent development of complications - both local and general.

The disease most often develops at a young age (20-40 years) and is severe. It should be noted that the main symptom of the pathology is frequent loose bloody stools. Cramping pain appears before defecation and subsides after bowel movement. If the pain becomes constant, this indicates the development of local complications (perforation of an ulcer or toxic dilatation of the intestine).

Features of pain in the lower abdomen on the left with damage to the sigmoid colon caused by Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a severe chronic disease characterized by segmental damage to the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, inflammatory infiltrates appear on the affected areas, in place of which deep cracks form, and subsequently cicatricial narrowings develop, fistulas appear, and a reactive adhesive process occurs.

It should be noted that Crohn's disease most often affects the terminal part of the small intestine (another name for the pathology is terminal ileitis). With isolated damage to the terminal parts of the large intestine, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the left and has a typical periodic nature (cramping pain appears on the eve of defecation and disappears after bowel movement).

With the development of an adhesive process in the pelvic cavity, the pain syndrome becomes permanent; in such cases, the pain may intensify with a change in body position.

Pain associated with food load in ischemic lesions of the sigmoid colon

Ischemic damage to the sigmoid colon develops in old age, as a rule, in patients with other diseases associated with atherosclerosis (coronary heart disease, intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency, etc.).

It is characteristic that, unlike other diseases, ischemic sigmoiditis occurs in isolation, since the rectum, due to the characteristics of its blood supply, is not involved in the process. Acute circulatory failure leads to the formation of poorly healing ulcers on the mucous membrane, and subsequently a scar process develops, leading to a narrowing of the lumen of the sigmoid colon.

The clinical picture of ischemic sigmoiditis is in many ways similar to nonspecific ulcerative colitis. However, pain in the left lower abdomen with ischemic lesions of the sigmoid colon has specific characteristics. Pain syndrome occurs in cases where there is an increased need for blood supply, that is, after a heavy meal. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, and the attacks are quite long (up to three hours).

Ischemic pain is characterized by high intensity, so patients often deliberately reduce the amount of food consumed, fearing attacks of severe pain.

Pain in the left lower abdomen with sigmoid colon cancer

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with sigmoid colon cancer appears most often with the development of complications, such as chronic intestinal obstruction, tumor disintegration with the formation of a bleeding ulcer, or the addition of an infection with the development of an inflammatory process.

It should be noted that the development of complications in itself does not indicate the extent of the process. Due to such features of the anatomical structure as the curvature and narrowness of the sigmoid colon canal, chronic intestinal obstruction develops relatively early. In this case, pain in the lower abdomen is cramping in nature and occurs against the background of constipation, often followed by diarrhea.

Since the sigmoid colon tumor is easily injured by dense feces, a secondary infection is also possible in the early stages of the disease. In such cases, pain in the lower abdomen on the left, as a rule, is combined with pathological changes in stool (the presence of pathological inclusions visible to the eye - blood, mucus and pus).

Thus, a combination of symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen on the left, the presence of blood in the stool and a tendency to constipation are always suspicious for sigmoid colon cancer. Patients aged fifty years and older should be especially careful.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with left-sided renal colic

Pain in the left lower abdomen can occur with left-sided renal colic, a very characteristic pain syndrome resulting from obstruction of the urinary tract.

Renal colic is characterized by unusually severe stabbing or cramping pain that is not relieved by rest. A specific sign of this pathology is the discrepancy between the extreme severity of the pain syndrome and the relatively satisfactory general condition of the patient.

So if patients with an acute abdomen lie motionless in bed, then patients with an attack of renal colic rush around the room, trying to find a position that alleviates the attack.

Pain in renal colic radiates down the ureter to the external genitalia and to the inner thigh and is often accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate. Sometimes it is possible to detect pain or discomfort in the lumbar region.

An attack of renal colic is relatively easily relieved with analgesics and antispasmodics, however, due to the possibility of complications (infection, urinary tract obstruction with the formation of hydrocele of the kidney, etc.), medical observation is indicated.

Pain in the left lower abdomen in women

When pain appears in the lower left abdomen in women, the possibility of pathology of the uterine appendages should be taken into account (ectopic pregnancy, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, ovarian apoplexy (hemorrhage into the ovary), neoplasms of the uterine appendages, torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst, etc.).

Gynecological pathology should be suspected when pain appears in the lower left abdomen if the following signs are present:

  • menstrual irregularities (the appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen against the background of delayed menstruation is always suspicious of an ectopic pregnancy);

  • pathological vaginal discharge (bloody, purulent, mucopurulent, etc.);

  • unfavorable medical history (previous ectopic pregnancy, surgical interventions on the uterus, the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the uterine appendages, etc.).

In this case, a distinction is made between acute lesions of the uterine appendages, which occur with signs of an “acute abdomen” and require immediate hospitalization, and chronic pathology, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor as planned.

