Connecting the dishwasher to the water supply. Connecting the dishwasher to the water supply and sewerage system: step-by-step instructions. The final stage of installation

The dishwasher not only eliminates the eternal cause for family troubles: “duty”; “kitchen outfit”, simply put – who should wash the dishes today. With the current dynamics of growth in utility tariffs for water, a dishwasher in a family with two schoolchildren pays for itself in 2-2.5 years, and if there is a third, small one, in a year and a half. Soon, a dishwasher will probably become a must-have household item, especially since installing a dishwasher with your own hands is not difficult, and saves a lot of money.

Let's consider in order how to install a dishwasher yourself so that it does not break until it pays for itself, and lasts for a long time after that. Each specific model of dishwasher, of course, comes with instructions, but it is designed for a master for whom some technical subtleties are taken for granted. And the instructions say nothing, or say in passing, what you need to know or do before buying a car.

Dishwasher space

In modern kitchen sets, designers provide a niche for a dishwasher with fasteners. The fastening is standard, but there are very good models of dishwashers with non-standard fastening. The type of fastening, and for which manufacturers’ cars it is suitable, is indicated in the furniture passport. If not, you need to measure the mount, and do the same on the car before purchasing. If they don’t match, it doesn’t matter; a Phillips screwdriver is enough to rearrange the fastening strips in the niche of the kitchen cabinet.

It’s worse if the dishwasher is larger than the niche for it. There's nothing you can do about it: you'll have to look for another one. For a skilled craftsman, the option is to remake the furniture, but this is difficult and difficult. Another great option is a dishwasher on the table. More on this at the end of the article.


The dishwasher can only be connected to the power supply through a Euro socket with reliable grounding. If you replace the Euro plug with a “Soviet” one yourself, then, in addition to instantly losing the warranty (branded sockets are cast and cannot be disassembled), you will also risk your life in the kitchen all the time, even if the dishwasher is turned off.

In apartment buildings, instead of protective grounding, protective grounding is done: the grounding wire is connected to a solid neutral. If the sockets in the apartment are not yet grounded, it is better to agree on this work with a DEZ electrician: for a specialist this is not a difficult matter, but it is categorically not recommended for amateurs. Without resuscitation, the matter may be resolved, but if the energy service discovers a “self-made” zero, then they won’t give a damn about the fine.

In addition, you cannot simply plug the dishwasher into a power outlet, for the same electrical safety reasons. That is why their electrical cords are made short so that they cannot reach a regular outlet.

The dishwasher is connected to the electrical network through an additional socket located 25-35 cm above the floor. And the additional socket, in turn, is powered by a tap from the main one through a 16 A circuit breaker (circled in yellow in the figure). An additional socket must, of course, be installed by an electrician. Only when the power supply for the dishwasher is installed can you take on the rest yourself.

Tools, consumables and fittings

Before you begin installing a dishwasher, you need to stock up on tools, consumables and water fittings. Most likely, there will be no problems with the tool: you just need pliers and a screwdriver. There will also probably be some electrical tape on hand; vinyl or cotton – it doesn’t matter. Electrical tape is needed to wrap metal threaded parts before tightening with pliers to prevent scratching. If you have adjustable wrench No. 1 (small) at home, then electrical tape is not needed.

As consumables, you will have to buy FUM waterproofing tape (fumka). It’s also not a question – the price is cheap. But you can’t try to use PVC electrical tape instead of a fumigator: it’s too thick and will dry out over time. Even if you manage to tighten the PVC thread, it will still leak soon.

The following water supply and water shut-off fittings will be needed:

  • Drain siphon with a fitting or two (see picture on the right). If your home already has an automatic washing machine, then you only need one fitting. If not, the washing machine drain will be connected to the second one over time, but for now it can be plugged with the supplied plug or rubber stopper.
  • Tee with 3/4 inch thread. ONLY brass, bronze or metal-plastic. Due to intergranular corrosion, silumin parts of water fittings tend to suddenly disintegrate without any warning signs. With everything that implies.
  • A coarse water filter, the same as the one in front of the water meter. The dishwasher will be fine without it if it fulfills the warranty. And if not, then the case is not guaranteed. Abroad, by the way, too: the quality of domestic water is one of the serious world problems.
  • Ball valve. Just like a tee - anything except silumin.
  • If the dishwasher is far from the sink, and the standard connecting tube for water - the henka - is not enough, then a metal-plastic henka of the required length.

