How to quickly wash windows without streaks. Washing windows - the best methods and means. Folk remedies for cleaning windows without streaks

Windows are the face of any home. The cleaner they are, the more pleasant it is to be in the apartment and the more sunlight penetrates into it. Today I will tell you how to wash windows without streaks in three steps and get the perfect result.

Selecting cleaning tools

To wash windows quickly and without streaks, you need to carefully prepare for this process. It starts with choosing the right tools.

Here's what you'll need during the cleaning process:

  • Sponge. It will be needed to remove heavy contaminants. It is best to choose a sponge that has one side that is fairly stiff.
  • Wiper. If you need to wash tall windows, you can’t do without this device. The long-handled wiper allows you to easily reach the furthest corners without having to balance on a chair or windowsill.

  • Detergent.
  • Dry cloth. You can choose either cotton, suede or linen. The main condition when choosing a rag for washing windows is that it should absorb moisture well.

  • Container with water. For these purposes, any basin or bucket filled with water will do.

Stages of cleaning windows until they shine

Regardless of whether you wash plastic or wooden windows, the cleaning process follows a certain pattern. So:

Stage 1. Preparation

Window cleaning involves:

  • Clear the window sill. Cleaning windows in an apartment should begin by clearing the window sill of everything unnecessary. Remove flower pots, household appliances, and other small items.

  • Prepare tools. Gather together all the tools listed above. Place a bucket of water and all the necessary sponges within reach so you don’t have to run around the apartment for them.
  • Distribute sponges. Since dust from the street pollutes windows more on the outside than on the inside, it is better to use separate sponges or cloth to clean them.

Step 2. Selecting a cleaning product

The simplest recipe is to clean glass surfaces with soapy water. However, others have also proven themselves well:

Illustration Instructions for use

Liquid product. For windows with wooden frames, you can use a regular commercial detergent, or rather a solution of it. For plastic frames, only liquid detergents may be used.

Ammonia. Dilute 2 tablespoons of alcohol in a liter of warm water and wash the windows with the resulting liquid.
Chalk. A chalk solution will help clean windows without streaks. Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of chalk powder with a glass of water. Wipe the glass with the solution, let it dry a little, then thoroughly rub the surface with newspaper.

For severe stains, the recipe can be modified. Instead of water, dilute the chalk with vodka until a mushy consistency is formed. Rub the glass with the resulting mixture, then rinse with water.

Onion. The instructions for using such an unusual product for cleaning windows are simple:
  • cut the onion in half;
  • Rub the half over the surface;
  • wash everything off with water.

This option works well to remove fly marks from windows.

Vinegar. A tablespoon of 9% vinegar is diluted with a glass of water. A window cleaning cloth is soaked in the liquid and the dirty surface is wiped with it.

The best way to wash your windows is up to you. Some people, instead of proven methods, prefer to use special napkins consisting of ultra-fine fibers. They do not leave behind any smudges, scratches or even fingerprints. Simply moisten a similar cloth with water and rinse the window with it.

Stage 3. Direct cleaning

It's time to move on to washing the windows yourself. In this process, it is important to follow the correct sequence:

  1. Wash the frame. When cleaning windows, you should always start by cleaning the frame and only then the glass. Many people often make the mistake of wiping the glass first.

  1. Clean the window from the main dirt. Dip a sponge or rag in the prepared solution and thoroughly wet the glass surface with it. Without missing a single millimeter, sweep away dust and dirt from top to bottom.
    Do not forget that most of the dirt accumulates in the joints of the frame and glass. Therefore, at the end of this stage, run a rag around the perimeter of the window.
  2. Carry out a clean wash. The best way to wipe the window dry is to use a glass cleaner. Starting from the top point, run the squeegee over the surface, ridding it of any remaining moisture.

Remember to maintain an inclination angle of 20-30 degrees. Move strictly horizontally, constantly overlapping the newly washed area by a few centimeters. Wipe the gum dry after each pass.

