Housewarming complex sediments. Housewarming deposits. Accommodation: fairy-tale houses with sauna, stove and hostess

Ethnocultural complex "Nanosy-Novoselye" - the opportunity to change your attitude towards rest, to relax so that pleasant muscle fatigue is seasoned with new impressions, teamwork, emotions from communication with nature, and life, in the cultural traditions of the past, filled with you forever .

Main motto: “Through historical past and cultural traditions, get to know your REAL self.” In Nanosy you can rise with the first rooster crows, light a Russian stove and cook food in it, collect vegetables from the garden, take care of chickens in your own chicken coop.

You will be able to discover a wonderful natural landscape and communicate with animals, enjoy from forest and lake trophies and, of course, find something new in a relationship . After all, it is family and friends who make our lives filled with meaning, because only by giving and helping, doing something TOGETHER, we are truly happy.

What could be better than coming to smelling like wood house tired, but happy filled with impressions. What could be more joyful than seeing burning children's eyes filled with delight . We are sure that in the essay “How I Spent the Summer,” children will certainly write about vacation at Nanosy-Novoselye . And your friends, and you yourself, realize that this is the most vivid and unusual experience, and Would you recommend this adventure to your loved ones? . Be prepared for the fact that due to the low signal level, it will be difficult to play tanks or surf the Internet on your smartphone, and there is no need for that. Your whole life is in Nanos - exciting And unforgettable a game , only it is material.

Living in Nanosy, You will enjoy from simple and interesting everyday affairs and worries. We are waiting for: extraordinary and courageous, active and curious, those who want to discover new things in themselves and like-minded people. If you think that there is nothing to surprise you, Nanosy will 100% prove you wrong!

The need for immersion in traditions and everyone's participation in everyday activities, of course, does not mean that the holiday will be uncomfortable. Each guest house has:
. individual hostess with knowledge of English (German, Spanish, Italian)
. living room with kitchen and Russian stove,
. adult bedroom with double bed,
. children's room with bed and couch
. bathhouse with plunge shower, separate bathroom
. outdoor gazebo with barbecue
. cellar with pickles and marinades
. chicken coop with individual chicken breed
. hayloft in the attic.

You can visit a windmill and a watermill, museums of samovars, coins and Soviet cars, a distillery and more... let it remain a surprise.

Holidays in Nanosy - family and/or group recreation. The goal is to allow visitors and guests back to basics , simple and clear values , dive into cultural traditions and, in a new way, realize your desires and capabilities.

"Nanosy-Housewarming" - an excellent choice for romantic trip lovers. Here you will see with your own eyes what your partner is capable of. Having found yourself in an unusual model of life, you and your chosen one will learn a lot of new things about relationships, because here everyone will have to show creativity, dexterity, patience, and the words “help”, “understand”, “accept new things in each other” - will become not just words. We hope that next year you will return here with your baby, who is already waiting for a carved crib today.

Turns out, exciting life without a kettle, but with a samovar, without a refrigerator, but with a cellar, without a stove, but with a Russian stove. You will learn: how you can make something yourself that will remain in your memory as pinnacle of culinary art ! How sweet can you get some sleep not on the bed, but in the hayloft! How can you drive quickly and comfortably without a car?! How to overtake motor boats on a sailboat?!

In complex took care of your safety . You will perform all actions unusual for city life only under the supervision of an experienced instructor: stove maker, bath attendant, groom, etc. IN Ethnocultural complex "Nanosy-Novoselye" There is 24-hour security and fire protection. Our rescuers will also take care of safety on the water.

We are sure that by the end of the holiday in amusing and like this diverse world of the past You will be surprised at how much you have tried, learned, felt, experienced. So, your journey from origins to yourself, the PRESENT, begins.

Welcome to the Nanosy-Novoselye Ethnocultural Complex!

The ethnocultural complex “Nanosy-Novoselye” is located in a very beautiful place - on a spit that is washed by Naroch. He turned three in January. For the first time, at the invitation of marketing specialist Irina Demyanenko, I visited the complex six months after its opening. I fell in love with this place immediately and forever. My “wow” has not faded with time. For the review you are about to read, I visited Nanosy for the 9th time. And I will definitely plunge into this Belarusian fairy tale again. I understand why people come here again and again, confident in fresh impressions. I hope that after the review you will understand this.