Dishwasher connection

Connecting a dishwasher with your own hands is carried out in the following sequence: drain, water, power supply. The recommendations - well, it doesn't matter what - are untenable simply because the fittings and inputs on the machine itself are located with the expectation of just such a safe connection order. Those who want to do it their own way will have to work hard and probably redo it.


To connect the dishwasher to the drain, you simply pull the drain hose onto the fitting. But two conditions must be met:

  • The drain hose may slip out of the sink and drain from the sink onto the floor.
  • In order to pump the drain high, the machine's drain pump will have to work with overload, and it will quickly fail.


For any type of washing machine, it is strongly recommended not to connect to a hot water supply. Firstly, the savings on heating water here are apparent: hot water costs more than electricity. If you already have an electric boiler, then you know this yourself.

Secondly, the quality of hot water is inevitably worse than cold water: its path from the water intake to you

longer and more complex - through the boiler room, where it comes into contact with the metal of the water heating system, and through additional pipes. All over the world, in contracts with subscribers, water supply organizations write that hot water cannot be used for cooking.

This has a very specific and unpleasant effect on the dishwasher: the non-return valve fails. If the drain is installed correctly, there will be no leakage on the floor, but an unpleasant smell from washed dishes may appear.

Note: when the dishwasher is supplied with hot water from a domestic boiler, in which the magnesium protector is regularly changed, the problem of water quality disappears; it may even be higher than the incoming cold one. But the electricity consumption will be greater: every time the sink is started, 5-10 liters of water will be wasted to warm up the supply pipe.

Actually connecting the dishwasher to the water supply is done like this:

  • We turn off the water in the apartment.
  • Disconnect the cold connection of the kitchen faucet from the pipe; We remove the old waterproofing and throw it away.
  • We attach a tee to the pipe, connect the mixer to it again and, in series, the filter (circled in blue in the figure), the ball valve and the dishwasher hook. Do not forget to insulate all threaded joints with foam.
  • Check to see if the ball valve is closed.

Note: The fumka needs to be wound in 10-15 layers along the thread. If, when screwing, the connection is tight, and the fumka gets into clumps and sticks out, you need to rewind it in the opposite direction.


Since the additional outlet is already installed, we simply plug the dishwasher into it.

Checking for leaks

We open the water in the apartment. Then, without turning on the dishwasher, open its shut-off valve. We check to see if there is a leak somewhere. We turn on the dishwasher, run the test mode, or simply add a portion of dishes and wash them. So nothing leaked anywhere - we left the shut-off valve open, the automatic machine turned on, and used it.

Note: If all the adults leave the house, then the last one needs to remember to turn off the shut-off valve of the dishwasher and turn off its automatic machine.

Video: example of installing a dishwasher

"Tips" of famous brands

Almost all manufacturers of Henki dishwashers do not make them themselves, but purchase them from suppliers. On sale you may find a complete henka with a “non-Russian” thread that is too short. In this case, to connect the water, you have to throw away the complete gasket and insulate the joint with foam. All the above recommendations are given precisely for such a case. Besides:

  • Bosch– even if the standard gasket fits, it must be installed exactly according to the instructions. An inverted gasket leaks, not when tested, but after a day or two. If the Bosch leaks quickly, first try turning off the shut-off valve and turning the gasket over. In addition, the Bosch check valve is terribly picky about water quality. A Bosch filter is a must, even if you live in an environmentally friendly area and use artesian water. But Bosch fits into almost any kitchen set without any problems.
  • Siemens– “does not like” standard fastenings and niches of standard sizes. You can count a ton of models who clearly ignore the specifications of furniture makers. But he is unpretentious.
  • Electrolux– for these dishwashers to work well and for a long time, their tilt in any direction should not exceed 2 degrees. Therefore, when choosing Electrolux, do not forget to purchase or borrow a good short level for installation.

The dishwasher, like the washing machine, has long been transformed from a curiosity into a very important piece of home appliances. Correct technological connection of the dishwasher drain to the sewer network means long-term operation of the device itself and especially the drain pump.

Options for connecting the dishwasher to the sewer

The connection must begin with the drain hose. Such an event is quite within the capabilities of a home handyman. You just need to figure out how to properly connect the dishwasher to the sewer. Another question may arise: is it necessary to connect the dishwasher to the general sewer drain?

The easiest way

What is the easiest way to connect a dishwasher to the drain? The solution discussed below cannot even be called a connection. This involves taking a corrugated dishwasher drain hose and installing it on the edge of the kitchen sink using a plastic holder. Washing machines have a similar device.

