Which washing machine is better: frontal or vertical. Which washing machine is better - top-loading or front-loading? Front or top loading machine

Currently, the washing machine market is so huge that it is not easy for consumers to make a choice in favor of a particular model. Manufacturers are equipping their products with an increasing number of additional options, presenting the buyer with a difficult choice. In this article we will try to figure out which washing machine is better to buy so as not to be disappointed in it in the first months of operation. When reviewing, we will focus on expert reviews and the opinions of ordinary users.

It is almost impossible to say in a nutshell which washing machines are the best today. Any technology has its own functional features, technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Washing machines are no exception. Let’s try to figure out what parameters and functionality different washing machines from different manufacturers differ from each other.

Modern automatic washing machines come in two types: front-loading and vertical.

Before purchasing a washing machine, it would be wise to determine the location in advance where your assistant will stand, this will help you figure out what size she should be. The fact is that today's choice is not limited to any one standard size of equipment. In stores you can find:

  • , the depth of which is not more than 45 cm;
  • standard options, depth 55 cm or more.

Almost all washing machine manufacturers, realizing the value of free space in bathrooms and small apartments, began to produce smaller machines. But if just a few years ago this indicator somehow affected the functionality of the equipment, today the best narrow washing machines are not only not inferior to standard ones, but, on the contrary, are equipped with a wide range of capabilities.

The Swiss company Eurosoba deserves special attention, which produces small-sized, high-quality washing machines for any request. The model range includes fully automatic washing machines with mechanical and electronic-mechanical (intelligent) control systems. This is one of the few manufacturers whose washing machines have manual assembly, a metal tank and drum, and hydraulic shock absorbers. With relatively small dimensions (W-D-H: 46-46-68), the load of laundry is 4 kilograms. The average service life of Eurosoba washing machines is 15 years, of which the warranty period is from 2 to 3 years. Readers of our magazine can use the personal promotional code “tehnka.expert-500” and receive an additional 500 rubles discount when purchasing any Eurosoba washing machine on the website gonetc.ru.

Type of laundry load

Despite the fact that laundry machines have gained great popularity today, we should not forget about the vertical one. Both types of technology have their advantages. Therefore, do not neglect the existing choice, since the machine can give good competition to the horizontal one. Let's see what the difference is between the two types of downloads.

Front-loading machine (left) and top-loading machine (right)

It is this type of loading that is most popular among buyers, although they appeared much later than models with a vertical system. Manufacturers, focusing on consumer preferences and expert reviews, pay more attention to front-loading models, trying to improve the technology and increase its potential. The demand for such models is due to the following advantages:

  1. The price range of some brands is significantly lower than that of top-loading machines.
  2. The design of the unit allows it to be installed under a countertop or under a sink.
  3. Relatively silent operation when installed correctly allows you to carry out the washing process even while small children are sleeping.
  4. The upper part of the device can be used as a shelf for storing clean towels, or a basket with dirty laundry, in general for everything that does not fit in the existing cabinets.
  5. Thanks to the presence of a hatch, you can monitor the washing process.

But there are also disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  1. Some models do not allow you to reload laundry; if the washing process has already started, you will have to start all over again.
  2. If the equipment breaks down, the water inside may spill out onto the floor.
  3. Quite often, the rubber gasket, which is necessary to completely seal the drum when the washing machine is in operation, becomes less elastic over time, which can result in leaks.
  4. with front loading, in particular their width is greater than that of vertical ones.

These shortcomings are so insignificant that many owners do not even notice them, but perceive them as features of a particular model.

The first units to appear on the Soviet market were vertically loaded. This technique is designed for the same amount of dirty laundry, but it takes much less space. It is good to install it in small apartments, in bathrooms combined with a toilet.

Vertical loading machines today are no less popular than horizontal ones. And this is not surprising, since this type of technology has significant advantages:

  1. Doesn't take up much space, so this technique is an excellent option for small bathrooms; it can be installed in almost any corner.
  2. There is a possibility air dirty laundry during the washing process.
  3. Low vibration and noise .
  4. Peculiar child protection, since all controls are located at the top of the device.
  5. No front door only adds to the attractiveness of the machine, making it even more compact.

However, some disadvantages of top-loading machines affect consumer choice:

  1. The cost of such machines higher compared to front-facing models equipped with similar functions.
  2. Limited design options, the inability to integrate appliances or into a kitchen set.
  3. More expensive repairs in the event of a unit breakdown due to limited spare parts.
  4. Despite the fact that a washing machine with a vertical system cannot be called noisy, still during washing the noise is a little louder than front-loading models.

When choosing between two versions of washing machines, you should rely on personal preferences, interior options and square footage. If you are limited by square meters, then turn your attention to devices with vertical loading. If the need to strictly save free space does not affect you, feel free to make a choice in favor of front-loading washing machines.


When trying to understand which models are the best: vertical or frontal, it is worth taking into account other criteria that washing machines have.

Before purchasing equipment, you should ask what characteristics the model you like is equipped with. Because the presence of one specific program or function that is not so important for you can increase the cost of the device.

