How to properly place a well on a site. How to choose a place for a well on a site using folk methods and scientific methods. When is the best time to dig a well?

Your own well means clean water all year round without shutting down for maintenance, the ability to use water for food and for watering plants, without paying a penny for the cubic meters of liquid spent. This is especially true during a crisis. If you have a plot and have a choice between running a water supply and installing a well, then definitely choose the latter.

Despite the apparent ease of the task, it should be approached responsibly. Before you begin, you must determine the location of the well. The volume of water that can be obtained, as well as the quality of the liquid, depend on its choice. Where should you never build a well?

In order to find a place for a well you need a real “dog’s” sense of smell.

If you want to obtain water suitable for drinking, then the well cannot be placed in the following places:

In swampy areas and near ditches (dirty water from the surface will mix with clean water);

Near toilets, deep pits and warehouses with fertilizers (if they are on the site, then the distance to them should be at least 10 meters);

Close to composts and garbage dumps (if there are any, remove the place for the well by at least 12 meters);

Near residential buildings/houses (to avoid dirt getting into the water, remove the well at least 10 meters);

Near burials (it is better not to build a well at all, but if there is a need, then you need to remove it 50-100 meters);

Near buildings where small livestock or birds are kept (also at least 10 meters to the well, and better yet further);

Near baths or showers (if you do not want water from your body to return to you through a well, then build it at least 8 meters from such buildings);

Near places for parking a car (if you do not want to get water containing motor oils or gasoline, then the well should be at least 10 meters from the parking lot);

Near major highways (the less pollution on the surface, the cleaner the water);

In low areas of the site (rainwater will constantly form there, which can collect pollution).

As you can see, the list of exceptions is voluminous, but it should not upset you. Even if the area is small and a lot of things are concentrated on it, then in such cases it is recommended to dig a deep well.

Where to choose a place to dig a well?

The ideal place for a well is the elevation of the site (the highest point). This will avoid contaminants coming from wastewater through the rings and will also keep your water as clean as possible.

The most favorable location for a drinking well is a hill of sandy soil

A good option if you plan to place the well on sandy soil. In this case, there will be no problems with digging. Clay will be more difficult, but it can also be dug manually, without the use of machinery. If there are a lot of stones in the soil, then it is better to involve specialists in digging a well - digging a deep well with your hands will be extremely problematic.

When is the best time to dig a well?

The well is very sensitive to the seasons. If you build it in the spring, then in the summer you can be left without water, since initially you can confuse a good aquifer with melt water. The best time to build a well is from December to March and from June to September. It is better not to carry out work in April, May, October and November.

Where to dig a well is the most important question when planning a private water supply. The need for a private water source is especially acute during the hot summer months, but for those who live on their own land longer than the desired vacation, water is needed in much larger quantities.

The correct location of the well will help solve the problem of providing water and will not require huge costs for the direct installation of the structure, otherwise you will have to “get to” the water and look for it, which will definitely become a much more expensive undertaking.

Traditional methods of finding water

Of course, you can decide where to dig a well using the so-called “folk” methods of finding water, known to almost all village residents.

One effective way to find easily accessible water is to look for plants that love plenty of moisture. So, for example, if there is willow, nettle, horsetail, horse sorrel and many other plants on the site, especially such indicative ones as reeds, then the water almost certainly lies close to the surface of the earth in that part of the earth where specific species grow. A particularly good indicator is the rich green color of plant leaves, indicating that there is sufficient moisture for them.

You can find water in the area in another way, which, however, may turn out to be less plausible or more difficult to implement. So you can verify that water is close to the surface by the spreading fog (which is not always visible) or by the abundance of mosquitoes and midges that prefer wet lands. On the contrary, evidence of the deep occurrence of water or its complete absence can be large colonies of ants, especially red ones, which take root only in dry areas, almost deprived of water.

The location of an aquifer at a particular site is also influenced by its geographic location. So there is a greater chance of finding water in a kind of valley surrounded by several hills, or on the slope of some hill if there is a source at its foot.

Proper well construction

Of course, ideally, it is worth deciding where to dig a well and what place on the site to allocate for it with the help of a specialist. Test drilling is required to determine exactly where to install the structure and to what depth it needs to be lowered. It is important to remember that drinking water can be obtained from a depth of 10 meters, but the higher this figure, the better.

If the depth of the aquifer is shallow, then a water sample must be submitted for examination to ensure its suitability and safety.

By the way, experts can also rely on non-trees when determining the depth of groundwater. Thus, willow or hazel indicate a depth of two or five meters, but rooted viburnum or elderberry indicate the occurrence of water at a depth of five to ten meters from the surface. In general, there are several basic professional methods for determining the presence of water on a site, which are used individually or in groups:

  1. Studies of the terrain, including the occurrence of geological rocks to determine the location of groundwater;
  2. The use of desiccants, which are weighed in a dry state and after absorbing soil moisture, to determine the proximity of groundwater to the surface of the earth at the site;
  3. A meteorological method based on the same observation of fog formation, but with its implementation on certain days with the desired weather;
  4. Exploratory drilling is usually a complementary method, since drilling several wells in an unexplored area can be costly and unprofitable, and the effectiveness of such actions can be very low.

In general, precisely because of the combination of different methods, the need to attract a qualified specialist and the serious costs of drilling even a test well, not to mention the construction of the well itself, the whole procedure costs a lot of money. Therefore, wells are usually built at the junction of several dachas (two to four). With a normal aquifer, such a structure is quite capable of providing all users with a sufficient amount of water; the main thing is to determine the best place on the site to construct this source.

How to determine where to dig a well on a site?

    If possible, it is better to do geological sounding. Of course, you can also use traditional methods, which almost accurately determine the location of water-bearing spheres even at very great depths.

    For indication, use pieces of aluminum wire or a fork from a wooden branch of willow, viburnum, or hazel. You need to take two wires up to a meter long, with the ends bent at right angles and inserted into the tubes of a lignified elderberry branch, removing the core. Both wires should move freely in the tubes.

    The starting position should be done this way: turn the indicator wires horizontally 180 degrees. If, while walking along the site, a person comes across a water-bearing ball, both wires close to the left or to the right (along the flow of water). After passing this place, the indicators again diverge to their original position.

    Further, having marked the place where the wires converge, you need to walk with indicators placed in a perpendicular direction. If the wires came together from the very beginning and stayed that way for some time, then this was the direction of the water-bearing ball. If the rods deviate, you need to again look for the place of their contact, which will be the center of the water source.

    As a convinced materialist, I did not believe in dowsing until one of the specialists in this field was invited to our garden cooperative. He pointed out the place where we subsequently drilled a collective well with a depth of 110 meters, with a water layer of 20 meters. The well is still in operation, regularly supplying water to more than 1,000 garden plots. And this is in Crimea, where there is no hope for rain at all.

    Now about the methodology. Two small copper tubes into which copper rods bent in the letter G are inserted. To find the location of the tube, you must hold it vertically, the free ends of the rods horizontally and parallel to each other. If there is underground water, the free ends of the rods should converge.

    After determining the location, it is advisable to carry out test drilling. The device for it is easy to make yourself. First of all, these are goats on which a block is attached, a rope is passed through the block, and a crowbar is tied to the end of the rope. An eye for a rope is welded to one side of the crowbar, and a metal cup with a pointed and jagged edge is welded to the other.

    The process is simple - lift the crowbar by the rope through the block and sharply release it. After filling the glass with soil, the device is pulled out, tapped with a hammer, the soil is poured out and the process continues. On moderately difficult soils, walking 10 meters deep in a day is quite possible.

    Are you going to dig it yourself? And based only on the nut or some other similar garbage? Well, imagine, you walked around with this nut or something else, it seemed to you that you had found a place where there should be water. And what? Will you dig by hand now? Again the question is - can you do this? Do you know the technology for digging wells? Do you know how it then needs to be lined inside with brick or wood? Come on, inside, you first need to be able to dig it out so that, God forbid, no one gets buried.