This option turns out to be far from always acceptable. If the dishwasher is floor-standing, then running the hose into the sink can only be recommended as a very short-term measure. The main reason is that the dishwasher drain is low and the sink is high. The pump will be overloaded and may soon break down. There is also a small chance that the drain hose will accidentally fall off the edge of the sink and end up on the floor. It is not difficult to imagine the consequences.

This option is only suitable for compact dishwashers - those that stand on the table next to the sink. In this case, no serious load is expected on the drain pump. Plus, you can come up with ways to additionally secure the drain hose.

Connecting to the kitchen sink siphon

This connection of the dishwasher to the sewer is recommended for everyone who is not suitable for the previous option. Connecting the drain hose to the sink siphon can be considered the best option.

What you will need for this:

  1. Special siphon with fitting. If you plan to subsequently connect a washing machine to the siphon, then there should be two fittings. The one that will not be used immediately can be closed with a standard plug.
  2. FUM tape for sealing joints.
  3. Small adjustable wrench (No. 1).
  4. Dishwasher drain hose of the required length, if the supplied one is not enough. It is important to take into account here that it is undesirable to place the dishwasher at a distance of more than two meters from the place where dirty water is discharged, since the pump will be overloaded.

Fittings can move away from siphons in different ways. If this outlet is located perpendicular to the siphon container, the dishwasher hose must be raised to a level above the fitting.

If this is not done, the drainage from the sink will inevitably penetrate into the dishwasher drain hose and stagnate there. In this case, you are guaranteed unpleasant odors inside the car!

This measure is not necessary if the fitting enters the siphon container at an acute angle. In this case, the drain hose at the point of connection to the fitting is already above the level of the sink drain.

Outlet of the drain hose into the sewer pipe

Is it possible and how to connect the dishwasher directly to the sewer? There is such a possibility. The method is recommended only if the sewer pipe already has a branch (tee) designed specifically for connecting drain hoses of household appliances. If there is no outlet, its installation can be very troublesome and not necessarily successful.

This method requires that the dishwasher drain be at least 0.4 m above the sewer pipe. If the drain hose simply lies on the floor, the contents of the sewer will overflow into it, which is completely unacceptable.

Connecting a dishwasher to a sewer system, the options for which are discussed above, requires a careful approach using any method. To avoid home accidents, it is recommended to monitor the operating machine for the first few days: for leaks, interruptions, and unwanted vibrations. If everything works as it should, you can be sure that the dishwasher will work for a long time and without problems.

To simplify everyday routine tasks, it is necessary to use special household appliances that will take on the main work. This will save time and spend it on family or vacation. This is why many people buy dishwashers. But after purchasing them, they are faced with a fairly serious connection problem, which often causes additional financial costs due to lack of experience. The main difficulty is connecting the dishwasher to the sewer: the need to ensure not only a tight connection, but also to create a high level of protection from emergency situations.

Preparing the drain hose for connection to the sewer system

Should I take on the task of connecting the dishwasher myself?

Dishwashers can be made with different levels of technical and operational equipment, which largely determines the complexity of the connection to the sewerage system. If we are talking about portable devices, then everything is simple: just plug it into a power outlet, connect the supply hose to the water tap, and connect the drainage hose to the sewer siphon under the sink. Naturally, in this case, you must comply with all safety regulations, as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are detailed in the operating instructions.

If you need to connect a stationary dishwasher, then you will need knowledge of the connection sequence, tools and consumables. Therefore, in this case, you need to evaluate your technical and practical skills to determine the possibility of connecting yourself. Any mistakes made can cause damage to an expensive device, as well as premature clogging of the sewer system.

How to choose the right dishwasher?

The choice of a specific dishwasher model depends on the available space in the kitchen, how it is installed and its performance. If the family is small and consists of 1-3 people, then the ideal option would be to have 8 sets of dishes. The width of the machine will be up to 45 cm, which will allow it to be placed not only free-standing, but also built into kitchen furniture. Otherwise, you will need more powerful dishwashers with a front width of 60 cm, which are unlikely to be built in.

connecting the drain hose to the sink drain pipe

Built-in appliances are designed for specific parameters and dimensions of furniture, which must strictly coincide with a small difference of 1-3 mm. Some models may have a remote control panel and this fact also needs to be taken into account.