When choosing, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • tank capacity;
  • spin class;
  • washing class;
  • energy consumption class;
  • types of washing programs;
  • additional functions;
  • country, manufacturer, brand;
  • reviews from experts.

To decide which washing machine is best to buy, it’s worth understanding in more detail what these indicators are.

Optimal capacity

An important criterion when choosing technology is. It is determined in kilograms. Most modern devices are equipped with a drum with the ability to load up to 6 kg. This means that the owner of the equipment has the opportunity to load no more than 6 kilograms of laundry per wash.

If you exceed the permissible limit, your machine will refuse to start the wash cycle.

For your information, one set of bed linen weighs about 2 kg. If you don't plan to wash heavier items, such as duvets or winter outerwear, then you shouldn't overpay for more expensive models. You can choose a narrow washing machine, for example, from Beko, with a maximum allowable load of dry laundry of 5 kg, or Indesit, with a capacity of 4 kg. Both of these manufacturers set relatively affordable prices for their products.

Of course, if you plan to wash a lot, and periodically also blankets, rugs and pillows, then consider machines with a capacity from 7 kg and above. Just keep in mind: the higher this figure, the higher the cost of the unit will be.

Energy saving class

Absolutely any modern washing machine has its own energy efficiency class.

Generation of cars until 2010: markings were carried out with letters of the English alphabet from A to G.

New generation units:

  • A+++ - the most economical;
  • D is the highest energy consumption level.

As you might guess, the most economical devices are those that have an A+++ energy consumption class. But do not rush to succumb to pressure from manufacturers. Obviously, when your refrigerator runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without interruption, it makes sense to choose the lowest energy consumption level. Of course, in this case the savings will be noticeable. But what about a washing machine that you use 2-3 times a week?

Energy saving classes of washing machines

The average time it takes for equipment to wash, rinse and spin clothes is about one and a half to two hours. How significant will the savings be for your wallet in this case? If you do not have the opportunity to overpay for a model equipped with class A+++, opt for A. Moreover, many modern devices, even from the budget category, have this particular energy efficiency class.

Washing class

Like energy efficiency, they are designated by letters borrowed from the English alphabet:

There are six classes in total. The method for determining the quality of washing was recorded in 1995. Its principle is very similar to advertising washing powder. A piece of fabric having an approved size and dirt is loaded into the washing machine, and a one-hour wash is started at 60 degrees. A technique that can wash this flap better than the existing standard is assigned class A. If the quality does not differ in any way from the standard, then B.

Washing machine washing classes

It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to notice the difference with the naked eye. But after repeated washing, it will be possible to see something. However, so many years have passed since this technique was proposed, and so much has happened: new powders have appeared, new equipment equipped with advanced technologies, that almost all automatic washing machines are currently assigned class A. The only exceptions are rare specimens.

Spin class

This indicator is similar to the washing class and is determined according to international standards. - this is the parameter that indicates the number of drum revolutions per minute at the time of spinning the laundry. The highest level corresponds to the English letter A, it is assigned if no more than 45% moisture remains in the laundry that has undergone this procedure. This class corresponds to more than 1500 rpm.

Spin classes

But think about it, do you really need your machine to spin the drum with such intensity, because you will have to pay a lot for a high rate? And this is not the only negative point that you get for relatively “dry” laundry. You will have to sacrifice its appearance.

After spinning at such speeds, the clothes are unlikely to look good; you will have to make a lot of effort to iron them and give them a decent look.

Let's see which class corresponds to the residual percentage of moisture in the laundry and the number of revolutions:

  • A - over 1500 rpm - 45%;
  • B - 1200-1500 rpm - 54% or less;
  • C - 1000-1200 rpm - 63% or less;
  • D - 800-1000 rpm - 72% or less;
  • E - 600-800 rpm - 81% or less;
  • F - 400-600 rpm - 90% or less;
  • G - no more than 400 rpm - more than 90%.

Most modern washing machines have a spin class of C or B.

Types of programs

Many people probably remember that just a dozen years ago, washing machines could not boast the same functionality as they do now. The housewives had at their disposal everything 2-3 modes, choosing between cotton, wool and delicate fabrics. Currently, almost every manufacturer of washing machines, be it Indesit, LG, Electrolux or Bosch, has awarded the equipment with such functionality that you really begin to believe in the need to have all the capabilities offered. Let's look at the most common modes most machines are equipped with:

  • cotton mode;
  • delicate wash or hand wash;
  • quick wash;
  • wool mode;
  • duvet blanked;
  • dark fabrics;
  • sportswear;
  • Kids' things;
  • outerwear;
  • hypoallergenic wash;
  • steam wash;
  • bed linen, etc.

Types of washing machine programs

However, reviews from experts indicate the opposite trend. Indeed, 99% of all users constantly use only a few modes. With their help, you can wash clothes from any type of fabric and any degree of soiling. Other programs are used based on personal wishes. But still, they help facilitate the process of washing clothes of a certain texture.

Additional functions

Since there are many washing machines today, manufacturers resort to tricks, rewarding the equipment with all sorts of know-how in order to make it stand out from the crowd. Some built-in functions are actually quite useful. Here are a few of them:

  • protection against leaks;
  • Eco bubble;
  • direct drive;
  • control systems.

