At what distance should different crops be planted? Planting a hedge - theory and practice Distance between legumes when planting table

Condensed planting of vegetables- these are mixed plantings of garden crops, when not one, but 2 or even more crops are grown in one bed. As a result, the productivity of the bed immediately increases. In addition, space is saved. But not all plants are “friends”.

When starting to plan such a bed, it is necessary to know exactly for each crop the partner plants that not only sit well together, but also help each other.
For example, a wonderful pair of onions and carrots. As you know, onions repel the carrot fly, but the onion pest does not like carrots. By alternating their rows, we achieve good results.

Garlic and carrots also make good friends. And beds of zucchini and squash are perfectly compacted with radishes. While the zucchini develops and begins to spread, increasing in size, we manage to harvest the radishes.

Same with cucumbers. It is advisable to compact them with dill and lettuce, which we grow for greens.
Planted early onions, parsley and celery go well with tomatoes and peppers.

Plant partners:
Cucumber - peas, lettuce, cabbage, radish.
Tomato - parsley, onion, pepper.
Cabbage - dill, lettuce, celery.
Carrots - onions, tomatoes, lettuce, peas.
Beets - onions, beans, lettuce.
Potatoes - onions, cabbage, eggplants.
Radish - carrots, beets, pumpkin.
Strawberries - garlic, marigolds.

Celery and early cabbage turned out to be good neighbors. The fact is that celery repels butterflies from cabbage with its smell. Celery grows very slowly. Early cabbage has time to ripen and is harvested, and celery is just beginning to enter a phase of increased growth.
But there are plants that cannot stand being next to each other and even oppress their neighbor. Let's give an example. If tomatoes are compacted with turnips, the tomato yield will sharply decrease. The turnip will also suffer, become small, and be affected by clubroot.

Plants that oppress each other:
Onions - beans, peas.
Tomato - potatoes, kohlrabi.
Cucumbers - potatoes.
Beetroot - mustard, dill.
Cabbage - beans, tomato.

Plants useful in garden beds

Yields in compacted beds can be increased by increasing the variety of plant species planted in a single bed. For example, due to flowers and herbs that would perform different functions:
- attracted beneficial insects - chamomile, dill, cumin, lavender, oregano, daisies, etc.
- isolated phytocidal and insecticidal substances - calendula, nasturtium, marigolds, etc.
- attracted pollinating insects - savory, hyssop, basil, etc.

Properly fertilize compacted beds

When making compacted beds, you must remember that you will also need a larger amount of fertilizer (about 1.5 times). For example, this is what experienced gardeners advise:
- At the end of May, when preparing the soil for late cabbage with neighboring plants, it is necessary to add 1 sq. m approximately 5 kg of manure and 100 g of garden mixture. In the first half of cabbage growth, add 1 sq. m 2 kg of humus with 50 g of garden mixture (sprinkle near the roots and add to the holes between the rows). For other crops, use humus instead of manure. For tall tomatoes, increase the amount of organic fertilizers by 1.5 times.

Correct spacing between rows

When using compacted beds, the question arises: what should be the distance between rows? Something will have to be installed by experience. But something is already known:
- when sowing carrots with onion sets, instead of the required 20 cm for carrots and onions, the distance between the rows of carrots and onions is 15 cm;
- when sowing carrots with onions on feathers or radishes, the distance between the rows of carrots should be left 20 cm, but between these rows we plant onions on greens or radish seeds. This way, we have time to harvest a good harvest of green onions or radishes before the carrots ripen.

Trees are usually planted in two periods - spring and autumn. In spring - immediately after the soil thaws and before the buds open. In autumn - from the beginning of leaf fall until mid-October (in central Russia). Coniferous trees tolerate transplantation worse than deciduous ones. It is best to plant them in August - early September, so that they can take root in a new place before winter.

Size of planting pits for standard trees: diameter of at least 1 m, depth – 0.6 m. For shrubs in single and group planting, the width of the planting pit is at least 0.7 m, depth – 0.5 m. For single-row and double-row planting hedges use a trench 0.6 m wide with an addition of 0.2 m for each subsequent row.

Planting holes must be filled to the full depth with fertile soil, and humus, peat or compost must be thoroughly mixed with the soil that is poured into the hole. In addition, you can immediately put a supply of mineral fertilizers in the pit, preferably phosphorus (superphosphate) and potassium (potassium sulfate, potassium chloride). It is not recommended to apply potassium chloride under coniferous trees.

