June 10th is women's name day according to the church calendar. Women's name days according to the church calendar are in June. Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Names June 10th to church calendar(saints)

June 10/23

Alexander - protector of people, helping, courageous (Greek);
Antonina (Antonida) - acquisition in return, competing, raising the price (Greek); Antonieva (lat.);
Vasily - king, royal, royal (Greek);
Vassian - a derivative of Vasily (glory);
John (Ivan) - the grace of God, God has had mercy (Heb.);
Nicholas - conquering people (Greek);
Pavel - small, small (lat.);
Silouan (Siluyan) - Silvan (god of forests, fields and herds); forest, forest (lat.);
Timothy - God-honoring, reverent, dutiful (Greek);
Theophanes (Feofantius, Fofan) - epiphany, revealing God (Greek).

Do you know that...

On June 10 (23), the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Antonina and the holy martyr Alexander.

Saint Antonina was from the city of Krodamna in Asia Minor. The ruler of the city, Fist, forced her to renounce the Christian faith and worship pagan gods, but achieved nothing and gave her to the soldiers to mock.
One of the warriors, Saint Alexander, helped Antonina escape from prison by giving her clothes to cover her. The deception was exposed, and Alexander appeared in court. Saint Antonina also came to court. Together with Alexander, she was given over to torture.
Alexander and Antonina's hands were cut off, their bodies were coated with tar and thrown into a pit with fire. According to legend, Fist himself became numb after this, could not eat or drink, and seven days later he died in great agony.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


By choosing names according to the church calendar, they enlist the support of the Guardian Angel. When a girl's birthday coincides with the celebration of the saint of the same name, the child is named after the patroness. If several names fall on one date, then choose one. It happens that a child’s birthday does not coincide with his Christmas name. Then they choose the name closest to the day from the Saints.

A guardian angel protects a person throughout his life. The Orthodox tradition of naming babies in memory of the Saint has been formed over centuries. The calendar of names is compiled for a year and continues to be updated in our time.

What to name a girl born from June 1 to June 7

The calendar of Orthodox name days is compiled according to the calendar (monthly calendar). This index contains short lives Saints. They are located in an annual circle. The names of canonized Saints are included in the calendar. The collection of names in the monthly book glorifies evidence of the reality of the Incarnation and contributes to the introduction of man to Divine grace.

For some Saints, name days are celebrated several times in June. Dates commemorating the saint of the same name that do not coincide with the birth of a girl become “small name days.”

  • First day of June ( 01.06 ) is defined as a sign of memory of Anastasia. Literally translated from the ancient Greek language, this name is attributed to the meaning “returned to life”, “resurrected”.

Historical memory connects Anastasia with the legends about the great martyr-pattern-maker. Anastasia helped Christian prisoners. The name is popular in royal families, among the nobility, and among ordinary people. Ivan the Terrible loved his first wife Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva very much. The chronicles assigned to her all the feminine virtues. Her beauty and kindness softened the excessively strict nature of her husband. Diminutive, affectionate and colloquial forms are popular: Nastenka, Nastena, Nastya, Nastasya.

  • June 3 The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen is revered.

She was the mother of Constantine I. She became famous for the construction of many temples and fidelity to the Christian faith. Ancient Greek roots are filled with the meanings of “sunlight”, “ Sunbeam", "torch".

  • IN 4th day of the month Sophia is mentioned in the calendar - “wisdom”, “reasonableness”.

The month book refers to the early Christian Hagia Sophia. She gave birth to Faith, Hope, Love. Girls in aristocratic and royal families were called Sophia.

  • June 5 Maria is mentioned. In Hebrew, this word was used in the meaning of “desired”, “beloved”.

In the Christian tradition, it is closest to the meaning of “mistress.” Often associated with the mother of Christ. It is necessary to understand that the Mother of God protects all people and cannot be the guardian angel of an individual child. Born girls in June they find Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, and Mary of Cleopas as their intercessor.

  • On the same day ( 05.06 ) the name days of Evdokia (“Blessed”) and Euphrosyne (“well-meaning”, “joyful”) fall.

Evdokia was the name given to girls in Byzantium. In Rus', these names corresponded to the forms Avdotya, Ovdotya. Girls from simple classes were called Euphrosyne. The vernacular forms Frosya and Afrosinya became established.

  • June 6 Ksenia (“hospitable”) is revered. Derived forms in Russia were Oksana and Aksinya.
  • 7th numbers in June remember Elena, Victoria (“victory”).

What can you name a child born from June 8 to June 13?

  • 9th the date in June falls on the day of remembrance of Anastasia and Theodora (“God’s Gift”).

In Serbia, girls are often called Theodora. One of the top ten popular names. In Russia there is a colloquial form - Fedora.

  • June 11- Orthodox celebration of Faina (“shining”, “brilliant”).