If you don't have windshield cleaner, use a flannel cloth.

We figured out how to wash the windows. It remains to consider a few additional tricks that will make the cleaning process more efficient:

  1. Clean the window on a cloudy day. In sunny weather, liquid detergent will dry out quickly. Because of this, you will not be able to wipe it off in time and avoid streaks.
  2. Add ammonia. The alcohol in the detergent will give the glass an incredible shine.
  3. Pay attention to fittings. After cleaning the window, lubricate the fittings with machine oil, this will make them last much longer.

  1. Watch out for drainage outlets. Their blockage can lead to fogging and freezing of the windows in winter. You can purchase a special kit for caring for plastic windows; if there is no product with a similar purpose in your nearest store, use salted water.


After reading this article, you learned how to properly wash windows, what detergents to use and in what order to proceed. Follow these recommendations, and cleaning will become much more enjoyable and efficient.

If you want to learn more tricks for cleaning glass until it shines, be sure to watch the video in this article. How do you wash windows without streaks? Leave your recommendations in the comments!

Washing windows is not the most pleasant task, but such a need can arise quite often, especially if the window faces a busy street where dust rises from the road. It is also recommended to wash the inside at least once a month. Our article can tell you how to wash windows correctly and in what ways to do it.

Classic window cleaning method

Washing windows in an apartment can be done in different ways, but most often housewives resort to one trick: they choose cloudy weather for washing, then there will be no streaks left on the glass, and the glare of the sun will not interfere with seeing dirt. Another plus: the detergent will dry faster.

Difficulties when cleaning large windows

What needs to be prepared?

To clean the windows in the apartment , Without being distracted during the process, you need to prepare the following in advance:

  • Two buckets, one of which should contain clean water, the second - a solution for washing windows. You can get by with one bucket if you use a detergent that does not need to be diluted, for example, various window sprays.
  • Soft foam sponge. If the window is very dirty and there is debris stuck to it, you may need to use a stiff sponge.
  • Microfiber. It is convenient for her to wipe the glass dry. If there is no such fabric, any soft, dry material will do, preferably one that absorbs moisture well and has no lint.

Advice: if you don’t want to spend money on detergents or you don’t have them on hand, you can use a regular soap solution; washing windows with it will be of the same quality as professional detergents.

All that is needed

How to properly wash the frame?

Before you start cleaning the glass, you need to clean the frame. To do this, you need to vacuum it, removing dust and dirt. Then the frame should be wiped with a dry cloth. After removing large dirt, wash the frame with soapy water, then rinse off the soap with clean water. If necessary, you can wipe the structure with a dry cloth. If cleaning the glazing seems too difficult for you, contact the company’s specialists and they will quickly clean the windows.

How to properly wash glass yourself?

You can wash the windows in your apartment at no extra cost using a foam sponge soaked in a soapy solution. If there is severe dirt, you can use a harder sponge against it. Soap stains and remaining dirt are washed off with clean water. To prevent water drips, you can wipe the window with a newspaper or dry rag.

Advice: microfiber is excellent for rubbing glass; thanks to its soft structure and high ability to absorb moisture, it becomes an indispensable assistant when washing windows.

By wiping the glass with regular newsprint, you can achieve shine and remove any grease stains left by your hands. This is a proven and inexpensive method that does not need to be changed.

More modern methods of cleaning window structures

You can wash it more effectively, without leaving streaks on the glass, using a modern method, for which you will need to prepare the following:

  • Scraper.
  • Bucket for water and solution.
  • Sponges and a rag.

The resulting dirty streaks are driven with a scraper to the lower part of the window. This device is moved across the glass from top to bottom. There is no need to wipe it; stains will not interfere with further cleaning of the window. If the window does not clean immediately, you can wash it with soap and water again.

How to wipe glass clean?