    Now let's move on, if you independently found a place to dig, then to what depth will you do it? 5 meters, 10? by 20? Probably, if you dig a hundred meters, you can get to the water anywhere) This is what I mean - if you don’t know EXACTLY that there is water under you, then how can you be sure that your work is not in vain? And how many such holes for a well can be dug on the site. And all for what? What is the goal:? Should those who do this save money on expenses or still get water?

    If you need water, then you need to contact those who deal with it professionally - it’s up to them how to look for water and where to drill this well. If I remember how in the 80s they didn’t know how to find water at their dacha and make a well, then at least there were reasons - then go find an office that will do this. And now it’s not at all difficult, here you go - they’ll tell you how to drill, and where to dig, and what to build, and they’ll dig and build everything.

    I’m surprised how much longer our people will live in the belief that they have to do everything themselves, even change a toilet, even dig a well.

  • Types of aquifers
    • Dowsing method
    • Silica gel
    • Soil analysis
    • Exploration drilling

Types of aquifers

The choice of location for a well largely depends on the location and depth of groundwater. There are 4 main types of aquifers:

  • Verkhovodka. It is located very close to the surface (depth of occurrence - no more than 4 meters). The volume of liquid depends on the season and amount of precipitation.
  • Groundwater (up to 10 m). The main feature is the free-flow horizon: the water level remains unchanged throughout the year.
  • Interlayer layer. The “layer” between soil and artesian layers can be either free-flow or pressure. Springs and springs appear as a result of the interstratal pressure layer reaching the surface.
  • Artesian layer (up to 40 m). Thanks to multi-level natural filtration, artesian water is the cleanest.

Important! Water from the top layer can only be used for technical purposes. If you need drinking water, the depth of the well should be at least 8-10 meters.

Traditional methods of searching for water on a site

In ancient times, searching for a source of life-giving moisture was considered almost a ritual practice. Only a select few knew how to choose a location for a well. Scientific and technological progress has greatly simplified this procedure, but many traditional methods are still relevant today.

Studying landscape features

Often nature itself clearly suggests where to dig a well. The location of water layers is “given away” by the following signs:

  • Haze above the surface of the earth on hot days is the evaporation of moisture from underground.
  • Depressions and hills. Aquifers most often occur in depressions.
  • Pets that have chosen a certain piece of land. For example, dogs and horses find the wettest soil in the summer and dig a hole in it, thus escaping the heat.
  • Moisture-loving trees. Pine, spruce, birch and alder grow well only if they are actively recharged with moisture from the soil.

You are unlikely to wonder how to find water for a well if there is a lake or river near the site. This is a clear signal that the aquifers are located very close to the surface.

Dowsing method

Dowsing (dowsing) is perhaps one of the most ancient methods of searching for life-giving moisture. It is believed that groundwater “magnetizes” frames made of wicker or metal to itself. Experts do not trust this method too much, because its effectiveness is about 50%. “Hitting the target” largely depends on the experience of the person who is looking for where to dig a well on the site. The procedure is simple:

  • Metal frames are made of wire 4-6 mm thick. The main condition is that the material must be heavy enough and not sway in gusts of wind.
  • The frames are carefully held by the handles with the left and right hands. In this case, your arms need to be bent at the elbows at a right angle.
  • It is necessary to move slowly along the site, stopping in places where there may be an aquifer.
  • If the frames diverge in different directions, there is no water; if they converge, the water is close.

Important! Do not squeeze the handles too hard - this will prevent the frames from rotating.

Scientific methods for finding a site for a well

If you don’t trust artisanal methods, scientific methods will help you determine where to dig a well. Some experiments can be carried out at home (consumables are sold in pharmacies and hardware stores); a number of techniques will require professional equipment.

Silica gel

How to choose a place for a well on a site using silica gel?

  • Dry the granules well in the oven and pour them into a clay pot.
  • Weigh the filled container and record this data. It's better to take a pharmacy scale.
  • Bury the pot in the ground in the place where the water layer is supposed to pass, and leave it for a day.
  • Dig out the silica gel and do a check weighing. The greater the difference, the closer the water is.

Important! Do not overdo it. It is enough to bury the “magic pot” at a depth of 0.5 meters.

Soil analysis

If you ask specialists how to find a place for a well on a site, you will most likely be offered to do a detailed soil analysis. After the study, you will receive a diagram of the location of groundwater and its depth. One of the inexpensive methods is RAP (resonant acoustic profiling). The geophysical method is based on the study of the natural acoustic field. The device analyzes the received data and provides information about areas with high water saturation.

Exploration drilling

Exploration drilling solves two questions at once: how to find a place to dig a well and how to determine its depth. “Exploration” involves a small-sized installation with a drill of minimum diameter (100 mm). If potable water is found at a depth of 8-10 meters, it will be enough to strengthen the walls with a casing pipe and install a pumping station. If the layers go 15 meters or more, you will have to expand the hole with larger diameter drills or immediately equip a full-fledged well.

Site layout: where to put the well

A few simple rules will help you find a suitable place for a well on your property:

  • The shaft should not interfere with access to the house and outbuildings (existing and planned). It will no longer be possible to move the well, so carefully choose where it will be located.
  • Choose the highest place within the boundaries of the discovered aquifer - this way you will protect the walls from quicksand and stagnant holes.
  • The closer the water intake is to the house, the better. You don't have to carry heavy buckets over long distances or overpay for pump power.

Important! The well should not be located too close to the house. The optimal distance is 8 meters.

Your own source will once and for all solve the issue of water supply for a private home or cottage. Having studied the question of how to find a place for a well using the traditional method, you will be able to determine the presence of water layers on the site and make a decision about constructing a water intake shaft. But you shouldn’t take the “old-fashioned” methods as an axiom. Only professional research can give an absolutely accurate result.

How do you know where to dig a well?

There have always been people who considered themselves seers and shamans who talked about their abilities, ranging from preventing nuclear wars and reviving the dead, to determining the location for a well. The wicker and walnut rods used in the Middle Ages replaced the wire frames. The frame itself is forced to move in different directions by ideomotor movements of the fingers, which are difficult to see with a non-sharp eye. The same principle applies to spiritualistic seances. But still, the search for a place for a well has not changed: if your neighbor has a well, then you can safely dig your own, but if not, then you need to drill and see whether there is water there or not. Unfortunately, no seer can help here.

An aquifer, single-layer or consisting of several permeable layers of rock, can extend over several square kilometers, and it is along it that water moves from the very place where it collects to lower places. The movement of water itself occurs with a certain power and evenly, without breaks in the flow itself, at low speed in a laminar mode, in which different layers of water do not mix, but slide relative to each other. Water, passing through the cracks and pores of this formation, undergoes filtration and saturates this water with minerals.

The owner of the site always chose the place for the well, guided by his common sense. And in the 60s in America there were still scammers who presented themselves as spell casters who could solve rain problems. Whether the spellcasters received the money or were beaten depended on the rain itself.

How should you dig a well?

There are no instructions, regulations or other similar documents for the construction of a well. You need to dig, work with a crowbar, and usually this is done by a team of three people. One works with a crowbar or shovel, puts the resulting soil into a bucket, the second above the mouth of the well lifts buckets or stones with a bar, using a gate. And the third one is resting. If stones are encountered, they are carefully turned out with a small crowbar, wrapped in ropes and pulled out using a gate.

At a depth of 3 meters, high humidity and air is not ventilated, temperature no more than 10 °C. On the one hand, it’s interesting to watch how the work happens, but on the other hand, it becomes creepy.

Nowadays, wells are built from reinforced concrete rings similar to KS 10-9, depending on the purpose of the well, about 1 meter high, and 1 m in diameter. Such a ring weighs about 700-750 kg. , which causes a little difficulty. The very first ring is placed in a dug hole, and all the rest are placed on it.

All this work is done manually, due to the heavy weight, soil usually comes out from under the first ring, and the rings smoothly lower. The column is built up until it passes the aquifer.

If the soil is light, sand or loam, then the team can lay 2-3 rings per shift. In heavy soil, rocky soil or damp clay, this takes almost an eternity.

