Anti-corrosion protection of metal structures: methods and materials. The effectiveness of fire retardant treatment of metal structures Treatment of metal structures with a fire retardant compound

Fire protection of metal structures (load-bearing beams, columns, trusses) is an important element in the construction of buildings and structures for any purpose. The fate of the building during a fire and the further possibility of its restoration depend on the implementation of this measure.

According to its properties, the metal is capable of maintaining its strength characteristics until an environment is created around it that promotes its melting and deformation. With such changes, the structure of the building as a whole is damaged, which provokes the collapse of the structure and the appearance of possible casualties.

From high temperatures in a fire, the metal begins to “lead”

Why is it necessary to provide fire protection for metal?

The structure of any metal is sensitive to flame, as well as to any heat. Fire retardant treatment of metal structures is carried out precisely for this reason. This increases the strength and stability of the structure as a whole. From a fire safety point of view, the metal base of any building is the most vulnerable element in a fire, but it is impossible to avoid its use in construction.

The limit of resistance to heat during a fire for metal is only up to a quarter of an hour, while existing building codes require fire protection of up to 2.5 hours during the construction of structures.

Fire protection of metal structures consists of creating a heat-insulating screen on the surface of the element being processed. This way the metal is reliably preserved until the fire is completely extinguished. The less the metal structures heat up, the less the risk of building collapse, and, consequently, the time for the safe evacuation of not only people, but also material assets increases.

Specialized methods of fire protection

In addition to painting, fire-retardant coating of metal structures can be done in the form of plaster, concreting, lining with bricks and other modern non-combustible materials based on mineral fiber, perlite and other fillers.

Today, the popular fire-retardant coating of metal structures is made using liquid glass, mineral fibers, vermiculite and cements. There is fire-resistant paint for metal on sale that can instantly foam, which also consists of inorganic and organic elements. All materials used have one common property - the ability to increase in volume and create a porous structure that forms a protective heat-resistant screen for fire.

When choosing a method for ensuring the fire resistance of a structure, it is necessary to take into account the reason why a fire may occur at a construction site, as well as what critical air temperature can form during a fire and affect the metal structure. It is also important to take into account that during operation the building is subject to various influences that can shorten the service life of the fire retardant treatment (sudden changes in temperature and humidity, meteorological phenomena, vibration, mechanical stress).

How to protect metal structures with paint

There are a large number of construction methods for protecting metal from a possible fire, for example, plastering on a mesh or laying bricks. But they are in greatest demand non-construction techniques, as required by regulatory documents. Fire protection of metal structures according to SNiP consists in the fact that fire-retardant paint is applied to the selected element.

From the outside, the event looks quite simple and not labor-intensive; you just need to purchase paint and process the structure. For complete protection, it is necessary to have accurate calculations of the number of coating layers on each metal element of the building, having previously determined the percentage of their resistance to flame, as well as choosing the technically correct method of applying fire-retardant paint for metal. The convenience of the paint and varnish material lies in the absence of deformation load on the surface of the protected object.

To calculate the number of layers, data on the fire resistance of the structure and the time period during which the metal will not lose its strength under the influence of fire are required. Based on calculations, the number of paint layers that will increase the heat resistance of the metal is determined.

Fire-resistant paints based on water or latex are the cheapest, odorless, and environmentally friendly. If the paint is based on acrylic, then it is more easily tinted.

There are two types of fire-resistant paint - intumescent and non-intumescent. The first has a higher degree of fire protection, since they form a thick porous layer on the metal surface, which, when interacting with heated air, releases inert gases. The paint contains talc, kaolin wool and perlite. The paint allows you to keep the metal intact for 2-2.5 hours, which is a regulatory requirement.

The most difficult thing when choosing paint is determining its quality. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers pass off ordinary water-based paint as fire retardant. So even the presence of certificates does not guarantee that this composition is of high quality. To determine whether the paint is suitable for fire protection of metal structures, it is enough to process a small area of ​​metal. The quality of the coating will be determined by the formation of cracks, swelling and other defects.

Video - fire protection of metal with organic-based paints:

How is processing done?

Fire retardant paint for metal structures is applied using airless devices. When applying, it is important to maintain the thickness of the coating, since when drying, a thin layer will become covered with cracks, and a layer that is too thick will take a long time to dry. In both cases, surface treatment will be meaningless.