In the Christian naming book she is canonized as a Saint along with Theodotus and among the “seven virgins”: Faina, Tekusa, Claudia, Matrona, Julia, Alexandra, Euphrasia. On the same day, according to the church calendar, Mary and Theodosia (“given by God”) are remembered.

  • Girls born June 13, can be called Christinas or Christinas.

The Greek origin indicates the meanings of “baptizing”, “dedicated to Christ”, “Christian”. Transferred to Russian Orthodox culture from Byzantium.

On the same day, the memory of Saint Pelageya (from the Greek “sea”) was established.

What name is suitable for a girl born from June 14 to June 21

  • 14th In June, Saints Victoria, Vera, and Charita are venerated.

Vera is one of the three martyred sisters who accepted torture and death for Christianity. Emperor Hadrian could not break their strong faith.

Harita means graceful. That was the name of the orphan raised kind people. In turn, Harita converted many pagans to Christianity.

  • June 15 Orthodox Church remembers Maria and Ulyana (“belonging to Julia”).

On this day, Juliania (Uliana) Vyazemskaya is honored. This noble princess-martyr died in 1406.

  • 17th the date in June is the day of remembrance of Martha, Maria, Sophia, Martha, Pelageya.
  • 18th The day of memory of Jonah (“dove”) is celebrated.
  • 19th The female patrons Thekla (“glory of God”), Susanna (“lily”), and Jonah are revered.
  • 20th the church remembers Valeria. Translated from Latin it means “strong”, “healthy”.

The name day honors the Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea. She was one of the first to accept Christianity and did not renounce it.

On the same day, Anna, Kaleria (“Beautifully Flowing”), Zinaida (“Divine Daughter”), and Maria are venerated.

What to name a daughter born from June 22 to June 30

  • 22nd of June– Martha’s day (“mistress”, “mistress”, “powerful”, “mistress”).

According to biblical legend, Martha (Martha) washed Christ’s feet with myrrh and wiped them with her hair. She brought a large number of people to the faith.

On the same day, Mary, Marianna, Thekla, and Martha are honored.

  • 23rd Saint Anne is honored.

This name is associated with ideas about “mercy” or “the grace of God,” “strong,” “brave.” This name is one of the most common in the world. First mentioned in biblical accounts of the 1st century. That was the name of the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Biblical Anna and her husband Joachim were given a daughter, Mary, in their old age. She became the Mother of God.

On the same day, Antonina (“opponent”, “entering into battle”) is honored.

  • June 24 Mary is mentioned again.
  • 25th The church honors the memory of Mary and Anna.
  • 26th The number of name books mentions the following female names: Alexandra (“protector”), Antonina, Anna, Pelageya, Akulina (“like an eagle”).

In the Russian consciousness, Saint Akulina was transformed into Akulina the buckwheat. She was reputed to be the patroness of peasants and an accomplice good harvest buckwheat On this day, bunches of buckwheat decorated home icons. They cooked porridge and treated it to the poor. The holiday was called “World Porridge Day”.

  • 28th In June, the memory of Saint Cyrus is honored. There are several possible meanings: “lady”, “like the sun”, “ray of light”, “most beautiful”.

30th– day of remembrance of Saints Pelageya and Nikita (“victor”).

Women's Saints' Days are not celebrated on June 2, 12, 16, 21,27, 29. For girls born on these dates, you can choose names from the next three days.

June contains a fairly rich list of female names and their variants. Church ministers will always add information. None of the names of interest will be left without extended comments. A well-chosen name for a girl will determine the success of her life path and the protection of higher powers.

The tradition of giving newborn children names according to the calendar appeared in Rus' with the adoption Orthodox faith. According to church canons, a child is a creation of God, who, with the birth of a baby, already determines a Guardian Angel for him. Parents can only name their child after the Saint whose memorial day the church honors on this date.

Names of girls born in June: from 1st to 6th

Since the calendar contains more male names than female ones, it often happens that for a bewitched girl there is no suitable option. Then you should look at the calendar a few days in advance and choose the name you like.

In June (from the 1st to the 6th) the following:

1. Anastasia. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “resurrected” or “returned to life.” On this day, the church honors the memory of the holy martyr Anastasia, who accepted death, but did not renounce her faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Susanna (Sosanna). From the biblical language this name is translated as “white lily.”

3. Elena. On this day, the church honors Queen Helen of Constantinople, the mother of Emperor Constantine. Around 330, during excavations with her participation, it was discovered Life-giving Cross on which Christ was crucified. After her death she was canonized as a saint equal to the apostles.

4. Sofia.

5. Euphrosyne, Maria.

What to name a girl born from June 7 to June 12

A girl named after the Saint, whose memorial day is celebrated along with her birth, finds a Guardian Angel who will always protect her and help her on the path of life.