The end of the work on creating a pit can be determined by the cooling, as the temperature drops by about 2 degrees, and small fontanelles form on the walls.

When building a well in dry soils, you can use another scheme, in which first work is done to dig a hole under the well, and then the rings are lowered on the rod using a gate.

Aquifers and location in the ground

There is water underground, but it is not so easy to find. You can, of course, dig a hole at random in the hope of accidentally stumbling upon an aquifer, but the result will most likely be disappointing.

Meanwhile, it happens that if you had not missed by literally two meters, the desired goal would have been achieved.

After all, water in the ground is located between layers of soil, which it is not able to erode due to its water-resistant composition, which is based on clay and rocks.

Clay layers alternate with sandy layers, gravel and pebble deposits. They contain clean water. It is precisely this aquifer that those who decide to dig a well on their site need to get to.

It should be taken into account that the aquifer is not the same in geometric parameters throughout its entire length. Somewhere the sand layer becomes thinner, and in other places it becomes wider and deeper.

The waterproof layer is also not the same: in one place it is horizontal, and in another it can bend or even bend. The largest volumes of water-saturated sand are stored in places where the waterproof layer is bent.

The influence of burial depth on water quality

If you dig a well in the exact place where the water is located, the aquifer can be found even just two or two and a half meters from the earth’s surface. Knowledgeable people call this water layer perchal water and do not use it for drinking.

Proximity to the surface is not a good sign, because water has accumulated due to melting snow, infiltration of rain streams and water from nearby reservoirs.

The quality of the water in it leaves much to be desired, because there is a high probability of sewerage and other dirt seeping through.

In addition, the surface of such water is usually unstable. A well with perched water can completely dry up during the summer heat and fill up during the season of melting snow or prolonged autumn rains.

This means that water supply sources fed by perched water will also be empty, and summer residents will be left without water in the hot summer, when it is especially needed.

Under such circumstances, it is better to forget about plans for the harvest. After all, no water is expected in the well until late autumn.

Therefore, we will look for deeper water. Experts believe that high-quality water is not so deep, only 15 meters from the soil level. In the sands, where the water is clean and tasty.

The sand layer in which water is “stored” is a natural filter. By passing moisture through itself, it cleanses it of residual dirt and harmful elements.

Observation when searching

The ability to take note of everything and analyze the information collected has never been superfluous.

It was in this way that our ancestors, who were not yet armed with the achievements of science and technology, found water. What facts and natural phenomena will help us in our search for water?

Observation #1 - summer fogs

Fogs may appear in the area during the warm season. This natural phenomenon happens either in the early morning or late in the evening.

If you observe fog in your area, pay attention to its density: it will be highest in the place where the water is closest to the soil surface.

The cause of such fog is the evaporation of water that is located underground. It will not stay in one place like ordinary fog. Moisture vapor may swirl or travel very low to the ground.

Observation #2 - animal behavior

By observing the behavior of domestic and wild animals and birds, we can obtain all the necessary information:

  • Dog. A dog is a man’s friend and will definitely help him in finding water for a well. In the heat, dogs are always looking for an opportunity to cool their body, so they dig holes where it is cooler. These are exactly the places we are looking for.
  • Horse. When thirsty, a horse hits its hoof in a place where there is water underground.
  • Harvest mouse. But mice love where it is dry. They will never make their nests near places of high humidity. It’s better to climb a tree or some building that rises above the ground level.
  • Domestic bird. Chickens do not lay eggs where it is wet, but geese, on the contrary, choose places where underground aquifers intersect for their nests.

Even midges feel the proximity of water. If we look at its behavior at dusk, when the summer heat has already subsided, we will see columns of insects circling in the air precisely over those places where it is coolest - where there is what we need underground.

Observation #3 - types of growing plants

Who would know about the presence or absence of water on the site, if not the plants? It is not surprising that they are used as indicators.

If blackberries, buckthorn, lingonberries, bearberry, bird cherry, wood lice and wild rosemary are doing well on your site, then it makes sense to look for an aquifer - it is definitely present.

Take a closer look at the birch: its modest growth and gnarled trunk with curvatures indicate the presence of a nearby watercourse. Coniferous trees also prefer to grow where it is dry.

By the way, the presence of nearby groundwater is not always a benefit for gardeners. After all, cherries and apples prefer moderate humidity: their waterlogging can provoke tree diseases and fruit rotting.

Observation #4 - help from friends and neighbors

If your property is part of a gardening society or you have neighbors nearby, be sure to talk to them. As a rule, they have already solved the problems that you are struggling with today.

It may very well be that they ordered a geodetic survey of the area or are planning to do so.

Try to find out not only the current state of the local water intake, but also fluctuations in water levels throughout the year, as well as the composition of the water.

Agree that it is not very pleasant to find your site flooded with groundwater in the spring. Receive vital information in a timely manner.

Practical Search Techniques

When the observation stage is already over, and the neighbor said that he bought the plot already with a well, the time comes for a practical search for water layers using standard or non-standard methods.

Method #1 - using glass containers

Finding the right number of glass jars of the same size is not a problem for those who occasionally do home canning. If you don’t have cans, buy them; the summer resident will definitely need them sooner or later.

Throughout the entire area, you need to dig glass jars of the same size, bottom up, to a depth of at least 5 cm. The duration of the experiment is one day. The next morning, before the sun rises, you can dig out and turn over the dishes.

We are interested in those jars that contain condensate. There is more of it in banks located above aquifers.

Method #2 - use of hygroscopic material

It is known that salt is hygroscopic, that is, it can absorb moisture even from the air. Red brick, crushed into powder, has the same properties. Silica gel is another material that is perfect for our purposes.

To conduct the experiment, we will need several clay pots that are not covered with glaze. Choose a day when there has been no rain for a long time and we hope that it won’t rain in the next 24 hours.

We pour the material into the pots and weigh the resulting “devices”. It is better to number the pots and write down the data obtained. We wrap each pot in non-woven material and bury it at a depth of half a meter in the ground in different places on the site.

A day later we dig up the bookmarks and re-weigh them. The heavier the pot and its contents become, the closer to the place where it was laid the aquifer is located.

Almost scientific methods of dowsing

Despite all the skepticism of professional drillers, dowsing is still used to this day and gives good results. Let's look at two ways to search for water this way.

No. 1 - aluminum electrodes and wire

For this experiment we will need two pieces of aluminum wire 40 cm long. We bend 10 cm on each piece at a right angle for the handles. For the remaining 25 cm, you will need a hollow tube, such as elderberry, with the core removed.

We insert the wire into the elderberry tubes so that it can rotate freely inside the channel. By the way, instead of elderberry you can use viburnum, willow or hazel.

We take one tube in each hand so that their ends point in opposite directions. We walk along the site in the direction from north to south. Elbows should be pressed to the body. The frame, not tightly clenched in the fists, serves as an extension of the hand.

In the place where there is a water-bearing vein, the wires will turn around and converge towards the middle. It is possible that the water may be to your right or left, then both tubes will “look” in this direction.

When you pass the aquifer, the tubes will again turn in different directions. To make sure that you have not made a mistake, walk again over the place where the tubes meet.

This time in a direction perpendicular to the previous one (from east to west). If the closure is repeated, the right place has been found and this is where the well should be dug.

No. 2 - willow vine at the heart of the search

We need a willow on which there is a branch that seems to be split into two parts, forming an angle of 150 degrees (approximately) with each other. This is actually a ready-made “frame” - the main tool that we will use.

But the frame cannot be used immediately. Be patient and let the wood dry first.

The finished frame is taken at the ends of the branches so that the “beak” located in the middle looks up. With this vine you need to slowly walk around the entire area. Above the location of the aquifer, the vine will “bite”, that is, the middle part of the frame will be directed downward.

Not every person knows how to handle a vine correctly, so dowsing is the destiny of a few. For those who are ready to test themselves, we remind you that the most accurate values ​​​​can be obtained using the frame:

  • in the morning from 6 to 7 o'clock;
  • after lunch from 4 to 5 o'clock;
  • in the evening from 8 to 9 o'clock;
  • at night from 12 to 1 o'clock.