How to get there

From Minsk to the village of Nanosy, where the complex is located, 150 km. It is almost impossible to get there on your own - you will need a transfer. The closest stop to the complex is the children's camp “Zubrenok”, to which buses go from Minsk to Naroch. Dear long. We left at 08:00 and were at Zubrenok at 10:37. There we were picked up by one of the drivers of the complex.

You can go back on the same bus. I always returned to Minsk by minibus, because I was never able to leave the complex in the morning - there were always things to do and interesting people that kept me stuck until the evening :) What will happen to private minibuses now is unclear. So the most convenient transport for those who want to relax in this wonderful place is a personal car.

Accommodation: fairy-tale houses with sauna, stove and hostess

If you like houses in which every little detail is thought out, you will certainly like the houses in Nanosy. 12 houses were built in the complex - 10 wooden houses for 4-6 people (community) and 2 stone houses for a company of up to 8 people (burghers).

This time, photographer Kristina Zubik and I lived in a community house, and I’ll tell you about it in detail.

The cute houses with carved windows and beautiful porches were conceived as “a romantic reconstruction of 19th-century housing.” The house of a landowner from the century before last was taken as the basis. The creators of the complex say they intended to strike a balance between historical authenticity and the comfort of a classy hotel.

The houses are very cozy, warm, dry and incredibly beautiful! Attention to detail is in every detail here. People who come here say: “Wow! I don’t want to go out.” The house has two rooms. One has a large double bed and a wooden cradle, the second has two single beds. On them are woven bedspreads found during work on the museum of everyday life, which I will talk about below. The house uses natural materials, no plastic. What a cozy smell! It's a pity that photos can't do it justice.

In the common area there is a kitchen-dining room with a table, a wardrobe, a coffee table and a large Russian stove on which you can cook. Very beautiful Czech dishes, exquisite glasses, all cutlery in the same style. You will enjoy everything you see here. The main principle of the complex is to surprise and not leave indifferent. It works with everyone, even those who are here, like me, for the ninth time :)

Each house is assigned a “hostess” who is fully responsible for the guests: checking in, bringing breakfast, lunch and dinner at a convenient time, and giving a tour of the complex.

These are the “winter” clothes that housewives wear. Meet the beautiful and smart Valeria, the leading tour guide of the complex, speaking three languages: Russian, English and French.

Let's return to the conditions in the houses. The bathroom is, of course, separate. Each house has a sauna with a shower and a wooden plunge pool. Everything for the sauna is available: hats, sheets, towels. As for the “stuffing” of the houses, there is EVERYTHING here: a kettle, herbal tea, good coffee: ground and in capsules for a coffee maker, several towels, a hairdryer, slippers, an iron, an ironing board... There is also a small pleasant surprise - moonshine brewed here .

Each house has a small farm with a vegetable garden and a chicken coop with chickens, geese, guinea fowl, and rabbits. In summer you can feed and pet them. Children especially enjoy this calming activity. What I like most is waking up in the morning not from the alarm clock, but from the crowing of a rooster.

Another plus for city residents who are confused by social networks and gadgets - there is no Wi-Fi router in the house, the Internet is picked up at the reception and on the pier.

Thus, people who come from big cities are simply forced to relax, picking up their phones just to take pictures of the beauty that surrounds them. And there is a lot of it here. If you want a barbecue, the hostess provides the barbecue and skewers. We took advantage of this service in May and spent a wonderful evening outdoors under the stars. If you see a well with a crane near your house, know: this is not a fake, feel free to lower the bucket for water. It's delicious here!

Food: home cooking, your own bread and huge portions

The complex provides three meals a day. I have already written that delicious bread moonshine, as pure as spring water, awaits you in the house. Photographer Kristina is not a fan of this drink, but she drank well on moonshine in Nanosy. Over the course of delicious, hearty food and interesting conversations, we almost blew out half a liter of water:)))

When you check in, the hostess will ask you what time to bring lunch, dinner and breakfast. You eat when it is convenient for you, and not for the administration of the complex. A few kilometers from Nanosy in Abramy there is a farm where they grow meat, vegetables, herbs and fruits for the kitchen.

Butter, sour cream, milk, cheese, eggs - all your own. The bread is also baked in the oven from flour, which is ground in a water mill.