Acute abdomen in gynecology

Sharp, sudden pain in the lower abdomen on the left requires emergency hospitalization in cases where it is combined with symptoms of an “acute abdomen”, such as:
  • nausea and reflex vomiting that does not bring relief (occurs as a result of irritation of the peritoneum);

  • increased body temperature;

  • pain and tension in the anterior abdominal wall in the projection of the affected organ (in this case, the lower left abdomen);

  • deterioration of the general condition of the body (weakness, cold sweat, headache, dizziness, etc.)

The following lesions of the uterine appendages can cause an acute abdomen::

  • rupture of the fallopian tube or tubal abortion during tubal ectopic pregnancy;

  • ovarian apoplexy (bleeding into the ovary);

  • torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst;

  • acute adnexitis (acute inflammation of the uterine appendages).
Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen on the left in gynecological diseases occurring with the clinical picture of an acute abdomen has a stabbing, cutting or cramping nature. In the case of a rupture of the tube during tubal pregnancy, the pain can be felt like a blow from a dagger (dagger pain), and with the accumulation of pus in the cavity of the tube (pyosalping), as well as with suppuration of the ovary (ovarian abscess), the pain often takes on a pulsating character.

In acute gynecological pathology, the pain radiates to the sacrum and anus, and in case of irritation of the pelvic plexus, which often occurs when massive blood or pus enters the pelvic cavity, the pain radiates to the left hypochondrium, as well as to the left supra- and subclavian region .

With spontaneous termination of a tubal pregnancy and with hemorrhage into the ovary, severe internal bleeding develops; in such cases, the described symptoms of an acute abdomen are combined with signs of internal bleeding, such as:

  • pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes;

  • increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure;

  • weakness, dizziness.

If signs of internal bleeding appear, emergency medical attention is necessary, since delay can lead to the development of a shock reaction and death.
In acute left-sided inflammation of the uterine appendages, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is combined with purulent vaginal discharge and develops against the background of high fever (38-39 degrees and above). In such cases, hospitalization is also indicated, since the development of purulent complications such as ovarian abscess or pyosalping is possible.

Periodically appearing dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left in chronic gynecological pathology

Dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left is characteristic of a chronic inflammatory process in the left appendages of the uterus. In such cases, pain is usually accompanied by the appearance of mucopurulent discharge.

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages most often develops as a consequence of an acute infectious-inflammatory disease of the uterus and/or appendages (acute endometritis, acute adnexitis, acute salpingoophoritis). Exacerbation of the process can be associated with both external (hypothermia, nervous or physical stress) and internal causes (the onset of menstrual bleeding, weakening of the body after an illness).

Often, chronic inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages occur subacutely, so that dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen that appears during menstruation or after exposure to unfavorable external factors may be the only symptom of the pathology. However, at any moment the process can worsen with the development of purulent complications up to peritonitis, and with a long course, irreversible changes occur in the uterine appendages, leading to infertility.

Dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left can occur with neoplasms of the uterine appendages - both benign and malignant. At the same time, benign ovarian cysts are accompanied by pain only when the volume of the cyst reaches a large size.

Pain syndrome in fallopian tube cancer occurs at relatively early stages of tumor development and often has a cramping character. In this case, the pain is accompanied by copious (up to 50 ml or more) watery vaginal discharge. This pathology develops most often during premenopause (after 40-45 years).

However, in some cases, pain in the lower abdomen on the left with cancer of the left ovary occurs already at the initial stage of the disease. In this case, short-term nagging and aching pains appear for no apparent reason. Subsequently, the pain syndrome becomes cyclical: pain occurs after 4-5 days and lasts 2-3 hours.

When a tumor grows into the pelvic cavity, the pain becomes constant and can change its character depending on the degree of damage to surrounding organs and tissues (stabbing, tearing, gnawing pain).

Which doctor should I contact for pain in the left lower abdomen?

Since pain in the left lower abdomen can be caused by diseases of various organs, when it appears, it is necessary to contact doctors of various specialties whose competence includes treating the pathology of the affected organ. The decision on which doctor to contact in each specific case is made depending on the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms, which make it possible to “calculate” the affected organ.

First of all, you should know that it is necessary to consult a doctor routinely only for diseases that do not threaten death in the short term. It is these pathologies and cases that will be discussed below. But if a person develops an emergency condition, that is, a disease in which the lack of medical care as soon as possible can lead to death, then you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Such emergency conditions are easy to recognize - in them, pain in the lower abdomen on the left can be combined with pain in other parts of the abdomen, radiating to the rectum, side, lower back, pain is intense, strong, sharp, does not subside over time, is always accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health, possibly a one-time vomiting that does not bring relief, decreased blood pressure, weakness, headaches.

If intense, cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left, not spreading to other areas, but often simultaneously felt in the lower abdomen on the right and in the navel area, combined with constipation, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, frequent bowel movements, then this indicates intestinal diseases (for example, colitis, enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome), which means you need to contact Gastroenterologist (make an appointment) or therapist (make an appointment).