Leak protection

The function is very practical and necessary. Thanks to it, you can avoid a situation with water leakage in the event of an accident, and as a result, there is no danger of flooding your neighbors on the floor below. Leak protection – common function, it can be found on almost all new cars from manufacturers such as Virpul, Indesit, Bosch, Electrolux, Zanussi, etc.

There are two types of this function:

  1. Partial - you can do it yourself by purchasing a special hose and installing it on your device.
  2. Complete, so-called. It works when water gets where it shouldn't. In this case, the hose is equipped with a special solenoid valve, which is controlled by the washing machine. Only the manufacturer can provide such protection.

Eco Bubble

Undoubtedly, machines that have (complete dissolution of the powder before washing), as well as others, on which the “six care movements” function is installed, etc. they wash clothes a little better, but this is not a panacea, but just an advertising ploy by manufacturers who have created a beautiful picture around their products.

washing machines from LG. Due to the absence of many rotating parts, the service life of the unit is increased.

Comparison of standard and direct drive

Control systems

The latest washing machines are equipped with various sensors that allow you to monitor the operation of the equipment. For example, monitoring water quality and imbalance, child protection, etc. Definitely, such additional functions make the washing process more enjoyable and fun. However, you will need to pay for them.

The best manufacturers

Who are the best manufacturers of washing machines? It is almost impossible to answer this question. Not a single specialist will tell you unequivocally which ones are not, which manufacturers are good and which ones are bad. Because it is impossible to determine this. But in order to find out the frequency of breakdowns among various manufacturers, just look at the ranking of manufacturers for the past 2016.

We can say that all companies can find their consumers. For example, Indesit and Veko are famous for their affordable price, LG for warranty service and direct drive, Bosh for good build quality, Samsung for the Eco Bubble function. By the way, any consumer can find a unit based on their needs and financial capabilities.

Expert assessments on equipment quality

To finally answer the question of which washing machine is better, let’s look at the reviews of experts who disagree.

“Having 19 years of work experience, 5 of which were in the service center, I can say that washing machines from Indesit, an Italian manufacturer, break down the least often. At least the call percentage for them is much lower. Very often we come across clients - owners of budget models who have been using their equipment for 6-8 years and have practically no breakdowns, with the rarest exception of minor failures.”

Igor, 42 years old, washing machine repair specialist.

“Working in a household appliances and electronics store as a sales consultant, on duty I come across various customers. There are consumers who need a washing machine with the ability to simply wash. There are buyers who give preference to design; they choose equipment with an aesthetic appearance. And there are those who buy very expensive models, such as Bosh, with the highest class of washing, spinning and energy consumption, with a large number of washing programs and an automatic stain removal function. But I can say one thing: most often, washing machines in the middle price segment are returned under warranty. These are the models that most often come with defects. I can’t explain what this is connected with.”

Dmitry, 32 years old, consultant in the department of large household appliances.


Buying a washing machine is a serious undertaking. After all, the equipment will serve you for 3, 5, or even 15 years. Therefore, treat it with the utmost care. In an attempt to determine which washing machine is the best, we reviewed the 2016 ratings. Most purchased narrow washing machines are from LG and Samsung. Among standard devices with maximum load, the most popular are Siemens and Electrolux. Candy models are considered the most compact.

Which cars will reach the top in 2017? Let's hope that, due to healthy competition, manufacturers will reduce prices on most top models, and, on the contrary, raise their quality, so that the purchased product upsets its owner as little as possible.

Today you can find a wide variety of washing machines in household appliance stores, so you can choose them taking into account some of your specific criteria. The equipment differs from each other not only in pricing policy, but also in appearance and equipment. Often, buyers are faced with the choice of which washing machine is better to buy, with vertical or front loading.

It is important to initially understand that each of these types of machines is good in its own way. But, in addition to positive qualities, each of them also has some disadvantages. To quickly make a choice, you need to study all the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Washing machines with front (horizontal) loading type

These models of washing machines can increasingly be seen in stores. Many consumers prefer them. In addition, manufacturers are working responsibly on new models of such machines, improving their characteristics.

Pros of front-loading washing machines:

  • Reasonable cost when compared with the price of machines with vertical loading;
  • If necessary, such equipment can be built into furniture in the kitchen or bathroom. Thus, it will be possible to save space in the room;
  • The front-loading machine has an anti-allergy setting. She rinses clothes perfectly;
  • The machine works very quietly.

  1. Often in such machines the rubber gasket that seals the hatch becomes unusable;
  2. When the machine is already washing, it is impossible to add more laundry to the drum until it is completely finished.

Top loading washing machines

This type of equipment will be an excellent option for apartments with a small area. For this reason, they are often used in small-sized housing.

What are their advantages:

  • If you need to add things to the machine, this can be easily done by opening the top cover;
  • This machine is quite compact;
  • Vibration during its operation is observed to be quite insignificant;
  • A small child will not be able to press the buttons on the machine, since they are located on the top panel.