I will show it to you a little later, when I talk about the museums of the complex. No matter how many times I've been there, the food has never been the same - the menu is updated frequently, the chefs know what to surprise you with. The food here is VERY TASTY! For lunch there was a salad of carrots and cabbage, borscht in vegetable broth with sour cream and homemade bread, buckwheat with meatballs stuffed with porcini mushrooms, and fruit juice with citrus fruits. We were able to eat half of it :)

For dinner, the hostess brought vegetable salad, salsa, pike cutlets and mashed potatoes. And in the morning she cooked breakfast in front of us on the stove - the aromas were incredible. After the pancakes with jam, I served scrambled eggs with lard. It was also impossible to eat all this, although the food was very tasty. Housewives say that only adult men can handle such portions; women cannot cope. As a souvenir, you can buy bread and mead to treat your loved ones.

Horse show, trophy house and five museums

There is always something to do at the Nanosy-Novoselye complex. On the territory there is a large equestrian sports complex, where a horse show takes place, a trophy house, museums of everyday life and bread, samovars and coins, moonshine stills, vintage cars, as well as a pier with a yacht club and several mills. I’ve been on museum tours seven times and every time I listen to the guide with my mouth open. In addition, new items are regularly added to the exhibitions, so you are sure to find something new and interesting when you come here again.

All hostesses conduct excursions, but the best guide is the head of museums, treasure hunter Viktor Moiseenok. You will be very lucky if he is the one who shows you the treasures of the complex. Vitya has a rare gift as a storyteller. Christina and I’s “short” tour of the museums lasted more than 4 hours, and Vitya could talk more and more, but we had to go to Minsk.

It is impossible to talk about the museums, horse show and trophy house in one review. You need to write a separate text about each object. Kristina Zubik took great photos, from which you will understand that it is worth coming here at least for a tour of all the facilities and a horse show.

In big equestrian sports complex Every day there is a performance that attracts children and adults from all over the country. Now the stable staff has launched the third show, which lasts an hour. I saw all the previous performances that the guys prepared, as well as horse shows in different circuses, and I can say the following.

The horse show at Nanosy is the best I've ever seen with horses, dogs, a goat, a mini pony and a donkey.

This is not surprising, because horses and riders participated in world shows and traveled around the world as part of the “100 Best World Circus Performances” project. There are 17 horses in the stable, 6 of them are Friesians bred in Holland. All pets perform rather complex numbers. Dogs jump over horses and dance, a goat performs miracles, even a mini-pony shows class! All rooms are linked to an interesting story about princesses. The text was written by administrator Valeria, whom you have already seen in a beautiful winter suit. Recently the guys added numbers with fire. When Koschey runs out into the arena on a frieze with a torch and circles in front of the audience, he takes his breath away...

After the performance, which was sold out on a weekday - children from Zubrenok came - all spectators are given time to chat with the horses and riders and ride around the arena. I asked Christina to take a photo of one of the employees of the complex, Vasilika, with her faithful Sultan, then I took a photo with him myself. The friezes take my breath away every time; it’s impossible to look at these tall beauties without my heart racing.

Let's go to trophy house. There is a professional kitchen, bar, cinema hall, swimming pool, and spa complex.But the main thing is the chic fireplace room with hunting trophies. In the center there is a handmade wooden fireplace, and around there are all kinds of animals and birds. There is only one dummy here - a rhinoceros chair, all the other living creatures seem to be alive.

Past the pier, where it is very beautiful and quiet in winter, and a yacht club in summer, we go to the museums.

First of all, we look into the coolest two-story building in the CIS samovar museum. Now there are 558 samovars, which are not repeated. The collection is replenished all the time - Victor is given interesting specimens by Belarusians, Russians, Poles... They want them not to gather dust, but to be shown to people. If you have a samovar, now you know where to locate it.

The last gift is this samovar made by a glass blower. The samovar does not have a single seam, it is a seamless work!

Victor Moiseenok can talk about each specimen for hours. Here you will learn about the legendary Batashov family, understand whether the samovar and the boot top are actually connected, how much a samovar cost in comparison with a house in the century before last, and try to learn to distinguish real seals from fakes. Look at the crumbs made from a thimble, and also take a photo of a samovar that fits on your thumb!