When applying a coating, specialists always take into account the drying shrinkage coefficient. When applying each layer, its thickness is monitored using an electromagnetic vortex thickness gauge.

It is important to prepare the surface for processing. If improperly prepared and applied, metal fire protection can be destroyed in a short time under any external influence. Initially, the metal is cleaned. There are 2 most accessible methods known - chemical and mechanical. The first method is to apply a special composition that completely removes old paint and rust. The second method is to treat the element with an abrasive tool or sandblasting machine, which can also be used to get rid of traces of rust, paint residues and other materials.

After cleaning, the metal structure must be degreased using an organic solvent in order to completely remove traces of oil and grease. Simultaneously with this procedure, dust is removed from the surface.

Application of fire retardant paint

Immediately, almost degreasing, the first layer of fire retardant is treated, i.e. padding. You can use acrylic as a primer to increase the metal's resistance to corrosion. After the primer layer has dried, you can begin applying paint.

Protection with vermiculite boards

The material vermiculite is endowed with the highest flame resistance. Vermiculite boards as structural fire protection for metal structures require minimal metal preparation before installation.

Using sandblasting machines, metal is cleaned of traces of paint, rust, scale and other contaminants. Priming and degreasing are not required, which significantly reduces costs.

Based on thickness, vermiculite slabs are divided into:

  1. 30 mm - allow you to increase the fire resistance time to 90 minutes.
  2. 40 mm - allow you to increase the fire resistance time to 120 minutes.
  3. 50 mm - allow you to increase the fire resistance time to 150 minutes.

The slabs are fixed to the structures using standard screws and self-tapping screws. It is recommended to treat the joints between the plates with non-flammable sealant. Installing slabs involves creating a frame that surrounds all metal structural elements.

Vermiculite boards are environmentally friendly, safe for humans and the environment, easy to install, and do not require metal processing costs.

Protection with basalt

Fire retardant composition for metal structures - this is a coating of basalt and specialized mastic. Basalt in roll form has good fire retardant properties. Supplied in two forms - with and without foil surface.

Fire retardant basalt

Installation of basalt consists of the following steps:

  1. Standard metal cleaning.
  2. Cutting the fiber to the dimensions of the protected element.
  3. Preparation of glue and tools for its application.
  4. Applying glue to metal.
  5. Gluing the basalt to the outside with the foil side.
  6. Insulating joints between pieces of basalt fiber using aluminum tape.

Protection with liquid glass

Liquid glass is an aqueous solution of sodium silicate. It is obtained by firing a sand mixture and soda. Concrete, fire-retardant paints and other materials are produced from this composition. In addition to fire protection in construction, liquid glass is used for waterproofing foundations and installing swimming pools.

Liquid glass for fire protection

To prepare a fireproof solution, you need to mix liquid glass with cement, sand and fire retardant in proportions of 1.5: 1.5: 1.5: 4. It is applied to the surface in the same way as paint, but in one layer.

Features of fire protection of metal structures

In those areas where metal structural elements and their fire-resistant layer will be in an expected aggressive environment (in special climatic zones, chemical production), it is necessary to use zinc-rich primers, which have anti-corrosion properties. This method is called cold galvanizing, which also forms electrochemical protection of the metal.

In addition to the standard procedure for preparing the surface for painting and priming, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all welded joints and joints, as well as dry the structure.

Protection with concreting and bricks

The most rational way to increase the fire resistance of a building during its reconstruction, when reinforcement of metal floors is required. Brick cladding is effective only for metal structures that are vertical. At the same time, according to SNiP 2.03.11-85, it is necessary to take measures to protect the metal from corrosion. Concreting of building elements depends on the thickness of the required fire protection.

These two methods of enhancing fire resistance are often used together because they maximum results are achieved, and the materials themselves are very resistant to aggressive environments, precipitation and mechanical stress.

Despite the many advantages, the process of concreting and organizing brick cladding is a labor-intensive process, because formwork work is required. During the production of brick cladding and concreting, the frame of the structure becomes heavier.

To achieve flame resistance of up to 2.5 hours, it is necessary to perform concreting or laying with bricks 20-60 mm thick.

Protection with sheet cladding

The cladding of protected metal structures is made of plasterboard, gypsum fiber, asbestos-cement, perlite-phosphohelium sheets and slabs. To secure them, fasteners must be welded to the metal. Only after this can the slabs and sheets be attached to the structure through pins and corners. When installing this method of fire protection, there is no need to spend money on specialized metal preparation, removing rust and previously applied paint and varnish coatings.