In stores that sell household appliances, a huge number of washing machines are presented to the consumer's attention. They differ in design features and functionality; each model looks aesthetically pleasing and modern, guaranteeing the quality of the washing process. You have to make a long choice when deciding which washing machine is better - top-loading or front-loading?

Without checking the model in operation, it is difficult to understand what is more convenient to use in order to wash things perfectly and at the same time save electrical energy. And repair issues occupy an important place - no one wants to contact service often.

Based on the type of loading, machines are divided into two groups. The front-view device is popular among many consumers. The existing “window” makes it possible to monitor the washing process and makes the machine attractive. But the vertical loading unit is distinguished by its compactness. How to make the right choice?

Structure and design features of machines with different types of loading

The main structural difference is the location of the hatch intended for loading things. For the front-facing device, it is located on the front part and opens to the side.

Vertical group models have a hatch on top. Many have not yet forgotten that several decades ago the market was filled with these very models. Washing machines with a front hatch appeared relatively recently, but were able to quickly supplant their predecessors.

Each type has a washing drum that rotates along a vertical plane. To load a front-facing machine, simply open the door. For the vertical analogue, the process is somewhat more complicated - first the top cover is opened, then you need to open the hatch lock on the drum. And after washing, it stops in any position; sometimes you need to turn it so that the lid appears on the surface. There is nothing complicated in such actions, but a person accustomed to side loading may experience certain inconveniences.

Some users like to top load their laundry, while others prefer to do it from the side. But not only consumers, but also experienced specialists are unable to determine significant differences in the quality of the process itself. This depends more on certain models and their functionality than on the location of the loading hatch. For a more accurate determination in your choice, you should clarify in more detail the parameters of different types of machines.

Dimensions and required space

Most users are interested in one question - saving space. For this reason, they are always ready to overpay for a more compact machine. In this sense, front-type washing machines are all the better because they are produced in four standard sizes:

  • narrow;
  • super narrow;
  • standard;
  • compact.

As they say, there is a choice for every situation.

Vertical washing machines are almost the same. If all the models are lined up in one row, the difference will be almost imperceptible, although there are still minor differences. For example, the difference in height is up to ten centimeters, in depth - from five to seven. But the width size is standard - 0.4 meters.

If we compare representatives of different types that have standard sizes, the vertical model occupies a smaller area. But when comparing a compact front-facing washing machine with a vertical model, the first one is ten centimeters more advantageous in depth, and a little more in width. In the group of front-facing machines there are even models that are hung on the wall. Probably, they were produced specifically for those consumers for whom the issue of saving space is radical.

If we talk about the dimensions of two types of washing machines, then in almost every case the front group wins.

The difference between hatches

This element has nothing to do with the quality of washing. But the convenience of putting things into the drum and removing them from there will depend on this detail. There are other nuances that should also be paid attention to.

  1. Vertical hatches.

In narrow washing machines of the vertical group, the drum is installed in a horizontal position, as in front-facing models. On each side there is a symmetrical shaft to which the tank is attached. Such designs are very popular among European consumers. But residents of Russia also acquire this species quite often. As previously mentioned, you first need to open the hatch, then the flap located in the drum itself. More expensive models have a “drum parking” function. This means that when the wash cycle is completed, the drum will always stop with the flap on top, so that the user does not make unnecessary movements. The size of the sash is slightly smaller than the average diameter of the front hatch. When loading laundry, this feature does not affect anything.

Sometimes there are activator-type top-loading washing machines with a vertically placed drum. Their sizes are somewhat larger and have more capacity. For such models, the lid is also located on top. There are no problems during loading - by opening the lid, the user has full access to the drum. Such models have another advantage - the ability to reload laundry during the washing program. Since the lid opens upward, water will not leak out of the machine. This option is great for budget-conscious users who load dirtier items first, then the rest. This way they save washing time, electrical energy and washing powder.

  1. Front hatches.

Their diameter is twenty-two to thirty-five centimeters. The lid is a plastic or metal flap with a transparent window. After activating the program, the hatch is closed hermetically using an electronic device; it cannot be opened until the process is completed.

But not all models have a hatch that swings wide enough. On more expensive machines it can be opened one hundred and eighty degrees. Most models allow you to do this by ninety, maximum - one hundred degrees.

When purchasing a front model, it is recommended to pay attention to the sealing elements located around the cover and drum hatch. They should be of high quality, slightly soft and not particularly thin, as there is a risk of water leakage.

A few convenience issues

This point also needs to be given attention. Which machine is still more convenient to use? To answer such a question, subjective factors must be taken into account. Often a person simply likes vertical loading, since he is more accustomed to it, and there is no explanation for this. The same can be said about cars with a front hatch. You should not focus on subjective aspects; it is better to immediately consider the objective reasons that make this or that group of washing machines convenient:

  • For vertical group cars, the hatch is located on top. When loading laundry you will not have to bend over, and this is very convenient for users suffering from radiculitis;
  • For washing machines with a front hatch, the top panel is free. Many people place cans, bottles, bags of powders and other things on its surface, finding a certain convenience in this. But the buttons and elements of the touch group are located on the front panel. On the left there is a tray with three compartments, where you can pour washing powder, liquid soap and fabric softener;
  • the front model can be installed under the countertop, but the vertical model will require free space on top;

  • In a front group machine, the tray for detergent compositions can be easily removed, and it is much more convenient to use. Owners of a vertical unit claim that their model is very convenient in this sense, but their opinion remains in the overwhelming minority.