The location is determined not by the presence of a free niche in the kitchen, but by the minimum distance to the connection point to the sewer system. Typically it ranges from 0.5 m to 5 m. This requirement is due to the following factors:

  1. A longer distance will put more stress on the drain pump that is built into the machine. That is, there will be increased wear of parts and their failure much earlier than their expected service life.
  2. To ease the load on pumping dirty water, the waste pipe must be installed in accordance with all the rules of gravity sewerage. The slope of the pipe per linear meter must be at least 30. In this case, the starting point of reference is the level of the pipe at the junction.

After agreeing on all the technical parameters of the connection, you need to pay attention to the class of equipment, which largely determines the degree of cleaning and the number of standard programs.

A simpler machine will be less demanding in terms of operating conditions and will be economical if repairs are necessary.

Mandatory actions after purchasing a dishwasher

After delivery, it is imperative to check the integrity of the equipment that may have been received during transportation. Any cracks or chips that are ignored after connection will result in frequent malfunctions and failures in operation, and can also be dangerous in terms of electric shock due to water entering live parts. If everything is in order with the device itself, then you need to check the completeness. Some manufacturers may include various consumables, as well as plug-in units, without which connection will be impossible or very difficult.

checking the drain in the dishwasher

If the machine is in good condition, then it must be completely unpacked and all fastening transport devices must be disconnected. On the back wall there should be installation instructions with a complete set of fasteners. If missing, you need to request them from the seller. Then you need to first put the dishwasher in place for installation. Ideally, the distance of its side parts from the walls of the furniture should be 1-3 mm. At the same stage, it is worth checking whether there is enough hose to connect to the sewer and other communications.

We draw up a connection diagram to the sewerage system

The connection to the sewer can be done through a sink siphon using a tee or through a separately installed siphon and an insert into the sewer pipe. The first option is the simplest, since its implementation will require a minimum of effort, which will consist of connecting a special tee into the pipe section between the sink and the siphon. On the one hand, it will prevent water from overflowing from the siphon back into the dishwasher, and on the other, it will ensure the retention of solid particles that accidentally fall into the drain and protect the sewer from clogging.

If the dishwasher needs to be installed in a place where sewer pipes are not laid, then most likely you will need to take all the measurements and determine the optimal path with the minimum number of turns. The diameter of the pipe being laid must have a diameter no less than the size of the drain pipe in the device, but no larger than the sewer pipe itself. It is usually selected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or taking into account the drainage speed.

leveling the dishwasher using a level

Additionally, methods for laying the pipe and securing it to the walls are considered. The installation method can only be external. In this case, it is necessary to ensure a minimum number of connections, since they must be accessible for maintenance or repair. For fastenings, standard brackets or clamps are used. Their number should be no less than one per 1-1.5 m of pipe.

We prepare the necessary tools and consumables

Before connecting the dishwasher to the sewer, you must prepare the following consumables:

  1. Plastic waste siphon with one or two side fittings with a diameter of ¾ inches for connecting a dishwasher and, if necessary, a washing machine. In any case, you can temporarily install a plug on the additional fitting.
  2. A ¾-inch tee made of metal-plastic, which is designed for insertion into a sewer pipe.
  3. Non-return valve to shut off possible siphon overflows in case of sewerage blockage.
  4. A sewer pipe with a diameter similar or slightly smaller than the one already installed, but providing sufficient performance for draining dirty water.
  5. Clamps with self-tapping screws or dowels for fastening the pipe.

You will also need the following tools:

  • drill for drilling holes for pipe fastening;
  • adjustable wrench for installing pipe fittings;
  • bubble level for checking the slope of pipes;
  • screwdriver for tightening pipe fastening bolts.

Dishwasher installation steps

The machine must have a stable position after it is installed in a stationary place, therefore, by adjusting the screw feet, you need to make the appropriate adjustments. Then all the flexible hoses for supplying and draining water are connected to the machine, and then it is put in its place. If the equipment is built-in, then it is installed in a special niche and the power cable, water and sewer hoses are brought out through holes made in the rear wall. If there are no holes of the required diameter, you need to make them yourself or expand existing ones.

The drain hose is connected to a pre-installed tee in the slot between the siphon and the sink. This prevents water from overflowing back into the drain hose. As additional protection, the flexible hose can be bent in the shape of a siphon, but keep in mind that exceeding the permissible height of its position above the norm will result in failure of the drainage pump. Therefore, you should first familiarize yourself with the technical connection parameters described in the attached instructions.

To connect, remove the plug, screw a check valve onto the drain hose, and then attach it to the inlet pipe of the tee with a sealed seal.

How to make a connection if the sewer pipe is located at a distance of more than two meters?