Fire protection of metal structures is a set of measures to reduce or completely eliminate the influence of fire and increase the fire resistance of metal for a certain time.

Metals under the influence of high temperatures:

  1. become soft, plastic, melt;
  2. deform, delaminate, crack;
  3. lose strength.

The main danger is the loss of strength by the metal in a fire. A decrease in quality by several points can lead to the collapse of walls; sometimes 3–5 minutes are enough for this. intense direct flame. Building metal structures are non-flammable (NG), therefore the influence of fire is reflected by the term “fire resistance limit” - the time before loss of load-bearing capacity and other abilities.


Fire retardant treatment of metal structures is regulated by the following standards:
  1. main topics:
    • (facilities);
    • (compositions);
    • (tests, fire resistance);
  2. basics of fire hazard, classification, tables:
    • (SP 112.13330.2011) instead of the outdated SNiP 2.01.02-85;
    • SP 21-101, 21-102 (requirements for buildings);
    • Fire protection regime (FPR, );
  3. reference books and recommendations:
    • to “Handbook for determining fire resistance limits...” (tables, classes);
  4. technical regulations;
    • , ;
  5. reference materials of the main acts on the topic, for example:
    • (varnishes, paints);
    • (phosphate coating based on mineral fibers).

Which metal structures are subject to fire protection?

According to the air safety regulations, the following must have fire protection:
  1. elements:
    • load-bearing;
    • supporting;
    • with constructive meaning;
    • open;
  2. connections, fastenings.
Metal fire protection covers all types of building materials, and most often:
  1. steel;
  2. cast iron;
  3. iron;
  4. aluminum.
  1. all supporting structures;
  2. pillars, supports, beams, purlins, trusses;
  3. headscarves;
  4. columns;
  5. stairs;
  6. roofing, its parts, supports;
  7. frame parts;
  8. elements of fire barriers (guides, strengthening, fixing).
It is impossible to create a design for a structure and put it into operation without observing and agreeing on fire protection measures from the gas fire.

No fire protection required:

  1. parts that are not structural components of the building;
  2. if according to the NPB:
    • the object is not standardized according to the classification of fire hazard and fire resistance;
    • for the building it is allowed to use unprotected metal structures with a resistance limit of R15 and lower.

Fire resistance limit of metal structures without fire protection

Fire resistance depends on:
  1. mandatory fire protection;
  2. selection of means and methods;
  3. deadlines for re-work.

Fire resistance limit is the ability of a metal to prevent the spread of fire and at the same time maintain load-bearing, construction, and enclosing functions for a certain number of minutes.

The fire resistance limit is indicated in Latin letters and numbers (minutes):

  • R – load-bearing function;
  • E – integrity;
  • I – thermal insulation value, extreme point of ignition, heating of nearby objects.
Metal structures without coatings have the minimum resistance, while reinforced concrete has the maximum. Examples: R120 – fire resistance limit 120 min. for a critical reduction in load-bearing capacity.

Calculation of reduced metal thickness

When determining fire protection, the concept of “reduced metal thickness” (RMT) is used. The required processing parameters depend on the PTM.

The calculations take into account NPB 236-97 and display the dependence of the coating thickness on the given metal thickness. The calculation procedure uses several formulas and takes into account the parameters of the section of the part - the perimeter.

Calculation of coating thickness and PTM looks approximately like this:

Table of reduced metal thickness

The file contains tables with ready-made values ​​for the range of construction metal products available on the market. The data required by the technical specifications is compared with the values ​​and manufacturer’s instructions for the selected type of CO.

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Groups of fire-retardant efficiency of metal structures

There are 7 groups of fire retardant efficiency (FE) products. The categories depend on the time at which the critical state of the processed material is reached. The classification is specified in GOST 53295-2009 (clause 5.5.3), “Guide to determining fire resistance limits...”.

Withstands direct fire (at least, min.)

7 (not fireproof)

Types and methods of fire protection of metal structures

For buildings of 1st and 2nd degrees, structural metal protection is used, and if the reduced thickness is from 5.8 mm, thin-layer metals are used. At R15, with the exception of fire barriers, the use of unprotected elements is allowed.

Funds are grouped:

Means, methods


  • fencing, equipment;
  • cladding (gypsum plasterboard, gypsum fiber board, etc.).