At the beginning of the exhibition there is an amazing thing - a Tibetan singing bowl or vase of dancing water. I only recently learned how to use it to produce a melodic sound. Music and vibrations moving through water have a strong therapeutic effect. Be sure to try playing the bowl!

On the second floor of the museum there is a very interesting exhibition of numismatics, which is also regularly replenished. Among the banknotes and coins there are very rare specimens, pre-revolutionary money, banknotes and coins from the times of the USSR. One fact that will tell you about the value of the exhibition is that the National Historical Museum asks Victor for it for display.

Here you will learn a lot of interesting things about the occupation money that circulated on our territory.

Under the roof of a working water mill two museums at once - everyday life and bread. Exhibits were collected throughout Belarus. Here I learned what the pistons looked like (the expression “move the pistons” came from them), became acquainted with the “carrot” (do you know the true meaning of the expression “carrot and stick”?), tried to twist the stone millstones and did not move it even with two hands, for which Vitya gently trolled me, because from time immemorial this work was for women. In general, there are a lot of interesting things that our great-grandmothers used in everyday life, and we often cannot even imagine their purpose.

What do I like most about museums? There are no things behind glass, and no signs saying “do not whittle with your hands!” Only by picking up a samovar or the same gingerbread can you understand the essence of the subject.

Flour is ground at the mill, from which very tasty bread is baked in the oven here. I have witnessed many times how people who “don’t eat bread” gobble it up on both cheeks and buy it for home. You can book a master class on bread making and bread tasting, as well as watch a miller at work.

Opposite the Trophy House is an observation deck in the shape of a mill. Inside - moonshine museum, which were brought here from all over Belarus. There are very interesting exhibits from Glubokoe, Molodechno, Braslav, Polotsk, villages of the Minsk region and other regions. Here I learned that moonshine stills used to be built from scrap materials: troughs, cast iron pots, and so on. This was done not only because of accessibility, but also for the sake of safety: moonshining was illegal, and the unit, assembled from household items, could be quickly disassembled, hiding illegal activities.

The devices are different: from large ones with entire field kitchens to miniature ones, which were made for one glass - for fun. The museum also has “champion” machines - the product prepared in them was recognized as the best in Russia.

The last museum that is in the Nanosy-Novoselye complex is retro cars. Cars from the Soviet period are exhibited here. The coolest car was the executive "Chaika", but it is no longer on display. The most interesting car now can be called the “disabled car”, in which the heroes of “Prisoner of the Caucasus” drove. You can sit in all the cars, take pictures and even take a ride - they are all moving and sometimes go out onto the boardwalks.

Prices for holidays in Nanosy

As you can see, there is a lot to do and see in the complex. You probably have a question: how much does such a vacation cost? I answer.

Accommodation in a community house for 4 (+1) people per day costs 435 BYN. For foreign citizens - 250 euros. For a large house for 6 people (+2) you need to pay 895 BYN. For foreigners - 440 euros. Accommodation includes three meals a day, hostess services, a sightseeing tour of the complex, and a sauna. Everything else is for an additional fee.

A one-day tour costs 55 BYN for adult groups and 38 BYN for children (7-12 years old).

The tour lasts five hours, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It includes a sightseeing tour of the complex, lunch and tea with pancakes.

Horse show - 24 BYN for adults and 13 BYN for children. Horseback riding in the arena (15 minutes) - 10 BYN, riding in a carriage (up to 5 people) - 60 BYN per half hour. Horse riding lessons (45 min) - 39 BYN. Photo session with horses (half an hour) - 50 BYN. Find out other prices on the complex's website.

I definitely recommend the Nanosy-Novoselye complex for a visit. I've been there 9 times myself and will go again. A one-day tour and a horse show is a minimum program that you and your children will definitely enjoy, and living in the complex will give you a lot of joy and pleasure. If you want extreme sports and romance, ride ATVs and yachts :) Also in Nanosy they organize holidays and master classes. Follow the poster at

We left Minsk at 13.00 and already at 15.00 we arrived in Nanosy - Novoselye, where we were met by a girl administrator in national clothes and began our acquaintance with the complex with a horse show. And the first impressions are the scale of the painting on the wall of the indoor arena! This is hand painted!

The show lasted about half an hour, after the end you could come closer, take pictures and pet the artistic and well-groomed horses.