External data and repairability

It is difficult to talk about the beautiful appearance of cars, since this concept is individual for users. But there are quite objective points. Washing machines of the vertical group are very similar, there are almost no differences in design. The control panel, which always brings a special personality to the model, is located on top and does not attract much attention to itself.

For front-loading machines, everything is different. The parameters and shape of the door, the design of the powder tray, and the elements of the control panel give it a unique personality and unusual beauty. You can even do a little experiment. Going to a household appliance store, look at a number of front-facing models. Your gaze will definitely focus on a certain model.

If a similar inspection is carried out on machines in a vertical group, then there will be nothing remarkable here - ordinary washing units. There is one more important feature. If you buy a washing machine with a vertical loading hatch, you will admire its unattractive appearance for at least ten years. The front panel can be installed separately, and over time it can be built into furniture.

Only the color scheme of its body can add individuality to a vertical group machine. And the front camera may have several individual features.

In terms of maintainability, most users prefer front-loading washing machines. And there is a simple explanation for this - there are more of them, there are no problems with spare parts and components.

Service center specialists working in different localities are more familiar with washing machines belonging to the front group. Spare parts for them are cheaper, and such equipment is much more convenient to repair. In terms of reliability, the washing machines of each group are approximately the same, but much depends on the manufacturer and other factors.

Cost difference

Manufacturers of washing machines claim that units with a vertical hatch are slightly more expensive to manufacture, which affects the final cost of the product. This is probably not the only reason. The problem lies in the fact that top-loading washing machines are less popular, are produced in smaller quantities and are not in such demand, which determines supply. Accordingly, severe competition arises between companies producing machines with front doors. What follows from this? Manufacturers competing with each other gradually reduce prices in order to continue to remain in an acceptable niche of the economy. Ultimately, having similar technical parameters, machines of the vertical and horizontal groups will differ in cost, and this difference will be in favor of the frontal models.

Final comparison

It is possible to objectively evaluate different models only after their advantages and disadvantages have been studied. But in choosing the optimal option, you should not rely only on such parameters. Design features, functionality, and technical parameters should be taken into account.

So, let's summarize.

Advantages and disadvantages of frontal machines

This technique is much easier to choose. This is explained by the fact that the designs are more common, there are many options. Today, the market has a large number of devices that are distinguished by practicality and functionality. The main advantages include:

  • reasonable cost of products;
  • the ability to integrate the machine into furniture;
  • optimal sizes.

Machines of this group can be located in rooms of various sizes. A huge number of models makes it possible to choose the appropriate parameters for any buyer.

The only drawback is the inability to add additional laundry during washing. But this is not critical, and such a minus does not affect the choice.

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical models

Cars with such loading are considered less in demand. Most consumers are not accustomed to such models; they are more accustomed to seeing machines with a side window in the bathroom. When choosing the type of loading element, the consumer prefers a more aesthetic appearance, which is not the case with vertical machines.

The main advantages of the washing machine are:

  • small sizes. The cars are truly considered the most compact of all that exist;
  • it is possible to load additional laundry during washing;
  • the door open upward does not occupy the space surrounding the machine.

A top-loading washing machine has a high cost, which is explained by its practicality. The second drawback is the inability to build the machine under a countertop or sink.

It is believed that in models with vertical loading, the drive mechanism is less loaded, and accordingly, it will last longer. Bearing destruction occurs less frequently, and the machine is more resistant to centrifugal forces. The vertical has a slightly different arrangement of shock-absorbing elements and counterweights, which gives it greater stability. But the structural differences remain visible.

In addition, machines with a front hatch have a large number of working functions - drying, bubble washing, steam washing, etc. New models of the vertical group also have some functions, but most models do not have drying.

Before purchasing a washing machine, you should decide where it will be installed. Maybe you want to build it into furniture or under the sink - you should take accurate measurements of the space available for this.

In addition, consider a number of nuances:

  • will you use the top panel as a shelf for small items;
  • is there a need to add new portions of items during washing;
  • Is there a need for a hatch to monitor the washing process?

Quite often, small apartments do not allow for a front-facing washing machine because there is not enough space to open the door. In this case, you should pay attention to the vertical model.

When it comes to safety, the vertical washing machine takes the lead. But all this is explained by the fact that water will not pour out of the machine, as can happen with a machine that has a hatch on the front panel. If a front-loading washing machine breaks down, you will have to call a specialist, but with a vertical washing machine you can simply open it and take out all the things.


Based on the total number of positive features of each group of washing machines, and taking into account the opinions of users, we can conclude that machines with a front-loading method are better than those with a vertical loading method. But the latter also have a right to exist, and sometimes their use is even justified. It should be noted that this conclusion corresponds to the market situation. The top-loading group accounts for only twenty percent of all machines, the rest are front-loading models.