  • varnishes;
  • paints:
    • Terma Lux
    • Aquest-911 Master
    • Joker 521
    • OZK-01
    • Stabitherm-207
    • Stabitherm-209
    • Stabitherm-219
    • VUP-2
    • VUP-3R
    • Neoflame 513
    • Phoenix STS
    • KEDR-S BM
  • primers;
  • thin layers of plaster:
    • VPM–2
    • Promat®
    • Neosprey
    • SOSH-1
    • GeoMix
    • KP formula
  • coatings, mastics:
    • PLAZAS
    • Stabitherm-221
    • Fire titanium RM
    • Fire titanium LMR
    • Ognetitan LM
    • NEOFLAME RUR 516
    • KEDR-MET-S01
    • Ecofire-Constructive

Combined methods

Several ways at the same time. For example:

  1. Primer and paint are applied directly to the surface.
  2. The metal structure is covered with a fireproof plate.

Fire protection requirements

Air safety regulations contain the minimum requirements for fire protection of metal structures. Taken into account:
  1. different classifications of fire resistance (table SNiP 21-01-97, GOST 30247 and SP 2.13130.2012):
    • limits;
    • degrees;
    • classes;
    • types of obstacles;
  2. fire danger:
    • constructive;
    • functional.

There are 5 degrees of fire resistance of buildings and their elements. Each corresponds to a resistance limit (clause 5.18, table 4 of SNiP 21-01-97). For example, load-bearing elements from 1 to 4 degrees, respectively, must meet R120, 90, 45, 15. CO must fit the listed parameters.

For each element the following is installed (SNiP 21-01-97):

  1. fire resistance limit - for example: according to clause 5.14. walls classified as type 1 and 2 with REI150 / REI45;
  2. class - example: for fire barriers - K0 or K1 (clause 5.14).
It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of materials:
  1. Structural protection with slabs, brickwork, and concreting is effective, but it will require:
    • metal waterproofing;
    • anchors and reinforcement, since the material cracks at temperatures and expands;
  2. It is dangerous to veneer beams, so plaster, cement, and concreting are used.

Means and compositions

Compositions applied to the surface (GOST 53295-2009) create a thin layer without affecting the shape of metal structures. Contains flame retardants. Kinds:
  1. paints:
    • intumescent - when heated, they create a coke coating, releasing substances and gases for self-extinguishing. Increases in size by 10–70 times. For example, 4 mm of coating forms 4 cm of protection;
    • non-intumescent- the main component is silicates, “liquid glass”. Like varnishes, but with pigments and greater thickness. They absorb heat, release inhibitors, non-flammable gases, and water. Less effective intumescents;
  2. varnishes;
  3. pastes, coatings, mastics, plaster (thin layers). They form a coating of up to 2 cm. They differ from paint in their greater dispersion. Contain vermiculite, clay, binders, chemical additives;
  4. fireproof primers.
Impregnation is not applied to metal structures due to the inability to penetrate deep into the treated surface.

Types of fire protection compositions:

  1. for places:
    • open;
    • closed;
  2. for premises:
    • heated;
    • unheated;
    • with special conditions;
  3. according to the specific application:
    • applied to the surface;
    • in combination with other RMs;
  4. according to the properties of the metal:
    • for galvanizing or plain steel.

Protective structures

Structural methods of protecting metal structures from fire modify, complement or improve the object itself, not just its surface. Create a thick thermal insulation coating or barrier:
  1. thick-layer sprayed insulation;
  2. plaster;
  3. brickwork, concreting;
  4. slabs, fencing with internal filling:
    • with mineral wool, with fiberglass;
    • with fire-fighting powders and similar compositions;
  5. sheet, roll materials, windings:
    • mineral winding (with basalt, fiberglass, foil);
  6. protective screens, suspended ceilings.

Recommendations for the use of fire retardant coatings for metal structures

Protective equipment is supplied with instructions, certificate, technical documentation (TD), registered by government agencies and containing (clause 4.2. GOST 53295-2009):
  1. OE group;
  2. consumption per m², thickness, density;
  3. application technology:
    • Preparation;
    • priming;
    • layers;
    • drying time;
  4. warranty periods, storage conditions.

Each product has its own application nuances. The application technology recommended by the manufacturer is carefully followed, and the as-built documentation takes it into account. For example, work without a primer may not be considered fire protection if its use is provided for in the TD composition.