Immediately before planting, stakes are driven into the bottom of the hole, which are used to secure the seedlings. Before planting, seedlings must be carefully examined, damaged roots must be trimmed, and damaged shoots must be removed from the crown and healthy shoots trimmed (by about 1/3) to reduce the evaporating surface of the green mass.

A mound of earth is poured into the bottom of the planting hole and the plant is placed, carefully straightening the roots. When filling the hole, shake the plant slightly so that the soil evenly fills the voids between the roots. The poured soil is compacted with feet from the edges of the pit to the center. The root collar of the planted plant should be covered with earth and located approximately 3-5 cm above the soil level, since the earth with which the hole is filled will subsequently settle. A watering hole with raised edges is arranged around the planted plant. The watering rate is approximately 25 liters for a standard tree and 12 liters for a shrub.

For linear landing trees, the distance between them should be 5-7 m.

When planting in groups One plant should have approximately 10 sq.m. Within a group, the distance between plants should be 2-5 m. When planting shrubs in groups, the distance between them is chosen depending on their size, from 0.5 to 1.5 m.

Upon landing single-row hedge the distance in a row between plants should be 25-30 cm, with two-row and multi-row - 30-50 cm, and between rows 20-30 cm. Multi-row planting is done in a checkerboard pattern.

Upon landing open alleys the distance between plants is from 5 to 12 m. In this case, their crowns do not close. In closed alleys, tree crowns are closed due to the increased planting density (3-5 m).

A type of closed alley are berso (have an arched vault) and pergolas (flat ceiling). For them, plants are planted at a distance of 0.5-1 m from each other.

Minimum distance between object and plant (m)

Based on materials from the books “Ornamental Gardening” by E. Aksenov and N. Aksenova (M, 2001) and “Encyclopedia of the Summer Resident” (M, 2000)

During the spring harvest, it is important to know at what distance to plant seedlings or seeds. Improper planting of vegetables in the greenhouse and garden can lead not only to a poor harvest. Bushes planted too close will oppress each other. Planting too sparsely will not allow you to plant all the desired vegetables: there will not be enough space for everyone.

The distance between bushes of the same crop in a greenhouse and in open ground is different. It matters greatly whether vegetables are planted as seeds or seedlings. There are some subtleties that you should know and follow in order to get good harvests from all the beds

Your garden requires attention. How to arrange the beds correctly so that all crops subsequently bear fruit well?

The following factors are of great importance:

  • sun exposure of the area;
  • relief of the site;
  • soil quality.

Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are sun-loving. They should be planted in an open place, preferably on a hill. But cabbage and cucumbers, although they grow well in bright natural light, require moist soil.

If the area is uneven, one part of it is located in a hollow, moisture will be retained in the beds in this place. This is where these moisture-loving crops should be planted.

Most vegetables grow well if the garden is planted on the north side with corn and sunflowers. They protect from the piercing northern wind and create favorable conditions for the growth of demanding crops.

On a flat area, you need to correctly arrange the beds, alternating with each other. Plant root crops near the fence, then beds with cucumbers, then tomatoes, beds with peppers and eggplants. Place rows of cabbage at the end.

Then it’s easy to keep an eye on the plants in your dacha - weed and water them on time. Don't forget to leave space for paths between the beds.

Planting plants in open ground

If tomatoes are planted in open ground only as seedlings, then planting cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, cabbage and other things in a summer cottage can be done with both seeds and seedlings.

When planting seeds in ordinary beds in open ground, early and early ripening cucumber crops are placed at a distance of up to 70 cm from each other, mid-ripening and late varieties - up to 90 cm or more.

If the beds are supposed to be double-lined, the distance between the tapes is 90 cm, between the rows - 50 cm.

Several seeds are planted in each hole.

Planting depth depends on the quality of the soil. The better it retains moisture, the closer to the surface the holes are made. The optimal planting depth is 4 cm deep.

To plant seedlings in open ground, they resort to hole transplanting. Several stems with roots are placed in each hole. The distance between the holes should be 20 cm for early-ripening varieties, up to 40 cm for mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties, up to 45 cm for hybrids. Late varieties should be placed at least 120 cm apart.

At what distance should I plant the seeds of the much-loved white cabbage? They are planted in open ground at a distance of 1 cm from one another in long rows. The distance between the rows is about 3 centimeters. When seedlings appear, the seedlings are thinned out. Excess sprouts are replanted. If ready-made seedlings are taken for planting, the shoots must be placed next to each other at a distance of about 30 cm, in row spacing - 60 cm.

Each bush should be placed at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other and 55-60 cm between rows. There is also a staggered placement of bushes. Then the bushes should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

Eggplants and peppers get along well with each other, so the planting can be mixed.