If the sewer pipe is located further than the permissible length of the dishwasher hose, it will need to be extended. It should be taken into account that the dishwasher drain into the sewer should be located at a height not exceeding 60 cm from the floor surface. Before starting installation, you need to take plastic pipes with the same diameter and cut them to the required sizes in accordance with the measurements taken in advance. Then you will have to integrate them into the main system. To prevent situations with sewage flowing in the opposite direction, you must turn off the water supply before carrying out work.

turning on for the first time and checking that the dishwasher is connected to the sewer correctly

At the end of the pipe in the case of a socket connection, you need to carefully remove the turn using a screwdriver without damaging the pipe walls. For a threaded connection, it is enough to unscrew the clamping part. After this, you need to select a tee whose dimensions and type of connection will ideally fit the installed pipes. Then it is installed. At the same time, monitor the tightness of the connections.

After this, you need to mark the places where the pipe is attached to the wall. Take a level and draw a thin line at a certain angle along one wall, and, if necessary, along the other. Then use a tape measure to mark distances of 1-1.2 m, but so that the fastenings are evenly spaced. At the two extreme points of placement of fasteners, holes are drilled for dowels and plastic clamps or pipe clamps are installed in them. A similar procedure is performed for the rest, but the pipe is used to measure the correctness of their location and the absence of distortions. Then the pipe is connected to the tee. If it is necessary to install along another wall, fasten the turn, and then the remaining section of the pipe.

At the end of the pipe you need to attach a siphon with an inlet pipe diameter that matches the dimensions of the dishwasher drain hose. Then you need to directly connect the check valve and drain hose to the siphon. It is worth paying attention to the fact that behind the water drainage point from the dishwasher there should be an area that is located slightly lower. Its distance should be approximately 20-30 cm. This will allow residual water not to accumulate inside the equipment, but to remain in the hose until the next stage of draining the dirty water.

The hose must be securely attached to the back of the dishwasher.

Checking the connection

After connecting all other communications, it is necessary to test run the dishwasher and at the same time carefully monitor the condition of all connected sewer pipes. If there are leaks, the connections must be tightened more thoroughly. If the machine does not work or extraneous sounds occur, then you should turn it off and find out the reasons.

Independently connecting a dishwasher to a sewer will require not only design skills, but also experience in carrying out such work, especially when connecting stationary devices. Compact dishwashers will require a minimum of effort and may not require additional tools or purchase of consumables.

Connecting a dishwasher consists of only 4 stages: choosing the installation location, connecting the drain, cold water and electricity. Installation of each of the communications is not difficult and even a novice electrician can do it. Next, we will look at simple step-by-step instructions and a visual video example on how to connect a dishwasher to the water supply, sewerage and electrical networks.

Step 1 – Prepare tools and materials

The first thing you need to do after purchasing equipment is to prepare a set of all the necessary tools to connect the dishwasher to the communications. In addition, you should determine what consumables will be needed for installation work in order to purchase them in advance. For standard conditions, that is, when metal-plastic pipes with a diameter of ¾ inches are installed throughout the house, as well as an electrical network with grounding, the set of materials will be as follows:

  • drain siphon with two fittings (suddenly you want to install a dishwasher in the room along with a washing machine);
  • ¾" diameter tee;
  • ¾" stopcock;
  • deep cleaning filter (will significantly extend the life of the dishwasher);
  • FUM tape;
  • grounded socket;
  • a wire of a suitable cross-section and length (in the event that there is no outlet nearby, and you will have to draw a new line from the junction box in the room).

Also, to connect the dishwasher yourself, you may need longer hoses for water and drainage. Very often, short hoses are included with the unit, which may not be sufficient to reach the connection point. Here you yourself must initially measure the required length of communications from the installation site to the connection points and compare it with the length of the materials included in the kit.

As for the tools, you will need the following list:

  • electric drill;
  • straight and curved screwdriver;
  • sharp knife;
  • shears for metal-plastic pipes;
  • short building level;
  • two adjustable wrenches;
  • indicator screwdriver (determine phase if missing).

Having prepared the entire set of tools, you can proceed to choosing a suitable place to install and connect the dishwasher in a private home.