Application technologies

Application requirements:
  1. several layers, each must dry;
  2. when applying several compounds, anti-corrosion preparation and primer are required;
  3. surface:
    • cleared;
    • polished;
    • low fat;
  4. apply:
    • frames are simple or with air gaps;
    • anchors, reinforcement.
Application technologies:
  1. spraying, dusting;
  2. wrapping;
  3. pasting;
  4. coating;
  5. applying paintwork;
  6. cladding;
  7. plastering;
  8. laying tiles, bricks, concrete.
Example of work step by step:
  1. Fire protection project.
  2. Surface cleaning. Sandblasting is often used, which simultaneously
    creates a perfectly clean surface and roughness (adhesion) for adhesion to CO.
  3. Primer.
  4. Coating with a composition with periods for drying the layers.
  5. At the finishing stages, decorative layers and varnishes are applied.

Work is carried out only by organizations licensed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations (clause 4.3 of GOST 53295-2009) and includes the creation of a project with calculations and a technological map. The cost of processing per m² depends on the volume of work performed, the complexity and the CRM used: for paint the approximate price is from 450 to 900 rubles.

Application Equipment

To apply CO, use:
  1. spray guns;
  2. production conditions, paint shops, cameras;
  3. special equipment for spraying with a fire hose;
  4. kneading tools (drill with attachment);
  5. manual work is done with rollers, spatulas, brushes;
  6. for bricklaying and concreting, standard tools will be required: mixing containers, trowels;
  7. for rolled materials, plasterboard sheets: non-flammable fastening elements, adhesives.

Frequency of processing of metal structures

The frequency rule is established in Resolution No. 113 of February 17, 2014:
  1. if there are no manufacturer’s instructions - once a year;
  2. within the period specified by the manufacturer in the technical documentation or in the warranty;
  3. the date is set by the fire inspector in the order if deficiencies are found.
The validity period of fire protection products for metal is longer than - about 10 - 20 years. The time frame for concrete, brick fences, and slab cladding can reach 50 years or more.

Checking the quality of fire protection treatment of steel structures

The presence of fire protection and passing inspection confirms:
  1. certificates of quality, inspections;
  2. act of hidden work;
  3. additional papers: thickness measurement report, testing.
Documents have official significance only if they are signed by a representative of the fire inspection authorities who verify the compliance of the completed safety regulations. The papers are issued by a contractor who has a license for application and examination work.

The procedure includes:

  1. visual methods (inspection);
  2. instrumental (with or without destruction);
    • magnetometer;
    • particle sampling;
  3. testing, processing examination. Specialized licensed laboratories are involved.

Check frequency

  1. The first check is after finishing is completed.
  2. Subsequent quality control - in accordance with PPR No. 390 dated March 25, 2012, at least once a year.
Fire supervision uses the manual “Assessing the quality of fire protection ...” for the procedure. The owner of the facility must organize the procedures (clause 21 of the PPR).

Certificate of inspection of fire retardant treatment of metal structures: sample

An act of verification of the processing status is created by a commission of representatives of the owner of the object and the State Border Service.

Modern fire retardant composition used for metal structures is one of the most reliable fire-fighting measures that can effectively protect various structures.

Such compositions are most widely used in the construction of industrial facilities and modern office buildings, becoming an indispensable element of their construction. When considering various options for protecting structures from fire, they usually talk about measures to prevent materials from igniting.

However, this view of the problem is one-sided, since metal structures that are non-flammable, it seems, do not need to be protected!

Why protect

First of all, you need to understand that during a fire the metal heats up very quickly, and this causes the fire to spread more quickly. In other words, the hotter the metal structure becomes hot, the faster the fire will penetrate where there was no direct access for it.

Also, do not forget about such a characteristic of metal structures as their load-bearing capacity. When the metal is strongly heated (from 500 degrees), this parameter decreases significantly, which leads to the collapse of the building.

Fire protection of metal structures

So, by protecting the metal structure from direct exposure to fire, it is possible not only to localize the spread of the fire, but also to preserve the structure of the building. And this, in turn, leads to an increase in the time allotted for. And if you look at the instructions for the construction of objects from metal structures, one of the points there is always their mandatory fire-retardant treatment.

Fire protection options

Comprehensive fire protection of metal structures includes three options:

  • protection using facing slabs (ensures the preservation of the load-bearing capacity of structures for up to 3 hours when exposed to direct flame);
  • protection using heat-resistant plasters (copes with direct fire for about 2 hours);
  • protection using fire-retardant paints (guarantee one and a half hours of reliable fire protection).