After you have washed the window with clean water, you can begin to wipe it with a dry cloth: this should be done starting from the top and smoothly moving to the bottom. You can use a scraper. To do this, it is held at an angle of 30°. To avoid streaks, the next movement should overlap the trajectories of the previous one by several centimeters.

Advice: In order to effectively clean windows, wipe the scraper with a dry cloth after each movement. It must be clean. If you don't do this, stains will remain.

Small drops or streaks can be removed with a cotton cloth. Please note that water often accumulates around the perimeter of the structure, in the place where the rubber bands of the glass unit are located: carefully wipe them with a dry cloth, removing water from there.

How to clean hard-to-reach places?

It is quite difficult to clean the balcony glazing, since it has a large area and height, and only a small part of the sections opens. In order to completely clean the windows in your apartment, you can use the following tricks for balcony glazing:

Video: How to properly clean windows!

Video: How to wash windows. Clean windows correctly, without streaks

Clean windows are important not only for the appearance of the car, but also for the safety of the driver. The dirtier the car windows, the higher the likelihood of getting into an accident. But washing car windows so that there are no streaks left on them is not so easy. Therefore, every car owner must know how to wash windows without leaving streaks.

Contamination appears no matter how carefully the driver uses the car. This happens due to:

  • weather conditions and precipitation - most often pollution is caused by rain and snow;
  • accumulations of street dust are an inevitable phenomenon that occurs even with minimal use of the car;
  • accumulation of condensation on the inside of the windshield and side windows - a particularly common cause in cars with interior heating systems;
  • smoking - nicotine settles on the glass, resulting in stains (the wind window is most susceptible to contamination).

Car windows remain stained when washed incorrectly, no matter how often this task is performed.

Preparing to wash

Before you start washing car windows, preparation takes place. This action is divided into two stages: creating conditions for washing, as well as preparing the necessary accessories. Washing is carried out in a clean room, or outside in sunny weather.

Necessary to prepare:

  • sponge and napkins;
  • detergents;
  • aerosols.

A dish sponge can be used to clean the surface. But as cleaning agents, it is allowed to use special detergents and aerosols for washing inside and out, sold in auto parts stores.

Common pollution

In the presence of normal contaminants, chemicals are not used. For cleaning, use a standard cloth and soap solution. Special rags or napkins will help you wash windows more effectively and absorb moisture, reducing the likelihood of streaks.

If the contamination is not very large, you can mix water and alcohol and use this mixture to clean the glass. This method is more suitable for indoor window cleaning. The ratio of components should be one to one. An additional advantage of using the solution is the elimination of unpleasant odors in the cabin.

Water and newspapers are used as a budget alternative. Products containing ammonia are not recommended for use in the car. When cleaning glass internally, this element can cause harm:

  • plastic;
  • skin;
  • rubber.

With the help of such products, contaminants are better washed off from the outside.

To prevent windows from sweating, you can use:

  • glycerol;
  • soap solution;
  • alcohol solution.

To protect the coating from dirt and dust after washing, it is recommended to use Aquagel. This product provides a longer period of stain-free windows.

If chemicals are used, the proportions are strictly observed. It is necessary to dilute the water with detergents in a ratio of one to five. After washing, wipe the surface with a rag or paper. A rag cannot be used for this task. Most often, divorces occur precisely for this reason.

Special washing cases

Special cases include pollution that cannot be dealt with without the use of chemicals. Complex contaminants appear in the form of:

  • dense soot deposits;
  • oily film;
  • insects crashing on the windshield.

It is recommended to purchase cleaning products designed for cleaning from the inside. Such substances will not harm the elements of the vehicle interior, and, if necessary, they can be used for external cleaning. Automotive chemicals are recommended for glass and mirrors, since after their use no stains or streaks remain. Modern products do not contain ammonia.

If additional protection from dust and dirt is needed, an aerosol anti-fog agent is used.

Nicotine hit

Removal of nicotine deposits from the surface of glass is carried out at above-zero temperatures. If it is frosty outside, you must first warm up the air in the cabin. If the temperature is below zero, the car windows will not be clean after washing.

