Why do we live in three-dimensional space? Why we live in three-dimensional space For faith for behavior


Just stay with me a little longer. Stay with me!
Just stay with me! Always be there.
Just stay with me! When I can barely breathe, stay with me.
Just stay with me! You only

Be with me! Be with me!
Be with me! Be with me!
Be with me! Be with me!
Be with me! Be with me!

Verse 1, Jacques-Anthony:

I loved her for her faith, for her manner of behavior.
I drank glasses after glasses. I had enough patience
But we were smoldering - we didn’t want to land.
I loved her in all her three dimensions.

Be my Khaleesi, her! All these dolls are actresses,
Let's go backstage, close your eyes, touch, and -

Transition, Ars-N:

Stay close to me. You and I are in the deep end!
Know that I am with you forever if you are next to me!

Verse 2, Jambazi:

I know everything you want to tell me -
And I ask you, no more playing with feelings!
Let's tear off each other's masks, we are alone now.
No need for unnecessary words, you and I will stay together.

We don’t need words, together along the waves we are in search of a dream.
Just believe in me, and I will be for you what you believed in.
Continue to beckon me, you were able to captivate my heart with your destiny.
If suddenly it’s not enough, look around - I’ll be next to you!

Be with me!

Transition, Jambazi:

Stay close to me. You and I are in the deep end!
Know that I am with you forever if you are next to me!
And stay close to me. You and I are in the deep end!
Know that I am with you forever if you are next to me!


I wanna love. Without this star.
I don't wanna say it! O-o! Baby, destroy me! O-o!
I want you to kiss me! Baby, I miss you!
C'mon girl! I am absolute

You make me feel that strange
Seven years I […]
But you burn […] like a bird on the sky
I will fly.

I wanna fly! I wanna fly!
I wanna fly! I wanna fly!

Be with me!

The long-awaited song “Khaleesi” from the popular artist “Jacques-Anthony” has been released. Unfortunately, it is not possible to download the track; the website contains the lyrics of the song “Jacques-Anthony - Khaleesi (x Ars-N & Jambazi).” Be sure to share the new product with your friends on social networks!

There may still be inaccuracies in these song lyrics.
Do you see the mistake? Write in the comments!

Just stay with me a little longer. Stay with me!
Just stay with me! Always be there.
Just stay with me! When I can barely breathe, stay with me.
Just stay with me! You only

Be with me! Be with me!
Be with me! Be with me!
Be with me! Be with me!
Be with me! Be with me!

[Verse 1, Jacques-Anthony]:
I loved her for her faith, for her manner of behavior.
I drank glasses after glasses. I had enough patience
But we were smoldering - we didn’t want to land.
I loved her in all her three dimensions.

Be my Khaleesi, her! All these dolls are actresses,
Let's go backstage, close your eyes, touch, and -

[Transition, Ars-N]:

Stay close to me. You and I are in the deep end!
Know that I am with you forever if you are next to me!

[Verse 2, Jambazi]:
I know everything you want to tell me -
And I ask you, no more playing with feelings!
Let's tear off each other's masks, we are alone now.
No need for unnecessary words, you and I will stay together.

[Verse 3, Jambazi]:
We don’t need words, together along the waves we are in search of a dream.
Just believe in me, and I will be for you what you believed in.
Continue to beckon me, you were able to captivate my heart with your destiny.
If suddenly it’s not enough, look around - I’ll be next to you!

Be with me!

[Transition, Jambazi]:
Stay close to me. You and I are in the deep end!
Know that I am with you forever if you are next to me!
And stay close to me. You and I are in the deep end!
Know that I am with you forever if you are next to me!

I wanna love. Without this star.
I don't wanna say it! O-o! Baby, destroy me! O-o!
I want you to kiss me! Baby, I miss you!
C"mon girl! I'm absolute

You make me feel that strange
Seven years I [...]
But you burn [...] like a bird on the sky
I will fly.

I wanna fly! I wanna fly!
I wanna fly! I wanna fly!

Be with me!

About the song Jacques-Anthony - Khaleesi (x Ars-N & Jambazi)

  • The second joint track of Jacques Anthony and Arsen Antonyan, which was released on August 3rd of this year, was called “Khalisi” (well, you get it, hang out with lali). On the beat from DRO, in addition to these guys, you can hear a third participant - a musician and at the same time surgeon by specialty, Alexander Lomia aka Jambazi.