Which option should you choose?

It turns out that the most reliable, quickly applied and easily updated is fire-retardant treatment of structures using special paints. In addition, it costs several times less, both in terms of the price of the material itself and in terms of labor costs, in comparison with facing slabs and heat-resistant plasters.

Parameters and mechanism of operation

The main function of fire-retardant paint is that it prevents the temperature of metal structures from rising to levels where the latter can become a secondary cause of fire and ultimately lose their load-bearing capacity.

The mechanism of operation of fire retardant paint is as follows:

  • At normal external temperatures, metal structures coated with fire-retardant paint are completely inert, that is, no interaction with the external environment is observed;
  • When a surface treated with fire-retardant paint is heated, the latter begins to actively decompose, forming a special layer (in the form of coke) on the metal base, which keeps the metal temperature at a low level for as long as possible;
  • As fire retardant paint decomposes, it releases gases and water that prevent active combustion. At the same time, the coke layer becomes even more compacted, and the metal structure resists the temperature increase even longer.

Types of fire-retardant paints and features of their use

Separately, it should be noted that fire-retardant paints are usually divided into two types:

  • Paints that swell when exposed to fire;
  • Paints that do not swell when exposed to fire.

Paints that do not swell when exposed to fire create a particularly strong protective film on metal structures that has high thermal insulation properties. The greatest demand here is for paints made on the basis of liquid glass, since they are extremely resistant to any external factors. In addition, such a film can withstand fairly high temperatures, although not for a very long time.

Paints that swell when exposed to an open flame act differently: they increase in volume many times (almost 70 times!), creating a powerful layer of thermal insulation. Such a layer can resist the most powerful flame during a fire for an hour and a half, preventing metal structures from heating up and losing their strength properties. Examples of such paints are KMD-0-metal (with an organic base) and KMD-0-metal eco (with a water base).

Requirements for fire retardant paints

All modern fire-retardant paints meet a number of general requirements:

  • Full compliance with current standards for fire retardant compounds;
  • The service life of the coating is at least 15 years;
  • Complete safety of surfaces that have dried after painting. In other words, the toxins contained in fire retardants should evaporate after painting within a few hours;
  • The paint must have increased resistance to vibration processes. In other words, after drying and prolonged use of metal structures, the paint should not begin to peel off;
  • Fire retardant paints must be tintable if the building owner wants to give metal structures an attractive appearance.

As for the use of specific brands of fire-retardant paints, they are selected based on the conditions in which they will need to be used. Let's say there are paints that should be used exclusively for interior processing of metal structures located inside buildings. There are more expensive paints that can also be used outdoors.

Processing options

When processing metal structures using fire-retardant paints, as a rule, the following operating algorithm is followed:

  • Metal surfaces are cleaned of traces of corrosion. This is done using grinding machines with special attachments made of metal brushes;
  • After removing rust and cleaning the metal structures from traces of stripping, the metal structures are treated with a primer. The primer, as a rule, is selected as an anti-corrosion type;
  • Then they wait until the primer is completely dry, and only after making sure of this do they begin to apply fire-retardant paint;
  • After the surface is ready to apply paint, the fire retardant composition should be thoroughly mixed using a construction mixer;
  • Metal structures can be painted either manually or using a spray gun. Please note that when painting with a spray gun, working time and paint consumption are reduced.
  • As soon as the fire retardant paint has dried, the metal structure can begin to be used.


When properly selected and applied to metal structures, fire retardant paint can effectively withstand the destructive temperature effects of fire. At the same time, the cost of paint is an order of magnitude lower than other options for fire protection of metal structures; it is simply applied and lasts for many years.

How to select and process

We recommend paying attention to the Brandtrade company - a manufacturer of fire-retardant paints and dry fire-retardant plasters for processing metal structures, incl. air ducts The company is a member of the technical committee for standardization TK 001 and is a member of the National Union of Organizations in the field of “NSOPB”. Fire retardant materials produced by the company are approved by the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM for use at nuclear power plants.

Fire retardant treatment of metal structures and coating of metal structures with a fire retardant composition is a reliable way to increase the fire safety of metal materials. We carry out any type of work to eliminate any fire risks in educational and government institutions, private and apartment buildings. Our company offers its customers high-quality work on fire protection and processing of metal structures with high-quality certified materials at a low price. Alliance Monitoring has a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation to treat metal structures with a fire retardant compound.