If a person experiences severe pain in the anus, rectum and lower abdomen on the left, combined with a frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea and pain during defecation, then you should contact proctologist (make an appointment) or surgeon (make an appointment), since similar symptoms are characteristic of proctitis and paraproctitis.

The appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which with sudden movements, stress and high loads becomes stabbing and sharp, or intensifies, and is not combined with other symptoms of digestive disorders, urination, etc., indicates adhesive disease and, accordingly, requires contacting a surgeon. Adhesive disease is suggested by previous operations on the abdominal organs or inflammatory diseases of these organs (stomach, intestines, pancreas, gall bladder, etc.).

Dull, constant, moderate pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which is combined with pain in the lower abdomen on the right or near the navel (when the whole abdomen seems to hurt), characterized by the fact that it does not subside over time, accompanied by vomiting, dry mouth, loss of appetite, surges in blood pressure pressure, rapid heartbeat (up to 100 beats per minute), rapid breathing (40 breaths per minute) and elevated body temperature indicate mesadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes of the mesentery of the intestine), and require contacting a surgeon.

Paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen on the left, felt simultaneously or radiating to the groin and lower back, combined with urinary dysfunction (blood in the urine, painful, frequent urination), forcing a person to walk restlessly continuously due to the fact that it is not possible to find a position in which the pain would be at least a little weaker, indicate a disease of the urinary organs (urolithiasis, blockage of the ureter with a stone) and require treatment urologist (make an appointment) or a surgeon.

If pain is felt in the lower abdomen in the center and spreads to the left, combined with frequent, painful urination, cloudy urine or blood in the urine, then this indicates cystitis, and requires treatment nephrologist (make an appointment) or a urologist (women can contact gynecologist (make an appointment), if a nephrologist and urologist are absent).

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left, right, or center, which is accompanied by frequent, loose/mushy, scanty stools mixed with blood or mucus, rumbling, bloating, pain during bowel movements, lack of relief after bowel movements, and sometimes nausea and vomiting, indicates intestinal infection and requires treatment infectious disease doctor (make an appointment).

Periodically appearing nagging pains in the lower abdomen on the left, radiating to the groin and leg, combined with a protrusion in the area of ​​the left inguinal fold, aggravated or provoked by physical activity, indicate an inguinal hernia and require consultation with a surgeon.

Severe paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen in women, which suddenly appears on both the right and left, and then migrates to the left, or a dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left that appears after stress, hypothermia, physical activity may indicate inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis ) or endometritis and, accordingly, require contacting a gynecologist. Both types of pain are characterized by the spread of pain to the sacrum, lower back, groin or rectum, combined with pain when urinating, irregular cycles, fatigue, short temper, irritability, inflammatory vaginal discharge or elevated body temperature (greenish, yellowish, grayish, with blisters, flakes, pus, mucus, etc.).

Episodic nagging pain in the left lower abdomen in women, often caused by sexual intercourse, combined with prolongation of the cycle, short intermenstrual bleeding, indicate the presence of a cystoma or ovarian cyst and require consultation with a gynecologist.

Dull, drawing, aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women, which can intensify during menstruation, extends to the lower back, tailbone, sacrum or rectum, is combined with bleeding, frequent urination, clots in menstrual flow, indicating neoplasms in the genital organs (for example, uterine fibroids, polyp, etc.) and, accordingly, require contacting a gynecologist.

Pain in the lower left abdomen in men, radiating to the left side, perineum, lower back, combined with urination disorders (frequent urination in small portions, prolonged urination due to slow urine flow, etc.) and erection, indicates prostate disease (prostate adenoma or prostatitis), and therefore requires contacting a urologist.

When the pain in the lower abdomen on the left is persistent, does not go away for a long time, is combined with loss of appetite, sudden causeless weight loss, poor general health, perversion of taste, persistent constipation, bloating and flatulence - this is a sign of malignant neoplasms and requires treatment. oncologist (make an appointment).

What tests can doctors prescribe for pain in the lower abdomen on the right?

Pain in the lower left abdomen is provoked by a wide range of diseases of various organs, and therefore, when this symptom appears, the doctor can prescribe various tests and examinations necessary to identify the affected organ and the nature of the pathology. Therefore, in each specific case, the doctor selects and prescribes only those tests that will identify the existing disease of a particular organ. The choice of studies is made on the basis of accompanying symptoms, examination data and the nature of the pain, since it is this information that allows the doctor to guess which organ is affected and by what pathology.

If a person has signs of intestinal diseases, in particular, pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which can simultaneously be felt in the navel area, combined with constipation, diarrhea, frequent bowel movements with soft feces, bloating, flatulence, nausea, rumbling in the stomach, the doctor will prescribe the following tests and examinations to identify specific pathologies:

  • General blood analysis ;

  • Analysis of stool for worm eggs;

  • Scatological analysis of stool;

  • Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis;

  • Stool culture or blood test for clostridia;

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (make an appointment);

  • Colonoscopy (make an appointment)/sigmoidoscopy (sign up);

  • Irrigoscopy (x-ray of the intestines with contrast) (make an appointment);

  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up);

  • Stool analysis for calprotectin;

  • Blood test for the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies;

  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to Saccharomycetes.