Such research brings results. But the water found may turn out to be high water or underground utilities passing under the site and collecting condensate.

Finding water by drilling

The final result can be obtained by exploratory drilling. He will put an end to all your doubts. To drill a well you will need a garden drill.

Since we have already discussed the merits of water located dangerously close to the earth's surface, we will have to drill to a depth of at least 6 meters.

Let's say an aquifer is found. But, before you start digging the long-awaited well, you need to make sure that you have found water of good quality. To do this, send it for analysis to the sanitary and epidemiological station.

If the results obtained satisfy you, you can consider that the search for a place for a well is completed.

The most expensive and, at the same time, the most reliable method is to drill pits and punch holes using professional equipment. Using it, we will obtain the following information:

  • thickness of the soil on the site;
  • quantity and quality of detected water;
  • depth of the aquifer;
  • location of quicksand, stone blocks and slabs;
  • the approximate amount we will need to build a well.

It is not at all a fact that the place you are scouting will be conveniently located relative to the proposed buildings on your site, but sometimes the owners are lucky.

Finding the right aquifer in close proximity to your home is considered a great success. In this case, you will be provided with clean drinking water, and your garden will be provided with regular watering.

Useful video on the topic

Watch the video below, it will introduce you to dowsing methods.

You will see the practical application of the dowsing method. Geologists do not recommend using this method, considering it pseudoscientific. If the method itself is controversial, then the manipulations with the ring that you see in this video are more than questionable.

In our article, dowsing is mentioned solely for the purpose of providing the most complete information about all methods of searching for water that are actually used in practice.

The next video will present the principle of studying soils and their condition using drilling methods.

This video clearly demonstrates the work of reconnaissance digging using a probe (bailer). This is a rather labor-intensive process that is difficult to perform alone, without using either a tripod or a gate.

In addition, there is a real danger of the well collapsing if casing is not used to secure it.

If you are looking for water for a well, you need to have an understanding of aquifers, how they are located underground and the influence of water depth on its quality characteristics. Be observant during your search. Observe plants, natural phenomena and animals. Their behavior will help you determine if there is water in your area.

Folk means of finding water, as well as information received from neighbors, will also not be superfluous. In addition, they search for water using the dowsing method. The drilling method is considered the most effective, although labor-intensive. Armed with the information you have received, you can begin your search. If there is water in your area, you will definitely find it.

Nature's clues

How to choose a location for a well if there is not enough experience in this matter?

  1. It's best to just take a closer look at the soil after a hot day. In areas where water is close to the surface of the earth, a light haze forms in the air after the heat. Evaporation flowing upward indicates that there is a water flow underneath. Fog above the ground is a faithful assistant if the owner of the site does not know how to find a place for a well.
  2. Another way to choose locations for a well is to carefully study the area. The presence of a lake near the garden plot indicates that it will be quite easy to find an aquifer on the territory. Initially, you need to measure the pressure on the shore with a special device. Then, with the same device, you should go to your site. If it shows a deviation, it means that water is located in this particular formation.
  3. Nature also gives such a hint - an oak tree often grows in the area where water flows intersect. Bent birch, willow, and alder trees can indicate the presence of water in the area. The branches of trees bend towards the water - plants pull their roots towards the water vein in order to be saturated with underground moisture.
  4. Using a pendulum will help you find water for a well on your site. How to determine where to dig a well using a pendulum? For this purpose, take a gold ring, tie it to a thread and, bending your elbow, hold the pendulum vertically down. Having tuned in mentally, you need to go around the entire area with a pendulum. When a vein of water is detected, the pendulum begins to swing back and forth.
  5. Folk signs also often suggest how to find a place for a well. Horses sense water very well. The search for water for a well must begin after careful observation of the animal. In the heat, the horse begins to kick hard in the place where the underground water vein flows. Dogs can also help you find a stream of water. In hot weather, the dog digs a hole in a place where there is water between the layers and lies down in it. It is better to dig a well in places where there is a large concentration of midges - insects swarm in places with high humidity. This sign will help determine how to find a place for a well on the site. If midges accumulate in only one zone, then the water vein will certainly be located there.
  6. To successfully find a water vein, you can take a closer look not only at insects, trees and plants, but also at the topography of the earth. The topography of the soil will also tell you where it is best to place the well on your plot. The proximity of the water flow is indicated by pits and depressions of natural origin. The soil in these places is not very stable and sags over the years.

Using Frames

To ensure that the well on the site is located in the right place, you can use a frame. It is made from metal rods or wire. The frame must have a handle. This makes it more convenient to hold the device and look for water flow. It doesn’t really matter what metal the frame is made of. Use wire that is not too light. Its ends should be bent at an angle, after which the rods are inserted into the handle. The material should be strong enough and not sway in strong winds. In the device, the wire swings freely, but does not fall out of the handle. To search for water, you should use two frames.

The location of the well on the site is determined using a manufactured frame as follows:

  1. Take the frames by the handles with bent hands.
  2. The entire area is inspected using equipment.
  3. If the frames diverge to the sides, there is no water in this place.
  4. If the frames intersect, dig a well.

Application of silica gel

One of the additional ways to find where to place a well on a personal plot is to use silica gel. The gel granules are well dried in the oven, the mass is weighed, placed in a clay container and buried in the ground. After a day, take out the clay container and weigh the gel granules again. Silica gel quickly absorbs moisture if it is in the soil. Using this material, they determine where to dig a well on the site. Experts recommend burying containers of granules at least half a meter deep in the soil. Within a day, the material is completely saturated with moisture present in the soil.

Test drilling

The test drilling method using hand tools will quickly help determine the choice of location for the well. How to find water on a site using a drill? To do this, a test well is drilled in a place with an expected water flow. To determine the location of the well, weighed red bricks are first buried in the soil. A day later, the material is removed from the ground and the weight of the bricks is checked. The heaviest brick will absorb moisture more than others. This means that it is in its place that we need to drill.

In addition to the presence of an aquifer, when constructing a well, it is important to comply with sanitary standards. Certain rules allow you to avoid mistakes in this matter - how to determine the location for a well. Various contaminants should not enter the water flow. The potential source of drinking water must be reasonably clean. It is recommended to dig a well in an area that is never flooded with melt water. This way you can avoid contamination.

The site for the well should not contain plants that have been treated with nitrates, chemicals and fertilizers. Some crops may be potential sources of disease. In agricultural work, various salts and acids are often used, which can get into the water and harm human health. When choosing a location, you should not build the desired structure near the plants being treated.

When to dig a well?

How to choose a place for a new well so that the well can be used for a long time? You should not dig a pit in the spring, when the snow is melting, or during the autumn rainy season, when groundwater is closest to the surface. In hot weather, such a well may turn out to be dry. The optimal period for constructing a well is from August to October. Groundwater goes deeper into the soil, which makes it possible to avoid accidental flooding.

How to choose a place for a well to protect it from dirt? Household dust should not penetrate the water. To do this, the upper part of the structure is raised high above the ground. A flat cemented area must be built around the structure. It will provide the necessary protection from water and dust. A special blind area is formed from bricks.

It is necessary to dig a well after accurately determining the location of the water. It is important that water does not seep from the top layers of soil into the mine. The well is reinforced with durable materials. If the structure is built from wood, then wood that is resistant to rotting is used.

For beginners who do not know how to search for water, several methods can be used simultaneously. The search for an aquifer should not stop at using any one method. When you need to build a well, experienced specialists will tell you how to quickly find water. Usually the dowsing method is used using a metal frame. A barometer can also indicate the desired layer.

The location of the well on the site requires the use of special instruments. Mechanisms for searching for underground water can be domestic or imported. If you don’t know how to use the device to find a place for a well on your property, pay attention to the mechanisms described below. Thus, the simple “Pulse” device has proven itself well in operation. The electrodes of this device are buried to a certain depth in the soil and the indicators are looked at. If the device shows a high value, then the formation is aquiferous.