Fire protection of metal consists of creating heat-insulating structures on the surface of metal structures that can withstand the effects of fire and increased air temperature. The use of such protective screens allows you to slow down the heating of a metal structure and preserve all its functions and original appearance in the event of a fire for a certain period of time.

Fire retardant treatment of metal structures - from 800 rubles per 1 m 2

The cost of fire protection of metal structures in the Alliance Monitoring company depends on the size and type of objects, as well as on the material and processing method. Our employees will make all the necessary calculations and draw up a detailed estimate for you.

Methods and materials for fire retardant treatment of wooden structures at an affordable price

The most effective and efficient way of fire-retardant coating of metal structures of buildings and structures is to increase the fire resistance limit of metal structures. The level of metal protection ranges from 30 to 150 minutes (fire resistance limit from R30 to R150), the value depends on the characteristics of the applied coating and the thickness of the layer. Fire retardant treatment of metal structures is carried out by applying a special composition to the surface of the metal structure, which contributes to the thermal insulation of the structure. Before applying the protective composition, the metal is cleaned from corrosion and any contaminants. The most commonly used methods of enhancing the fire protection of metal structures are the use of intumescent fire-retardant materials, as well as brick lining, plasterboard or asbestos cladding, and plastering the surface with a specialized composition.

When carrying out fire protection of metal structures, we use only high-quality materials. For greater efficiency, the protective material is selected by our employees individually for each object.

List of documents provided upon completion of fire protection work

The Alliance Monitoring company provides all the necessary documents upon completion of all kinds of work to ensure fire safety and treat metal structures with a fire retardant compound. We will provide our clients with:

    Certificate of ordering and acceptance of completed fire protection work

    License to provide fire safety services

    Certificate for fire retardant composition of all materials used

    If the client wishes, we issue an expert opinion on the compliance of the fireproofing work performed by us with fire safety requirements.

All types of fire safety work are provided with a mandatory guarantee of 2 to 10 years, the duration of which depends on the material used and the method of protection. After fire-fighting treatment, the client is given a certificate indicating the effectiveness group and warranty period of the fire-retardant material in accordance with the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Also, the Alliance Monitoring company will calculate the fire protection of metal structures and prepare a complete and detailed estimate for all work on the implementation of fire protection treatment of metal.

Requirements for fire protection of metal structures

The required fire resistance limits of building structures are determined based on the required degree of fire resistance of buildings (structures) SNiP 21-01-97.

Fire resistance level of the building

Fire resistance limit of building structures, not less

Load-bearing elements of the building

External curtain walls

Interfloor ceilings (including attics and above basements)

Elements of roofless coverings


Flooring (including with insulation)

Trusses, beams, purlins

Internal walls

Floors and landings of stairs

not standardized

In accordance with the latest edition of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, checking the state of fire retardant treatment (impregnation) in the absence of frequency periods in the instructions is carried out at least once a year (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2014 No. 113).

When performing all work, our company fulfills all the necessary requirements for their implementation:

    When working, we use only certified solutions

    We monitor compliance with the temperature conditions necessary for carrying out work

    All work is performed only by professional craftsmen of our company

    We carry out fire safety work using special equipment

    We check the quality of fire-retardant wood treatment

Which structures are subject to fire protection?

Metal structures that have great structural significance, on which the integrity of the entire building depends, are subject to fire protection. This allows us to guarantee the safety of the entire facility and the continued functioning of metal structures in the event of a fire. Such structures include guide structures and stairs, support columns, purlins, beams and trusses. For each building, fire protection of metal structures is carried out taking into account all state standards and fire resistance standards.

Scheme of working with us

In order to order high-quality and professional fire protection of metal structures at an affordable price from our company:

    Call us at the phone number indicated on the website

    Our employees will conduct a professional analysis of your property

    We will provide an accurate calculation of the cost of the upcoming work and create an individual offer for you

    Alliance Monitoring specialists will carry out all the necessary work on fire safety treatment of the facility

    We will deliver the finished object as soon as possible and provide the accompanying documentation

Benefits of working with us

We provide Alliance Monitoring clients only with high-quality professional fire protection services. When ordering fire retardant treatment of metal structures from Alliance Monitoring, you receive:

    Licensed, professional and fast provision of all services at a competitive price

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