It is not possible to determine the undisputed leader among the known designs. Each model is unique, practical and easy to use. When choosing the optimal unit, it is recommended to first focus on your own preferences and the availability of free space in your apartment.

As you know, all washing machines are divided into two large groups: front-loading equipment and top-loading equipment. The difference between a horizontal washer and a vertical one is quite significant; moreover, they are not even similar in appearance. In this publication, we will compare two types of washing machines in detail and answer the long-standing question of consumers about which “home assistants” are better.

How do these washers work?

The fundamental difference between a top-loading washing machine and a front-loading washing machine is the location of the loading hatch, hence the names. For front-facing washing machines, the hatch is located on the front wall of the washing machine, and for vertical washing machines, the hatch is located on top. This difference is the main one, but not the only one.

A front-loading washing machine, like a top-loading washing machine, has drums that rotate in a vertical plane. But if in order to get to the drum of front-facing cameras you just need to open the hatch, then to access the drum of a machine with vertical loading, you need to open the hatch and special metal doors. If the drum of a top-loading washing machine does not position itself automatically, then you still need to manually tighten it, then open the doors and then just load the laundry. Besides.

A front-loading washing machine has a cuff - a rubber seal that prevents water from seeping through the closed hatch. In addition, there are a bunch of minor technical differences, which we will definitely tell you about when necessary.

How much space does it take?

Many users are very interested in saving space, so they are often willing to pay extra for more compact equipment. In this sense, a front-loading washing machine is better because it is produced in as many as 4 sizes. There are washing machines: narrow, super-narrow, standard and compact. Choices can be made in almost all situations.

Top-loading washing machines are almost all the same. If all models of cars of this type are placed next to each other, then you will see practically no difference, although there may be slight differences in size. For example, the variation in height reaches 10 cm (from 80 to 90), although height does not play a special role here. The spread in depth is even less than 5-7 cm, but the width is often standard - 40 cm.

If we compare a standard-sized front-facing dishwasher and a vertical-size washing machine, a top-loading washing machine will take up less space. If we compare a compact front-facing camera with a vertical camera, then the first one wins a good 10 centimeters in depth and several centimeters in width. Among front-loading washing machines, there are some quite unusual ones. They are apparently specially made for people who want to solve the issue of saving space radically.

When we talk about the overall dimensions of the two types of washing machines, in almost all cases front-loading washing machines win - they are better in this component.

Convenience issues

Now let's look at the issue of convenience. Which of the two types of washing machines is more convenient for the user? When answering this question, one cannot ignore subjective factors. Often, a person simply likes a top-loading washing machine better because he is used to it, and he himself cannot really explain why. It's the same with washing machines that have front loading. We will deliberately not discuss subjective aspects, but will look directly at the objective circumstances that make this or that type of washing machine more convenient.

  1. For top-loading washing machines, the hatch is located on top, which means you don’t have to bend over every time you need to load laundry into the drum. For people suffering from radiculitis, this is a very valuable design feature.
  2. Front-loading washing machines have a completely free top cover. Users place jars, bottles, bags of powder and other things on it as a shelf, considering it convenient.
  3. The front panel can be built under the tabletop, which is very convenient. The vertical one loses in this regard.
  4. In washing machines with front loading, the powder cuvette is easily removed, however, it is also easier to use, it is easier to pour in powder and pour in conditioner. Although experienced users of vertical machines claim that their “home assistants” have convenient powder receptacles, they are in the minority here.

Beauty and maintainability

It is difficult to talk about the beauty of a washing machine, since each user evaluates the beauty of equipment in his own way. But there are quite objective points. Top-loading washing machines are very similar to each other; there are no differences in design. The control panel, designed to individualize the washing machine model, is located on top, and therefore does not attract attention.

For front-facing cameras, everything is different. The size and shape of the hatch, the shape and design of the powder cuvette and control panel elements give a particular model of washing machine a unique personality and special beauty. Conduct your own experiment. Go to a hypermarket that sells household appliances and look at the range of front-loading washing machines. In this case, your gaze will definitely be drawn to the appearance of any model.

If you look in the same way at the model range of top-loading washing machines, then you will not be able to see anything remarkable - washing machines are just washing machines. There is another important nuance. If you buy a top-loading washing machine, then for the next ten years you will have to admire its appearance, since nothing can be done about it. The front camera can be installed separately, and if you get tired of its appearance, the problem can be solved by integrating the equipment into the furniture.

Only the color of the body can personalize a top-loading washing machine. The front panel is individualized by a number of elements. Which washer is better for this component? Draw your own conclusions.

As for maintainability, preference can also be given to front-loading washing machines. Everything is explained simply. There are more front-loading washing machines, and more spare parts and various components are supplied for them.

Craftsmen working in various cities of our vast homeland are better familiar with front-loading washing machines. Accordingly, components and spare parts for front-facing cameras can be purchased cheaper, and craftsmen will be relatively better able to repair them, although everything is individual. In terms of reliability, front-loading and top-loading washing machines are approximately the same; much will depend on the country of assembly, manufacturer and many other factors.

Why is vertical a little more expensive?