Usually, first of all, a general blood test, scatological stool analysis, stool test for worm eggs, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are prescribed. Irrigoscopy and computed tomography are used as additional diagnostic methods to clarify a complex clinical situation. Tests for clostridium are prescribed only after all other studies have already been done and there are suspicions that colitis is caused by taking antibiotics. Feces for calprotectin, blood for antibodies to Saccharomycetes and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are prescribed if Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is suspected and, most often, when a person cannot undergo a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or tomography.

When at the same time in the lower abdomen on the right and left, as well as in the navel or in one of these areas, a dull, mild pain appears that does not subside over time, combined with vomiting, dry mouth, loss of appetite, surges in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat (up to 100 beats) per minute) and breathing (40 breaths per minute) and elevated body temperature, the doctor prescribes a list of the following tests and examinations to distinguish mesadenitis from other diseases and identify its causes:

  • General blood analysis;

  • General urine analysis ;

  • Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, urea, creatinine, total protein, amylase, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, LDH);

  • Fecal occult blood test;

  • Scatological analysis of stool;

  • Mantoux test, Diaskin test or blood test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis;

  • Blood test for antibodies to hepatitis A, B, C viruses (ELISA method);

  • Blood culture for sterility;

  • Blood test using PCR for the presence of microbes that can cause mesadenitis (enteroviruses, Epstein-Barr virus, Yersinia, streptococci, staphylococci, campylobacter, salmonella, E. coli);

  • Tests for ascariasis, enterobiasis, opisthorchiasis, giardiasis;

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;

  • Abdominal X-ray (make an appointment);

  • Colonoscopy;

  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging;

  • Diagnostic laparoscopy (make an appointment) with the collection of pieces of tissue from inflamed lymph nodes for histological examination.

As a rule, if mesadenitis is suspected, all of the specified studies are prescribed and performed, as this is necessary to establish the exact cause of the disease and, accordingly, prescribe effective treatment. However, they can prescribe and perform only a colonoscopy or tomography, and neglect x-rays.

When paroxysmal pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left, which radiates to the groin and lower back, is combined with a urinary disorder (blood in the urine, pain when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, etc.), forcing a person to constantly be on the move, since If you can’t find a position in which the pain will subside even a little, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General urine analysis;

  • General blood analysis;

  • Kidney ultrasound (sign up) and bladder;

  • Cystoscopy (make an appointment);

  • Urography (x-ray of the urinary system with the introduction of a contrast agent) (sign up);

  • Renal scintigraphy (sign up) and urinary tract;

  • CT scan.

First of all, a general blood and urine test, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder and urography are prescribed, and only if these methods do not allow an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may additionally prescribe scintigraphy, cystoscopy and tomography.

Sudden paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen on the left (at first it can be over the entire surface of the lower abdomen, but then shifts to the left) or dull, aching pain in the left lower abdomen that appears after stress, hypothermia, physical activity, which can spread to the sacrum, lower back, groin or rectum, combined with pain during urination, irregular menstrual cycle, short temper, increased fatigue or elevated body temperature, prompts the doctor to think about inflammation of the uterine appendages, and he prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;

  • General urine analysis;

  • Vaginal flora smear (sign up);

  • Analysis of blood, vaginal discharge and scraping from the urethra for genital infections (for chlamydia, mycoplasma, gardnerella, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococci, Candida fungi);

  • Tests for the presence of viruses - herpes virus types 1 and 2, human papillomavirus (sign up), cytomegalovirus (sign up), Epstein-Barr virus;

  • Blood test for syphilis (sign up);

  • Bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge;

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (sign up);

  • Hysterosalpingography (sign up).

Usually, doctors do not prescribe all of the listed tests at once, but only an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a smear for vaginal flora, as well as a general blood and urine test, which are often quite sufficient to make a diagnosis. However, if the indicated methods fail to make an accurate diagnosis, the other studies listed above are additionally prescribed.

For nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which occurs periodically, is often caused by sexual intercourse, is combined with intermenstrual bleeding or prolongation of the cycle, the doctor usually prescribes only an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a smear on the flora. Additionally, blood tests may be prescribed for the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone and prolactin (sign up) to find out the cause of the formation of ovarian cysts.

For dull, nagging, aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left, intensifying during menstruation and stress radiating to the lower back, tailbone, sacrum or rectum, combined with the release of clots during menstruation and frequent urination, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, hysteroscopy (make an appointment) or, if possible, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, since these are the studies that are needed to diagnose uterine tumors. In addition, the doctor may prescribe a general and biochemical blood test, a general urine test, a coagulogram, a blood test for sex hormones (LH, FSH, testosterone, etc.) to assess the general condition of the body.