Step 2 - Choose a suitable location

Most likely, you have already fully thought through this stage before you go and buy the product. If you have not yet decided on a placement location, we recommend taking into account the following nuances:

  1. The built-in option must correspond to the dimensions of the kitchen furniture. There is a special section of the kitchen unit for the dishwasher, which allows you to install the dishwasher under the countertop, hob or even sink. You can also place the case in a closet if this is convenient for you.
  2. The distance to the sewerage system should not exceed 1.5 meters, otherwise the equipment pump may fail prematurely. If the dishwasher is located far from the sink and can only be installed at the edge of the kitchen, or for some reason the sewage system does not go into the kitchen, consider placing the equipment in the bathroom.
  3. Choose a location so that there is already an outlet nearby. In this case, connecting the dishwasher to the power supply will be much easier.
  4. If the model is a tabletop type (as shown in the picture), you don’t have to think through the drainage system. You just need to fix the hose in the sink (you can’t do without it in the kitchen). By the way, in this case you can do without a siphon, and the pump at the drain will be completely unloaded (the water will flow out by gravity), which will significantly extend its service life. Installing a dishwasher on a countertop is much easier and is suitable for a small kitchen or if the kitchen furniture is old (not suitable by modern standards).

Having determined a suitable location, you can begin connecting the dishwasher to the sewerage system, water supply and electrical network. Let's look at each of the stages in more detail.

Step 3 – Connect the water

This stage is one of the most labor-intensive and takes the most time. First, you need to turn off the water in the system, because... You will “cut” the tee into the metal-plastic pipe.

You can connect the dishwasher to the water supply as follows:

  1. We find the place where the flexible mixer hose is connected to the metal-plastic pipe and disconnect it.
  2. We install the tee by first wrapping FUM tape around the threaded connections.
  3. We screw the flexible mixer hose onto the tee from above
  4. We connect a fine filter to the outlet, and after it there is a shut-off valve (do not forget to wind the sponge onto the thread).
  5. We connect to the tap with a hose from the equipment itself.

Please note that only cold water must be used for water supply. Connecting the dishwasher to hot water is prohibited, because its quality is several times worse and at the same time more electricity is spent on heating warm water than in the case of cold water!

If you don’t have running water at your dacha, you can still install a dishwasher. In this case, you will need to place a tank of clean water in the attic. For the operation of some models of equipment, a pressure of 0.1 MPa (indicated in the passport) is sufficient, which is created when water is supplied from a height of 2-3 meters. As you can see, you can connect the dishwasher yourself even without running water, if you wish. This option is often used in villages where the supply of cold water is unstable.

Step 4 – Drain

Everything is much simpler here. The best option would be to install a siphon under the sink, because... in this case, unpleasant odors from the sewer will not spread throughout the kitchen.

All you need to do is connect the drain circuit to the siphon, making sure that the hose is at an angle. The greater the slope, the more efficiently the water will drain (by gravity). We draw your attention to a very important nuance - at the top, where the drain connects to the siphon, it is necessary to create a bend that will prevent water from getting from the sink into the dishwasher drain (you can see this bend in the photo below).

Step 5 – Supplying electricity

As we have already said, power must be supplied from an outlet located next to the equipment. The socket for connecting the dishwasher to the network must be rated at least 16A and at the same time have a grounding contact.

Since the power of the dishwasher is quite high, the wiring must withstand the passing loads. To do this, you need to take care of the appropriate cross-section of the electrical wiring. It is best to implement, on the basis of which to choose the most suitable option. It is believed that for safe operation of this type of equipment it is necessary to use a copper core diameter of at least 2 mm. Electricity must be supplied from the distribution box or the switchboard itself. Be sure to protect the 16A line. Connecting a dishwasher without grounding is not allowed for electrical safety reasons. If a washing machine is already connected to the outlet, there is no need to additionally load it with a dishwasher, because In this case, when two devices are operating, a current overload of the outlet may occur.

Step 6 – Finishing Work

When you manage to connect all communications, all that remains is to level the equipment and carry out a control check of the installation work. As for the level, everything is quite simple - you need to adjust the legs to align the body to the building level. Any distortion will negatively affect the efficiency of use and durability of the dishwasher.

After installing and connecting the dishwasher, all that remains is to check the quality of its operation. To do this, you need to run a test mode in which the washing occurs without dishes (idle mode). You must monitor how quickly water is added and drained. Also be sure to check all butt connections to ensure there are no leaks.