Then we went to move into our large two-story Bourgeois house! On the ground floor there is a kitchen with a real large Russian stove, a dining room and a bathhouse with a plunge pool (how cute :-), a shower and a separate bathroom. On the second floor there are four bedrooms and a bathroom.

Each house is assigned a hostess - a girl who will teach you how to use the stove, help with lunch and clean the house.

After lunch, Victor Moiseyonok was waiting for us to give us a tour of the complex. This man is a real treasure hunter and a master of his craft. In the Museum of Bread, where he immediately brought us, all the exhibits were collected by him. And he talked about each one very interestingly and captivatingly. In the photo below, Victor is holding a magazine with his photo on the cover, and this is not Photoshop!))) Brutal man).

The museum is located on the second floor of a water mill, where flour is ground and bread is baked in a real oven.

We tried this bread at lunch; tourists at the Museum are offered to immerse themselves in the process of making bread themselves, with their own hands.

Nanosy-Novoselye is a real village of 12 houses built in the style of the 19th century. The quality of the materials used and how the historical style of the buildings is maintained is amazing. Everything is done with soul and conscience!

The interior of the houses is quite authentic; you can find both outright antiques and modern things. A lot of attention is paid to details, there is a smell of wood, every house has a stove, a bathhouse with a plunge pool and a shower. And not a single house has a TV! Coming here, you are guaranteed to plunge into the life of our ancestors. In the mornings, roosters will wake you up, and from the garden bed in your small garden you can pick onions for potatoes baked in a real oven))

There are wells on the street and, of course, we all tried the well water! You can see from the photo who drank the most))

Near the houses there are fenced chicken coops, and rabbits live here and there!

The next point on our program was the Samovar Museum! This is a unique museum for Belarus; there are more than 500 exhibits on two floors and Victor can tell something interesting about each one! In the photo below, Arkady decided to perform some kind of folk dance))

Almost all samovars are the result of Victor’s search and restoration of exhibits; he made the racks for the samovars with his own hands.

On the territory of the complex there is also a park of vintage cars that you can ride in. We didn’t ride, we just climbed into the legendary Chaika with the girls and pretended to be members of the Politburo)) And the GAZelle sign, it seems to me, is no worse than the Jaguar.

After the old car park, we went to the pier, which is about three hundred meters from the complex. There is a yacht club there, you can go on a yacht or just go fishing on a boat. But we only took pictures while enjoying the natural beauty.

The highlight of the program was a visit to the Trophy House and meeting the owner of the complex, Evgeniy Novoseletsky. Judging by the hunting trophies on the walls and photos with monster fish, it becomes clear that this is a very passionate person who has traveled almost the whole world.

When I asked Evgeny how much it cost to build this complex, he answered simply: It cost three and a half years of life. It is very difficult to realize that this is the richest man in front of you, the owner of the complex behaved in a simple manner, it was surprisingly easy and pleasant to communicate with him, we asked any questions, and Evgeniy made us coffee, refilled our beer and treated us to a local tincture - galangal. Arkady, for example, asked Evgeny if it was possible to surprise him with something? To which we, after a short pause, heard that no, it’s impossible. But if he fails to surprise the guests and vacationers of the Nanosy-Novoselye complex, then he will return their money.

Evgeniy has five children and, according to him, everything in Nanosy-Novoselye is done in the name of children. This complex was built for posterity, to preserve our history and introduce it to the younger generation. It’s enough to look at how thoroughly everything is done, how much love and soul is put into every detail, what kind of people work here, to understand that this is not just a commercial project.

The last point on our program was the observation tower and part-time Moonshine Museum. From there we watched a beautiful sunset and I almost cried from the emotions that overwhelmed me.

After such an extensive excursion, with a feeling of slight hunger, we went to our big house for dinner, and along the way we looked at the horses.

For dinner we had potato pancakes with mochanka, lightly salted cucumbers and moonshine)) Everyone was in a great mood, we joked, made toasts and rejoiced at the day.
And the next day, half of our friendly team went to Minsk (I was among them), and the other half received a huge portion of impressions from horseback riding and yachting.

I understand that it’s unlikely that I was able to convey half of the emotions overwhelming me through my post. Hence the title of my chaotic story)) You need to go there! The complex's website shows current prices for services. This is a luxury place and the prices for living in houses may surprise many, but take a closer look at

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