When a man experiences pain in the lower abdomen on the left in combination with pain in the perineum, left side and lower back, as well as urination and erection problems, the doctor prescribes the following examinations to diagnose prostate disease:

  • General urine analysis;

  • General blood analysis;

  • Palpation of the prostate through the anus with a finger;

  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland (make an appointment);

  • Microscopy of prostate secretion (sign up);

  • Bacteriological culture of urine, prostate secretion and urethral smear to identify the causative microbe and its sensitivity to antibiotics;

  • Analysis of prostate secretion, urethral smear or blood for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, bacteroides);

  • Blood test for syphilis;

  • Blood test for sex hormones and tumor markers (sign up)(sex hormone binding globulin, testosterone, prostate-specific antigen).

In practice, first of all, ultrasound of the prostate, palpation of the prostate, microscopy of prostate secretions, urethral smear and general blood and urine tests are prescribed. And only if these tests were not enough to make a diagnosis, the doctor additionally prescribes other examinations from the list.

When there is a suspicion of the presence of a tumor (persistent pain in the lower abdomen on the left, perversion of taste, loss of appetite, causeless weight loss, flatulence, bloating, persistent constipation), the doctor prescribes x-ray (sign up) and ultrasound of the abdominal organs, computed or magnetic resonance imaging, general and biochemical blood and urine tests, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, etc., to assess the general condition of the body and find out the exact location and size of the tumor formation. And the oncologist can additionally prescribe tests for tumor markers, which he selects depending on the affected organ and the type of tumor.

In the lower abdomen, women experience so-called pelvic pain, usually caused by chronic or acute diseases of various internal organs, bones, blood vessels, and joints of the pelvic girdle. If the left side of the lower abdomen hurts in women, this may be due to both gynecological problems and diseases of other organs located on the left side of the peritoneum.

What hurts in the left side

Painful sensations may appear in the left side with diseases of various organs that are located in this area.

What can hurt:

  • Spleen. An enlarged spleen can cause pain in the left abdominal region, just below the ribs. With a chronic course of the disease, the pain will be weak and nagging. When the spleen ruptures, the pain will be sharp and sharp.
  • Small and large intestine. When painful sensations arise, they can radiate to the left side of the lower abdomen and move smoothly.
  • Urinary system. Colic on the left side of the abdomen occurs with chronic urolithiasis.
  • Kidneys. Inflammation of the kidneys in a woman is accompanied not only by pain in the lumbar region, but also by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Gastrointestinal organs. Pain appearing on the left side of the abdomen is often a symptom of diseases of the digestive tract. Temporarily, such pain can also appear due to overeating, eating excessively spicy and fatty foods, and abusing alcoholic beverages.

Note! In the abdominal region, most organs with the development of pathologies can cause pain of various types in the left abdominal region. Only inflamed appendicitis does not radiate to the left; this pathology is characterized only by right-sided pain.

The photo shows possible causes of pain in different parts of a woman’s abdomen, burning sensation and associated diseases.

Pain in women occurs on the left side with the following pathologies:

  • Gynecological diseases – 60-70%;
  • Gastroenterology – 50-60%;
  • Urological diseases – 65-90%;
  • Orthopedic pathologies – 7-15%.

Pain in the left lower abdomen may indicate problems in the field of gastroenterology

Important! In 70% of patients complaining of pain arising in the lower abdomen, gynecological diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system are diagnosed.

Disturbances in the functioning of any of the organs located in the peritoneum can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if you regularly experience pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the cause and prescribe timely treatment.

Causes of pain and illness

Pulling pain often occurs with purulent inflammation in the pelvis

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen. They can occur with inflammation or rupture of ligaments, acute expansion of the bladder, or rupture of the ovaries.

Stitching pains. With diseases of the intestines and kidneys, colic occurs in the lower abdomen. Stitching and shooting pain is a dangerous symptom that may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left and right in women is not the main symptom, but accompanies serious pathologies in the internal organs. Painful sensations during diseases are accompanied by other symptoms that help determine the main cause of a woman’s pain:

  • Temperature. An increase in temperature indicators accompanies infectious pathologies and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, genitourinary system and intestines.
  • Vomiting and nausea. Accompanying gastrointestinal pathologies, characteristic of Pain on the left side during menstruation or during ovulation in the lower abdomen is not the cause of the pathology and goes away on its own within a few days.

    What to do for pain in the side

    The appearance of pain in the lower left abdomen in a woman can serve as a signal about the development of serious pathologies in the body. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to taking a painkiller - this will only temporarily relieve pain, but will not eliminate the cause of its occurrence, and in some cases it will even cause harm.

    How to act if pain occurs in the lower abdomen - first aid:

    • Find the most comfortable position possible to relieve pain.
    • Before the doctor arrives, remember all the symptoms associated with pain.
    • An ambulance should be called if a sharp, intense pain occurs that does not go away for more than an hour and if the pain is accompanied by incessant vomiting, a sharp rise in temperature, etc.
    • If after 2-3 days the pain in the side does not disappear, it is advisable for the woman to visit. In the absence of pathology of the reproductive organs, a visit to the surgeon is possible.
    • Avoid taking painkillers - this may make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

    Even if the pain in the side is not severe, but appears regularly, this is a reason to visit a doctor in order to prevent the development of serious pathologies in time.