If everything is correct, then you were able to correctly install and connect the dishwasher on your own, for which we congratulate you! We recommend that you immediately watch the visual video instructions, which show the technology for installing the built-in model:

Video review of installation work

Here are some useful tips for your attention that will not only allow you to connect your dishwasher correctly, but will also extend the life of the equipment:

  • Installing a drain hose into a sink is extremely unsafe, although it makes the connection process much easier. The danger is that the waste water drain may fall out of the sink and flood the neighbors below.
  • Electrolux equipment is very demanding in terms of installation rules. The maximum tilt to one side should not exceed 2 degrees, so be sure to check this point with a building level.
  • If you decide to buy any model from Siemens, be sure to look at the dimensions of the case and check it with the manufacturing standards of the furniture into which it will be installed. Very often, Siemens neglects technical standards and creates non-standard dimensions, as a result of which difficulties arise when installing a dishwasher in a finished kitchen.
  • Do not connect the grounding contact to gas or water pipes under any circumstances. The grounding must be connected to the grounding bus of the apartment panel. We talked about this in a separate article.
  • The air gap between the wall and the back wall of the equipment should be at least 5 cm, which is quite enough for air circulation.
  • The kit necessarily contains connection rules and a visual diagram for a specific model. You only need to rely on it, because... All conditions are purely individual, although they have much in common.
  • It is not recommended to use surge protectors (extension cords), because they very often cause accidents and fires. If there is no other way to supply power, it is recommended to do it yourself. This method of connecting a dishwasher via an extension cord can be used as an exception.
  • If you decide to place a free-standing dishwasher next to a stove, refrigerator or oven, connect a separate line from the distribution box to each appliance so as not to overload the outlet installed near all devices.

That's all the instructions on how to connect a dishwasher to the water supply, electrical network and sewerage system with your own hands. We hope that the information was useful and interesting for you. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with so that in the future you will be familiar with how to repair equipment at home!

Video review of installation work

Dishwasher operating tips

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Installation of "Moidodyr" in the kitchen or how to connect a dishwasher to sewerage, water supply and electricity

Waiting for the promised 3 years

March 8 is behind us, and the time has come to install the kitchen device called the “kitchen dishwasher” that was finally purchased and given to my wife. Someone may notice that there is no particular need for such a miracle technique, they say, with the money saved you can easily buy something more worthwhile for your home.

Alas, dear reader, this is not the best way to save money, even if your home still needs a lot of things. In my case, my wife waited and did not complain for almost 3 years, and during this time we changed our place of residence, settled in a partially renovated house, and invested all our available funds in its improvement.

A few more words about the purchase - I chose the Candy brand. I won’t write about the model itself, as they say, “it depends on the taste and color of the price and brand...”, but I’ll just share my observations:

  1. I was surprised by the instructions because they do not contradict the realities of life. Example? Please:
    • There are no restrictions like “don’t cover” or “don’t put anything on top”;
    • For cleaning, they do not impose special products of a specific brand, which you must buy. It is written simply - put a deep plate, pour vinegar into it, close the lid and start the cleaning program.
  2. There is a choice of detergents - powder, gels or tablets. As for me, powder and liquid are preferable, because... they can be dosed depending on the degree of contamination. This means real cost savings, which is important.

What to do in the kitchen

So, the car was purchased, the location for its location was agreed upon in advance at the family council. They wisely refused to install it in a cabinet under the sink, since it is illogical to close the inlets and shut-off valves with bulky equipment.

Almost all models are standardized in size to match the parameters of kitchen furniture.

But, before connecting the washing machine to the sewerage system, water supply and electricity, it was necessary:

  1. Route the electrical cable to the installation site, equip it with a special waterproof socket;
  2. Install a special through-tee on the cold water supply with tap;
  3. Install a tee on the sewer outlet pipe to connect the drain hose.


Electric outlet

Electricity is no joke, this is a well-known fact. Especially when there is water in close proximity. Therefore, I decided to run a separate three-wire cable to the electrical panel.

Captain Obviousness suggests: this rule should be followed when installing with your own hands not only a dishwasher, but also a washing machine and a dryer.

The power of my, or rather our “family” dishwasher was 2.4 kW (the instructions and the sticker on the back of the unit will help you find out the technical parameters). It is quite logical that I chose the option of hidden installation of a three-core copper cable of the VVGng brand with a cross-section of 3x1.5.

I laid the wire in a plastic plinth and brought it out to the electrical panel in the vestibule, where I connected it through a machine with a rated current of 10A. On the wall directly next to the installation site of the dishwasher, I installed a waterproof socket with IP55 grounding.

Actually, at this point the electrical connection stage can be considered successfully completed.