The use of modern instruments will allow you to correctly determine the right place for drilling. However, this method is not always available to many land owners. Some people prefer to use grandfather’s methods in finding water. Sometimes such a proven method can be more accurate than the readings of the most advanced device. It is better to search for water after first weighing and evaluating all the possibilities and nuances.

Installing your own water source in a suburban area will significantly increase the level of comfort. Agree, bringing sufficient quantities of water to the dacha is an expensive undertaking, especially since some areas are significantly removed from the city. Have you decided to build a water intake, but don’t know how to find water for the well?

We will help you understand the intricacies of the search - the article describes various methods and methods that are in demand among owners of suburban areas. There are also video recommendations and colorful photos that clearly demonstrate the material presented.

There is water underground, but it is not so easy to find. You can, of course, dig a hole at random in the hope of accidentally stumbling upon an aquifer, but the result will most likely be disappointing.

Meanwhile, it happens that if you had not missed by literally two meters, the desired goal would have been achieved. After all, water in the ground is located between layers of soil, which it is not able to erode due to its water-resistant composition, which is based on clay and rocks.

Clay layers alternate with sandy layers, gravel and pebble deposits. They contain clean water. It is precisely this aquifer that those who decide to dig a well on their site need to get to.

Aquifers lie unevenly and their location is not so easy to detect, but those who are going to build a well need such information

It should be taken into account that the aquifer is not the same in geometric parameters throughout its entire length. Somewhere the sand layer becomes thinner, and in other places it becomes wider and deeper.

The waterproof layer is also not the same: in one place it is horizontal, and in another it can bend or even bend. The largest volumes of water-saturated sand are stored in places where the waterproof layer is bent.

The influence of burial depth on water quality

If you dig a well in the exact place where the water is located, the aquifer can be found even just two or two and a half meters from the earth’s surface. Knowledgeable people call this water layer perchal water and do not use it for drinking.

Proximity to the surface is not a good sign, because water has accumulated due to melting snow, infiltration of rain streams and water from nearby reservoirs. The quality of the water in it leaves much to be desired, because there is a high probability of sewerage and other dirt seeping through.

In addition, the surface of such water is usually unstable. A well with perched water can completely dry up during the summer heat and fill up during the season of melting snow or prolonged autumn rains.

This means that water supply sources fed by perched water will also be empty, and summer residents will be left without water in the hot summer, when it is especially needed. Under such circumstances, it is better to forget about plans for the harvest. After all, no water is expected in the well until late autumn.

Therefore, we will look for deeper water. Experts believe that high-quality water is not so deep, only 15 meters from the soil level. In the sands, where the water is clean and tasty. The sand layer in which water is “stored” is a natural filter. By passing moisture through itself, it cleanses it of residual dirt and harmful elements.

If you are interested in installing a personal water source at your summer cottage, it is worth comparing the arguments in favor of the device, as well as learning about their disadvantages. We invite you to read the comparative review.

Observation when searching

The ability to take note of everything and analyze the information collected has never been superfluous. It was in this way that our ancestors, who were not yet armed with the achievements of science and technology, found water. What facts and natural phenomena will help us in our search for water?

Observation #1 - summer fogs

Fogs may appear in the area during the warm season. This natural phenomenon happens either in the early morning or late in the evening. If you observe fog in your area, pay attention to its density: it will be highest in the place where the water is closest to the soil surface.

If early in the morning you see fog in your garden, swirling or concentrated in one of its corners, then you can say with confidence that there is water in your area

The cause of such fog is the evaporation of water that is located underground. It will not stay in one place like ordinary fog. Moisture vapor may swirl or travel very low to the ground.

Observation #2 - animal behavior

By observing the behavior of domestic and wild animals and birds, we can obtain all the necessary information:

  • Dog. A dog is a man’s friend and will definitely help him in finding water for a well. In the heat, dogs are always looking for an opportunity to cool their body, so they dig holes where it is cooler. These are exactly the places we are looking for.
  • Horse. When thirsty, a horse hits its hoof in a place where there is water underground.
  • Harvest mouse. But mice love where it is dry. They will never make their nests near places of high humidity. It’s better to climb a tree or some building that rises above the ground level.
  • Domestic bird. Chickens do not lay eggs where it is wet, but geese, on the contrary, choose places where underground aquifers intersect for their nests.

Even midges feel the proximity of water. If we look at its behavior at dusk, when the summer heat has already subsided, we will see columns of insects circling in the air precisely over those places where it is coolest - where there is what we need underground.

Dogs, like people, have difficulty withstanding heat and drought. They try to get to the coolest layers of soil, which are located just above the aquifer.

In a place unwittingly indicated to us by representatives of the animal world, we can safely strike to obtain water for watering the garden and for maintaining the territory.

Observation #3 - types of growing plants

Who would know about the presence or absence of water on the site, if not the plants? It is not surprising that they are used as indicators. If blackberries, buckthorn, lingonberries, bearberry, bird cherry, wood lice and wild rosemary are doing well on your site, then it makes sense to look for an aquifer - it is definitely present.

Take a closer look at the birch: its modest growth and gnarled trunk with curvatures indicate the presence of a nearby watercourse. Coniferous trees also prefer to grow where it is dry.

By the way, the presence of nearby groundwater is not always a benefit for gardeners. After all, cherries and apples prefer moderate humidity: their waterlogging can provoke tree diseases and fruit rotting.

Observation #4 - help from friends and neighbors

If your property is part of a gardening society or you have neighbors nearby, be sure to talk to them. As a rule, they have already solved the problems that you are struggling with today. If there is an operating well or well on their site, then you will have water too.

It is worth asking your neighbors at what depth the water is in their source and whether the level is stable. In this way, it is easiest and easiest to collect information and plan work on. For private owners, surveying the owners of adjacent plots is the only expedient way to obtain hydrogeological data.

You should always maintain friendly relations with your neighbors: they will be the first to come to your aid, and if something happens, they will protect your property from thieves

Try to find out not only the current state of the local water intake, but also fluctuations in water levels throughout the year, as well as the composition of the water. Agree that it is not very pleasant to find your site flooded with flood waters in the spring. Receive vital information in a timely manner.

Practical Search Techniques

When the observation stage is already over, and the neighbor said that he bought the plot already with a well, the time comes for a practical search for water layers using standard or non-standard methods.

Method #1 - using glass containers

Finding the right number of glass jars of the same size is not a problem for those who occasionally do home canning. If you don’t have cans, buy them; the summer resident will definitely need them sooner or later.

The contents of ordinary glass jars will eloquently tell you where exactly the aquifer may be located: look for the container with the highest concentration of condensate

Throughout the entire area, you need to dig glass jars of the same size, bottom up, to a depth of at least 5 cm. The duration of the experiment is a day. The next morning, before the sun rises, you can dig out and turn over the dishes.

We are interested in those jars that contain condensate. There is more of it in banks located above aquifers.

Method #2 - use of hygroscopic material

It is known that salt is hygroscopic, that is, it can absorb moisture even from the air. Red brick, crushed into powder, has the same properties. Silica gel is another material that is perfect for our purposes.

To conduct the experiment, we will need several clay pots that are not covered with glaze. Choose a day when there has been no rain for a long time and we hope that it won’t rain in the next 24 hours.

You need pots like these, not coated inside or outside with glaze, because they “breathe” well and are able to let water vapors in.

We pour the material into the pots and weigh the resulting “devices”. It is better to number the pots and write down the data obtained. We wrap each pot in non-woven material and bury it at a depth of half a meter in the ground in different places on the site.

A day later we dig up the bookmarks and re-weigh them. The heavier the pot and its contents become, the closer to the place where it was laid the aquifer is located.

Almost scientific methods of dowsing

Despite all the skepticism of professional drillers, dowsing is still used to this day and gives good results. Let's look at two ways to search for water this way.

No. 1 - aluminum electrodes and wire

For this experiment we will need two pieces of aluminum wire 40 cm long. We bend 10 cm on each piece at a right angle for the handles. For the remaining 25 cm, you will need a hollow tube, such as elderberry, with the core removed.