To eliminate nicotine plaque, use:

  • aerosol "Second";
  • alcohol-containing substances for cleaning glass;
  • detergent "Mr. Muscle".

In the absence of the listed means, the use of ordinary alcohol is allowed. Before applying to the surface, the substance must be diluted in water. Application to the surface is carried out using:

  1. microfiber cloths – rinse well after use or throw away.
  2. a rubber rag is the most effective method, since when purchased it already contains a detergent;
  3. paper towels or newspapers - must be changed periodically during use.

The washing procedure is the same for all substances. After diluting the substance, carefully apply it to the surface and wash the nicotine stains. Then the surface of the glass should be carefully wiped with a napkin or rubber scraper. To prevent plaque from appearing again, the surface must be wiped regularly.

Oil and fat

Oil and grease stains are easier to wash off immediately. If this type of contamination hardens, it is much more difficult to get rid of it. The most effective car glass cleaners against oil and grease:

  • foam detergent;
  • ammonia.

The substance is applied to the stain and then washed off using:

  • a lump of newspaper;
  • faux suede cloths.

If newspaper is used, take a new one after it gets wet. The steps are repeated until the glass acquires a clean appearance. Newspaper is a good option because it cleans grease stains well and contains lead for a polishing effect. Faux suede has similar features. Additionally, these materials reduce the risk of causing damage to the surface to a minimum.

Frosted glass

The system for cleaning frosted glass is almost no different from washing regular car windows. For washing, ordinary water is used, which is applied to the surface of the stain and left for a certain period. Then take one of the following remedies:

  • a suede scrap of rag;
  • a piece of soft cloth;
  • microfiber cloth.

Detergent is applied to a rag, after which the dirty surface is treated. Wash properly with light, gentle movements. After washing, the matte finish is wiped with a damp cloth and a dry cloth. This method helps avoid divorces. Frosted glass on doors is washed in the same way.

Complex stains can be removed using:

  • chalk composition;
  • ammonia-water solution;
  • water-vinegar mixture.

Do not use abrasives to clean frosted glass as they may damage the surface.

Folk remedies

To wash the windshield, rear and side windows of your car, you can use available household products. The list of acceptable substances includes:

  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • table vinegar;
  • chalk solution.

You can also wash car windows using dishwashing gels and household window cleaners. The listed products are first diluted in warm water and then applied to the dirty surface. Allow at least 15 minutes to pass before wiping off the substance.

  1. To extend the service life of the windshield, it is necessary to turn on the wipers at high speed only during heavy rain or snowfall. In light precipitation, the equipment should operate at low speed. If the wipers move on a dry surface, the windshield will quickly fall into disrepair.
  2. You cannot use your windshield wipers if ice is frozen to them. You can fix the problem by turning on the heating system in the cabin. As the temperature rises, it will melt.
  3. It is not recommended to use scrapers and brushes in winter. These products can cause microcracks. To eliminate such damage, glass will need to be polished in the spring.
  4. Using special products for cleaning car windows reduces the risk of streaks after washing.
  5. You can wipe the surface of the glass unit, often changing the napkins, if they absorb moisture well.
  6. To reduce the rate of wear on the windshield, it is necessary to periodically change the wipers.

Follow the washing rules and your car's glass will always be in excellent condition.

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Clean windows create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony in the home. With them, life becomes brighter and brighter. However, many are faced with the fact that stains on the glass remain even after thorough washing with expensive products. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a certain sequence and try traditional methods. As a result, you will not only get sparkling clean windows, but also save money.

You will need:


To do everything correctly, you need to adhere to this order:

  • Remove everything unnecessary from the windowsill and prepare the tools you will use.