It's time to take care of the reliable drainage of the dishwasher. In principle, the procedure is similar to installing a washing machine. I have already talked in detail about how to connect a washing machine to the sewer; the difficulty when connecting a new unit lies only in the need to install an additional element, namely a pipe onto which the drain hose is placed.

For any device connected to the sewer system, a water seal is required to prevent foul odors from penetrating into the room.
A priori, connected household devices do not have such elements and are not provided for them, which means that the owner should take care of this.

So, how to connect a dishwasher to the sewer correctly? After all, it is impossible to build its own water seal system for each kitchen plumbing device. And you don’t need to do this at all - remember how your washing machine is connected.

To do this, I had to go to a hardware store, where I purchased a siphon splitter with a diameter of 40 mm (pictured above), designed to connect two drain hoses at the same time:

  1. From the washing machine;
  2. From the dishwasher.

The work on connecting to the sewer took a minimum of time:

  • Placed an empty container under the siphon;
  • First I unscrewed the drain hose from the washing machine;
  • Then he unscrewed the sealing nut of the siphon cup;
  • I unscrewed the nut to remove the old splitter;
  • In its place I installed a new one with two outlets;
  • Put everything back together;
  • I crimped the hoses with special metal clamps so that they would not slip during operation.

Under no circumstances should you use silicone sealant to coat the rubber seals of the siphon with it before assembly.
All connections must be removable.

Water supply

The time has come to talk about connecting to the water supply, although in terms of importance this should be addressed first, before installing the outlet. Why?

Yes, because, my dear reader, splashes and leaks of water when connecting to the water supply are quite likely, so it is better to take care of installing tees and shut-off valves in advance.

As a matter of fact, the algorithm of my work boiled down to the following:

  1. Shut off the valves at the inlet of hot and cold water supply;
  2. I opened the kitchen faucet to relieve pressure and drain the remaining water from the tap;
  3. Using two keys, I loosened the connection on the supply line;
  4. Dismantled the old tee;
  5. Cleaned the threads of the ball valves from the old sealing tape;
  6. I wound a new one with 5-6 turns;
  7. Installed a new tee;
  8. I screwed the water supply hose to the mixer to one of the terminals;
  9. To the other - the washing machine hose;
  10. To the third - the water supply hose to the dishwasher;
  11. Checked and tightened all threaded connections;
  12. Turned on the water supply (opened the ball valves on the connections);
  13. I made sure there were no leaks.

First start

We have come to the final part - all that remains is to do the first washing of the dishes, which, as you understand, is more important for the wife. And for me the most important thing is that the connection is correct, but I can’t check all these parameters at once. Why?

Because the electrical part and water supply will work within a minute after switching on, but as for draining wastewater - only after the end of the first washing cycle.

Then let's go!

  • According to the instructions, first I took out the detergent container - it is located on the door. I poured a small amount of liquid into it and installed it back;
  • At the bottom of the chamber, I unscrewed the lid of the container and poured regenerating salt into it. Its quantity is different for each model, so you need to read the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • He pulled out the tray and placed several dirty plates and cups in it;
  • Without closing the door, I turned on the dishwasher - the indicators on the panel lit up. This model has an indication lamp for selecting the softness level; it must also be selected before starting the machine;
  • I selected the program and closed the door.

When the washer is started, the solenoid valve relay is activated, opening the cold water supply. This stage also went well. And when the primary wash ended, the dishwasher drained soapy water - which is also accompanied by a characteristic sound.

As a visual inspection showed, all connections are tight - there are no leaks.


Alas, the dishwasher needs regular cleaning. Or rather, its individual elements - fat and food debris are captured by the filter block, and also settle on the nozzles and blades of the washing injectors, reducing their efficiency.

To clean the filter unit you need:

  1. Remove the plug from the socket;
  2. Open the machine lid;
  3. Remove the filter element from the sump;

In my model, you need to lift the plastic handle and turn the filter 90 degrees counterclockwise.

  1. Rinse it in the kitchen sink under running hot water;
  2. Put it back.

For preventive cleaning of wash injectors, you will need the open-end wrench included in the kit. I read them like this:

  1. I unscrew the retaining nut with the machine turned off and de-energized;
  2. I carefully remove the impeller from the rod;
  3. I wash it in warm soapy water. I use an old toothbrush to clean;
  4. I'm putting everything back together;
  5. I tighten the nut.


I hope that the information offered to readers will help in connecting a dishwasher on their own. You can visually familiarize yourself with the connection procedure by watching the video in this article. Feel free to share your own experience or ask questions in the comments. Good luck!

July 18, 2016

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