We insert the wire into the elderberry tubes so that it can rotate freely inside the channel. By the way, instead of elderberry you can use viburnum, willow or hazel.

Usually those who do dowsing professionally use rather complex frameworks, which we don’t need, especially since the principle of operation and the result will be the same

We take one tube in each hand so that their ends point in opposite directions. We walk along the site in the direction from north to south. Elbows should be pressed to the body. The frame, not tightly clenched in the fists, serves as an extension of the hand.

In the place where there is a water-bearing vein, the wires will turn around and converge towards the middle. It is possible that the water may be to your right or left, then both tubes will “look” in this direction.

When you pass the aquifer, the tubes will again turn in different directions. To make sure that you have not made a mistake, walk again over the place where the tubes meet. This time in a direction perpendicular to the previous one (from east to west). If the closure is repeated, the right place has been found and this is where the well should be dug.

No. 2 - willow vine at the heart of the search

We need a willow on which there is a branch that seems to be split into two parts, forming an angle of 150 degrees (approximately) with each other. This is actually a ready-made “frame” - the main tool that we will use. But the frame cannot be used immediately. Be patient and let the wood dry first.

People have been involved in dowsing since ancient times. We shouldn’t abandon this method either, especially since it is quite effective.

The finished frame is taken at the ends of the branches so that the “beak” located in the middle looks up. With this vine you need to slowly walk around the entire area. Above the location of the aquifer, the vine will “bite”, that is, the middle part of the frame will be directed downward.

Not every person knows how to handle a vine correctly, so dowsing is the destiny of a few. For those who are ready to test themselves, we remind you that the most accurate values ​​​​can be obtained using the frame:

  • in the morning from 6 to 7 o'clock;
  • after lunch from 4 to 5 o'clock;
  • in the evening from 8 to 9 o'clock;
  • at night from 12 to 1 o'clock.

Such research brings results. But the water found may turn out to be high water or underground utilities passing under the site and collecting condensate.

Finding water by drilling

The final result can be obtained by exploratory drilling. He will put an end to all your doubts. To drill a well you will need a garden drill. Since we have already discussed the merits of water located dangerously close to the earth's surface, we will have to drill to a depth of at least 6 meters.

The only way to make sure that we have found the right place that we spent so much effort searching for is to drill into the soil and underlying layers of soil to see what is there

Let's say an aquifer is found. But, before you start digging the long-awaited well, you need to make sure that you have found water of good quality. To do this, send it to the sanitary and epidemiological station to study the composition and degree of contamination. Also

Using it, we will obtain the following information:

  • thickness of the soil on the site;
  • quantity and quality of detected water;
  • depth of the aquifer;
  • location of quicksand, stone blocks and slabs;
  • the approximate amount we will need to build a well.

It is not at all a fact that the place you are scouting will be conveniently located relative to the proposed buildings on your site, but sometimes the owners are lucky.

Finding the right place five meters from your home is considered a great success. In this case, when installing an independent water supply system with automatic water supply, the section of pipes laid in the ground will be minimal. This means it will require less investment.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Watch the video below, it will introduce you to dowsing methods. You will see the practical application of the dowsing method. Geologists do not recommend using this method, considering it pseudoscientific. If the method itself is controversial, then the manipulations with the ring that you see in this video are more than questionable.

In our article, dowsing is mentioned solely for the purpose of providing the most complete information about all methods of searching for water that are actually used in practice.

The next video will present the principle of studying soils and their condition using drilling methods. This video clearly demonstrates the work of reconnaissance digging using a probe (bailer). This is a rather labor-intensive process that is difficult to perform alone, without using either a tripod or a gate.

In addition, there is a real danger of the well collapsing if casing is not used to secure it.

If you are looking for water for a well, you need to have an understanding of aquifers, how they are located underground and the influence of water depth on its quality characteristics.

Be observant during your search. Observe plants, natural phenomena and animals. Their behavior will help you determine if there is water in your area.

Folk means of finding water, as well as information received from neighbors, will also not be superfluous. In addition, they search for water using the dowsing method. The drilling method is considered the most effective, although labor-intensive. Armed with the information you have received, you can begin your search. If there is water in your area, you will definitely find it.

Please write comments in the block below. Please ask questions if you have any questions while reading the information we provide. Tell us and site visitors about your own experience in determining the location for a well on a suburban area.

There is always the question of how much it costs to make a well on a site. What can you do, but water and light are two of the most important factors that determine our lives, and not only in a suburban area.

And it’s great if you can connect a branch from an existing water supply to your house without much expense. And if you are unlucky with this, you will have to look for water nearby underground and drill wells.

You can't go a day without water

There is usually water. You just need to skillfully search and decide how it will rise to the surface. If there is sufficient pressure from below, then it is best to stop at an artesian well; if there is no pressure, then a well will help, which is what happens more often.

The cost will consist of the following work:

  • Search for water - more precisely, search for several test drilling points. To carry out this work, you can, of course, invite specialists, but we advise you to save money and try to conduct the search yourself, it is not at all difficult, especially since the next step will be decisive.
  • Conducting test drilling - be sure to select several points in different parts of the site. This work is already being carried out by order of “drilling specialists” and with special equipment.
  • Accurate research of the final chosen location of the well and creation of a plan for its construction.
  • Creating a well - from digging a shaft to equipping a well head and a clay castle;
  • Pumping the well and analyzing the resulting water;
  • Connection, if provided.


We can say with a high probability that your site is not on rocks, then there is definitely water, you just need to find it, and to do this, draw up a map of its intended location, taking the parameters of your site as a basis.

The initial data for this map will be:

  • first of all, a careful study of the location and condition of the neighbors’ wells; be sure to conduct such consultations, often they will be the main driver of decision-making;
  • If there are no existing wells nearby, then you can solve the problem of how to find water on a site for a well:
    • according to the behavior of the wicker frame - it should tilt in the place where there is a high moisture content underground;
    • according to the behavior of the electrode frame - it will behave very restlessly if there is water under it;
    • according to the behavior of their animals - when they are thirsty, they lick the ground in places where there is more water underground;
    • if you notice a place where your cat lies down to rest, and the dog avoids this place, then perhaps water vapor is coming from below;
    • by where the fog accumulates at sunset;
    • according to where oak, juniper, hazel, and beech choose a place to grow - they really love moist soil; in this regard, pay special attention to lonely oak trees - according to centuries-old experience, there is almost certainly water in that place;
    • examining sachets of silica gel previously hidden in the ground; If after 24 hours the granules are wet, there is water below.

Helpful advice!
Using silica gel or any other highly absorbent chemical will give good results when searching for water.
But you need to keep in mind that working with it requires respiratory protection; this substance is explosive and not fire safe.
In addition, it reacts well not only to water, but also to petroleum products and ether, which can be misleading.

Test drilling

When a map of the possible horizontal location of water layers has been compiled, it is necessary to select points for test drilling.

There are some limitations here:

  • this point should be located 20 meters from the main residential building of the site in order to exclude the influence of the soil of the house;
  • the distance to the nearest edge of the roadway must be more than 7 meters;
  • to the neighboring plot - at least 5 meters (otherwise, you will have to obtain the consent of the neighbor);
  • no closer than 30 meters from agricultural fields;
  • no closer than 15 meters from outbuildings, not to mention the silo.

Test drilling should determine:

  • depth of the water layer;

Helpful advice!
With all possible options, we recommend a depth of no more than 20 meters - in this situation, no permits for the well are required, otherwise you will not be able to do without a heap of papers.
In addition, keep in mind that if the pressure from the well is large enough, and you decide to stop at this option and not “fence” the well, then in any case you will have to register the well and create its passport.