According to the manufacturer himself, top-loading washing machines are a little more expensive to manufacture, which means this certainly affects the final cost of this type of home assistant. But we think this is not the only reason. The fact is that top-loading washing machines are less in demand, there are fewer of them, which means there is less demand for them. Demand, as we know, creates supply, and the more manufacturers offer front-loading washing machines, the tougher the competition between them.

Where does this lead? And this leads to the fact that producers, competing with each other, are forced to reduce prices for goods in order to stay in the corresponding economic niche. In some places this effect is more pronounced, in others less, but in the end, front-loading and vertical-loading washing machines with approximately the same technical characteristics cost differently. Moreover, the price difference is definitely not in favor of verticals.

What is the conclusion?

Based on the totality of positive features and based on the opinions of the majority of consumers, we conclude that front-loading washing machines are somewhat better than top-loading washing machines. Although, of course, verticals also have a right to exist; moreover, in a number of cases their use is more justified.

In principle, our general opinion is quite consistent with the market situation. If we look at the market for automatic washing machines, we see the following picture: front-loading washing machines account for about 80%, while vertical washing machines account for only about 20%. Further reasoning is pointless, because the numbers speak more eloquently.

Nowadays, you can find a very large number of different products on store shelves, and before buying a washing machine, we often go to the Internet for expert advice and reviews from specialists in order to solve the age-old question - which washing machine is better and which one should we buy.

In fact, it's not that simple. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this difficult question, because each type of equipment has its own technical and other characteristics. Therefore, we would like to invite you to understand this issue by looking at washing machines from different angles and understand which machine is right for you.

Which machine is better: vertical or front loading?

The first thing you need to decide before choosing a washing machine is the type of load. There are machines with vertical loading, and some with front loading. And each of these types has its own advantages, let's talk about them.

Front loading

It is much easier to choose the best front-loading washing machine, because there are more washing machines with such loading on the market. This is due to the fact that they are more affordable and, probably, more familiar to us. Their advantages are as follows:

  • Lower price compared to vertical machines
  • Possibility of integrating them into furniture
  • Lower height of the washing machine, especially for some models.

The disadvantages of such machines are:

  • Large dimensions compared to top-loading machines
  • When the door for loading laundry is open, the dimensions increase even more.
  • Inability to reload laundry during washing.

But all these disadvantages are not very critical and are not a compelling argument to abandon this type of download.

Vertical loading

Machines with this type of loading are less in demand, but as the market grows, their share increases and they are gaining popularity. This is natural, because they have the following advantages:

  • Small in size – these washing machines are more compact than front-loading machines.
  • Possibility to add additional laundry during washing.
  • When opening the door, it does not require additional space like front-loading machines.

There are only two shortcomings:

  • Higher cost compared to similar models of front-loading machines.
  • It is impossible to install under the sink and in the kitchen under the countertop, since the loading door opens upwards.

After reading the pros and cons of both types of washing machines, you now have to decide for yourself which one is better for you and which one is worth buying. We can only advise you to pay attention to the following points.

If you have a fairly small area for a washing machine and limited space, then you should consider a top-loading model; otherwise, you can safely buy a front-loading machine.

What capacity should a washing machine have?

A very important criterion when choosing a washing machine is its capacity. It is measured in kg. For example, there are washing machines with a capacity of 3.5 kg of dry laundry. This means that in one wash you can load no more than this amount of dry laundry, otherwise the machine will refuse to wash.

The amount of laundry that the machine can hold in one wash also determines its dimensions, in particular the width of the washing machine. The more laundry the machine can hold, the larger its dimensions and vice versa. Therefore, when buying a washing machine, give preference to the one that meets your requirements. For example, if you live alone, then a narrow washing machine with a load of up to 3.5 kg of laundry per wash is suitable for you. If you have a large family and children, then you need to look at models from 6 kg, because you will have to do a lot of washing and quite often.

In addition, it is worth noting: the larger the washing machine, the less susceptible it is to vibration, and vice versa, narrower washing machines are more vibrating and noisier. This is true all other things being equal.

Which spin class, washing class and energy saving class is better?

To determine which washing machine is better for a given type of characteristics, you need to understand what these characteristics are.

Spin class

Spin class is a parameter that determines how well the machine spins clothes and, accordingly, the higher the spin class, the better. The highest spin class at the moment is class “A” with a maximum number of revolutions of 1300-2000.

But do you need such a spin class? That is the question. In fact, in order to keep clothes damp, no more than 1400 rpm, or even 1200 rpm, is enough. Of course, you can adjust the number of revolutions and set it lower, but you will still have to pay more for a higher spin class.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice and choose the spin class that is right for you, read our recommendations for choosing the spin class of washing machines in a detailed article.

Washing class

The washing class is similar to the spin class – the higher the better. But today, most washing machines, even from the budget price segment, have the highest spin class “A”. Therefore, choose a machine with spin class “A” without hesitation.

Energy class

As you may have guessed, the higher the class, the better. And this is true, but you need to take into account the fact that you will need to pay extra for a higher class, because more economical cars are more expensive. The energy saving class is better for machines with an inverter engine, you can read more about them, but in our opinion, it’s not worth overpaying for this today.