    In the video, in the program Live Healthy, they understand the question of why the left side in the lower abdomen of an adult woman hurts.

    This article is posted solely for the general educational purposes of visitors and does not constitute scientific material, universal instructions or professional medical advice, and does not replace a consultation with a doctor. For diagnosis and treatment, consult only qualified physicians.

Pain in the left lower abdomen can occur in both men and women. This unpleasant sensation can be a sign of many diseases, among which it is worth noting appendicitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the appendages and ectopic pregnancy.

In differentiating a specific disease, it is very important to take into account how it hurts in the lower abdomen on the left, that is, to take into account not only the location of the pain itself, but also to understand its nature.

To better understand what exactly can hurt in the lower abdomen on the left, we present those organs that are located in this part of the abdominal cavity:

  1. Spleen. This organ is unpaired. It belongs to the immune system and serves as a kind of storage for blood in the portal circulatory system.
  2. Small intestine. Usually, pain in a given place in a person indicates acute diseases of this part of the intestine, which require immediate treatment.
  3. In women, the organs of the genitourinary and reproductive systems are located on the left side of the lower abdomen.

Thus, the following types of pain in the lower abdomen on the left are distinguished:

  1. Acute pain.
  2. Drawing pain.
  3. Aching pain.

Acute (cutting pains) can indicate both diseases of the uterus (during ovulation, menstruation, inflammation of the ovaries) and intestinal diseases. If acute pain is accompanied by bleeding, this may be due to the inflammatory process in the female genital organs and their pathologies (fibroids, endometriosis). If there is pain in the left lower abdomen during pregnancy, this may indicate premature birth.

In addition, sometimes acute pain may indicate inflammation of the reproductive system. In any case, if this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. The next type of pain is pulling. Typically, this sign indicates purulent diseases of the pelvic organs. It can occur when pressing on the stomach, running, walking or sexual intercourse.

Sometimes such a symptom is very pronounced and brings a lot of suffering to a person. Sometimes it hurts in the lower left abdomen due to an intestinal infection or ordinary poisoning. Drawing, dull pain radiating to the groin, leg and lower back may indicate a strangulated inguinal hernia. Aching pain with such localization, as a rule, indicates the progression of intestinal diseases.

It is important to note

If you have aching pain, you should not rush to take analgesics, as they will mask the symptoms of the disease, which will only complicate the process of diagnosing it by doctors.

A woman’s left lower abdomen hurts: possible pathologies

When a woman has pain in the left lower abdomen, then, first of all, you need to suspect the gynecological causes of this symptom. The fact that a woman has pain in the lower left abdomen may be associated with acute inflammatory diseases of the ovaries.

In this case, the pathology will be accompanied by paroxysmal nagging pains that arise due to impaired blood circulation.

The next gynecological reason why a woman’s left lower abdomen hurts is the middle of the menstrual cycle. In this condition, pain develops due to irritation of the abdominal cavity by follicular fluid. Gynecologists describe this type of pain as normal if it is not accompanied by severe cramps and heavy bleeding. Inflammation of the appendages, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, can cause pronounced pain.

In this case, a characteristic sign of infection will be the presence of copious discharge from the genital tract from yellow to green. The development of oncological pathologies in the female genital organs can cause throbbing, pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left. Also, in this condition, a woman may have a rise in body temperature, severe weakness and pallor.

The following intestinal causes are identified that cause pain in the left side:

  1. Malabsorption.
  2. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  3. Crohn's disease.
  4. Ulcerative colitis.
  5. Diverticulosis.
  6. Oncological pathologies in the intestine.

Malabsorption disease can be either congenital or acquired. In this condition, a person’s ability to absorb certain foods in the intestines is impaired. For example, these could be fermented milk products, fruits or protein foods.

Malabsorption in the patient is accompanied by frequent bowel movements, diarrhea and pain in the left side, which can be stabbing. Also, a person often experiences increased gas formation and rumbling in the stomach. Irritable bowel syndrome has an origin that is still not fully understood. Most doctors are inclined to believe that it is provoked by stress and severe emotional stress.

With this disease, a person will experience chronic pain in the left side of the abdomen, which is accompanied by frequent constipation. This syndrome can also cause nausea, deterioration of digestion and absorption of nutrients. This disease is treated with a special diet and medications. Crohn's disease is a condition in which a person's gastrointestinal tract becomes severely inflamed.

Often observed manifestations of this pathology are pain in the left side of the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite. It is worth noting that diagnosing Crohn's disease is extremely difficult, because it is often very similar to other diseases. This pathology is especially similar to acute appendicitis.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic form of inflammation of the large intestine, which usually provokes changes in the structure of the intestinal walls. In this condition, a person may experience paroxysmal pain in the left side of the abdomen, which can occur after physical activity, severe anxiety, or overeating. In more advanced cases, pain occurs even in a supine position.