  • the nature of the soil on the approach to the formation - upper supporting and the nature of the soil below - lower supporting; you will have to face one of four situations for placing water layers, shown in figure “A”:
    • depth of up to 4 meters – the uppermost and most contaminated layer is perched water;

    • 5 – up to 10 meters – upper groundwater without pressure;
    • 6 – up to 40 meters – interstratal waters;
    • 7 – from 10 to 250 meters – artesian water under pressure, the cleanest; the depth varies greatly in different areas;

In addition, the figure indicates:

  • 1 – layer of artesian well;
  • 2 – interstratal layer;
  • 3 – layer of upper groundwater;
  • 4 – main source of power – rain and melt water;
  • 8 – upper soil, often sandstone;
  • 9 – artesian water has its outlet to the surface below the drilling point, which actually provides upward pressure in the well;
  • 10 – lower interlayer soils.

Progress of main works

So, the question of how to find water on the site for a well has been successfully resolved, you have decided on. You can get started, but first you need to decide on the material for the well shaft.


From the available materials we have:

  • wood - profiled timber or round logs are a good choice if the tree is carefully prepared for future conditions of use;
  • reinforced concrete rings are the most commonly used structures nowadays;
  • plastic rings - as a lighter alternative to reinforced concrete;
  • stone is a good option if the stone has sufficient strength and you are ready for large concreting work;
  • brick is a frequently used material, but it is always moisture resistant.

Let's go deeper

The digging technology will be quite simple - you will need to dig a vertical shaft

  • to the upper edge of the lower supporting layer, thus creating a perfect well;
  • or stop digging within your water layer to limit yourself to the so-called imperfect type of well.
  • we create a temporary barrier for the water below and pump out the water to gain access to the bottom; this operation is often very difficult to carry out, so they simply limit themselves to punching a well 1.5-2 meters below the water level;
  • in this regard, we advise you to opt for the use of reinforced concrete rings, which will help create a reliable barrier to the entry of water below;

  • We gradually decorate the shaft with the selected material up to the ground level at the top; do not forget to carefully concrete all joints; it is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of moisture penetrating into the well through the shaft frame;
  • if it is planned to include a well in the general water supply system of the house, then drainage must be done and always at a depth below the freezing level of the soil.

Works below

For the “healthy” functioning of the well, be sure to take care of the following design of its bottom:

  • A – place a layer of fine sand underneath;
  • B – it will use coarse sand;
  • C – here place a layer of highly absorbent material, the best choice is a mineral called “shungite”, which has long been used in wells;

  • D – coal layer – medium-sized anthracite;
  • E – layer of quartz chips;
  • F – silicon crushed stone.

Works upstairs

When the last ring has come to the surface, you will need:

  • Carefully concrete the joint between the surface of the ring and the soil (A);
  • create a clay castle around the entire perimeter of the well measuring at least one and a half meters (B), gradually descending down from the well (C);

  • provide protection for the well opening, first with a sealed lid, and then, perhaps, by building a house with a window and a door.

In Figure “B” the following designations are also introduced:

  • D – well bottom;
  • E – aquifer;
  • F – upper supporting layer;
  • G – rainwater – you can clearly see the purpose of the castle; it diverts external water away from the well shaft.

Helpful advice!
We recommend equipping the well frame with cement moisture-permeable filter inserts: straight (A), angled upward towards the well (B) or cone-shaped (C).
The idea is that such inserts will not allow moisture to accumulate outside; it is allowed to penetrate inside, but through strictly defined places where such filters are located.

Pumping and maintenance

The work on the well does not end with the completion of the head:

  • Firstly, it will need to be pumped until clean water is obtained, and then,

  • Secondly, constantly maintain it:
  • removing fallen leaves;
  • cleaning the inside of the mine from plaque;
  • periodic assessment of water quality.

If you have chosen the option of including the well in the general water supply system of the house, then the work will continue outside the well.

You will need to create something like this:

  • A – a distance of 15 cm is the minimum at which a horizontally oriented pump can be placed;
  • B – then you will have to connect using a flexible hose;
  • C – check valve;
  • D – pipeline;
  • E – if the pump is located vertically, which is strongly recommended, then the distance should be at least 50 cm;
  • F – unloading crane with tee;
  • G – insulation system slabs;
  • H – electrical socket for the pump control system;

  • I – compressor – a feature of this scheme, the function of enriching water with oxygen can significantly improve the quality of water;
  • J - well - with this use, often there is not even a head and the problem of how to camouflage the well against the background of the surrounding grass is simply solved;
  • K – socket again;
  • L – outlet pipe connector, the quality requirements for this connection are the highest, especially if you built a well in a peat area;
  • M – electric cable protection;
  • O – cable at a depth of 60-80 cm;
  • P – soil freezing depth;
  • Q – again a layer of insulation;
  • R – pipeline (recommended diameter – 32 mm);
  • S – protective grounding of the entire system;
  • T and V – automatic overload protection plugs for 5 and 25 A;
  • U – heating system cable;
  • W – pressure drop control relay.


Having built one well, settled in with it and carefully studied the surrounding environment, over time, you may want to have two wells on the site. This please. Just remember to respect the soil and that the water underground is not unlimited.

The cost of mistakes caused by non-compliance with technology or inappropriate courage will be quite high - up to the water draining into the lower soils, when all your work will go down the drain. Be careful, do not forget to constantly take care of the well.

Create your own discipline for maintaining this structure and strictly follow it. The additional video in this article, which contains a lot of very useful recommendations, will help you really not forget anything and develop your own line of behavior.

Having a well on a personal plot is a vital necessity. Even if you have a car, it is extremely inconvenient to deliver water to your dacha in cans and bottles. Digging a well is quite a feasible task, but here you need to arm yourself with knowledge, since you will have to master methods for determining where exactly to look for water and how to correctly position the well shaft in terms of sanitary norms and rules.

It is recommended to start searching for water in a well site by examining the area for the presence of springs and springs. Do your neighbors on the property have a well? The presence of both of these signs indicates that aquifers can be found on your site. You can also study where aquatic indicator plants grow. For example, the abundance of woodlice indicates the close occurrence of groundwater. Mark the proposed search area in accordance with sanitary standards for distance from the septic tank.

ATTENTION! In areas with a slope, you need to look for water for the well in its lowest part.

What horizons are suitable for a well?

When searching for water for a well, they stop at either high water or groundwater aquifers.

  • Soil water or perched water Suitable for technical and agricultural needs, but completely unsuitable for drinking. They can be found at a shallow depth of a meter and a half, especially if the area is low-lying or is located in close proximity to a river or stream.
  • Groundwater start after one and a half meters. While soil waters are not filtered, spilling between loose-grained layers of the earth, groundwater is held between layers of water-resistant loam and clay, rocks, limestone, and layers of sand. These multi-level layers are good natural filters, purify water and make it suitable for drinking, and do not allow harmful pollutants to enter the aquifer.

If you decide to make a well not only for domestic needs, but also to provide your family with drinking water, you should take groundwater no higher than 10 meters; the ideal option is a well fifteen meters deep.

Layers of soil, sand, stones, and clay form an internal structure with gaps and cavities of different sizes, in some places the voids are very narrow, and in other places bends are created like lenses or gaps that are filled with groundwater. These places have an abundance of water, and in narrow interlayer cavities the volume of water is minimal.

Groundwater and soil waters have no pressure; only in rare places, groundwater aquifers, sandwiched by impermeable layers, can be characterized by small pressure values.

FACT! Groundwater has an undeniable advantage. They are not only clean, but also access to them is stable, unlike perennial water, the volume and presence of which directly depend on the amount of precipitation and time of year. Also, the perched water is easily contaminated by the leaching of fertilizers from agricultural land during periods of snow melting or heavy rains.

What are the sanitary requirements for the location?

The water intake point should be located at least fifty meters away from toilets and cesspools upstream of the groundwater flow. Otherwise, there is a high possibility of mixing harmful substances into the water and contaminating it with pathogenic bacteria.

This is the optimal distance. If the personal plot of an ordinary summer resident is four hundred square meters, densely planted and built up, then such a norm is difficult to achieve. In this regard, there is an opinion that it is quite enough to make a well at a distance of about 8-10 meters from the toilet and cesspool.