Therefore, all other things being equal, give preference to a machine with a higher energy saving class.

Which washing machine programs are better?

Do you need to pay attention to the availability of certain programs when choosing a washing machine? Of course, if you have asked yourself a similar question, then it is worth taking a closer look and understanding it. Today, different manufacturers of washing machines and different models have completely different washing programs. At first glance, it may seem that the choice of programs is so large that it is almost impossible to understand it.

But it is worth noting that with all the variety of washing programs in different models, they are all similar in application. Let's give a list of typical programs that are present in almost every washing machine and answer 99% of user requests:

  • Regular wash (cotton)
  • Synthetics
  • Delicate wash
  • Quick wash
  • Handwash
  • Wool

These programs solve almost any problem of washing clothes; all others can be chosen only according to your preferences and wishes. They tend to add convenience when washing certain types of clothes.

What additional features should you pay attention to?

Since there are a huge variety of washing machines, and each manufacturer is trying to add some know-how to this unit, it is worth knowing the main functions that are worth paying attention to.

Leak protection– quite a popular function today. It allows the washing machine to monitor water leakage and, if so, block the water supply, thereby preventing flooding of the floor (and, accordingly, the neighbors below). The function is quite useful and, undoubtedly, necessary, but it is not available on all models.

Partial protection against water leaks is more common - it prevents water leaks using a special hose, which you can buy in a store and install on any washing machine.

Models with full protection against water leaks with the Aqua Stop system will prevent leakage if water gets into any inappropriate place in the washing machine. Full protection against water leaks has an additional solenoid valve on the hose, which is controlled by the washing machine itself. Only the manufacturer of the washing machine can install such protection against leaks.

Of course, you should choose a washing machine with full protection against water leaks, but keep in mind that such models are in a more expensive segment.

Direct drive machines– today there are a lot of different myths around these washing machines. It should be noted that direct drive machines are manufactured by LG and if you decide to buy just such a washing machine, then consider that you have already decided on the manufacturer.

The advantages of this type of drive are that the drum rotates directly from the engine itself without the use of a belt, accordingly the number of rotating parts is reduced, their service life is extended and noise is reduced.

Eco bubble, “Six movements of caring”, etc.- this is, so to speak, know-how that every manufacturer has, and each has its own. We tend to believe that, undoubtedly, they have their advantages, and they have a positive effect on the quality of washing. But the role of this know-how is greatly overestimated and is more of a commercial move. Therefore, we recommend not focusing on them.

Various control systems– modern washing machines have a bunch of different sensors that monitor different parameters: imbalance control, foam control, water quality control, detergent dissolution control, protection against wrinkles, and the like. Undoubtedly, these types of sensors make operating the washing machine easier. But it’s worth noting that you have to pay for pleasure: the equipment itself with additional functions comes in a more expensive segment.

Also pay attention to the conditions in which you plan to use the washer. For example, if you want to choose a washing machine for your dacha, then there are many nuances here, if you ignore them, you will experience inconvenience or even the impossibility of using the washing machine in the future. This situation may arise, for example, in the case of insufficient water pressure at the dacha. You can read more about all the intricacies of choosing a washing machine for your dacha on our website.

It is impossible to list all the functions of washing machines, because manufacturers come up with new ones every day. Therefore, pay attention to the key functions of the washing machine, namely the quality of washing, spinning, programs, dimensions, capacity, type of load. And choose all additional functions from your preferences.

Buy a washing machine with or without dryer

Recently, more and more washing machines with a drying function began to appear on the market, and people began to ask a logical question: which washing machine is better with or without drying?

The presence of a dryer in a washing machine is, of course, a very positive point - after all, in one device you have the function of two. Buying a washer and dryer is cheaper than buying a separate washer and dryer. But there are also pitfalls here, let’s talk about them:

  • Washer-dryers take up much more space, because in order to use the dryer you need a fairly large drum. Therefore, such a washing machine may not even fit through the door - it will have to be disassembled a little.
  • High power consumption– Compared to a conventional washing machine, drying requires additional energy consumption and consumes more electricity.
  • The drying quality of washing machines is worse than that of individual dryers– if you are faced with the choice of buying a washing machine with dryer or a set of two units, then it is better to choose the second. First, the dryer can hold more clothes to dry. Secondly, the quality of drying clothes is higher.

We're not saying that washers and dryers are evil. No, of course, this is a wonderful invention, which is undoubtedly necessary. But you should be aware of the disadvantages of these devices.

Which brand of washing machine is better?

This is a very difficult question to which no professional will give you an objective answer. Here everyone decides for themselves what they like best. But, if we talk about the frequency of breakdowns in a washing machine from a particular manufacturer, then it’s worth looking at the rating of washing machines for this year and drawing the appropriate conclusions from it. It’s definitely not possible to say that LG is the best washing machine; or Hotpoint-Ariston is worse than Samsung.

Washing machines of all brands are worthy of attention. LG, for example, is famous for its direct drive and its 5-year warranty. Bosh – for its build quality and ease of use, BEKO – for its low price and availability.

In short, every buyer can find the best washing machine according to their needs and wallet.

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