  • You should start by cleaning the frames, and only then move on to the glass.
  • The first task is to cleanse the main dirt. For this, regular warm water or detergent dissolved in it is suitable. Wet the entire surface and push the drips down, trying not to miss a centimeter. Pay special attention to the joints.
  • Wipe the inside first and then move to the outside. Since windows are exposed to precipitation and dust from the street, use a separate sponge or rag for them.
  • If necessary, wash the glass again with detergents.
  • The last step is wiping dry. To avoid streaks, move first vertically and then horizontally.


It is very convenient to use a regular kitchen sponge. Use the soft side to avoid damaging the surface. At the same time, the hard part will help you easily get rid of strong and old dirt.

Now there are special microfiber wipes on sale that effectively remove any dirt, even fingerprints, and do not leave streaks. During preventative cleaning, you can do without detergents. Wipe off the dust with a damp cloth or sponge, and then wipe dry with such a cloth.

Many people encounter difficulties when washing from the outside, especially in high-rise buildings and if the frame does not open. Today, this problem can be solved quite simply by using magnetic cleaners. The two parts of the device are pressed tightly against the glass on both sides. You stretch the magnet over the entire area, and the washcloth cleans the outside. By the way, you can do it in the same way.

To treat joints and openings, take cotton swabs and toothpicks.

What to wash with

At home, you can use a soap solution. Grate a small amount of laundry soap and dissolve in warm water. The resulting composition must be applied using a sponge.

To remove tough stains, use a small amount of liquid dish detergent instead of soap. Next, the soap solution must be thoroughly rinsed until it is completely eliminated.

Traces of paint or other stubborn dirt must be carefully removed with a blade. Moisten the traces of tape and wipe with a cloth. If they are not removed, you can use alcohol or any product containing it.

The easiest way is to use ready-made synthetic products intended for this purpose. They often contain ammonia, auxiliary acids, alcohol, surfactants and water.

If you suffer from allergies or have a small child in the house, then it is still better to use harmless folk methods.

For effective cleansing, prepare a solution with ammonia:

  • Ammonia 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water 1 l

The glass must be washed with this solution and then wiped with a dry cotton cloth or microfiber cloth.

You can also use this mixture:

  • Salt 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water 1 l

Mix the ingredients and wash the windows with this mixture, and then wipe them dry.

To remove heavy stains, chalk solution was previously used. To prepare it you need:

  • Crushed chalk 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water 0.5 l

It should be noted that such a product leaves white marks, which are then washed off or simply wiped with a clean rag.

You can quickly clean your windows until they shine like this:

  • Starch 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ammonia 100 ml
  • Vinegar 100 ml
  • Blue a few drops
  • Warm water 4 l

Mix everything, pour it into a spray bottle, and apply it to the glass. Then rinse and dry with a paper towel.

Final stage

To ensure that after washing the window panes are shiny and free from streaks, they should be wiped thoroughly.

If you use a windshield wiper, hold it at an angle of 20-30 degrees, moving only horizontally. The rubber must be wiped dry each time.

You can use a piece of flannel or regular crumpled newspaper. Wipe the entire surface with it, as well as the joints with the frame. The newspaper will absorb all excess moisture and make the glass spotlessly clean.

Modern methods

With the development of technology, the life of housewives is gradually becoming easier. If we talk about the kitchen: a multicooker will prepare food, a bread machine will bake bread, a dishwasher will wash the dishes, a coffee maker will brew coffee. If we talk about cleaning: modern vacuum cleaners will remove the dust, and the furniture will be cleaned, and the garbage will be removed, and the floor will be washed. Another wonderful device has appeared that will allow you to forget about the labor-intensive work of cleaning glass.

We are talking about a robotic cleaner. Now you don’t need 1000 and 1 product, just connect the device to the power supply and attach it to the glass.

The robot will perfectly remove dirt using microfiber cloths on which cleaning liquid is applied. In addition, it cleans mirrors, glass tables, tiles and even the floor.

This is an ideal solution for those who have large windows or non-opening frames.

The only negative is that due to its shape, the robot cannot clean corners and is not suitable for windows up to 30 cm wide.