From the 7th to the 12th the following are provided (June) according to the church calendar:

8. Elena. On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the martyr Helen, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, who was stoned to death for her Christian faith.

9. Anastasia, Fedora.

10. Elena. Memorial Day of Elena Diveevskaya (Manturova), who in 1825 became a novice of the Kazan community at the Diveevsky convent in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

11. Maria, Faina, Feodosia. Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Mary of Ustyug and the Virgin Mary; righteous Faina.

Name for a girl in June: from the 13th to the 18th

Parents begin choosing a name for their baby even before she is born. If the expected due date falls in the first month of summer, they ask the question: “What name for a girl (June) would be appropriate?”

13. Christina. Memorial Day of the Martyr Christina of Nicomedia.

14. Faith. In June, on the 14th, the Orthodox Church remembers the New Martyr Vera (Samsonova), canonized in 2000.

15. Maria, Ulyana, Juliana. Memorial Day of the Martyr Juliania of Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, Princess and Martyr Mary, who suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ.

16. Women's name days are not celebrated on this day. The name for a girl in June (18th) should be chosen from those presented in the calendar over the next few days.

17. Maria, Martha, Martha, Sofia.

Women's names according to the church calendar from June 19 to June 24

19. Archelaus, Susanna (Sosanna), Thekla. For their faith in Jesus Christ and their healing of the sick, the martyrs were subjected to severe torture in the Italian city of Salerno. After a few days of abuse, they were beheaded.

20. Valeria (Kaleria), Zinaida, Maria, Kyriakia (Kiriya). The holy martyrs Valeria, Zinaida, Kyriacia and Maria were residents of Caesarea (Palestine). During the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305) they were persecuted and then tortured for their Christian faith. They accepted martyrdom.

21. Melania. Memorial Day of Melania the Elder - grandmother of Melania of Bethlehem, Palestine (January 13), to whom it is customary to pray during difficult childbirth. Both saints became famous for their exploits in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Marianna, Maria, Martha, Thekla. Mary of Persia was beheaded by the sword in 346 during the persecution of Christians by the ruler Sapor II.

23. Antonina. Day of remembrance of the martyrs Virgin Antonina and the warrior Alexander, who suffered martyrdom under the ruler Fist.

24. Maria. Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Mary of Pergamon.

The name for a girl in June, born from the 19th to the 24th, should be chosen from the options presented above. Then the patron saint will always be next to her, protect her and guide her in life.

Church name for a girl born on June 30

25. Anna, Euphrosyne. Memorial Day of the Blessed Princess Anna (monastically Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya.

26. Alexandra, Anna, Antonina, Pelageya. Memorial Day of St. Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova); Venerable Anna of Bithynia; Martyr Antonina of Nicea, who was persecuted and mortally tortured during the reign of Maximian; New Martyr Pelageya (Zhidko).

27. Women's name days are not celebrated on this day.

28. The name for a June girl born on the 28th should be chosen from those presented on the following days.

30. Pelagia. Memorial Day of the New Martyr Pelageya Balakireva.

Men's name day on June 10 according to the church calendar

  • - from ancient times Greek name Dionysios - “belonging to the god Dionysus.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Demetrios - “dedicated to Demeter (goddess of fertility)”, “farmer”.
  • - a form of the name Zechariah, Zechariah, derived from the Hebrew name Zechariah (Zechariahu) - “The Lord remembered” (“Yahweh remembered”), “memorial of the Lord,” “remembered by the Lord,” “remembering the Lord.”
  • - from the Roman family name Egnatius, derived from the Latin ignis - “fire”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Herakleios - “Hercules, belonging to Hercules.”
  • - from the ancient Greek makarios - “blessed”, “blessed”, “happy”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Niketas, derived from Niketes - “winner”.
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  • Paul- from the Roman family name Paulus - “modest”, small”, “insignificant”, “junior”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Petros - “stone”, “solid”, “reliable”.

Women's name day on June 10 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Helene - “torch, light.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Helene - “bright”.
  • - the Hungarian version of the Greek name Elena - “bright”.

Dreams come true for Dmitry.

Dreams come true for Zakhar.

Mowing the grass means loss.

To bad dream the name day did not come true, it would not be superfluous to arm yourself with a name talisman - a turtle made of malachite. The turtle is a symbol of protection; it always carries its shell house with it. With such a Talisman named Zakhar, it will be easier to bear any loss if it happens.

Dreams come true for Nikita.

Riding a donkey on name day night means deception.

To prevent a bad Dream on your name day from coming true, the Name Talisman, depicting bast shoes, will help. Bast shoes are a powerful symbol of protection; they will also help you gain clarity and distinguish friends from enemies.

Breaking glass means provoking conflict.

To avoid a bad omen, it would not hurt Pavel to buy a Talisman named after the lizard. A lizard on name day night is the embodiment of flexibility; this symbol will help you behave more intelligently.

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