Additional manifestations of ulcerative colitis include nausea, loss of appetite, and diarrhea mixed with pus.

Diverticulosis of the large intestine is a pathology in which diverticula form in a person. Outwardly, they resemble small pouches, which cause protrusion of the intestinal walls. Older people are more susceptible to diverticulitis.

In this case, diverticula will cause fermentation, gas formation and abdominal pain. They also often provoke constipation and intestinal bleeding. Another possible cause of pain in the left side of the abdomen is oncological pathologies of the intestine, which can be localized in almost any of its parts. In this state, a person will experience fever, pain in the left side, loss of appetite and severe weakness. This condition requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

The following possible splenic causes of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen will be identified:

  1. Chronic form of lymphocytic leukemia. This cancer affects all hematopoietic organs, including the lymph nodes, liver and spleen. The pain of lymphocytic leukemia will increase as the tumor progresses. In addition to pain, a person in this condition may experience decreased appetite, increased weakness and weight loss.
  2. Splenic infarction usually develops due to blockage of small arteries of the parenchyma of this organ. This leads to the death of spleen tissue. An oncological pathology, severe infection, myocardial defect or vascular disease can give impetus to a splenic infarction. In addition to pain, a person in this condition will suffer from high fever and weakness.
  3. Volvulus of the spleen or its partial twisting occurs due to the individual structural features of this organ or after a trauma to the spleen.

In this case, the person will suffer from excruciating acute pain that cannot be relieved by conventional analgesics. The pain itself will only intensify with physical activity.

Additional causes of these abdominal pains due to the spleen may be:

  1. Enlargement of the spleen.
  2. Abscess of the spleen.
  3. Cyst development.

An acute form of enlargement of the spleen can occur due to a long-term inflammatory process in this organ or due to a disruption in the flow of blood into it. If the blood supply to the spleen deteriorates, a person will be bothered by a dull pain in the left side, which radiates slightly to the lower abdomen. In case of inflammation of the spleen, in addition to pain, a person will experience increased body temperature and pallor. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.

Spleen abscess is a direct consequence of the progression of purulent inflammation of the organ. It is worth noting that with the development of several abscesses, a person may develop acute peritonitis, which can have life-threatening consequences. For this reason, you should not delay going to the doctor if you suspect a spleen abscess. The last possible disease associated with the spleen is a cyst.

It is a kind of capsular cavity, which inside contains mucous contents, blood or clear liquid. Typically, a cyst develops after the abscess subsides. It can also occur due to previous trauma. If a person has a small cyst, it is painless. If a large cyst develops, when pressing on the abdomen, the patient will feel a characteristic dull pain.

Pain in the left lower abdomen of a woman: diagnosis and treatment

If a woman has pain in the left lower abdomen, she needs to seek help and advice from the following specialists:

  1. Gynecologist.
  2. Surgeon.
  3. Infectious disease specialist.
  4. Gastroenterologist.

When visiting a doctor, it is very important to indicate to him not only the location of the pain, but also its duration and nature. This will help to determine the root cause of the disease much faster.

After initial palpation of the abdomen and history taking, the specialist may prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

  1. Ultrasound of the kidneys, intestines and genitourinary system.
  2. Extended clinical tests of the patient’s blood and urine.
  3. X-ray of the pelvis.

Endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder can be used as additional diagnostic procedures. If a woman who has been suffering from chronic diseases of the reproductive system for a long time has pain in the left lower abdomen, laparoscopy is indicated for her.

It should be noted

Self-medication is worthwhile when a woman has pain in the left lower abdomen; it can be extremely dangerous for her condition, therefore, therapeutic therapy should always be prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of research, the established diagnosis and the patient’s symptoms.

With all this, you need to understand that only correct identification of the root cause of pain can make therapy successful. When a woman hesitates to see a doctor and practices self-medication, then, in fact, she does not even know what exactly she is taking home remedies for and what she is treating.

This, in turn, threatens to trigger the disease and further deteriorate the person’s condition.

You can practice self-therapy at home only after consulting a doctor, if the disease is not severe and the inflammatory process can be eliminated with diet and herbal decoctions. If a woman is pregnant (especially in the early stages), then she must coordinate all her therapeutic actions with the doctor.

An immediate visit to a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  1. With painful urination, which is accompanied by burning, cloudy urine and pain in the left side.
  2. With a sharp increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting or a general deterioration in health against the background of acute pain in the left side of the abdomen.
  3. For prolonged pain that does not go away.

If you are feeling unwell and trying to figure out why the lower abdomen hurts in women on the left, as well as what to do in this situation, read the article to the end. It contains all the information necessary for self-diagnosis and step-by-step instructions for further actions. It will help you not waste time and make an appointment immediately with the right specialist.

Causes of discomfort

You need to know: a woman has reproductive organs on the left side of her lower abdomen: the fallopian tubes, the left ovary (another name is the appendage) and the left region of the uterus. However, from the gastrointestinal tract organs located above them, discomfort sensations, radiating, can descend to the left iliac part.