Use your favorite liquid product without fear - if there is a spray or protective film on the glass, it is applied from the inside, and you will not be able to damage it in any way. But it is better to avoid abrasive powders and rough washcloths - plastic is very sensitive to mechanical stress.

Don't forget about the other design details. After washing, the fittings should be lubricated with machine oil, and the rubber seal should be coated with silicone grease.

Be sure to clean the drainage holes, otherwise the glass will freeze and fog up in winter.

You can properly wash plastic windows using special care kits that are sold in stores.

A couple of secrets

It is better to wash windows in the morning or on a cloudy, quiet day. If you can't wait to do this in hot or windy weather, don't be surprised later where the stains come from.

At the end of cleaning, use a solution of table vinegar, which, between you and me, is included in many cleaning products. It will not only add shine, but will also repel insects.

In winter, apply a solution of 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 glass of water, and the windows will not freeze in frosty weather. You can get rid of condensation by wiping them with alcohol and glycerin in a ratio of 10:1.

Wooden frames should not be cleaned with soda as it will corrode the paint. In this case, it is best to use liquid soap.

Traces of flies can be easily removed with fresh onions. Wipe them with a cut onion and rinse with water.

Greasy deposits in the kitchen can be easily washed with an aqueous solution of ammonia. It will effectively clean not only the glass, but also the frame.

Don’t delay cleaning, do this procedure at least once a quarter and your home will always be light.


It is believed that plastic windows only need to be washed a couple of times a year. In order not to damage the frames and glass, you need to be careful when choosing cleaning products and know what is better and how to properly wash plastic windows.

In this article we will look at the issue of window cleaning.

The main mistakes when caring for plastic windows

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes when caring for PVC windows.

Typically errors are associated with the use of:

Plastic windows cannot be washed with hard sponges, otherwise you will end up with patterned glass instead of smooth.

1. Aggressive cleaning agents. They must be free of abrasives, for example, do not use Pemolux cleaning powder, which can leave scratches on fragile glass and plastic profiles.

Also, do not use gasoline, alcohol or acidic solvents to clean windows. Otherwise, your windows will soon turn yellow.

2. Hard sponges with abrasives to avoid numerous scratches on the plastic window.

3. Sharp objects when scraping dirt from the window - no knives, chisels or screwdrivers, unless you want to get scratches on both the frame and the glass.

Observe precautions when washing plastic windows. There are several of them:

When you wash a window, lean on something “reliable” - a windowsill or your husband

1. Do not lean too far out of the window or protrude onto the outside of the window sill.

2. Ask to hold you for safety when you wash the window from the outside

3. Choose a stable surface as an approach to the window.

There are several effective ways to quickly and correctly wash plastic windows without streaks and stains with your own hands.

The first way to care for a plastic window

Cleaning a plastic window using a special spray, a soft cloth and paper.

This method is useful for those who have small and slightly dirty plastic windows.

To better clean plastic windows, you will need: soft cotton cloth or sponge, window care spray (with spray nozzle), newspaper or paper, bucket or basin (for water), household gloves.

The instructions are as follows:

If the windows are not high, they are washed with a soft cloth

1. Put on gloves and fill any container with some warm water and soak a soft cloth in it (to avoid scratches on the window) or sponge. Squeeze it harder so that water does not drip from the cloth, but the latter is damp.

2. Wipe off dust and dirt from the window frame.

3. Using a zigzag motion, spread the windshield wiper over the entire window. First, wash the plastic windows outside, and then inside the apartment.

4. Take a clean cotton cloth or sponge and proceed directly to washing the plastic window. Wipe in a circular motion.

5. To make the window shine, wipe it with newspaper or paper, i.e. polish it properly.

If you want to know why plastic windows turn yellow and how to avoid it,...

The second way to care for a plastic window

It is better to wash the plastic window using a special solution and a special screed with a sponge on a long handle (25-30 cm). This is much more convenient, especially if your windows are high above the floor.