Additional Information

Lyrics of Jacques-Anthony - Khaleesi (x Ars-N & Jambazi).
Authors of the text: Jacques-Anthony Menshikov, Arsen Antonyan (Ars-N) and Alexander Lomiya (Jambazi).
prod. prod.by DRO (Andrey Fedorov).
Official release date: August 2017.

We live in a three-dimensional world: length, width and depth. Some may object: “What about the fourth dimension - time?” Indeed, time is also a dimension. But the question of why space is measured in three dimensions is a mystery to scientists. New research explains why we live in a 3D world.

The question of why space is three-dimensional has tormented scientists and philosophers since ancient times. Indeed, why exactly three dimensions, and not ten or, say, 45?

In general, space-time is four-dimensional (or 3+1-dimensional): three dimensions form space, the fourth dimension is time. There are also philosophical and scientific theories about the multidimensionality of time, which suggest that there are actually more dimensions of time than it seems: the familiar arrow of time, directed from the past to the future through the present, is just one of the possible axes. This makes possible various science fiction projects, such as time travel, and also creates a new, multivariate cosmology that allows for the existence of parallel universes. However, the existence of additional time dimensions has not yet been scientifically proven.

Let's return to our 3+1-dimensional dimension. We are well aware that the measurement of time is related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in a closed system - such as our Universe - entropy (the measure of chaos) always increases. The universal disorder cannot decrease. Therefore, time is always directed forward - and nothing else.

In a new paper published in EPL, researchers have suggested that the second law of thermodynamics may also explain why space is three-dimensional.

“A number of researchers in the field of science and philosophy have addressed the problem of the (3 + 1)-dimensional nature of space-time, justifying the choice of this particular number due to its stability and ability to support life,” said study co-author Julian Gonzalez-Ayala from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico and the University of Salamanca in Spain to the Phys.org portal. “The value of our work lies in the fact that we present reasoning based on a physical model of the dimension of the Universe with a suitable and reasonable space-time scenario. We are the first to state that the number “three” in the dimension of space arises as an optimization of a physical quantity.”

Previously, scientists paid attention to the dimension of the Universe in connection with the so-called atropic principle: “We see the Universe like this, because only in such a Universe could an observer, a person, arise.” The three-dimensionality of space was explained by the possibility of maintaining the Universe in the form in which we observe it. If the Universe had many dimensions, according to Newton's law of gravity, stable orbits of planets and even the atomic structure of matter would not be possible: electrons would fall onto nuclei.

In this study, scientists took a different route. They suggested that space is three-dimensional due to a thermodynamic quantity - density free energy Helmholtz. In a Universe filled with radiation, this density can be thought of as pressure in space. Pressure depends on the temperature of the Universe and on the number of spatial dimensions.

Researchers have shown what might have happened in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, called the Planck Epoch. At the moment when the Universe began to cool, the Helmholtz density reached its first maximum. Then the age of the Universe was a fraction of a second, and there were exactly three spatial dimensions. The key idea of ​​the study is that three-dimensional space was “frozen” as soon as the Helmholtz density reached its maximum value, which prohibits the transition to other dimensions.

The picture below shows how this happened. Left - free energy densityHelmholtz (e) reaches its maximum value at temperature T = 0.93, which occurs when space was three-dimensional (n = 3). S and U represent entropy densities and internal energy densities, respectively. The right shows that the transition to multidimensionality does not occur at temperatures below 0.93, which corresponds to three dimensions.

This happened due to the second law of thermodynamics, which allows transitions to higher dimensions only when the temperature is above a critical value - not a degree less. The Universe is continuously expanding, and elementary particles, photons, are losing energy - so our world is gradually cooling: Now the temperature of the Universe is much lower than the level that implies a transition from the 3D world to multidimensional space.

The researchers explain that spatial dimensions are similar to states of matter, and the transition from one dimension to another resembles a phase transition, such as the melting of ice, which is possible only at very high temperatures.

“During the cooling of the early Universe and after reaching the first critical temperature, the principle of entropy increment for closed systems could prohibit certain changes in dimensionality,” the researchers comment.

This assumption still leaves room for higher dimensions that existed during the Planck era, when the Universe was even hotter than it was at its critical temperature.

Extra dimensions are present in many cosmological models—most notably, string theory. This research may help explain why, in some of these models, extra dimensions have disappeared or remained as tiny as they were in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, while 3D space continues to grow throughout the observable Universe.

In the future, the researchers plan to improve their model to include additional quantum effects that may have occurred in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. In addition, the results of the augmented model can also provide guidance for researchers working on other cosmological models such as quantum gravity.

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