They can be pulsating or single, be constant or periodic, and also occur only at certain times of the day.

There are many reasons for such pain:

  • gynecological;
  • problems of urology;
  • neuralgic in nature;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • injuries, etc.

Therefore, you need to relax and try to determine the type of pain. Further diagnosis of unpleasant sensations largely depends on this.

Nature of pain

For correct diagnosis, the disease must be correctly described and classified.

In order to independently accurately determine the nature of the pain, you need to renounce the painful state as much as possible and remember:

  • have similar sensations occurred before;
  • whether the type and location of pain have changed since then;
  • what events usually precede the onset of illness (for example, physical activity or exposure to rain, etc.);
  • what additional symptoms accompany the pain?

This will help to more accurately determine their origin and type.

The pain is dull, closer to aching

If the pain is tolerable, and the lower abdomen aches rather than tugs, then most often such sensations signal problems with the stomach or pancreas.

In this case, the malaise will be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • nausea and sometimes vomiting;
  • subfibrile temperature (from 37 to 37.5).

The condition can be caused by eating provoking foods (for example, a lot of sweets at night, too fatty foods, especially when cold).

The cause of the malaise may be inflammation of the left ovary, or gynecological pathology of the uterus.

Then the clinical picture is usually supplemented by:

  • discharge with blood from the vagina;
  • a slight increase in temperature is possible.

If both ovaries are affected, the pain is floating, moving from left to right and back.

The source of dull pain in the lower abdomen can also be simple cystitis. In the chronic form, aching sensations are accompanied by:

  • frequent urge to;
  • discomfort in the vaginal area.

You can relieve the condition by taking a hot bath.

In addition, aching pain in the left lower abdomen in a woman can be associated with tumor formations, varicose veins, bowel dysfunction, and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal vein.

Left-sided pain in the pelvic area can also be caused by a number of bone pathologies - postural deformation, fractures, inflammatory-destructive diseases of the spine.

Pulling sensations below

Mild nagging pain most often indicates an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, which may be accompanied by:

  • suppuration;
  • pain that radiates to the lower back.

In this case, the pain may also go down to the left leg.

Irritable bowel syndrome, which has additional symptoms:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating.

Often, with this ailment, spasmodic pain is superimposed on the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Also, the cause of periodically occurring nagging pain may be a strangulated hernia or an inflamed area in the sigmoid or rectum.

Pelvic neuralgia resulting from varicose veins, hernial formations, and pinched nerves. She is accompanied by:

  • pain in the back or perineum, aggravated by physical activity;
  • fast fatiguability.

Nagging pain in the lower back often appears after intense experiences and as a result of prolonged stressful situations.

Cutting pain, sharp colic on the left side

Sharp pain, intensifying with palpation to the point of excruciating pain, may be anatomically justified torsion of the leg of the myomatous node (although in the normal state, neoplasms with uterine or ovarian fibroids do not cause pain, or easily tolerated discomfort is felt).

This anomaly may have additional symptoms:

  • disturbance of uterine bleeding;
  • constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • infertility.

If this is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating and lightheadedness, then surgical intervention is urgently required.

An ectopic pregnancy is easy to recognize by general signs:

  • breast enlargement;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • toxicosis (nausea, vomiting).

An abnormality is diagnosed on ultrasound.

Ovarian apoplexy (sudden rupture of the epididymal capsule), indicated by:

  • sudden pallor;
  • pressure drop;
  • heart failure;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness.

If you suspect apoplexy, you must immediately call an ambulance and wait for doctors, taking a horizontal position.

Acute left-sided pain can also be caused by the presence of infections such as dysentery, salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, or the presence of kidney stones or an attack of appendicitis.

Cramping pain

Such wave-like pain effects are characteristic of endometriosis of the uterus (hormone-dependent disease with tissue growth beyond its normal location), ovary (cyst formations) and distant parts of the reproductive system, often accompanied by:

  • bleeding coinciding with uterine bleeding;
  • inflammation of the myometrium.

Temporary infertility often occurs due to endometriosis, but it is cured within a few months.

Pain occurs when there is a threat of miscarriage (with a possible pregnancy), which is additionally indicated by:

  • scarlet-colored bloody discharge;
  • sudden pallor;
  • hypotension;
  • weakness;
  • discomfort in the anus.

This condition requires immediate hospitalization. The most common ones are discussed in the video, which can be viewed by following the link:


In order to accurately determine the cause of the pain, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination prescribed by a specialist.

Typically it includes:

  1. Examination by a doctor (palpation and questioning of the patient).
  2. A general blood test (will show the presence of inflammatory processes in the body), laboratory urine analysis (required for urological problems).
  3. Ultrasound of the organ causing complaints.
  4. Additional methods: tests of liver and pancreatic enzymes, as well as radiographic and endoscopic studies.

Based on the results of the examination, an individual scheme of therapeutic measures is developed for each patient.

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