And you can wash tall windows, or windows from the outside, with a screed and sponge

1. Prepare a cleaning solution. Eat Several options for making a cleaning product:

  • per liter of water 1 tbsp. spoon of starch
  • 1 cup vinegar per liter of water
  • per liter of water 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia
  • per liter of water 50 g of bleach
  • for 2 liters 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia

Or purchase a special non-abrasive window cleaner. For example, "Aos", "Mr. Muscle" or "Ajax". You need to place 7 drops of this product into a bucket of warm water (2 liters).

2. Dip a sponge into the prepared solution. Squeeze well. So that there are no divorces left.

To remove water from the glass, the rubber end of the tie with a sponge is moved along it along or across it - whichever is more convenient.

3. First wash the plastic window frame outside, then inside. Gently wipe all corners and edges of the window from dust and dirt.

4. Change the water to clean, warm water and dip the screed and sponge into it.

5. Pass the sponge and then the tie (rubber edge) along the entire height of the plastic window, i.e. from top to bottom, without touching the bottom - about 2-5 cm. Periodically dip the sponge in water.

Wipe the rubber edges of the screed every time after the next pass on the glass so that there are no streaks on the window.

6. After making sure that the windows are clean, wipe the screed with a dry cloth. Using movements from left to right along the glass, remove water from the lower edges of the window.

7. Wipe hard-to-reach places (edges, corners) and the sill of a plastic window with a clean cloth or paper towels.

Wipe the windows with a cloth made of artificial suede or microfiber. It won't leave any lint behind.

How and with what to clean windows from tape

You can remove pieces of tape from the surface of a plastic window in several ways:

Using tape

Glue a piece of new tape to the marks of the old one.

Then sharply tear off this piece. If you can’t immediately remove the remnants of the old tape, repeat this procedure several times.

Use of oil

Tape marks can be removed with regular sunflower oil.

Both tea and citrus tree oils, as well as mint, sunflower and vegetable oils, are suitable.

  1. Drop oil (vegetable or sunflower) onto a sponge and apply it to the part of the window where traces of the tape remain. Leave for 10 minutes: the glue will become saturated with oil and swell.
  2. Wipe the window with a clean, soft cloth.

Using rubbing alcohol

Apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to the areas covered with tape. But first apply this solution on a small area. Because different types of plastic can react differently to such exposure.

To make the window shine... and not break

Cleaning the glass outside and inside is sometimes not enough. So that it looks like new and works like a charm, do the following:

A little alcohol won't hurt your glass.

1. For durability, wipe them with a solution of 30 g of water, a couple of drops of ammonia, 70 g of glycerin.

2. Rub the glass with a solution (1 teaspoon of copper sulfate per liter of water) so that they have an attractive greenish tint. Or use dry ultramarine to make the window blue.

3. If a small crack appears on the glass, cover it with colorless varnish. She won't bother you for a long time.

4. Treat glass with vinegar to get rid of annoying flies.

5. Do not forget to lubricate the fittings (moving parts of the window) with machine oil twice a year.

Consumer opinions: the best way to wash plastic windows

On the “Everything for the Home” website, user Vera shares: “Soap solution is an excellent tool for easily and quickly washing plastic windows from dust and dirt.”

Many people still wash their windows with regular soapy water.

Indeed, this is the way out. But for more effective cleaning, experts recommend a glass cleaner. Your windows will remain sparkling clean for several months.

On the Sibmama forum, user Lorochka advises: “Under no circumstances scrub stains on them with acetone or another solvent.”

On the same forum, user Lenochka writes that “traces of adhesive tape can be removed using a scraper for glass ceramics.”

This is true, but it is very difficult to clean windows from tape in this way without scratching them.

On the say7 forum, user Svetochka advises what and how best to wash plastic windows from yellow stains: “You need to take a damp sponge and a pinch of baking soda. Rub a little and dry with a paper towel.”

Indeed, soda can help combat the yellowing of plastic windows.

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