INTERESTING! If the soil on the site is clayey, then such distance should not bother you at all. Especially provided that you take all possible measures to insulate the walls of the well, also constructing an upper protective well ring that protects the water from possible contamination during rains and spring melting, when water flows can flow into the well from the surface of the earth.

According to regulations, when looking for a place for a well, you should avoid:

  • Frequently flooded areas.
  • Wetlands.
  • Close proximity (less than 30 meters) to public roads and highways.

How to find water yourself?

There are different methods and techniques for determining groundwater on a personal plot. These are folk signs, observation of natural features and a dowsing method based on the intuitive sensations of the person himself. All these options were widely used earlier in the absence of others, but in our time, in terms of its effectiveness, the scientific approach to the issue has firmly taken precedence. This includes seismic exploration, the use of barometers and other instruments.

Traditional methods

These are the simplest methods of finding water, based on centuries of experience.

Observations of natural phenomena

In the warm season, in the early morning hours or in the evening, observe where the fog is thickest. The thicker the fog cloud, the closer the groundwater. This observation is justified by the fact that fogs are formed from earthly moisture, and in places where subsurface water accumulates, the fog is usually thicker; it literally swirls from the soil in such areas and spreads along the ground.

Observation of animals and insects

Dog owners may notice that their pets, in the heat, dig holes and lie down there to cool down. Animals sense where the coolest, and therefore wetter, places are. This temperature feature is also caused by the proximity of aquifers.

Midges and various midges also sense such places; they gather in flocks and swarm in the late afternoon where there is increased soil moisture.

Plant observation

Plants, as well as natural phenomena, and animals and insects can help in finding water for digging a well. The presence and proximity of aquifers can be judged by the following grasses, shrubs and trees.

  • Hemlock, an abundance of nettles, thickets of sorrel and coltsfoot can be found precisely on consistently moist soil fed by groundwater.
  • Birches, willow bushes, and alder love moisture and grow well only in places rich in water.
  • But apple or cherry trees do not like wet soils, and their presence indicates that water cannot be found nearby. Of course, we are talking about healthy and abundantly growing trees. If the trees are sick and frail, the possibility of finding water-bearing veins is higher.
  • find the aquifer veins above.

The depth of the water layer is determined by plants:

  • Sandstone reeds, for example, can tell you that the water is a meter or three from the surface.
  • The reed suggests an aquifer at a depth of one and a half to five meters.
  • Wormwood from three meters to seven meters deep.
  • Licorice from one and a half meters to ten.
  • Alfalfa is from one and a half to two, but sometimes up to 15 meters.

Dowsing method

They are trying to link this method to the scientific field, which is fundamentally wrong. From this point of view, the previous information is much more useful than this method. However, he has his fans and for good reason. The emphasis is on the presence of energy information fields of various types in the surrounding reality and a person’s ability to sense these fields.

In the old days, the method had no competition and no alternative, now the possibilities of science are very high, and this entertaining method is still firmly one of the first in the popularity ratings. It would not be true if we said that the dowsing method is ineffective at all, but its infallibility does not correspond to reality either.

Since it is not always possible to use expensive services for searching for water resources in the soil, you can try it. It is better if you make an initial determination of the search location using tests with plants and animal behavior. Analyze the area from the point of view of geologically expected aquifer zones (the presence of lowlands, ravines, proximity to water intake points and springs).

Dowsing technique using aluminum frames


  1. The total length of the aluminum rod is about 90 cm, its diameter must be at least 3 mm.
  2. Having measured 15 cm from the edge, you need to bend the rod at a right angle.
  3. Insert the short ends into the tubes; any option will do for this.
  4. The diameter of the tube should be such that the rods rotate freely and move, but not at an angle.
  5. Take tubes 0.5 mm wider than the diameter of the aluminum wire.
  6. You need to make two such bent rods and insert them into the tubes.

Using frames to find water

Aluminum frames are held in both hands.

At the same time, it is very important to tune in to the search process. Let go of everything and wonder about the location of the water, completely shifting your attention to the frame.

Your hands should not be too tense; too much relaxation will also ruin the process. It is necessary to reach some golden mean.

The frames should become an extension of the person, a part of his attention, his being. It's like a kind of meditation with concentration on a specific task.

When the desired feeling of immersion and concentration occurs, a person should begin to slowly move around the site, snake-like across its entire area, testing the territory.

At the stage of finding the aquifer zone, a marking stick is driven into the area of ​​land indicated by the frame.

It is believed that in places where there is water, the frames come into active motion.

Using a framework to determine the depth of a water resource

  1. From the marking peg, the footage is laid out using a tape measure in a straight line on the surface of the ground.
  2. Next, they begin to determine the depth of the aquifer. To do this, they slowly walk along the laid out building meter with frames, testing at what depth the water lies.
  3. The mark at which the frames become active and begin to spin and sway from side to side is considered a measure of depth.

Alternative methods

In this case, a number of methods are used, aimed at measuring the level of humidity at different points of the site. Where there are aquifers, the humidity is significantly higher. To do this, use silica gel, brick, salt, earthenware or glass jars.

Method using desiccants

  1. Take a moisture-absorbing substance, for example table salt, silica gel.
  2. The substance is dried in an oven, poured into a dried, unvarnished clay container, wrapped in a piece of natural fabric.
  3. All this is weighed on precise scales.
  4. Usually about a dozen such testing “devices” are prepared. Each one should be signed so as not to make a mistake when re-weighing.
  5. Next, the containers are buried at a depth of half a meter to a meter in the ground.
  6. After 24 hours, the weight is re-determined.

IMPORTANT! The more the weight of the indicator increases, the higher the probability of the presence of water at a given point.

Manipulations with brick, lime and salt are done exactly according to the same principle.

Glass jar method

  1. Dry glass jars without lids are placed upside down throughout the water search area.
  2. After a few hours, the jars are inspected.
  3. Where the inner surface of the jar has become heavily moistened and a high percentage of condensation has accumulated, water is expected to be found.

Scientific ways

The most reliable methods for exploring water in a personal plot are scientific methods. They are all based on physical principles.

Spectral seismic exploration

An impact influence on the earth's surface is organized and a special seismic-sensitive device records response impulses and oscillatory signals.

This information is entered into a computer and, using a specially created program, calculations are made about the probable location of the water. Seismic instruments allow you to scan the bowels of the earth, identifying their structure, bends, layers, the presence of voids, as well as the level of occurrence of aquifers.

The method is very expensive and is only suitable for search activities in large-scale projects.

There is also a set of existing geophysical data about certain areas; these inquiries can be made with the help of specialists in the field of hydrogeology and geophysics, they can also help in finding water.

Manual drilling

They use a hand-held garden drill with a diameter of thirty centimeters. Test wells are made from five to ten meters deep. After inserting the drill into the soil, deepening the auger, remove the soil every 15-20 cm and inspect it in order to protect the drill from breakage and check the moisture level as an indicator of the proximity of the aquifer.

The method is effective and, unlike seismic exploration, accessible to private individuals. The percentage of accuracy and efficiency here largely depends on the professionalism of the driller.

How to determine the depth of groundwater in a site using a barometer?

The method can be applied in cases where there is a well or water source, river, or pond a short distance from your site.

  1. Record the barometer readings near such a place.
  2. Then determine the barometer reading at the point where you intend to dig the well shaft.
  3. Calculate the difference in the resulting data using subtraction.
  4. Now convert the coefficient to meter, where each division on the barometer scale will be counted as one meter.

It is to this depth that the well hole must be dug in order to reach the aquifer vein.

Water permeates the entire earth's crust through capillaries and arteries, filling huge spaces and small gaps, cracks, and interlayer cavities. It is everywhere, but at different depths and in different volumes. To find this gift of life, people use different techniques and scientific developments.

The undoubted priority is to achieve science, but if you are a keen person and love experiments, or there are reasons from the point of view of saving money, you can try alternative methods.

For a relatively small amount, you can order work on reconnaissance search for water using a drilling machine, the cost will be no more than a thousand per meter of passage. Or spend a day searching on your own using a garden drill.

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