Planting tomatoes depends on the size of the variety. The most acceptable method of placement is multi-line, that is, every two rows it is worth leaving a distance of about 100 cm. This makes it possible not to trample the crop, and this way it is more convenient to reach each bush when caring for the beds.

Large bushes should be placed in rows at a distance of 70 cm from each other, leaving a distance of 40 cm between the rows. Small bushes take up half as much space.

Arrangement in the greenhouse

The good thing about the dacha is that there is enough space for both a vegetable garden and space for a greenhouse. In early spring and late autumn, heat-loving crops bear fruit well, receiving warmth and watering in small glass buildings or carbonate houses.

Often you have to save such valuable centimeters in order to fit as many vegetables as possible. It must be remembered that the beds should not be located close to the walls of the greenhouse. You should retreat 25 cm.

If it is recommended to place cucumbers in the open ground in a horizontal plane, then this will not work in a greenhouse. The most acceptable option is double-row vertical beds. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other in two rows. A wire mesh is installed on one side so that the cucumber branches, clinging to it, grow upward.

The placement of beds in the greenhouse for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cabbage should be based on the selected variety. It is recommended to plant tall tomato bushes in 2 long rows at a distance of no more than 60 cm from each other.

Peppers and eggplants in the greenhouse do not tolerate neighbors. They grow well only in the vicinity of greenery and some herbs. But the space for them should be significantly limited, unlike planting in open ground. It should not exceed 25 cm between each bush. As for the beds, the permissible width is no more than 80 cm.

Closer planting of crops in a greenhouse is due to the fact that under comfortable conditions, where there is no cold strong wind or excessive moisture, cultivated plants tend to grow green mass. If this is not allowed, the fruits will be large and there will be a lot of them on the branches.

Planting tomato seedlings (video)

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Without green spaces, the surrounding area or summer cottage area looks empty and uncomfortable. Therefore, they are trying to improve it with the help of various plants. However, planting trees and shrubs is not such an easy task. Over time, the seedlings grow, they can damage the fence, nearby buildings, and disturb neighbors. This can be prevented by the norms for planting trees and bushes in relation to the fence of the neighboring area.

The development of the local area, including the construction of buildings and planting of green spaces, is carried out in accordance with certain sanitary norms and rules (SNiP). They regulate various technological aspects:

  • distance between plants;
  • rules for planting trees from the fence;
  • the presence of a free zone around residential/commercial buildings.

Compliance with these standards contributes to better growth, fruiting of green spaces, and the establishment of good neighborly relations. How many meters should you retreat from important structures and structures?

Maintaining distance between adjacent areas

When arranging a house or summer cottage area, you should be guided not only by your own desires, vision of the beauty of the composition, but also by the comfort of your neighbors.

The growth rate of trees and shrubs differs. Some plantings take up little space, while others have a sloping crown and a developed root system. If you plant them close to a neighbor's property, they can cause trouble after a while.

In addition to such inconveniences as the creation of excessive shading, obstructions of structures, falling of branches and fruits into adjacent areas, difficulties with harvesting, a fire hazard may arise and even the threat of destruction of buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the distance from the fence to the trees in order to avoid violating the integrity of this object, its shading, and stopping the growth and fruiting of plants.

Development and improvement of the site is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents SNiP 30-02-97, 30-03-97, 30-102-99 .

They regulate at what distance from fences and borders of adjacent territories green spaces can be planted. According to the standards, tall trees (poplar, oak, pine, birch) must be located at least 4 m from the dividing line, medium-height plantings (cherry, cherry plum, apple tree, plum, hazel) - 2 m, small ones (berry and ornamental shrubs) - for 1 m. Correct distance

Important: measurements are taken from the neighbor’s fence to the stem part of the plant.

These standards do not provide for a double fence (your own and your neighbor’s). But in practice this happens. Therefore, it is important to prevent the destruction of your own barrier by the crowns and root system of plants. The optimal distance from the enclosing structure to tree trunks is 2.5-3 meters.

Attention: if plants are located close to the border of the territory, the owner of the site may be given an order to cut them down. If the situation is not resolved peacefully, disputes are resolved in court.

Distance to road

Often green spaces are located on the outside of the site. In this case, the distance from the bushes to the roadway should be at least 1 m, from the trees - 1.5-2 m. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance from power lines. To prevent tree crowns from creating barriers to the supply of electricity and a fire hazard, the distance from them to the masts of the lighting network should be more than one and a half meters.

Setback from structures

The site contains buildings for various purposes (residential, utility). Planting vegetation near these objects threatens to damage the brickwork due to the development of the root system and crown. Excessive shading has an adverse effect on the condition of structures. It prevents normal insolation of premises and creates favorable conditions for the development of fungus and mold.

At what distance from buildings can trees (deciduous, fruit) and shrubs be planted?

In accordance with SNiP 2.08.01 - 89, tall plantings should be located on average 5 meters from a residential property, the minimum is 3 m.

The optimal distance of plants from outbuildings intended for keeping animals, poultry (barn) is 4 m, other buildings (garage, bathhouse, shed, summer kitchen) - at least 1 m.

This distance will allow you to avoid shading of the rooms of the house, technical rooms by the crown of trees, and destruction of the foundation by the root system. If the goal is to shade the room, use plants with a spreading crown, which are planted 1.5 m from the outer wall of the house.

There are regulations governing the placement of vegetation in relation to various communications. Trees must be kept at least 2 m away from water and gas pipelines and electrical cable lines.

Please note: so that green spaces do not interfere with movement around the site, they are located at least 0.5 m before the garden paths.

Maintaining distance between plants

For the normal development and fruiting of green spaces, they need to be provided with suitable conditions. To do this, they are planted at certain distances.

The distance between trees that tolerate sun and shade equally well should be 2-3 m. Fruit-bearing crops should be planted in increments of 5-6 m, and low-growing, decorative ones with a narrow crown (juniper, thuja) - 1-2 m. The exact indicators depend depending on the species or type of tree. So for tall apple trees the minimum distance is 6 m, for medium-sized ones - 3.5 m, for low-growing ones - 2.5 m.

Note: compliance with these indicators will ensure optimal growth rate of green spaces, their decorative qualities and fruiting.

Land development is a responsible matter. Trees (fruit, deciduous), shrubs must be planted thoughtfully, according to the law, observing established norms and rules. This will avoid damage to structures, fences, communications, conflicts with neighbors, and also create suitable conditions for the growth and development of plants.

During the growing season, plants reach a certain height and width. If there is not enough space, the plant does not receive enough sunlight. This is clearly visible in the forest, in the thicket, where tall trees do not allow light to pass through, and nothing grows at the base. In the garden, this is fraught with the spread of diseases, mold, rotting of the root collar and death of the plant. Otherwise, long distances have a detrimental effect on their development. Plants grow and do not produce a bountiful harvest. Therefore, on a personal plot it is very important to maintain distance when planting plants or seedlings. What distance should be when planting all plants.


Dear gardeners, flower growers and builders. Send us your stories about growing vegetables, flowers and other plants. We are waiting for your photos with you and your family against the background of the plantings. Photos will be posted on the website in the gallery section or in a feature article.

Distance between plants when sowing seeds

Radishes, parsley - 5 cm

Turnip - 10 cm

Summer radish - 6 - 8 cm, winter - up to 20 cm

Head lettuce - 20 - 25 cm, leaf lettuce - 5 cm

- 5 - 8 cm between cloves, 25-30 in rows

Celery – 5 – 15 cm (depending on the variety)

Black onion for greens - 4 cm, for onion - 8 cm

Turnip sets - 8 - 10 cm in a row, 20 cm between rows

- 8 - 10 cm

Daikon - 25 - 40 cm

Dill - 1 cm, between rows - 10-15 cm

- small 25 - 30 cm, large 30 - 35 cm, between hogs 60 - 70 cm

Peas - 7 - 8 cm, 12 -15 cm between rows

Beans - 60x60 cm or every 20 cm in rows

Beans - 3-5 cm in a row, 40 cm between rows

Distance between plants when planting seedlings

White cabbage - 50x30 cm or 60x35 cm early ripening, 60x50 cm mid-ripening, 60x70 cm or 70x80 cm late varieties

Cauliflower - 50x50 cm, or 25 - 30 cm distance when planted in a row and 60 - 70 cm distance between rows

Broccoli - 20 - 30 cm in a row, distance between rows 60 - 70 cm

Kohlrabi - 60x20-25 cm

- 20 - 25 cm between plants in a row, 50 cm between rows

- 60x60 cm or 70x70 cm

Zucchini, crookneck – 105x105 cm

Squash - 50x50 cm or 60x35 cm

- 50x50 cm, 70x70 cm, 90x90 cm (depending on the bushiness of the variety)

— 30x30 cm or 60x35 cm

Hot pepper - 10 - 15 cm between plants in a row

Basil – 25 cm

- 30 - 35 cm between plants and 60 - 70 cm between rows

Do not plant sweet and hot peppers together. When cross-pollinated, all the peppers will be hot.

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